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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

Literatur zum Thema Flucht und Asyl finden Sie in unserer IAB-Infoplattform Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten - Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt.

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im Aspekt "EU-Freizügigkeit und Zuwanderung aus Süd- und Osteuropa"
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    The Government of Migration through Workfare in the UK: Towards a shrinking Space of Mobility and Social Rights? (2017)


    (2017): The Government of Migration through Workfare in the UK. Towards a shrinking Space of Mobility and Social Rights? In: Movements. Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung, Jg. 3, H. 1, S. 1-19.


    "This article focuses on migration within the European Union, exploring the gradual restriction of rights for 'free movers' in connection with the restructuring of welfare towards workfare policies. Based on analysis of secondary sources, case laws and qualitative interview material with migrant support organisations and legal experts, the author explores the intersection between welfare and migration controls in the United Kingdom to highlight the rapid erosion of social assistance and social security rights for EU migrants. The article takes this national context as a point of departure to examine wider developments in other EU countries where similar patterns of restriction both at the judicial and policy levels emerge under the mark of workfarist politics and the 'activation paradigm'. The main argument is that measures applied in the context of the workfare reforms enhancing the vulnerability of the precarious workforce are experienced in exemplar ways by migrants, stigmatised as fraudulent benefit claimants and in fact compelled to provide their labour under increasingly precarious conditions. The inter-dependency between the proof of habitual residence, retention of worker status and entitlements to in-work benefits emerges as a central mechanism in the government of mobility at a critical moment in the 'undoing of Europe'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigration and the UK: reflections after Brexit (2016)

    Alfano, Marco; Dustmann, Christian; Frattini, Tommaso;


    Alfano, Marco, Christian Dustmann & Tommaso Frattini (2016): Immigration and the UK. Reflections after Brexit. (CReAM discussion paper 2016,23), London, 21 S.


    "The recent referendum in the UK on membership of the EU has sent shockwaves across the political establishment not just in the UK itself and throughout Europe, but also around the world. In the run-up to the referendum, economists were (perhaps for the first time) united in pointing out that the economic case for Brexit is rather slim, that hardly any well-argued reason could be given by the Brexit camp as to why it may be a good idea to leave the EU, and that the economic consequences could be severe. That lack of economic argument in favour of Brexit, which should have been the key battleground in the run up to the referendum, led the debate to focus on one particular issue, Immigration. Like the free movement of goods, capital, and services, a fundamental pillar of the EU, and a non-negotiable requirement for any new member state, is the free movement of people. It is that particular aspect of EU membership that became the strongest single assertion of the Brexit camp. The inability to control immigration f m within the EU was made a symbol for everything else Brexit stood for (such as the idea of 'sovereignty' or the pain of being subjugated to 'rules made in Brussels and not the UK'), but - again - fact-based arguments against free mobility on economic or welfare grounds were hard to find. Nevertheless, free mobility within the EU became quickly the scapegoat for the economic and social woes that had distressed the country since the great recession, and perhaps even earlier, such as crime, real wage decline, inequality, unemployment, access to social services, health provision, and benefits and transfers. 'Immigration' and everything people associated with it and were encouraged to believe by a relentless campaign of the majority of the tabloid press decisively contributed to the decision that the UK took on June 23, 2016. Immigration and free mobility will likely again be central in the negotiations between the UK and its European partners in developing a model for Brexit that minimises the economic costs for both the UK and the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From labour migration to labour mobility?: the return of the multinational worker in Europe (2016)

    Andrijasevic, Rutvica; Sacchetto, Devi ;


    Andrijasevic, Rutvica & Devi Sacchetto (2016): From labour migration to labour mobility? The return of the multinational worker in Europe. In: Transfer, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 219-231. DOI:10.1177/1024258916635975


    "There is currently a large knowledge gap about intra-European labour migration. Commentators are caught up in a debate over whether such movement is best understood in terms of social dumping and hence a race to the bottom, or in terms of business opportunities and benefits for firms, states and mobile workers. The argument put forward in this article is that both approaches are inadequate in that they focus attention on a linear east-to-west Europe movement and discuss it from the vantage point of the state, businesses and trade unions in the country of destination. In order to gain a clearer understanding of emerging migration patterns in the enlarged Europe this article adopts mobility of workers as the analytical lens through which to examine the integration of labour markets as well as the tensions between capital, trade unions and labour to which mobility gives rise. Building on fieldwork conducted at Foxconn electronics assembly plants in the Czech Republic, the article suggests that the term 'multinational' worker is best suited to convey the experiences and practices of this emergent workforce." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU (2016)

    Arpaia, Alfonso; Kiss, Áron; Palvolgyi, Balazs; Turrini, Alessandro;


    Arpaia, Alfonso, Áron Kiss, Balazs Palvolgyi & Alessandro Turrini (2016): Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU. In: IZA journal of migration, Jg. 5, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1186/s40176-016-0069-8


    "This paper assesses the role of labour mobility in the adjustment to asymmetric economic shocks in the EU. After presenting a series of stylised facts of mobility in the EU, it assesses mobility as a channel of economic adjustment by means of a vector autoregression (VAR) analysis in the vein of Blanchard and Katz (BPEA 1:1 - 75, 1992). Results indicate that, over the period 1970 - 2013, mobility absorbed about a quarter of an asymmetric shock within 1 year. Movements in response to shocks have almost doubled since the introduction of the euro. In contrast to previous papers on the labour market adjustment in the EU, the response of wages is integrated to the analysis. It is found that real wages have also become more responsive to asymmetric shocks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ten years after the post-accession migration wave from EU 8 to the UK: what can we learn from the largest intra-EU migration experiment? (2016)

    Bahna, Miloslav ;


    Bahna, Miloslav (2016): Ten years after the post-accession migration wave from EU 8 to the UK. What can we learn from the largest intra-EU migration experiment? In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41, H. 4, S. 373-389. DOI:10.1007/s11614-016-0244-4


    "Als 2004 acht postkommunistische Länder aus Zentral und Osteuropa der EU beitraten, öffneten nur drei der 15 'alten' EU-Länder ihre Arbeitsmärkte sofort und ohne Übergangsbestimmungen. Großbritannien und Irland wurden in der Folge zu besonders populären Destinationen für Arbeitskräfte aus den neuen EU-Ländern. Die vorliegende Analyse deutet darauf hin, dass die Rate der Migration aus den EU-8-Ländern nach Großbritannien in der Periode von 2004 bis 2014 umso höher war, je niedriger das Lohnniveau im Land war - die Rate steigt von Slowenien (dem Land mit dem höchsten Lohnniveau unter den Beitrittsländern) bis zu Litauen (dem Land mit den niedrigsten Löhnen). Der neoklassische Ansatz liefert zwar ein gutes Erklärungsmodell für unterschiedliche Migrationsraten. Die großen Unterschiede zwischen Ländern mit ähnlichem Lohnniveau im Hinblick auf die Verweildauer der Migranten (gemessen an der Relation zwischen dem Migrantenzufluss und dem Bestand an Migranten) können jedoch mit diesem Ansatz nicht erklärt werden. Die vorliegende Analyse erklärt diese Unterschiede mit dem Vorhandensein und der Nutzung von Migrantennetzwerken." (Autorenreferat, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Labour migration as a way to escape from employment vulnerability?: evidence from the European Union (2016)

    Bazillier, Rémi ; Boboc, Cristina;


    Bazillier, Rémi & Cristina Boboc (2016): Labour migration as a way to escape from employment vulnerability? Evidence from the European Union. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 23, H. 16, S. 1149-1152. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2016.1139670


    "Free Movement of people is a fundamental principle of the European Union (EU). In a context of strong divergence in employment and working conditions among EU member states, migration can be seen as a way to increase employment opportunities but also to escape from poor working conditions at home. In this article, we focus on the possible influence of employment vulnerability by comparing its individual level among migrants and native workers in EU countries. We implement propensity score matching methods using data from the European Social Survey (2008) and indexes of employment vulnerability proposed by Bazillier et al. (2014). Overall, we show that migrants face the same level of employment vulnerability than natives, all other things being equal. But there are strong differences by skill-level. Low-skilled migrants have a lower level of vulnerability mainly because of a lower level of employer vulnerability while high-skilled migrants face a higher level of vulnerability, because of a higher level of job vulnerability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fluch oder Segen: Was Arbeitskräftemobilität für den Euroraum bedeutet (2016)

    Brinke, Anna auf dem; Dittrich, Paul-Jasper;


    Brinke, Anna auf dem & Paul-Jasper Dittrich (2016): Fluch oder Segen: Was Arbeitskräftemobilität für den Euroraum bedeutet. (Jacques Delors Institut. Policy paper 159), Berlin, 12 S.


    "Wir untersuchen den Effekt der Arbeitskräftemobilität im Euroraum nach der Krise 2008. Die Unterschiede in der Arbeitslosigkeit erreichten 2013 ihren Höchststand. Am deutlichsten waren die Unterschiede in der Jugenderwerbslosigkeit. Wie reagierten die Migrationsbewegungen darauf? Halfen sie die Ungleichgewichte auszugleichen oder trugen sie zu einer Verstärkung bei? Die Zahlen zeigen, dass die positiven Effekte der Arbeitskräftemobilität überwiegen: sie hat makroökonomische Ungleichgewichte unterm Strich verkleinert. Trotzdem gab es zu wenig Migration aus den südlichen in die nördlichen Euroländer, um als Stoßdämpfer zu wirken.
    Eine Erhöhung dieser Zahlen und Erleichterung von Migrationsentscheidungen sollte daher weit oben auf der Agenda von Europapolitikern stehen. Dieses Paper schlägt drei sich ergänzende Strategien vor, die Arbeitskräftemobilität zu einem wichtigen Faktor für die weitere wirtschaftspolitische Integration der Eurozone machen sollten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Zuwanderungsmonitor (2016)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Sirries, Steffen; Hauptmann, Andreas; Wapler, Rüdiger; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;


    Brücker, Herbert, Andreas Hauptmann, Steffen Sirries, Ehsan Vallizadeh & Rüdiger Wapler (2016): Zuwanderungsmonitor. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte), Nürnberg, 6 S.


    Der monatlich erscheinende Zuwanderungsmonitor analysiert Zuwanderung, Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und SGB-II-Hilfequote dieser Personengruppen:
    EU-28: Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union seit 01. Juli 2013
    EU-2: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Januar 2007: Bulgarien und Rumänien.
    EU-8: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Mai 2004: Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Slowenien, Slowakei, Tschechien, und Ungarn.
    EU-4: die südeuropäischen Mitgliedsstaaten: Griechenland, Italien, Portugal und Spanien.
    Balkanstaaten: Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro und Serbien.
    Kriegs- und Krisenländer: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Irak, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia und Syrien. (IAB)

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    Brexit: Mögliche Folgen für die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die Arbeitsmigration (2016)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;


    Brücker, Herbert & Ehsan Vallizadeh (2016): Brexit: Mögliche Folgen für die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die Arbeitsmigration. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 16/2016), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Die Bevölkerung Großbritanniens hat sich am 23. Juni 2016 mit knapper Mehrheit für den Austritt des Landes aus der Europäischen Union entschieden. Diese neue Premierministerin hat erklärt, dass die Entscheidung für den Austritt aus der EU umgesetzt wird. Offen ist jedoch, wann eine Mitteilung an den Europäischen Rat erfolgt. Auch ist noch nicht klar, welche Ziele das Vereinigte Königreich in den Austrittsverhandlungen verfolgen wird. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser unübersichtlichen Lage wird in dem vorliegenden Aktuellen Bericht anhand verschiedener Szenarien diskutiert, welche Optionen bestehen und welche Folgen sich daraus für die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die Migration in Europa ergeben würden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Brücker, Herbert ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;
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    The impact of the implementation of council directives on labour migration flows from third countries to EU countries (2016)

    Colussi, Tommaso;


    Colussi, Tommaso (2016): The impact of the implementation of council directives on labour migration flows from third countries to EU countries. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 181), Paris, 43 S. DOI:10.1787/5jlwxbzkbfvl-en


    "This paper is part of the joint project between the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission and the OECD's Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs on 'Review of Labour Migration Policy in Europe'. This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Grant: HOME/2013/EIFX/CA/002 / 30-CE-0615920/00-38 (DI130895) A previous version of this paper (DELSA/ELSA/MI(2015)4) was presented and discussed at the OECD Working Party on Migration in June 2015. The paper assesses the impact of three European Directives - Student Directive, Researcher Directive and the Blue Card Directive - on migration flows from third countries to the EU. Using a difference-in-difference empirical strategy and data from the EU-LFS and Eurostat database on work permits to non-EU workers, it estimates the effect of each Directive on the inflow of targeted third country nationals. Overall, the econometric analysis does not provide evidence of a direct impact of the implementation of either of the Directives on the inflow of targeted groups. Most member states did experience an increase in the inflow of non-EU high skilled workers after the adoption of the Blue Card Directive; however, this increase can be almost entirely explained by positive pre-existing trends in the inflow of this type of immigrants. Similarly, despite the increase in the number of permits issued to students and researchers from third countries in Europe, difference-in-differences estimates do not provide evidence of a direct effect of the implementation of the Student and Researcher Directive on changes in this type of inflows. The absence of a measurable impact of the three Directives analysed may be due to delayed effects of policy changes, which take time to filter into perception and thus affect immigrant inflows to Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic freedoms and labour standards in the European Union (2016)

    Cremers, Jan;


    Cremers, Jan (2016): Economic freedoms and labour standards in the European Union. In: Transfer, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 149-162. DOI:10.1177/1024258916635962


    "The European Union internal market seeks to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and citizens. The primacy given to these economic freedoms has culminated in a socio-economic reasoning dominated by competition, bringing about side effects that may pose a threat to working conditions and labour standards. This article examines the problematic relationship between economic freedoms and labour standards in the context of cross-border labour recruitment. It starts with a summary of the relevant EU acquis, in particular rules concerning social security coordination and the pay and working conditions of posted workers. It reviews key issues of the 'hard core' of the internal market legislation (free choice of contracts, freedom of establishment for firms, deregulation of the 'business environment' and free provision of services). The next part identifies experiences of rule-enforcing institutions: regime shopping, non-compliance with social standards, lack of cross-border enforcement, the difficulty of tracing circumvention in a transnational context and weak sanctioning mechanisms. The possibility of verifying, legally and in practice, whether a worker is correctly posted within the framework of the provision of services has become an Achilles heel of the enforcement of the use of cross-border recruited labour. The article also assesses whether the 2014 Enforcement Directive can be seen as an effective remedy for the identified problems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU (2016)

    David, Anda; Senne, Jean-Noël;


    David, Anda & Jean-Noël Senne (2016): A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 184), Paris, 65 S. DOI:10.1787/5jlwxbxvb35j-en


    "This paper is part of the joint project between the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission and the OECD's Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs on 'Review of Labour Migration Policy in Europe'. This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Grant: HOME/2013/EIFX/CA/002 / 30-CE-0615920/00-38 (DI130895) A previous version of this paper was presented and discussed at the OECD Working Party on Migration in June 2015. The paper examines immigration to, and emigration from, the European Union, and compares them with migrant inflows and outflows to other OECD destinations. It investigates how the migrants are distributed in terms of gender, age, education and labour force status, depending on their country of origin as well as of destination. Drawing upon the Database on Immigrants in the OECD countries (DIOC), changes in migration rates and stock are analysed over time, focusing on whether the EU is facing a net gain or loss of skills." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Verfassungsrechtliche und europarechtliche Aspekte der Überbrückungsleistungen und des Leistungsentzugs von Eltern bei bestehendem Aufenthaltsrecht der Kinder: aufgrund des Referentenentwurfs/Kabinettsbeschlusses für ein Gesetz zur Regelung von Ansprüchen ausländischer Personen in der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende nach dem Zweiten Buch Sozialgesetzbuch und in der Sozialhilfe nach dem Zwölften Buch Sozialgesetzbuch (2016)

    Devetzi, Stamatia; Janda, Constanze;


    Devetzi, Stamatia & Constanze Janda (2016): Verfassungsrechtliche und europarechtliche Aspekte der Überbrückungsleistungen und des Leistungsentzugs von Eltern bei bestehendem Aufenthaltsrecht der Kinder. Aufgrund des Referentenentwurfs/Kabinettsbeschlusses für ein Gesetz zur Regelung von Ansprüchen ausländischer Personen in der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende nach dem Zweiten Buch Sozialgesetzbuch und in der Sozialhilfe nach dem Zwölften Buch Sozialgesetzbuch. Berlin, 20 S.


    "Das Gutachten der beiden Sozialrechtlerinnen Prof. Dr. Stamatia Devetzi von der Hochschule Fulda und Prof. Dr. Constanze Janda von der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg vertritt die Ansicht: Überbrückungsleistungen für ausländische Personen, die vom Grundsicherungsbezug (Hartz IV) ausgeschlossen werden, verstoßen gegen das Recht auf Sicherung einer menschenwürdigen Existenz, das sich aus den Grundgesetzartikeln 1 und 20 ergibt. Denn der Staat würde sich damit von jedweder Verantwortung für diesen Leistungsanspruch, der die Gewährleistung der entsprechenden Grundrechte garantiert, freisprechen - so das Gutachten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Labor supply shocks, native wages, and the adjustment of local employment (2016)

    Dustmann, Christian; Stuhler, Jan; Schönberg, Uta;


    Dustmann, Christian, Uta Schönberg & Jan Stuhler (2016): Labor supply shocks, native wages, and the adjustment of local employment. In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Jg. 132, H. 1, S. 435-483., 2017-03-01. DOI:10.1093/qje/qjw032


    "By exploiting a commuting policy that led to a sharp and unexpected inflow of Czech workers to areas along the German-Czech border, we examine the impact of an exogenous immigration-induced labor supply shock on local wages and employment of natives. On average, the supply shock leads to a moderate decline in local native wages and a sharp decline in local native employment. These average effects mask considerable heterogeneity across groups: while younger natives experience larger wage effects, employment responses are particularly pronounced for older natives. This pattern is inconsistent with standard models of immigration but can be accounted for by a model that allows for a larger labor supply elasticity or a higher degree of wage rigidity for older than for young workers. We further show that the employment response is almost entirely driven by diminished inflows of natives into work rather than outflows into other areas or non-employment, suggesting that 'outsiders' shield 'insiders' from the increased competition." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Schönberg, Uta;

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    The impact of intra-EU mobility on immigration by third-country foreign workers (2016)

    Farchy, Emily;


    Farchy, Emily (2016): The impact of intra-EU mobility on immigration by third-country foreign workers. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 179), Paris, 49 S. DOI:10.1787/5jlwxbzzbzr5-en


    "This paper is part of the joint project between the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission and the OECD's Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs on 'Review of Labour Migration Policy in Europe'. This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Grant: HOME/2013/EIFX/CA/002 / 30-CE-0615920/00-38 (DI130895) A previous version of this paper (DELSA/ELSA/MI(2015)10) was presented and discussed at the OECD working party on migration in June 2015 This paper examines the impact of the free flow of migrants within the EU on the prospects of labour migrants from third countries - the extent to which free movement migrants and third country migrants are substitutes or complements on the labour market. The first section of this paper looks at the recent trends in migration to the European Union, with a particular focus on trends in the 'big five' recipient countries. The analysis is supplemented by the use of micro data from the EU Labour Force Survey, to examine the extent to which the socio-economic and job characteristics suggest that EU migrants and third country migrants provide a similar labour input. Aggregate migrant flows, however, are driven by both supply and demand factors; a comparison of aggregate trends is therefore insufficient to disentangle the disparate drivers of these trends. A booming economy, for example, will attract labour migrants from both EU and third countries, yet the positive relation between these flows cannot be attributed to a complementarity between these labour inputs but rather to the demand side factors that drive them both. To overcome this endogeneity the second section of this paper utilizes the natural experiment of EU enlargement to isolate the impact of the increased supply of free movement migrants on third country migrant populations. Abstracting in this manner from the economic factors that have played such an important role in determining labour demand in recent years the empirical analysis of this paper identifies a negative impact on the arrivals of third country migrants when labour supply from new EU migrants increases. Furthermore, the lack of identifiable impact on the employment rate of third country migrants is dependent on assumptions regarding the counterfactual employment outcomes of these displaced third country migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    2016 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility: final report December 2016 (2016)

    Fries-Tersch, Elena; Tugran, Tugce; Bradley, Harriet;


    Fries-Tersch, Elena, Tugce Tugran & Harriet Bradley (2016): 2016 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility. Final report December 2016. Brüssel, 201 S. DOI:10.2767/740419


    "In 2015, almost 11.3 million EU citizens of working age were residing in a Member State other than their country of citizenship. This report presents an overview of mobility within the EU as well as of the economic integration of the mobile workers. In addition, report focus this year on workers going back to their country of origin, and on the mobility at higher age (retired EU-movers)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Blaue Karte EU in Deutschland: Kontext und Ergebnisse der BAMF-Befragung (2016)

    Hanganu, Elisa; Heß, Barbara;


    Hanganu, Elisa & Barbara Heß (2016): Die Blaue Karte EU in Deutschland. Kontext und Ergebnisse der BAMF-Befragung. (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Forschungsbericht 27), Nürnberg, 442 S.


    "Das Forschungszentrum des Bundesamtes hat Inhaber der Blauen Karte EU in Deutschland zu ihrer Ausbildung, Arbeitsplatzsuche, Bleibeperspektive und Integration befragt. Der Forschungsbericht analysiert die Ergebnisse aus den 4.340 eingegangenen Antworten.
    Wie die Studie zeigt, sehen viele der Befragten große Vorteile in der Blauen Karte EU. Dazu zählen die Möglichkeit des Familiennachzugs, der EU-Mobilität und die gute Bleibeperspektive. Auch für Deutschland ist diese Zuwanderung von Vorteil: Blaue-Karte-EU-Inhaber sind sehr gut qualifiziert, da für die Erteilung dieses Aufenthaltstitels ein Hochschulabschluss Bedingung ist. Dieser ist Bedingung für die Erteilung einer Blauen Karte EU. Ein Drittel hat (ausschließlich oder zusätzlich) in Deutschland studiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Scaling the mobility of health workers in an enlarged Europe: an open political-economy perspective (2016)

    Hardy, Jane; Shelley, Steve; Kubisa, Julia; Calveley, Moira; Zahn, Rebecca;


    Hardy, Jane, Steve Shelley, Moira Calveley, Julia Kubisa & Rebecca Zahn (2016): Scaling the mobility of health workers in an enlarged Europe. An open political-economy perspective. In: European Urban and Regional Studies, Jg. 23, H. 4, S. 798-815. DOI:10.1177/0969776414551100


    "The enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007 and the marketisation of health care are increasing the mobility of workers and driving a scalar transformation of the sector across Europe. Drawing on questionnaires and interviews in 17 European Union countries, and focusing on two case study New Member States, we analyse inter- and intra-country drivers and impacts of health care labour mobility. The data are analysed from an open political-economy perspective underpinned by an understanding of scale as a socially constructed material entity mediated by national and supranational state institutions, and the collective agency of workers. We emphasise the contradictory and contested nature of rescaling health care and the complex micro-dynamics of mobility. Although absolute outward migration across borders is relatively small, the movement of health care specialists is having a disproportionate effect on sender countries and regions within them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen der Migration auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt (2016)

    Hartmann, Michael;


    Hartmann, Michael (2016): Auswirkungen der Migration auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. In: Wirtschaft und Statistik H. Sonderheft, S. 69-82.


    "Deutschland erlebt derzeit eine Phase großer Migrationsbewegungen. Die Hauptgründe dafür sind die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union, die EU-Schuldenkrise und die Fluchtmigration. Der Beitrag analysiert, wie sich die Zuwanderung auf den Arbeitsmarkt und die Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende ausgewirkt hat. Die Neuzuwanderer können in den Arbeitsmarkt- und Grundsicherungsstatistiken nicht getrennt ausgewiesen werden; daher werden Herkunftsländergruppen nach den Hauptgründen der Zuwanderung der letzten Jahre betrachtet. Wie haben sich für Staatsangehörige aus diesen Ländern die Beschäftigung, die Arbeitslosigkeit und der Grundsicherungsleistungsbezug entwickelt und welchen Einfluss hatte das auf die Gesamtgrößen? Wie gut ist den Menschen aus diesen Ländern die Integration in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt gelungen?" (Autorenreferat, © Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden)

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Migration and integration: new models for mobility and coexistence (2016)

    Hsu, Roland; Laitin, David D.; Kikon, Dolly; Kloos, Karina; Wiesbock, Laura; Küffner, Carla; Betts, Alexander ; Verwiebe, Roland ; Cuellar, Mariano-Florentino; Levy-Vroelant, Claire; Feldmann, Marcus W.; Li, Shuzhou; Holug, Nils; Mattei, Paula; Reinprecht, Christoph; Moon, Rennie J.; Fassmann, Heinz; Rosenberger, Sieglinde ; Yue, Zhongshan; Shin, Gi-Wook; Haindorfer, Raimund; Snipp, C. Matthew; Cirenza, Peter; Surendra, Aparna;


    Hsu, Roland & Christoph Reinprecht (Hrsg.) (2016): Migration and integration. New models for mobility and coexistence. (Migrations- und Integrationsforschung. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven 08), Göttingen: V&R unipress, 256 S.


    "Globalization has led to new forms, and dynamics, of migration and mobility. What are the consequences of these changes for the processes of reception, settlement and social integration, for social cohesion, institutional practices and policies? The essays collected in this volume discuss these issues with reference to recent research on migration and mobility in Europe, the US, North and East Africa and South and Southeast Asia. The twenty authors are leading migration researcher from different academic fields such as sociology, geography, political science and cultural studies." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))
    Acknowledgements (7-8) Roland Hsu: Settling Peoples: Lessons from Diasporas and Difference ( 9-25);
    Part One - Migration: Experiencing New Mobility;
    Zhongshan Yue, Shuzhuo Li, Marcus W. Feldman: Social Integration of Rural-Urban Migrants: Policy Challenges for China ( 29-48);
    Raimund Haindorfer, Roland Verwiebe, Christoph Reinprecht, Laura Wiesböck: Economic Outcomes and Life Satisfaction of East-West Commuters in the Central European Region (49-68);
    Part Two - Integration: Models for Trust;
    Nils Holtug: Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion (71-84);
    David D. Laitin: Exodus: Reflections an European Migration Policy (85-94);
    Rennie J. Moon, Gi-Wook Shin: Embracing Diversity in Higher Education: Comparing Discourses in the US, Europe, and Asia (95-108);
    Part Three - Resettlement: Responding Effectively;
    Alexander Betts, Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Aparna Surendra: Humanitarian Innovation, Integration, and the Architecture of Refugee Protection (111-135);
    Sieglinde Rosenberger, Carla Küffner: After the Deportation Gap: Non-Removed Persons and their Pathways to Social Rights (137-150);
    Part Four - Land and Labor: Indigenous and Immigrant Rights;
    C. Matthew Snipp, Karina Kloos, Dolly Kikon: Suffering for Territory: Immigrant Claims and Indigenous Rights in the United States and India (153-171);
    Peter Cirenza: Geography and Assimilation: A Case Study of Irish Immigrants in Late Nineteenth Century America (173-200);
    Part Five - Reception and Recognition;
    Paola Mattei: Religious Diversity in French Schools: From the 1989 affaires des foulards to the 2004 Headscarf Ban (203-213);
    Claire Lévy-Vroelant: The "Immigrant" through the Prism of Hospitality "ä la franaise" '(215227);
    Heinz Fassmann: Rethinking Migration Policy in Austria (229-241);
    List of Contributors (243-249);
    Index (251-256):

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