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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Deutschland"
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    Betreuungsgeld – familienpolitische Leistung oder Hindernis bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration? (2023)

    Fendel, Tanja ; Jochimsen, Beate ;


    Fendel, Tanja & Beate Jochimsen (2023): Betreuungsgeld – familienpolitische Leistung oder Hindernis bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration? In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 103, H. 5, S. 309-313., 2023-05-10. DOI:10.2478/wd-2023-0096


    "Deutschland steuert seit einigen Jahren auf einen gravierenden Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel zu. Dabei gibt es nach wie vor erhebliche geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei der Erwerbsbeteiligung. Die Bemühungen, die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen zu steigern, spielen eine zentrale Rolle. Dennoch gab es von 2013 bis 2015 in Deutschland ein bundesweites Betreuungsgeld für Eltern, die keine öffentliche Kinderbetreuung für Kinder im Alter von einem oder zwei Jahren in Anspruch nahmen. Auch nach 2015 gab es ein Betreuungsgeld oder vergleichbare Leistungen in mehreren Bundesländern. Es stellt sich die Frage, welchen Einfluss ein Betreuungsgeld auf die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Fendel, Tanja ;
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    Maternal Employment and Childcare Use from an Intersectional Perspective: Stratification along Class, Contractual and Gender Lines in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK (2023)

    Ferragina, Emanuele ; Magalini, Edoardo;


    Ferragina, Emanuele & Edoardo Magalini (2023): Maternal Employment and Childcare Use from an Intersectional Perspective: Stratification along Class, Contractual and Gender Lines in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK. In: Social Politics, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 871-902. DOI:10.1093/sp/jxad021


    "Connecting streams of feminist and comparative social policy literature, this article investigates stratification in maternal employment and childcare use along class, contractual, and gender lines across six countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) and five family policy models. Detailing the different stratifying factors that intervene in the relation between maternal employment and childcare use offers a concrete analysis of the complex link between social reproduction and work. Employing multivariate regressions and EU-SILC (2007–2018) data, it provides an intersectional perspective to the literature. First, we observe a process of formalization in childcare use with a parallel reduction of nonformal care for couples; this process is slower for single mothers. Second, we document a paradox in relation to the social investment approach: the relation between childcare use and maternal employment is stronger in countries that recently expanded childcare to modify their male-breadwinner orientation, but in these countries childcare use is more stratified along class/contract types, a concern for the outcomes of social investment strategies outside of Scandinavia. Being out of work, being in a lower social class, fulfilling domestic tasks and/or care activities, and having an atypical contract negatively correlates with childcare use in most countries. Third, households where partners have more similar earning levels use childcare to a greater extent. The article also provides models employing different dependent and independent variables, alternative family structures, full and part-time work, formal and nonformal childcare, and rich country details." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mothers’ Employment in a High- and Low- Maternal Employment Regime – a comparison between France and Germany (2023)

    Filser, Andreas ; Frodermann, Corinna; Achard, Pascal; Wagner, Sander; Müller, Dana;


    Filser, Andreas, Pascal Achard, Corinna Frodermann, Dana Müller & Sander Wagner (2023): Mothers’ Employment in a High- and Low- Maternal Employment Regime – a comparison between France and Germany. (SocArXiv papers), 29 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/kbwtv


    "France and Germany, the two biggest EU economies with relatively similar welfare states differ profoundly in how childbirth affects the careers of mothers. Building on newly harmonized administrative data we document differences in mothers’ employment trajectories, show how these differences evolved between 1997-2019, and analyse whether the influence of individual and firm-level characteristics on maternal employment are similarly structured in two countries with such different post-maternal employment regimes. Our results show that previously employed mothers in Germany reducing their employment by over 2.3 years more than their French counterparts in the six years including and following birth. Part-time work increases by over 40% among those continuing to work in Germany and by about 25% in France. We document a common trend towards increased post-maternal employment and increased part-time work in later cohorts in both countries. Individual- and firm-level factors have a much more stratified effect on post-maternal employment in France, with low-income and low-education mothers faring comparatively worse. While mothers’ employment is reduced to a much greater extent in Germany, the high maternal employment French model seems to particularly disfavour the return of mothers with low human capital into the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen (2023)

    Frodermann, Corinna; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Filser, Andreas ;


    Frodermann, Corinna, Andreas Filser & Ann-Christin Bächmann (2023): Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen. (IAB-Kurzbericht 1/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2301


    "Seit der Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 steigt der Anteil von Vätern, die nach der Geburt eines Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbrechen. Dieses stärkere Engagement der Väter geht auch mit einer schnelleren Arbeitsmarktrückkehr von Müttern einher. Paarinterne Aufteilungsmuster zeigen allerdings, dass bei vielen Ehepaaren nach wie vor nur die Mutter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbricht, während der Großteil der Väter keine Elternzeit nimmt. Wenn Väter ebenfalls unterbrechen, dann vorrangig für maximal zwei Monate. Die vorgelegten Befunde machen insgesamt deutlich, dass verheiratete Paare in Deutschland nach wie vor weit davon entfernt sind, Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit gleich aufzuteilen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Parental Leave Policy and Long-run Earnings of Mothers (2023)

    Frodermann, Corinna; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Zucco, Aline;


    Frodermann, Corinna, Katharina Wrohlich & Aline Zucco (2023): Parental Leave Policy and Long-run Earnings of Mothers. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 80 2022-12-05., 2022-11-11. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102296


    "Paid parental leave schemes have been shown to increase women’s employment rates but to decrease their wages in case of extended leave duration. In view of these potential trade-offs, many countries are discussing the optimal design of parental leave policies. We analyze the impact of a major parental leave reform on mothers’ long-term earnings. The 2007 German parental leave reform replaced a means-tested benefit with a more generous earnings-related benefit that is granted for a shorter period of time. Additionally, a ”daddy quota” of two months was introduced. To identify the causal effect of this policy mix on long-run earnings of mothers, we use a difference-in-differences approach that compares labor market outcomes of mothers who gave birth just before and right after the reform and nets out seasonal effects by including the year before. Using administrative social security data, we confirm previous findings and show that the average duration of employment interruptions increased for mothers with high pre-birth earnings. Nevertheless, we find a positive long-run effect on earnings for mothers in this group. This effect cannot be explained by changes in the selection of working mothers, working hours or changes in employer stability. Descriptive evidence suggests that the stronger involvement of fathers, incentivized by the ”daddy months”, could have facilitated mothers’ re-entry into the labor market and thereby increased earnings. For mothers with low pre-birth earnings, however, we do not find beneficial long-run effects of this parental leave reform." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Frodermann, Corinna;

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    Regionale Unterschiede im Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland 2021 (2023)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Rossen, Anja ; Weyh, Antje; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele ;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Anja Rossen, Antje Weyh & Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio (2023): Regionale Unterschiede im Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland 2021. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 17 S.


    "Dass Frauen in Deutschland weniger verdienen als Männer, gilt gemeinhin als bekannt. Die nationale Betrachtung verdeckt jedoch große Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Regionen. Im Folgenden zeigen wir diese regionalen Unterschiede mit dem so genannten Gender Pay Gap (GPG) auf. Datengrundlage bildet hierbei der nominale Lohn (brutto), den sozialversicherungspflichtig Vollzeitbeschäftigte zum Stichtag 30.06.2021 in einer bestimmten Region verdient haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age (2023)

    Gambaro, Ludovica; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Spieß, C. Katharina ; Ziege, Elena;


    Gambaro, Ludovica, C. Katharina Spieß, Katharina Wrohlich & Elena Ziege (2023): Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-14


    "Employment among mothers has been rising in recent decades, although mothers of young children often work fewer hours than other women do. Parallel to this trend, approval of maternal employment has increased, albeit not evenly across groups. However, differences in attitudes remain unexplored despite their importance for better understanding mothers’ labour market behaviour. Meanwhile, the employment of fathers has remained stable and attitudes towards paternal employment do not differ as much as attitudes towards maternal employment do between socio-economic groups. This paper examines attitudes towards maternal and paternal employment. It focuses on Germany, drawing on data from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA). The survey explicitly asks whether mothers and fathers should be in paid work, work part-time or full-time, presenting respondents with fictional family profiles that vary the youngest child’s age. Unlike previous studies, the analysis compares the views of respondents with different origins: West Germany, East Germany, immigrants from different world regions, and second-generation migrants in West Germany. The results highlight remarkable differences between respondents from West and East Germany, with the former group displaying strong approval for part-time employment among mothers and fathers of very young children and the latter group reporting higher approval for full-time employment. Immigrant groups are far from homogenous, holding different attitudes depending on their region of origin. Taken together, the results offer a nuanced picture of attitudes towards maternal and paternal employment. We discuss these findings in relation to labour markets participation in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender-Atypical Learning Experiences of Men Reduce Occupational Sex Segregation: Evidence From the Suspension of the Civilian Service in Germany (2023)

    Hamjediers, Maik ;


    Hamjediers, Maik (2023): Gender-Atypical Learning Experiences of Men Reduce Occupational Sex Segregation: Evidence From the Suspension of the Civilian Service in Germany. In: Gender & Society, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 524-552. DOI:10.1177/08912432231177650


    "Occupational sex segregation persists in part because men seldom enter female-dominated occupations. Whereas programs providing women with gender-atypical learning experiences aim to increase female representation in male-dominated domains, similar programs for men—despite their potential to counteract the prevailing lack of men in female-dominated occupations—are rare. In this paper, I investigate whether men’s gender-atypical learning experiences affect their likelihood of entering female-dominated occupations by studying the effect of participation in Germany’s civilian service. The civilian service offered a social-sector alternative to compulsory military service, and its suspension in 2011 induced exogenous variation in men’s gender-atypical learning experiences. Combining register data from Germany’s social security system with data from the German Microcensus shows that men’s likelihood of entering the labor market in female-dominated occupations declined by about 21 percent when the civilian service was suspended. Scaling the estimate by participation in the civilian service indicates that having completed the civilian service increased men’s likelihood of entering female-dominated occupations by about 12 percentage points. This illustrates that programs exposing men to gender-atypical learning experiences can promote occupational integration and could “unstall” the gender revolution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023 (2023)

    Hammermann, Andrea; Stettes, Oliver;


    Hammermann, Andrea & Oliver Stettes (2023): Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023. (Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023), Berlin, 33 S.


    "Der Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit berichtet aus der Perspektive von Personalverantwortlichen und Beschäftigten, wie sich die Familienfreundlichkeit im Betrieb gestalten lässt, wie sie im Alltag gelebt werden kann und worauf es Beschäftigten mit unterschiedlichen Erwerbsbiografien und Lebenshintergründen ankommt. Das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft setzt mit dem Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023 die vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend geförderte Befragungsreihe fort. Die aktuelle Untersuchung unterstreicht den Stellenwert einer guten Vereinbarkeit für eine nachhaltige Strategie zur Fachkräftesicherung. Aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung zeichnet sich in Deutschland seit Längerem eine Verknappung des Arbeitskräfteangebots ab. Sie ist schon heute in den Unternehmen spürbar. Dies belegt auch der Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023: Drei von vier Unternehmen weisen hierzulande erhebliche Probleme auf, Fachkräfte zu rekrutieren. Fachkräfte- beziehungsweise Arbeitskräfteengpässe werden in vielen Bereichen zunehmend zum Hemmnis wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung (BA, 2023, Seite 14 ff.; Tiedemann/Malin, 2023). Neben einer zeitgemäßen Ausbildung, einer gezielten Weiterbildung und einem verstärkten Werben um ausländische Fachkräfte braucht es auch Lösungsansätze, mit denen das Potenzial an heimischen Arbeitskräften noch besser erschlossen werden kann (Bundesregierung, 2022). Wie (zeitliche) Konflikte zwischen familiären und beruflichen Verpflichtungen wahrgenommen werden, ist ein zentraler Einflussfaktor bei Entscheidungen von Menschen im Laufe ihrer gesamten Erwerbsbiografie, vom Berufs- bis zum Renteneintritt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Frühkindliche Betreuung erhöht den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern ohne Abitur (2023)

    Hermes, Henning ; Wiederhold, Simon; Krauß, Marina; Peter, Frauke ; Lergetporer, Philipp;


    Hermes, Henning, Marina Krauß, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter & Simon Wiederhold (2023): Frühkindliche Betreuung erhöht den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern ohne Abitur. In: Wirtschaft im Wandel, Jg. 29, H. 3, S. 52-55.


    "In den meisten Ländern wirkt sich die Geburt eines Kindes negativ auf den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern aus, insbesondere bei Müttern mit niedrigerem Schulabschluss. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse eines Feldexperiments in Deutschland vorgestellt, in dem Familien bei der Bewerbung für einen Platz in einer Kindertagesstätte (Kita) unterstützt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der verbesserte Zugang zu frühkindlicher Betreuung die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht, dass Mütter ohne Abitur in Vollzeit arbeiten, und deren Haushaltseinkommen steigert. Um den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern zu verbessern, sollte die Politik den Zugang zu frühkindlicher Betreuung erleichtern und die Zahl der Kita-Plätze noch weiter erhöhen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender, Unemployment, and Subjective Well-Being: Why Do Women Suffer Less from Unemployment than Men? (2023)

    Heyne, Stefanie ; Vossemer, Jonas;


    Heyne, Stefanie & Jonas Vossemer (2023): Gender, Unemployment, and Subjective Well-Being: Why Do Women Suffer Less from Unemployment than Men? In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 301-316. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcac030


    "Previous studies have shown that women suffer less from unemployment than men in terms of subjective well-being. However, there is little research that aims to test possible explanations for this gender-specific reaction. We distinguish two different ways in which unemployment reduces well-being, namely the financial and non-financial effects of becoming unemployed. Gender differences in both types could explain the different effects on the well-being of women and men. Using the German Socio-Economic Panel, we analyse why women are less affected by unemployment than men. Applying fixed-effects panel regressions, we find substantially smaller negative effects for women, but this can only to a small extent be explained by different financial effects. To test the relevance of non-financial effects, we investigate how gender differences vary between subgroups, for which the non-financial effects should differ. Our analyses show that gender differences are more pronounced both among people who were socialized in West Germany compared to East Germany and among parents compared to singles. Moreover, differences in labour market attachment prior to the transition to unemployment explain a large share of the gender gap. These findings support the assumption that non-financial effects are responsible for the weaker consequences of unemployment among women." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Changes in Perceived Fairness of Division of Household Labor Across Parenthood Transitions: Whose Relationship Satisfaction Is Impacted? (2023)

    Hiekel, Nicole ; Ivanova, Katya ;


    Hiekel, Nicole & Katya Ivanova (2023): Changes in Perceived Fairness of Division of Household Labor Across Parenthood Transitions. Whose Relationship Satisfaction Is Impacted? In: Journal of Family Issues, Jg. 44, H. 4, S. 1046-1073. DOI:10.1177/0192513X211055119


    "Using a nationally representative, prospective study of young German adults, we address two research questions: First, are changes in the perceptions of the fairness of (un)paid labor division associated with changes in men’s and women’s partnership satisfaction across fertility transitions? Second, is this association moderated by men and women’s pre-birth gender role attitudes? Our results indicate that differences between respondents in changes in relationship satisfaction after fertility transitions could be observed across perceptions of the fairness of the division of labor, rather than across differing actual divisions of household labor. That effect was found for women, but not men. Across gender role attitudes, the perception of a stable fair arrangement was detrimental to traditional men’s relationship satisfaction, whereas the perception of increased fairness protected against declines in relationship satisfaction only for egalitarian women. We discuss how the mismatch between imagined and lived realities might affect relationship dynamics across fertility transitions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Public child care and mothers' career trajectories (2023)

    Huber, Katrin; Rolvering, Geske;


    Huber, Katrin & Geske Rolvering (2023): Public child care and mothers' career trajectories. (CEPA discussion papers / Center for Economic Policy Analysis 64), Potsdam, 33 S.


    "This paper studies the effect of public child care on mothers' career trajectories. To this end, we combine county-level data on child care coverage with detailed individual-level information from the German social security records and exploit a set of German reforms leading to a substantial temporal and spatial variation in child care coverage for children under the age of three. We conduct an event study approach that investigates the labor market outcomes of mothers in the years around the birth of their first child. We thereby explore career trajectories, both in terms of quantity and quality of employment. We find that public child care improves maternal labor supply in the years immediately following childbirth. However, the results on quality-related outcomes suggest that the effect of child care provision does not reach far beyond pure employment effects. These results do not change for mothers with different 'career costs of children'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Promotion Prospects and Within-level Wage Growth: A Decomposition of the Part-time Penalty for Women (2023)

    Ilieva, Boryana;


    Ilieva, Boryana (2023): Promotion Prospects and Within-level Wage Growth: A Decomposition of the Part-time Penalty for Women. (Discussion paper / Rationality & Competition, CCR TRR 190 457), München ; Berlin, 40 S.


    "I study the life-cycle pattern of part-time employment and its impact on wage growth in female careers. I show that the part-time wage penalty consists of two essential components: i) a penalty for promotions and ii) a within-career-level wage penalty. Using dynamic structural modeling, I quantify the relative importance of the channels. The penalty for working half a day for two consecutive years in one's early thirties is one Euro per hour. 70% of it is due to slowdowns in experience accumulation within career levels. A part-time spell of four years marks the point at which forgone chances of promotion and within-level wage losses contribute to the wage penalty to an equal degree. Counterfactual simulations demonstrate that financial incentives to increase the time spent working can be well complemented by policies which ensure that experienced young women are promoted early in their careers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Constrained 'choices': Optional familism and educational divides in work-family arrangements (2023)

    Jozwiak, Andreas ;


    Jozwiak, Andreas (2023): Constrained 'choices': Optional familism and educational divides in work-family arrangements. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 57, H. 5, S. 700-726. DOI:10.1111/spol.12901


    "German family policy was dramatically reformed in the 2000s because of dual reforms to parental leave and childcare provision. While considerable evidence has suggested the reforms affected employment and other outcomes, this article asks what the consequences of these reforms are for the family, specifically for patterns of work-family arrangements. Moreover, it asks how education matters for work-family arrangements post-reform. Using German Socio-Economic Panel data, I show that college-educated mothers giving birth to their first child after the reforms earned roughly half of household income if they benefited from expanded local childcare access. By contrast, in areas with lower childcare availability, even among the college-educated, mothers' earnings resemble pre-reform patterns, where mothers earn between a quarter to a third of household income. Therefore, the reforms contributed to greater differences in family structures based on the education. One interpretation of these findings is that the status reproducing nature of the Continental welfare states has recalibrated for the modern age, de-gendered for those with the greatest labour market returns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Väterreport 2023: Entwicklungen und Daten zur Vielfalt der Väter in Deutschland (2023)

    Juncke, David; Stoll, Evelyn; Samtleben, Claire ;


    Juncke, David, Claire Samtleben & Evelyn Stoll (2023): Väterreport 2023. Entwicklungen und Daten zur Vielfalt der Väter in Deutschland. (Väterreport ... / Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), Berlin, 74 S.


    "Der neue Väterreport zeigt, dass sich Väter viel stärker als früher eine partnerschaftlich organisierte Aufgabenteilung in der Familie wünschen. Jeder zweite Vater möchte gern die Hälfte der Betreuung übernehmen. Tatsächlich gelingt dies nur jedem fünften Vater. Die Lücke zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit ist noch immer groß. Der Väterreport beschreibt auf Basis amtlicher Statistiken, wissenschaftlicher Studien und repräsentativer Bevölkerungsbefragungen die Lebenslagen, Werte und Einstellungen von Vätern in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender wage gap trends in Europe: The role of occupational skill prices (2023)

    Kaya, Ezgi ;


    Kaya, Ezgi (2023): Gender wage gap trends in Europe: The role of occupational skill prices. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 162, H. 3, S. 385-405. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12338


    "This paper explores gender wage gap trends by assessing the role of changing wage returns to occupational skills, brains - cognitive and interpersonal skills, and brawn - motor-skills and physical strength. Using harmonised data for six European countries and comparable data for the US, this paper finds substantial variation in the impact of occupational skill prices across countries. However, in all countries, a considerable portion of the change in the gender wage gap cannot be explained by changes in occupational skill prices." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Die Aufteilung von Care- und Erwerbsarbeit ist eine Richtungsentscheidung für die Erwerbsverläufe beider Eltern (Interview mit Andreas Filser, Corinna Frodermann und Ann-Christin Bächmann) (2023)

    Keitel, Christiane; Filser, Andreas ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Frodermann, Corinna;


    Keitel, Christiane; Andreas Filser, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Corinna Frodermann (interviewte Person) (2023): Die Aufteilung von Care- und Erwerbsarbeit ist eine Richtungsentscheidung für die Erwerbsverläufe beider Eltern (Interview mit Andreas Filser, Corinna Frodermann und Ann-Christin Bächmann). In: IAB-Forum H. 07.02.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230207.01


    "Seit der Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 steigt der Anteil von Vätern, die nach der Geburt eines Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit zugunsten von Kinder­betreuung unterbrechen. Der IAB-Kurzbericht 1/2023 zeigt nun unter anderem auf, wie sich eine Erwerbsunterbrechung der Väter auf die Arbeitsmarktrückkehr der Mütter auswirkt. Die Redaktion des IAB-Forum hat dazu bei Corinna Frodermann, Ann-Christin Bächmann und Andreas Filser nachgefragt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market (2023)

    Kleinert, Corinna ; Leuze, Kathrin ; Rompczyk, Kai; Hägglund, Anna Erika; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Gatermann, Dörthe;


    Kleinert, Corinna, Kathrin Leuze, Ann-Christin Bächmann, Dörthe Gatermann, Anna Erika Hägglund & Kai Rompczyk (2023): Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market. In: S. Weinert, G. J. Blossfeld & H.-P. Blossfeld (Hrsg.) (2023): Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories, S. 295-317, 2022-05-01. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-27007-9_13


    "In Germany, the structuring principle connecting the educational system and the labour market is occupations. In theory, this occupational principle is gender-neutral, because both women and men are channelled into jobs according to the occupations for which they are trained. In practice, however, it means that patterns of occupational sex segregation in the education system are reproduced in the labour market. As a consequence, occupational sex segregation has important consequences for the subsequent employment biographies and life courses of women and men. In this chapter, we study the relevance of occupational sex segregation for the (re-)production of gender inequalities in the German labour market. More specifically, we examine long-term trends in occupational sex segregation, how occupational sex segregation is causally linked to other occupational characteristics, how these occupational characteristics translate into gender inequalities regarding non-monetary labour market outcomes, and how these occupational characteristics affect the gender wage gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;
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    Gender Norms under Socialism and Capitalism: A Historical Examination of Attitudes towards Maternal Employment in the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany (2023)

    Kleinschrot, Leonie;


    Kleinschrot, Leonie (2023): Gender Norms under Socialism and Capitalism: A Historical Examination of Attitudes towards Maternal Employment in the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-07


    "Research on the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in the 1980s shows a high level of congruence between conservative social policy deterring mothers from employment and traditional societal gender norms. In contrast, little is known about whether people in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) agreed with the socialist idea of continuous full-time maternal employment. Based on unexploited GDR data from 1984 and a description of contemporary social policy, this study examines attitudes towards maternal employment, whether they were related to individual preferences for work or children, and their congruence with the socialist policy. The same questions are examined for the FRG using data from 1982. Results for the GDR indicate that one third of respondents rejected the socialist idea of maternal full-time employment, with individual work preferences being decisive for respondents’ assessments. In the FRG, there was a high degree of agreement with the gender norm of maternal non-employment, with this being dependent on individual preferences for children. These findings complement post-reunification evidence on East-West-differences in gender norms and provide insights into attitudes under Eastern European state socialism. * This article belongs to a special issue on “Demographic Developments in Eastern and Western Europe Before and After the Transformation of Socialist Countries”." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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