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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

Literatur zum Thema Flucht und Asyl finden Sie in unserer IAB-Infoplattform Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten - Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt.

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    Migration on the Rise, a Paradigm in Decline: The Last Half-Century of Global Mobility (2022)

    Clemens, Michael A. ;


    Clemens, Michael A. (2022): Migration on the Rise, a Paradigm in Decline: The Last Half-Century of Global Mobility. (CReAM discussion paper 2022,02), London, 15 S.


    "The past several decades have witnessed a rebirth of global labor mobility. Workers have begun to move between countries at rates not seen since before World War One. During the same period, economists' study of international migration has been framed by a particular textbook model of location choice. This paper reviews the evidence on the economic causes and effects of global migration during the past half century. That evidence falsifies most of the core predictions of the old model. The economics of migration will regain vitality and relevance by discarding and replacing its outworn paradigm." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Politik zur lokalen Integration von Migranten: Europäische Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen (2022)

    Franzke, Jochen; Ruano de la Fuente, José M.;


    Franzke, Jochen & José M. Ruano de la Fuente (Hrsg.) (2022): Politik zur lokalen Integration von Migranten. Europäische Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen. Cham: Springer International Publishing, XXX, 371 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-21373-1


    "Jochen Franzke ist Professor für Verwaltungswissenschaft an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam, Deutschland. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind vergleichende subnationale öffentliche Verwaltungsreformen und neue Formen der lokalen Governance und Bürgerbeteiligung. Er ist Mitglied des Vorstands des Institute of Local Government Studies (Universität Potsdam) und Ko-Vorsitzender der Permanent Study Group on Local Governance and Democracy bei der European Group of Public Administration (EGPA). Er war Gastwissenschaftler an mehreren europäischen Universitäten. José M. Ruano de le Fuente ist Professor an der Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spanien, und war Gastwissenschaftler an mehreren europäischen und amerikanischen Universitäten. Seine Hauptforschungsgebiete sind vergleichende öffentliche Verwaltung und lokale Regierungsführung. Derzeit ist er Vizepräsident der europäischen Vereinigung Entretiens Universitaires Réguliers pour l'Administration en Europe (EUROPA), Vorsitzender ihres wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses und Ko-Vorsitzender der Ständigen Studiengruppe für lokale Verwaltung und Demokratie bei der Europäischen Gruppe für öffentliche Verwaltung (EGPA). Er ist Mitherausgeber von The Palgrave Handbook of Decentralisation in Europe. Dieses Buch ist eine Übersetzung einer deutschen Originalausgabe. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz (maschinelle Übersetzung durch den Dienst DeepL.com) erstellt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt, so dass sich das Buch stilistisch anders liest als eine herkömmliche Übersetzung." (Verlagsangaben)

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    Migration und Flucht: Wirtschaftliche Aspekte - regionale Hot Spots - Dynamiken - Lösungsansätze (2022)

    Jäggi, Christian J.;


    Jäggi, Christian J. (2022): Migration und Flucht. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte - regionale Hot Spots - Dynamiken - Lösungsansätze. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 193 S.


    "Dieses Fachbuch ordnet die hochaktuelle Fluchtthematik in größere theoretische Zusammenhänge ein. Dabei werden die wichtigsten globalen Fluchtbewegungen und Migrationsrouten und regionale Hot Spots skizziert, und zwar aus europäischer und insbesondere aus schweizerischer Sicht. Für Migration und Flucht gibt es ökonomische Ursachen, aber auch Krieg, Gewalt und Naturkatastrophen führen dazu, dass eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen ihre Heimat verlässt. Neben Fragen des Überlebens sind oft auch der Wunsch nach einem besseren Leben die Motivation dazu. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Darstellungen der Migrationsforschung geht der Schweizer Autor Christian J. Jäggi nicht von linearen Migrationsverläufen, sondern von gleichzeitigen, bilokalen Lebensformen aus. Die ökonomischen Implikationen von Migration und Flucht sowohl für die Migranten als auch für die Herkunfts- und für die Einwanderungsländer werden dargestellt. Zudem werden internationale und globale Strategien und Lösungsansätze analysiert." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Integration policies and their effects on labour market outcomes and immigrant inflows (2022)

    Piton, Céline; Ruyssen, Ilse ;


    Piton, Céline & Ilse Ruyssen (2022): Integration policies and their effects on labour market outcomes and immigrant inflows. (Working paper / National Bank of Belgium 411), Brussels, 30 S.


    "Throughout Europe, the labour market integration of immigrants tends to lag behind that of natives. This paper empirically analyses the role played by integration policies in closing this gap in EU countries, not only directly, through the employment rate but also indirectly by influencing the intensity and the composition of immigration flows. Relying on the Migration Integration Policy Indicator (MIPEX), we find that countries with more developed integration policies do not necessarily have higher immigrant employment rates. This finding is due to the fact that different types of policies have opposite effects: policies favouring family reunion, tackling discrimination and allowing for political participation seem to increase the labour market integration of immigrants, while the latter is negatively associated with a higher labour market mobility, as well as easier access to permanent residence and nationality. Only the positive effect of anti-discrimination policies survives the inclusion of country fixed effects though. Effects are found to vary across immigrants coming from EU versus non-EU countries, suggesting that there is no one-fits-all integration policy. Moreover, our results confirm that immigrants' labour market integration varies with the skill composition of the migrant population, a higher level of qualification favouring employment. The composition of the immigrant population within a country in terms of skill levels, however, could also be influenced by integration policies in potential destination countries, a premise which we also test. We show that integration policies indeed act as a pull factor for migration in a gravity model that controls also for the restrictiveness and skill selectivity of migration policies. Yet, it seems that more elaborate integration policies affect primarily the number of high-skilled immigrants entering the territory, but not the number of medium or low skilled, and this only for those from EU countries. Different" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Contribution of Migration to Regional Development (2022)


    OECD (2022): The Contribution of Migration to Regional Development. (OECD Regional Development studies), Paris, 135 S. DOI:10.1787/57046df4-en


    "With many regions in OECD countries facing declining working age populations, the geographical dimension of migration has become crucial for regional development. Where migrants settle within countries and how much they contribute to the local economies are important questions for policy makers. This report aims to address these questions using two novel datasets that offer internationally comparable information on migration and migrants' labour market integration across cities, towns and rural areas in OECD countries. The report also analyses different dimensions of regional development and provides new evidence on how migrants contribute to regional income, innovation, international trade and labour markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Effects of Emigration on Gender Norms in Countries of Origin (2021)

    Azarnert, Leonid V.; Yakubenko, Slava;


    Azarnert, Leonid V. & Slava Yakubenko (2021): Effects of Emigration on Gender Norms in Countries of Origin. (CESifo working paper 9450), München, 44 S.


    "This paper studies the effect of emigration on gender norms in countries of migrants' origin. We use an instrumental variable strategy that allows us to estimate a causal effect of emigration on gender inequality. Our findings suggest that emigration to countries with low (high) levels of gender inequality is associated with promotion of more (less) progressive gender norms. These effects are observed for a wide range of indicators and are robust to inclusion of a set of control variables. Moreover, countries with high levels of gender inequality benefit from this process disproportionately more. Based on the provided evidence we argue that this effect is channelled through “cultural remittances”." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Nach der Machtübernahme der Taliban in Afghanistan: Erfahrungen aus der Vergangenheit und erste Einschätzungen der Folgen für Migration und Integration (2021)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Freitas Monteiro, Teresa ; Deuster, Christoph; Fendel, Tanja ; Keita, Sekou ; Jaschke, Philipp ;


    Brücker, Herbert, Christoph Deuster, Tanja Fendel, Philipp Jaschke, Sekou Keita & Teresa Freitas Monteiro (2021): Nach der Machtübernahme der Taliban in Afghanistan: Erfahrungen aus der Vergangenheit und erste Einschätzungen der Folgen für Migration und Integration. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 09/2021), Nürnberg, 72 S.


    "In Afghanistan ist nach dem Abzug der Truppen der Vereinigten Staaten und der Nordatlantischen Vertragsorganisation (US- und NATO-Truppen) sowie der Machtübernahme der Taliban eine starke Zunahme von Verfolgung, politischer Gewalt und Menschenrechtsverletzungen zu erwarten. Von den Beschränkungen politischer und persönlicher Freiheiten sind Frauen und Mädchen sowie ethnische und religiöse Minderheiten besonders betroffen. Zugleich kann die weitere Verschlechterung der wirtschaftlichen Lage zu einer umfassenden Versorgungskrise der Bevölkerung führen. In der Vergangenheit haben Pakistan und der Iran rund 80 Prozent der in das Ausland geflüchteten Afghaninnen und Afghanen aufgenommen. Aufgrund veränderter geopolitischer Interessen, zunehmender wirtschaftlicher Probleme und wachsenden Widerständen in der Bevölkerung lehnen Pakistan und der Iran die weitere Aufnahme von Geflüchteten aus Afghanistan jedoch ab. Ähnliches gilt für die meisten zentralasiatischen Staaten der früheren Sowjetunion und China. Insofern ist nicht zu erwarten, dass die politische und humanitäre Krise in Afghanistan durch die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten in der Region sowie die finanzielle und technische Unterstützung der Nachbarländer durch die Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas (USA), die Europäische Union (EU) und andere Hocheinkommensländer entschärft werden kann. Zugleich sind die Fluchtrouten in die EU fast vollständig geschlossen, so dass nicht mit einem erheblichen Anstieg der Fluchtmigration nach Europa ähnlich wie im Jahr 2015 zu rechnen ist. Die EU, die USA und andere Hocheinkommensländer können deshalb nur durch die freiwillige Aufnahme von Personen, die besonderen Gefährdungen ausgesetzt sind, einen Beitrag zum Schutz vor Verfolgung und anderen Menschenrechtsverletzungen leisten. Zu solchen Maßnahmen gehören die Aufnahme von Ortskräften, die Aufnahme anderer besonders gefährdeter Personengruppen, die Erweiterung von Resettlement-Programmen sowie von Kontingenten für die Aufnahme von Afghaninnen und Afghanen. Theoretisch wie auch praktisch ist zu erwarten, dass durch Politikkoordination und eine faire Verteilung der Kosten der Aufnahme von Geflüchteten die Bereitschaft zur Aufnahme von Geflüchteten auch in den Nachbarregionen steigt. Bei der Aufnahme von Geflüchteten handelt es sich um eine humanitäre Aufgabe, die Kosten aufwirft. Diese Kosten hängen vom Erfolg und der Geschwindigkeit der Integration ab. In Deutschland haben sich die Geflüchteten aus Afghanistan ähnlich wie andere Geflüchtete in den Arbeitsmarkt integriert, obwohl ihre Voraussetzungen im Hinblick auf das Bildungsniveau beim Zuzug, den Ausgang und die Länge der Asylverfahren und den Zugang zu Integrationskursen und anderen Integrationsprogrammen schlechter waren. Zum Jahresende 2020 belief sich die Beschäftigungsquote der afghanischen Staatsangehörigen in Deutschland auf 40 Prozent, die der 2015 zugezogenen Kohorte dürfte etwas darüber gelegen haben. Die neu aufgenommenen Afghaninnen und Afghanen werden in Hinblick auf das Bildungsniveau, Deutsch- und Fremdsprachenkenntnisse bessere Voraussetzungen als die früher zugezogenen Schutzsuchenden mitbringen. Gleiches gilt für den Aufenthaltsstatus und den Zugang zu Integrationsprogrammen. Zudem ist die Integrationsinfrastruktur besser als beispielsweise 2015 ausgebaut und weniger Schutzsuchende konkurrieren um knappe Ressourcen. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind eine schnellere Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt und andere gesellschaftliche Bereiche sowie geringere Kosten der Integration zu erwarten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in European Labour Markets: A Comparative Approach on Legal Barriers and Enablers (2021)

    Federico, Veronica; Baglioni, Simone;


    Federico, Veronica & Simone Baglioni (Hrsg.) (2021): Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in European Labour Markets. A Comparative Approach on Legal Barriers and Enablers. (IMISCOE Research Series), Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, XI, 258 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-67284-3


    "This open access book discusses how, and to what extent, the legal and institutional regimes and the socio-cultural environments of a range of European countries (the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland Greece, Italy, Switzerland and the UK), in the framework of EU laws and policies, have a beneficial or negative impact on the effective capacity of these countries to integrate migrants, refugees and asylum seekers into their labour markets. The analysis builds on the understanding of socio-cultural, institutional and legal factors as “barriers” or “enablers”; elements that may facilitate or obstruct the integration processes. The book examines the two dimensions of integration being access to the labour market (which, translated into a rights language means the right to work) with its corollaries (recognition of qualifications, vocational training, etc.), and non-discriminatory working conditions (which, translated into a rights language means right to both formal and substantial equality) and its corollaries of benefits and duties deriving from joining the labour market. It thereby offers a novel approach to labour market integration and migration/asylum issues given its focus on legal aspects, which includes most recent policy changes and legal decisions (including litigation cases). The robust, evidence-based and comparative research illustrated in the book provides academics and students, but also practitioners and policy makers, with updated knowledge that will likely impact positively on policy changes needed to better address integration conundrums." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Potential Mobility from Africa, Middle East and EU Neighbouring Countries to Europe (2021)

    Grieveson, Richard; Landesmann, Michael; Mara, Isilda;


    Grieveson, Richard, Michael Landesmann & Isilda Mara (2021): Potential Mobility from Africa, Middle East and EU Neighbouring Countries to Europe. (WIIW working paper 199), Wien, 35 S.


    "Migration from Africa and the Middle East to the EU has intensified over the last two decades. Relative differences between developed EU and less developed African and Middle East countries have not declined that much and continue to drive mobility. Also, demographic trends show a strong contrast between the population of the EU (ageing and shrinking rapidly) and that of Africa and the Middle East (young and continuously increasing). Apart from demographic pressures and development gaps, other forces related to conflicts and wars, as well as climate risks, have become important drivers of mobility and are not expected to fade away soon. Anticipating migration flows in order to ensure better management and regulated mobility has become essential, although this is an exercise subject to high uncertainty. With these caveats in mind, this study seeks to calculate long-term potential mobility from Africa, the Middle East and Eastern EU neighbouring countries to EU28 and EFTA by applying a migration gravity model following a scenario-based approach. Projections for 2020-2029 suggest that migration flows to the EU from Africa, in particular, will dominate the South-North mobility corridor. Migration policies will also play a role in shaping future migration trends, as migration flows are subject to EU destination countries' applying restrictive migration policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    What explains immigrant–native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions (2021)

    Guzi, Martin ; Kureková, Lucia Mýtna ; Kahanec, Martin ;


    Guzi, Martin, Martin Kahanec & Lucia Mýtna Kureková (2021): What explains immigrant–native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions. In: Migration Studies, Jg. 9, H. 4, S. 1823-1856. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnab044


    "The understanding of how institutional and policy contexts affect immigrant integration is essential for any effort to foster a sustainable and effective migration and integration policy framework. Immigrant–native labor market gaps may arise not only due to differences in human capital or other socio-economic and demographic characteristics, but also due to differentiated impacts of institutions and policies on otherwise similar immigrants and natives. Different integration policy approaches are needed to close the gaps arising through these different mechanisms. This article exploits the variation across Europe to study the institutional and policy determinants of immigrant–native gaps in host labor markets. Using the EU Labor Force Survey as the primary source of data and a novel analytical approach, we study immigrant–native gaps in labor force participation, unemployment, low-skilled employment, and temporary employment and measure the contribution of institutional and policy contexts to the part of these gaps that cannot be explained by immigrant–native differences in characteristics. Our findings confirm that institutional and policy contexts play a significant role in immigrant integration and highlight the importance of tailoring policy approaches with regard to the causes of immigrant–native gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geschlechtergerechte Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrant_innen: Erfahrungen aus dem schwedischen Projekt „Equal Entry“ (2021)

    Helgesson, Petter; Jönsson, Erik; Westin, Ulfhild; Ornstein, Petra; Rödin, Magnus;


    Helgesson, Petter, Erik Jönsson, Petra Ornstein, Magnus Rödin & Ulfhild Westin (2021): Geschlechtergerechte Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrant_innen. Erfahrungen aus dem schwedischen Projekt „Equal Entry“. (WISO direkt 2021,12), Bonn, 4 S.


    "Wie kann die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrantinnen im selben Maße wie die von Migranten befördert werden? Das Projekt „Equal Entry“ wurde als randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie (RCT) angelegt und setzt ein intensives Arbeitsmarktförderprogramm (JSA) ein. Das Programm erhöht den Anteil der in Arbeit vermittelten Personen um 30 Prozent. Es zeigt: Das Erzielen gleicher Effekte für Frauen wie Männer ist möglich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Fighting or fuelling forced labour? The Modern Slavery Act 2015, irregular migrants and the vulnerabilising role of the UK’s hostile environment (2021)

    Hodkinson, Stuart N.; Lewis, Hannah; Waite, Louise; Dwyer, Peter ;


    Hodkinson, Stuart N., Hannah Lewis, Louise Waite & Peter Dwyer (2021): Fighting or fuelling forced labour? The Modern Slavery Act 2015, irregular migrants and the vulnerabilising role of the UK’s hostile environment. In: Critical Social Policy, Jg. 41, H. 1, S. 68-90. DOI:10.1177/0261018320904311


    "Abolishing ‘modern slavery’ has now achieved international policy consensus. The most recent UK initiative – the 2015 Modern Slavery Act (MSA) – includes amongst other aspects tougher prison sentencing for perpetrators and the creation of an independent anti-slavery commissioner to oversee its implementation. However, drawing on research into forced labour among people seeking asylum in England, this article argues that when considered alongside the UK government’s deliberate creation of a ‘hostile environment’ towards migrants, not least in the Immigration Acts of 2014 and 2016, state action to outlaw modern slavery is flawed, counter-productive and disingenuous. We show how the MSA focuses only on the immediate act of coercion between ‘victim’ and ‘criminal’, ignoring how the hostile state vulnerabilises migrants in ways that compel their entry into and continued entrapment within severe labour exploitation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Who are the fittest? The question of skills in national employment systems in an age of global labour mobility (2021)

    Liu-Farrer, Gracia ; Shire, Karen;


    Liu-Farrer, Gracia & Karen Shire (2021): Who are the fittest? The question of skills in national employment systems in an age of global labour mobility. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 47, H. 10, S. 2305-2322. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1731987


    "Faced with demographic as well as economic changes, Germany and Japan have liberalised immigration controls for skilled migrants, set targets for foreign student enrolments in university, and introduced visa categories to enable foreign graduates to enter their labour markets. Yet a relatively modest share of foreign graduates actually receives jobs appropriate to their skill-level and remain in these labour markets. In this article, we focus on organisational recruitment and employment practices, especially those related to skill formation and the structuring of careers, as factors affecting the remain rates of foreign graduates. Our analysis shows that while obtaining the same educational credentials as native students, foreign graduates are disadvantaged because the employment systems of the host countries operate according to the logic of national labour markets, entailing institutionally and culturally specific skill expectations as well as formation processes. Consequently, foreign graduates either fail to enter the market, or are placed in lower or niche categories in a differentiated labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe: context, theory and evidence (2021)

    Schieckoff, Bentley ; Sprengholz, Maximilian ;


    Schieckoff, Bentley & Maximilian Sprengholz (2021): The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe. Context, theory and evidence. (Working Paper / Universität Konstanz, Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" 02), Konstanz, 52 S.


    "Women represent an important component of the immigration population in Europe and have increasingly been a group of interest in academic studies, especially with regard to their integration outcomes. In this overview, we seek to provide a comprehensive resource for scholars of female immigrant labor market integration in Europe, to act both as a reference and a roadmap for future studies in this domain. We begin by presenting a contextual history of immigration to and within Europe since the Second World War, before outlining the major theoretical assumptions about immigrant women's labor market disadvantage from economics and sociology. We then synthesize the empirical findings published between 2000 and 2020 and analyze how they line up with the theoretical predictions. We also present descriptive analyses with data from 2019, which expose any discrepancies between the current situation in European countries and the situation during the time periods considered in the reviewed studies. As a group, immigrant women are often reported to experience significant disadvantages in their labor market integration, both compared to immigrant men and to native women. However, this type of approach glosses over the substantial heterogeneity in immigrant women's experiences. Instead, our overview points to a selective disadvantage for immigrant women that is highly dependent on their country of origin and the reception context they encounter after immigration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe: context, theory and evidence (2021)

    Schieckoff, Bentley ; Sprengholz, Maximilian ;


    Schieckoff, Bentley & Maximilian Sprengholz (2021): The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe. Context, theory and evidence. In: SN Social Sciences, Jg. 1, H. 11 Konstanz. DOI:10.1007/s43545-021-00279-3


    "In this overview, we seek to provide a comprehensive resource for scholars of female immigrant labor market integration in Europe, to act both as a reference and a roadmap for future studies in this domain. We begin by presenting a contextual history of immigration to and within Europe since the Second World War, before outlining the major theoretical assumptions about immigrant women's labor market disadvantage. We then synthesize the empirical findings from quantitative studies published between 2000 and 2020 and analyze how they line up with the theoretical predictions. We supplement the review with descriptive analyses using data from 2019, which expose any discrepancies between the current situation in European countries and the situation during the time periods considered in the reviewed studies. Our review has three main take-aways. First, the theoretically relevant determinants of immigrant women's labor market integration are generally supported by empirical evidence, but the unexplained heterogeneity that remains in many cases between immigrant women and other groups on the labor market calls for more systematic and comprehensive investigations. Second, quantitative studies which take a holistic approach to studying the labor market disadvantages of immigrant women—and all the considerations related to their gender and nativity that this entails—are rare in this body of literature, and future studies should address this. Third, fruitful avenues for future contributions to this field include expanding on certain overlooked outcomes, like immigrant women's self-employment, as well as geographic regions that until now have received little attention, especially by employing the most recent data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour migration and increasing inequality in Norway (2021)

    Slettebak, Marie H.;


    Slettebak, Marie H. (2021): Labour migration and increasing inequality in Norway. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 64, H. 3, S. 314-330. DOI:10.1177/0001699320930261


    "This paper explores the contested relationship between migration and income inequality, using labour migration to Norway as a case. The enlargements of the European Union starting in 2004 were followed by an unprecedented increase in labour migration to Norway. In particular, many rural regions, previously unfamiliar with immigration, have experienced a large influx of labour migrants. In the same period, income inequality has increased. This paper uses register data on the municipality level from 2005-2016 to discuss (a) the direction of the relationship between labour migration and income inequality; (b) the degree to which labour migration affects inequality (in general and within the native population) compared to other immigrant groups; and (c) whether the effects are different in rural and urban municipalities. Findings show that labour migration from the "new" European Union countries is followed by higher income inequality in Norway. No support is found for the reversed causal relationship that increasing inequality causes higher numbers of labour migrants. The effect of labour migration on overall inequality is considerable, but not as strong as the effect of refugees. However, as opposed to refugees, labour migration also affects income inequality within the native population, but this effect is only significant in rural areas." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    International Migration Outlook 2021 (2021)


    OECD (2021): International Migration Outlook 2021. (OECD economic outlook 45), Paris, 439 S. DOI:10.1787/29f23e9d-en


    "The 2021 edition of International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and the labour market inclusion of immigrants in OECD countries. It also monitors recent policy changes in migration governance and integration in OECD countries. This edition includes two special chapters, one providing an in-depth analysis of the fiscal impact of migration in OECD countries since the mid 2000s and another on the causes and consequences of the residential segregation of immigrants. The Outlook also includes country notes and a detailed statistical annex." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The economics of immigration (2020)

    Bansak, Cynthia; Zavodny, Madeline ; Simpson, Nicole B.;


    Bansak, Cynthia, Nicole B. Simpson & Madeline Zavodny (2020): The economics of immigration. Boca Raton: Routledge, 470 S.


    "This book, in its second edition, introduces readers to the economics of immigration, which is a booming field within economics. The main themes and objectives of the book are for readers to understand the decision to migrate, the impacts of immigration on markets and government budgets and the consequences of immigration policies in a global context. Our goal is for readers to be able to make informed economic arguments about key issues related to immigration around the world. This book applies economic tools to the topic of immigration to answer questions like whether immigration raises or lowers the standard of living of people in a country. The book examines many other consequences of immigration as well, such as the effect on tax revenues and government expenditures, the effect on how and what firms decide to produce and the effect on income inequality, to name just a few. It also examines questions like what determines whether people choose to move and where they decide to go. It even examines how immigration affects the ethnic diversity of restaurants and financial markets. Readers will learn how to apply economic tools to the topic of immigration. Immigration is frequently in the news as more people move around the world to work, to study and to join family members. The economics of immigration has important policy implications. Immigration policy is controversial in many countries. This book explains why this is so and equips the reader to understand and contribute to policy debates on this important topic." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Informa UK Limited) ((en))

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    Integrating refugees through active labour market policy (2020)

    Bonoli, Giuliano ;


    Bonoli, Giuliano (2020): Integrating refugees through active labour market policy. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 30, H. 5, S. 616-627. DOI:10.1177/0958928720950619


    "This article offers an overview of scholarship on social investment policies in relation to the integration of immigrants and the role they can play in multicultural societies. At first sight, social investment is a promising strategy to deal with the inequalities in human capital and life chances that plague multicultural societies. However, on the basis of the available knowledge, the article shows that the benefit of social investment interventions for immigrants may be lower than expected for two main reasons. First, there are access biases in most typical social investment policies (for example, childcare, active labour market policies, training) that tend to limit participation by non-natives. Second, employers’ recruitment preferences and labour market discrimination are also likely to limit the potential of social investment interventions for immigrants. I conclude that to exploit the full potential of social investment policies in the promotion of immigrant integration, these policies need to be adapted, particularly by taking into account the essential role played by employers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    An Introduction to the Economics of Immigration in OECD Countries (2020)

    Edo, Anthony ; Sweetman, Arthur; Rapoport, Hillel; Ragot, Lionel; Sardoschau, Sulin; Steinmayr, Andreas;


    Edo, Anthony, Lionel Ragot, Hillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau, Andreas Steinmayr & Arthur Sweetman (2020): An Introduction to the Economics of Immigration in OECD Countries. (IZA discussion paper 13755), 33 S.


    "The share of the foreign-born in OECD countries is increasing, and this article summarizes economics research on the effects of immigration in those nations. Four broad topics are addressed: labor market issues, fiscal questions, the political economy of immigration, and productivity/international trade. Extreme concerns about deleterious labour market and fiscal impacts following from new immigrants are not found to be warranted. However, it is also clear that government policies and practices regarding the selection and integration of new migrants affect labour market, fiscal and social/cultural outcomes. Policies that are well informed, well crafted, and well executed beneficially improve population welfare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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