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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

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im Aspekt "Selbstselektion und Wanderungsmotivation"
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    Indische Arbeitskräfte in Deutschland (2024)

    Adunts, David ; Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Fendel, Tanja ; Hauptmann, Andreas; Ivanov, Boris;


    Adunts, David, Tanja Fendel, Andreas Hauptmann, Boris Ivanov & Yuliya Kosyakova (2024): Indische Arbeitskräfte in Deutschland. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 12 S.


    "Die Anzahl indischer Staatsangehöriger in Deutschland ist in den Jahren von 2010 bis 2022 deutlich gestiegen. Im Verhältnis zur ausländischen Bevölkerung insgesamt bzw. Drittstaatsangehörigen machen indische Staatsangehörige dennoch einen relativ kleinen Teil aus. - Die Zuwanderung von indischen Staatsangehörigen ist überdurchschnittlich geprägt durch Erwerbs- und Bildungsmigration. Insbesondere die Einwanderung zur Aufnahme eines Studiums ist seit dem Jahr 2010 vergleichsweise stark gestiegen. - Die Arbeitsmarktintegration von indischen Staatsangehörigen ist gemessen an gängigen Indikatoren insgesamt positiv. Die Beschäftigungsquote ist vergleichsweise hoch und die Arbeitslosen- und SGB-II-Hilfequoten sind relativ niedrig. - Unter den sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten ist das Anforderungsniveau der Tätigkeit der indischen Staatsangehörigen überdurchschnittlich hoch, was sich auch in vergleichsweise hohen Arbeitsentgelten widerspiegelt. - Vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels und einem zunehmenden Fach- und Arbeitskräftebedarf in Deutschland könnten Zuwandernde aus Indien dazu beitragen, diesen Bedarf zu decken. - Nach eigenen Auswertungen der World-Gallup-Datenbank könnten sich rund 8 Prozent der 18- bis unter 35-jährigen in Indien vorstellen, auszuwandern. Allerdings steht Deutschland hier in Konkurrenz mit anderen, vor allem angelsächsischen Zielländern, wie den Vereinigten Staaten, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Kanada oder Australien, die aufgrund der englischen Sprache oder von bereits bestehenden Netzwerken für Fachkräfte aus Indien attraktiver sein könnten. - Auswertungen auf Basis der IAB-SOEP Migrationsstichprobe, der IAB-BAMF-SOEP Befragung Geflüchteter und SOEP-Core für 2021 sind konsistent mit den amtlichen Statistiken hinsichtlich eines hohen Qualifikationsniveaus, einer hohen Erwerbsbeteiligung und eines geringen Frauenanteils unter in Indien geborenen Zugezogenen. Der Anteil selbstbewerteter guter Deutschkenntnisse fällt niedriger aus als unter allen in Deutschland lebenden Zugezogenen. - Der Großteil der Inderinnen und Inder möchten für immer in Deutschland bleiben und knapp zwei von fünf Inderinnen und Indern besitzt bereits die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Annual Report on Intra-EU Labour Mobility 2023 (2024)

    Hassan, Emmanuel; Cinova, Daniela; Geraci, Matthew; Siöland, Linus; Akbaba, Berkay; Gasperini, Michela;


    Hassan, Emmanuel, Linus Siöland, Berkay Akbaba, Daniela Cinova, Michela Gasperini & Matthew Geraci (2024): Annual Report on Intra-EU Labour Mobility 2023. (... annual report on intra-EU labour mobility / European Commission), Luxembourg, 158 S. DOI:10.2767/388182


    "This annual report presents the latest findings on intra-EU labour mobility, offering updated insights into the trends observed in EU and EFTA countries using data from 2021 and 2022. The analysis encompasses the mobility of all working-age EU citizens (aged 20-64). In Chapter 2, the report delves into the movement and characteristics of the mobile population in the EU and EFTA. Chapter 3 expands on the labour market participation and integration of EU movers. Lastly, in Chapter 4 the intra-EU mobility of seniors and retired movers is analysed, also exploring the relationship between intra-EU mobility and exports of pensions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The causal effect of liberalizing legal requirements on naturalization intentions (2024)

    Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Damelang, Andreas ;


    Kosyakova, Yuliya & Andreas Damelang (2024): The causal effect of liberalizing legal requirements on naturalization intentions. (IAB-Discussion Paper 4/2024), Nürnberg, 36 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2404


    "Diese Studie untersucht die vielfältigen Faktoren, die die Einbürgerungsabsichten von Geflüchteten beeinflussen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den rechtlichen Anforderungen und der Umsetzung von Einbürgerungsgesetzen liegt. Es wird zwischen verschiedenen Einwanderergruppen unterschieden, insbesondere Geflüchteten, Bürgern der Europäischen Union (EU) und Nicht-EU-Bürgern. Mit Hilfe eines Vignettenexperiments unter Eingewanderten in einer umfangreichen repräsentativen Studie in Deutschland werden die Auswirkungen der Liberalisierung der rechtlichen Anforderungen und einem inklusiveren Einbürgerungsprozess auf die Absichten, die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft zu erwerben, empirisch analysiert. Dieser Vergleich, sowohl zwischen aktuellen und liberalisierten Anforderungen als auch zwischen weniger und mehr inklusiven Einbürgerungsverfahren, bietet ein realistisches Szenario, wie Liberalisierung und Inklusivität die Einbürgerungsabsichten beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Liberalisierung der rechtlichen Anforderungen, insbesondere die Möglichkeit der doppelten Staatsbürgerschaft und eine verkürzte Wartezeit, einen positiven Effekt auf die Einbürgerungsabsichten hat. Gleichzeitig unterscheiden sich diese Effekte zwischen den drei Einwanderergruppen, insbesondere aufgrund von Unterschieden in den empfundenen Vorteilen der Einbürgerung. Im Gegensatz dazu hat ein inklusiverer Einbürgerungsprozess keinen Einfluss auf die Einbürgerungsabsichten der Eingewanderten. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung der Staatsbürgerschaftspolitik für die Einbürgerungsabsichten von Eingewanderten. Allerdings zeigen die Ergebnisse auch differenzierte Reaktionen auf liberalisierte Anforderungen und betonen die Bedeutung von gruppenspezifischen Kosten-Nutzen-Überlegungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kosyakova, Yuliya ;
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    The Role of Gender in Asylum Migration to Europe: Analyzing Country-Level Factors of Gendered Selection of Asylum Seekers to Europe (2024)

    Schiele, Maximilian ;


    Schiele, Maximilian (2024): The Role of Gender in Asylum Migration to Europe: Analyzing Country-Level Factors of Gendered Selection of Asylum Seekers to Europe. In: Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies online erschienen am 12.01.2024, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1080/15562948.2023.2298515


    "While 50% of displaced individuals worldwide are female, women comprised only 31% of the people seeking asylum in Europe between 2008 and 2018. This study utilizes data from Eurostat on 5.6 million asylum-seekers between 2008 and 2018 to identify the country-level factors that drive this gendered selection. The effects are calculated using both a random effects panel model and a fixed effects panel model with clustered standard errors. The results suggest that country-level differences in the degree of gendered selection are largely driven by socio-demographic factors related to women’s social position within their country of origin." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Taylor & Francis) ((en))

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    Schiele, Maximilian ;
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    Does It Pay Off? Understanding Subjective Employment Mobility of European Physicians in Germany (2023)

    Becker, Regina ;


    Becker, Regina (2023): Does It Pay Off? Understanding Subjective Employment Mobility of European Physicians in Germany. In: International migration review, Jg. 57, H. 3, S. 1099-1131. DOI:10.1177/01979183221111398


    "This article investigates the subjective employment mobility, defined as migrants' evaluation of their employment situation before and after migration, of European physicians in Germany. Analyzing different dimensions of occupation (e.g., income, working conditions, use of skills, career opportunities) of physicians who migrated to Germany from within the European Union (i.e., EU physicians), it examines which factors influence physicians' perception of whether migration worsened or improved their employment situation. I argue that the original reasons to migrate (e.g., economic, career-related, or family reasons) and other migration-related factors (e.g., language skills), as well as characteristics of the occupation (e.g., the hierarchical structure), must be considered to understand subjective employment mobility. The analyses are based on original survey data collected among EU physicians in Germany (N = 1,058). Results from OLS regressions show that physicians' original reasons for migration largely matched their subjective employment mobility, suggesting that migration for career reasons and a perceived improvement of use of skills and career opportunities are positively linked while migration for economic reasons positively affected physicians' perception of income and working conditions. Physicians aiming for the highest position perceived their overall employment situation as worse compared to before migration, and the origin region mattered, particularly for physicians from EU Eastern member-states, who were more likely to perceive an improvement in their employment situation. Results further inform understandings of labor-related migration of high-skilled professionals by identifying obstacles and conducive conditions at migration for a group that is often assumed not to face barriers in using migration for professional advancement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Government ideology and international migration (2023)

    Bove, Vincenzo; Pickard, Harry; Efthyvoulou, Georgios;


    Bove, Vincenzo, Georgios Efthyvoulou & Harry Pickard (2023): Government ideology and international migration. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Jg. 125, H. 1, S. 107-138. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12506


    "We provide the first empirical evidence that government ideology affects the choice of migration destinations. As ruling political parties differ in their discourse, policies, and positions on migration, the ideology differential between the host and home country governments can shape the relative generosity of the welfare system, the degree of tolerance towards out-groups, and the restrictiveness of migration policies, all acting as important drivers of international migration. Using data on bilateral migration and government ideology for OECD countries between 1990 and 2016, we show that migration flows increase when the government at the destination becomes more left-wing relative to the government at the origin, particularly when both countries are members of the European Economic Area." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Two possible reasons behind the reluctance of low-skilled workers to migrate to generous welfare states (2023)

    Byra, Łukasz ;


    Byra, Łukasz (2023): Two possible reasons behind the reluctance of low-skilled workers to migrate to generous welfare states. (Working papers / Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw 2023-24), Warsaw, 49 S.


    "This paper provides two possible explanations for the mixed evidence regarding migration by low-skilled workers to generous welfare states. Using a model of unrestricted migration to a developed, destination country, which provides a direct and equal social benefit to all its residents, we study the impact of the benefit in a country on the size of its low-skilled immigrant population under the assumption that migration is driven by an international difference in returns to skills, employment opportunities in the destination country, and by the generosity of the benefit in that country. We find that the social benefit affects the size of the country's low-skilled immigrant population not only directly, via the difference between the benefit and its cost in the form of taxation, but also via two indirect channels. The benefit incentivizes taking up low-skilled jobs among the destination country's native residents, which adversely affects wages of low-skilled workers in that country, and it increases the risk of unemployment of low-skilled workers therein. Prospective low-skilled migrants view these side effects of the benefit as “stay away” factors. Simulation of the model based on 2018 data for EU-15 economies without Luxembourg highlights the importance of indirect channels in curtailing the inflow of low-skilled migrants to a generous welfare state. When only direct channels are accounted for, semi-elasticities of the size of the low-skilled immigrant population with respect to the social benefit are between 0.2 and 0.54. When indirect channels are allowed to play their roles, the positive relationship between the social benefit and low-skilled immigration is significantly reduced; the semi-elasticities range from 0.13 to 0.4. At the level of the model's fundamentals, the variation in semi-elasticities between EU-15 countries is largely explained by differences in the size of the welfare state and in efficiency of the labor market across these countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Holding the Door Slightly Open: Germany's Migrants' Return Intentions and Realizations (2023)

    Sallam, Hend;


    Sallam, Hend (2023): Holding the Door Slightly Open: Germany's Migrants' Return Intentions and Realizations. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 1181), Berlin, 35 S.


    "Return migration intentions are complex and are not necessarily followed by future return migration. Our study compares successful return or repeated migration with self-declared return intentions. We take advantage of the latest German Socio-Economic Panel survey dropout studies and fieldwork to observe a wider return migration window than reported in the literature to answer the question of whether return migration intentions eventually coincided with actual emigration behaviors. We also examine the validity of return migration estimates. This paper explores whether return intentions eventually materialize, whether they can eventually predict actual return behaviors, and if the determinants of actual and predicted return based on intentions are similar. Overall, our results support that migration intentions can predict actual return behavior. While our results show discrepancies in the predictors of return intentions and actual returns, they show emigration intentions as good predictors of actual future emigration. Moreover, we find that life satisfaction significantly impacts the individual intention to remigrate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Motivation in the dynamics of European youth migration (2023)

    Tufiș, Paula A. ; Sandu, Dumitru ;


    Tufiș, Paula A. & Dumitru Sandu (2023): Motivation in the dynamics of European youth migration. In: European Societies, Jg. 25, H. 5, S. 829-858. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2023.2183231


    "In this article, we explore the complexities of the relationships between motivations in the migration process of young Europeans who have returned to their country of origin. We analyze a unique database of over 3,000 returnees, a sub-sample from a larger survey of about 30,000 young people in nine European countries. The findings suggest that there is a link between the motivations for the first migration and those for future migration among this group. Generally, past migration motivations tend to reinforce future migration motivations of a similar nature. By controlling for variables related to geographic space (countries of residence, development profiles of NUTS2 regions, urban profiles of local communities of residence), as well as for several socio-demographic variables and life satisfaction, we can better understand the influence of motivations for past migration on motivations for future migrations. This article extends the internal dynamics of migration approach by combining the idea of individual chains of migration motivations that are extending over-time with the idea of cumulative causation operating at the meso level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Not recognizing climate change related mobility will not obliterate it, but likely lead to more clandestine mobility" (Interview with Filiz Garip) (2023)

    Winters, Jutta; Garip, Filiz;


    Winters, Jutta & Filiz Garip; Filiz Garip (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2023): "Not recognizing climate change related mobility will not obliterate it, but likely lead to more clandestine mobility" (Interview with Filiz Garip). In: IAB-Forum H. 29.11.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231129.01


    "Professor Filiz Garip, Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at the renowned Princeton University, gives a Special Lecture at the IAB on 1 December 2023. She will discuss the complex interplay between climate change, migration, and inequality. In this accompanying interview, she describes the connection between weather extremes and migration, shows a window to respond for policy makers, and draws conclusions for future migration and return migration scenarios in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Winters, Jutta;
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    Wanderlust to wonderland?: Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights (2022)

    Andresen, Maike ; Brücker, Herbert ; Zølner, Mette; Dickmann, Michael; Al Ariss, Akram; Suutari, Vesa; Mäkelä, Liisa; Anger, Silke ; Muhr, Sara Louise; Barzantny, Cordula; Saalfeld, Thomas;


    Andresen, Maike, Silke Anger, Akram Al Ariss, Cordula Barzantny, Herbert Brücker, Michael Dickmann, Liisa Mäkelä, Sara Louise Muhr, Thomas Saalfeld, Vesa Suutari & Mette Zølner (Hrsg.) (2022): Wanderlust to wonderland? Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights. (Personalmanagement und Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 2), Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press, 292 S. DOI:10.20378/irb-55344


    "Expatriation has been a topic of much research recently. The important role expatriates play in the internationalisation of an organisation and the resultant effects of such a work experience on the expatriates themselves, have fuelled the interest in this domain. This edited volume serves to provide fresh and timely insights into four areas, covering the individual, over the organisational, to the macro-level. First, the career paths of the expatriates, which not only garners them the career capital they may be able to utilise later in their career but also, the impacts of such an experience on their longer-term career success are in focus. The second block concerns the expatriation phase itself. A critical look is taken into the expatriates’ identity and how it changes over time. Moreover, it discusses factors influencing the expatriates’ well-being, embeddedness, and sociocultural integration during their time abroad. Third, some key global mobility management challenges that organisations face, when managing expatriation, are introduced — such as flexible language management and how to become an international employer. Finally, insights are provided into the role of the host country policies – more specifically hostile environment and migration policies – on expatriate attitudes and behaviour, which has received less attention in previous research. All four areas are finally brought together to present a rich overview of future research questions that shall stimulate researchers and practitioners in their further deliberations. The chapters are based on selected results from the respective research subprojects of the Early Stage Researchers of the Horizon 2020 Global Mobility of Employees (GLOMO) project. This project was funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme H2020 in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 765355." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © University of Bamberg Press) ((en))

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    Brücker, Herbert ; Anger, Silke ;
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    Re-visiting the 'black box' of migration: state-intermediary co-production of regulatory spaces of labour migration (2022)

    Axelsson, Linn ; Hedberg, Charlotta ; Pettersson, Nils ; Zhang, Qian ;


    Axelsson, Linn, Charlotta Hedberg, Nils Pettersson & Qian Zhang (2022): Re-visiting the 'black box' of migration: state-intermediary co-production of regulatory spaces of labour migration. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 48, H. 3, S. 594-612. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2021.1978285


    "It is now widely held that a variety of intermediary actors, including recruitment and staffing agencies, multinational corporations and local brokers, shape labour migration. This paper argues that in order to better understand the global circulation of labour it is necessary to explore the involvement of these actors in the production of the regulatory spaces through which migrant labour is brokered. Indeed, migration intermediaries do not only navigate borders on behalf of their migrant clients. Nor is ‘the state’ primarily a backdrop against which the understanding of the role of intermediaries may be developed. Instead, we argue, regulatory spaces of labour migration are made and remade through direct and indirect exchanges and interactions between intermediaries and state actors. Through an analysis of three moments of regulatory change in Sweden, the paper shows that such interaction does not take place in an even landscape but, rather, that the ability of migration intermediaries to influence the regulation of migration lies in the capacity to form close relationships or establish a powerful presence. A focus on the dynamic co-production of regulatory spaces by intermediaries and state actors, in our view, offers a more nuanced account of how labour migration currently is brokered and regulated." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Linking internal and international migration in 13 European countries: complementarity or substitution? (2022)

    Bernard, Aude; Perales, Francisco ;


    Bernard, Aude & Francisco Perales (2022): Linking internal and international migration in 13 European countries: complementarity or substitution? In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 48, H. 3, S. 655-675. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1868983


    "Internal and international migration form part of the same continuum of population movement but are typically conceptualised, measured and studied separately. Despite early theoretical attempts at conceptualising internal and international migration jointly, existing evidence remains partial and fragmented, reflecting a diversity of traditions in migration research. To address this gap in knowledge, this paper takes a step towards integration by comparing the triggers, constraints and resources that shape internal and international migration decisions at the micro-level. To accomplish this, we analyse retrospective migration histories from a 13-country cross-national dataset (the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, n = 201,061 person-years from 6,112 individuals) using multinomial random-effect logistic regression models that account for duration dependence. The results show that internal and international migration are linked to the same life-course events, although economic-related transitions are more strongly associated with international than internal migration. We also find that the same resources (e.g. education) and constraints (e.g. homeownership) shape internal and international migration decisions. Altogether, our findings suggest that there is an opportunity for greater theoretical cross-fertilisation between internal and international migration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wanderungsbewegungen in Deutschland: Starker Rückgang während der Covid-19-Pandemie (2022)

    Bozhinoska Lazarova, Monika; Deuster, Christoph; Brücker, Herbert ;


    Bozhinoska Lazarova, Monika, Herbert Brücker & Christoph Deuster (2022): Wanderungsbewegungen in Deutschland: Starker Rückgang während der Covid-19-Pandemie. (IAB-Kurzbericht 10/2022), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2210


    "Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat die Bedingungen für Migration nach Deutschland und in andere Zielländer verändert. Dabei haben sich Mobilitätsbeschränkungen, sinkende Beschäftigungschancen und Verdienstmöglichkeiten sowie die mit dem Infektionsgeschehen verbundenen Risiken unterschiedlich auf die Ziel- und Herkunftsländer der Migration ausgewirkt. In dem Kurzbericht wird untersucht, wie sich das Migrationsgeschehen in Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Zielländern in der Pandemie entwickelt hat. Mit ihrem Ausbruch im Jahr 2020 ist der Wanderungssaldo in Deutschland gegenüber 2019 um 34 Prozent gesunken, im ersten Halbjahr 2021 um 33 Prozent gegenüber dem ersten Halbjahr 2019. Die Nettomigration in Deutschland ist damit stärker eingebrochen als etwa in Österreich, der Schweiz und den skandinavischen Ländern. Dabei sind die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie und ihre wirtschaftlichen Folgen zentrale Erklärungsfaktoren für den überdurchschnittlichen Rückgang der Migration in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Brücker, Herbert ;
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    Climate Change, Inequality, and Human Migration (2022)

    Burzynski, Michal; Docquier, Frédéric; Melo, Jaime de; Deuster, Christoph;


    Burzynski, Michal, Christoph Deuster, Frédéric Docquier & Jaime de Melo (2022): Climate Change, Inequality, and Human Migration. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Jg. 20, H. 3, S. 1145-1197., 2021-10-11. DOI:10.1093/jeea/jvab054


    "This paper investigates the long-term implications of climate change on global migration and inequality. Accounting for the effects of changing temperatures, sea levels, and the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, we model the impact of climate change on productivity and utility in a dynamic general equilibrium framework. By endogenizing people’s migration decisions across millions of 5 × 5 km spatial cells, our approach sheds light on the magnitude and dyadic, education-specific structure of human migration induced by global warming. We find that climate change strongly intensifies global inequality and poverty, reinforces urbanization, and boosts migration from low- to high-latitude areas. Median projections suggest that climate change will induce a voluntary and a forced permanent relocation of 62 million working-age individuals over the course of the twenty-first century. Overall, under current international migration laws and policies, only a small fraction of people suffering the negative effects of climate change manages to move beyond their homelands. We conclude that it is unlikely that climate shocks will induce massive international flows of migrants, except under combined extremely pessimistic climate scenarios and highly permissive migration policies. By contrast, poverty resulting from climate change is a real threat to all of us." (Author's abstract, Copyright Oxford University Press) ((en))

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    Is there a patience premium on migration? (2022)

    Chapela, Jorge González ;


    Chapela, Jorge González (2022): Is there a patience premium on migration? In: Empirical economics, Jg. 63, H. 4, S. 2025-2055. DOI:10.1007/s00181-021-02196-z


    "The very few studies on the empirical link between time preference and migration involve small samples or do not control for cognitive skills. This study uses data from a large, nationally representative survey with information on time preferences and cognitive skills to investigate whether cross-region migrants in Spain are less impatient than individuals who choose to remain in their birth region. The empirical model incorporates predicted probabilities of misclassifying lifetime migrant status. The results suggest that the effect of impatience on the likelihood of migrating internally is negative but decreasing, and that it is smaller than the effect on the likelihood of migrating abroad." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: Levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes (2022)

    Deole, Sumit S.; Rieger, Marc Oliver;


    Deole, Sumit S. & Marc Oliver Rieger (2022): Immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: Levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1055), Essen: Global Labor Organization (GLO), 43 S.


    "We present new descriptive evidence on the immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany, one of the most preferred host countries for immigration. Using the recent waves of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) dataset, we find that the immigrant-native gap in risk preferences has widened for recent immigration cohorts, especially around the 2015 European Refugee Crisis. We attribute the recent widening to decreased assimilation rates of new immigrants caused by a reduced integration due to sudden increases in immigrants flows from culturally diverse parts of the world, particularly around the year 2015. We also find that the immigrant-native gap varies across different migrant groups: "Opportunity seekers", which we define as economic immigrants who intend to stay in Germany only temporarily, are very similar in their risk preferences to natives. Other immigrants, however, are substantially more risk-averse than natives. A smaller gap in risk preferences is also found among migrants who are female, highly educated, proficient in the host language, self-employed and working in predominantly high-skilled jobs. Concerning time preferences, although a noticeably large immigrant-native gap is evident, the gap is not found to vary across most individual-level socio-economic variables." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Why should(n't) refugees be asked about their possessions?: Methodological strengths, challenges and pitfalls in the application of object-based interviews in forced migration research (2022)

    Höpfner, Elena ;


    Höpfner, Elena (2022): Why should(n't) refugees be asked about their possessions? Methodological strengths, challenges and pitfalls in the application of object-based interviews in forced migration research. In: F. Yi-Neumann, A. Lauser, A. Fuhse & P. J. Bräunlein (Hrsg.) (2022): Material Culture and (Forced) Migration, S. 84-98, 2021-10-07.


    "Talking about personal things made visible both their roles at the individual stages of the flight and the connections between life in the country of origin, the causes of escape and the expectations people had of the destination. Escape proved to be a process, which consisted of several stages that were neither independent of each other nor clearly demarcated, and it is in many cases difficult to distinguish escape from a ‘previous’ life. Even though the focus on things often made conversations easier and inspired their owners to recount their strategies and world views in a more vivid and focused way, personal things were not important for all interlocutors. They often appeared as irrelevant, as trivialities, or simply were not there and not missed. Thus, before asking about the possessions and their significance for their owners, one must ask whether they have any relevance at all. This puts into question material culture as an easy and sensitive method of eliciting people’s personal stories. In researching the phenomenon of forced migration with residents of a refugee shelter, one must also have the sensitivity not to talk about things. It is therefore necessary to consider how to deal with meaninglessness and absence of things in the context of such research. For me, depending on the situation and the person, this meant shifting the focus away from the things (back) to the person, if necessary: in other words, to do exactly what qualitative research is all about, namely to maintain an ‘openness’ throughout the research process to reflecting constantly on the limits and dangers of the applied research method." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration und Flucht: Wirtschaftliche Aspekte - regionale Hot Spots - Dynamiken - Lösungsansätze (2022)

    Jäggi, Christian J.;


    Jäggi, Christian J. (2022): Migration und Flucht. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte - regionale Hot Spots - Dynamiken - Lösungsansätze. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 193 S.


    "Dieses Fachbuch ordnet die hochaktuelle Fluchtthematik in größere theoretische Zusammenhänge ein. Dabei werden die wichtigsten globalen Fluchtbewegungen und Migrationsrouten und regionale Hot Spots skizziert, und zwar aus europäischer und insbesondere aus schweizerischer Sicht. Für Migration und Flucht gibt es ökonomische Ursachen, aber auch Krieg, Gewalt und Naturkatastrophen führen dazu, dass eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen ihre Heimat verlässt. Neben Fragen des Überlebens sind oft auch der Wunsch nach einem besseren Leben die Motivation dazu. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Darstellungen der Migrationsforschung geht der Schweizer Autor Christian J. Jäggi nicht von linearen Migrationsverläufen, sondern von gleichzeitigen, bilokalen Lebensformen aus. Die ökonomischen Implikationen von Migration und Flucht sowohl für die Migranten als auch für die Herkunfts- und für die Einwanderungsländer werden dargestellt. Zudem werden internationale und globale Strategien und Lösungsansätze analysiert." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    'Scholars at Risk' in Germany: Forced Migration and Agency in Forced Migration Decision-Making (2022)

    Yarar, Betül ; Karakasoglu, Yasemin;


    Yarar, Betül & Yasemin Karakasoglu (2022): 'Scholars at Risk' in Germany: Forced Migration and Agency in Forced Migration Decision-Making. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 1616-1637. DOI:10.1093/jrs/feac044


    "The recent migration waves from countries ruled by leaders with autocratic tendencies or under war regimes included also the forced migration of academics who have become targets of widening severe attacks against academic-scientific values, institutions, and students/scholars (GCP EA). Based on empirical research, this paper studies the forced migration of scholars from such countries to Germany after 2015. While putting theoretical concepts deriving from distinct study fields (such as forced migration and exile studies) into a dialog, the paper perceives the migration of these scholars as forced due to risks they encountered in their home countries. It also addresses the complexity of their forced migration as a multidimensional and relational process involving various structural and subjective push-pull drives. In line with the empirical data and post-structuralist theories on migration and forced migration, the paper pursues the following theses: Risks and responses against risks are varied and involve the agency of migrants. Although forced migration is a regulated process concerning migration regimes and laws, it calls for the performance/agency of exiled scholars and other actors’ governing activities. As a complex and transformative process, forced migration results in different exilic positions. It is not a predetermined linear process in time and space, but a process with unexpected outcomes, since it entails the ongoing struggle of exiled scholars over/through their academic and social networks and capitals, which function as mediating-pulling drivers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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