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Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten – Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt

Auf der Flucht vor Krieg und politischer Verfolgung verlassen viele Menschen ihr Heimatland und suchen Schutz und neue Perspektiven in Deutschland und beantragen Asyl. Die Beteiligung am Arbeitsmarkt wird häufig als Schlüssel für die gesellschaftliche Integration der Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten gesehen. Welche Qualifikationen bringen die Menschen mit, welche arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind hilfreich? Wie gehen die einzelnen Bundesländer damit um, welche Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Wirtschaft und die Sozialsysteme sind zu erwarten, wie sieht die Situation in anderen Ländern aus?
Dieses Themendossier stellt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Thema zusammen und ermöglicht den Zugang zu weiterführenden Informationen sowie zu Positionen der politischen Akteure.
Literatur zur besonderen Situation der Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine finden Sie im Themendossier Auswirkungen des Krieges gegen die Ukraine auf Wirtschaft, Arbeitsmarkt und Fluchtmigration in Deutschland

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im Aspekt "Australien"
  • Literaturhinweis

    How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants? (2019)


    OECD (2019): How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants? (Migration policy debates 19), Paris, 8 S.


    "Talented and skilled individuals have a key role to play in countries' future prosperity. They hold jobs that are key for innovation and technological progress and ultimately contribute to stronger economic growth with other employment opportunities and better living conditions for all. OECD countries increasingly compete to attract and retain talented workers notably by adopting more favourable migration policies for the best and the brightest. This competition has led to a convergence of policy frameworks but significant differences in policies and practices remain. Beyond conditions for migration, many other factors contribute to shape countries' attractiveness for foreign talent.
    This issue of Migration Policy Debates presents the results of the first edition of the OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness, developed by the OECD with support from the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness (ITA) measure for the first time the relative attractiveness of countries from a multidimensional perspective focusing on three types of talented migrants: highly skilled workers at master/PhD level, international students in tertiary education and foreign entrepreneurs. This aims at better understanding and comparing strengths and weaknesses of different OECD countries and can help elaborating public policies that are more effective." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zwischen Befähigung und Stigmatisierung? Die Situation von Geflüchteten beim Hochschulzugang und im Studium: ein internationaler Forschungsüberblick (2018)

    Berg, Jana; Schröder, Stefanie; Grüttner, Michael ;


    Berg, Jana, Michael Grüttner & Stefanie Schröder (2018): Zwischen Befähigung und Stigmatisierung? Die Situation von Geflüchteten beim Hochschulzugang und im Studium. Ein internationaler Forschungsüberblick. In: Z'Flucht. Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, Jg. 2, H. 1, S. 57-90. DOI:10.5771/2509-9485-2018-1-57


    "Der Beitrag gibt einen systematischen Überblick über den internationalen Forschungsstand zum Thema Hochschulzugang und Studiensituation von Geflüchteten. Es zeigt sich, dass die Literatur nahezu ausschließlich qualitative Studien bietet. Wir stellen die wichtigsten Faktoren zusammen, die in der Literatur als Einflüsse auf Hochschulzugang und Studiensituation diskutiert werden. Ein Vergleich des Forschungsstandes mit demjenigen zur Studiensituation von internationalen Studierenden zeigt, inwiefern Besonderheiten der Studiensituation von Geflüchteten angenommen werden können. Unser Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion der wissenschaftlichen und (hochschul-)politischen Implikationen mit Bezug auf die Situation in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Integration of humanitarian migrants into the host country labour market: evidence from Australia (2018)

    Delaporte, Isaure; Piracha, Matloob ;


    Delaporte, Isaure & Matloob Piracha (2018): Integration of humanitarian migrants into the host country labour market. Evidence from Australia. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 15, S. 2480-2505. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2018.1429901


    "The objective of this paper is to identify the factors that influence the labour market integration of humanitarian migrants in the host country. A number of employment outcomes are examined including access to employment, access to stable employment, the wage/earnings level and the education-occupation mismatch. By using a recently collected panel survey data in Australia, the study shows that pre-migration education, work experience, previous migration episodes, as well as English proficiency, English training, study/job training undertaken in Australia and social capital form important determinants of the labour market integration of refugees in the host country. The paper highlights the differentiated impacts of these resources on the refugees' outcomes at six months, one year and two years after arrival." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour mobility for refugees and asylum seekers: Mending or eroding protection systems? (2018)

    Schultz, Caroline; Allemann, Stefanie; Wagner, Dana;


    Schultz, Caroline, Dana Wagner & Stefanie Allemann (2018): Labour mobility for refugees and asylum seekers. Mending or eroding protection systems? In: FluchtforschungsBlog.


    "Several countries are implementing or exploring policies to enable refugees or asylum seekers to access labour migration. While political motives and policy means are varied, the practices can be classified as pre-arrival and post-arrival, and lessons can be derived from their comparison. Comparing five unique practices, the authors make two main policy recommendations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Understanding the perspectives of refugee unaccompanied minors using a computer-assisted interview (2016)

    Lawrence, Jeanette A.; Kaplan, Ida; Collard, Amy H.;


    Lawrence, Jeanette A., Ida Kaplan & Amy H. Collard (2016): Understanding the perspectives of refugee unaccompanied minors using a computer-assisted interview. In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, Jg. 17, H. 2, S. 1-19.


    "This article reports analyses of the perspectives on their wellbeing expressed by four unaccompanied minor refugees resettling in Australia. We used a computer-assisted interview (CAI) to set up a research environment to facilitate young people's expressions and to treat them and their expressed perspectives with respect and integrity. Participants' data are represented in tables as full transcripts with CAI questions and tasks, and are analyzed using exegetical textual analysis. Analyses reveal similarities and differences in young people's themes and personalized concerns in relation to their life circumstances in resettlement. All four unaccompanied minors were worried about the families from whom they were isolated. Two young women who were humanitarian refugees were preoccupied with family separation and reunion, and also with their own inner states and behavior. Two young men who had been asylum seekers were focused on family and their own educational advancement. The value of the CAI approach is discussed in relation to criticisms of reductionism in quantitative and qualitative data; its ability to support young refugees to express their views with agency and confidence; and the representation of young people's expressed perspectives as a basis for understanding and for supportive programs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labour market integration of resettled refugees (2013)

    Ott, Eleanor;


    Ott, Eleanor (2013): The labour market integration of resettled refugees. Genf, 64 S.


    "This literature review aims to synthesise what is currently known about labour market integration of resettled refugees. One aspect, widely acknowledged in the literature, is that a 'refugee gap' appears when comparing resettled refugees to other immigrants in terms of labour market integration. Analyses in multiple countries have shown that resettled refugees perform worse in measures of labour market integration compared to other immigrants and individuals in the short-term, even when controlling for differences in demographics such as age, education level, and level of host country language acquisition." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A punitive policy: labour force participation of refugees on Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) (2004)

    Marston, Greg;


    Marston, Greg (2004): A punitive policy: labour force participation of refugees on Temporary Protection Visas (TPV). In: Labour & Industry, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 65-79. DOI:10.1080/10301763.2004.10669305


    "Labour market participation is a key determinant of a successful refugee resettlement. However, the Australian Government's policy of issuing temporary protection visas (TPV) has a negative impact on labour force participation of refugees on TPVs. In exploring this issue, this article presents findings from a qualitative study into the experience of refugees on TPVs living in Victoria. The major barriers to accessing the labour market identified by the study are: the visa status; lack of proficiency in English; discrimination in relation to the TPV; lack of work experience; and skill recognition in Australia. These barriers need to be overcome through a number of means. The first and most important step in improving access to the labour market for refugees on TPVs is to abolish the policy of temporary protection and the associated restrictions on accessing support services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The economic adjustment of recently arrived Bosnian, Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Sydney, Australia (2001)

    Waxman, Peter;


    Waxman, Peter (2001): The economic adjustment of recently arrived Bosnian, Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Sydney, Australia. In: International migration review, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 472-505. DOI:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2001.tb00026.x


    "Research on the early settlement experience of refugees from Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan is absent, both in Australia and overseas. The current study, based on questionnaire results and the application of SPSS results, explores the impact that pre-migration and post-arrival experiences have on the initial post-arrival economic adjustment in Sydney, Australia of recently arrived refugees from these three countries. Guided by a summary of previous findings and surveyed results of key service providers in Sydney, two propositions based on pre-migration and post-migration background variables have been developed and tested with mixed results. As expected, there was a significant relationship between English language competency and the likelihood of being gainfully employed. However, there was, for example, no significant association between current employment status and the time spent in detention camp or the extent of negative exit conditions experienced, and there were no significant differences in employment outcomes for those with or without qualifications. This study concludes with a number of recommendations, in particular, the need for early intervention with adequate English language tuition, employment skills training and career counseling which could greatly assist humanitarian entrants in finding employment and reducing welfare dependence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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