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Arbeitszeit: Verlängern? Verkürzen? Flexibilisieren?

Standen in früheren Jahren erst die Verkürzung der Arbeitszeit und dann die Arbeitszeitverlängerung im Zentrum der Debatten, ist nun eine flexible Gestaltung der Arbeitszeit der Wunsch von Unternehmen und vielen Beschäftigten. Die Politik fragt vor diesem Hintergrund: wie kann Arbeitszeitpolitik die Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze und die Sicherung vorhandener Arbeitsplätze unterstützen?
Die Infoplattform bietet weiterführende Informationen zu dieser Frage, zur Entwicklung der Arbeitszeiten in Deutschland auch im internationalen Vergleich, zur betrieblichen Gestaltung der Arbeitszeit und zu den Arbeitszeitwünschen der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern.

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im Aspekt "Schweden"
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    Social Policy Without Growth: Moving Towards Sustainable Welfare States (2022)

    Koch, Max ;


    Koch, Max (2022): Social Policy Without Growth. Moving Towards Sustainable Welfare States. In: Social Policy and Society, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 447-459. DOI:10.1017/S1474746421000361


    "Growth-dependent welfare states contribute to climate emergency. The ecological economics, degrowth, and sustainable welfare literatures demonstrate that to re-embed Western production and consumption patterns in environmental limits, an encompassing social-ecological transformation would need to be initiated very soon. This article focuses on the potential roles of the welfare state and social policy in this transformation, applying the concepts of ‘sustainable welfare’ and ‘safe-operating space’. Based on two Swedish studies, it also provides an empirical analysis of the popularity of selected eco-social policies designed to steer the economy and society towards this space: maximum and basic incomes, taxes on wealth and meat, as well as working time reductions. In analogy to the historical role of the state in reconstituting the welfare-work nexus in the post-WWII era and its present engagement in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, it is argued that a more interventionist state is required to grapple with climate emergency." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Organisational Capability for Delayed Retirement (2022)

    Wikström, Ewa; Allard, Karin; Arman, Rebecka; Seldén, Daniel; Liff, Roy; Kadefors, Roland;


    Wikström, Ewa, Karin Allard, Rebecka Arman, Roy Liff, Daniel Seldén & Roland Kadefors (2022): Organisational Capability for Delayed Retirement. In: H. F. Erhag, U. L. Nilsson, T. R. Sterner & I. Skoog (Hrsg.) (2022): ¬A¬ Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing, S. 221-232. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-78063-0_16


    "Throughout the industrialised world, societies are ageing. These demographic changes have created a political and societal focus on an extended working life. Unfortunately, there is a lack of systematic knowledge about how such changes can be successfully implemented within organisations. In this chapter, we discuss this lacuna and specifically focus on organisational capability. We highlight workplace conditions and practices that may inhibit or promote the retention of workers beyond the previous norm for retirement. The novelty of an organisational capability approach is that it highlights workplace conditions that enable older people to use their abilities to perform acts of value and to achieve a better quality of life and greater participation in society. Workplace resources, capabilities and functions form a dynamic pattern. Factors that influence the work abilities of older workers are related in complex interactions and not merely in the format of simple cause and effect. When looking at retirement from the perspective of older workers, we have focused on aspects such as the individual’s ability to control the retirement process. Central to Sen’s idea is that individuals have different conversion factors, which means that, even though two individuals may have access to the same resources, they do not necessarily have the capability to enjoy the same functions. For example, the probability that an older person will remain employed will partially depend on his or her health, human capital and type of job. But two seemingly similar individuals can nevertheless have very different chances of remaining employed because their employer has implemented very different age management policies, or simply because they have different attitudes towards older workers. Since organisational capability makes it possible to focus on the interaction between the individual’s resources and preferences and the opportunity structure existing at the workplace (meso level) and embodied in the retirement system (macro level), much of the discussion and many of the policies and practices concerning older people can be related to the concept of capabilities." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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    Eldercare hours, work hours and perceived filial obligations (2020)

    Mazzotta, Fernanda ; Zigante, Valentina; Bettio, Francesca;


    Mazzotta, Fernanda, Francesca Bettio & Valentina Zigante (2020): Eldercare hours, work hours and perceived filial obligations. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 52, H. 21, S. 2219-2238. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2019.1687839


    "In this paper, we take a fresh look at the magnitude of the trade-off between caring informally for a parent and paid work. We adopt a simultaneous approach with a primary focus on how hours of care are influenced by hours of work rather than the other way round. We also investigate the role that filial obligations play in choices of caring versus working. Using the SHARE data (2004 and 2006) we find that the elasticity of informal care hours in response to working hours is between −0.17 in the caregivers sample and −0.19 in the women-only caregivers sample; small but not negligible. Moreover, we find that a 10%increase in the index measuring the strength of filial obligations increases weekly hours of care by about two and a half hours." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    'Women's work penalty' in access to flexible working arrangements across Europe (2019)

    Chung, Heejung ;


    Chung, Heejung (2019): 'Women's work penalty' in access to flexible working arrangements across Europe. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 25, H. 1, S. 23-40. DOI:10.1177/0959680117752829


    "Many assume that women and workers in female-dominated workplaces will have better access to flexible working arrangements. Some use this as justification for the low wages found in these workplaces. Yet, empirical results are mixed. I explore this question by examining workers' access to schedule control across 27 European countries, and find no discernible gender differences in access to schedule control when individual and company-level characteristics are taken into account. However, working in female-dominated jobs and/or sectors significantly reduces access to schedule control for both men and women. This 'women's work penalty' in female-dominated sectors varies across Europe but nowhere was the access better compared to sectors where both genders are equally represented. This raises concerns regarding the lack of favourable working conditions, in addition to low pay found in female-dominated workplaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reasons to reduce: A vignette-experiment examining men and women's considerations to scale back following childbirth (2018)

    van Breeschoten, Leonie; van der Lippe, Tanja; Roeters, Anne;


    van Breeschoten, Leonie, Anne Roeters & Tanja van der Lippe (2018): Reasons to reduce: A vignette-experiment examining men and women's considerations to scale back following childbirth. In: Social Politics, Jg. 25, H. 2, S. 169-200. DOI:10.1093/sp/jxy003


    "The reduction of working hours can help avoid work-family conflict, yet many people who would like to scale back do not actually do so. This vignette-experiment examines which considerations are most important in men and women's decision-making whether to scale back following childbirth. About 2,464 vignettes were conducted in the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Results indicate that men find the income of their partner and career consequences most important, while women focus mainly on partner income and collegial support. Swedes, however, differ from their Dutch and British counterparts, and express more counter-gender-normative behavior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Beschäftigungsregime im Vergleich: Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeitbeschäftigung in Deutschland, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich (2017)

    Fritz, Martin;


    Fritz, Martin (2017): Beschäftigungsregime im Vergleich. Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeitbeschäftigung in Deutschland, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich. (Bonner Reihe der empirischen Sozialforschung 01), Opladen: Budrich, 277 S.


    "Brauchen wir mehr und bessere Teilzeitjobs? Ausgehend von der gesellschaftspolitischen Diskussion um eine Verringerung der Arbeitszeit thematisiert der Autor die Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeitbeschäftigten in Deutschland, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Seine Analysen führen dabei nicht nur zu empirisch fundierten Zahlen und Fakten und zuverlässigen Ergebnissen. Durch die Integration familienpolitischer Aspekte entwickelt er zudem das Konzept der Beschäftigungsregime weiter und macht es für praktisches politisches Handeln fruchtbar." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Teilzeitväter?: Deutschland, Schweden, Irland und die Niederlande im Vergleich (2017)

    Hipp, Lena ; Bekker, Sonja ; Leschke, Janine; Molitor, Friederike ;


    Hipp, Lena, Friederike Molitor, Janine Leschke & Sonja Bekker (2017): Teilzeitväter? Deutschland, Schweden, Irland und die Niederlande im Vergleich. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, Jg. 29, H. 1, S. 32-48. DOI:10.3224/zff.v29i1.02


    "In der aktuellen Debatte um eine verbesserte Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf geht es zunehmend auch um kürzere Arbeitszeiten von Vätern. Trotz eines leichten Anstiegs teilzeitarbeitender Männer in den letzten Jahren hat sich die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung bislang vornehmlich mit Teilzeitarbeit von Frauen beschäftigt. Erkenntnisse darüber, unter welchen Bedingungen Männer, insbesondere Väter, Teilzeit arbeiten, gibt es kaum. Unsere Studie will zur Schließung dieser Forschungslücke mittels einer Analyse von Individualdaten der Europäischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung (EU AKE) für Deutschland, Schweden, Irland und die Niederlande aus dem Jahr 2014 beitragen. Wir können zeigen, dass Väter, die gleiche oder geringere Verdienstmöglichkeiten als ihre Partnerinnen haben, in keinem der Länder mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit Teilzeit arbeiten als Väter mit höheren Verdienstmöglichkeiten. Ungeachtet beruflicher Statusunterschiede innerhalb der Paarbeziehung arbeiten Väter mit drei oder mehr Kindern in Deutschland und Irland eher in Teilzeit; außerdem arbeiten verheiratete Väter in beiden Ländern seltener in Teilzeit als unverheiratete. Während in den Niederlanden Väter mit geringeren Verdienstmöglichkeiten als ihre Partnerinnen häufiger in Teilzeit arbeiten, wenn ein kleines Kind zu versorgen ist, arbeiten diese Väter in Irland seltener in Teilzeit." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gesetzlich garantierte "Sabbaticals" - ein Modell für Deutschland?: Argumente, Befunde und Erfahrungen aus anderen europäischen Ländern (2017)

    Wotschack, Philip ; Samtleben, Claire ; Allmendinger, Jutta;


    Wotschack, Philip, Claire Samtleben & Jutta Allmendinger (2017): Gesetzlich garantierte "Sabbaticals" - ein Modell für Deutschland? Argumente, Befunde und Erfahrungen aus anderen europäischen Ländern. (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. Discussion papers SP 1 2017-501), Berlin, 43 S.


    "Sabbaticals stellen ein wichtiges Element der lebensverlaufsorientierten Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialpolitik dar. Sie ermöglichen individuell gesteuerte Auszeiten für berufliche und außerberufliche Interessen der Beschäftigten, wie Weiterbildung, berufliche Umorientierung, Kinderbetreuung, Pflege, Erholung oder Freizeit. Derzeit können Sabbaticals in Deutschland nur im Rahmen individueller Anspar- und Finanzierungsmodelle realisiert werden, die mit dem Arbeitgeber zu vereinbaren und zu regeln sind. Die Verbreitung und Nutzung hängt damit vom betrieblichen Angebot und den verfügbaren Ressourcen der Beschäftigten ab und fällt insgesamt eher gering und selektiv aus. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die vorliegende Studie, in welchem Maße und unter welchen Bedingungen ein finanziell und sozial abgesicherter Rechtsanspruch hier zu Verbesserungen beitragen kann. Dazu werden auf der einen Seite Probleme und Handlungsfelder in der bestehenden Regelungspraxis in Deutschland identifiziert, auf der anderen Seite Erfahrungen anderer europäischer Länder skizziert, in denen Sabbaticals im Rahmen eines gesetzlichen Anspruchs geregelt wurden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden abschließend die Chancen und Risiken diskutiert, die mit der möglichen Einführung eines Rechtsanspruchs in Deutschland zu erwarten sind und Anforderungen an dessen institutionelle Ausgestaltung und Flankierung formuliert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Hours worked in Europe and the US: new data, new answers (2016)

    Bick, Alexander ; Brüggemann, Bettina; Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola ;


    Bick, Alexander, Bettina Brüggemann & Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (2016): Hours worked in Europe and the US. New data, new answers. (IZA discussion paper 10179), Bonn, 44 S.


    "We use national labor force surveys from 1983 through 2011 to construct hours worked per person on the aggregate level and for different demographic groups for 18 European countries and the US. We find that Europeans work 19% fewer hours than US citizens. Differences in weeks worked and in the educational composition each account for one third to one half of this gap. Lower hours per person than in the US are in addition driven by lower weekly hours worked in Scandinavia and Western Europe, but by lower employment rates in Eastern and Southern Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working time options over the life course: new regulations and empirical findings in five European countries (2016)

    Klenner, Christina; Hašková, Hana; Kyzlinková, Renata; Lott, Yvonne ; Sümer, Sevil ; Anxo, Dominique; Szelewa, Dorota ; Dulk, Laura den; Dulk, Laura den;


    Dulk, Laura den, Hana Hašková, Renata Kyzlinková, Sevil Sümer, Dominique Anxo, Dorota Szelewa & Laura den Dulk (2016): Working time options over the life course. New regulations and empirical findings in five European countries. (WSI study 07), Düsseldorf, 136 S.


    "Sie stellt den aktuellen Stand der Regulierung von Arbeitszeitoptionen für eine lebensphasenorientierte Arbeitszeitgestaltung in fünf europäischen Ländern vor: Wissenschaftler/innen aus den Niederlanden, Schweden, Norwegen, Polen und der Tschechischen Republik gehen auf das Angebot an flexiblen Arbeitszeitarrangements per Gesetz und per Tarifvertrag ein und zeigen Zusammenhänge zur Geschlechtergleichstellung auf.
    Zu finden sind die neuesten Daten zur Verfügbarkeit von Teilzeit, Elternzeit, Vaterschaftsurlaub und anderer Auszeiten. Die Wissenschaftler/innen stellen Forschungsergebnisse zur Nutzung der Optionen in den jeweiligen Ländern vor und behandeln die Veränderungen der letzten Jahre.
    So gibt es in Ländern, in denen bisher feste Arbeitszeiten vorherrschten (Polen und Tschechische Republik) eine gewisse Zunahme von Arbeitszeitoptionen. Auch in diesen Ländern wird ein zunehmender Druck deutlich, das alte Arbeitszeitregime zu flexibilisieren.
    In allen Ländern (Ausnahme: Schweden) zeigen sich Bestrebungen, flexible Arbeitszeiten (noch stärker) für wirtschaftliche Ziele nutzbar zu machen, das heißt, arbeitgeber- oder betriebsbezogene Flexibilität auszuweiten.
    Die wenigen Studien, die zur Praxis der Nutzung von Arbeitszeitoptionen vorliegen, deuten darauf hin, dass in vielen Fällen die Einführung der Optionen nicht von einer Veränderung der betrieblichen Kultur begleitet war." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    What mothers want: The impact of structural and cultural factors on mothers' preferred working hours in Western Europe (2016)

    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias ;


    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias (2016): What mothers want: The impact of structural and cultural factors on mothers' preferred working hours in Western Europe. In: Advances in life course research, Jg. 29, H. September, S. 16-25. DOI:10.1016/j.alcr.2015.11.002


    "This study investigates how social policies, gender norms, and the national working time regime shape mothers' preferred working hours. Using data from the European Social Survey (ESS) for 15 countries across Western Europe, the study reveals that generous public child care and cultural support for gender equality are associated with smaller gaps in the preferred working hours between mothers and childless women. High levels of financial support for families, in contrast, predict larger gaps in preferred working hours. The analysis also indicates that a low prevalence of non-standard work and high levels of work-time flexibility reduce the differences in preferred employment hours between mothers and non-mothers. Individual characteristics such as education, gender ideology, and the partners' socioeconomic status greatly impact women's preferred employment hours; however, they do not modify the effect of motherhood. This study concludes that the impact of parenthood on women's employment hours is highly contingent upon various institutional and cultural factors." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Geschlechtergerechte Arbeitszeit: Konzepte und Umsetzung (2016)

    Sorger, Claudia;


    Sorger, Claudia (2016): Geschlechtergerechte Arbeitszeit. Konzepte und Umsetzung. In: Wiso. Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW, Jg. 39, H. 3, S. 135-152.


    "Mittlerweile wird die 40-Stunden-Woche als Normalarbeitszeit in Österreich mehr und mehr in Frage gestellt und auch aus einer Geschlechterperspektive wird nach Alternativen gesucht. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Idee der geschlechtergerechten Arbeitszeit in ihren Grundlagen vorgestellt und einigen relevanten Arbeitszeitdaten gegenübergestellt. Außerdem werden einige aktuelle Ansätze und Initiativen zur Umsetzung eines neuen Arbeitszeitstandards in Österreich, Deutschland und Schweden vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat, © ISW-Linz)

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    The gender gap in employment hours: do work-hour regulations matter? (2015)

    Landivar, Liana Christin ;


    Landivar, Liana Christin (2015): The gender gap in employment hours. Do work-hour regulations matter? In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 29, H. 4, S. 550-570. DOI:10.1177/0950017014568139


    "In all developed countries, women, especially mothers, work fewer paid hours than their spouses. However, the magnitude of the gender gap varies significantly by country, ranging from 2 to 20 hours per week in this study. Using data from the 2002 International Social Survey Programme, this article investigates whether work-hour regulations have a significant effect on household allocation of paid labour and gender work-hour inequality. Two main types of work-hour regulations are examined: standard weekly work hours and the maximum allowable weekly work hours. Results show that households in countries with shorter maximum weekly work hours had less work-hour inequality between spouses, as each additional allowable overtime hour over the standard working week increased the work-hour gap between couples by 20 minutes. These results indicate that couples' inequality in work hours and gender inequality in labour supply are associated with country-level work-hour regulations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working-time flexibility and autonomy: a European perspective on time adequacy (2015)

    Lott, Yvonne ;


    Lott, Yvonne (2015): Working-time flexibility and autonomy. A European perspective on time adequacy. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 259-274. DOI:10.1177/0959680114543604


    "This study examines the effect of working-time flexibility and autonomy on time adequacy, using the 2010 European Working Conditions Survey. It addresses gender differences and institutional contexts in the UK, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands, and reveals that time arrangements have gendered meanings. While working-time flexibility and autonomy are positively related to time adequacy for women, for men they tend to imply overtime and work intensification. Furthermore, working-time regimes also shape time arrangements. In the UK, employees have time adequacy primarily when they work fixed hours, while in the Netherlands, employees profit most from working-time autonomy. Moreover, unlike in Germany and the UK, men and women in the Netherlands and Sweden benefit more equally from working-time flexibility and autonomy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Flexiblework and immigration in Europe (2015)

    Raess, Damian; Burgoon, Brian;


    Raess, Damian & Brian Burgoon (2015): Flexiblework and immigration in Europe. In: BJIR, Jg. 53, H. 1, S. 94-111. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12022


    "Immigration has risen substantially in many European economies, with farreaching if still uncertain implications for labour markets and industrial relations. This article investigates such implications, focusing on employment flexibility, involving both 'external flexibility' (fixed-term or temporary agency and/or involuntary part-time work) and 'internal flexibility' (overtime and/or balancing-time accounts). The article identifies reasons why immigration should generally increase the incidence of such flexibility, and why external flexibility should rise more than internal flexibility. The article supports these claims using a dataset of establishments in 16 European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The gender informal care gap (2015)

    Roit, Barbara Da; Hoogenboom, Marcel; Weicht, Bernhard;


    Roit, Barbara Da, Marcel Hoogenboom & Bernhard Weicht (2015): The gender informal care gap. In: European Societies, Jg. 17, H. 2, S. 199-218. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2015.1007153


    "This article investigates the relationship between the 'gender informal care gap' - the relative contributions of women to informal care for non-co-resident relatives and other members of social networks, compared to men - and public care policies, level of care needs, labour market position and gendered care attitudes. Since the literature suggests that none of these factors alone can explain the gender informal care gap, we develop a model based on fuzzy-set/qualitative comparative analysis in order to identify patterns in the relationship between the factors. The analysis conducted at the macro-national level in 13 European countries, suggests that at the macro-level, the availability of public care services is crucial to understanding the gender informal care gap, while women's labour market position, the presence or absence of gendered care attitudes and the level of care needs play no or a relatively minor role." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working-time configurations: a framework for analyszing diversity across countries (2014)

    Berg, Peter ; Bosch, Gerhard; Charest, Jean;


    Berg, Peter, Gerhard Bosch & Jean Charest (2014): Working-time configurations: a framework for analyszing diversity across countries. In: ILR review, Jg. 67, H. 3, S. 805-837. DOI:10.1177/0019793914537452


    "In this introductory article, we examine working time through the lens of the employment relationship and the interests of various actors. We discuss how the decline in the old standard working-time model has opened the door to greater diversity in working time. As the demands of employers and employees encourage new working-time practices, we find the responses to these demands differ substantially across countries. These differences reflect variations in labor market institutions and diverse power relations between labor and management." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work and well-being of informal caregivers in Europe (2014)

    Heger, Dörte;


    Heger, Dörte (2014): Work and well-being of informal caregivers in Europe. (Ruhr economic papers 512), Essen, 55 S. DOI:10.4419/86788587


    "Informelle Pflegerinnen und Pfleger leisten einen wertvollen Beitrag zu der Pflege älterer Menschen. Welche Folgen die Erbringung von Pflege auf die pflegende Person hat, ist jedoch noch nicht vollständig bekannt. Diese Studie verdeutlicht den Zusammenhang zwischen Pflegeerbringung, Arbeit, kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Gesundheit in einem theoretischen Modell und schätzt die Auswirkung von Pflegeerbringung anhand von Längsschnittdaten aus 13 europäischen Ländern. Dabei wird insbesondere der Einfluss institutioneller Faktoren auf die Auswirkungen von Pflegeerbringung analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Pflegeerbringung die Erwerbstätigkeit in Ländern mit einem geringeren professionellen Pflegeangebot stark reduziert. Dagegen leiden in allen Ländern pflegende Personen häufiger an depressiven Symptomen. Die Ergebnisse für kognitive Fähigkeiten und Gesundheit sind gemischt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Working time flexibility and autonomy: Facilitating time adequacy?: a European perspective (2014)

    Lott, Yvonne ;


    Lott, Yvonne (2014): Working time flexibility and autonomy: Facilitating time adequacy? A European perspective. (WSI-Diskussionspapier 190), Düsseldorf, 20 S.


    "This study examines the effect of working time flexibility and autonomy on time adequacy using the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) in 2010. Drawing on gender theory and welfare state theory, gender differences and the institutional contexts of the UK, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands are taken into account. The study reveals that time arrangements have gendered meanings. While working time flexibility and autonomy are positively related to time adequacy for women, men tend to experience overtime and work intensification in connection with working time autonomy. Furthermore, working time regimes also shape time arrangements. In the UK, employees have time adequacy primarily when they work fixed hours, while in the Netherlands, employees profit most from working time autonomy. Moreover, unlike in Germany and the UK, men and women in the Netherlands and Sweden benefit more equally from working time flexibility and autonomy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The end of the normal working day: a study of change in Irish, Norwegian and Swedish banking (2014)

    Nicolaisen, Heidi;


    Nicolaisen, Heidi (2014): The end of the normal working day. A study of change in Irish, Norwegian and Swedish banking. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 245-266. DOI:10.1177/0143831X12475243


    "Since 1980 debates about the regulation of working time have been characterized by demands for flexibility and deregulation. This article looks at how the regulation of the normal working day has changed during the last 30 years and examines how these regulative changes interplay with new work practices. Based on theories on institutional change the article compares the development in working time regulations in the banking sector in three countries, Norway, Ireland and Sweden. Although the majority of the regulations remain intact, they have become considerably more flexible in all three countries. The normal working day is most weakened in Ireland, but it is also undermined in the two Nordic countries. New rules, practices and ideas result in more unsocial hours working, which increasingly remain uncompensated. These similarities across the countries are uncovered because of a research design that allows for examination of institutional change at a detailed level over a long period of time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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