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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

Literatur zum Thema Flucht und Asyl finden Sie in unserer IAB-Infoplattform Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten - Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt.

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im Aspekt "Migration und Arbeitsmarkt"
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    Immigrant Women's Economic Outcomes in Europe: The Importance of Religion and Traditional Gender Roles (2021)

    Kanas, Agnieszka ; Müller, Katrin ;


    Kanas, Agnieszka & Katrin Müller (2021): Immigrant Women's Economic Outcomes in Europe: The Importance of Religion and Traditional Gender Roles. In: International migration review, Jg. 55, H. 4, S. 1231-1264. DOI:10.1177/01979183211008867


    "This article contributes to previous research on immigrant integration by examining how religiosity and gender roles in European countries influence immigrant women's labor market outcomes. Moreover, we extend theoretical work on the importance of the receiving country's norms and values by hypothesizing and testing whether receiving countries' influence varies with immigrant women's religiosity and gender-role attitudes. Using the European Social Survey data and multilevel regression models, we find that religious immigrant women participate less in the labor market and work fewer hours than nonreligious immigrant women. Immigrant women's traditional gender-role attitudes partly explain the negative relationship between individual religiosity and labor market outcomes. While the receiving country's religiosity is negatively related to immigrant women's labor market outcomes, this negative relationship is significantly weaker for religious and gender-traditional immigrant women than for nonreligious and gender-egalitarian women. These findings suggest that the economic benefits of residing in countries that support female employment are limited to immigrant women who are ready and positioned to embrace gender-egalitarian norms and values." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Why Do Migrants Stay Unexpectedly? Misperceptions and Implications for Integration (2021)

    Kaufmann, Marc; Machado, Joël; Verheyden, Bertrand;


    Kaufmann, Marc, Joël Machado & Bertrand Verheyden (2021): Why Do Migrants Stay Unexpectedly? Misperceptions and Implications for Integration. (IZA discussion paper 14155), Bonn, 54 S.


    "Empirical evidence suggests that a large proportion of immigrants who initially intended to stay temporarily in the destination country end up staying permanently, which may lead to suboptimal integration. We study systematic causes of unexpected staying that originate in migrant misperceptions. Our framework contains uncertainty about long-term wages, endogenous integration and savings in the short term, and return migration in the long term. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions on misperceptions that lead migrants to overestimate their probability of return migration, independently of their characteristics. We show that these conditions involve pessimism about the destination country, either in terms of short-term utility, of long-term utility, or of wage prospects. We then highlight specific behavioural biases that give rise to such forms of pessimism. Using the German Socio-Economic Panel, we find that relatively higher pessimism at arrival about future utility and wages is associated with migrants staying unexpectedly ex post." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Socioemotional Skills and Refugees' Language Acquisition (2021)

    Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Laible, Marie-Christine ;


    Kosyakova, Yuliya & Marie-Christine Laible (2021): Socioemotional Skills and Refugees' Language Acquisition. (IAB-Discussion Paper 19/2021), Nürnberg, 54 S.


    "Wir analysieren die Rolle sozio-emotionaler Fähigkeiten für den Erwerb der deutschen Sprache von Geflüchteten, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland zugezogen sind. Bisher wurden sozio-emotionale Fähigkeiten im Kontext der Bildungsforschung betrachtet, jedoch wurde ihre Bedeutung für den Spracherwerb von Migranten noch nicht untersucht. Wir erweitern ein bekanntes theoretisches Modell des Spracherwerbs des Aufnahmelandes von Migranten und Migrantinnen und nehmen dabei an, dass sozio-emotionale Fähigkeiten über die Kanäle der Gelegenheiten für, beziehungsweise des Zugangs, zum Lernen, der Effizienz und der Motivation wirken. Anhand von Längsschnittsdaten und Wachstumskurvenmodellen zeigen wir, dass sozioemotionale Fähigkeiten signifikant den Erwerb der Sprache des Ziellandes prägen. Offenheit für neue Erfahrungen, Gewissenhaftigkeit, Risikofreude und Kontrollüberzeugungen stehen in positivem Zusammenhang mit Sprachkenntnissen. Dahingegen finden wir keine signifikanten Zusammenhänge für Extraversion, Verträglichkeit und Neurotizismus. Mediationseffekte deuten an, dass sozio-emotionale Fähigkeiten die Kanäle der Effizienz und des Kontaktes formen. Darüber hinaus zeigen Multiplikationseffekte, dass sozio-emotionale Fähigkeiten andere vorteilhafte Eigenschaften verstärken. Zusammenfassend beeinflussen sozio-emotionale Fähigkeiten somit den Erwerb der Sprache des Aufnahmelandes und tragen zu einem nachhaltigen ökonomischen und sozialen Integrationsprozess bei. Wir schließen mit einer Diskussion der politischen Implikationen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kosyakova, Yuliya ;
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    Social Capital and Its Effect on Labour Market (Mis)match: Migrants' Overqualification in Germany (2021)

    Kracke, Nancy; Klug, Christina;


    Kracke, Nancy & Christina Klug (2021): Social Capital and Its Effect on Labour Market (Mis)match: Migrants' Overqualification in Germany. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 1573-1598. DOI:10.1007/s12134-021-00817-1


    "If a person is overqualified in the sense that an employee's level of training exceeds the job requirements, then some human capital lies idle and cannot be converted into appropriate (monetary and non-monetary) returns. Migrants are particularly at risk of being overqualified in their employment; however, this phenomenon cannot be fully explained by differences in human capital or socio-economic characteristics. This paper examines whether social capital plays a decisive role in migrants' risk of overqualification in Germany. Using data from the German IAB-SOEP Migration Sample, we analyse the job search process of migrants to determine whether social networks influence their risk of being employed below their acquired educational level. We estimate logistic regression models and find that social capital influences the adequacy of migrants' jobs: We show that migrants are at a greater risk of overqualification if they use only informal job search strategies such as relying on friends or family members. Moreover, we find that homophilous migrant networks and jobs in employment niches are risk factors for overqualification. We conclude that the combination of informal job search modes and homophilous migrant networks leads to a comparably high risk for migrants of being overqualified in their employment in the German labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    "Good" Bad Jobs? The Evolution of Migrant Low-Wage Employment in Germany (1985-2015) (2021)

    Krings, Torben;


    Krings, Torben (2021): "Good" Bad Jobs? The Evolution of Migrant Low-Wage Employment in Germany (1985-2015). In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 35, H. 3, S. 527-544. DOI:10.1177/0950017020946567


    "The article examines the evolution of migrant low-wage employment in the context of structural changes in the German labour market. By drawing on data from the Socio-Economic-Panel, it seeks to answer why low-wage jobs disproportionally rose among migrants since the late 1980s. It argues that while human capital characteristics mattered to some extent, institutional and organisational changes were more important to account for worsening earnings. When linking the findings to the broader debate about migration and labour market segmentation, several issues emerge. First, the extent of low-wage jobs is not fixed but shaped by historically specific segmentation patterns that may change over time. Second, whether less-skilled jobs are precarious and of low pay depend above all on the presence of inclusive labour market institutions and power relations between actors. Third, the growth of low-wage jobs cannot be considered independent of the available labour supply, including a rise in cross-border mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    What is success? Examining the concept of successful integration among African immigrants in Canada (2021)

    Kyeremeh, Emmanuel ; Arku, Godwin; Yusuf, Ismahan; Mkandawire, Paul; Cleave, Evan;


    Kyeremeh, Emmanuel, Godwin Arku, Paul Mkandawire, Evan Cleave & Ismahan Yusuf (2021): What is success? Examining the concept of successful integration among African immigrants in Canada. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 47, H. 3, S. 649-667. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2019.1639494


    "Canadian immigration documents such as the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2001 stipulate that it is the responsibility of the government to help immigrants to integrate successfully. In part, this is due to the recognition that immigrants have the capital vital for economic and demographic enhancement of the country. To this end, successful integration is an important policy objective, with policymakers outlining indicators that measure the degree of immigrant integration. However, it is unclear the extent to which such policy indicators reflect the perspectives of immigrants. Drawing on in-depth interviews with African immigrants in London, Ontario, we report on a qualitative study that explored the meaning of successful integration. The findings capture some dimensions of successful integration. They indicate that creating avenues for personal growth and development in a context where immigrants have options and opportunities for advancement is an important marker of integration. Moreover, the findings show that achieving pre-migration aspirations - dreams and goals set prior to arrival in the host country are central to immigrants' conceptualisation of integration. Furthermore, as opposed to an action with a definite endpoint, immigrants understand integration as an ongoing process in which immigrants continuously adapt in response to changing demands of the host country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ethnic discrimination in hiring: comparing groups across contexts: Results from a cross-national field experiment (2021)

    Lancee, Bram ;


    Lancee, Bram (2021): Ethnic discrimination in hiring: comparing groups across contexts. Results from a cross-national field experiment. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 47, H. 6, S. 1181-1200. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2019.1622744


    "Existing field experimental research unequivocally shows the existence of ethnic discrimination in the labour market. Furthermore, studies have documented considerable variation in discrimination rates across countries. However, while the field of discrimination research is rapidly expanding, there are at present no harmonised comparative studies. This is unfortunate, as we do not know why there are cross-national differences in discrimination. In this paper, I present the GEMM study (N=19,181), a harmonised cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination. The GEMM study contains 53 ethnic minority groups and is carried out in six countries: Germany, Norway, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States. Furthermore, I discuss the need and potential for a comparative analysis of discrimination and outline the methodological challenges of carrying out a cross-national field experiment. The special issue presents results for the major ethnic minority groups in six countries and compares discrimination rates across national contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Problematik der Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten in Österreich in Zeiten der Coronakrise: Sonderauswertung des FIMAS Flüchtlingspanels (2021)

    Landesmann, Michael; Leitner, Sandra M. ;


    Landesmann, Michael & Sandra M. Leitner (2021): Problematik der Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten in Österreich in Zeiten der Coronakrise. Sonderauswertung des FIMAS Flüchtlingspanels. (WIIW Forschungsarbeiten in deutscher Sprache 19), Wien, 47 S.


    "Diese Studie analysiert Effekte der Coronakrise auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration von in Österreich lebenden Asylberechtigten und subsidiär Schutzberechtigten aus den Herkunftsländern Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak und Iran. Die Analyse basiert auf einem Panel von Flüchtlingen, die sowohl an der dritten Welle der sogenannten FIMAS Befragung (im Frühjahr 2019) als auch der vierten Welle (im Herbst 2020) teilgenommen haben. Der Vergleich der Arbeitsmarktsituation dieser Personengruppe im Frühjahr 2019 – vor Beginn der Coronakrise – mit jener im Herbst 2020 – während der Coronakrise – ermöglicht eine genaue Analyse der Effekte der Coronakrise auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration dieser Flüchtlingsgruppe. Folgendes sind die wichtigsten Resultate dieser Studie Insgesamt blieben viele der Flüchtlinge in Beschäftigung oder wechselten entweder aus der Arbeitslosigkeit oder der Inaktivität in die Beschäftigung. Jedoch erfuhren weibliche Geflüchtete und Geflüchtete mit hohem (tertiärem) Ausbildungsniveau während der Coronakrise eine Verschlechterung ihrer Arbeitsmarktsituation." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Social construction of skill: an analytical approach toward the question of skill in cross-border labour mobilities (2021)

    Liu-Farrer, Gracia ; Yeoh, Brenda S. ; Baas, Michiel;


    Liu-Farrer, Gracia, Brenda S. Yeoh & Michiel Baas (2021): Social construction of skill: an analytical approach toward the question of skill in cross-border labour mobilities. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 41, H. 10, S. 2237-2251. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1731983


    "Selecting labour migrants based on skill has become a widely practised migration policy in many countries around the world. Since the late twentieth century, research on ‘skilled’ and ‘highly skilled’ migration has raised important questions about the value and ethics of skill-based labour mobility. More recent research has begun to question the concept of skill and skill categorisation in both government policy and academic research. Taking the view that migrants’ skill is socially constructed, we centre our discussion on three questions: Who are the arbitrators of skill? What constitutes skill? And how is skill constructed in the migration process and in turn, how does skill affect the mobility? We show that diverse actors are involved in the process of identifying, evaluating and shaping migrant skill. The interpretation of migrants’ skill is frequently distorted by their ascriptive characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender and nationality, reflecting the influence of colonial legacy, global inequality as well as social stratification. Finally, this special issue emphasises the complex, and frequently reciprocal, relationship between skill and mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Who are the fittest? The question of skills in national employment systems in an age of global labour mobility (2021)

    Liu-Farrer, Gracia ; Shire, Karen;


    Liu-Farrer, Gracia & Karen Shire (2021): Who are the fittest? The question of skills in national employment systems in an age of global labour mobility. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 47, H. 10, S. 2305-2322. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1731987


    "Faced with demographic as well as economic changes, Germany and Japan have liberalised immigration controls for skilled migrants, set targets for foreign student enrolments in university, and introduced visa categories to enable foreign graduates to enter their labour markets. Yet a relatively modest share of foreign graduates actually receives jobs appropriate to their skill-level and remain in these labour markets. In this article, we focus on organisational recruitment and employment practices, especially those related to skill formation and the structuring of careers, as factors affecting the remain rates of foreign graduates. Our analysis shows that while obtaining the same educational credentials as native students, foreign graduates are disadvantaged because the employment systems of the host countries operate according to the logic of national labour markets, entailing institutionally and culturally specific skill expectations as well as formation processes. Consequently, foreign graduates either fail to enter the market, or are placed in lower or niche categories in a differentiated labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does Immigration Grow the Pie?: Asymmetric Evidence from Germany (2021)

    Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolo; Vella, Eugenia;


    Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolo & Eugenia Vella (2021): Does Immigration Grow the Pie? Asymmetric Evidence from Germany. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 138. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2021.103846


    "We provide empirical evidence suggesting that net migration shocks can have substantial demand effects, potentially acting like positive Keynesian supply shocks. Using monthly administrative data (2006–2019) for Germany in a structural VAR, we show that the shocks stimulate vacancies, wages, house prices, consumption, investment, net exports, and output. Unemployment falls for natives (dominant job-creation effect), driving a decline in total unemployment, while rising for foreigners (dominant job-competition effect). The geographic origin of migrants and the education level of residents matter crucially for the transmission. Overall, the evidence implies that the policy debate should focus on redistributive strategies between natives and foreigners." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2021 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Does education affect attitudes towards immigration?: evidence from Germany (2021)

    Margaryan, Shushanik ; Siedler, Thomas; Paul, Annemarie;


    Margaryan, Shushanik, Annemarie Paul & Thomas Siedler (2021): Does education affect attitudes towards immigration? Evidence from Germany. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 56, H. 2, S. 446-479. DOI:10.3368/jhr.56.2.0318-9372R1


    "Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and exploiting the staggered implementation of a compulsory schooling reform in West Germany, this article finds that an additional year of schooling lowers the probability of being very concerned about immigration to Germany by around six percentage points (20 percent). Furthermore, our findings imply significant spillovers from maternal education to immigration attitudes of her offspring. While we find no evidence for returns to education within a range of labor market outcomes, higher social trust appears to be an important mechanism behind our findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Die deutsche Anerkennungspraxis im Kontext von Pflegeberufen (2021)

    Müller-Wacker, Martina;


    Müller-Wacker, Martina (2021): Die deutsche Anerkennungspraxis im Kontext von Pflegeberufen. In: M. Bonacker & G. Geiger (Hrsg.) (2021): Migration in der Pflege, Berlin, Springer S. 207-227.


    "Die Ausbildung von Pflegefachkräften im Inland allein reicht zukünftig nicht mehr aus, um den zunehmenden Fachkräfteengpässen in der Gesundheitsbranche zu begegnen. Zur langfristigen Deckung und Sicherung des Personalbedarfs werden auch im Ausland ausgebildete Pflegefachkräfte benötigt. Die Hoffnungen richten sich dabei auf das neue Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz. Die Einwanderungsmöglichkeiten von Personen aus Drittstaaten sind darin an eine deutsche Anerkennung der Berufsqualifikationen geknüpft. Damit wird die Anerkennungspraxis zum erfolgsentscheidenden Kriterium. Schon heute dominieren Pflegeberufe das Anerkennungsgeschehen in Deutschland, allerdings sind die Verfahren komplex, langwierig und kostenintensiv. Besondere Hürden zeigen sich für Antragstellende die sich noch im Ausland befinden." (Autorenreferat, © 2021 Springer)

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    Migrantische Arbeit unter Covid-19: Leerstellen in der Arbeitssoziologie (2021)

    Neuhauser, Johanna ; Birke, Peter;


    Neuhauser, Johanna & Peter Birke (2021): Migrantische Arbeit unter Covid-19: Leerstellen in der Arbeitssoziologie. In: Arbeits- und industriesoziologische Studien, Jg. 14, H. 2, S. 59-69.


    "Unter dem Eindruck der Pandemie geht dieser Text der Bedeutung von Tätigkeitsfeldern nach, in denen fast ausschließlich Migrant*innen beschäftigt sind. Die zentrale Frage ist, wie arbeitssoziologische Forschung der Beobachtung gerecht werden kann, dass eine nach Staatsbürgerschaft geordnete Prekarisierung von Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnissen existiert. Aktuell gibt es in der deutschsprachigen Literatur wenig Texte, die diese Beobachtung auch theoretisch zu fassen versuchen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Verbindung von Begriffen und Debatten aus der Migrationsforschung („Segmentierung“, „Rassifizierung“, „differentielle Inklusion“) mit solchen aus der aktuellen Arbeitssoziologie eine in diese Hinsicht interessante und wichtige Perspektive darstellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills (2021)

    Patt, Alexander ; Flores, Miguel; Wiederhold, Simon; Ruhose, Jens;


    Patt, Alexander, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold & Miguel Flores (2021): International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Jg. 19, H. 2, S. 1249–1298., 2020-03-01. DOI:10.1093/jeea/jvaa032


    "We present the first evidence on the role of occupational choices and acquired skills for migrant selection. Combining novel data from a representative Mexican task survey with rich individual-level worker data, we find that Mexican migrants to the United States have higher manual skills and lower cognitive skills than non-migrants. Results hold within narrowly defined region-industry-occupation cells and for all education levels. Consistent with a Roy/Borjas-type selection model, differential returns to occupational skills between the United States and Mexico explain the selection pattern. Occupational skills are more important to capture the economic motives for migration than previously used worker characteristics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    EU-Migration nach Deutschland: Analysen zu Arbeitsmarktteilhabe und gesellschaftlicher Partizipation von EU-Bürger*innen in Deutschland (2021)

    Pfeffer-Hoffmann, Christian; Roecker, Timothy; Knoll, Julia; Siegert, Wassili; Becker, Paul; Skwarek, Agnieszka; Oswald, Anne von; Behrendt, Max; Dubois, Maëlle; Mahdi, Rositsa; Ferchichi, Rossina; Komitowski, Doritt; Fabianczyk, Emilia; Kraußlach, Marianne; Daub, Lukas; Lutz, Marie Lena;


    Becker, Paul, Max Behrendt, Lukas Daub, Maëlle Dubois, Emilia Fabianczyk, Rossina Ferchichi, Julia Knoll, Doritt Komitowski, Marianne Kraußlach, Marie Lena Lutz, Rositsa Mahdi, Anne von Oswald, Timothy Roecker, Wassili Siegert & Agnieszka Skwarek (2021): EU-Migration nach Deutschland. Analysen zu Arbeitsmarktteilhabe und gesellschaftlicher Partizipation von EU-Bürger*innen in Deutschland. Berlin: Mensch und Buch Verlag, 297 S.


    "In Deutschland leben rund 5 Millionen Menschen mit der Staatsbürger­schaft eines anderen EU-Mitgliedstaates. Ihre Anzahl ist seit dem Jahr 2008 um etwa 89 Prozent gestiegen. Damit prägt EU-Zuwanderung die Migration nach Deutschland in bedeutender Weise. Von den Rahmen­bedingungen der EU-Binnenmigration über die Situation von Unionsbürger*innen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und im Bildungssystem bis hin zur politischen und gesellschaftlichen Partizipation beleuchtet dieses Buch unterschiedliche Aspekte von Einwanderung sowie temporärer Zu­wanderung. Dabei wird deutlich: So divers wie diese Einwohner*innen selbst sind, so vielfältig ist auch die Art und Weise, wie sie in Deutsch­land leben, Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt unterstützen und die deut­sche Gesellschaft mitgestalten."

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    Inder haben die höchsten Medianlöhne in Deutschland (2021)

    Plünnecke, Axel;


    Plünnecke, Axel (2021): Inder haben die höchsten Medianlöhne in Deutschland. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2021,83), Köln, 3 S.


    "Seit 2012 hat die qualifizierte Zuwanderung aus Drittstaaten stark zur Fachkräftesicherung in den akademischen Berufen beigetragen. In der Folge ist zu beobachten, dass der Medianmonatslohn von allen in Vollzeit sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigten Indern in Deutschland mit 4.824 Euro fast 1.300 Euro über dem entsprechenden Medianwert der Deutschen in Höhe von 3.541 Euro liegt. In akademischen MINT-Berufen liegen die Medianlöhne von Indern im Alter zwischen 25 und unter 45 Jahren mit 5.276 Euro etwa auf dem Niveau der Deutschen mit 5.207 Euro." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Comparative Perspectives on Racial Discrimination in Hiring: The Rise of Field Experiments (2021)

    Quillian, Lincoln ; Midtbøen, Arnfinn H.;


    Quillian, Lincoln & Arnfinn H. Midtbøen (2021): Comparative Perspectives on Racial Discrimination in Hiring: The Rise of Field Experiments. In: Annual review of sociology, Jg. 47, H. 1, S. 391-415. DOI:10.1146/annurev-soc-090420-035144

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    Cultural differences and immigrants' wages (2021)

    Raux, Morgan ;


    Raux, Morgan (2021): Cultural differences and immigrants' wages. (Discussion paper / Université du Luxembourg. Department of Economics and Management 2021-02), Luxembourg, 52 S.


    "In this paper, I investigate how cultural differences affect the labor-market performance of immigrant workers in Germany. I document a negative relationship between hourly wages and the cultural distance between immigrants' countries of origin and Germany. This result is robust across the three main indicators used in the gravity literature: linguistic, religious, and genetic distances. This cultural wage penalty disappears after five to ten years spent in Germany. Controlling for language proficiency as well as for selective in- and out-migration, these results highlight the cultural integration of immigrant workers. I finally provide evidence suggesting that lower wage progression may be explained by fewer job-to-job transitions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Guest workers: Enduring questions and policy controversies (2021)

    Ruhs, Martin ;


    Ruhs, Martin (2021): Guest workers: Enduring questions and policy controversies. In: International Migration, Jg. 59, H. 6, S. 238-241. DOI:10.1111/imig.12938


    "As Germany marks the 60th anniversary of admitting its first Gastarbeiter (guest workers) from Turkey in 1961, it is important to recognize that guest-worker policies have a long and global history that predates Germany's post-war policies (e.g. Hahamovitch, 2003) and that they are, despite various ‘obituaries’ (e.g. Castles, 1986), still very much alive today. While the terminology and aspects of policy design have evolved over time – from ‘guest-worker programmes’ (e.g. Martin & Teitelbaum, 2001) to ‘temporary labour migration programmes’ (e.g. GCIM, 2005), ‘circular migration programmes’ (e.g. European Migration Network, 2011) and, most recently, ‘international skills partnerships’ (e.g. Clemens, 2015)1 – the fundamental idea of admitting migrant workers on a temporary basis to help address perceived labour and skills shortages has become an enduring feature of the migration policy landscape of the world's rich countries (Ruhs, 2013). This is unlikely to change in the near future, given that permanent labour immigration programmes (that provide migrant workers with permanent residence and work permits on arrival) are typically limited to the most highly skilled workers and have declined in importance in countries where they used to play a large role." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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