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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "geografischer Bezug"
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    The gender pay gap—What's the problem represented to be? Analyzing the discourses of Estonian employers, employees, and state officials on pay equality (2024)

    Aavik, Kadri ; Ubakivi-Hadachi, Pille; Roosalu, Triin ; Raudsepp, Maaris;


    Aavik, Kadri, Pille Ubakivi-Hadachi, Maaris Raudsepp & Triin Roosalu (2024): The gender pay gap—What's the problem represented to be? Analyzing the discourses of Estonian employers, employees, and state officials on pay equality. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 31, H. 1, S. 171-191. DOI:10.1111/gwao.13061


    "The gender pay gap (GPG) remains significant in most countries and is a key indicator of gender inequality in society. Qualitative research on the GPG is scarce, yet, qualitative perspectives on the GPG are valuable as the ways in which the GPG is understood and talked about shape actions to tackle it. This article focuses on how the GPG is represented in the context of work and organizations, inspired by the “What's the Problem Represented to be?” approach, developed by Carol Bacchi. The analysis draws on qualitative data—63 interviews with employers, employees, and state officials—collected in Estonia which exhibits one of the largest GPGs in the European Union. Five dominant representations of the GPG were identified: the GPG as (a) consciously produced by employers, (b) different pay for the same work, (c) unmeasurable due to “unique” and “incomparable” jobs and workers, (d) produced by women's failure to ask for fair pay, and (e) impossible for employers to reduce because of market forces. Collectively, these representations render the GPG inevitable, downplaying its emergence as a result of specific gendered social practices. This has implications for the employers' and the state's willingness and strategies to reduce the GPG." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    An analysis of the gender layoff gap implied by a gender gap in wage bargaining (2024)

    Abrahams, Scott ;


    Abrahams, Scott (2024): An analysis of the gender layoff gap implied by a gender gap in wage bargaining. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 234. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111505


    "The assumption that wage bargaining power is greater for men than for women yields a novel, mechanical implication regarding the gender wage gap: there should also be a gender layoff gap. If women with the same marginal product of labor as men exercise less bargaining power and consequently earn lower wages, then female workers should on average be more profitable for a firm. When conditions reduce labor demand, the firm should therefore prefer to lay off its male workers first. I show that this is consistent with the data for the United States from 1982–2019. A calibration exercise based on the gender gap in layoff rates suggests that the female bargaining share has risen from 14% lower to 6% lower than the male share over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Jobcenter-Betreuung von Alleinerziehenden im Vergleich zu Eltern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften (2024)

    Artmann, Elisabeth;


    Artmann, Elisabeth (2024): Jobcenter-Betreuung von Alleinerziehenden im Vergleich zu Eltern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2024), Nürnberg, 44 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2403


    "Alleinerziehende müssen die Doppelbelastung bewältigen, ohne Unterstützung eines Partners im Haushalt für den Familienunterhalt und die Kinderbetreuung zu sorgen, weshalb sie als Bevölkerungsgruppe mit besonderem sozialpolitischen Unterstützungsbedarf gelten. Rund ein Drittel der Alleinerziehenden-Haushalte mit minderjährigen Kindern war im Jahr 2022 auf Grundsicherungsleistungen angewiesen, während nur 6,3 Prozent der Paarhaushalte mit minderjährigen Kindern Leistungen bezog. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht untersucht deshalb anhand von Befragungsdaten des Panels „Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung” für die Jahre 2008 bis 2021 deskriptiv, wie alleinerziehende Mütter im Vergleich zu Müttern und Vätern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften von den Jobcentern betreut werden, welche Förder- und Beratungsangebote sie erhalten und wie sie die Jobcenter-Betreuung bewerten. Dabei werden ausschließlich Erziehende im Grundsicherungsbezug betrachtet, die nicht sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt sind. Ein Vergleich dieser Elterngruppen zeigt zunächst, dass Alleinerziehende im Durchschnitt weniger und ältere Kinder haben als Eltern in Paar-BGs. Zudem hat ein hoher Anteil aller drei Elterngruppen keinen Berufsabschluss, wobei dieser Anteil bei den Alleinerziehenden aber etwas geringer ist als bei den Eltern in Paarhaushalten. In der Regel sind Grundsicherungsbeziehende zur Arbeitssuche verpflichtet, um ihren Leistungsbezug zu reduzieren oder zu beenden. Allerdings gibt es mehrere Ausnahmen von dieser Pflicht. Alleinerziehende sind ihren eigenen Angaben nach insgesamt signifikant häufiger zur Arbeitssuche verpflichtet als Mütter in Paarhaushalten, aber seltener als Väter. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt hier das Alter des jüngsten Kindes, denn die Jobcenter-Betreuung Alleinerziehender ähnelt der der Mütter in Paarhaushalten, wenn ein Kleinkind zu betreuen ist, aber der der Väter, wenn das jüngste Kind mindestens drei bis fünf Jahre alt ist. Im Beobachtungszeitraum ist der Anteil der Personen, der zur Arbeitssuche verpflichtet ist, in allen Elterngruppen rückläufig, was an der sich verändernden Zusammensetzung der Gruppe der Leistungsbeziehenden liegen könnte. In den bis 2020 erhobenen Befragungswellen haben nur wenige Eltern keinen Kontakt zum Jobcenter und die Mehrheit der Eltern mit Verpflichtung zur Arbeitssuche wird vom Jobcenter beschäftigungsorientiert beraten. In der im Jahr 2021 erhobenen Welle zeigen sich die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie, denn der Anteil der Personen ohne Kontakt zum Jobcenter steigt bei allen Elterngruppen sprunghaft an und ein geringerer Anteil der Leistungsbeziehenden wird ausführlich beraten. Liegt nach eigenen Angaben der befragten Personen eine Befreiung von der Suchverpflichtung vor, so gibt die Mehrheit der Mütter als Grund Kinderbetreuungspflichten an. Bei Vätern in Paarhaushalten sind die häufigsten Freistellungsgründe hingegen gesundheitliche Probleme und Ausbildung. Betrachtet man die Förderangebote, die Jobcenter-Mitarbeitende den arbeitsuchenden Leistungsbeziehenden unterbreiten, zeigt sich, dass Alleinerziehende insgesamt ähnlich und zum Teil sogar intensiver gefördert werden als Eltern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften. So werden ihnen im Vergleich zu Müttern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften signifikant häufiger eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Stelle oder Ausbildung sowie Aktivierungs- oder Vermittlungsgutscheine angeboten; im Vergleich zu Vätern wird ihnen öfter ein Minijob angeboten. Vätern werden hingegen häufiger Weiterbildungen, Umschulungen und Integrations- oder Deutschkurse angeboten als (alleinerziehenden) Müttern, wobei dies zum Teil am höheren (Sprach-)Förderbedarf der Väter liegen könnte. Jobcenter-Mitarbeitende können Leistungsbeziehende auch an externe Beratungsstellen verweisen, wenn dies für die Erwerbsintegration erforderlich ist. Von den drei betrachteten Beratungsarten besteht der größte Bedarf an einer gesundheitlichen Begutachtung zur Eignungsfeststellung und an einer Schuldnerberatung, während der Bedarf an Suchtberatungen niedrig ist. Bei allen Elterngruppen, vor allem aber bei den Vätern, ist der ungedeckte Bedarf an den entsprechenden Beratungen jedoch etwas höher als der gedeckte Bedarf. Die Betreuung durch die Jobcenter-Mitarbeitenden des Vermittlungsbereichs wird von allen drei Elterngruppen insgesamt als eher vertrauensvoll und kooperativ bewertet. Die befragten Eltern haben allerdings eher nicht den Eindruck, dass ihnen geholfen wird, eine neue Perspektive zu entwickeln und stimmen auch eher nicht der Aussage zu, dass mit ihnen ausführliche Gespräche zur Verbesserung ihrer Arbeitsmarktchancen geführt werden. (Alleinerziehende) Mütter weisen hier signifikant niedrigere Zustimmungswerte auf als Väter, was auch daran liegen könnte, dass sie öfter von der Suchverpflichtung befreit sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Artmann, Elisabeth;
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    Decomposing gender wage gaps: a family economics perspective (2024)

    Averkamp, Dorothée; Bredemeier, Christian; Juessen, Falko;


    Averkamp, Dorothée, Christian Bredemeier & Falko Juessen (2024): Decomposing gender wage gaps: a family economics perspective. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Jg. 126, H. 1, S. 3-37. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12542


    "We propose a simple way to embed family-economics arguments for pay differences between genders into standard decomposition techniques. To account appropriately for the role of the family in the determination of wages, one has to compare men and women with similar own characteristics – and with similar partners. In US survey data, we find that our extended decomposition explains considerably more of the wage gap than a standard approach, in line with our theory that highlights the role of career prioritization in dual-earner couples." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    What Firms Do: Gender Inequality in Linked Employer-Employee Data (2024)

    Casarico, Alessandra ; Lattanzio, Salvatore ;


    Casarico, Alessandra & Salvatore Lattanzio (2024): What Firms Do: Gender Inequality in Linked Employer-Employee Data. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 42, H. 2, S. 325-355. DOI:10.1086/723177


    "We study the extent to which employer heterogeneity affects gender gaps in earnings across the distribution, over time, and over the life cycle, accounting for cohort effects. Using a linked employer-employee dataset for Italy, we show that the gender gap in firm pay premia explains 34 percent of the mean gender pay gap, mainly due to between-firm components. Within-firm differences are more important at the top of the distribution, and have become more relevant over time. Gender differences in mobility towards firms with higher pay premia and within-firm gender inequality partly explain the gender gap in firm pay premia" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How Work Hour Variability Matters for Work-to-Family Conflict (2024)

    Cho, Hyojin ; Henly, Julia R.; Lambert, Susan J. ; Ellis, Emily ;


    Cho, Hyojin, Susan J. Lambert, Emily Ellis & Julia R. Henly (2024): How Work Hour Variability Matters for Work-to-Family Conflict. In: Work, Employment and Society online erschienen am 09.01.2024, S. 1-25. DOI:10.1177/09500170231218191


    "Variable work hours are an understudied source of work-to-family conflict (WFC). We examine the relationships between the magnitude and direction of work hour variability and WFC and whether work hour control and schedule predictability moderate these relationships. We estimate a series of linear regressions using the 2016 US General Social Survey, examining women and men workers separately and together. Findings indicate that as the magnitude of work hour variability increases, so does WFC, controlling for the usual number of hours worked. Work hour control helps to protect workers, especially women, from WFC when work hour variability is high and hours surge. Although schedule predictability tempers the relationship between work hour variability and WFC, its potency diminishes as variability increases. Our study emphasizes the potential benefit to workers and families of government policies and employer practices that promote work hour stability, schedule predictability, and equity in employee work hour control." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender inequalities in unpaid public work: Retention, stratification and segmentation in the volunteer leadership of charities in England and Wales (2024)

    Clifford, David ;


    Clifford, David (2024): Gender inequalities in unpaid public work: Retention, stratification and segmentation in the volunteer leadership of charities in England and Wales. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 75, H. 2, S. 143-167. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13070


    "While gender inequalities in employment (paid public work) and domestic and reproductive labor (unpaid private work) are a prominent focus within the sociological literature, gender inequalities in volunteering (unpaid public work) have received much less scholarly attention. We analyze a unique longitudinal dataset of volunteer leaders, that follows through time every individual to have served as a board member (trustee) for a charity in England and Wales between 2010 and 2023, to make three foundational contributions to our understanding of gender inequalities in unpaid public work. First, the salience of vertical gender stratification and horizontal gender segmentation in trusteeship shows that gendered inequalities in work extend to public work in general—encompassing unpaid public work, and not only paid public work. In terms of gender segmentation, we find that women are over‐represented as trustees in a small number of fields of charitable activity but under‐represented across the majority of fields. In terms of gender stratification, we find that women are under‐represented on the boards of the largest charities; under‐represented as chairs of trustee boards; and particularly under‐represented as chairs of the largest charities. Second, the dynamics underlying gendered differences in unpaid public work, which show higher rates of resignation for women trustees, resonate with research on paid employment which emphasises the importance of attrition to an understanding of how gendered inequalities in work are reproduced. This means that increasing the retention of women, not only the recruitment of women, becomes central to the policy agenda. Third, we show that there has been a decline in gender stratification and gender segmentation in trusteeship since 2010. This decline over time in gendered inequalities in unpaid public work provides an interesting counterpoint to influential research documenting a ‘stall’ in the reduction of gendered inequalities in paid employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gender Quotas, Board Diversity and Spillover Effects. Evidence from Italian Banks (2024)

    Del Prete, Silvia; Tonello, Marco; Papini, Giulio;


    Del Prete, Silvia, Giulio Papini & Marco Tonello (2024): Gender Quotas, Board Diversity and Spillover Effects. Evidence from Italian Banks. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1368), Essen, 48 S.


    "We study the impact of a law, which required the increase of the proportion of women on boards of listed companies to at least one third. We look at its impact on listed banks, but also test whether it led to spillovers into non-listed banks belonging to listed groups or along other board diversity dimensions. Using administrative data, we compare diversity measures of boards of listed and non-listed banks in listed groups with those in non-listed groups, before and after the introduction of the law, in a difference-in-differences specifi- cation. We find that the imposition of the gender quota only changed the composition of the boards of listed banks, with no effect on their economic performance, nor spillovers on other non-listed banks in listed groups. The law enhanced diversity of boards of listed banks, also along individual characteristics other than gender." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Goldin's Last Chapter on the Gender Pay Gap: An Exploratory Analysis Using Italian Data (2024)

    Destefanis, Sergio ; Mazzotta, Fernanda ; Parisi, Lavinia ;


    Destefanis, Sergio, Fernanda Mazzotta & Lavinia Parisi (2024): Goldin's Last Chapter on the Gender Pay Gap: An Exploratory Analysis Using Italian Data. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 549-572. DOI:10.1177/09500170221143724


    "This article explores the application to Italy of Goldin’s hypothesis that the unexplained gender pay gap is crucially linked to firms’ incentive to disproportionately reward individuals who work long and particular hours. The study draws mainly on Italian responses to the 2014 European Structure of Earnings Survey for data on earnings and the individual characteristics of employees and their employer, but also uses data from the Occupational Information Network and the Italian Sample Survey on Professions to measure characteristics reflecting the work context within occupations. For graduate and non-graduate workers, the results reveal a positive relationship between various measures of the unexplained gender pay gap and the elasticity of earnings with respect to work hours. For graduate workers, in accordance with Goldin’s hypothesis, both these variables are correlated with the occupational characteristics that impose earnings penalties on workers seeking more workplace flexibility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Role (in-)congruity and the Catch 22 for female executives: how stereotyping contributes to the gender pay gap at top executive level (2024)

    Diederich, Sarah ; Pull, Kerstin ; Schneider, Martin ; Iseke, Anja ;


    Diederich, Sarah, Anja Iseke, Kerstin Pull & Martin Schneider (2024): Role (in-)congruity and the Catch 22 for female executives: how stereotyping contributes to the gender pay gap at top executive level. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 35, H. 7, S. 1283-1311. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2023.2273331


    "We examine to what extent the gender pay gap at top executive level is linked to gender stereotypes, i.e. to societal beliefs about the attributes women and men possess and the roles they ought to perform. We theorize that, even at the highest hierarchical level of an organization, executive functions are gender stereotyped: some (such as IT) are considered typically ‘masculine’, while others (such as human resources) are considered typically ‘feminine’. We argue gender stereotyping at the executive level to be related to pay such that masculine functions are paid more than feminine ones. Referring to role congruity theory, we further argue that women are paid better when they hold less masculine and therefore more role congruous functions. We find supportive evidence for both predictions when studying large European companies across the years 2014 to 2018. Pay data for 353 executives were linked to results of a survey in which participants were asked to rate the masculinity of the areas of responsibility of different executive functions. We find an empirical pattern that reflects a Catch 22 situation in which women executives appear unable to increase their pay by switching to more masculine functions that are, on average, better paid." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Taylor & Francis) ((en))

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    Male and female selection effects on gender wage gaps in three countries (2024)

    Elass, Kenza;


    Elass, Kenza (2024): Male and female selection effects on gender wage gaps in three countries. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 87. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102506


    "A vast literature on gender wage gaps has examined the importance of selection into employment. However, most analyses have focused only on female labor force participation and gaps at the median. The Great Recession questions this approach because of the major shift in male employment that it implied. This paper uses the methodology proposed by Arellano and Bonhomme (2017) to estimate a quantile selection model over the period 2007–2018. Using a tax and benefit microsimulation model, I compute an instrument capturing both male and female decisions to participate in the labor market: the potential out-of-work income. Since my instrument is crucially determined by the welfare state, I consider three countries with notably different benefit systems – the UK, France and Finland. My results imply different selection patterns across countries and a sizeable male selection in France and the UK. Correction for selection bias lowers the gender wage gap and reveals a substantial glass ceiling with different magnitudes. Findings suggest that disparities between these countries are driven by occupational segregation and public spending on families." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Converging mothers’ employment trajectories between East and West Germany? A focus on the 2008-childcare-reform (2024)

    Fauser, Sophia ; Struffolino, Emanuela ; Levanon, Asaf ;


    Fauser, Sophia, Emanuela Struffolino & Asaf Levanon (2024): Converging mothers’ employment trajectories between East and West Germany? A focus on the 2008-childcare-reform. (SocArXiv papers), 24 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/kcgpm


    "Looking at a period of childcare expansion, we investigate East-West differences in employment trajectories around first childbirth in Germany over time to identify potential convergence. During Germany’s division (1945-1990), universal public childcare and female full-time employment were the norm in East Germany, while the male breadwinner model was dominant in the West. Even several years after reunification, East-West differences in women’s labor force behavior persist, although they are declining. In 2008, a widespread reform targeted the expansion of childcare availability to facilitate mother’s employment. We use sequence analysis methods to investigate East-West differences in mother’s employment trajectories around childbirth, comparing pre- (1990-2007) and post-reform (2008-2021) years. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1990-2021), the analysis comprises 355 East and 976 West German first-time mothers. Before the reform, employment trajectories between East and West German mothers differed in terms of timing and duration of employment states. After the reform, these differences decreased. Further analysis shows a convergence in the prevalence of post-birth part-time employment, nonetheless longer maternity leave is still more prevalent for West German and full-time employment for East German mothers. Employment trajectories of East and West German mothers have converged over the years. While childcare expansion might be contributing to this development, we still observe important East-West differences, especially regarding post-birth full-time employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    (Un)deserving of work-life balance? A cross country investigation of people's attitudes towards work-life balance arrangements for parents and childfree employees (2024)

    Filippi, Silvia ; de Wit, John ; Yerkes, Mara ; Hummel, Bryn ; Bal, Michèlle ;


    Filippi, Silvia, Mara Yerkes, Michèlle Bal, Bryn Hummel & John de Wit (2024): (Un)deserving of work-life balance? A cross country investigation of people's attitudes towards work-life balance arrangements for parents and childfree employees. In: Community, work & family, Jg. 27, H. 1, S. 116-134. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2022.2099247


    "Work-life balance (WLB) represents a fundamental part of people’s well-being and is a key policy priority at national and organizational levels in many industrialized countries. Yet a significant gap exists in our understanding of employees’ ability to use WLB arrangements, particularly employees without children. We address this gap by exploring the perceived deservingness of childfree employees to use WLB arrangements in Italy and the Netherlands. Using a 2 × 2 experimental design, we study the perceived deservingness of childfree people to use organisational work-life balance arrangements compared to parents, with a particular focus on gender and country differences. We further investigate the attribution of priority to make use of work-life balance arrangements across these same groups. While we find no significant differences in perceptions of deservingness, the results do show significant differences in who is considered to need priority in using WLB arrangements in the workplace. Respondents attribute greater priority to female employees with children than female employees without children. The attribution of priority for male employees does not differ between parents and childfree employees. This interaction effect was only found in the Italian sample. We discuss the implications of our results for our understanding of work-life balance policy supports." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unterschiede in den Jahresverdiensten zwischen Männern und Frauen: Der Gender Pay Gap wurde in der Coronakrise kleiner - außer bei niedrigen Verdiensten (2024)

    Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Houštecká, Anna; Patt, Alexander ;


    Fitzenberger, Bernd, Anna Houštecká & Alexander Patt (2024): Unterschiede in den Jahresverdiensten zwischen Männern und Frauen: Der Gender Pay Gap wurde in der Coronakrise kleiner - außer bei niedrigen Verdiensten. (IAB-Kurzbericht 01/2024), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2401


    "Die Geschlechterunterschiede in den Jahresverdiensten (Gender Pay Gap) spiegeln Unterschiede sowohl im Stundenlohn als auch in der Arbeitszeit und der Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit wider. Je nach Verdienstniveau vor der Coronakrise waren Männer und Frauen von der Krise unterschiedlich betroffen: Während die Frauen mit mittleren und hohen Jahresverdiensten im Vergleich zu den Männern zwischen 2019 und 2021 aufholten, erfuhren die Frauen mit den niedrigsten Verdiensten deutlich stärkere Verluste als die Männer. In dem Kurzbericht wird untersucht, wie sich die Coronakrise auf die Jahresverdienste der Frauen und Männer insgesamt ausgewirkt hat und wie sich der Gender Pay Gap je nach Höhe der Verdienste und nach Beschäftigungsform (Vollzeit, Teilzeit, Minijob) entwickelt hat. Außerdem werden Übergangsraten zwischen den verschiedenen Beschäftigungsformen betrachtet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Patt, Alexander ;
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    Regionale Unterschiede im Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland 2022 (2024)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Weyh, Antje; Rossen, Anja ;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Anja Rossen & Antje Weyh (2024): Regionale Unterschiede im Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland 2022. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 18 S.


    "Dass Frauen in Deutschland weniger verdienen als Männer, gilt gemeinhin als bekannt. Die nationale Betrachtung verdeckt jedoch große Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Regionen. Im Folgenden zeigen wir diese regionalen Unterschiede im so genannten Gender Pay Gap (GPG) auf. Datengrundlage bildet hierbei der nominale Lohn (brutto), den sozialversicherungspflichtig Vollzeitbeschäftigte zum Stichtag 30.06.2022 in einer bestimmten Region verdient haben. Dass Frauen häufiger in Teilzeit arbeiten als Männer, ist also für diese Kennziffer irrelevant." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Fuchs, Michaela ; Weyh, Antje; Rossen, Anja ;
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    How many gaps are there? Investigating the regional dimension of the gender commuting gap (2024)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Jost, Ramona ; Weyh, Antje;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Ramona Jost & Antje Weyh (2024): How many gaps are there? Investigating the regional dimension of the gender commuting gap. In: Papers in Regional Science online erschienen am 29.02.2024. DOI:10.1016/j.pirs.2024.100005


    "This paper investigates the gender gap in commuting by differentiating between the place of residence and work in urban and rural regions. Using administrative geo-referenced data for Germany and applying decomposition techniques, we provide evidence for a triple gap in commuting to the disadvantage of women. Apart from the overall gap, the regional disaggregation uncovers a further gap among workers commuting between rather than within regions, with the highest gap among commuters between rural regions. Occupational segregation and establishment size are the most relevant factors for explaining the gender commuting gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Fuchs, Michaela ; Jost, Ramona ; Weyh, Antje;
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    Pay transparency intervention and the gender pay gap: Evidence from research-intensive universities in the UK (2024)

    Gamage, Danula K.; Kavetsos, Georgios ; Sevilla, Almudena ; Mallick, Sushanta;


    Gamage, Danula K., Georgios Kavetsos, Sushanta Mallick & Almudena Sevilla (2024): Pay transparency intervention and the gender pay gap: Evidence from research-intensive universities in the UK. In: BJIR, Jg. 62, H. 2, S. 293-318. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12778


    "This study investigates the impact of a pay transparency intervention in reducing the gender pay gap in the UK university sector. Introduced in 2007, the initiative enabled public access to average annual earnings disaggregated by gender in UK universities. We use a detailed matched employee-employer administrative dataset that follows individuals over time, allowing us to adopt a quasi-experimental approach based on event studies around the intervention. We find that the earnings of female academics increased by around 0.62 percentage points compared to their male counterparts as the control group, whose earnings remained constant after the pay transparency intervention, reducing the gender pay gap by 4.37 per cent. Further evidence suggests that the main mechanism for the fall in the pay gap is driven by female employees negotiating higher wages, particularly among senior female academics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Effects of Parental Workplace Discrimination on Sickness Presenteeism (2024)

    Gerich, Joachim ; Beham-Rabanser, Martina;


    Gerich, Joachim & Martina Beham-Rabanser (2024): Effects of Parental Workplace Discrimination on Sickness Presenteeism. In: Social Sciences, Jg. 13, H. 1. DOI:10.3390/socsci13010070


    "This paper analyzes the association between experienced and observed parental workplace discrimination and sickness presenteeism. Following stress theoretical approaches and reactance theory, we expected that both experienced and observed parental discrimination of others at the workplace would lead to a reactance behavior and could increase sickness presenteeism, especially in those individuals who deny arguments of justification. Based on survey data from employees aged between 20 and 45 years (n = 347), we confirmed experienced discrimination as a double risk factor that goes along with increased sickness, as well as an increased sickness presence propensity. Although observed discrimination against others was unrelated to sickness, it was similarly associated with increased presenteeism. For respondents with their own children, the association between experienced discrimination and presenteeism was amplified in those who disagree with economic justifications of discrimination. The relationship between presenteeism and observed discrimination in childless respondents was amplified in those who appraise discrimination as unfair. In accordance with a stress theoretical approach, we confirm negative health effects of parental discrimination. In accordance with reactance theory, it is concluded that discrimination encourages workers’ presenteeism in the sense of a self-endangering behavior to counter inappropriate stereotypes held against them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ausbau der Pflegeversicherung könnte Gender Care Gap in Deutschland reduzieren (2024)

    Geyer, Johannes ; Haan, Peter; Teschner, Mia;


    Geyer, Johannes, Peter Haan & Mia Teschner (2024): Ausbau der Pflegeversicherung könnte Gender Care Gap in Deutschland reduzieren. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 91, H. 7, S. 95-104. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2024-7-1


    "In vielen europäischen Ländern zeigen sich erhebliche geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der informellen Pflege von Angehörigen: Frauen pflegen Familienmitglieder wesentlich öfter als Männer. Der Unterschied in der Pflege zwischen den Geschlechtern, der Gender Care Gap, variiert stark zwischen den europäischen Ländern. Deutschland befindet sich im Mittelfeld. Dieser Wochenbericht analysiert länderübergreifend, welche institutionellen, gesellschaftlichen und arbeitsmarktspezifischen Faktoren in einem Zusammenhang mit dem Gender Care Gap in der Pflege stehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Gender Care Gap in Ländern kleiner ist, in denen mehr für das formelle Pflegesystem ausgegeben wird. Auch zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass in Ländern mit einer generell größeren Geschlechterungleichheit und einer stärkeren Ungleichheit in der Erwerbsbeteiligung zwischen Männern und Frauen tendenziell auch der Gender Care Gap größer ist. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen damit, dass die Geschlechterungleichheiten in der informellen Pflege mit Ausgaben im Gesundheitswesen, dem Pflegesystem und der Struktur des Arbeitsmarktes zusammenhängen. Um den Gender Care Gap zu reduzieren, sollten die Ausgaben für formelle Pflege erhöht werden, um pflegende Angehörige zu entlasten und die Qualität von Pflege in Einrichtungen zu erhöhen. Gleichzeitig sollte die Politik mit steuerlichen und familienpolitischen Anreizen die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen stärken, damit sich die Erwerbs- und Sorgearbeit im Haushalt gleichmäßiger verteilt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Poor labour market prospects due to intensive caregiving? Childcare and eldercare among welfare recipients in Germany (2024)

    Hamann, Silke ; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele ;


    Hamann, Silke & Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio (2024): Poor labour market prospects due to intensive caregiving? Childcare and eldercare among welfare recipients in Germany. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 33, H. 1, S. 290-308., 2023-03-15. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12601


    "Despite the favourable economic situation in Germany over the last decade, the number of welfare recipients (~5 million) remained at a persistently high level. One factor limiting individuals' abilities to exit welfare dependency into employment is informal care. This article analyses two aspects of informal care: childcare, considering the number of caregivers in a given family constellation, and the amount of time spent on eldercare. A panel of survey data with comprehensive information on welfare recipients is used. The waves from 2006 to 2017 are included. The results suggest that the chances of exiting welfare dependency for those in jobs covering needs are strongly impacted by the intensity of caregiving. Single parents, as well as welfare recipients who spend >10 h/wk on eldercare, especially persons providing both of these types of caregiving, have the lowest probabilities of leaving welfare dependency among all recipient groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Hamann, Silke ; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele ;
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