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FDZ-Literatur / FDZ Literature

Die FDZ-Literaturdatenbank umfasst neben Datensatzbeschreibungen und Methodenberichten die zahlreichen Forschungsarbeiten, die auf Basis der am FDZ angebotenen Daten entstanden sind. Hier finden Sie aktuell laufende Projekte von FDZ-Nutzenden.
Darüber hinaus stehen die Literaturdatenbank zum IAB-Betriebspanel sowie die Literaturdatenbank zum PASS zur Verfügung.

Apart from dataset descriptions and methodology reports, the FDZ literature database contains numerous research papers written on the basis of the data provided by the FDZ. Here you can find currently ungoing research projects of FDZ users.
In addition, literature databases on the IAB Establishment Panel and the Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS) are available for research.

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im Aspekt "IAB-Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz (LIAB) / Linked Employer-Employee Data from the IAB"
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    Orientierung an einem Branchentarifvertrag und die Rolle des Betriebsrats bei der Entlohnung (2020)

    Ellguth, Peter; Kohaut, Susanne;


    Ellguth, Peter & Susanne Kohaut (2020): Orientierung an einem Branchentarifvertrag und die Rolle des Betriebsrats bei der Entlohnung. In: Industrielle Beziehungen, Jg. 27, H. 4, S. 371-388., 2020-10-01. DOI:10.3224/indbez.v27i4.02


    "Seit den 1990er Jahren ist die Reichweite von Branchentarifverträgen in Deutschland rückläufig. Im gleichen Zeitraum wächst die Zahl der Betriebe, die sich an einem Branchentarifvertrag orientieren. In der Diskussion über die Erosion des deutschen Tarifsystems werden die formale Tarifbindung und die Orientierung an einem Tarifvertrag häufig als gleichwertig angesehen und die Anteile dieser Betriebe einfach addiert. Offen ist aber, was die Orientierung an einem Branchentarifvertrag für die betrieblichen Arbeitsbedingungen bedeutet. Wie eine ganze Reihe von Studien belegt, beeinflusst die Existenz eines Betriebsrats das betriebliche Lohnniveau und zwar abhängig davon, ob der Betrieb tarifgebunden ist oder nicht. Wir erweitern den Blick auf Betriebe, die sich an einem Branchentarif orientieren. Für unsere OLS-Lohnschätzungen (ordinary least squares) verwenden wir einen Datensatz, der Betriebs- und Individualinformationen auf Personenebene verknüpft (LIAB). Die verschiedenen institutionellen Settings in ihrer Kombination mit dem Betriebsrat finden mit entsprechenden Interaktionstermen Berücksichtigung. Wie sich zeigt, bleibt das bereinigte Lohnniveau in Orientiererbetrieben deutlich hinter dem in branchentarifgebundenen zurück. Die Orientierung an einem Branchentarif ist somit kein Ersatz für eine formelle Bindung. Existiert in diesen Betrieben ein Betriebsrat, so sind auch dort signifikant höhere Löhne zu beobachten, wobei der Lohnzuschlag aber hinter dem bei Geltung eines Branchentarifvertrags zurückbleibt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Kohaut, Susanne;
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    Arbeitsplatzmobilität zwischen Ost-, Nord- und ­Süddeutschland: Erfolgsfaktoren von Einkommenszuwächsen (2020)

    Ganesch, Franziska; Struck, Olaf ; Dütsch, Matthias ;


    Ganesch, Franziska, Matthias Dütsch & Olaf Struck (2020): Arbeitsplatzmobilität zwischen Ost-, Nord- und ­Süddeutschland: Erfolgsfaktoren von Einkommenszuwächsen. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 69, H. 6/7, S. 417-444. DOI:10.3790/sfo.69.6-7.417


    "In Deutschland beeinflussen regionale Disparitäten besonders auch zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland individuelle Lebens- und Einkommenschancen. Individuen können versuchen, ihre Arbeitsbedingungen – etwa ihr Einkommen – durch räumliche Mobilität zu verbessern. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht Mobilität zwischen Ost-, Nord- und Süddeutschland und damit einhergehende Einkommensveränderungen. Basis ist ein Linked Employer-Employee Datensatz, der um regionale Strukturindikatoren ergänzt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Jüngere und Hochqualifizierte wechseln häufiger und realisieren bei Betriebswechseln mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit Einkommenszuwächse. Anreize für Ost-Westmobilität bestehen fort, da bei Wechseln aus Ostdeutschland in Richtung Nord- oder Süddeutschland preisniveaubereinigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Einkommenszuwächsen höher ist als bei Wechseln innerhalb Ostdeutschlands. Wechsel nach Ostdeutschland können mit Einkommensverlusten, aber auch Einkommenszuwächsen einhergehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Firms as Learning Environments: Implications for Earnings Dynamics and Job Search (2020)

    Gregory, Victoria;


    Gregory, Victoria (2020): Firms as Learning Environments: Implications for Earnings Dynamics and Job Search. (Working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2020,36), Saint Louis, MO, 79 S. DOI:10.20955/wp.2020.036


    "This paper demonstrates that heterogeneity in firms' promotion of human capital accumulation is an important determinant of life-cycle earnings inequality. I use administrative micro data from Germany to show that different establishments offer systematically different earnings growth rates for their workers. This observation suggests that that the increase in inequality over the life cycle reflects not only inherent worker variation, but also differences in the firms that workers happen to match with over their lifetimes. To quantify this channel, I develop a life-cycle search model with heterogeneous workers and firms. In the model, a worker's earnings can grow through both human capital accumulation and labor market competition channels. Human capital growth depends on both the worker's ability and the firm's learning environment. I find that heterogeneity in firm learning environments account for 40% of the increase in cross-sectional earnings variance over the life cycle, and that this mechanism is especially important for young workers. I then show that differences in labor market histories partially shape the worker-specific income profiles estimated by reduced-form statistical earnings processes. Finally, because young workers do not fully internalize the benefits of matching to high-growth firms, changes to the structure of unemployment insurance policies can incentivize these workers to search for better matches." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    When the Minimum Wage Really Bites Hard: Impact on Top Earners and Skill Supply (2020)

    Gregory, Terry; Zierahn, Ulrich;


    Gregory, Terry & Ulrich Zierahn (2020): When the Minimum Wage Really Bites Hard. Impact on Top Earners and Skill Supply. (IZA discussion paper 13633), Bonn, 55 S.


    "We investigate minimum wage spillovers by exploiting the first-time introduction of a minimum wage within a quasi-experiment in a context with an extraordinary large bite: the German roofing industry. We find positive wage spillovers for medium-skilled workers with wages just above the minimum wage, but negative effects for high-skilled top earners in East Germany, where the bite was particularly pronounced. There, the minimum wage lowered both returns to skills and skill supply. We propose a theoretical model according to which negative spillovers occur whenever a negative scale effect dominates a positive substitution effect and provide empirical support for our theory." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Wage Rigidities and Old-Age Unemployment (2020)

    Kerndler, Martin ; Reiter, Michael;


    Kerndler, Martin & Michael Reiter (2020): Wage Rigidities and Old-Age Unemployment. (EconPol policy brief 22), München, 12 S.


    "Wage smoothing is beneficial for firms and workers, but wage rigidities can lead to bilaterally inefficient separations. By comparing the impact of four policy measures regarding their impact on welfare, output and government expenditures, Martin Kerndler (TU Wien) and Michael Reiter (IHS Vienna, NYU Abu Dhabi, EconPol Europe) have identified a reasonable policy mix to counter the negative employment effects of wage rigidities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hessischer Lohnatlas: Aktualisierung 2020 - Bezugsjahr 2018 (2020)

    Larsen, Christa; Funke, Philipp; Börner-Krekel, Julia;


    Larsen, Christa, Julia Börner-Krekel & Philipp Funke (2020): Hessischer Lohnatlas. Aktualisierung 2020 - Bezugsjahr 2018. Wiesbaden, 499 S.


    "Um die Entgeltgleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern gezielt und nachhaltig zu fördern, bedarf es einer hohen Transparenz, so dass passgenau Aktivitäten initiiert werden können. Die Neuauflage des Hessischen Lohnatlas knüpft an die Analysen von Entgeltdaten der Wohnbevölkerung zum Stand 2015 an (erstmals im Jahr 2017 vorgestellt) und zeigt transparent auf, wie sich die Lohnlücken bis zum Jahr 2018 verändert haben. Bei diesen Analysen finden ausschließlich sozialversicherungspflichtige Vollzeitbeschäftigte Berücksichtigung. Die Teilzeitbeschäftigten können in den Analysen nicht einbezogen werden, da keine Informationen zum Stundenumfang ihrer Teilzeitbeschäftigung vorliegen und damit nicht erfasst werden kann, in welchem Maße Entgeltunterschiede auch durch unterschiedliche Stundenzahlen zustande kommen. Zum Erfassen der Bruttomonatsentgelte wird auf öffentliche Daten (vor allem Stichtagsdaten 31.12.) zurückgegriffen, die vom Statistikservice Südwest der Regionaldirektion Hessen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und dem Hessischen Statistischen Landesamt stammen. Bei diesen Daten handelt es sich um sogenannte Populationsdaten. Dies bedeutet, dass alle Einwohner*innen der Kreise und kreisfreien Städte in Hessen, zu denen entsprechende Entgeltdaten vorliegen, in den Analysen einbezogen werden. Die Analysen werden für Hessen sowie für jeden Kreis und jede kreisfreie Stadt durchgeführt. Damit können auf allen Ebenen noch bestehende Entgeltunterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in der jeweiligen Wohnbevölkerung erfasst werden. Die damit geschaffene Transparenz schafft eine wichtige Grundlage zum Diskurs über Ansätze, die die Förderung der Entgeltgleichheit im Land, aber auch vor Ort in den Regionen begünstigen können. Mit der Neuauflage des Hessischen Lohnatlas wird darüber hinaus erstmals die Entgeltlage von Frauen und Männern in den Betrieben vor Ort, also in den Kreisen und kreisfreien Städten, erfasst. Damit werden Aussagen zur Lage der Entgeltgleichheit in der lokalen Wirtschaft möglich. Mit dem Fokus auf die Betriebe vor Ort, sind auch jene Beschäftigte einbezogen, die täglich in den Kreis oder die kreisfreie Stadt zur Erwerbsarbeit einpendeln. Berücksichtigung findet hier, wie bereits oben ausgeführt, ausschließlich die Entgeltlage der in den Betrieben in sozialversicherungspflichtiger Vollzeit Beschäftigten. Basis der Analysen bilden Daten zu den durchschnittlichen Tagesbruttoentgelten im Jahr 2017 aus verschiedenen Stichproben, die durch das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Anders als bei den obigen Populationsdaten können die Befunde aus der Analyse der Stichproben nicht einfach verallgemeinert werden. Die Ergebnisse sind als Trends zu interpretieren. Von besonderem Interesse ist bei diesen Analysen, in welchem Maße sich Merkmale wie beispielsweise die Betriebsgröße, die Geschlechterzusammensetzung der sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten in den Betrieben oder die Branchenzugehörigkeit der Betriebe auf die Entgeltlücken zwischen Frauen und Männern auswirken können. Die mit diesen Analysen erzeugte Transparenz kann insbesondere den Akteuren der Wirtschaft deutlich machen, wo noch Handlungsbedarfe liegen, um die Entgeltgleichheit von Frauen und Männern in den Betrieben des Landes zu verbessern. Im Folgenden erfolgt zunächst die Darstellung aller Befunde auf der Ebene des Landes Hessen. Im Anschluss wird für jeden Kreis und jede kreisfreie Stadt ein Dossier vorgelegt. Damit lassen sich Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Kreisen und den kreisfreien Städten sowohl hinsichtlich der Entgeltlage der Wohnbevölkerung als auch in Bezug auf die Entgeltlage in den Betrieben vor Ort erfassen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does tertiary vocational education beat academic education? A matching analysis of young men's earnings developments (2020)

    Lukesch, Veronika; Zwick, Thomas ;


    Lukesch, Veronika & Thomas Zwick (2020): Does tertiary vocational education beat academic education? A matching analysis of young men's earnings developments. In: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, Jg. 12. DOI:10.1186/s40461-020-00104-w


    "This paper shows that young men who completed an apprenticeship education plus a tertiary vocational education have considerably higher earnings during the first half of their career than those who obtained an academic education in addition to their apprenticeship education. We match employees with a tertiary vocational and an academic education based on their labour market experience and their individual and employer characteristics during their formative apprenticeship training years in which they presumably decided on their further education track. Then we compare the earnings developments in both groups of the matched sample during their tertiary education phase and after its completion for maximally 16 years after apprenticeship completion. We use linked employer-employee data of the IAB (LIAB9310)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Was ist wichtig? Die Corona-Pandemie als Impuls zur Neubewertung systemrelevanter Sektoren (2020)

    Lübker, Malte; Zucco, Aline;


    Lübker, Malte & Aline Zucco (2020): Was ist wichtig? Die Corona-Pandemie als Impuls zur Neubewertung systemrelevanter Sektoren. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 73, H. 6, S. 472-484. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2020-6-472


    "Um den weiteren Ausbruch des Corona-Virus in Deutschland zu verhindern, wurde im März 2020 das soziale und wirtschaftliche Leben erheblich eingeschränkt. Lediglich Beschäftigte in den systemrelevanten Sektoren waren dazu angehalten, ihrer Erwerbstätigkeit weiter nachzugehen, da sie den Erhalt der kritischen In­frastruktur sicherten. In diesem Beitrag gehen die Autoren der Beschäftigung und insbesondere der Entlohnung in diesen Sektoren nach. Sie stützen ihre Analyse auf einen Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz (LIAB) des IAB. Mittels deskriptiver Statistiken und Regressionen zeigen sie zunächst, dass die Beschäftigten in diesen Sektoren sich deutlich von sonst hoch angesehenen Beschäftigtengruppen unterscheiden, denn dort sind vor allem teilzeitbeschäftigte Frauen und Personen mit fachlichen Tätigkeiten beschäftigt. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass die Entlohnung in diesen Sektoren durchaus heterogen ist: Denn während in einigen systemrelevanten Branchen weit überdurchschnittlich entlohnt wird, liegen die Löhne anderer systemrelevanter Sektoren weiter unter dem Schnitt. Dieses Resultat ist stabil, wenn für Humankapital-Variablen kontrolliert wird. Die angesichts der Krisensituation offenbarte Relevanz dieser Tätigkeiten verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit einer Neubewertung dieser Sektoren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Jobs and Matches: Quits, Replacement Hiring, and Vacancy Chains (2020)

    Mercan, Yusuf; Schoefer, Benjamin;


    Mercan, Yusuf & Benjamin Schoefer (2020): Jobs and Matches: Quits, Replacement Hiring, and Vacancy Chains. In: The American economic review. Insights, Jg. 2, H. 1, S. 101-124. DOI:10.1257/aeri.20190023


    "In the canonical DMP model of job openings, all job openings stem from new job creation. Jobs denote worker-firm matches, which are destroyed following worker quits. Yet, employers classify 56 percent of vacancies as quit-driven replacement hiring into old jobs, which evidently outlived their previous matches. Accordingly, aggregate and firm-level hiring tightly track quits. We augment the DMP model with longer-lived jobs arising from sunk job creation costs and replacement hiring. Quits trigger vacancies, which beget vacancies through replacement hiring. This vacancy chain can raise total job openings and net employment. The procyclicality of quits can thereby amplify business cycles." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Institute for Employment Research, Germany: Access to Administrative Labor Market Data for International Researchers (2020)

    Müller, Dana; Vom Berge, Philipp ;


    Müller, Dana & Philipp Vom Berge (2020): Institute for Employment Research, Germany: Access to Administrative Labor Market Data for International Researchers. In: S. Cole, I. Dhaliwal, A. Sautmann & L. Vilhuber (eds.) (2020): Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-based Policy, getr. Sz., 2020-07-30.


    "This chapter describes the Research-Data-Center in Research-Data-Center RDC-in-RDC approach, which is a project that implemented decentralized data access to confidential German labor market data provided by the Research Data Center at the Institute for Employment Research RDC-IAB in Nuremberg, Germany via data access points at collaborating research data centers (RDC), research institutes, and universities. RDC-in-RDC improves data access for researchers who want to work with confidential data but are unable to come to Nuremberg to work with the data on-site. The project started in 2010 and was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The chapter covers the challenges involved in developing standardized procedures in an international context in order to ensure user-friendly and sustainable data access in compliance with legal requirements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Müller, Dana; Vom Berge, Philipp ;
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    Worker participation in decision-making, worker sorting, and firm performance (2020)

    Müller, Steffen; Neuschäffer, Georg;


    Müller, Steffen & Georg Neuschäffer (2020): Worker participation in decision-making, worker sorting, and firm performance. (IWH-Diskussionspapiere 2020,11), Halle, 39 S.


    "Worker participation in decision-making is often associated with high-wage and high-productivity firm strategies. Using linked-employer-employee data for Germany and worker fixed effects from a two-way fixed effects model of wages capturing observed and unobserved worker quality, we find that establishments with formal worker participation via works councils indeed employ higher-quality workers. We show that worker quality is already higher in plants before council introduction and further increases after the introduction. Importantly, we corroborate previous studies by showing positive productivity and profitability effects even after taking into account worker sorting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do Unions and Works Councils Really Dampen the Gender Pay Gap?: Discordant Evidence from Germany (2020)

    Oberfichtner, Michael ; Töpfer, Marina; Schnabel, Claus ;


    Oberfichtner, Michael, Claus Schnabel & Marina Töpfer (2020): Do Unions and Works Councils Really Dampen the Gender Pay Gap? Discordant Evidence from Germany. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 196, 2020-08-28. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109509


    "Using a large employer-employee dataset, we provide new evidence on the relationship between the gender pay gap and industrial relations from within German workplaces. Controlling for unobserved workplace heterogeneity, we find no evidence that introducing or abandoning collective agreements or works councils affects the gender pay gap. This result holds at the mean and along the distribution, challenging the stylized fact that unions and works councils dampen the gender pay gap." (Author's abstract, © 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Oberfichtner, Michael ;
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    Exporters, Multinationals and Residual Wage Inequality: Evidence and Theory (2020)

    Schroeder, Sarah;


    Schroeder, Sarah (2020): Exporters, Multinationals and Residual Wage Inequality: Evidence and Theory. (CESifo working paper 8701), München, 73 S.


    "This paper studies the implications for wage inequality of two distinct forms of globalisation, namely trade and foreign direct investment. I use German linked employer-employee data to (1) jointly estimate the exporter and the multinational wage premium and (2) to further distinguish between wage premia of multinational firms that are foreign owned (inward FDI) and domestically owned (outward FDI). My findings exhibit a clear hierarchy of firms' international activities with regard to wage premia and workforce ability. I interpret these patterns using a theoretical framework, which incorporates ex-ante homogeneous workers, heterogeneous firms and search and matching frictions into a multi-region model of trade and FDI with monopolistic competition. The model allows me to account for the observed empirical patterns, and delivers novel insights about the interplay between trade, FDI and labour market institutions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effect of the Hartz Labor Market Reforms on Post-unemployment Wages, Sorting, and Matching (2020)

    Woodcock, Simon D.;


    Woodcock, Simon D. (2020): The Effect of the Hartz Labor Market Reforms on Post-unemployment Wages, Sorting, and Matching. (IZA discussion paper 13300), 66 S.


    "We use linked longitudinal data on employers and employees to estimate how the 2003-2005 Hartz reforms affected the wages of displaced German workers after they returned to work. We also present a simple new method to decompose the wage effects into components attributable to selection on unobservables, and to changes in the way that displaced workers are sorted across firms and worker-firm matches upon re-employment. We find that the Hartz reforms substantially reduced the wages of displaced workers after their return to work. Women experienced smaller wage losses than men. For both sexes, over 80 percent of the increased wage loss was because displaced workers found re-employment in lower-wage firms after the reforms. A disproportionate share of these low-wage firms offer temporary employment services to other firms, and we document a large increase in post-displacement employment in the temporary work sector after the reforms. Sorting into worse matches with employers explains a smaller 5-9 percent of the wage loss experienced by men, and 12.5-23 percent of the female wage loss. Collectively, the sorting and matching channels explain almost all of the Hartz reforms' effect on post-displacement wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dissonant works councils and establishment survivability (2019)

    Addison, John T. ; Bellmann, Lutz ; Teixeira, Paulino ; Grunau, Philipp ;


    Addison, John T., Paulino Teixeira, Philipp Grunau & Lutz Bellmann (2019): Dissonant works councils and establishment survivability. (IZA discussion paper 12438), Bonn, 29 S.


    "Using subjective information provided by manager respondents on the stance taken by the works council in company decision making, this paper investigates the association between a measure of works council dissonance or disaffection and plant closings in Germany, 2006-2015. The potential effects of worker representation on plant survivability have been little examined in the firm performance literature because of inadequate information on plant closings on the one hand and having to assume homogeneity of what are undoubtedly heterogeneous worker representation agencies on the other. Our use of two datasets serves to identify failed establishments, while the critical issue of heterogeneity is tackled via manager perceptions of works council disaffection or otherwise. The heterogeneity issue is also addressed by considering the wider collective bargaining framework within which works councils are embedded, and also by allowing for works council learning. It is reported that works council dissonance is positively associated with plant closings, although this association is not found for establishments that are covered by sectoral agreements. Taken in conjunction, both findings are consistent with the literature on the mitigation of rent seeking behavior. Less consistent with the recent empirical literature, however, is the association between plant closings and dissonance over time, that is, from the point at which works council dissonance is first observed. Although the coefficient estimate for dissonance is declining with the length of the observation window, it remains stubbornly positive and highly statistically significant. Finally, there is evidence that establishments with dissonant works councils are associated with a much higher probability of transitioning from no collective bargaining to sectoral bargaining coverage over the sample period than their counterparts with more consensual works councils." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Bellmann, Lutz ; Grunau, Philipp ;
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    Dissonant works councils and establishment survivability (2019)

    Addison, John T. ; Grunau, Philipp ; Bellmann, Lutz ; Teixeira, Paulino ;


    Addison, John T., Paulino Teixeira, Philipp Grunau & Lutz Bellmann (2019): Dissonant works councils and establishment survivability. (CESifo working paper 7722), München, 28 S.


    "Using subjective information provided by manager respondents on the stance taken by the works council in company decision making, this paper investigates the association between a measure of works council dissonance or disaffection and plant closings in Germany, 2006-2015. The potential effects of worker representation on plant survivability have been little examined in the firm performance literature because of inadequate information on plant closings on the one hand and having to assume homogeneity of what are undoubtedly heterogeneous worker representation agencies on the other. Our use of two datasets serves to identify failed establishments, while the critical issue of heterogeneity is tackled via manager perceptions of works council disaffection or otherwise. The heterogeneity issue is also addressed by considering the wider collective bargaining framework within which works councils are embedded, and also by allowing for works council learning. It is reported that works council dissonance is positively associated with plant closings, although this association is not found for establishments that are covered by sectoral agreements. Taken in conjunction, both findings are consistent with the literature on the mitigation of rent seeking behavior. Less consistent with the recent empirical literature, however, is the association between plant closings and dissonance over time, that is, from the point at which works council dissonance is first observed. Although the coefficient estimate for dissonance is declining with the length of the observation window, it remains stubbornly positive and highly statistically significant. Finally, there is evidence that establishments with dissonant works councils are associated with a much higher probability of transitioning from no collective bargaining to sectoral bargaining coverage over the sample period than their counterparts with more consensual works councils." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Grunau, Philipp ; Bellmann, Lutz ;
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    The rise in orientation at collective bargaining without a formal contract (2019)

    Bossler, Mario ;


    Bossler, Mario (2019): The rise in orientation at collective bargaining without a formal contract. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 58, H. 1, S. 17-45., 2018-08-24. DOI:10.1111/irel.12226


    "While firm participation in collective bargaining between unions and employers' associations has been decreasing in Germany over the last two decades, orientation at collectively bargained wages has increased in popularity. Orientation implies that employers claim to set wages according to collective agreements but they are not formally bound by the respective bargaining contract, and in fact, I observe that they pay significantly lower wages than firms that are formally covered. Dynamic nonlinear panel estimation applied to establishment-level data shows that this orientation is a stepping stone into formal participation. However, the decline in formal participation and the opposing rise in orientation are mostly due to a changing establishment composition rather than to behavioral transitions." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Bossler, Mario ;
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    Personalpolitische Maßnahmen in baden-württembergischen Betrieben: Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels Baden-Württemberg sowie verknüpfter Linked-Employer-Employee Daten (2019)

    Brändle, Tobias ; Zühlke, Anne ; Holler, Marit; Hackenberger, Armin;


    Brändle, Tobias & Anne Zühlke (2019): Personalpolitische Maßnahmen in baden-württembergischen Betrieben. Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels Baden-Württemberg sowie verknüpfter Linked-Employer-Employee Daten. (IAW-Kurzberichte 2019,05), Tübingen, 45 S.


    "Im vorliegenden Bericht wird zunächst für baden‐württembergische Betriebe der allgemeine Stellenwert der Anwendung spezifischer Personalpolitiken dargestellt. Diese Auswertungen erfolgen einerseits repräsentativ für die jeweiligen Wellen des IAB‐Betriebspanels sowie, wenn möglich, im Zeitablauf. Anschließend wird der Einfluss dieser personalpolitischen Maßnahmen auf verschiedene Zielgrößen im Zusammenhang mit der Existenz bzw. der Behebung des Fachkräftemangels untersucht." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Changes in workplace heterogeneity and how they widen the gender wage gap (2019)

    Burns, Benjamin;


    Burns, Benjamin (2019): Changes in workplace heterogeneity and how they widen the gender wage gap. In: American Economic Journal. Applied Economics, Jg. 11, H. 2, S. 74-113. DOI:10.1257/app.20160664


    "Using linked employer-employee data for West Germany, I investigate the role of growing wage differentials between firms in the slowdown of gender wage convergence since the 1990s. The results show that two factors are at play: first, high-wage firms experience higher wage growth and employ disproportionately more men, and second, male firm premiums grow faster than female premiums in the same firms. These developments were catalyzed by a decline of union coverage, coupled with more firm-specific wage setting in collective bargaining agreements. Taken together, these conditions prevented the gender gap from narrowing by approximately 15 percent between the 1990s and 2000s." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Unfilled training positions in Germany: regional and establishment-specific determinants (2019)

    Dummert, Sandra ; Leber, Ute; Schwengler, Barbara;


    Dummert, Sandra, Ute Leber & Barbara Schwengler (2019): Unfilled training positions in Germany. Regional and establishment-specific determinants. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Jg. 239, H. 4, S. 661-701., 2018-11-19. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2018-0014


    "The current situation in the German apprenticeship market is characterized by two contradictory developments. On the one hand, establishments are experiencing increasing problems filling the training positions they offer, and the number of vacant training positions is climbing. On the other hand, the transition into training is still difficult for many young people, and the number of unsuccessful vocational training applicants is rising. Hence, matching supply with demand is becoming increasingly difficult in the German job market for training positions. Using the Linked Employer-Employee dataset (LIAB) from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), our paper provides a closer examination of the phenomenon of unfilled training positions. It presents an overview of the evolution of vacant training positions in eastern and western Germany and attempts to explain the number of vacancies by investigating the factors responsible for the establishments' inability to fill their training positions. We assume that training position vacancies are due not only to internal company reasons such as firm size or the wage offer for apprentices but also to external conditions such as general regional factors. Therefore, our analysis also considers the situation on the demand side of the labor market within a region. The results of our multilevel mixed-effects estimations show that in addition to characteristics on the enterprise level, regional determinants also affect the share of vacant apprenticeships. With respect to establishment-related factors, mainly characteristics that describe the attractiveness of the firm prove to be important. With regard to regional-specific factors, we find that the availability of school leavers in a region in addition to the level of regional-sectoral competition impacts the recruiting success of establishments. Our analysis also shows that there are remarkable differences between eastern and western Germany concerning both the quantitative importance of unfilled training positions and the factors affecting them." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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