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Menschen mit Behinderungen in Ausbildung und Beruf

Mit dem Bundesteilhabegesetz und dem Nationalen Aktionsplan 2.0 wurden 2016 zwei wichtige behindertenpolitische Vorhaben angestoßen und in den Folgejahren umgesetzt und weiterentwickelt. Damit soll im Einklang mit der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention die Inklusion in Deutschland weiter vorangetrieben werden, indem die Selbstbestimmung und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen gestärkt werden. Mit dem schrittweisen Inkrafttreten des Bundesteilhabegesetzes erfuhren das Recht der Rehabilitation und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen und die Eingliederungshilfe (SGB IX) weitreichende Änderungen. Wie stellt sich die Situation von behinderten Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dar? Wie lassen sich behindertengerechte Berufsleben und inklusive Arbeitswelten gestalten?
Die Infoplattform stellt zentrale Dokumente und relevante Quellenhinweise zusammen, inhaltlich strukturiert nach den Aspekten der Politik für behinderte Menschen und den diskutierten bzw. realisierten Reformanstrengungen.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitsmarktsituation behinderter Menschen"
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    Impact evaluation of a new counselling and support programme for unemployed with multiple placement obstacles (2024)

    Böheim, René; Mahringer, Helmut; Eppel, Rainer ;


    Böheim, René, Rainer Eppel & Helmut Mahringer (2024): Impact evaluation of a new counselling and support programme for unemployed with multiple placement obstacles. In: International Journal of Social Welfare. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12657


    "We analyzed a new counselling and support program for people with lowemployment prospects in Austria. The Austrian Public Employment Service introduced regional pilots to investigate whether a new counselling strategycould improve labor market outcomes for this group. Eligible unemployed individuals could opt for third-party counselling and support, access a widerange of low-threshold services, and focus on personal stability rather than jobplacement. The goal was to achieve similar or even better labor market out-comes at lower cost. By comparing pilot and control regions, we found that introducing the offer resulted in higher costs without improving labour market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Policies for young adults with reduced work capacity. Labour market impact in Sweden and Norway (2024)

    Hall, Caroline ; von Simson, Kristine; Hardoy, Inés;


    Hall, Caroline, Inés Hardoy & Kristine von Simson (2024): Policies for young adults with reduced work capacity. Labour market impact in Sweden and Norway. In: Journal of Population Economics, Jg. 37. DOI:10.1007/s00148-024-00999-9


    "The rising numbers of young people with disability pension concerns many advanced economies. We present results from a comparative analysis of the neighbouring countries Sweden and Norway on the impacts of differing policy mixes aimed at enhancing the employability of the work disabled. Using rich longitudinal data, we follow unemployed young adults (ages 25-29) with work-impairment up to four years after they became unemployed to investigate the effect of different types of labor market policies. Our results indicate that, despite differences in program composition and strategies, there are surprisingly small country differences in treatment effect patterns and signs of estimated impacts. In line with previous studies, we find strong lock-in effects of both workplace-related programs and training/educational programs. After participation, workplace-related programmes about double the likelihood of entering regular employment or education. Participating in training courses also increases this likelihood, but effect sizes are smaller." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The effects of an interdisciplinary employment program on paid employment and mental health among persons with severe mental disorders (2024)

    Hijdra, R. W.; Robroek, S. J. W.; Sadigh, Y.; Schuring, M. ; Burdorf, A.;


    Hijdra, R. W., S. J. W. Robroek, Y. Sadigh, A. Burdorf & M. Schuring (2024): The effects of an interdisciplinary employment program on paid employment and mental health among persons with severe mental disorders. In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Jg. 97, H. 3, S. 253-262. DOI:10.1007/s00420-023-02039-7


    "This study evaluates the effects of the interdisciplinary employment program ‘Work As Best Care (WABC)’ on employment participation and mental health of persons with severe mental disorders. Methods WABC is a ‘work first’ employment program for unemployed persons with severe mental disorders in which employment professionals work closely together with mental health professionals. In a longitudinal non-randomized controlled study, participants of WABC (n = 35) are compared with participants of the control group (n = 37), who received regular employment support. Participants were followed for 1 year and filled out questionnaires on individual characteristics and health at baseline, after 6 and 12 months. This information was enriched with monthly register data on employment status from 2015 until 2020. Difference-in-differences analyses were performed to investigate changes in employment participation among participants of WABC and the control group. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was used to compare changes in mental health (measured on 0–100 scale) between the two groups. Before WABC, employment participation was 22.0%points lower among participants of WABC compared to the control group. After starting WABC, employment participation increased with 15.3%points per year among participants of WABC, compared to 5.6%points in the control group. Among all participants of WABC, no change in mental health was found (β 1.0, 95% CI − 3.4; 5.5). Only female participants of WABC showed a significant change in mental health (β 8.0, 95% CI 2.6; 13.4). To enhance employment participation of persons with severe mental disorders, an interdisciplinary ‘work-first’ approach in which professionals of employment services and mentalhealth services work in close collaboration, is of paramount importance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Exclusionary Logics: Constructing Disability and Disadvantaging Disabled Academics in the Neoliberal University (2024)

    Remnant, Jennifer ; Sang, Katherine ; Calvard, Tom; Babajide, Olugbenga (Abraham); Richards, James;


    Remnant, Jennifer, Katherine Sang, Tom Calvard, James Richards & Olugbenga (Abraham) Babajide (2024): Exclusionary Logics: Constructing Disability and Disadvantaging Disabled Academics in the Neoliberal University. In: Sociology, Jg. 58, H. 1, S. 23-44. DOI:10.1177/00380385231162570


    "Contemporary academia features managerialism and neoliberal thinking, consequent of an increasingly dominant market logic. This article draws on interviews with disabled academics, line managers, human resources professionals, estates staff, health and safety staff, and trade union representatives, alongside university policy documents, to discuss the impact of this logic on the experiences of disabled academics. Understandings of disability across professional groups were divorced from institutional rhetoric of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, aligning more clearly with market logic, manifest in performance management and idealised notions of academic work. Unlike students, disabled academics are required to navigate hostile policies and procedures. Their diagnoses are used in points of dispute relating to performance, or as an obstruction to dismissal tolerated out of legal obligation. This article illustrates the need for a change in university institutional logics to undo the damaging limitations of following market models of education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reformbedarf: Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen - Teil 1 (2024)

    Seeland, Antonia;


    Seeland, Antonia (2024): Reformbedarf: Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen - Teil 1. In: Gute Arbeit, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 35-39.


    "Für Menschen mit Behinderung ist es besonders schwer, auf dem allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt Fuß zu fassen. Eindringlich bestätigen das die überdurchschnittliche und steigende Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit und die Tatsache, dass fast die Hälfte der arbeitslosen Menschen mit Behinderungen langzeitarbeitslos sind. Bisherige Maßnahmen greifen offenbar nicht ausreichend und die Abgangsrate aus der Arbeitslosigkeit stagniert bei 3,2 %. Damit haben Menschen ohne Behinderung eine doppelt so hohe Chance einen neuen Arbeitsplatz zu finden." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Reformbedarf: Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen - Teil 2 (2024)

    Seeland, Antonia;


    Seeland, Antonia (2024): Reformbedarf: Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen - Teil 2. In: Gute Arbeit, Jg. 36, H. 5, S. 36-39.


    "Menschen mit Behinderungen fassen nur schwer im ersten Arbeitsmarkt Fuß. Ansätze und Handlungsbedarfe zur Förderung der Barrierefreiheit und Inklusion, nicht nur im Arbeitsleben, zeigte eine Fachtagung auf. Im 2. Teil des Beitrags geht es um die Schwerbehindertenvertretung und die betrieblichen Interessenvertretungen: Sie haben Optionen zur Teilhabegestaltung." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Forschen mit Sehbehinderung: Die Herausforderungen bleiben groß (Serie "Inklusion - eine Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Praxis") (2023)

    Abend, Sonja ;


    Abend, Sonja (2023): Forschen mit Sehbehinderung: Die Herausforderungen bleiben groß (Serie "Inklusion - eine Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Praxis"). In: IAB-Forum H. 13.06.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230613.01


    "Forschungseinrichtungen können ähnlich wie Unternehmen von divers zusammengesetzten Teams profitieren. Dies gilt auch und gerade für Menschen mit Behinderung. Technische Arbeitshilfen erleichtern heute die Inklusion in Bildungssystem und Arbeitsmarkt zwar erheblich. Dennoch bedarf es etwa in der Wissenschaft zusätzlicher Anstrengungen, nicht zuletzt finanzieller Art, um tatsächlich gleiche Zugangs- und Teilhabechancen zu gewährleisten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Dekolonialisierung des Wissens: Eine partizipative Studie zu Diskriminierung und Teilhabe an Erwerbsarbeit von BIPoC mit Behinderungserfahrungen (2023)

    Afeworki Abay, Robel;


    Afeworki Abay, Robel (2023): Dekolonialisierung des Wissens: Eine partizipative Studie zu Diskriminierung und Teilhabe an Erwerbsarbeit von BIPoC mit Behinderungserfahrungen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 342 S. DOI:10.18452/27507


    "Die voranschreitende Geopolitik geht mit komplexen Formen epistemischer Gewalt eurozentristischer Wissensordnungen einher. Diese zeigt sich auch in der Weitertradierung komplexitätsreduzierender Wissensproduktion sowohl über Behinderung als auch über Migration/Flucht: Es wird wiederholt über die Betroffenen, statt mit ihnen gesprochen. Robel Afeworki Abay widmet sich der Diskriminierung und Teilhabe an Erwerbsarbeit von BIPoC mit Behinderungserfahrungen und beleuchtet aus postkolonialen und intersektionalen Perspektiven die Zugangsbarrieren und Bewältigungsressourcen der Betroffenen. In seiner partizipativen Studie legt er dar, dass epistemische Gewalt hierbei als konstitutiver Bestandteil der Kolonialität des Wissens fungiert." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Zur Arbeitsmarktsituation von Personen mit gesundheitlichen Vermittlungseinschränkungen (2023)

    Auer, Eva;


    Auer, Eva (2023): Zur Arbeitsmarktsituation von Personen mit gesundheitlichen Vermittlungseinschränkungen. (AMS-Spezialthema zum Arbeitsmarkt / Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich), Wien, 6 S.


    "Im Jahr 2022 waren insgesamt 76.653 Personen mit gesundheitlichen Vermittlungseinschränkungen arbeitslos vorgemerkt oder in Schulungsmaßnahmen, 15.611 bzw. 16,9% weniger als im Jahresdurchschnitt 2021. Auch im Vergleich zum Jahr 2019 ging die Zahl der Personen mit Beeinträchtigungen mit minus 10,6% deutlich zurück. Rund 18% der vorgemerkten Personen hatten eine Behinderung gemäß Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz oder Landesbehindertengesetz bzw. einen Behindertenpass. Die restlichen 82% der arbeitslos Vorgemerkten bzw. Schulungsteilnehmer_innen mit gesundheitlichen Problemen erbrachten den Nachweis der eingeschränkten Vermittelbarkeit durch ein (fach)ärztliches Gutachten. „Erfreulicherweise konnte auch die Gruppe der arbeitssuchenden Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen von der guten Konjunktur des Jahres 2022 profitieren. Trotzdem bleibt die Jobsuche für Betroffene alles andere als einfach. Das zeigt sich daran, dass sie im Schnitt fast doppelt so lange einen Job suchen. Unternehmen mit Personalbedarf kann ich – insbesondere in dieser Arbeitsmarktlage – dringend empfehlen, bewusst auch in dieser Personengruppe ihre nächsten Mitarbeiter_innen zu suchen.“ so Johannes Kopf, Vorstandsmitglied." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Predicting stable employment trajectories among young people with disabilities (2023)

    Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk ; Alecu, Andreea Ioana ;


    Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk & Andreea Ioana Alecu (2023): Predicting stable employment trajectories among young people with disabilities. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 6, S. 408-425. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2254271


    "Research aiming to explain disabled people's inequalities in the labour market has primarily focused on transitional factors between school and work, wage gaps, or socioeconomic background characteristics as explanations for (no-)entry in the labour market. There is a lack of longitudinal studies that map how disabled people fare in the labour market over time. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify, describe and predict stable employment paths of long-term disabled people. Our study employs detailed longitudinal data with total coverage of the Norwegian population - we focus on 11 birth cohorts (1973-83) of disabled individuals and we follow their employment trajectories between the ages 20 and 34. To describe employment trajectories and create a typology of longitudinal labour market attachments, we employ sequence analysis and subsequently linear probability models to analyse the association between the disability's severity, gender, educational enrolment, early-work experience and employment trajectories. We identify four main types of trajectories: permanently work-disabled, stable employment, early marginalisation, and unstable employment. Our findings indicate that men are more likely than women to have stable employment trajectories. Starting higher education, as well as parental higher education, is linked with the likelihood of stable employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability, Gender and Hiring Discrimination: A Field Experiment (2023)

    Bjørnshagen, Vegar ; Ugreninov, Elisabeth ; Rooth, Dan-Olof;


    Bjørnshagen, Vegar, Dan-Olof Rooth & Elisabeth Ugreninov (2023): Disability, Gender and Hiring Discrimination: A Field Experiment. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16217), Bonn, 38 S.


    "This article examines disability discrimination in the hiring process and explores variation in how the intersection of disability and gender shapes employers' hiring behavior by occupational context and gender segregation. We use data from a field experiment in which approximately 2,000 job applications with randomly assigned information about disability were sent to Swedish employers with vacancies. We find that nondisabled applicants receive 33 percent more callbacks than similarly qualified wheelchair users despite applying for jobs where the impairment should not interfere with performance. The results indicate no heterogeneity in levels of disability discrimination against men and women on average across occupations or by occupational gender segregation. However, levels of discrimination differ considerably among occupations, varying from no evidence of disability discrimination to discrimination against both disabled men and disabled women as well as cases where disability discrimination is found only against women or only against men. The results thus indicate that disability and gender interact and shape discrimination in distinct ways within particular contexts, which we relate to intersectional stereotyping and norms of gender equality influencing hiring practices but not to declared ambitions for diversity or gender equality legislation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Participation in Work of People with Disabilities by Means of Technical Assistance (2023)

    Bächler, Liane; Behrendt, Hauke ;


    Bächler, Liane & Hauke Behrendt (2023): Participation in Work of People with Disabilities by Means of Technical Assistance. In: A. Shajek & E. A. Hartmann (Hrsg.) (2023): New Digital Work, S. 118-134. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-26490-0_7


    "The comprehensive realization of social participation for all individuals is a particular challenge in which the working world proves to be an important sphere. Despite normative reference points through socio-political innovations, people with intellectual disabilities and a high need for support are particularly excluded. Even in sheltered workshops, this group of people is excluded from participating in work as the challenges of life and labor in the 21st century are becoming ever more complex and the demands of production and business stricter. As a result, people with intellectual disabilities and a high need for support often fall off the radar in current inclusion efforts and – despite legal obligations – do not receive adequate support to participate in work. To counteract the negligence and tacit acceptance of the deprivation of a large part of the sheltered workshop employees - in the sense of social affiliation by work participation - design options for promoting work participation require careful consideration. This paper analyses the use and impact of technical assistance to promote work participation for people with intellectual disabilities and high support needs and reports the results of a field study on the use of technical assistance in a sheltered workshop." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Disability and Labor Market Performance (2023)

    Collischon, Matthias ; Pohlan, Laura ; Hiesinger, Karolin ;


    Collischon, Matthias, Karolin Hiesinger & Laura Pohlan (2023): Disability and Labor Market Performance. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16100), Bonn, 54 S.


    "This paper analyzes the individual-level effects of disability onset on labor market outcomes using novel administrative data from Germany. Combining propensity score matching techniques with an event-study design, we find lasting negative impacts on employment and wages. One important mechanism is transitions to nonemployment after disability onset: newly disabled individuals' probability of becoming nonemployed increases by 10 percentage points after one year and by 15 percentage points after five years relative to that of the control group. For those who stay in employment, working part-time and switching to less physically or psychosocially demanding jobs are important adjustment paths. The negative labor market effects of disability onset are more pronounced for severely disabled, older and low-skilled individuals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability and Employment Policy in Canada: National Policy Variation for Working Age Individuals (2023)

    Dinan, Shannon ; Boucher, Normand;


    Dinan, Shannon & Normand Boucher (2023): Disability and Employment Policy in Canada: National Policy Variation for Working Age Individuals. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 52, S. 719-739. DOI:10.1017/S0047279421000878


    "This article analyses and compares disability policies for working-age individuals in Canada with a focus on the mode of policy provision and type of measure to determine the degree to which direct funding is used in this country. To consider policy diversity in this federal system, policies are compared using a mixed-methods approach. Using quantitative methods, federal, provincial and territorial policies are first compared using hierarchical cluster analysis. This provides evidence of three distinct clusters in Canada according to policy provision and measure type. In a second, qualitative analysis, the disability strategies of four provinces’ (British Columbia, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec) are compared, to determine over arching policy orientations. Findings indicate that policy provision in Canada largely favours money over services. Furthermore, most provinces emphasize either health or integration measures over substantive measures. Despite these commonalities, significant variation persists across Canada. This extends to poverty and disability reduction strategies with two of the four provinces having a broader orientation while the other two provinces focus specifically on employment as a means of social inclusion. The article concludes with a discussion on the state of employment policies for individuals with a disability in Canada." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mindestlohn für Werkstattbeschäftigte?: Analyse der WfbM: Entgelte, soziale Sicherung und Übergänge zum Arbeitsmarkt (2023)

    Engels, Dietrich; Deremetz, Anne; Eibelshäuser, Svenja; Pracht, Arnold; Drygalski, Clarissa von; Welti, Felix; Schütz, Holger;


    Engels, Dietrich, Anne Deremetz, Clarissa von Drygalski, Svenja Eibelshäuser, Arnold Pracht, Holger Schütz & Felix Welti (2023): Mindestlohn für Werkstattbeschäftigte? Analyse der WfbM: Entgelte, soziale Sicherung und Übergänge zum Arbeitsmarkt. In: Soziale Sicherheit, Jg. 72, H. 10, S. 356-362.


    "Das System der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen (WfbM) bedarf einer Reform. Eine vorbereitende Analyse der aktuellen Situation und der möglichen Auswirkungen einer Umgestaltung kommt unter anderem zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Anwendung des Mindestlohngesetzes auf mindestens einen Teil der in Werkstätten Beschäftigten bereits jetzt geboten sein könnte." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness (2023)

    Hardoy, Ines; von Simson, Kristine;


    Hardoy, Ines & Kristine von Simson (2023): Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 7-8, S. 592-607. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2289952


    "Mental disorders threaten the chances of finishing secondary school and can hinder the school-to-work transitions of afflicted youths. Earlier onset depression predicts the chronicity, recurrence, and severity of episodes throughout life. Using rich, objective mental health data and a battery of variables covering personal and family characteristics, we investigate the impact of Norway’s vocational rehabilitation programs on youths aged 18–23 who are registered as unemployed. Our results indicate that the impact vary with mental health in adolescence, a variable often unavailable in such analyses. Separate analyses for age group 19–21 and 20–23 show that the younger ones with previous diagnosed mental disorders were likely to pursue further education after participating in programs providing work practice; those with no earlier diagnosed mental disorders were prone to pursue ordinary education after completing a training program. For the older age cohorts, aged 20–23, vocational rehabilitation programmes seem counterproductive, irrespective of program type and of whether they were diagnosed with mental health problems in adolescence or not." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Semester 2022-2023 country fiche on disability equality: Germany: with comparative data Annex provided by EDE (2023)

    Hirschberg, Marianne; Welti, Felix;


    Hirschberg, Marianne & Felix Welti (2023): European Semester 2022-2023 country fiche on disability equality: Germany. With comparative data Annex provided by EDE. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 46 S. DOI:10.2767/50356


    "The participation of persons with disabilities in the labor market in Germany is still low and unemployment is high in comparison to other groups. More than 300 000 persons with disabilities are employed in sheltered workshops. They do not have full labor rights, in particular there is no minimum wage, but a reform of sheltered workshop payments has been announced. Their transition rate to the general labor market is very low. There are efforts to increase transition options to the general labor market through the budget for work and the budget for vocational training and through supported employment and single contact units for employers. Still, the effectiveness of these efforts has to be improved. A quota system with a levy for non-compliance is in force. However, many enterprises fail to employ 5 % of persons with severe disabilities as required. The coalition parties in the new Government have announced a rise in the levy for enterprises which do not employ any persons with severe disabilities. A general right to reasonable workplace accommodation and effective workplace accessibility regulations are still lacking. (...) Recent reforms of healthcare and rehabilitation will improve accessibility and specialised services. However, these efforts have not yet been successful enough. A national action plan for an inclusive, accessible and diverse healthcare system has been announced. The division between the public and private health insurance systems is still a problem for persons with disabilities. Equal access and non-discrimination in private health insurance are not properly regulated. Pensions for people with a reduced earning capacity are often insufficient to guarantee a minimum living standard. Recent reforms from 2014 to 2019 have only supported new pensioners. An additional reform will now also increase pensions for those who were pensioners with reduced earning capacity before 2014. The Federal Participation Law of 2018 and 2020 aimed to support deinstitutionalisation. However, there are still disadvantages, especially for people who need long-term care. (...) A completely inclusive school system has still not been achieved. Reforms in the Länder include responsibility to close special schools and to invest in inclusive schools but they are proceeding very slowly. Reasonable accommodation and accessibility in the educational system are still inadequate. (...) The National Reform Program (NRP) 2022 focuses on work transition programs, including single contact points for employers and innovative rehabilitation programs. The NRP 2022 includes a national accessibility programme, which is oriented towards accessible mobility, housing, healthcare and private life." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wird die betriebliche Berufsausbildung und Beschäftigung in einer digitalisierten Welt inklusiver?: Aus- und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung für Menschen mit Behinderung auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt (2023)

    Hähn, Katharina;


    Hähn, Katharina (2023): Wird die betriebliche Berufsausbildung und Beschäftigung in einer digitalisierten Welt inklusiver? Aus- und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung für Menschen mit Behinderung auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt. In: A. Wilmers, M. Achenbach & C. Keller (Hrsg.) (2023): Bildung im digitalen Wandel, S. 135-170. DOI:10.31244/9783830998464.05


    "In einer immer stärker digitalisierten Welt stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern sich dieser Wandel auf die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung in Ausbildung und Beschäftigung auswirkt. Dieses Critical Review zielt darauf ab, den aktuellen Forschungsstand abzubilden und mögliche Chancen und Hemmnisse zu eruieren. Unter Bezugnahme auf 19 Studien, die zwischen 2017 und 2022 veröffentlicht wurden, werden hierfür Erkenntnisse zu strukturellen Veränderungen von Berufsfeldern und Berufsbildungsangeboten, zu Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation auf die betriebliche Fachkräftesicherung sowie zur Nutzung assistiver Technologien beleuchtet. Befunde zur Ausbildung und Beschäftigung sehbeeinträchtigter oder blinder Menschen konkretisieren übergreifende Forschungsergebnisse." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Unemployment and Job Search Behavior among People with Disabilities during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany (2023)

    Paul, Karsten Ingmar ; Hollederer, Alfons ;


    Paul, Karsten Ingmar & Alfons Hollederer (2023): Unemployment and Job Search Behavior among People with Disabilities during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. In: International journal of environmental research and public health, Jg. 20. DOI:10.3390/ijerph20116036


    "Not much is known about how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the labor market experiences of people with disabilities. Since they constitute a generally disadvantaged group in the labor market, it is important to scrutinize whether their position has worsened during these difficult times and how they reacted with regard to their job search behavior. We therefore used data for the year 2020 from a large German panel (Panel Arbeitsmarkt und Soziale Sicherung, PASS), in order to scrutinize the prevalence of unemployment among people with disabilities (N = 739) during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The factors that affected their unemployment status were also analyzed. The study found that people with legally recognized disabilities were more often unemployed than non-disabled people, even when controlling for possible confounding factors such as age, gender, or education. This effect was significant for severe disabilities and marginally significant for minor disabilities. Additionally, the type of disability affected the probability of being unemployed, with cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses, and musculoskeletal disorders carrying a higher risk. In terms of job-seeking behavior, unemployed people with disabilities reported using some job search methods more frequently than their non-disabled counterparts. However, the intensity of the job search did not differ significantly between the two groups. Further differences were found when analyzing the reasons for abstinence from searching for a job, with unemployed people with disabilities primarily citing health-related factors (with a frequency of over 90%). In summary, health played a pivotal role in determining disabled people’s labor market experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ersteingliederung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation: Nach einer Reha findet ein höherer Anteil junger Menschen mit Behinderungen Arbeit (2023)

    Reims, Nancy ; Rauch, Angela ; Nivorozhkin, Anton ;


    Reims, Nancy, Angela Rauch & Anton Nivorozhkin (2023): Ersteingliederung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation: Nach einer Reha findet ein höherer Anteil junger Menschen mit Behinderungen Arbeit. (IAB-Kurzbericht 11/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2311


    "Berufsunerfahrene junge Menschen mit Behinderungen werden im Rahmen der beruflichen Rehabilitation beim Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt unterstützt. Die größte Gruppe in der sogenannten Ersteingliederung sind Personen mit Lernbehinderungen. Ihr Anteil ist jedoch rückläufig, während der von Personen mit psychischen Behinderungen stetig steigt. Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Behinderungen, die eine Ausbildung im Rahmen der beruflichen Rehabilitation durchlaufen haben, fassen immer häufiger im Erwerbsleben Fuß. Dabei gilt: Je betriebsnäher die Ausbildung, desto höher sind die Chancen, Arbeit zu finden. Das zeigen Auswertungen administrativer Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit für den Zeitraum 2014 bis 2020. Die positive Beschäftigungsentwicklung nach einer beruflichen Rehabilitation hängt nicht zuletzt mit den guten Arbeitsmarktbedingungen und der demografischen Entwicklung zusammen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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