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Atypische Beschäftigung

Vollzeit, unbefristet und fest angestellt - das typische Normalarbeitsverhältnis ist zwar immer noch die Regel. Doch arbeiten die Erwerbstätigen heute vermehrt auch befristet, in Teilzeit- und Minijobs, in Leiharbeitsverhältnissen oder als Solo-Selbständige. Was sind die Konsequenzen der zunehmenden Bedeutung atypischer Beschäftigungsformen für die Erwerbstätigen, die Arbeitslosen und die Betriebe? Welche Bedeutung haben sie für die sozialen Sicherungssysteme, das Beschäftigungsniveau und die Durchlässigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes? Die IAB-Infoplattform bietet Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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    How Do Young Workers Perceive Job Insecurity? Legitimising Frames for Precarious Work in England and Germany (2023)

    Trappmann, Vera ; Umney, Charles ; Cartwright, Laura; McLachlan, Christopher J.; Seehaus, Alexandra ;


    Trappmann, Vera, Charles Umney, Christopher J. McLachlan, Alexandra Seehaus & Laura Cartwright (2023): How Do Young Workers Perceive Job Insecurity? Legitimising Frames for Precarious Work in England and Germany. In: Work, Employment and Society online erschienen am 05.10.2023, S. 1-23. DOI:10.1177/09500170231187821


    "This article examines the legitimising frames young workers in England and Germany apply to precarious work. Through 63 qualitative biographical interviews, the article shows that most young precarious workers saw work insecurity as an unavoidable fact of life whose legitimacy could not realistically be challenged. Four frames are identified that led to precarious work being seen as legitimate: precarious work as a driver of entrepreneurialism; as inevitable due to repeated exposure; as a stage within the life course; and as the price paid for the pursuit of autonomy and meaningful work. The article advances the literature on precarious workers’ subjectivity by identifying the frames through which it is legitimised, and by underlining the importance of frames that are currently underexamined. The prevalence of the pursuit of meaningful, non-alienating work as a frame is a particularly striking finding." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Working While Feeling Awful Is Normal": One Roma's Experience of Presenteeism (2022)

    Collins, Helen; Barry, Susan ; Dzuga, Piotr;


    Collins, Helen, Susan Barry & Piotr Dzuga (2022): "Working While Feeling Awful Is Normal": One Roma's Experience of Presenteeism. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 362-371. DOI:10.1177/0950017021998950


    "This article presents an account of a young Roma man’s lived experience of working in the agricultural sector while sick, and shines a spotlight on the impact of precarious work, low pay and eligibility, and access to sick pay, with particular emphasis on Roma, and how these factors interconnect to foster presenteeism. The repercussions of presenteeism, relayed through Piotr’s personal narrative and reflections about his work, family role, ambition and daily survival, enrich public sociology about this under explored area of migrant Roma’s working life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Befristung und partnerschaftliche Zukunftsplanungen junger deutscher Erwachsener in Partnerschaften (2021)

    Baron, Daniel;


    Baron, Daniel (2021): Befristung und partnerschaftliche Zukunftsplanungen junger deutscher Erwachsener in Partnerschaften. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 72, H. 2, S. 139-171. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2021-2-139


    "Eine Vielzahl an Studien untersucht die Auswirkungen befristeter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse auf subjektive Unsicherheiten und Entscheidungen zur Verfestigung von Partnerschaften unter jungen Erwachsenen. Hingegen gibt es für die Bundesrepublik kaum umfassende Befunde zu möglichen Zusammenhängen zwischen der Einbindung in befristete Beschäftigung und Einschätzungen junger erwerbstätiger Erwachsener mit Blick auf die Planbarkeit ihrer partnerschaftlichen Zukunft. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dieser Frage auf Basis einer 897 Personen umfassenden Stichprobe bestehend aus jungen abhängig Beschäftigten und in Partnerschaft befindlichen Erwachsenen. Die Befunde weisen auf umso pessimistischere Einschätzungen der partnerschaftlichen Zukunftsplanung hin, je geringer die subjektive Erwerbs- und die subjektive Einkommenssicherheit junger verpartnerter Erwachsener ausfallen. Außerdem zeigen sich signifikant pessimistischere Einschätzungen bei jungen einkommensschwachen Männern als bei jungen einkommensschwachen Frauen. Diese Befunde weisen auf die analytische Relevanz sozialpsychologischer und geschlechtersoziologischer Erklärungsansätze hin, die über familienökonomisch argumentierte Perspektive hinausgehen. Ausgehend von diesen Befunden dürften Ergänzungen arbeitspolitischer Maßnahmen um Strategien zur Befähigung junger Erwachsener im Umgang mit den Konsequenzen befristeter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse aussichtsreicher sein mit Blick auf die Unterstützung ihrer partnerschaftlichen Zukunftsplanungen als vorwiegend auf Re-Regulierung abzielende Strategien." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    A Multidimensional Approach to Precarious Employment Among Young Workers in EU-28 Countries (2021)

    Orfao, Guillermo ; Malo, Miguel A.; del Rey, Alberto ;


    Orfao, Guillermo, Alberto del Rey & Miguel A. Malo (2021): A Multidimensional Approach to Precarious Employment Among Young Workers in EU-28 Countries. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 158, H. 3, S. 1153-1178. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02734-3


    "This article uses a new multidimensional indicator to measure precariousness among young workers across all EU-28 countries. This indicator measures both the incidence and intensity of precariousness. The analysis has involved five dimensions: wages, type of contract, type of working day, disempowerment, and job insecurity. Our database is the European Union Labour Force Survey for the period 2009–2016. The main indication of precariousness is low wages. We find high rates of precariousness for Mediterranean countries (because of low wages and temporary contracts), Denmark (low wages), and the Netherlands (expansion of involuntary part-time jobs). Central European countries have moderate rates, and most Continental and Eastern countries have low rates. We also find that a higher level of education is related to a lower probability of having a precarious job. Finally, we find a greater probability of having a precarious job among women in most countries, and non-statistically significant differences by country of birth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Temporary jobs and increasing inequality for recent cohorts in Italy (2021)

    Tomelleri, Alessio ;


    Tomelleri, Alessio (2021): Temporary jobs and increasing inequality for recent cohorts in Italy. In: Labour, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 500-537. DOI:10.1111/labr.12208


    "Using tax-based longitudinal microdata from 1985 to 2016, I document how the widening income distribution in Italy is driven by younger cohorts. Entry wages started to decrease around the mid-1990s, at the same time returns to experience of new entrants in the labour market declined. Falling wage growth is linked to the institutional changes that occurred in the Italian labour market in the decade across the 2000s. I examine the impact of Italian labour market reforms on cohort-specific wage inequality by looking at the relationship between the number of temporary job spells and individual earnings. Results confirm that young and high-skilled new entrants show higher wage differential in comparison to older workers and that the increase in temporary jobs is a crucial factor in explaining the cohort wage gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The Moral Boundary Drawing of Class: Social Inequality and Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany (2021)

    Trappmann, Vera ; Seehaus, Alexandra ; Mrozowicki, Adam ; Krasowska, Agata;


    Trappmann, Vera, Alexandra Seehaus, Adam Mrozowicki & Agata Krasowska (2021): The Moral Boundary Drawing of Class: Social Inequality and Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany. In: Sociology, Jg. 55, H. 3, S. 451-468. DOI:10.1177/0038038520985791


    "This article explores the relational and moral aspects of the perception of class structure and class identifications by young people in objectively vulnerable labour market conditions in Poland and Germany. Drawing on 123 biographical interviews with young people in both countries, it demonstrates that young precarious Poles and Germans tend to identify themselves against the ‘middle class’ – understood variously in the two countries – and attribute the sources of economic wealth and social status in their societies to individual merits and entrepreneurship. Positioning oneself in the broad middle and limited identification with the precariat is explained by the youth transition phase, country-specific devaluation of class discourses and the effects of individualisation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Temporary Employment and Family Formation: An Income or Insecurity Effect? (2021)

    van Wijk, Daniël C. ; Liefbroer, Aart C. ; De Valk, Helga A. G. ;


    van Wijk, Daniël C., Helga A. G. De Valk & Aart C. Liefbroer (2021): Temporary Employment and Family Formation: An Income or Insecurity Effect? In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 641-658. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcab007


    "Recent studies show that temporary workers postpone family formation transitions, but it remains unclear whether this effect is due to the lower income or the stronger perceptions of job insecurity that go with a temporary contract. To address this question, we link data from a large-scale survey among Dutch employees to longitudinal population register data on marriage and first births. Logistic regression models estimate the effects of temporary employment on marriage and first birth, and mediation analyses assess to what extent these effects are explained by income and perceptions of job insecurity. Results show that temporarily employed women delay first birth. There is also some evidence that temporarily employed men postpone marriage and first birth. These effects are partly explained by income, which increases marriage and first birth rates among men and women alike. Perceptions of job insecurity generally had little effect on family formation, although higher marriage rates were found among women who experienced affective job insecurity. Overall, this shows that it is their low income rather than their feelings of insecurity about future employment that explains why temporary employees postpone family formation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    'I don't want to be a vagrant for the rest of my life': Young peoples' experiences of precarious work as a 'continuous present' (2019)

    Bone, Kate Daisy;


    Bone, Kate Daisy (2019): 'I don't want to be a vagrant for the rest of my life': Young peoples' experiences of precarious work as a 'continuous present'. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 22, H. 9, S. 1218-1237. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2019.1570097


    "This work presents findings from a qualitative multi-case study investigating the lives of young, precariously employed academics working at a large Australian university. The lived experience of precarious employment is explored through a temporal analysis of how lifestyles are conceived and constructed under the conditions of liquid modernity. The findings highlight how participants felt limited in their capacity to commit to long-term life plans due to invasive feelings of insecurity and dependency that confronted participants with feelings of inadequacy. Participants referred to an inability to make adult-like decisions and bind themselves to future commitments such as independent living arrangements and starting a family. Engagement with concepts of temporality assisted in the theorising of a 'continuous present', which refers to the deferring and sacrificing of lifestyle plans in the hope for an imaginary future that never seems to arrive. This theorisation contributes an understanding of how precarious employment can disrupt the flow of culturally acceptable expectations surrounding adulthood and how precarity develops over time. The analysis illustrates that an extended durée of precarious employment increases precarity beyond the present and into the future temporal zone of young peoples' lives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The limits to mobility: Precarious work experiences among young Eastern Europeans in Spain (2019)

    Marcu, Silvia ;


    Marcu, Silvia (2019): The limits to mobility: Precarious work experiences among young Eastern Europeans in Spain. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 51, H. 4, S. 913-930. DOI:10.1177/0308518X19829085


    "This article contributes to the existing literature on the geography of mobility by examining the precarious work experiences of young people in relation to the limits to their mobility. Using 60 in-depth interviews with young immigrants from Eastern Europe who practised mobility to and from Spain, the article highlights the concern of 'limits to mobility' to show how respondents try to end their precarious work and labour instability in order to reach a stable destination. What are the limits to mobility? When is the peak reached? I argue that the limits to mobility can be explained by the interplay between the political-economic structure and people's spatiotemporal experiences. I have found three different types, depending on the life-course contexts in which young people live their limits to mobility: (1) mobility as tiredness-specific to those who have practised mobility to Spain and, after travelling, training and changing precarious jobs in several countries, try to move and settle in one place; (2) mobility as a labyrinth-situated between the fulfilment of objectives and the uncertainty of relocation; and (3) mobility as resistance to precarity through return-practised by people who migrated with their parents at an early age, who studied in Spain, but for professional reasons had to leave, and are currently either back in their countries of origin or in Spain. The limits to mobility have not as yet been researched in this way, and the findings may contribute to a refinement of the spatiotemporal framework of youth mobility." (Author's abstract, © 2019 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Precarious work among young Danish employees: a permanent or transitory condition? (2019)

    Nielsen, Mette Lykke ; Dyreborg, Johnny ; Lipscomb, Hester J.;


    Nielsen, Mette Lykke, Johnny Dyreborg & Hester J. Lipscomb (2019): Precarious work among young Danish employees. A permanent or transitory condition? In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 22, H. 1, S. 7-28. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2018.1469739


    "There is broad agreement that precarious work is a growing problem, and that it is highly prevalent among young employees. The financial crisis in 2008 has reinforced the need for knowledge about how precarious work affects young employees. This paper explores how the concept of precarious work may apply differentially to different groups of young people at work and whether this challenges the term 'transition', which until now has been one of the core elements within contemporary youth research. We examine discursive representations of precarious work, vulnerability and risks among young Danish employees aged 18-24 in the healthcare sector, the metal industry and retail trade captured in 46 interviews involving 74 participants. Results are discussed taking into consideration the Nordic welfare model with an active labour marked policy. We conclude that precarious work is not, in fact, simply a characteristic of young employees' work as such, but rather it is related to their position in the labour market and the type of jobs in which they are employed. While some are in transition, others are at risk of being trapped in precarious and risky working conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Expediting youth's entry into employment whilst overlooking precariousness: Flexi-employability and disciplinary activation in Hong Kong (2019)

    Wong, Victor ; Au-Yeung, Tat Chor;


    Wong, Victor & Tat Chor Au-Yeung (2019): Expediting youth's entry into employment whilst overlooking precariousness. Flexi-employability and disciplinary activation in Hong Kong. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 53, H. 5, S. 793-809. DOI:10.1111/spol.12418


    "With an emphasis placed on supply-side interventions such as skills training and incentives enhancement, active labor market polices (ALMPs) are strongly promoted by international organizations and widely adopted across different welfare regimes to boost employment rates. This article first presents the under-examined relationship between ALMPs and employment precariousness, which has posed a challenge to the neoliberal notion of employability and activation. Youth-focused employment policies tend to speed up employment entry whilst downplaying the risk of precariousness and the importance of job quality, and thus further reinforcing the belief that engaging in precarious employment is tolerable if not inevitable. The article then examines the case of Hong Kong, which illustrates that its relatively low rate of youth unemployment may conceal the unfavorable employment conditions confronted by youth. It is argued that the service-led employment policies and short-term vocational training define the employability of young workers in terms of labor flexibilities. The coined phase of 'flexi-employability' is characterized by promoting youth's readiness for, and adaptability to, the volatilities and changing demands of the labor market. Arguably, the disciplinary approach to youth activation would only strengthen the work-first principle by enforcing young people to take up jobs available and leave welfare as soon as possible, but without thoroughly addressing the risks and insecurities generated by the labor market in undermining their well-being." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Bildungsarmut und Ausbildungslosigkeit in der Bildungs- und Wissensgesellschaft (2017)

    Solga, Heike ;


    Solga, Heike (2017): Bildungsarmut und Ausbildungslosigkeit in der Bildungs- und Wissensgesellschaft. In: R. Becker (Hrsg.) (2017): Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie, S. 443-485. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-15272-7_14


    "In Deutschland verlässt auch heute jede zehnte Schulabgängerin bzw. jeder zehnte Schulabgänger die Schule ohne einen Hauptschulabschluss. In den 1960er Jahren war es noch jede Fünfte bzw. jeder Fünfte. Darüber hinaus sind heute mehr als 1,3 Mio. junge Erwachsene bzw. rund 15 % der 20- bis 29-Jährigen ohne abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Equal but inequitable: who benefits from gender-neutral tenure clock stopping policies? (2016)

    Antecol, Heather; Stearns, Jenna; Bedard, Kelly;


    Antecol, Heather, Kelly Bedard & Jenna Stearns (2016): Equal but inequitable. Who benefits from gender-neutral tenure clock stopping policies? (IZA discussion paper 9904), Bonn, 41 S.


    "Many skilled professional occupations are characterized by an early period of intensive skill accumulation and career establishment. Examples include law firm associates, surgical residents, and untenured faculty at research-intensive universities. High female exit rates are sometimes blamed on the inability of new mothers to survive the sustained negative productivity shock associated with childbearing and early childrearing in these environments. Gender-neutral family policies have been adopted in some professions in an attempt to 'level the playing field.' The gender-neutral tenure clock stopping policies adopted by the majority of research-intensive universities in the United States in recent decades are an excellent example. But to date, there is no empirical evidence showing that these policies help women. Using a unique data set on the universe of assistant professor hires at top-50 economics departments from 1985-2004, we show that the adoption of gender-neutral tenure clock stopping policies substantially reduced female tenure rates while substantially increasing male tenure rates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugend & befristete Beschäftigung: eine Auswertung auf der Basis aktueller Daten des Mikrozensus (2016)

    Seils, Eric;


    Seils, Eric (2016): Jugend & befristete Beschäftigung. Eine Auswertung auf der Basis aktueller Daten des Mikrozensus. (WSI policy brief 08), Düsseldorf, 7 S.


    "Die befristete Beschäftigung spielt in der aktuellen gewerkschaftlichen Diskussion eine große Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden im Folgenden aktuelle Daten zu den Arbeitsbedingungen und der Lebenssituation befristet Beschäftigter analysiert. Grundlage sind eigene Berechnungen auf der Basis von Daten des Mikrozensus 2015 wie sie in Fachserien des Statistischen Bundesamtes sowie Sonderauswertungen vorliegen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Elternschaftsabsichten in Deutschland unter dem Einfluss von Modernisierungs- und Prekarisierungsprozessen (2015)

    Baron, Daniel; Schulze-Oeing, Caroline;


    Baron, Daniel & Caroline Schulze-Oeing (2015): Elternschaftsabsichten in Deutschland unter dem Einfluss von Modernisierungs- und Prekarisierungsprozessen. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, Jg. 27, H. 2, S. 228-250.


    "Während die Einflüsse der Partnerschaftsqualität von sozioökonomischen Faktoren auf die Elternschaftsabsichten junger Erwachsener in Deutschland inzwischen empirisch gut erforscht sind, ist vergleichsweise wenig bekannt über die konkurrierenden Auswirkungen subjektiv verarbeiteter Modernisierungs- und Prekarisierungsfolgen. Basierend auf austauschtheoretischen Ansätzen, führen egalitäre Geschlechterrollenbilder zu einer signifikanten Abschwächung von Elternschaftsabsichten. Dieser Effekt verschwindet sobald nach Geschlechtergruppen getrennte Modelle berechnet werden. Für Männer zeigt sich zudem, dass schwächere subjektive Prekaritätswahrnehmungen mit erhöhten Elternschaftsabsichten einhergehen, während ein hoher Anteil befristeter Beschäftigung im Lebenslauf ebenfalls zur Verstärkung von Elternschaftsintentionen führt. Bei Frauen spielen hingegen weder Prekarisierungs noch Modernisierungseffekte eine Rolle - hier zeitigt lediglich die Partnerschaftszufriedenheit einen signifikant positiven Effekt auf Elternschaftsabsichten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Leiharbeit im Profifußball: sind ausgeliehene Bundesligaspieler stärker motiviert? (2015)

    Müller, Michael;


    Müller, Michael (2015): Leiharbeit im Profifußball. Sind ausgeliehene Bundesligaspieler stärker motiviert? In: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Jg. 24, H. 3/4, S. 173-194. DOI:10.1515/arbeit-2016-0013


    "Bisherige Studien zur Leiharbeit haben sich primär mit den Arbeitsbedingungen sowie den strategischen Einsatzgründen der Leiharbeit befasst. In diesem Beitrag wird versucht, erste Erkenntnisse zum Leistungsverhalten von verliehenen Arbeitnehmern zu erhalten. Der Arbeitsmarkt für Profifußballer bietet sich für dieses Forschungsvorhaben besonders an, da die Leistungen der Spieler beobachtbar sind. Dieser beispielhafte Markt weist gewisse Analogien zu konventionellen Arbeitsmärkten auf. So schafft die durch eine Entleihung entstehende Unsicherheitssituation Anreize für entliehene Spieler, ihr Leistungsniveau in den Entleihperioden zu erhöhen. Es zeigt sich empirisch, dass Leihspieler in Leihspielzeiten ein höheres Anstrengungsniveau aufweisen und dieses anschließend in langfristigeren Beschäftigungsverhältnissen nicht halten können. Neben der Leistungsentwicklung von Leiharbeitnehmern werden ebenfalls Einflussfaktoren auf das Verleihverhalten von Bundesligavereinen analysiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass insbesondere Änderungen der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen Einfluss auf die Verleihentscheidungen haben." (Autorenreferat, © De Gruyter)

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    Temps "by choice"? An investigation of the reasons behind temporary employment among young workers in Europe (2015)

    Nuñez, Imanol; Livanos, Ilias;


    Nuñez, Imanol & Ilias Livanos (2015): Temps "by choice"? An investigation of the reasons behind temporary employment among young workers in Europe. In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 44-66. DOI:10.1007/s12122-014-9195-3


    "This paper uses data on over 200,000 young (aged 20 - 35) temporary employees across Europe (EU-15) in order to investigate the factors leading to different types of temporary employment. Signing a temporary contract is likely to depend upon various social, cultural and political characteristics, thus Europe provides an excellent platform for investigation due to the diverse environments of its member states. Four possible reasons are examined and interpreted in the light of four different labour economics theories. These include temporary employment as: a) signal; b) screening mechanism; c) flexible contract; and d) friction of the labour market. For the empirical analysis, micro-data from the European Labour Force Survey, over the period 2006 - 2009, is utilised. Personal and socio-economic characteristics, along with national and institutional factors, driving each type of temporary employment, are identified and scrutinised. Our findings show that temporary employment is segmented into two broad groups; 'precarious' temporaries and temporaries 'by choice'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Insecure, sick and unhappy? Well-being consequences of temporary employment contracts (2014)

    Carrieri, Vincenzo; Robone, Silvana; Jacobs, Rowena; Di Novi, Cinzia;


    Carrieri, Vincenzo, Cinzia Di Novi, Rowena Jacobs & Silvana Robone (2014): Insecure, sick and unhappy? Well-being consequences of temporary employment contracts. In: S. W. Polachek & K. Tatsiramos (Hrsg.) (2014): Factors affecting worker well-being : the impact of change in the labor market. (Research in labor economics, 40), S. 157-193. DOI:10.1108/S0147-912120140000040006


    "This paper investigates the influences of temporary contracts along several dimensions of well-being (physical and mental health, self-assessed health and happiness) for young Italian workers. Our paper contributes to the literature exploring some new aspects of the relationship between temporary jobs and well-being in a country not frequently analysed in previous literature. We focus on the gender gap in the well-being consequences of non-permanent jobs, the influence of financial support by family in reducing well-being effects caused by temporary contracts and the interaction between gender gap and family support. We find that temporary contracts are damaging in terms of psychological health and happiness mostly for young men and individuals without family economic support. On the other hand, women's mental health is not affected by temporary contracts and they are even better off in terms of their mental health and well-being when receiving family economic support." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Psychological well-being, job strain and education among young Finnish precarious employees (2014)

    Ek, Ellen; Sirviö, Anitta; Taanila, Anja; Koiranen, Markku;


    Ek, Ellen, Anitta Sirviö, Markku Koiranen & Anja Taanila (2014): Psychological well-being, job strain and education among young Finnish precarious employees. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 115, H. 3, S. 1057-1069. DOI:10.1007/s11205-013-0263-5


    "This study examined the effect of precarious work (temporary and part-time present employment and unstable work history) on psychological well-being among young employees at age 31, controlling for prior mental disorders, education and job strain. The data of 1,070 women and 1,030 men was derived from the prospective unselected population-based Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort study. Results of univariate logistic regression models showed that among men, precarious work associated with all psychological well-being outcomes. Among women, only depressive symptoms at 31 years associated with precarious work. Among both genders, the association between precarious work and well-being outcomes diminished to a statistically non-significant level in multivariate analyses including prior mental diagnosis, education level and job strain. In the final multivariate logistic regression models, job strain and education level were the strongest factors associating with the well-being outcomes. The association between depression symptoms and precarious work was strongest in the highest educational class among men. These results emphasize the role of education and job strain in the enhancement of psychological well-being among young employees doing precarious work. The role of education seems to differ among genders, so that for women education acts as a resource also in precarious work while among highly educated men, not having a stable employment history increases the risk for depressive symptoms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Consequences of flexible employment at labour market entry for early career development in the Netherlands (2014)

    Lange, Marloes de; Gesthuizen, Maurice; Wolbers, Maarten Hendrik Jan;


    Lange, Marloes de, Maurice Gesthuizen & Maarten Hendrik Jan Wolbers (2014): Consequences of flexible employment at labour market entry for early career development in the Netherlands. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 35, H. 3, S. 413-434. DOI:10.1177/0143831X13485878


    "In this article it is investigated to what extent flexible employment at labour market entry negatively affects the early career of school-leavers in the Netherlands in the period 1986 - 2008. Additionally, the question is raised to what extent educational differences exist in this relationship. To answer these questions, Dutch panel data from the OSA Labour Supply Panel are analysed. The results correspond with previous findings from studies on other European countries, supporting the stepping-stone rather than the entrapment hypothesis. A flexible start in the Dutch labour market increases the likelihood of repeated flexible employment and unemployment in the early career, and coincides with less occupational status development and income growth. However, the detrimental effects of flexible employment at labour market entry are only temporary and diminish after some years. Furthermore, no evidence is found for the existence of educational differences in the negative effects of flexible employment at labour market entry." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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