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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

Literatur zum Thema Flucht und Asyl finden Sie in unserer IAB-Infoplattform Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten - Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt.

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im Aspekt "Migration und Arbeitsmarkt"
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    Self-employment convergence in Europe: The role of migration (2021)

    Cuadros, Ana ; Cuestas, Juan Carlos ; Martín-Montaner, Joan A.;


    Cuadros, Ana, Juan Carlos Cuestas & Joan A. Martín-Montaner (2021): Self-employment convergence in Europe. The role of migration. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 1-14. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0250182


    "This paper attempts to identify patterns of convergence in the rates of self-employment (SE) for both foreign-born and natives in a sample of 17 European countries during the period 1999–2018. A distinction is made between self-employed with and without workers. Our analysis is relevant for policy-making: whether or not there is evidence of convergence in SE rates can be an indication of the homogeneity of self-employed workers among the countries analysed, which in turn may reflect the success of the EU-wide policies to boost SE." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market integration of migrants in Germany? (2021)

    Czepek, Judith;


    Czepek, Judith (2021): Labour market integration of migrants in Germany? In: J. Heyes & L. Rychly (Eds.) (2021): The Governance of Labour Administration, S. 238-261. DOI:10.4337/9781802203158.00020


    "In 2014-2015, Germany experienced the highest inflow of refugees of all European countries. This posed major challenges, but Germany's migration policy remained consistent, concentrating on the fast integration of refugees into the labour market. Compared to natives, migrants have a lower labour market performance, yet despite of the well-known disadvantages, migration and labour market policy have not offered tailor-made solutions to meet migrants' needs. However, more recently, new measures have been introduced that can be interpreted as reflecting lessons learned from policy evaluation and the history of migration in Germany: Combined programs for both integration and labour market participation point in a new direction. Economic prosperity and high rates of employment have supported the successful integration of migrants and refugees on the labour market. Nevertheless, institutional barriers continue to limit the positive effects - especially for migrants emigrating from non-European third countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrants' Labour Market Disadvantages Across Western Europe: the Role of Composition and Context (2021)

    Damelang, Andreas ; Ebensperger, Sabine ; Stumpf, Felix;


    Damelang, Andreas, Sabine Ebensperger & Felix Stumpf (2021): Immigrants' Labour Market Disadvantages Across Western Europe: the Role of Composition and Context. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 1525-1550. DOI:10.1007/s12134-021-00823-3


    "This paper examines why some Western European countries are more successful in integrating immigrants into the labour market than others. Using data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), we show how the country-specific immigrant composition and context of reception contribute to immigrants' disadvantages across receiving countries. Because the data provide extensive information about relevant characteristics that were often considered unobservable, we can comprehensively model the immigrant composition in receiving countries. We find considerable cross-country differences in immigrants' disadvantages, both in terms of employment and occupational status. Multivariate analyses highlight that a large part of this variation is explained by differences in immigrant compositions, whereas we find little evidence for context effects. Counterfactual simulations corroborate that the extent to which countries succeed with integrating immigrants into the labour market strongly depends on the composition of the immigrants that they receive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Migration and Labor Market Integration in Europe (2021)

    Dorn, David; Zweimüller, Josef;


    Dorn, David & Josef Zweimüller (2021): Migration and Labor Market Integration in Europe. In: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 49-76. DOI:10.1257/jep.35.2.49


    "The European labor market allows for the border-free mobility of workers across 31 countries that cover most of the continent's population. However, rates of migration across European countries remain considerably lower than interstate migration in the United States, and spatial variation in terms of unemployment or income levels is larger. We document patterns of migration in Europe, which include a sizable migration from east to west in the last twenty years. An analysis of worker-level microdata provides some evidence for an international convergence in wage rates and for modest static gains from migration. We conclude by discussing obstacles to migration that reduce the potential for further labor market integration in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Real Exchange Rates and the Earnings of Immigrants (2021)

    Dustmann, Christian; Ku, Hyejin; Surovtseva, Tanya;


    Dustmann, Christian, Hyejin Ku & Tanya Surovtseva (2021): Real Exchange Rates and the Earnings of Immigrants. (CReAM discussion paper 2021,10), London, 59 S.


    "Higher price levels in the destination relative to the origin increase the effective real wages of immigrants, thereby affecting immigrants' reservation and entry wages as well as their subsequent career trajectories. Based on micro-level longitudinal administrative data from Germany and exploiting within-country and across-cohort variations in the real exchange rate (RER) between Germany and countries that newly joined the European Union in the 2000s, we find that immigrants arriving with high RERs initially settle for lower paying jobs than comparable immigrants arriving with low RERs. In subsequent periods, however, wages of high RER arrivals catch up to that of their low RER counterparts, convergence achieved primarily through changes to better paying occupations and firms. Our findings thus point to the persistent regional price differences as one possible reason for Immigrants' downgrading, with implications for immigrant' career profiles and the assessment of labor market impacts of immigration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in European Labour Markets: A Comparative Approach on Legal Barriers and Enablers (2021)

    Federico, Veronica; Baglioni, Simone;


    Federico, Veronica & Simone Baglioni (Hrsg.) (2021): Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in European Labour Markets. A Comparative Approach on Legal Barriers and Enablers. (IMISCOE Research Series), Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, XI, 258 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-67284-3


    "This open access book discusses how, and to what extent, the legal and institutional regimes and the socio-cultural environments of a range of European countries (the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland Greece, Italy, Switzerland and the UK), in the framework of EU laws and policies, have a beneficial or negative impact on the effective capacity of these countries to integrate migrants, refugees and asylum seekers into their labour markets. The analysis builds on the understanding of socio-cultural, institutional and legal factors as “barriers” or “enablers”; elements that may facilitate or obstruct the integration processes. The book examines the two dimensions of integration being access to the labour market (which, translated into a rights language means the right to work) with its corollaries (recognition of qualifications, vocational training, etc.), and non-discriminatory working conditions (which, translated into a rights language means right to both formal and substantial equality) and its corollaries of benefits and duties deriving from joining the labour market. It thereby offers a novel approach to labour market integration and migration/asylum issues given its focus on legal aspects, which includes most recent policy changes and legal decisions (including litigation cases). The robust, evidence-based and comparative research illustrated in the book provides academics and students, but also practitioners and policy makers, with updated knowledge that will likely impact positively on policy changes needed to better address integration conundrums." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrantinnen. Teil 2: Erfolgsfaktoren regionaler und kommunaler Förderkonzepte (2021)

    Fritsche, Christiane; Pfeffer-Hoffmann, Christian; Pallmann, Ildikó;


    Fritsche, Christiane, Ildikó Pallmann & Christian Pfeffer-Hoffmann (2021): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrantinnen. Teil 2: Erfolgsfaktoren regionaler und kommunaler Förderkonzepte. (Analysen und Studien / IQ-Fachstelle Einwanderung 2021,07), Berlin: Mensch und Buch Verlag, 90 S.


    "Im Rahmen der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Frauen mit Migrationserfahrung spielen die Jobcenter und Agenturen für Arbeit eine zentrale Rolle. In einer zweiteiligen Studie zeigt die Fachstelle Einwanderung, welche Ansätze sie dabei verfolgen und wie sie diese in der Praxis umsetzen. Im ersten Teil der Studie wurden nach einer deutschlandweiten Online-Befragung günstige Rahmenbedingungen, konkrete Angebote und Empfehlungen der Befragten skizziert. Darauf aufbauend analysiert diese Publikation konkrete strukturell angelegte Förderkonzepte in sieben ausgewählten Jobcentern und Agenturen für Arbeit aus verschiedenen Regionen Deutschlands. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Erfahrungen und darauf basierenden Erkenntnisse der Mitarbeitenden dieser Einrichtungen sowie ihrer Netzwerkpartner*innen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Ausbildung statt Ausgrenzung: Wie interkulturelle Öffnung und Diversity-Orientierung in Berlins Öffentlichem Dienst und in Landesbetrieben gelingen können (2021)

    Germershausen, Andreas; Kruse, Wilfried;


    Germershausen, Andreas & Wilfried Kruse (2021): Ausbildung statt Ausgrenzung. Wie interkulturelle Öffnung und Diversity-Orientierung in Berlins Öffentlichem Dienst und in Landesbetrieben gelingen können. (Kultur und soziale Praxis), Bielefeld: Transcript, 218 S. DOI:10.14361/9783839455678


    "Im Jahr 2005 startete der Berliner Senat ein spannendes Experiment: Wie können sich die öffentlichen Verwaltungen und Landesbetriebe öffnen und mehr Migrant*innen als Beschäftigte gewinnen? Der Senat wollte Verantwortung in eigener Sache übernehmen, da er bis dahin selbst nur wenig Personal aus Einwanderer-Communities beschäftigte. Die zentralen Fragen waren: Was sollte und konnte man an den Einstellungsverfahren und in der Ausbildung ändern? Und wie kann man als Arbeitgeber für Migrant*innen attraktiv werden? Andreas Germershausen und Wilfried Kruse zeichnen mehr als ein Jahrzehnt Berliner Teilhabepolitik nach und zeigen auf, was interkulturelle Öffnung und Diversity-Orientierung in der Berufsausbildung konkret bedeuten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    International Trade, Intellectual Property Rights and the (Un)employment of Migrants (2021)

    Guichard, Lucas; Stepanok, Ignat ;


    Guichard, Lucas & Ignat Stepanok (2021): International Trade, Intellectual Property Rights and the (Un)employment of Migrants. (IAB-Discussion Paper 11/2021), Nürnberg, 36 S.


    "Wir untersuchen die Wirkungen einer Handelsliberalisierung und des Schutzes geistigen Eigentums auf die Arbeitslosenquote von Migrantinnen und Migranten im Vergleich zu Einheimischen im Zielland. Die Analyse stützt sich auf ein Nord-Süd-Handelsmodell mit Wirtschaftswachstum und einer positiven Migrationsrate. Eine bilaterale Handelsliberalisierung führt zu einer niedrigeren Arbeitslosenquote von Migrantinnen und Migranten bei geringer Migration und zu einer höheren Arbeitslosenquote, wenn die Migrationsrate hoch ist. Dieses Ergebnis beruht nicht auf Netzwerkeffekten: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Stelle zu finden ist unabhängig von der Größe der Diaspora. Ebenso führt der Schutz geistigen Eigentums zu einer höheren Arbeitslosenquote von Migrantinnen und Migranten unabhängig von der Größe der Diaspora. Die theoretischen Hypothesen des Modells wurden anhand von Daten aus 20 OECD Ländern in der Periode 2000-2014 empirisch getestet. Die empirischen Ergebnisse bestätigen die theoretischen Vorhersagen des Modells." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stepanok, Ignat ;
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    What explains immigrant–native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions (2021)

    Guzi, Martin ; Kureková, Lucia Mýtna ; Kahanec, Martin ;


    Guzi, Martin, Martin Kahanec & Lucia Mýtna Kureková (2021): What explains immigrant–native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions. In: Migration Studies, Jg. 9, H. 4, S. 1823-1856. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnab044


    "The understanding of how institutional and policy contexts affect immigrant integration is essential for any effort to foster a sustainable and effective migration and integration policy framework. Immigrant–native labor market gaps may arise not only due to differences in human capital or other socio-economic and demographic characteristics, but also due to differentiated impacts of institutions and policies on otherwise similar immigrants and natives. Different integration policy approaches are needed to close the gaps arising through these different mechanisms. This article exploits the variation across Europe to study the institutional and policy determinants of immigrant–native gaps in host labor markets. Using the EU Labor Force Survey as the primary source of data and a novel analytical approach, we study immigrant–native gaps in labor force participation, unemployment, low-skilled employment, and temporary employment and measure the contribution of institutional and policy contexts to the part of these gaps that cannot be explained by immigrant–native differences in characteristics. Our findings confirm that institutional and policy contexts play a significant role in immigrant integration and highlight the importance of tailoring policy approaches with regard to the causes of immigrant–native gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Arbeitslose in der Grundsicherung erhöhen die Beschäftigungsquote langfristig und unabhängig von der Staatsangehörigkeit (2021)

    Haepp, Tobias; Kiesel, Markus; Kasrin, Zein ; Zabel, Cordula ;


    Haepp, Tobias, Zein Kasrin, Markus Kiesel & Cordula Zabel (2021): Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Arbeitslose in der Grundsicherung erhöhen die Beschäftigungsquote langfristig und unabhängig von der Staatsangehörigkeit. In: IAB-Forum H. 15.12.2021 Nürnberg, 2021-12-13.


    "Seit Einführung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende im Jahr 2005 beziehen Menschen ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit rund doppelt so häufig Leistungen wie solche, die einen deutschen Pass besitzen. Allerdings nehmen sie, mit Ausnahme der Geflüchteten ab 2015, seltener an Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik teil. Hier bleiben Potenziale ungenutzt, da Menschen ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, die schon seit vielen Jahren in Deutschland leben, von diesen Maßnahmen ebenso stark profitieren wie Deutsche oder Geflüchtete." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kasrin, Zein ; Zabel, Cordula ;
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    Entrepreneurial Opportunities of Refugees in Germany, France, and Ireland: Multiple Embeddedness Framework (2021)

    Harima, Aki ; Picard, Salomé; Murphy, Tony; Periac, Fabrice ;


    Harima, Aki, Fabrice Periac, Tony Murphy & Salomé Picard (2021): Entrepreneurial Opportunities of Refugees in Germany, France, and Ireland: Multiple Embeddedness Framework. In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Jg. 17, H. 2, S. 625-663. DOI:10.1007/s11365-020-00707-5


    "Recently, the entrepreneurial potential of refugees has received growing attention from scholars and policymakers. However, the literature on refugee entrepreneurship suffers from the fragmentation of previous research findings, which has been mainly attributed to the fact that refugees have heterogeneous backgrounds. Tackling this challenge, this study conceptualized the framework for the multiple embeddedness of refugee entrepreneurs by applying and extending the concept of mixed embeddedness. Based on 50 semi-structured interviews with refugee entrepreneurs who relocated to Germany, France, and Ireland, we identified six patterns in which refugees' multiple embeddedness and their actions as entrepreneurial agencies interacted to develop entrepreneurial opportunities: (i) value creation with homeland resources, (ii) acting as transnational middleman minorities, (iii) integration facilitation, (iv) qualification transfers, (v) homeland-problem solving, and (vi) creative innovation. This study contributes to the literature on refugee entrepreneurship by considering multiple contexts in which refugees can be embedded in and by elaborating on the interactions between opportunity structure emerging within the multiple embeddedness, actions, and capabilities of refugees as entrepreneurial agencies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Innovation Without Borders: The Power of Human Migration in the 21st Century (2021)

    Harnoss, Johann; Reeves, Martin; Schwarz, Anna; Candelon, François;


    Harnoss, Johann, Anna Schwarz, Martin Reeves & François Candelon (2021): Innovation Without Borders. The Power of Human Migration in the 21st Century. Boston, MA, 19 S.


    "This report is the first in a series that explores the innovative potential arising from the global movement of skilled workers and examines the implications for CEOs and policymakers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geschlechtergerechte Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrant_innen: Erfahrungen aus dem schwedischen Projekt „Equal Entry“ (2021)

    Helgesson, Petter; Jönsson, Erik; Westin, Ulfhild; Ornstein, Petra; Rödin, Magnus;


    Helgesson, Petter, Erik Jönsson, Petra Ornstein, Magnus Rödin & Ulfhild Westin (2021): Geschlechtergerechte Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrant_innen. Erfahrungen aus dem schwedischen Projekt „Equal Entry“. (WISO direkt 2021,12), Bonn, 4 S.


    "Wie kann die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrantinnen im selben Maße wie die von Migranten befördert werden? Das Projekt „Equal Entry“ wurde als randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie (RCT) angelegt und setzt ein intensives Arbeitsmarktförderprogramm (JSA) ein. Das Programm erhöht den Anteil der in Arbeit vermittelten Personen um 30 Prozent. Es zeigt: Das Erzielen gleicher Effekte für Frauen wie Männer ist möglich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    "By women, for women, and with women": on the integration of highly qualified female refugees into the labour Markets of Berlin and Brandenburg (2021)

    Hillmann, Felicitas ; Toğral Koca, Burcu;


    Hillmann, Felicitas & Burcu Toğral Koca (2021): "By women, for women, and with women": on the integration of highly qualified female refugees into the labour Markets of Berlin and Brandenburg. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 9. DOI:10.1186/s40878-020-00211-3


    "This article focuses on the labour market integration of highly qualified female refugees in cosmopolitan Berlin and smaller towns in the county of Brandenburg. Based on interviews with civil society organisations designed mainly for female refugees, universities, employees of the job agency and government administrations, the gendered pathways of stratified access of this group to the labour markets of the two areas were analysed. Special attention was given to the role of emerging intermediary actors and their powers to influence stratified access to the labour markets. As this research shows, a variety of new approaches have evolved, and a web of migration-related jobs to support these women has been created – with marked regional differences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fighting or fuelling forced labour? The Modern Slavery Act 2015, irregular migrants and the vulnerabilising role of the UK’s hostile environment (2021)

    Hodkinson, Stuart N.; Lewis, Hannah; Waite, Louise; Dwyer, Peter ;


    Hodkinson, Stuart N., Hannah Lewis, Louise Waite & Peter Dwyer (2021): Fighting or fuelling forced labour? The Modern Slavery Act 2015, irregular migrants and the vulnerabilising role of the UK’s hostile environment. In: Critical Social Policy, Jg. 41, H. 1, S. 68-90. DOI:10.1177/0261018320904311


    "Abolishing ‘modern slavery’ has now achieved international policy consensus. The most recent UK initiative – the 2015 Modern Slavery Act (MSA) – includes amongst other aspects tougher prison sentencing for perpetrators and the creation of an independent anti-slavery commissioner to oversee its implementation. However, drawing on research into forced labour among people seeking asylum in England, this article argues that when considered alongside the UK government’s deliberate creation of a ‘hostile environment’ towards migrants, not least in the Immigration Acts of 2014 and 2016, state action to outlaw modern slavery is flawed, counter-productive and disingenuous. We show how the MSA focuses only on the immediate act of coercion between ‘victim’ and ‘criminal’, ignoring how the hostile state vulnerabilises migrants in ways that compel their entry into and continued entrapment within severe labour exploitation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zugewanderte haben nach einer Massenentlassung schlechtere Arbeitsmarktperspektiven als Einheimische (2021)

    Illing, Hannah; Koch, Theresa;


    Illing, Hannah & Theresa Koch (2021): Zugewanderte haben nach einer Massenentlassung schlechtere Arbeitsmarktperspektiven als Einheimische. In: IAB-Forum H. 04.11.2021 Nürnberg, o. Sz., 2021-11-02.


    "Massenentlassungen haben für die Betroffenen langfristig negative Konsequenzen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Das betrifft sowohl die Verdienstmöglichkeiten als auch die Beschäftigungschancen. Aus verschiedenen Gründen trifft dies für Zugewanderte noch stärker zu als für Einheimische." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Illing, Hannah; Koch, Theresa;
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    Who Suffers the Greatest Loss? Costs of Job Displacement for Migrants and Natives (2021)

    Illing, Hannah; Koch, Theresa;


    Illing, Hannah & Theresa Koch (2021): Who Suffers the Greatest Loss? Costs of Job Displacement for Migrants and Natives. (IAB-Discussion Paper 08/2021), Nürnberg, 63 S.


    "Wir sind die ersten, die empirische Belege für Unterschiede in den individuellen Kosten des Arbeitsplatzverlustes für Migranten im Vergleich zu Einheimischen in Deutschland liefern. Unter Verwendung von verknüpften Arbeitgeber-Arbeitnehmer-Daten für den Zeitraum 1996-2017 berechnen wir die Verdienst-, Lohn- und Beschäftigungsverluste jedes entlassenen Arbeitnehmers nach einer Massenentlassung im Vergleich zu einem nicht-entlassenen Kontrollarbeiter. Wir stellen fest, dass Migranten aufgrund höherer Lohn- und Beschäftigungsverluste wesentlich höhere Einkommensverluste hinnehmen müssen als Einheimische. Unterschiede in den individuellen Merkmalen und die unterschiedliche Selektion nach Branchen und Berufen können den Unterschied bei den Lohnverlusten vollständig erklären, nicht aber die Unterschiede bei der Beschäftigung nach der Entlassung. Entlassene Migranten haben sowohl eine geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit, wieder eingestellt zu werden, als auch weniger Arbeitstage als entlassene Einheimische. In Bezug auf diverse Kanäle zeigen wir, dass i) Migranten sich in schlechtere Betriebe sortieren und ii) die etwas geringere geografische Mobilität von Migranten zwischen den Bundesländern einen Teil ihres geringeren Wiederbeschäftigungserfolgs erklären kann; iii) unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Konkurrenz durch andere Migranten und nicht durch Einheimische negativ zu den Kosten des Arbeitsplatzverlustes von Migranten beiträgt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Illing, Hannah; Koch, Theresa;
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    The immigrant-native wage gap in Germany revisited (2021)

    Ingwersen, Kai; Thomsen, Stephan L. ;


    Ingwersen, Kai & Stephan L. Thomsen (2021): The immigrant-native wage gap in Germany revisited. In: Journal of Economic Inequality, Jg. 19, H. 4, S. 825-854. DOI:10.1007/s10888-021-09493-8


    "This study provides new evidence on the levels of economic integration experienced by foreigners and naturalised immigrants relative to native Germans from 1994 to 2015. We decompose the wage gap using the method for unconditional quantile regression models by employing a regression of the (recentered) influence function (RIF) of the gross hourly wage on a rich set of explanatory variables. This approach enables us to estimate contributions made across the whole wage distribution. To allow for a detailed characterisation of labour market conditions, we consider a comprehensive set of socio-economic and labour-related aspects capturing influences of, e.g., human capital quality, cultural background, and the personalities of immigrants. The decomposition results clearly indicate a significant growing gap with higher wages for both foreigners (13.6 to 17.6%) and naturalised immigrants (10.0 to 16.4%). The findings further display a low explanation for the wage gap in low wage deciles that is even more pronounced within immigrant subgroups. Cultural and economic distances each correlate strongly with wages. A different appreciation of foreign educational qualifications, however, widens the wage gap substantially by 4.5%points on average. Moreover, we observe an indication of deterioration of immigrants' human capital endowments over time relative to those of native Germans." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Scared Straight? Threat and Assimilation of Refugees in Germany (2021)

    Jaschke, Philipp ; Tabellini, Marco; Sardoschau, Sulin;


    Jaschke, Philipp, Sulin Sardoschau & Marco Tabellini (2021): Scared Straight? Threat and Assimilation of Refugees in Germany. (CEPR discussion paper 16849), London, 100 S.


    "This paper studies the effects of threat on convergence to local culture and on economic assimilation of refugees, exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in their allocation across German regions between 2013 and 2016. We combine novel survey data on cultural preferences and economic outcomes of refugees with corresponding information on locals, and construct a threat index that integrates contemporaneous and historical variables. On average, refugees assimilate both culturally and economically. However, while refugees assigned to more hostile regions converge to local culture more quickly, they do not exhibit faster economic assimilation. We provide evidence consistent with the hypothesis that refugees exert more assimilation effort in response to local threat, but fail to successfully integrate because of higher discrimination by locals in more hostile regions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jaschke, Philipp ;
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