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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

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im Aspekt "Migration und Arbeitsmarkt"
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    Work Permit Regulations and Migrants' Labor Market Outcomes (2022)

    Qendrai, Pamela;


    Qendrai, Pamela (2022): Work Permit Regulations and Migrants' Labor Market Outcomes. (IZA discussion paper 15191), Bonn, 55 S.


    "This paper studies how the introduction of a novel residence permit for working purposes – the so-called Blue Card introduced in August 2012 – has affected entry-level wages of non-EU migrants in Germany. The Blue Card was targeted at non-EU university graduates with degrees received or recognized in Germany. It provided immediate residence to students with a working contract that pays above clearly-announced and regularly-updated wage thresholds. We leverage a difference-in-difference approach and unique data on national and international graduates in Germany between 2011-2014. We find that the introduction of the Blue Card increases entry-level wages of non-EU graduates relative to the control group by approximately 2 percent of the pre-treatment entry-level wages. We provide suggestive evidence that these results are not driven by more or better-quality non-EU graduates staying in Germany, but rather because the Blue Card wage threshold acts as a reference point." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "We Treat Everyone the Same": Formal and Informal Expressions of Institutional Discrimination Against Intra-EU Migrant Citizens in German Job Centres (2022)

    Ratzmann, Nora ;


    Ratzmann, Nora (2022): "We Treat Everyone the Same". Formal and Informal Expressions of Institutional Discrimination Against Intra-EU Migrant Citizens in German Job Centres. (DeZIM research notes + / DeZIM-Institut DRN #13), Berlin, 19 S.


    "Diese Research Note beleuchtet verschiedene Formen informell ausgeübter institutioneller Diskriminierung in deutschen Jobcentern gegenüber EU-Bürger*innen, die in Deutschland leben und soziale Grundleistungen (Arbeitslosengeld, ALG II) beziehen. Dies beinhaltet wiederkehrende, systematische, durch Verwaltungshandeln verursachte Ausschlussprozesse, die über individuelle Fälle von diskriminierendem Verhalten hinausgehen. Durch blinde Flecken im institutionellen Gefüge werden EU-Bürger*innen, die einen rechtlichen Anspruch auf Leistungsbezug hätten, in der Praxis of ausgeschlossen. Dies wird unter anderem druch eine ungenüend institutionalisierte Diversitätspolitik sowie ambitionierte quantitative Zielvorgaben verursacht. Daneben wird die Qualität von Dienstleistungen selten berücksichtigt. Mithilfe sprachlicher Übersetzungsprozesse und der Aufklärung über soziale Rechte und Pflichten können kulturelle Mittler*innen informellen Praktiken von Leistungsauschlüssen vorbeugen und so einen rechtmäßigen Leistungsbezug ermöglichen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Inside Jobs: Salary Setting for Immigrants Crossing Establishment, Organizational, and National Boundaries (2022)

    Rissing, Ben A. ; Lee, Kwan ;


    Rissing, Ben A. & Kwan Lee (2022): Inside Jobs: Salary Setting for Immigrants Crossing Establishment, Organizational, and National Boundaries. In: ILR review, Jg. 75, H. 5, S. 1159-1188. DOI:10.1177/00197939211041301


    "Using novel US Department of Labor administrative records, the authors test theoretical mechanisms to account for variation in immigrant workers’ starting salaries following key career transitions. Specifically, they examine differences in the base starting salaries and discretionary starting salary increases above these base starting salaries for 1) same-establishment hires, relative to 2) US-based establishment transfers, 3) international establishment transfers, 4) US-based external hires, and 5) international external hires. In support of the “insider premium” account, findings show that same-establishment hires tend to work in jobs with greater requirements, and thus higher base starting salaries. In partial support of the “outsider premium” account, findings show that US-based external hires receive larger starting salary increases than do same-establishment hires, conditional on the jobs they enter. This said, international external hires receive smaller starting salary increases than do same-establishment hires. Findings reveal distinct mechanisms, acting separately or in tandem, during salary-setting processes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Der hessische Integrationsmonitor: Daten und Fakten zu Migration, Integration und Teilhabe in Hessen - Fortschreibung 2022 (2022)

    Ruhland, Ingrid; Kleinheins, Simon; Bergmann, Martin; Barghi, Leyla; Fuhr-Becker, Gabriela; Reiber, Jonas; Kleinheins, Simon; Avdic, Amela;


    Ruhland, Ingrid, Gabriela Fuhr-Becker & Amela Avdic (2022): Der hessische Integrationsmonitor. Daten und Fakten zu Migration, Integration und Teilhabe in Hessen - Fortschreibung 2022. Wiesbaden, 361 S.


    "Auch diese Ausgabe des Hessischen Integrationsmonitors bietet auf Grundlage des immer längeren Beobachtungszeitraums wertvolle Erkenntnisse zur Integrationsdynamik. Während sich beispielsweise etliche soziale Indikatoren größtenteils positiv entwickeln, muss nach wie vor eine Stagnation im Themenfeld Bildung festgestellt werden. Bei vielen Indikatoren besteht eine „Lücke“ zwischen den Ergebnissen für die Bevölkerung mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund, die sich zwar verkleinert, aber nicht schließt. Dies ist in einer Gesellschaft, die permanent starke Zuwanderung erfährt, auch nicht überraschend – schließlich stehen die neu Zugewanderten wieder am Anfang des Integrationsprozesses. Die vergangenen zwei Jahre standen im Zeichen der Corona-Pandemie. Deshalb thematisiert ein neu konzipierter Exkurs die gesellschaftlichen und emotionalen Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Bevölkerung mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund. Eigens für das Ministerium erhobene Befragungsdaten zeigen, dass Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in besonderem Maße unter den wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen von Corona leiden. Besondere Berücksichtigung beim Monitoring verdienen außerdem Geflüchtete, so kann ihren speziellen Bedarfen beim Integrationsprozess frühzeitig begegnet werden. Ihnen ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet mit dem Fokus auf Bildung und Erwerbstätigkeit. Seit Ende Februar 2022 suchen viele Menschen aus der Ukraine in Deutschland und Hessen Schutz vor dem Krieg in ihrer Heimat. Welche quantitativen Ausmaße die Zuwanderung ukrainischer Geflüchteter hat und wie sich ihre Integration gestalten wird, war bei Redaktionsschluss noch nicht abzusehen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Foreign Accents in the Early Hiring Process: A Field Experiment on Accent-Related Ethnic Discrimination in Germany (2022)

    Schmaus, Miriam ; Kristen, Cornelia ;


    Schmaus, Miriam & Cornelia Kristen (2022): Foreign Accents in the Early Hiring Process: A Field Experiment on Accent-Related Ethnic Discrimination in Germany. In: International migration review, Jg. 56, H. 2, S. 562-593. DOI:10.1177/01979183211042004


    "Based on a field experiment conducted in Germany between October 2014 and October 2015, this article focuses on the disadvantages associated with the presence of a foreign accent in the early hiring process, when applicants call in response to a job advertisement to ask whether the position is still available. We examine whether a foreign accent influences employers' behaviors via productivity considerations and/or whether foreign-accented speech is related to statistical discrimination or tastes among employers or customers that translate into differential treatment. To address these processes, we supplement our field-experimental data with information on job and firm characteristics from the texts of vacancy announcements and advertising companies' homepages, on labor supply from the Federal Employment Agency, and on anti-immigrant attitudes from the German General Social Survey. Results suggest that while calling with a Turkish name did not result in a lower rate of positive replies, this rate was reduced for candidates who called with a Turkish accent. Turkish-accented applicants were told more often than the advertised position was already filled. Our findings suggest that the difference in response rates was not due to productivity considerations related to how well individuals understood foreign-accented speakers. Instead, results support the notion that the observed disadvantages were linked to discrimination based on employers' ethnic tastes. While we found no indications pointing to the relevance of customer tastes or statistical discrimination, we cannot rule out these processes altogether. Our findings demonstrate that language cues can be more relevant than applicants' names in shaping employers' initial responses. They, thereby, highlight the need to consider multiple ethnic cues and different stages of the hiring process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration and Wage Inequality: A Detailed Analysis for German Regions over Time (2022)

    Schmid, Ramona ;


    Schmid, Ramona (2022): Migration and Wage Inequality: A Detailed Analysis for German Regions over Time. (Hohenheim discussion papers in business, economics and social sciences 04-2022), Stuttgart, 45 S.


    "This study presents new evidence on immigrant-native wage differentials estimated in consideration of regional differences regarding the presence of Non-German population in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas between 2000 and 2019 in Germany. Using linked employer-employee-data, unconditional quantile regression models are estimated in order to assess the degree of labor market integration of foreign workers. Applying an extended version of the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method, the results provide evidence on driving factors behind wage gaps along the entire wage distribution. There are not only changes in the relative importance of explanatory factors over time, but also possible sources of wage differentials shift between different points of the wage distribution. Differentiating between various areas in Germany, on average, larger wage gaps are revealed in metropolitan areas with at the same time a higher presence of the foreign population. Regarding the size of overall estimated wage gaps, after 2012 a reversal in trend and particular increasing tendencies around median wages are identified." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Local institutions, union wage effects and native–foreign wage gaps (2022)

    Schmidt, Torben Dall ;


    Schmidt, Torben Dall (2022): Local institutions, union wage effects and native–foreign wage gaps. In: Regional Studies, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 433-446. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2021.1953695


    "Local institutions in the shape of collective wage bargaining in firms are important for wage differences among labour of various origins. This paper considers local rent-sharing in Danish firms and finds that local wage bargaining reduces wage gaps between cross-border commuters of Danish, Swedish, German and Polish origins. Wage gaps are found to be between 6% and 12%, while individual union membership reduces the wage gap. Local peer effects, on the other hand, may increase wage gaps particularly for cross-border commuters of Polish origin, which can be interpreted as a form of local club behaviour in bargaining at the firm level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Educational Selectivity and Immigrants' Labour Market Performance in Europe (2022)

    Schmidt, Regine ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Mühlau, Peter;


    Schmidt, Regine, Cornelia Kristen & Peter Mühlau (2022): Educational Selectivity and Immigrants' Labour Market Performance in Europe. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 252-268. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcab042


    "This article depicts the selectivity profiles of first-generation immigrants of multiple origins in 18 European destinations and investigates whether educational selectivity is relevant to their labour market performance. The theoretical account starts from the premise that the relative position individuals occupy in the educational distribution of their origin country represents—frequently unmeasured—characteristics such as motivation, skills, and resources, which matter for immigrants’ incorporation into the labour market in their destination countries. The empirical analyses are based on data from the European Social Survey for the destination countries, and from the Barro–Lee Educational Attainment Dataset for the origin countries. The findings reveal that immigrants are mostly positively selected with regard to their educational attainment. At the same time, they point to considerable variation in the degree of selectivity across migrants from different regions of the world, as well as across different destinations. Results of linear multilevel regression models of occupational status indicate that over and above the absolute level of educational attainment, first-generation immigrants profit from a favourable position in the educational distribution of their origin country. Conversely, there are indications that selectivity is negatively associated with the likelihood of being employed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Menschen mit Duldung als Potenziale für Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt: Was die Ampelregierung ändern will (2022)

    Schreyer, Franziska;


    Schreyer, Franziska (2022): Menschen mit Duldung als Potenziale für Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt: Was die Ampelregierung ändern will. In: IAB-Forum H. 23.05.2022 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220523.01


    "In Deutschland lebten Mitte 2021 knapp 243.000 Menschen, die aufenthaltsrechtlich lediglich geduldet waren. Die neue Bundesregierung will ihnen den Übergang in sichere Aufenthaltstitel erleichtern – sofern es den Betroffenen gelingt, am Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsmarkt Fuß zu fassen. Die Arbeitsverwaltung ist daher mehr denn je gefordert, deren Erwerbsintegration in geeigneter Weise zu unterstützen. Dies kann auch dazu beitragen, den hohen Personalbedarf der Betriebe zu decken." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Schreyer, Franziska;
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    Vocational training in Ukraine – an overview (Series "The Effects of the Ukraine War on the German Labour Market") (2022)

    Schreyer, Franziska; Anger, Silke ; Grabert, Tim-Felix; Martyniuk, Olena;


    Schreyer, Franziska, Silke Anger, Tim-Felix Grabert & Olena Martyniuk (2022): Vocational training in Ukraine – an overview (Series "The Effects of the Ukraine War on the German Labour Market"). In: IAB-Forum H. 01.12.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-11-29. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20221201.01


    "The longer Ukrainian refugees stay in their receiving countries, the more urgent questions about their integration into the local labour markets become. In this context, also the issue of which educational and vocational background the adults have, is becoming more important. The characteristics of refugees often differ from those of the people who remain in their country of origin. However, a look at the education system in Ukraine and the educational attainment of the population there shows: despite somewhat different education systems, the integration prospects of Ukrainian refugees should be quite promising altogether." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Schreyer, Franziska; Anger, Silke ;
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    Bildungsinvestitionen von Zugezogenen in Deutschland – Implikationen für das Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz (2022)

    Schuß, Eric ;


    Schuß, Eric (2022): Bildungsinvestitionen von Zugezogenen in Deutschland – Implikationen für das Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz. In: Zeitschrift für Berufsbildungsforschung, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 19-23.


    "Selbst für Zugezogene, die im Ausland eine Berufsausbildung oder ein Hochschulstudium absolviert haben, ist die Integration in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt oftmals ein mehrjähriger Prozess. Anhand der IAB-SOEP-Migrationsstichprobe für die Befragungsjahre 2013 bis 2019 wird aufgezeigt, dass selbst diese gut qualifizierte Personengruppen nach Zuzug zunächst Sprachkurse belegen und weitere Bildungsabschlüsse erwerben. Zudem wird herausgestellt, dass ihre Bildungspartizipation nicht nur vom Niveau der vor Zuzug erworbenen Qualifikation abhängt, sondern auch vom rechtlichen Zuzugsweg und der Berufswahl." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © W. Bertelsmann Verlag)

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    Ethnic enclaves and immigrant economic integration: High-quality enclave networks encourage labor market success for newly arriving immigrants (2022)

    Schüller, Simone ; Chakraborty, Tanika;


    Schüller, Simone & Tanika Chakraborty (2022): Ethnic enclaves and immigrant economic integration. High-quality enclave networks encourage labor market success for newly arriving immigrants. (IZA world of labor 287), Bonn, 10 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.287.v2


    "Aus theoretischer Sicht ist offen, ob ethnische Enklaven die ökonomischen Eingliederungschancen limitieren oder aber Migranten dabei helfen, sich dank eines besseren Zugangs zu Informationen und Arbeitsplätzen erfolgreicher zu integrieren. Empirische Belege deuten darauf hin, dass Zuwanderer, die sich in ethnischen Enklaven niederlassen, ein höheres Einkommen erzielen können – primär hängt dies von der Qualität des ethnischen Netzwerks ab. Eine Politik, die Anreize für Neuzuwanderer schafft, sich in Regionen mit relativ hohen Beschäftigungsquoten und hohem Bildungsniveau innerhalb der eigenen ethnischen Gruppe niederzulassen, kann ihre Integration in den Gesamtarbeitsmarkt fördern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Der Migrant-Gender-Pay-Gap: Sind die Gehälter niedrig, trifft es alle (2022)

    Spitaleri, Laura;


    Spitaleri, Laura (2022): Der Migrant-Gender-Pay-Gap: Sind die Gehälter niedrig, trifft es alle. (Analysen und Studien / IQ-Fachstelle Einwanderung 2022,Juli), Berlin, 15 S.


    "Die IQ Fachstelle Einwanderung untersucht in der vorliegenden Analyse die Gehaltsunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen und eingewanderten und nichteingewanderten Personen - den sog. Migrant-Gender-Pay-Gap. Zentral ist dabei die Frage: Verdienen, trotz gleichem Bildungs- oder Anforderungsniveau und gleichem Berufszweig, Männer mehr als Frauen und Personen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit mehr als Personen ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit? Datengrundlage ist eine Erhebung aller Vollzeitbeschäftigten in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Social class and forced migrants' perception of the value of international mobility (2022)

    Stock, Inka ;


    Stock, Inka (2022): Social class and forced migrants' perception of the value of international mobility. In: New Community, Jg. 48, H. 20, S. 4957-4972. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2022.2123438


    "The link between international mobility, class, and social mobility is often framed in binary terms. While high-skilled labour migration is usually considered to lead to upward social mobility, forced or irregular migrants are often described as poor and marginalised members of their host communities. This article focuses on forced migrants? own perceptions of their mobility experiences to uncover how they make sense of the links between migration, class, and social mobility. Based on interviews with migrants in Germany, I show that the value they assign to international mobility for social status enhancement is affected by their perceived range of choice over mobility and settlement options. Considering growing global inequality of access to cross-border movement and settlement, the findings contribute to academic debates on the factors influencing the relative importance of migration for increasing people's chances in life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Task specialization and the native-foreign wage gap: Evidence from worker-level data (2022)

    Storm, Eduard ;


    Storm, Eduard (2022): Task specialization and the native-foreign wage gap: Evidence from worker-level data. In: Labour, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 167-195. DOI:10.1111/labr.12220


    "This study documents that worker-level variation in tasks has played a key role in the widening of the German Native-Foreign Wage Gap. I find idiosyncratic differences account for up to 34 per cent of the wage gap. Importantly, natives specialize in high-paying interactive activities not only between, but also within occupations. In contrast, foreign workers specialize in low-paying manual activities. This enhanced degree of task specialization accounts for 11 per cent of the gap among high-wage earners and 25 per cent among low-wage earner, thus offering new insight into sources for imperfect substitution of native and foreign workers and consequently small migration-induced wage effects." (Author's abstract, © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmigration und Aufnahmebereitschaft: Merkmale, die am Arbeitsmarkt Erfolg versprechen, erhöhen die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung (2022)

    Struck, Olaf ; Wolff, Richard ; Senghaas, Monika ; Osiander, Christopher ;


    Struck, Olaf, Richard Wolff, Christopher Osiander & Monika Senghaas (2022): Arbeitsmigration und Aufnahmebereitschaft: Merkmale, die am Arbeitsmarkt Erfolg versprechen, erhöhen die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung. (IAB-Kurzbericht 24/2022), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2224


    "Migration zu Erwerbszwecken wird oft als ein wichtiger Hebel gesehen, um den Folgen des demografischen Wandels und zunehmenden Arbeitskräfteengpässen entgegenzuwirken. Gleichzeitig werden die potenziellen ökonomischen und sozialen Auswirkungen von Migration öffentlich kontrovers diskutiert. Die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung ist ein wichtiger Faktor für den Erfolg von Migrationspolitik. Das Autorenteam untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen die Erwerbsbevölkerung eine Einwanderung von Arbeitskräften aus Nicht-EU-Staaten befürwortet und wenn dies der Fall ist, welche Aufenthaltsdauern für bestimmte Personengruppen als akzeptabel erachtet werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Senghaas, Monika ; Osiander, Christopher ;
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    The labour market integration of migrants and refugees: career guidance and the newly arrived (2022)

    Sultana, Ronald G. ;


    Sultana, Ronald G. (2022): The labour market integration of migrants and refugees: career guidance and the newly arrived. In: International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 491-510. DOI:10.1007/s10775-022-09529-z


    "This scoping paper sets out to consider various aspects of the phenomenon of people on the move, and to examine some of the ways in which career guidance has responded to the challenge of integrating the newly arrived. The paper is informed by a recognition of the dignity of individuals above any classificatory system that places persons in a hierarchy, with some having access to rights that others are denied. This stance requires career practitioners to confront the prevalent vocabulary, discourses and attitudes circulating in the mainstream in order to become aware of—and to overcome—personal prejudice, thus opening up possibilities for more socially just forms of service. A synthesis of relevant literature concerning the integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market is provided in order to signpost emancipatory forms of career guidance, ones that move beyond an emphasis on individual resilience to take seriously the impact of exclusionary social practices and structures. The paper concludes by highlighting a number of initiatives that suggest that career guidance is rising to the challenge of catering for a diverse group of newly arrived by mobilising theoretical frameworks that are fit for purpose, by developing bespoke training programmes for practitioners, and by sharing the lessons learnt from the field." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    What does sociological research tell us about ethnic inequalities in European labour markets? (2022)

    Tubergen, Frank van;


    Tubergen, Frank van (2022): What does sociological research tell us about ethnic inequalities in European labour markets? (SocArXiv papers), 25 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/2vzx8


    "This paper provides an overview of the sociological literature on ethnic inequalities in European labour markets. It gives an outline of various theories that can explain ethnic inequalities in the labour market, and reviews the empirical evidence drawing on studies in Europe. Subsequently, I show how scholars have used these theoretical and empirical insights to account for the heterogeneity in ethnic inequality by country of origin and immigrant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The occupational situation in the country of origin - illustration using the example of Syrian families in the reges study (2022)

    Welker, Jörg ; Will, Gisela; Rihawi, Shaza Al; Weber, Florian;


    Welker, Jörg, Gisela Will, Shaza Al Rihawi & Florian Weber (2022): The occupational situation in the country of origin - illustration using the example of Syrian families in the reges study. (LIfBi working paper 104), Bamberg, 24 S. DOI:10.5157/LIfBi:WP104:1.0


    "A family’s social background has a major influence on the educational success and careers of its children. In the case of migrant families, the parents’ labor-market situation in the place of origin constitutes an important indicator for a family’s social background. ReGES, which is a longitudinal study examining the educational trajectories of children and adolescents from refugee families in Germany, seeks to provide as much detail as possible on families’ occupational situations prior to emigration. To assess the quality of the information provided, this working paper provides users with relevant information on different areas: In a first step, the Syrian labor market at the time before the outbreak of war is described (section 2). Central factors such as labor force participation and unemployment are differentiated by gender and regions. The size of the labor force in various sectors in Syria is also presented. The second step describes how the professional situation of refugee parents in their country of origin was recorded and coded in the ReGES study (section 3). In this context, aspects of the situation in Syria that can only be captured to a limited extent using the usual Western coding schemes are also presented, and any adjustments made to the standard coding of occupations are discussed. Finally, the pre-migration professional situation of the Syrian refugee parentsin the ReGES study is presented and related to the situation on the Syrian labor market before the war (section 4)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant Men’s Economic Adaptation in Changing Labor Markets: Why Gaps between Turkish and German Men Expanded, 1976–2015 (2022)

    Wiedner, Jonas ; Giesecke, Johannes ;


    Wiedner, Jonas & Johannes Giesecke (2022): Immigrant Men’s Economic Adaptation in Changing Labor Markets. Why Gaps between Turkish and German Men Expanded, 1976–2015. In: International migration review, Jg. 56, H. 1, S. 176-205. DOI:10.1177/01979183211029903


    "How important were manufacturing and heavy industries to the economic integration of twentieth-century immigrants in Western societies? This article examines how macro-social change in Germany since the height of manufacturing has affected the socio-economic integration of male immigrants. We develop an analytical framework to assess how educational expansion among natives, deindustrialization, and the increasing importance of formal qualifications shape male immigrant-native gaps in labor-market outcomes over time. Empirically, we focus on first-generation male Turkish immigrants in Germany and use micro-census data spanning almost 40 years. Through a novel empirical quantification of key theoretical arguments concerning immigrant economic integration, we find growing inter-group differences between the late 1970s and mid-2000s (employment) and mid-2010s (incomes), respectively. The growth of differences between the immigrant and native income distributions was most pronounced in their respective bottom halves. Our analysis shows that these trends are linked to the increased importance of formal educational qualifications for individual labor-market success, to educational expansion in Germany, and to deindustrialization. Employment in Germany shifted away from middling positions in manufacturing, but while natives tended to move into better-paying positions, Turkish immigrants mainly shifted into disadvantaged service jobs. These results provide novel evidence for claims that the economic assimilation of less-skilled immigrants may become structurally harder in increasingly post-industrial societies. We conclude that structural change in host countries is an important, yet often overlooked, driver of immigrant socio-economic integration trajectories." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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