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Digitale Arbeitswelt – Chancen und Herausforderungen für Beschäftigte und Arbeitsmarkt

Der digitale Wandel der Arbeitswelt gilt als eine der großen Herausforderungen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Wie arbeiten wir in Zukunft? Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitalisierung und die Nutzung Künstlicher Intelligenz auf Beschäftigung und Arbeitsmarkt? Welche Qualifikationen werden künftig benötigt? Wie verändern sich Tätigkeiten und Berufe? Welche arbeits- und sozialrechtlichen Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus?
Dieses Themendossier dokumentiert Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema in den verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen und Regionen.
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    Robotic capital - skill complementarity (2025)

    Battisti, Michele ; Gravina, Antonio Francesco ; Parmeter, Christopher F.; Del Gatto, Massimo;


    Battisti, Michele, Massimo Del Gatto, Antonio Francesco Gravina & Christopher F. Parmeter (2025): Robotic capital - skill complementarity. In: Macroeconomic Dynamics, Jg. 29, S. e54. DOI:10.1017/s1365100524000567


    "Relying upon an original (country-sector-year) measure of robotic capital (RK), we investigate the degree of complementarity/substitutability between robots and workers at different skill levels. We employ nonparametric methods to estimate elasticity of substitution patterns between RK and skilled/unskilled labor over the period 1995–2009. We show that: i) on average, RK exhibits less substitutability with skilled workers compared to unskilled workers, indicating a phenomenon of “RK-Skill complementarity”. This pattern holds in a global context characterized by significant heterogeneity; ii) the dynamic of “RK-Skill complementarity” has increased since the early 2000s; iii) the observed strengthening is more prominent in OECD countries, as opposed to non-OECD countries, and in the Manufacturing sector, compared to non-Manufacturing industries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The dynamics of automation adoption: Firm-level heterogeneity and aggregate employment effects (2025)

    Bisio, Laura ; Cuzzola, Angelo ; Grazzi, Marco ; Moschella, Daniele ;


    Bisio, Laura, Angelo Cuzzola, Marco Grazzi & Daniele Moschella (2025): The dynamics of automation adoption: Firm-level heterogeneity and aggregate employment effects. In: European Economic Review. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2024.104943


    "We investigate the impact of investment in automation-related goods on adopting and non-adopting firms in the Italian economy during 2011–2019. We integrate datasets on trade activities, firms’, and workers’ characteristics for the population of Italian importing firms and estimate the effects on adopters ’ outcomes within a difference-in-differences design exploiting import lumpiness in product categories linked to automation technologies (including robots). We find a positive average adoption effect on the adopters’ employment: firms are, on average, around 3% larger in terms of employment after an automation spike. Crucially, the employment effect is heterogeneous across firms: a positive effect is predominant among small firms, which are around 5% larger five years after the spike; on the contrary, a negative displacement effect is predominant among medium and large firms, with an employment contraction at five years of around -4%. This result can shed light on one potential reason behind the mixed results in the literature, i.e. different size distribution of the samples used. We complete the framework with a 5-digit sector-level analysis showing that adopting automation technologies has an overall weak negative effect on aggregate employment, and with an analysis of the competition effects of automation, showing that non-adopters suffer a loss in sales and employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2025 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.) ((en))

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    Displaced or depressed? Working in automatable jobs and mental health (2025)

    Blasco, Sylvie ; Rochut, Julie; Rouland, Benedicte ;


    Blasco, Sylvie, Julie Rochut & Benedicte Rouland (2025): Displaced or depressed? Working in automatable jobs and mental health. In: Industrial Relations, Jg. 64, H. 1, S. 40-76. DOI:10.1111/irel.12356


    "Automation may destroy jobs and change the labor demand structure, thereby potentially impacting workers' mental health. Implementing propensity score matching on French individual survey data, we find that working in an automatable job is associated with a 3 pp increase in the probability of suffering from mental disorders. Fear of automation through fear of job loss, expectation of a required change in skills, and fear of unwanted job mobility seem to be relevant channels to explain the findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Technological innovations and workers’ job insecurity: the moderating role of human resource strategies (2025)

    Caselli, Mauro ; Scicchitano, Sergio ; Marcolin, Arianna ; Fracasso, Andrea ;


    Caselli, Mauro, Andrea Fracasso, Arianna Marcolin & Sergio Scicchitano (2025): Technological innovations and workers’ job insecurity: the moderating role of human resource strategies. In: Journal of industrial and business economics, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 153-176. DOI:10.1007/s40812-024-00329-w


    "In this paper, we empirically assess the impact of firms’ technological innovations on the workers’ perceived probability of job loss. We take advantage of a unique dataset based on a large and representative cross-sectional survey covering several characteristics of Italian workers and their firms. We find that a firm ’s technological adoption reduces job insecurity among its surviving workers, and the effect is stronger when the innovation makes tasks simpler and their execution more precise. We also find that the relationship between technological innovation and job insecurity is moderated by human resource strategies, such as training programs, labor-saving automation and dismissal plans adopted after the introduction of the innovation. Thus, workers’ perceptions of job insecurity vary significantly across innovative firms, and firms’ human resource strategies act as arelevant moderating factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    What workers and robots do: An activity-based analysis of the impact of robotization on changes in local employment (2025)

    Caselli, Mauro ; Fracasso, Andrea ; Scicchitano, Sergio ; Tundis, Enrico; Traverso, Silvio;


    Caselli, Mauro, Andrea Fracasso, Sergio Scicchitano, Silvio Traverso & Enrico Tundis (2025): What workers and robots do: An activity-based analysis of the impact of robotization on changes in local employment. In: Research Policy, Jg. 54, H. 1. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2024.105135


    "This work investigates the impact that changes in the local exposure to robots had on changes in Italian employment over the period 2011–2018. It contributes to the debate by providing novel and granular evidence on the impact of robot adoption on new activity-based groups of occupations and by focusing on the overlap between the functional similarities of robot applications and occupations. This framework, consistently centered on workers ’ and robots’ activities, reveals highly heterogeneous effects of robotization, ranging from positive to negative across different groups of occupations, thereby supporting a nuanced and granular reading of this debated phenomenon. In particular, the local share of robot operators increases where the increase in robot adoption is larger, while the local share of workers using intensively their torso decreases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.) ((en))

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    Establishment size and the task content of jobs: evidence from 46 countries (2025)

    De Vera, Micole ; Garcia‐Brazales, Javier ;


    De Vera, Micole & Javier Garcia‐Brazales (2025): Establishment size and the task content of jobs: evidence from 46 countries. In: Economica, Jg. 92, H. 366, S. 548-579. DOI:10.1111/ecca.12563


    "Using a mix of household- and employer-based survey data from 46 countries, we provide novel evidence that workers in larger establishments perform more non-routine analytical tasks, even within narrowly defined occupations. Moreover, workers in larger establishments rely more on the use of information and communication technologies to perform these tasks. We also document a 15% raw wage premium that workers in larger establishments enjoy relative to their counterparts in smaller establishments. A mediation analysis shows that our novel empirical facts on the task content of jobs are able to explain 5–20% of the establishment size wage premium, a similar fraction to what can be explained by selection of workers on education, gender and age." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does the Technological Transformation of Firms Go Along With More Employee Control Over Working Time? Empirical Findings From an EU-Wide Combined Dataset (2025)

    Greenan, Nathalie ; Napolitano, Silvia ;


    Greenan, Nathalie & Silvia Napolitano (2025): Does the Technological Transformation of Firms Go Along With More Employee Control Over Working Time? Empirical Findings From an EU-Wide Combined Dataset. In: Review of Political Economy, S. 1-23. DOI:10.1080/09538259.2024.2445096


    "We investigate the links between the technological transformation of firms and employee control over working time. We conduct EU-wide analysis at the meso-level by relating information from the European Company Survey 2019 (Eurofound and Cedefop) with the Labour Force Survey ad hoc module 2019 (Eurostat). This dataset allows analysing the technological transformation of firms as a relationship between three types of investments (in R&D, digital technologies and learning capacity of the organisation) that spur innovation outputs. We then study the consequences of the technological transformation on the spread of unfavourable working time arrangements, distinguishing between individual and organisation-oriented arrangements. Our model considers the direct effects of investments in Digital technologies adoption and use and Learning capacity of the organisation and the mediating role of firms' innovation strategies. Results indicate that the Learning capacity of the organisation is directly associated with more individual-oriented working time flexibility, but entails higher organisation-oriented working time flexibility. The effect of Digital technologies adoption and use depends instead on firms' innovation strategy: product innovation leads to more employee control over working time, while marketing innovation has the opposite outcome. Process and organisational innovations yield mixed consequences buffering employees from organisation-oriented working time flexibility in more time-constrained work environments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Diverging paths: AI exposure and employment across European regions (2025)

    Guarascio, Dario ; Reljic, Jelena ; Stöllinger, Roman;


    Guarascio, Dario, Jelena Reljic & Roman Stöllinger (2025): Diverging paths: AI exposure and employment across European regions. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Jg. 73, S. 11-24. DOI:10.1016/j.strueco.2024.12.010


    "This study explores exposure to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and employment patterns in Europe. First, we provide a thorough mapping of European regions focusing on the structural factors—such as sectoral specialisation, R&D capacity, productivity and workforce skills—that may shape diffusion as well as economic and employment effects of AI. To capture these differences, we conduct a cluster analysis which group EU regions in four distinct clusters: high-tech service and capital centres, advanced manufacturing core, southern and eastern periphery. We then discuss potential employment implications of AI in these regions, arguing that while regions with strong innovation systems may experience employment gains as AI complements existing capabilities and production systems, others are likely to face structural barriers that could eventually exacerbate regional disparities in the EU, with peripheral areas losing further ground." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.) ((en))

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    Support and employment preferences in online platform work: A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers (2025)

    Klaus, Dominik ; Lamura, Maddalena ; Bilger, Marcel ; Haas, Barbara ;


    Klaus, Dominik, Maddalena Lamura, Marcel Bilger & Barbara Haas (2025): Support and employment preferences in online platform work. A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. e12659. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12659


    "Online platform work is an emerging field of non-standard employment. Up to now, there has been little knowledge of the perspective of online platform workers on social protection and regulation. We provide quantitative data (n = 1727) on their needs for support and on their employment status preferences. Given the heterogeneity of German-speaking online platform workers, we have conducted a cluster analysis to group workers according to task length, hourly wage, working hours and experience on online platforms. Most of the respondents are solo-self-employed and hybrid workers. They prefer support instruments that improve their skills and income over those that aim to strengthen their rights. The majority of platform workers are in favour of working outside of platforms. The study also shows that despite the low dependence on platform income, the actual poverty risk is relatively high." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Inequality Regimes in Coworking Spaces: How New Forms of Organising (Re)produce Inequalities (2025)

    Knappert, Lena ; Ortlieb, Renate ; Cnossen, Boukje ;


    Knappert, Lena, Boukje Cnossen & Renate Ortlieb (2025): Inequality Regimes in Coworking Spaces: How New Forms of Organising (Re)produce Inequalities. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 39, H. 1, S. 43-63. DOI:10.1177/09500170241237188


    "Coworking is a rapidly growing worldwide phenomenon. While the coworking movement emphasizes equality and emancipation, there is little known about the extent to which coworking spaces as new forms of organizing live up to this ideal. This study examines inequality in coworking spaces in the Netherlands, employing Acker’s framework of inequality regimes. The findings highlight coworking-specific components of inequality regimes, in particular stereotyped assumptions regarding ‘ideal members’ that establish the bases of inequality, practices that produce inequality (e.g. through the commodification of community) and practices that perpetuate inequality (e.g. the denial of inequality). The study provides an update of Acker’s framework in the context of coworking and speaks, more broadly, to the growing body of literature on (in)equality in emerging organizational contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Between control and participation: The politics of algorithmic management (2025)

    Krzywdzinski, Martin ; Sperling, Andrea; Schneiß, Daniel ;


    Krzywdzinski, Martin, Daniel Schneiß & Andrea Sperling (2025): Between control and participation: The politics of algorithmic management. In: New Technology, Work and Employment, Jg. 40, H. 1, S. 60-80. DOI:10.1111/ntwe.12293


    "Understanding the role of human management is crucial for the debate over algorithmic management—to date limited to studies on the platform economy. This qualitative case study in logistics reconstructs the actor constellations (managers, engineers, data scientists and workers) and negotiation processes in different phases of algorithmic management. It offers two major contributions to the literature: (1) a process model distinguishing three phases: goal formation, data production and data analysis, which is used to analyse (2) the politics of algorithmic management in conventional workplaces, which differ significantly from platform companies. The article goes beyond surveillance to elucidate the role of the regulatory framework, various actors' knowledge contributions to the algorithmic management system, and the power relations resulting therefrom. While the managerial goals in the examined case were not oriented towards a surveillance regime, the outcome was nevertheless a centralisation of knowledge and disempowerment of workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Durch künstliche Intelligenz sind inzwischen auch viele Expertentätigkeiten ersetzbar (2025)

    Kuhn, Sarah; Seibert, Holger;


    Kuhn, Sarah & Holger Seibert (2025): Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt: Durch künstliche Intelligenz sind inzwischen auch viele Expertentätigkeiten ersetzbar. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Berlin-Brandenburg 01/2025), 34 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.REBB.2501


    "Durch neue digitale Technologien verändert sich der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt. Dies gilt besonders für das Ausmaß, in dem Berufe aktuell potenziell durch den Einsatz von Computern oder computergesteuerten Maschinen ersetzbar sind, dem so genannten Substituierbarkeitspotenzial. Es beschreibt, welcher Anteil an Tätigkeiten in einem Beruf schon heute durch den Einsatz moderner Technologien ersetzt werden könnte. Nach wie vor ist zwar das Substituierbarkeitspotenzial bei den Helfer*innen- und Fachkraftberufen am höchsten. Am stärksten gestiegen ist das Potenzial jedoch bei den Expert*innenberufen (u. a. durch generative Künstliche Intelligenz). Besonders bei den IT- und naturwissenschaftlichen Dienstleistungsberufen sind hohe Zuwachsraten zwischen 2019 und 2022 zu verzeichnen. Der vorliegende Beitrag fokussiert sich auf den Arbeitsmarkt in Brandenburg und Berlin. Wichtig zu betonen ist, dass es hier um Potenziale technischer Ersetzbarkeit geht. Ob und inwiefern die technischen Möglichkeiten auch tatsächlich umgesetzt werden, steht nicht fest. Es kann Gründe geben, die gegen eine tatsächliche Substituierung sprechen, beispielsweise weil eine Umstellung zu komplex wäre oder ethische Bedenken dem entgegenstehen. Unstrittig ist jedoch, dass auf der einen Seite einige Tätigkeiten durch die Digitalisierung wegfallen bzw. automatisiert werden, andererseits aber auch neue Tätigkeiten und Berufe entstehen. Daher kann ein hohes Substituierungspotenzial als Indikator für einen Wandel der Arbeitswelt gesehen werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kuhn, Sarah; Seibert, Holger;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Good Jobs or Bad Jobs? Immigrant Workers in the Gig Economy (2025)

    Liu, Cathy Yang ; Renzy, Rory;


    Liu, Cathy Yang & Rory Renzy (2025): Good Jobs or Bad Jobs? Immigrant Workers in the Gig Economy. In: International migration review, S. 1-25. DOI:10.1177/01979183241309585


    "New work arrangements enabled by online platforms, or gig work, saw substantive growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various estimates have suggested the wide participation of workers in the gig economy, with minority and immigrant workers well represented. The quality of work is a multi-dimensional concept that goes beyond earnings. One framework of good jobs and bad jobs centers on control over work schedule, content and duration, stability, safety, benefits and insurance, as well as career advancement opportunities. Using a newly released national survey focused on entrepreneurs and workers in the United States, we find that about 18.5 percent immigrant workers and 21.1 percent native-born workers participated in the gig economy as their primary or secondary job. In terms of job quality, immigrant gig workers work shorter hours and have significantly less fringe benefits than non-gig workers as well as U.S.-born gig workers, reflecting a double disadvantage. However, they tend to have higher entrepreneurial aspirations, suggesting the transient nature of gig arrangements and potential for career advancements. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics and implication of immigrants’ engagement with the gig economy and offers policy and theoretical discussions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Occupational Choice, Matching, and Earnings Inequality (2025)

    Mak, Eric; Siow, Aloysius;


    Mak, Eric & Aloysius Siow (2025): Occupational Choice, Matching, and Earnings Inequality. In: Journal of Political Economy, Jg. 133, H. 1, S. 355-383. DOI:10.1086/732530


    "We combine classic occupational choice (Roy, 1951) and frictionless matching (Sattinger, 1979) to explain earnings by occupation and firm in a way that is consistent with the double assignment. In our model, within-firm inequality is globally non-zero whenever there is asymmetry in the revenue function or the occupational skill distribution across occupations. Occupational earnings overlap each other, and unlike the Roy Model, the distributions of potential earnings are endogenous. In line with recent empirical findings on earning decomposition, skill-biased technical change (SBTC)increases within-firm inequality mostly among high-wage firms and not among low-wagefirms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Digital transformation, employment change and the adaptation of regions in Germany (2025)

    Neumann, Uwe ;


    Neumann, Uwe (2025): Digital transformation, employment change and the adaptation of regions in Germany. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Jg. 73, S. 37-50. DOI:10.1016/j.strueco.2024.12.014


    "Digital change is often said to lead to large-scale job losses. Using data from administrative sources in Germany, this study examines the extent to which adaptation to digital change has affected regional employment growth and disparities over the past decade. The analysis confirms previous research according to which increases in productivity coincide with regional job growth rather than decline. Incorporating various indicators of digitalisation and automation into a model of industry-specific regional job growth shows that local labour markets with very different characteristics – regions with strong manufacturing clusters on the one hand and large cities on the other – have achieved employment growth despite high automation exposure. While the study highlights regional differentials with respect to the adaptation to technological change, less prosperous regions may face a much greater challenge in realising job creation potentials. The results argue against policy efforts aimed at “protecting” jobs from digitalisation and automation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2025 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.) ((en))

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    Algorithmic Management and the Platformisation of Work in Europe: Evidence from Spain and Germany (2025)

    Pesole, Annarosa ;


    Pesole, Annarosa (2025): Algorithmic Management and the Platformisation of Work in Europe: Evidence from Spain and Germany. In: The Indian Journal of Labour Economics. DOI:10.1007/s41027-024-00544-y


    "This study investigates the impact of digital tools and algorithmic management on work organisation and working conditions, with a focus on the growing platformisation of work. The research focuses on three main aspects: the use of digital devices and platforms, the collection and processing of data by these platforms, and the role of algorithms in managing labour activities. Drawing on data from the AMPWork survey conducted in Spain and Germany, the analysis explores the prevalence and effects of digital monitoring and algorithmic management within traditional and platform work settings. Findings highlight the significant diffusion of digital tools and reveal that over two-thirds of workers use such technologies in their tasks. However, the extent of platformisation varies by occupation, sector, and digital tool usage. The findings reveal that a significant number of workers now rely on digital devices in their daily tasks, with digital monitoring and algorithmic management prevalent across various work environments. The survey highlights higher levels of platformisation among clerks and operators in high-tech industries, knowledge-intensive services, and public administration. Additionally, remote workers or those operating outside traditional employer premises are more likely to experience platformisation. While the use of platforms can lead to more structured and efficient work procedures, it also introduces challenges, such as increased monotony and stress, suggesting a complex relationship between platformisation and job satisfaction. This study underscores the transformative impact of platformisation on the nature of work, calling attention to the need for further research and policy consideration. The findings emphasise the importance of addressing the implications of digital labour platforms and algorithmic management for job quality, economic value, and the evolving landscape of employment in the digital era. Indeed, the study confirms that the integration of algorithmic management and surveillance technologies in the workplace poses significant risks to workers’ privacy, datarights, freedom of association, and overall well-being. These practices can erode working conditions and harm mental and physical health. Addressing these issues requires strict regulation of intrusive surveillance and the development of a comprehensive policy framework for algorithmic management and digital monitoring." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen des Strukturwandels auf die Arbeitsmarktregionen und Bundesländer in der langen Frist – Qualifikations- und Berufsprojektion bis 2040 (2025)

    Schneemann, Christian; Maier, Tobias ; Bernardt, Florian; Zika, Gerd; Wolter, Marc Ingo; Kalinowski, Michael;


    Schneemann, Christian, Florian Bernardt, Michael Kalinowski, Tobias Maier, Gerd Zika & Marc Ingo Wolter (2025): Auswirkungen des Strukturwandels auf die Arbeitsmarktregionen und Bundesländer in der langen Frist – Qualifikations- und Berufsprojektion bis 2040. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2025), Nürnberg, 46 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2503


    "Die Bundesländer und die Arbeitsmarktregionen in Deutschland unterscheiden sich in ihrer Bevölkerungs- und Wirtschaftsstruktur, weshalb sie auch unterschiedliche Arbeitskräfteengpässe und -überhänge aufweisen. Aufgrund ihrer verschiedenartigen Entwicklungen werden auch künftig Unterschiede im Arbeitsmarktgeschehen bestehen. Mit Hilfe des sogenannten QuBe-Modellverbundes (8. Welle der QuBe-Basisprojektion) werden langfristige immanente Megatrends wie die demografische Entwicklung, der wirtschaftliche Strukturwandel und die Digitalisierung im Modell selbst erfasst und die Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt sichtbar gemacht. Die Analyse zeigt, dass sich die wirtschaftliche Lage in Deutschland nicht wie in der Vergangenheit durch positive Entwicklungen im Außenhandel erholen wird. Das zukünftige Handeln der USA, China und Russlands ist schwer abzuschätzen und erhöht die Unsicherheit auf dem Weltmarkt. Zudem wird das künftige Arbeitsmarktgeschehen zu einem großen Teil von der demografischen Entwicklung, dem stetigen strukturellen Wandel (z.B. Digitalisierung im Handel) und der schwächeren Nachfrage im Baugewerbe geprägt. So wird das Arbeitskräfteangebot infolge des Bevölkerungsrückgangs in vielen Bundesländern und Arbeitsmarktregionen bis zum Jahr 2040 sinken. Zwar können einige Arbeitsmarktregionen noch Bevölkerung aufbauen, aber die Bevölkerung im erwerbsfähigen Alter wird in allen abnehmen. Infolgedessen wird auch der Arbeitskräftebedarf fast überall sinken. Insgesamt wird in vielen Bundesländern und Arbeitsmarktregionen die Erwerbslosenquote sinken oder nahezu stabil bleiben, so dass dort trotz der schlechteren konjunkturellen Entwicklung weiterhin mit Engpässen in verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen und Berufen zu rechnen ist. Die Rekrutierung von Arbeitskräften dürfte somit in vielen Wirtschaftsbereichen und Regionen langfristig zunehmend schwieriger werden. Der Bedarf an qualifiziertem Personal im Wirtschaftszweig „Heime und Sozialwesen“ oder im Bereich der IT-Dienstleistungen wächst kontinuierlich. Dies alles geschieht vor dem Hintergrund eines wohl eher noch beschleunigten Strukturwandels, der gerade die Bundesländer und Arbeitsmarktregionen schon jetzt vor große Herausforderungen stellt, in denen das Verarbeitende Gewerbe zum Beispiel die Automobilindustrie nach wie vor überdurchschnittlich. Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und Dekarbonisierung erfordern eine permanente Modernisierung und Innovationsfähigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft. Gerade die ökologische Transformation ist stark auf Erwerbstätige im Baugewerbe angewiesen. Eine Qualifizierung in diesem Bereich bleibt deshalb wichtig, weil die Rekrutierungssituation für Unternehmen trotz der langfristig vermutlich zurückgehenden Erwerbstätigkeit im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen auch in Zukunft schwierig sein wird. Die Umsetzung zusätzlich notwendiger Investitionen im Zuge dieser Transformation sollte nicht an fehlenden Fachkräften scheitern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Schneemann, Christian; Zika, Gerd;
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    Wenn Ihr Job von KI betroffen ist, kann das eine große Chance sein: Gastbeitrag (2025)

    Weber, Enzo ;


    Weber, Enzo (2025): Wenn Ihr Job von KI betroffen ist, kann das eine große Chance sein. Gastbeitrag. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung H. 12.02.2025 Frankfurt am Main.


    "Künstliche Intelligenz ersetzt immer mehr Arbeitsplätze. Sie dringt in mehr und mehr Tätigkeitsbereiche vor. Mittlerweile sind auch viele hoch qualifizierte Jobs betroffen – Ärzte, Rechtsanwältinnen, Journalisten und viele andere. Wir müssen uns diesem Wandel anpassen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

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    Weber, Enzo ;
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    Does automation replace experts or augment expertise? The answer is yes (Interview) (2025)

    Winters, Jutta; Latner, Jonathan P. ; Autor, David H. ;


    Winters, Jutta & Jonathan P. Latner; David H. Autor (interviewte Person) (2025): Does automation replace experts or augment expertise? The answer is yes (Interview). In: IAB-Forum H. 09.01.2025. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20250109.01


    "David Autor, Professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), gives a Special Lecture at the IAB on 15 January 2025. In this accompanying interview, he discusses the impact of Artificial Intelligence on wages and employment, outlines the crucial role of expertise and gives insights on policy-approaches for supporting workers in rapidly changing labor markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Winters, Jutta; Latner, Jonathan P. ;
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    Returns to formal, non-formal, and informal further training for workers at risk of automation (2025)

    Zeyer-Gliozzo, Birgit ;


    Zeyer-Gliozzo, Birgit (2025): Returns to formal, non-formal, and informal further training for workers at risk of automation. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 17. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2024.2447037


    "The automation of job tasks due to technological change increases the pressure on workers whose jobs consist largely of such activities. In this context, politics and science attach great importance to further training, although the benefits for affected workers have hardly been investigated. Drawing on human capital theory and the task-based approach, this study examines the effect of further training on job tasks and the probability of automation for workers at risk of automation. These are workers who (a) work in routine intense jobs or (b) have a high probability of automation, based on the expert assessment of the automatability of occupations by Frey and Osborne (2017). Using data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), fixed-effects models are estimated to account for unobserved heterogeneity. The results show that informal further training is most effective in increasing non-routine tasks and reducing routine tasks and the probability of automation. Formal and non-formal training also show returns in some cases, although these are often not significant. The results thus suggest that not all forms of further training are helpful in adapting to new demands in the course of technological change and provide starting points for future research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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