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Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten – Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt

Auf der Flucht vor Krieg und politischer Verfolgung verlassen viele Menschen ihr Heimatland und suchen Schutz und neue Perspektiven in Deutschland und beantragen Asyl. Die Beteiligung am Arbeitsmarkt wird häufig als Schlüssel für die gesellschaftliche Integration der Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten gesehen. Welche Qualifikationen bringen die Menschen mit, welche arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind hilfreich? Wie gehen die einzelnen Bundesländer damit um, welche Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Wirtschaft und die Sozialsysteme sind zu erwarten, wie sieht die Situation in anderen Ländern aus?
Dieses Themendossier stellt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Thema zusammen und ermöglicht den Zugang zu weiterführenden Informationen sowie zu Positionen der politischen Akteure.
Literatur zur besonderen Situation der Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine finden Sie im Themendossier Auswirkungen des Krieges gegen die Ukraine auf Wirtschaft, Arbeitsmarkt und Fluchtmigration in Deutschland

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im Aspekt "Großbritannien"
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    “You have to work…but you can't!”: Contradictions of the Active Labor Market Policies for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK (2024)

    Calo, Francesca ; Baglioni, Simone; Montgomery, Tom ;


    Calo, Francesca, Tom Montgomery & Simone Baglioni (2024): “You have to work…but you can't!”: Contradictions of the Active Labor Market Policies for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 53, H. 3, S. 638-656. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000502


    "The discourse of deservingness has been mobilized against certain groups in the UK society navigating UK labor markets, among them refugees and asylum seekers. These discourses, leading to the stigmatisation of the unemployed are coupled with an emphasis on the importance of individuals taking responsibility to develop their ‘employability’. Little attention has been paid to scrutinise the contrast between the deservingness rhetoric and policy making with the actual conditions newcomers, and in particular refugees and asylum seekers, are confronted with when seeking employment. Our paper fills such a gap by indicating key contradictions at the heart of labor market integration in the UK. On the one hand, the emphasis on deservingness is coupled with policy discourses that construct an environment shaped by welfare and labor market chauvinism. On the other hand, the policy architecture is fundamentally flawed in a number of ways in terms of the support mechanisms necessary to ensure that newcomers can successfully integrate into the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Economic and Social Impacts of Lifting Work Restrictions on People Seeking Asylum (2023)

    Aleynikova, Ekaterina; Mosley, Max;


    Aleynikova, Ekaterina & Max Mosley (2023): The Economic and Social Impacts of Lifting Work Restrictions on People Seeking Asylum. (NIESR discussion paper 549), London, 16 S.


    "This mixed-methods NIESR discussion paper estimates the economic and social impacts of lifting the right-to-work restriction on people seeking asylum in the UK. This is the first paper to simulate the effect of lifting this restriction with the use of a state-of-the-art macroeconomic model which allows us to estimate this outcome in a more holistic manner." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    English 'iron rod' welfare versus Italian 'colander' welfare: understanding the intra-European mobility strategies of unaccompanied young migrants and refugees (2022)

    Allsopp, Jennifer ;


    Allsopp, Jennifer (2022): English 'iron rod' welfare versus Italian 'colander' welfare: understanding the intra-European mobility strategies of unaccompanied young migrants and refugees. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 32, H. 4, S. 436-451. DOI:10.1177/09589287221095056


    "The experiences of unaccompanied young migrants and refugees challenge the idea of a common European asylum policy but also show that traditional welfare typologies used to account for differences in welfare across states fail to account for the lived experiences of this group. They do not consider the shifting categorizations of young migrants in institutional terms, nor how the stratification of their social rights plays out over place and time. Moreover, current welfare typologies give inadequate attention to the increasing intersection of the labour market and opportunities for regularization, the relative importance and role of the state in the welfare mix, and the nexus of access to welfare and immigration enforcement. This article draws on qualitative longitudinal research in England and Italy to argue that rather than experiencing welfare through the lens of Liberal (England) versus Conservative or Mediterranean (Italy) regimes, unaccompanied young migrants and refugees in these countries are better understood as navigating different systems of ‘iron rod welfare’ and ‘colander welfare’. In England, the nexus between welfare and legal status is policed by an iron rod on one side of which exists a plethora of social rights, but on the other the risk of a proactive detention and deportation regime. In Italy, meanwhile, the holes of the colander denote gaps in protection but also possibilities to navigate alternative welfare strategies independently of the state. The ability to act independently of the state is an important but under-theorized capability for this population, for whom the state is a more ambiguous actor than is traditionally considered in European social policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Self-employment and reason for migration: are those who migrate for asylum different from other migrants? (2021)

    Kone, Zovanga L.; Vargas-Silva, Carlos; Ruiz, Isabel;


    Kone, Zovanga L., Isabel Ruiz & Carlos Vargas-Silva (2021): Self-employment and reason for migration: are those who migrate for asylum different from other migrants? In: Small business economics, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 947-962. DOI:10.1007/s11187-019-00311-0


    "This paper explores differences in the likelihood of engaging in self-employment among migrants who moved for different reasons to the UK. The results suggest that, conditional on being in employment, those who initially migrated for asylum reasons are six percentage points more likely to engage in self-employment than the UK-born, while those who migrated for work reasons are not significantly different from UK-born workers in this regard. We also find that mediating factors, such as the presence of networks and years since migration, relate differently to the likelihood of self-employment for each group of migrants. Finally, there are also differences when looking at the number of persons employed by the self-employed and the skill level associated with the activity of self-employment. Those who migrated for asylum are not significantly different from the UK-born in their likelihood of employing someone else, while those who migrated for work are two percentage points less likely to employ others relative to the UK-born." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants? (2019)


    OECD (2019): How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants? (Migration policy debates 19), Paris, 8 S.


    "Talented and skilled individuals have a key role to play in countries' future prosperity. They hold jobs that are key for innovation and technological progress and ultimately contribute to stronger economic growth with other employment opportunities and better living conditions for all. OECD countries increasingly compete to attract and retain talented workers notably by adopting more favourable migration policies for the best and the brightest. This competition has led to a convergence of policy frameworks but significant differences in policies and practices remain. Beyond conditions for migration, many other factors contribute to shape countries' attractiveness for foreign talent.
    This issue of Migration Policy Debates presents the results of the first edition of the OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness, developed by the OECD with support from the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness (ITA) measure for the first time the relative attractiveness of countries from a multidimensional perspective focusing on three types of talented migrants: highly skilled workers at master/PhD level, international students in tertiary education and foreign entrepreneurs. This aims at better understanding and comparing strengths and weaknesses of different OECD countries and can help elaborating public policies that are more effective." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zwischen Befähigung und Stigmatisierung? Die Situation von Geflüchteten beim Hochschulzugang und im Studium: ein internationaler Forschungsüberblick (2018)

    Berg, Jana; Schröder, Stefanie; Grüttner, Michael ;


    Berg, Jana, Michael Grüttner & Stefanie Schröder (2018): Zwischen Befähigung und Stigmatisierung? Die Situation von Geflüchteten beim Hochschulzugang und im Studium. Ein internationaler Forschungsüberblick. In: Z'Flucht. Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, Jg. 2, H. 1, S. 57-90. DOI:10.5771/2509-9485-2018-1-57


    "Der Beitrag gibt einen systematischen Überblick über den internationalen Forschungsstand zum Thema Hochschulzugang und Studiensituation von Geflüchteten. Es zeigt sich, dass die Literatur nahezu ausschließlich qualitative Studien bietet. Wir stellen die wichtigsten Faktoren zusammen, die in der Literatur als Einflüsse auf Hochschulzugang und Studiensituation diskutiert werden. Ein Vergleich des Forschungsstandes mit demjenigen zur Studiensituation von internationalen Studierenden zeigt, inwiefern Besonderheiten der Studiensituation von Geflüchteten angenommen werden können. Unser Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion der wissenschaftlichen und (hochschul-)politischen Implikationen mit Bezug auf die Situation in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK (2018)

    Ruiz, Isabel; Vargas-Silva, Carlos;


    Ruiz, Isabel & Carlos Vargas-Silva (2018): Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 855-885. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby027


    "Using 2010-2017 data we compare the labour market outcomes of refugees (those who migrated to seek asylum), natives (UK-born) and other migrants in the UK (work, study and family migrants). The results indicate that refugees are less likely to be employed and earn less than natives and other migrants. The evidence suggests that differences in health status (particularly mental health) may be one of the factors that partly explain these gaps. Employment growth of refugees between 2010 and 2016 was significantly higher than that of other migrants, but this was not the case for earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Syrian Refugees and their re-entry to 'normality': the role of service industries (2018)

    Shneikat, Belal; Ryan, Chris;


    Shneikat, Belal & Chris Ryan (2018): Syrian Refugees and their re-entry to 'normality': the role of service industries. In: The Service Industries Journal, Jg. 38, H. 3/4, S. 201-227. DOI:10.1080/02642069.2017.1387539


    "The paper analyzes data derived from an exploratory study based on interviews with 26 Syrian Refugees, indicating how they used past experiences and qualifications to obtain employment in the UK and Germany. The paper also describes in outline a chronology of escape, reaching Europe, traveling through Europe, and finally accessing a new ‘normality’ through obtaining employment in the service industries or continuing past study. Their stories are used to further theoretical components of resilience and associated concepts of adaptability and overcoming vulnerability. Reference is made to the structure of resilience and the role of social networks made more accessible via the use of smartphones and social media." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working together for local integration of migrants and refugees (2018)


    "Die Integration von Migranten geschieht dort, wo die Menschen sind: an ihren Arbeitsplätzen, in ihrer Nachbarschaft oder in Schulen. 'Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees' beschreibt, wie lokale und übergeordnete Behörden sowie Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsakteure zusammenarbeiten müssen, damit Integration gelingt. Der OECD-Bericht stützt sich dabei auf quantitative und qualitative Daten aus 72 Städten, darunter neun große europäische Städte (Amsterdam, Athen, Barcelona, Berlin, Glasgow, Göteborg, Paris, Rom und Wien) und die nordrhein-westfälische Kleinstadt Altena, zu denen tiefergehende Einzelfallstudien erstellt wurden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Asylum Seekers and the Labour Market: Spaces of Discomfort and Hostility (2017)

    Waite, Louise;


    Waite, Louise (2017): Asylum Seekers and the Labour Market: Spaces of Discomfort and Hostility. In: Social policy and society, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 669-679. DOI:10.1017/S1474746417000173


    "This article examines the relationship in the UK between asylum-seeking and the labour market. Since 2002, asylum-seekers have not been allowed to work unless they have waited over twelve months for an initial decision on their asylum claim. This policy change occurred as employment was considered a 'pull factor' encouraging unfounded asylum claims. Despite not having the right to work, asylum-seekers - and especially those whose applications for refugee status have been refused by the UK government - interact with the labour market in manifold ways. Drawing on an ESRC-funded study in the UK's Yorkshire and Humber region and related studies, this article argues that both asylum-seekers and refused asylum-seekers form a hyper-exploitable pool of 'illegalised' and unprotected workers. As a vital part of their survival terrain, work is largely experienced as for-cash labouring in low-paid labour market sectors where the spectre of exploitation and even 'modern slavery' are perpetual threats. Recent policy shifts are deepening such threats through creating increasingly 'uncomfortable' and 'hostile' environments for certain categories of migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The asylum-integration paradox: comparing asylum support systems and refugee integration in The Netherlands and the UK (2016)

    Bakker, Linda; Cheung, Sin Yi; Phillimore, Jenny;


    Bakker, Linda, Sin Yi Cheung & Jenny Phillimore (2016): The asylum-integration paradox. Comparing asylum support systems and refugee integration in The Netherlands and the UK. In: International migration, Jg. 54, H. 4, S. 118-132. DOI:10.1111/imig.12251


    "This article explores the impact of asylum support systems on refugee integration focusing on the UK and the Netherlands. Both have adopted deterrent approaches to asylum support. The Dutch favour the use of asylum accommodation centres, segregating asylum seekers from the general population. The UK disperses asylum seekers to housing within deprived areas, embedding them within communities. Both countries have been criticized for these practices, which are viewed as potentially anti-integrative: something of a paradox given that both promote the importance of refugee integration. We analyse national refugee integration surveys in both countries and provide original empirical evidence of negative associations between asylum support systems and refugees' health, which differ in relation to mental and physical health. The integration and asylum policy implications of these findings are discussed." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Approaches to the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers (2016)

    Fóti, Klára; Fromm, Andrea;


    Fóti, Klára & Andrea Fromm (2016): Approaches to the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 54 S. DOI:10.2806/18416


    "This report expands on existing research on the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers as a response to the refugee crisis. It updates information on legislation and practical arrangements in the first half of 2016, examines labour market integration in the broader context of receiving asylum seekers and supporting both them and refugees, and explores the role of the social partners. The study finds that the main countries affected made many efforts to provide faster and easier access to their labour markets for asylum seekers. In some, the social partners have been active in designing more effective labour market integration policies and have launched some promising initiatives. The sudden and large inflow of asylum seekers, however, posed many challenges, and it remains to be seen how those obstacles can be overcome." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market integration of refugees: strategies and good practices (2016)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina; Bolits, Georg;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2016): Labour market integration of refugees. Strategies and good practices. Brüssel, 55 S.


    "This Policy Department A study provides the Employment and Social Affairs Committee with an analytical review of literature to identify key elements of a strategy for labour market integration of refugees. Strategies and policies are illustrated by examples and good practices from various Member States based upon evidence or expert assessment. The study finds a high degree of international consensus on key elements for a successful integration strategy taking up lessons from the past and research findings. However, a number of challenges for research and policy remain." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen - Determinanten und Erfahrungen in europäischen Ländern (2016)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2016): Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen - Determinanten und Erfahrungen in europäischen Ländern. In: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, Jg. 63, H. 3, S. 607-621.


    "Der Beitrag geht auf wesentliche Determinanten der Arbeitsintegration von Fluchtmigranten ein, zeigt noch bestehende rechtliche Hürden des Arbeitsmarktzugangs auf und diskutiert arbeits-und integrationsfördernde Unterstützungsmaßnahmen vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der Integration von Flüchtlingen in Europa." (Autorenreferat, © MANZ Verlag, Wien)
    Der Beitrag ist eine gekürzte und aktualisierte Fassung einer Studie zur Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen, die Frau Konle-Seidl für das Europäische Parlament verfasst hat.

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Troubling the exclusive privileges of citizenship: mobile solidarities, asylum seekers, and the right to work (2016)

    Mayblin, Lucy;


    Mayblin, Lucy (2016): Troubling the exclusive privileges of citizenship. Mobile solidarities, asylum seekers, and the right to work. In: Citizenship studies, Jg. 20, H. 2, S. 192-207. DOI:10.1080/13621025.2015.1132570


    "This article discusses asylum seekers and the right to work in the UK. Differential access to the labour market is one of the ways in which the state maintains a distinction between British citizens, who 'belong', and non-citizens who do not. While such a policy approach garners widespread support amongst the general public of citizens, it does not go uncontested. This article discusses a UK-based campaign, 'Let Them Work', which has sought to influence the government in extending the right to work to asylum seekers. In doing so, it demonstrates the ways in which the stratified regime of citizenship rights is contested politically, and explores how such contestation troubles the exclusive privileges of citizenship by enacting mobile solidarities from marginalised spaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A policy of vulnerability or agency?: refugee young people's opportunities in accessing further and higher education in the UK (2015)

    Gateley, Davina E.;


    Gateley, Davina E. (2015): A policy of vulnerability or agency? Refugee young people's opportunities in accessing further and higher education in the UK. In: Compare, Jg. 45, H. 1, S. 26-46. DOI:10.1080/03057925.2013.841030


    "The UK government's austerity cuts have negatively impacted many voluntary-sector interventions that provided support to refugees. One such intervention, the Refugee Integration and Employment Service (RIES), is discussed in this paper. The RIES was a UK Border Agency-funded integration programme for recognised refugees and operated through voluntary-sector organisations nationwide. Findings of this small, qualitative study tentatively suggest that without bespoke support such as RIES, refugees will struggle to make informed and strategic decisions about their future education choices, restricting their ability to exercise autonomous agency. Current UK policy of counting refugees alongside other types of migrants will not cater for the specificity and multiplicity of issues faced by refugee young people. This will inhibit their opportunities and increase vulnerabilities, compounding their precarious position in UK society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen in Schweden, Dänemark und Großbritannien (2015)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina; Schreyer, Franziska; Bauer, Angela;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina, Franziska Schreyer & Angela Bauer (2015): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen in Schweden, Dänemark und Großbritannien. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 18/2015), Nürnberg, 15 S.


    "Die stark gestiegene Fluchtmigration stellt den Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland vor große Herausforderungen. Der Aktuelle Bericht stellt dar, wie ausgewählte europäische Länder (Schweden, Dänemark, Großbritannien) bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Schutzsuchenden vorgehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Migrant deprivation, conditionality of legal status and the welfare state (2014)

    Corrigan, Owen;


    Corrigan, Owen (2014): Migrant deprivation, conditionality of legal status and the welfare state. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 24, H. 3, S. 223-239. DOI:10.1177/0958928714525819


    "This article adds to our theoretical understanding of the determination of third-country national (TCN) migrant deprivation and poverty in western Europe. The stratifying effects of different types of legal status on migrant outcomes have been established in previous research. The conditionality that states attach to securing different types of legal status has heretofore been overlooked as an important explanatory factor, however. A measure of the conditionality attached to attaining the key social rights - granting status of long-term residency (LTR) is operationalized using cross-national policy data. Building on existing theory, we hypothesize that the negative impact of welfare generosity on TCN material deprivation is moderated by a state's level of LTR conditionality, such that deprivation will be greatest where conditionality is high and generosity is low. This hypothesis is tested using large-scale European microdata in the context of multilevel modelling. The empirical results are consistent with the central hypothesis. These findings have implications for policymakers and for extant accounts of migrant welfare, the welfare state and the factors implicated in the determination of poverty and deprivation in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labour market integration of resettled refugees (2013)

    Ott, Eleanor;


    Ott, Eleanor (2013): The labour market integration of resettled refugees. Genf, 64 S.


    "This literature review aims to synthesise what is currently known about labour market integration of resettled refugees. One aspect, widely acknowledged in the literature, is that a 'refugee gap' appears when comparing resettled refugees to other immigrants in terms of labour market integration. Analyses in multiple countries have shown that resettled refugees perform worse in measures of labour market integration compared to other immigrants and individuals in the short-term, even when controlling for differences in demographics such as age, education level, and level of host country language acquisition." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integration of refugees into the European education and labour market: requirements for a target group oriented approach (2013)

    Seukwa, Louis Henri; Norstrom, Eva; Omodeo, Maria; Norberg, Anna; Zaccai, Claudia; Trevisan, Chiara; Clayton, Pamela; Buchetti, Margherita; Gag, Maren; Pretty, Sarah-Jane; Cardini, Rita; Schroeder, Joachim; McGill, Paul; Seukwa, Louis Henri; Franceschini, Daria; Solimano, Nicola;


    Seukwa, Louis Henri (Hrsg.) (2013): Integration of refugees into the European education and labour market. Requirements for a target group oriented approach. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 302 S.


    "For the first time in the history of the EU, from 2002 to 2007 asylum seekers and refugees had been explicitly considered in an employment programme trough EQUAL. Despite the success of this programme, EQUAL as a participant-oriented programme was not restarted after 2007. This book analyzes the results achieved by EQUAL with respect to the EU Council Directive laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers as well as for the promotion of access to education and employment. Based on case studies in four European cities, the question of access to education and training programmes as well as to the labour market for refugees and asylum seekers is examined. The legal, political, structural and individual conditions for the success of such measures are also highlighted." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
    Louis Henri Seukwa: General introduction (7);
    Margherita Buchetti, Rita Cardini, Daria Franceschini, Chiara Trevisan, Maria Omodeo Nicola Solimano, Claudia Zaccai: The paradox of being a recognized refugee in Italy: Living in an open prison, Florence, Tuscany (19);
    Pamela Clayton, Paul McGill & Sarah-Jane Pretty: A life in limbo: Barriers to VET and labour market integration for asylum-seekers waiting for the granting of Leave to Remain (111);
    Maren Gag: Vocational integration of refugees and Asylum-seekers in Hamburg - roundabout routes from model to structure (143);
    Maren Gag, Joachim Schroeder: Refugee Monitoring : Research status, conceptual basis and implementation proposals, taking the example of the City of Hamburg (195);
    Maren Gag, Joachim Schroeder: Refugee Monitoring in Hamburg - first steps taken! (213);
    Eva Norstrom and Anna Norberg: The reception and introduction of asylum seekers and new arrivals in Gothenburg. Successes and failures in the development of a new system (231);
    Maren Gag, Paul McGill, Eva Norstrom, Maria Omodeo, Sarah Jane Pretty, Maike Schroder, Louis Henri Seukwa, Claudia Zaccai: Lessons learned : Recommendations on the European level and conclusive remarks (285).

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