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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Frauen in vielen Branchen mehrfach benachteiligt (2023)

    Pfahl, Svenja; Unrau, Eugen;


    Pfahl, Svenja & Eugen Unrau (2023): Frauen in vielen Branchen mehrfach benachteiligt. In: Gute Arbeit, Jg. 35, H. 10, S. 8-12.


    "Anhand wichtiger Indikatoren des WSI Gender-Daten-Portals liefert der WSI-Branchenreport erstmals eine Übersicht über den Stand der Gleichstellung in unterschiedlichen Branchen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Damit liegen amtliche und branchenspezifische Daten zu den Entgelt- und Arbeitszeitbedingungen von Frauen und Männern vor – für Analysen und als Handlungsauftrag." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Deutschland in ausgewählten Branchen (2023)

    Pfahl, Svenja; Lott, Yvonne ; Wittmann, Maike; Unrau, Eugen;


    Pfahl, Svenja, Eugen Unrau, Yvonne Lott & Maike Wittmann (2023): Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Deutschland in ausgewählten Branchen. (WSI-Report 80), Düsseldorf, 56 S.


    "Wie ist der Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in den verschiedenen Branchen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt? Anhand zentraler Indikatoren auf Basis des WSI GenderDatenPortals (www.wsi.de/genderdatenportal) liefert der vorliegende Report eine knappe und zusammenfassende Übersicht über den aktuellen Stand der Geschlechtergleichstellung in Deutschland, erstmalig mit Fokus auf die Gleichstellungssituation in ausgewählten Branchen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Geschlechterungleichheit insbesondere in Hinblick auf die Arbeitszeitdauer und das Einkommen über (fast) alle Branchen besteht. Die branchenbezogene Betrachtung zeigt allerdings auch, dass Unterschiede in der Arbeitssituation zwischen Frauen und Männern in einigen Branchen im besonderen Maße vorherrschen. Diese Branchen weisen eine ungünstigere Arbeitssituation für Frauen (oder für Männer) in Bezug auf viele oder sogar alle der hier gewählten Indikatoren auf. In anderen Branchen gibt es eine vergleichsweise ausgeglichene Situation zwischen den Geschlechtern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland (2023)

    Pfahl, Svenja; Wittmann, Maike; Unrau, Eugen; Lott, Yvonne ;


    Pfahl, Svenja, Eugen Unrau, Maike Wittmann & Yvonne Lott (2023): Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland. (WSI-Report 88), Düsseldorf, 51 S.


    "Wie ist der Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland? Auf Basis aktueller Daten und den im WSI GenderDatenPortal (www.wsi.de/genderdatenportal) vorliegenden Analysen und Zeitreihen untersucht der vorliegende Report anhand von 22 Indikatoren aus den Bereichen Bildung, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen, Zeit, Sorgearbeit und Mitbestimmung, wie groß der jeweilige Geschlechterabstand auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland aktuell ausfällt. Auf dieser Basis wird diskutiert, ob und in welchem Umfang sich die beiden Landesteile hinsichtlich der Geschlechtergleichstellung in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten angenähert haben. Der vorliegende Report aktualisiert damit die Befunde des vorausgegangenen Reports Nr. 60 zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland (Hobler et al. 2020) zusätzlich um die Betrachtung der Jahre 2021 bzw. 2022." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European context (2023)

    Picatoste, Xose ; González-Laxe, Fernando ; Mesquita, Anabela ;


    Picatoste, Xose, Anabela Mesquita & Fernando González-Laxe (2023): Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European context. In: Empirica, Jg. 50, H. 2, S. 301-321. DOI:10.1007/s10663-022-09555-8


    "One of the leading national and international objectives is to achieve more egalitarian societies. Avoiding gender or digital gaps are priorities generally assumed as concerns of governments and international organizations. This paper evaluates the digital gender divide in its three stages: access, use and results, relating it to gender and salary gaps in the context of the European Union. Cluster analysis was conducted to classify the countries according to their gender digital divide. The influence of age and studies level of males and females was revised. Based on the OECD and EUROSTAT data, an empirical analysis was conducted. By comparison of means, the significant variables influencing the gender digital divide were identified, probing that the educational level significantly influences it, especially in what refers to the third stage. Finally, through a regression analysis, it was proved that the influence of the insecurity and the gender wage gap goes beyond the women and affects society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Gender-Specific Wage Structure and the Gender Wage Gap in the U.S. Labor Market (2023)

    Rotman, Assaf ; Mandel, Hadas;


    Rotman, Assaf & Hadas Mandel (2023): Gender-Specific Wage Structure and the Gender Wage Gap in the U.S. Labor Market. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 165, H. 2, S. 585-606. DOI:10.1007/s11205-022-03030-4


    "This paper challenges the predominant conceptualization of the wage structure as gender-neutral, emphasizing the contribution that this makes to the gender wage gap. Unlike most decomposition analyses, which concentrated on gender differences in productivity-enhancing characteristics (the 'explained' portion), we concentrate on the 'wage structure' (the 'unexplained' portion), which can be defined as the market returns to productivity-enhancing characteristics. These returns are commonly considered a reflection of non-gendered economic forces of supply and demand, and gender differences in these returns are attributed to market failure or measurement error. Using PSID data on working-age employees from 1980 to 2010, we examine gender differences in returns to education and work experience in the U.S. labor market. Based on a threefold decomposition, we estimate the contribution of these differences to the overall pay gap. The results show that men's returns to education and work experience are higher than women's; and that in contrast to the well-documented trend of narrowing gender gaps in skills and earnings, the gaps in returns increase over time in men's favor. Furthermore, the existing gender differences in returns to skills explain a much larger proportion of the gender wage gap than differences in levels of education and experience between men and women. The paper discusses the mechanisms underlying these findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Factors shaping the gender wage gap among college-educated computer science workers (2023)

    Sassler, Sharon ; Meyerhofer, Pamela ;


    Sassler, Sharon & Pamela Meyerhofer (2023): Factors shaping the gender wage gap among college-educated computer science workers. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 18. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0293300


    "Encouraging women to pursue STEM employment is frequently touted as a means of reducing the gender wage gap. We examine whether the attributes of computer science workers–who account for nearly half of those working in STEM jobs–explain the persistent gender wage gap in computer science, using American Community Survey (ACS) data from 2009 to 2019. Our analysis focuses on working-age respondents between the ages of 22 and 60 who had a college degree and were employed full-time. We use ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of logged wages on observed characteristics, before turning to regression decomposition techniques to estimate what proportion of the gender wage gap would remain if men and women were equally rewarded for the same attributes–such as parenthood or marital status, degree field, or occupation. Women employed in computer science jobs earned about 86.6 cents for every dollar that men earned–a raw gender gap that is smaller than it is for the overall labor force (where it was 82 percent). Controlling for compositional effects (family attributes, degree field and occupation) narrows the gender wage gap, though women continue to earn 9.1 cents per dollar less than their male counterparts. But differential returns to family characteristics and human capital measures account for almost two-thirds of the gender wage gap in computer science jobs. Women working in computer science receive both a marriage and parenthood premium relative to unmarried or childless women, but these are significantly smaller than the bonus that married men and fathers receive over their childless and unmarried peers. Men also receive sizable wage premiums for having STEM degrees in computer science and engineering when they work in computer science jobs, advantages that do not accrue to women. Closing the gender wage gap in computer science requires treating women more like men, not just increasing their representation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Causal Misperceptions of the Part-Time Pay Gap (2023)

    Schrenker, Annekatrin ;


    Schrenker, Annekatrin (2023): Causal Misperceptions of the Part-Time Pay Gap. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 2031), Berlin, 54 S.


    "This paper studies if workers infer from correlation about causal effects in the context of the part-time wage penalty. Differences in hourly pay between full-time and part-time workers are strongly driven by worker selection and systematic sorting. Ignoring these selection effects can lead to biased expectations about the consequences of working part-time on wages (’selection neglect bias’). Based on representative survey data from Germany, I document substantial misperceptions of the part-time wage gap. Workers strongly overestimate how much part-time workers in their occupation earn per hour, whereas they are approximately informed of mean full-time wage rates. Consistent with selection neglect, those who perceive large hourly pay differences between full-time and part-time workers also predict large changes in hourly wages when a given worker switches between full-time and part-time employment. Causal analyses using a survey experiment reveal that providing information about the raw part-time pay gap increases expectations about the full-time wage premium by factor 1.7, suggesting that individuals draw causal conclusions from observed correlations. De-biasing respondents by informing them about the influence of worker characteristics on observed pay gaps mitigates selection neglect. Subjective beliefs about the part-time/full-time wage gap are predictive of planned and actual transitions between full-time and part-time employment, necessitating the prevention of causal misperceptions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Weibliche Studierende geben sich potenziell mit deutlich niedrigeren Einstiegslöhnen zufrieden als ihre männlichen Kommilitonen (Serie " Bildung vor und im Erwerbsleben") (2023)

    Setzepfand, Paul; Yükselen, Ipek;


    Setzepfand, Paul & Ipek Yükselen (2023): Weibliche Studierende geben sich potenziell mit deutlich niedrigeren Einstiegslöhnen zufrieden als ihre männlichen Kommilitonen (Serie " Bildung vor und im Erwerbsleben"). In: IAB-Forum H. 06.09.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230906.01


    "Einer IAB-Befragung zufolge haben Studentinnen andere Lohnvorstellungen als Studenten. So würden sie einen um 15,6 Prozent niedrigeren monatlichen Einstiegslohn akzeptieren als ihre männlichen Kommilitonen. Auch beim erwarteten monatlichen Einstiegslohn zeigt sich ein geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschied in ähnlicher Größenordnung. Dies liegt nicht nur daran, dass Frauen häufig andere Studienfächer wählen als Männer." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Yükselen, Ipek;
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    Women in Management and the Gender Pay Gap (2023)

    Sondergeld, Virginia; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Sondergeld, Virginia & Katharina Wrohlich (2023): Women in Management and the Gender Pay Gap. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 2046), Berlin, 31 S.


    "We analyze the impact of women’s managerial representation on the gender pay gap among employees on the establishment level using German Linked-Employer-EmployeeData from the years 2004 to 2018. For identification of a causal effect we employ a panel model with establishment fixed effects and industry-specific time dummies. Our results show that a higher share of women in management significantly reduces the gender pay gap within the firm. An increase in the share of women in first-level management e.g. from zero to above 33 percent decreases the adjusted gender pay gap from a baseline of 15 percent by 1.2 percentage points, i.e. to roughly 14 percent. The effect is stronger for women in second-level than first-level management, indicating that women managers with closer interactions with their subordinates have a higher impact on the gender pay gap than women on higher management levels. The results are similar for East and West Germany, despite the lower gender pay gap and more gender egalitarian social norms in East Germany. From a policy perspective, we conclude that increasing the number of women in management positions has the potential to reduce the gender pay gap to a limited extent. However, further policy measures will be needed in order to fully close the gender gap in pay." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Frauen üben seltener als Männer Tätigkeiten mit hohem Anforderungsniveau aus (2023)

    Vicari, Basha ; Zucco, Aline; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;


    Vicari, Basha, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Aline Zucco (2023): Frauen üben seltener als Männer Tätigkeiten mit hohem Anforderungsniveau aus. In: IAB-Forum H. 25.04.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230424.01


    "Frauen erreichen in Deutschland im Durchschnitt inzwischen höhere Bildungsabschlüsse als Männer. Dennoch hält sich die Lohnlücke zwischen den Geschlechtern hartnäckig. Dies liegt unter anderem daran, dass Frauen häufiger Tätigkeiten mit niedrigerem Anforderungsniveau ausüben als Männer. Ein Grund ist, dass sich die Geschlechter sehr unterschiedlich auf bestimmte Berufe verteilen. Zudem haben Frauen im Schnitt eine geringere Aufstiegswahrscheinlichkeit als Männer." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;
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    Mind the gender gap: Inequalities in the emergent professions of artificial intelligence (AI) and data science (2023)

    Young, Erin; Wajcman, Judy; Sprejer, Laila;


    Young, Erin, Judy Wajcman & Laila Sprejer (2023): Mind the gender gap: Inequalities in the emergent professions of artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. In: New Technology, Work and Employment, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 391-414. DOI:10.1111/ntwe.12278


    "The emergence of new prestigious professions in data science and artificial intelligence (AI) provide a rare opportunity to explore the gendered dynamics of technical careers as they are being formed. In this paper, we contribute to the literature on gender inequality in digital work by curating and analysing a unique cross‐country data set. We use innovative data science methodology to investigate the nature of work and skills in these under‐researched fields. Our research finds persistent disparities in jobs, qualifications, seniority, industry, attrition and even self‐confidence in these fields. We identify structural inequality in data and AI, with career trajectories of professionals differentiated by gender, reflecting the broader history of computing. Our work is original in illuminating gendering processes within elite high‐tech jobs as they are being configured. Paying attention to these nascent fields is crucial if we are to ensure that women take their rightful place at forefront of technological innovation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Wage Effect of Workplace Sexual Harassment: Evidence for Women in Europe (2023)

    Zacchia, Giulia ; Zuazu, Izaskun;


    Zacchia, Giulia & Izaskun Zuazu (2023): The Wage Effect of Workplace Sexual Harassment: Evidence for Women in Europe. (Working papers / Institute for New Economic Thinking 205),: Institute for New Economic Thinking 27 S. DOI:10.36687/inetwp205


    "This article contributes to the literature on wage discrimination by examining the consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace on wages for women in Europe. We model the empirical relationship between sexual harassment risk and wages for European women employees using individual-level data provided by the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS, Eurostat). We find that sexual harassment risk has a negative and statistically significant effect on wages of -0.03% on average for women in Europe. However, our empirical analysis uncovers the importance of considering the dynamics of workplace power relations: analyzing individual-level data, we find evidence of a higher negative impact of sexual harassment risk on wages for women working in counter-stereotypical occupations. We conclude that the wage effect of hostile working conditions, mainly in terms of sexual harassment risk in the workplace, should be considered and monitored as a first critical step in making women be less vulnerable at work and increasing their bargaining power, thereby reducing inequalities in working conditions and pay in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender Pay Gaps across STEM Fields of Study (2023)

    Zajac, Tomasz; Magda, Iga ; Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka; Jasiński, M.; Bożykowski, M.;


    Zajac, Tomasz, Iga Magda, M. Bożykowski, Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak & M. Jasiński (2023): Gender Pay Gaps across STEM Fields of Study. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16613), Bonn, 31 S.


    "Gender pay gaps in earnings are well-documented in the literature. However, new factors contributing to women's lower earnings have emerged and remain under-researched. Educational choices are among them. We use a rich administrative dataset from Poland, a Central Eastern European country with high tertiary education enrolment and high female employment rates among young women, to study gender pay gaps among tertiary education graduates with degrees in different fields of study while paying particular attention to STEM fields graduates (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). We find that already in the first year after graduation, women earn over 20% less than men. This gap widens over time. We also find significant variation across different STEM fields both in the size of the gender pay gap and in how it changes over time. The gap is largest among mathematics graduates, at over 25%; while it does not exceed 3% among chemical and Earth sciences graduates. As these differences narrow only slightly within the first four years of graduates' working careers, policymakers' efforts to increase the number of women earning STEM degrees may not be enough to achieve gender pay equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do Organizational Policies Narrow Gender Inequality? Novel Evidence from Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data (2023)

    Zimmermann, Florian ; Collischon, Matthias ;


    Zimmermann, Florian & Matthias Collischon (2023): Do Organizational Policies Narrow Gender Inequality? Novel Evidence from Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data. In: Sociological Science, Jg. 10, S. 47-81., 2022-10-29. DOI:10.15195/v10.a2


    "Scholars have long proposed that gender inequalities in wages are narrowed by organizational policies to advance gender equality. Using cross-sectional data, scarce previous research has found an association between gender wage inequalities and these organizational policies, but it remains unclear whether this correlation represents a causal effect. We provide first evidence on this topic by using longitudinal linked employer–employee data covering almost 1,500 firms and nearly one million employee observations in Germany. We investigate whether and how organizational policies affect gender gaps using firm fixed-effects regressions. Our results show that organizational policies reduce the gender wage gap by around nine percent overall. Investigating channels, we show that this effect is entirely driven by advancing women already employed at a given firm, whereas we find no effect on firms’ composition and wages of new hires. Furthermore, we show that our findings are not driven by potential sources of bias, such as reverse causality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zimmermann, Florian ; Collischon, Matthias ;
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    Reporting Gender Pay Gaps in OECD Countries: Guidance for Pay Transparency Implementation, Monitoring and Reform (2023)


    OECD (2023): Reporting Gender Pay Gaps in OECD Countries. Guidance for Pay Transparency Implementation, Monitoring and Reform. (Gender Equality at Work), Paris, 203 S. DOI:10.1787/ea13aa68-en


    "Pay transparency policies are gaining momentum throughout the OECD. Over half of OECD countries require private sector firms to report their gender pay gap statistics regularly to stakeholders like employees, employee representatives, the government, and/or the public. Gender pay gap reporting, equal pay audits and other pay transparency policies help advance gender equality at the workplace, as these measures present up-to-date information on a firm’s gender pay gap, encourage employers to offer equal pay for work of equal value, and give individual workers and their representatives valuable insights to fight for pay equity. This report presents the most thorough stocktaking to date of gender pay gap reporting policies and evaluations across OECD countries, and offers guidance to countries interested in introducing, reforming and monitoring their pay transparency systems to promote equal pay for women and men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) - April 2023 (2023)


    Europäische Kommission. Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (2023): Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) - April 2023. (Employment and social developments in Europe : Quarterly review), Luxembourg, 25 S.


    "The thematic part of this review focuses on gender segregation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and healthcare occupations across EU Member States. This is an important topic in the context of the upcoming European Year of Skills, because gender segregation can both limit the efficiency of matching labour supply with demand and results in suboptimal use of women’s and men’s talents. The thematic focus shows that both STEM and healthcare occupations are heavily gender segregated in nearly all Member States. It highlights that in many countries, much of the existing segregation is explained by the fact that female and male workers tend to hold qualifications in different study fields – this applies particularly in the case of STEM occupations. Finally, it demonstrates that in most Member States, desegregation offers an important opportunity to attract new workers into STEM and healthcare occupations facing shortages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The gender gap in top jobs – The role of overconfidence (2022)

    Adamecz-Völgyi, Anna; Shure, Nikki ;


    Adamecz-Völgyi, Anna & Nikki Shure (2022): The gender gap in top jobs – The role of overconfidence. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 79. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102283


    "There is a large gender gap in the probability of being in a “top job” in mid-career. Top jobs bring higher earnings, and also have more job security and better career trajectories. Recent literature has raised the possibility that some of this gap may be attributable to women not “leaning in” while men are more overconfident in their abilities. We use longitudinal data from childhood into mid-career and construct a measure of overconfidence using multiple measures of objective cognitive ability and subjective estimated ability. Our measure confirms previous findings that men are more overconfident than women. We then use linear regression and decomposition techniques to account for the gender gap in top jobs including our measure of overconfidence. Our results show that men being more overconfident explains 5–11 percent of the gender gap in top job employment. This indicates that while overconfidence matters for gender inequality in the labor market and has implications for how firms recruit and promote workers, other individual, structural, and societal factors play a larger role." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Slowing Women's Labor Force Participation: The Role of Income Inequality (2022)

    Albanesi, Stefania; Prados, María José;


    Albanesi, Stefania & María José Prados (2022): Slowing Women's Labor Force Participation: The Role of Income Inequality. (HCEO working paper / Human capital and economic opportunity global working group 2022,037), Chicago, Ill., 47 S.


    "The entry of married women into the labor force and the rise in women's relative wages are amongst the most notable economic developments of the twentieth century. The growth in these indicators was particularly pronounced in the 1970s and 1980s, but it stalled since the early 1990s, especially for college graduates. In this paper, we argue that the discontinued growth in female labor supply and wages since the 1990s is a consequence of growing inequality. Our hypothesis is that the growth in top incomes for men generated a negative income effect on the labor supply of their spouses, which reduced their participation and wages. We show that the slowdown in participation and wage growth was concentrated among women married to highly educated and high income husbands, whose earnings grew dramatically over this period. We then develop a model of household labor supply with returns to experience that qualitatively reproduces this effect. A calibrated version of the model can account for a large fraction of the decline relative to trend in married women's participation in 1995-2005 particularly for college women. The model can also account for the rise in the gender wage gap for college graduates relative to trend in the same period." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Slowing Women’s Labor Force Participation: The Role of Income Inequality (2022)

    Albanesi, Stefania; Prados, María José;


    Albanesi, Stefania & María José Prados (2022): Slowing Women’s Labor Force Participation: The Role of Income Inequality. (NBER working paper 29675), Cambridge, Mass, 48 S. DOI:10.3386/w29675


    "The entry of married women into the labor force and the rise in women's relative wages are amongst the most notable economic developments of the twentieth century. The growth in these indicators was particularly pronounced in the 1970s and 1980s, but it stalled since the early 1990s, especially for college graduates. In this paper, we argue that the discontinued growth in female labor supply and wages since the 1990s is a consequence of growing inequality. Our hypothesis is that the growth in top incomes for men generated a negative income effect on the labor supply of their spouses, which reduced their participation and wages. We show that the slowdown in participation and wage growth was concentrated among women married to highly educated and high income husbands, whose earnings grew dramatically over this period. We then develop a model of household labor supply with returns to experience that qualitatively reproduces this effect. A calibrated version of the model can account for a large fraction of the decline relative to trend in married women's participation in 1995-2005 particularly for college women. The model can also account for the rise in the gender wage gap for college graduates relative to trend in the same period." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wo steht Deutschland 2022 bei der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter? (im Erscheinen) (2022)

    Albrecht, Clara; Rude, Britta;


    Albrecht, Clara & Britta Rude (2022): Wo steht Deutschland 2022 bei der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter? (im Erscheinen). In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, S. 1-11.


    "Deutschland hat in vielen Bereichen der Gleichberechtigung zwischen Mann und Frau in den letzten Jahrzehnten Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings ist es in allen Dimensionen immer noch weit hinter den besten europäischen Ländern zurück. Vor allem hat sich die Anzahl der Frauen in Führungspositionen in Politik, Wirtschaft und Unternehmen kaum vergrößert. Auch in der unbezahlten Fürsorge und in der tertiären Bildung gibt es großen Handlungsbedarf. Bei den Indikatoren zu Gewalt gegen Frauen schneidet Deutschland im Vergleich zu allen anderen Indikatoren besonders schlecht ab, obwohl die wirtschaftlichen Kosten hier hoch sind. Die vorhandene Kluft zwischen den Geschlechtern könnte mit falschen Anreizsystemen, Glaubenssätzen und Sexismus zusammenhängen. Frauenquoten und Initiativen wie der »Girls' Day« sind nicht ausreichend, um die immer noch anhaltenden Defizite in der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter zu beseitigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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