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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Erwerbsbeteiligung von Männern"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Wie viel sollten Mütter und Väter arbeiten?: Idealvorstellungen variieren in und nach der Rushhour des Lebens (2024)

    Bujard, Martin ; Kleinschrot, Leonie;


    Bujard, Martin & Leonie Kleinschrot (2024): Wie viel sollten Mütter und Väter arbeiten? Idealvorstellungen variieren in und nach der Rushhour des Lebens. In: Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell H. 1, S. 3-9.


    "Der Artikel betrachtet die Rushhour des Lebens, die durch die Doppelbelastung aus Familien- und Erwerbsarbeit für Mütter und Väter insbesondere in der Lebensphase mit kleinen Kindern entsteht. Basierend auf Daten des familiendemografischen Panels FReDA wird gezeigt, dass die von den Befragten als ideal angesehene Erwerbsarbeitszeit für Mütter mit Kindern im Alter von 4 bis 18 Jahren deutlich höher ist als deren tatsächliche Arbeitszeit. Für Väter dagegen werden geringere Erwerbsarbeitszeiten als die tatsächlich von ihnen geleisteten als ideal angesehen, vor allem mit jungen Kindern. Die Studienergebnisse haben familienpolitische und arbeitsmarktbezogene Relevanz, auch vor dem Hintergrund des Arbeitskräftemangels. Mütter könnten durch Politik und Arbeitgebende eine stärkere Unterstützung bei der schrittweisen Erhöhung ihrer Arbeitszeit mit zunehmendem Alter der Kinder erfahren. Während für Väter in der Rushhour des Lebens die Realisierung einer vollzeitnahen Teilzeit hilfreich wäre." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    'I am different': a qualitative analysis of part-time working fathers' constructions of their experiences (2024)

    Mercier, Eric ; Delfabbro, Paul ; Le Couteur, Amanda ;


    Mercier, Eric, Amanda Le Couteur & Paul Delfabbro (2024): 'I am different': a qualitative analysis of part-time working fathers' constructions of their experiences. In: Community, work & family, Jg. 27, H. 1, S. 1-17. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2022.2045904


    "Although there has been an increasing interest in the notion of involved fatherhood, few studies have examined how fathers who work part-time and engage in child-rearing make sense of this experience. The present study explores how part-time working fathers positioned themselves in terms of their ‘at home’ and ‘at work’ identities. Thematic analysis was used to examine 30 interviewees’ accounts of their experiences. Three central themes were identified: (1) choosing to work part-time, (2) benefits of working part-time, and (3) contrasts with fathers as ‘breadwinners’. A common feature in all of these themes was interviewees’ flexible transition between traditional and non-traditional types of masculinity. The ways in which part-time working fathers positioned themselves as caring for children while maintaining attachment to more traditional types of masculinity are considered in terms of implications for theory and for fathers’ personal development. At a time where expectations of fathers engaged in child-rearing are increasing, the results of this study could be drawn on in the area of personal development to support men in forming new strategies around fathering practices." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Transition to fatherhood and adjustments in working hours: The importance of organizational policy feedback (2023)

    Abendroth, Anja-Kristin ; Lükemann, Laura ;


    Abendroth, Anja-Kristin & Laura Lükemann (2023): Transition to fatherhood and adjustments in working hours: The importance of organizational policy feedback. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 35, S. 535-552. DOI:10.20377/jfr-946


    "Objective: This study investigates whether the normalization of the use of the family-friendly workplace policy flexiplace in the organization affects men's adjustments in working hours following their transition to fatherhood. Background: Men's stable full-time employment after childbirth remains to be a barrier to the equal distribution of care and paid work. Recent research suggests that state family policies promoting dual-earner/dual-carer family models can involve new norm setting of active fatherhood, albeit so far with only modest consequences for fathers' working hours. Unclear is, however, whether family-friendly workplace policies, such as flexiplace, and involved organizational policy feedback are of complementary importance. Method: We estimated fixed-effects regression analyses on men's adjustments in actual and contracted hours after a transition to fatherhood. Analyses are based on linked employer-employee panel data (2012/13; 2014/15; 2018/19) from large German work organizations, considering a random sample of 1,687 men in 131 work organizations. Results: Findings revealed that the normalization of using flexiplace in the work organization was associated with a reduction in men's overall working hours as well as marginal adjustments in their contracted hours after transitioning to fatherhood. Conclusion: Although a normalization of flexiplace is more likely in demanding workplace contexts, men experience at least some leeway in adjusting extensive temporal investments to cater to private demands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Gender Wage Gap and Parenthood: Occupational Characteristics Across European Countries (2023)

    Adsera, Alícia ; Querin, Federica;


    Adsera, Alícia & Federica Querin (2023): The Gender Wage Gap and Parenthood: Occupational Characteristics Across European Countries. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 39. DOI:10.1007/s10680-023-09681-4


    "Different strands of research analyse gender occupational differences and how they relate to differential earnings, especially among parents juggling family demands. We use rich data from PIAAC across a subset of European countries and match occupational characteristics to individuals’ jobs using the O*NET database to analyse, first, whether there are gender differences in the occupational characteristics of jobs, particularly among parents, and second, whether the return to key occupational characteristics varies by gender. Compared to men, women’s jobs generally require more contact with others, less autonomy in decision-making, and less time pressure. In addition, positions held by mothers involve both less leadership expectations and less intensive use of machines than those held by fathers. Further, mothers receive a lower return to both of these occupational characteristics than fathers do. Finally, even though gaps in occupational characteristics such as leadership jointly with the differential sorting of mothers and fathers across sectors explain part of the gender wage gap in Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition models, especially in Continental Europe, a large share remains unexplained particularly in Eastern and Southern European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Promoting gender equality to strengthen economic growth and resilience (2023)

    Andre, Christophe; Causa, Orsetta; Unsal, Filiz; Sutherland, Douglas; Soldani, Emilia;


    Andre, Christophe, Orsetta Causa, Emilia Soldani, Douglas Sutherland & Filiz Unsal (2023): Promoting gender equality to strengthen economic growth and resilience. (OECD Economics Department working papers 1776), Paris, 23 S. DOI:10.1787/54090c29-en


    "Women's employment rates and wages are still lagging those of men across OECD countries, with average employment and wage gaps now around 15% and 12% respectively. Gaps narrowed at a relatively modest pace over the past decade, calling for further policy action. A lack of affordable high-quality childcare is often an obstacle to women's participation in the labor market and notably to working full time. A very unequal sharing of parental leave between parents and challenges upon return to work further hampers women's careers. Biases in the tax system may discourage women from working in some countries. Women face disadvantage in accessing management positions and entrepreneurship. A range of policies can help reduce gender gaps, including better childcare provision, incentivizing parents to better share parental leave, re-skilling and upskilling on return from parental leave, encouraging gender equality within firms, integration programs for foreign-born women, promoting women entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, and levelling taxation for second earners. Moreover, the multiple dimensions and root causes of gender inequality call for mainstreaming gender across policy domains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Higher labour market bargaining power, higher unemployment in recessions (2023)

    Atal, Vidya ; Gharehgozli, Orkideh ; San Vicente Portes, Luis ;


    Atal, Vidya, Orkideh Gharehgozli & Luis San Vicente Portes (2023): Higher labour market bargaining power, higher unemployment in recessions. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 30, H. 15, S. 2086-2090. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2022.2092591


    "A well-known stylized fact about the US labour market is the behaviour of the female-to-male unemployment gap over the business cycle – in downturns, female unemployment rises at a slower pace than male unemployment, which reduces the gap between the genders; in upturns, the reverse is observed: men’s unemployment falls faster than women’s, thus rendering the gap pro-cyclical. In this paper, we model the labour market under a Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides framework where the labour supply consists of women and men, who differ in their equilibrium (Nash) bargaining agreement over the match’s surplus. We show that, in the presence of such asymmetry, a negative aggregate productivity shock leads to a pro-cyclical female-to-male unemployment rate gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg (2023)

    Bacher, Johann; Lankmayer, Thomas; Beham-Rabanser, Martina;


    Bacher, Johann, Martina Beham-Rabanser & Thomas Lankmayer (Hrsg.) (2023): Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg. Wiesbaden: Springer, 247 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-38040-3


    "Der österreichische Arbeitsmarkt ist durch eine starke Geschlechtersegregation geprägt, die sich dadurch charakterisiert, dass Frauen andere, häufig schlechter bezahlte Berufe ausüben als Männer und in hohem Ausmaß Teilzeit arbeiten, wenn sie Kinder haben, mit der Folge, dass sie weniger verdienen und auch geringere Pensionen beziehen werden. Diese Geschlechterunterschiede sind in der einschlägigen Literatur vielfach beleuchtet und zeigen Benachteiligungen von Frauen gegenüber Männern am Arbeitsmarkt auf. Demgegenüber lässt sich für den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt eine höhere Arbeitslosigkeit der Männer gegenüber den Frauen beobachten. Forschungsbefunde deuten zudem darauf hin, dass Frauen ein beruflicher Wiedereinstieg leichter gelingt als Männern. Obwohl diese Geschlechterunterschiede in vielen Evaluierungen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Österreich gefunden wurden, wurden sie bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Dementsprechend fehlen auch (empirisch gesicherte) Erklärungsansätze. An diese Forschungslücke knüpft die vorliegende Publikation an. Sie basiert auf einem breit angelegten Forschungsprojekt und verfolgt das Ziel, Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg systematisch zu beleuchten und Erklärungsansätze für diese empirisch zu prüfen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Men and women's employment status and union (in)stability: does contextual gender equality matter? (2023)

    Bastianelli, Elena ; Vignoli, Daniele ; Solera, Cristina ;


    Bastianelli, Elena, Cristina Solera & Daniele Vignoli (2023): Men and women's employment status and union (in)stability: does contextual gender equality matter? (DISIA working paper / Universit`a degli Studi di Firenze 2023,09), [Firenze], 28 S.


    "Gender theories agree that the role played by women and men's employment status in the prediction of union dissolution depends on the level of gender equality in the society. Given its strong regional differences, Italy represents an excellent laboratory to study how variations in gender contexts influence the gendered relationship between employment status and union dissolution. We measured regional gender equality by means of an index comprising equality in three spheres: the labor market, the family, and the welfare context. By applying discrete-time event history models to nationally representative data, we estimated the probability of union dissolution for jobless and employed men and women across regions. Our results showed that, as contextual gender equality increases, differences by employment status diminish, and gender differences in the relationship between employment status and union dissolution virtually disappear - even in a country considered 'traditional' in terms of family and gender dynamics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dependent on one's past? how lifetime employment shapes later life work-care reconciliation (2023)

    Bertogg, Ariane ; Settels, Jason;


    Bertogg, Ariane & Jason Settels (2023): Dependent on one's past? how lifetime employment shapes later life work-care reconciliation. In: Community, work & family online erschienen am 30.06.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2023.2229002


    "This article investigates the association between older Europeans’ earlier employment biographies and their probability of leaving the labour market when becoming a caregiver. Based on theoretical ideas about life course path-dependencies and gender role socialisation, we argue that accumulated durations of lifetime employment are associated with both labour market exits in general, and conditional on caregiving. We draw on six panel waves from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and use information from retrospective interviews (SHARELIFE) to measure earlier participation in six different types of (non-)employment between ages 20 and 50. We analyse a large sample of men and women aged 50–68 years in 18 European countries (n = 35,766 respondents).Based on fixed effects regression models, we find that employment biographies and current caregiving jointly affect labour market exits. Explanations for these linkages are gender-specific: Upon initiation of caregiving, men are more likely to extend working lives when their previous employment biographies are characterised by homemaking, pointing at neutralising deviance from non-standard male biographies. For women, we find evidence for path-dependencies: Concomitant to beginning caregiving, women are more likely to stay in the labour market the longer their previous employment was characterised by homemaking." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Economic Well-Being of Nonresident Fathers and Custodial Mothers Revisited: The Role of Paternal Childcare (2023)

    Boll, Christina ; Schüller, Simone ;


    Boll, Christina & Simone Schüller (2023): The Economic Well-Being of Nonresident Fathers and Custodial Mothers Revisited: The Role of Paternal Childcare. In: Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Jg. 44, H. 4, S. 836-853. DOI:10.1007/s10834-022-09876-7


    "Based on panel data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the years 1998 to 2018, we investigate the association between paternal childcare and parental economic well-being after separation in Germany. Referring to the post-separation year, we explore a sample of 176 separated couples with resident mothers and nonresident fathers, where fathers differ in their childcare involvement during weekdays. We propose equivalized annual net household income after exchange of alimony and child maintenance payments among the ex-partners as a novel indicator of parental economic well-being. Our study reveals the importance of considering both paid and received alimony, and child maintenance payments in analyzing post-separation economic well-being. Fathers’ childcare engagement during weekdays is not significantly associated with maternal post-separation income. Resident mothers take up the major or even full childcare burden. On the other hand, fathers with non-zero childcare hours manage to combine some paternal engagement with intensified employment. Mothers, however, fail to gain substantial ground on the labor market, which is unlikely to be due to differences in human capital, but rather due to persistently high maternal childcare involvement. We conclude that neither high levels of own resources, nor receiving help with childcare during the week shield resident mothers from economic deterioration after separation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Employees' perceptions of co-workers' internal promotion penalties: the role of gender, parenthood and part-time (2023)

    Brüggemann, Ole ;


    Brüggemann, Ole (2023): Employees' perceptions of co-workers' internal promotion penalties: the role of gender, parenthood and part-time. In: European Societies online erschienen am 26.10.2023, S. 1-29. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2023.2270049


    "Much research has focused on penalties by gender, parenthood and part-time work for hiring processes or wages, but their role for promotions is less clear. This study analyzes perceived chances for internal promotion, using a factorial survey design. Employees in 540 larger German (>100 employees) firms were asked to rate the likelihood of internal promotion for vignettes describing fictitious co-workers who varied in terms of gender, parenthood, working hours as well as age, earnings, qualification, tenure and job performance. Results show that promotion chances are perceived as significantly lower for co-workers who are women (gender penalty), mothers (motherhood penalty) and part-time workers (part-time penalty). Fathers and childless men (co-workers) are not evaluated differently (no fatherhood premium or penalty), and neither does part-time employment seem to be perceived as a double penalty for male co-workers. All three perceived promotion penalties are more pronounced among female employees, mothers and part-time employees. These findings show that employees perceive differential promotion chances for co-workers which indicate actual differences due to discrimination, selective applications or structural dead-ends. Either way, perceived promotion penalties are likely consequential in guiding employee's application behavior and hence can contribute to the persistence of vertical gender segregation in the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Measuring Gender Gaps in Time Allocation in Europe (2023)

    Campaña, Juan Carlos ; Gimenez-Nadal, Jose Ignacio ; Velilla, Jorge ;


    Campaña, Juan Carlos, Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal & Jorge Velilla (2023): Measuring Gender Gaps in Time Allocation in Europe. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 165, H. 2, S. 519-553. DOI:10.1007/s11205-022-03026-0


    "This paper explores the gender gap in time allocation in European countries, offering a comparison of the 2000s and the 2010s, along with an explanation of the documented gender gaps, based on social norms and institutional factors. The results show that the gender gap in both paid and unpaid work has decreased in most countries, but with a significant level of cross-country heterogeneity in the size of the gender gaps. More traditional social norms are related to greater gender inequalities in paid and unpaid work, while countries with better family-friendly policies and a greater representation of women in politics and in the labour market exhibit smaller gender inequalities. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of gender gaps in Europe, and attempts to monitor the progress towards the elimination of gender inequalities. Despite that some degree of gender convergence in paid and unpaid work has taken place, there remain inequalities in the distribution of labour in European countries, and possible solutions may be related to social norms and family-friendly policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The EU's work-life balance directive: Institutional change of father-specific leave across member states (2023)

    De La Porte, Caroline ; Pircher, Brigitte ; Im, Zhen Jie ; Szelewa, Dorota ;


    De La Porte, Caroline, Zhen Jie Im, Brigitte Pircher & Dorota Szelewa (2023): The EU's work-life balance directive: Institutional change of father-specific leave across member states. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 57, H. 4, S. 549-563. DOI:10.1111/spol.12920


    "This paper examines institutional change in father-specific leave - a centre-piece of the EU's work-life balance directive (WLBD) - from the perspective of gradual institutional change. The WLBD, a highly contentious directive, represents a litmus test for the possible impact of the European pillar of social rights (EPSR), on welfare state institutions, which are responsible for the organisation, financing and delivery of social rights in member states. The analysis comprises in-depth case studies in Denmark, Germany, France and Poland, with different combinations of family and parental leave policies prior to the WLBD. The findings reveal that the EU's directive is leading to convergence in paternity leave, but to divergence in parental leave. Our study is important because it shows that even if EU directives in social policy in principle can lead to upwards social convergence across the EU, when they are relatively weak in terms of precise constraint, for instance, for the level of remuneration for leave, this leads to differentiated integration. This could undermine the very purpose of the EPSR, which seeks to improve social rights for all citizens across the EU. Similar dynamics are likely to be present in other areas at the welfare state-labor market nexus, such as minimum wages or platform work, where the EU is also developing regulation under the auspices of the EPSR." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Who benefits from an adult worker model? Gender inequality in couples' daily time use in Germany across time and social classes (2023)

    Deuflhard, Carolin;


    Deuflhard, Carolin (2023): Who benefits from an adult worker model? Gender inequality in couples' daily time use in Germany across time and social classes. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 1391-1419. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwac065


    "This article investigates how mothers' and fathers' daily time use changed across social classes from 1990 to 2013 in Germany. In the 2000s, Germany's adherence to the male breadwinner model was eroded by labor and family policy reforms typical of the adult worker model, which assumes individual self-sufficiency. The implications for gender and class inequality have been heatedly discussed. Drawing on the German Time Use Survey, I find that gender equality in the division of labor is greatest among full-time dual-earner couples with standard schedules. The prevalence of this pattern increased among the middle- and upper-class in historically conservative western Germany, but declined across classes in formerly socialist eastern Germany. In parallel, nonstandard work patterns and dual-joblessness gained in importance among lower-class couples, particularly in eastern Germany. I conclude that the adult worker model benefited mothers with access to standard full-time jobs but at the cost of greater class polarization." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do men and women really have different gender role attitudes? Experimental insight on gender-specific attitudes toward paid and unpaid work in Germany (2023)

    Düval, Sabine;


    Düval, Sabine (2023): Do men and women really have different gender role attitudes? Experimental insight on gender-specific attitudes toward paid and unpaid work in Germany. In: Social science research, Jg. 112. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102804


    "This article uses a novel experimental approach to measure whether men and women actually differ in their gender role attitudes. Recent research has shown that operationalizing gender role attitudes on a unidimensional scale ranging from “egalitarian” to “traditional” is problematic. Instead, their multidimensionality must to be taken into account. Similarly, an ideal measurement tool should consider that gender norms are applied conditionally, i.e., extensive information on the situational context must be provided. In this article, both preconditions are met by using a multifactorial survey experiment. The vignettes used in the survey experiment contain extensive contextual information on fictional couples' division of paid and unpaid work. In addition, the experimental variation of this information (e.g., the vignette persons' gender, the presence and age of children, and the partners' shares of paid and unpaid work) allows to disentangle the different dimensions that may influence (different) gender role attitudes of men and women. Results show no gender difference in attitudes: On average, men and women have “classical” egalitarian gender role attitudes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Knowing your place: the role of occupational status in fathers' flexible working (2023)

    Ewald, Alina ; Huppatz, Kate ; Gilbert, Emilee;


    Ewald, Alina, Emilee Gilbert & Kate Huppatz (2023): Knowing your place: the role of occupational status in fathers' flexible working. In: Community, work & family online erschienen am 08.05.2023, S. 1-18. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2023.2207717


    "This study explored how fathers’ occupational status shapes their constructions, experiences, and negotiations of Flexible Working. In particular, we examined whether occupational status impacted men’s access to, and the acceptability of using FWAs for the purposes of care. Data from semi-structured interviews with 43 working fathers from diverse occupational roles within the Australian financial sector were analysed using Foucauldian discourse analysis. Findings suggest that fathers’ access to flexibility is contingent upon and shaped by their position in the organisational hierarchy. Fathers in ‘higher-status’ roles reported significant power and agency in their access to and adoption of FWAs. However, a major barrier to their use of flexibility was the discursively constructed expectation that men in these positions should be dedicated to their paid work role and career progression rather than caring for their child(ren). In contrast, men in ‘lower-status’ roles lacked autonomy, agency, and power in relation to accessing flexibility for caring purposes. These fathers reported being closely monitored in their paid working roles, having little flexibility available to them in these roles, and felt trepidatious about even requesting FWAs for caring for their child(ren)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen (2023)

    Frodermann, Corinna; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Filser, Andreas ;


    Frodermann, Corinna, Andreas Filser & Ann-Christin Bächmann (2023): Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen. (IAB-Kurzbericht 1/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2301


    "Seit der Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 steigt der Anteil von Vätern, die nach der Geburt eines Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbrechen. Dieses stärkere Engagement der Väter geht auch mit einer schnelleren Arbeitsmarktrückkehr von Müttern einher. Paarinterne Aufteilungsmuster zeigen allerdings, dass bei vielen Ehepaaren nach wie vor nur die Mutter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbricht, während der Großteil der Väter keine Elternzeit nimmt. Wenn Väter ebenfalls unterbrechen, dann vorrangig für maximal zwei Monate. Die vorgelegten Befunde machen insgesamt deutlich, dass verheiratete Paare in Deutschland nach wie vor weit davon entfernt sind, Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit gleich aufzuteilen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Regionale Unterschiede im Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland 2021 (2023)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Rossen, Anja ; Weyh, Antje; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele ;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Anja Rossen, Antje Weyh & Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio (2023): Regionale Unterschiede im Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland 2021. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 17 S.


    "Dass Frauen in Deutschland weniger verdienen als Männer, gilt gemeinhin als bekannt. Die nationale Betrachtung verdeckt jedoch große Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Regionen. Im Folgenden zeigen wir diese regionalen Unterschiede mit dem so genannten Gender Pay Gap (GPG) auf. Datengrundlage bildet hierbei der nominale Lohn (brutto), den sozialversicherungspflichtig Vollzeitbeschäftigte zum Stichtag 30.06.2021 in einer bestimmten Region verdient haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age (2023)

    Gambaro, Ludovica; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Spieß, C. Katharina ; Ziege, Elena;


    Gambaro, Ludovica, C. Katharina Spieß, Katharina Wrohlich & Elena Ziege (2023): Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-14


    "Employment among mothers has been rising in recent decades, although mothers of young children often work fewer hours than other women do. Parallel to this trend, approval of maternal employment has increased, albeit not evenly across groups. However, differences in attitudes remain unexplored despite their importance for better understanding mothers’ labour market behaviour. Meanwhile, the employment of fathers has remained stable and attitudes towards paternal employment do not differ as much as attitudes towards maternal employment do between socio-economic groups. This paper examines attitudes towards maternal and paternal employment. It focuses on Germany, drawing on data from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA). The survey explicitly asks whether mothers and fathers should be in paid work, work part-time or full-time, presenting respondents with fictional family profiles that vary the youngest child’s age. Unlike previous studies, the analysis compares the views of respondents with different origins: West Germany, East Germany, immigrants from different world regions, and second-generation migrants in West Germany. The results highlight remarkable differences between respondents from West and East Germany, with the former group displaying strong approval for part-time employment among mothers and fathers of very young children and the latter group reporting higher approval for full-time employment. Immigrant groups are far from homogenous, holding different attitudes depending on their region of origin. Taken together, the results offer a nuanced picture of attitudes towards maternal and paternal employment. We discuss these findings in relation to labour markets participation in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender-Specific Duration of Parental Leave and Current Earnings (2023)

    Gerst, Benedikt; Grund, Christian ;


    Gerst, Benedikt & Christian Grund (2023): Gender-Specific Duration of Parental Leave and Current Earnings. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 215-235. DOI:10.1177/09500170221090163


    "Although male employees are increasingly making use of parental leave, gender differences in both usage and duration of parental leave are still prevalent. Based on signalling theory and the masculinities concept, the article explores the role of gender in the relationship between the incidence/duration of parental leave and wages/compensation after returning to a job. It is shown that pay gaps associated with parental leave are much more severe for male than they are for female middle managers in the German chemical industry." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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