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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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    Why We Should Stop Trying to Fix Women: How Context Shapes and Constrains Women's Career Trajectories (2024)

    Ryan, Michelle K.; Morgenroth, Thekla;


    Ryan, Michelle K. & Thekla Morgenroth (2024): Why We Should Stop Trying to Fix Women: How Context Shapes and Constrains Women's Career Trajectories. In: Annual Review of Psychology, Jg. 75, H. 1, S. 555-572. DOI:10.1146/annurev-psych-032620-030938


    "In this review we examine two classes of interventions designed to achieve workplace gender equality: ( a) those designed to boost motivations and ambition, such as those that aim to attract more women into roles where they are underrepresented; and ( b) those that try to provide women with needed abilities to achieve these positions. While such initiatives are generally well meaning, they tend to be based upon (and reinforce) stereotypes of what women lack. Such a deficit model leads to interventions that attempt to “fix” women rather than address the structural factors that are the root of gender inequalities. We provide a critical appraisal of the literature to establish an evidence base for why fixing women is unlikely to be successful. As an alternative, we focus on understanding how organizational context and culture maintain these inequalities by looking at how they shape and constrain ( a) women's motivations and ambitions, and ( b) the expression and interpretation of their skills and attributes. In doing so, we seek to shift the interventional focus from women themselves to the systems and structures in which they are embedded." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Navigating treacherous waters: Exploring the dual career experiences of European Research Council applicants (2024)

    Schels, Brigitte ; Fuchs, Stefan; Connolly, Sara; Herschberg, Channah; Vinkenburg, Claartje;


    Schels, Brigitte, Sara Connolly, Stefan Fuchs, Channah Herschberg & Claartje Vinkenburg (2024): Navigating treacherous waters. Exploring the dual career experiences of European Research Council applicants. In: C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.) (2024): Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (=Soziale Welt. Special Edition 26), S. 341-371, 2023-02-27. DOI:10.5771/9783748925590-341


    "Die Karrieren von Wissenschaftler_innen entwickeln sich nicht in einem sozialen Vakuum. Nach dem Konzept der „linked lives“ (Moen 2003) hat der Karriereverlauf eines Partners Auswirkungen auf die Karriere des anderen Partners. Wir untersuchen die Doppelkarrieren von Wissenschaftler_innen, die sich auf eine Förderung durch den European Research Council (ERC) beworben haben, auf Basis einer quantitativen Befragung und von qualitativen Interviews. Während das idealtypische Bild von Wissenschaftler_innen auf einem individualistischen Karrieremodell mit uneingeschränkter internationaler Mobilität und Karriereengagement beruht, zeigt sich quantitativ, dass die Mehrheit der Antragsteller_innen beim ERC erwerbstätige Partner_innen, häufig ebenfalls Wissenschaftler_innen, und Kinder haben. Das Gros der ERC-Antragsteller_innen mit berufstätigen Partner_innen bewertet, dass beide Karrieren in der Partnerschaft gleich wichtig sind. Bei den Antragstellerinnen ist der Anteil jedoch höher. Selbst wenn die eigene Karriere wichtiger erscheint, erleben die Wissenschaftler_innen die Koordination zweier Karrieren als nicht einfach. Dies gilt sowohl für ältere etablierte Wissenschaftler_innen als auch für Wissenschaftler_innen, die sich noch in der "Rushhour" des Lebens befinden. In den erlebten Erfahrungen der ERC-Antragsteller_innen zeigt sich, dass sie dem vorherrschenden Idealbild in der Wissenschaft entsprechen wollen, aber an Grenzen stoßen, insbesondere wenn Mobilitätsanforderungen durch fehlende Übertragbarkeit des Job der Partner_innen eingeschränkt ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, wie sie zwei Karrieren koordinieren, für sie immer wieder neu. Diese Anforderungen bestehen sowohl für Wissenschaftler als auch Wissenschaftlerinnen, aber einige der Konsequenzen – etwa bei wem die Kinder sind und wer vorrangig die Betreuung übernimmt – sind geschlechtsspezifisch. Wir ziehen Schlussfolgerungen zur Förderung dualer Karrieren in der Wissenschaft für Arbeitgeber_innen und Forschungsförderung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)

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    Schels, Brigitte ; Fuchs, Stefan;
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    Ship of Theseus: from ILO Standards to Outcome of Maternity Protection Policy (2024)

    Son, Keonhi ;


    Son, Keonhi (2024): Ship of Theseus: from ILO Standards to Outcome of Maternity Protection Policy. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 53, S. 189-217. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000010


    "Previous research focuses on the question of whether international standards have prompted any improvement of labor and social standards by law or in practice. This paper complements the literature by showing that the way that international standards are translated and implemented at the national level matters as well. Using a novel historical database on paid maternity leave policies in 160 countries with a time series from 1883 to 2018, I document how informal sector workers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) fell by the wayside in the widespread adoption of the International Labour Organization (ILO) maternity protection standards. First, the analysis shows that while the adoption of the ILO Maternity Protection Conventions triggered the introduction and extension of maternity leave policies throughout the world, LMICs ignored the provision of social assistance benefits. Second, even when LMICs extended the coverage of maternity leave policies to the informal sector, the implementation constraints further hindered the access of women workers in the informal sector to maternity benefits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Frauenanteil in Vorständen großer Unternehmen gestiegen, meist bleibt es aber bei höchstens einer Frau. (2024)

    Sondergeld, Virginia; Kirsch, Anja; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Sondergeld, Virginia, Katharina Wrohlich & Anja Kirsch (2024): Frauenanteil in Vorständen großer Unternehmen gestiegen, meist bleibt es aber bei höchstens einer Frau. In: DIW-Wochenbericht H. 3, S. 26-36. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2024-3-2


    "Im Managerinnen-Barometer des DIW Berlin werden seit dem Jahr 2006 die Frauenanteile in Vorständen und Geschäftsführungen (nachfolgend Vorstände) sowie in Aufsichts-, Verwaltungs- und Beiräten sowie Kuratorien (nachfolgend Aufsichtsräte) der größten Unternehmen in Deutschland dokumentiert. Zudem wird dargestellt, wie viele Frauen als Vorsitzende eines Vorstands beziehungsweise als Vorstandssprecherinnen (nachfolgend Vorstandsvorsitzende) sowie als Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende tätig sind. Diese Frauenanteile werden in diesem Bericht für die 200 – gemessen am Umsatz – größten Unternehmen in Deutschland,info für alle DAX-Unternehmen, alle Unternehmen mit Bundesbeteiligunginfo sowie für die 100 – gemessen an der Bilanzsumme – größten Bankeninfo und – nach Beitragseinnahmen – 60 größten Versicherungeninfo erfasst. Weiterhin werden die Frauenanteile in Vorständen und Aufsichtsräten auch gesondert für die von der Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte sowie die von der Mindestbeteiligung für Vorstände betroffenen Unternehmeninfo berichtet. Zusammen genommen enthält das DIW Managerinnen-Barometer somit Informationen zu mehr als 500 Unternehmen in Deutschland. Die hier veröffentlichten Zahlen wurden vom 15. bis zum 27. November 2023 recherchiert. Die Angaben beruhen auf den Selbstdarstellungen der Unternehmen im Internet, den Geschäftsberichten des Jahres 2022, dem Beteiligungsbericht des Bundes für das Jahr 2022, dem Bundesanzeiger sowie auf Anfragen des DIW Berlin bei den Unternehmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Intersections and Commonalities: Using Matching to Decompose Wage Gaps by Gender and Nativity in Germany (2024)

    Sprengholz, Maximilian ; Hamjediers, Maik ;


    Sprengholz, Maximilian & Maik Hamjediers (2024): Intersections and Commonalities: Using Matching to Decompose Wage Gaps by Gender and Nativity in Germany. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 51, H. 2, S. 249-286. DOI:10.1177/07308884221141100


    "We investigate intersecting wage gaps by gender and nativity by comparing the wages between immigrant women, immigrant men, native women, and native men based on Western German survey data. Adding to the analytical diversity of the field, we do a full comparison of group wages to emphasize the relationality of privilege and disadvantage, and we use a nonparametric matching decomposition that is well suited to address unique group-specific experiences. We find that wage (dis)advantages associated with the dimensions of gender and nativity are nonadditive and result in distinct decomposition patterns for each pairwise comparison. After accounting for substantial group differences in work attachment, individual resources, and occupational segregation, unexplained wage gaps are generally small for comparisons between immigrant women, immigrant men, and native women, but large when either group is compared to native men. This finding suggests that the often presumed “double disadvantage” of immigrant women is rather a “double advantage” of native men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender Pay Gap in the United Kingdom and in Germany(Video) (2024)

    Winters, Jutta; Manning, Alan ;


    Winters, Jutta & Alan Manning; Alan Manning (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2024): Gender Pay Gap in the United Kingdom and in Germany(Video). In: IAB-Forum H. 08.03.2024 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240308.02


    "The 8th of March marks the annual International Women’s Day. Wages are an important factor in driving gender parity. In a video interview Professor Alan Manning talks about the gender pay gap between men and women in the United Kingdom and in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does the provision of childcare reduce motherhood penalties in job-related training participation? Longitudinal evidence from Germany (2024)

    Zoch, Gundula ;


    Zoch, Gundula (2024): Does the provision of childcare reduce motherhood penalties in job-related training participation? Longitudinal evidence from Germany. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. 69-84. DOI:10.1177/09589287231217199


    "Previous studies highlight gender differences in job-related training participation, particularly in countries with few family policies supporting maternal employment. This study examines whether higher levels of state-subsidized childcare provision are positively linked to mothers’ participation in job-related training. It combines individual-level data from the National Educational Panel Study for Germany (NEPS-SC6 adult cohort, N = 5504, 2008–20) with annual administrative records on county-level childcare coverage. Results from fixed effects models provide evidence that higher childcare levels reduce the negative impact of childbirth on mothers’ job-related training participation. Nevertheless, motherhood training penalties exist even in contexts with higher childcare coverage levels, especially in West Germany. The findings highlight the importance of supporting family policies to reduce motherhood training penalties and associated gender inequalities in the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familie im Arbeitsumfeld: Fachkräftesicherung (2024)


    Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (2024): Familie im Arbeitsumfeld. Fachkräftesicherung. (Position / vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. Februar 2024), München, 19 S.


    "Familie und Arbeitswelt sind eng miteinander verbunden: Viele Mitarbeiter*innen betreuen ihre Kinder oder übernehmen bei Bedarf die Pflege von Angehörigen. Häufig besteht dabei der Wunsch, familiäre Aufgaben und berufliche Verpflichtungen zu vereinbaren. Arbeitgeber hingegen haben vor dem Hintergrund des Arbeitskräfte- und Fachkräftemangels ein noch größeres Interesse an Lösungen, die dem betrieblichen Bedarf und der familiären Situation ihrer Mitarbeiter*innen Rechnung tragen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Transition to fatherhood and adjustments in working hours: The importance of organizational policy feedback (2023)

    Abendroth, Anja-Kristin ; Lükemann, Laura ;


    Abendroth, Anja-Kristin & Laura Lükemann (2023): Transition to fatherhood and adjustments in working hours: The importance of organizational policy feedback. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 35, S. 535-552. DOI:10.20377/jfr-946


    "Objective: This study investigates whether the normalization of the use of the family-friendly workplace policy flexiplace in the organization affects men's adjustments in working hours following their transition to fatherhood. Background: Men's stable full-time employment after childbirth remains to be a barrier to the equal distribution of care and paid work. Recent research suggests that state family policies promoting dual-earner/dual-carer family models can involve new norm setting of active fatherhood, albeit so far with only modest consequences for fathers' working hours. Unclear is, however, whether family-friendly workplace policies, such as flexiplace, and involved organizational policy feedback are of complementary importance. Method: We estimated fixed-effects regression analyses on men's adjustments in actual and contracted hours after a transition to fatherhood. Analyses are based on linked employer-employee panel data (2012/13; 2014/15; 2018/19) from large German work organizations, considering a random sample of 1,687 men in 131 work organizations. Results: Findings revealed that the normalization of using flexiplace in the work organization was associated with a reduction in men's overall working hours as well as marginal adjustments in their contracted hours after transitioning to fatherhood. Conclusion: Although a normalization of flexiplace is more likely in demanding workplace contexts, men experience at least some leeway in adjusting extensive temporal investments to cater to private demands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Coparenting and conflicts between work and family – between-within analysis of German mothers and fathers (2023)

    Adams, Ayhan ;


    Adams, Ayhan (2023): Coparenting and conflicts between work and family – between-within analysis of German mothers and fathers. (SocArXiv papers), 23 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/fgx7y


    "The presence of children exacerbates the compatibility of work and family. Working along similar lines in terms of parenting seems to be necessary to cope with these challenges, but only a few studies have focused on the relationship between coparenting and interrole conflicts. This study seeks to close this gap by investigating the interrelatedness between coparenting conflicts and work-to-family/family-to-work conflicts with a particular focus on gender differences. The quantitative analysis draws on longitudinal data from waves 6 to 10 of the German Family Panel (N = 858). Between-within regression models were conducted to investigate both inter- and intraindividual association of coparenting conflicts and work-to-family/family-to-work conflicts. The results revealed that the level of coparenting conflicts is significantly associated with the level of both work-to-family and family-to-work conflicts. Furthermore, changes in coparenting conflicts are associated with changes in family-to-work conflicts. Unexpectedly, the interaction between the level of coparenting conflicts and gender shows that the associations with interrole conflicts are stronger for fathers than for mothers. Thus, the study provides insights into the interrelatedness between the parental coparenting relationship and the compatibility of work, gender-specific associations, and differences between interindividual and intraindividual associations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paid parental leave: Big differences for mothers and fathers (2023)

    Adema, Willem; Fluchtmann, Jonas; Lloyd, Alexandre; Patrini, Valentina;


    Adema, Willem, Jonas Fluchtmann, Alexandre Lloyd & Valentina Patrini (2023): Paid parental leave: Big differences for mothers and fathers. In: OECD Statistics blog, S. 1-13.


    "Employment-protected paid parental leave is a central element of family policy in most OECD countries. Paid parental leave primarily aims to support parents and children by letting both parents take time off paid work to care for a very young child. This is good for many things, including household finances, child development and parental well-being. Paid leave policies can also promote a better sharing of unpaid work within households by encouraging fathers to use their leave entitlements and get more involved in childcare. Data on availability and use of paid leave entitlements is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of such policies. However, the design of paid leave policy varies markedly across countries, which complicates measuring progress in its use. The OECD Family Database provides an overview of parental leave systems and their use across OECD countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender differences in fairness evaluations of own earnings in 28 European countries (2023)

    Adriaans, Jule ; Targa, Matteo ;


    Adriaans, Jule & Matteo Targa (2023): Gender differences in fairness evaluations of own earnings in 28 European countries. In: European Societies, Jg. 25, H. 1, S. 107-131. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2022.2083651


    "Women tend to evaluate their own pay more favorably than men. Contented women are speculated to not seek higher wages, thus the ‘paradox of the contented female worker’ may contribute to persistent gender pay differences. We extend the literature on gender differences in pay evaluations by investigating fairness evaluations of own earnings and underlying conceptions of fair earnings, providing a closer link to potential subsequent wage demands than previous literature. Using European Social Survey (2018/2019) data, we find no evidence that women evaluate their own earnings more favorably than men. In 15 out of the 28 analyzed countries, women actually report more intense levels of perceived unfairness. Studying fair markups on unfair earnings, i.e. the relative distance between the earnings received and earnings considered fair, we find that women report the same, if not lower, fair markups compared to men in most countries; thus indicating limited potential for perceived unfairness as a driving force to reduce the gender pay gap in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Gender Wage Gap and Parenthood: Occupational Characteristics Across European Countries (2023)

    Adsera, Alícia ; Querin, Federica;


    Adsera, Alícia & Federica Querin (2023): The Gender Wage Gap and Parenthood: Occupational Characteristics Across European Countries. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 39. DOI:10.1007/s10680-023-09681-4


    "Different strands of research analyse gender occupational differences and how they relate to differential earnings, especially among parents juggling family demands. We use rich data from PIAAC across a subset of European countries and match occupational characteristics to individuals’ jobs using the O*NET database to analyse, first, whether there are gender differences in the occupational characteristics of jobs, particularly among parents, and second, whether the return to key occupational characteristics varies by gender. Compared to men, women’s jobs generally require more contact with others, less autonomy in decision-making, and less time pressure. In addition, positions held by mothers involve both less leadership expectations and less intensive use of machines than those held by fathers. Further, mothers receive a lower return to both of these occupational characteristics than fathers do. Finally, even though gaps in occupational characteristics such as leadership jointly with the differential sorting of mothers and fathers across sectors explain part of the gender wage gap in Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition models, especially in Continental Europe, a large share remains unexplained particularly in Eastern and Southern European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Young women's contradictory expectations and their perceived capabilities for future work-family reconciliation in Finland (2023)

    Alakärppä, Outi ; Sevón, Eija ; Norman, Helen ; Rönkä, Anna ;


    Alakärppä, Outi, Eija Sevón, Helen Norman & Anna Rönkä (2023): Young women's contradictory expectations and their perceived capabilities for future work-family reconciliation in Finland. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 26, H. 10, S. 1312-1327. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2022.2098703


    "This paper explores young women's expectations on future work-family reconciliation in Finland, a Nordic country well-known for the promotion of gender equality. Utilizing Sen's capabilities approach, we content-analyzed thirty individual interviews to identify differences in women's expectations and their perceived capabilities in future work and care. The results showed that irrespective of their labor market status and educational attainment, the women's expectations were contradictory, reflecting a current Finnish gender culture that embraces both the ideal of shared parenthood and the primacy of maternal care. Between-group differences were also found. The employed women perceived themselves as having the capability to balance work, family and, personal time in the future. The women who were studying and had higher education- and career-related expectations perceived themselves as capable of combating gender inequality in their future working lives. In contrast, the unemployed women perceived their capabilities in both their future work and care as limited, thereby constraining their agency to realize their choices in work-family reconciliation and family decision-making. These findings indicate that Finnish women's expectations on future work-family reconciliation are shaped by institutional, societal and individual socioeconomic factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Closing the Gender Gap in Salary Increases: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Promoting Pay Equity (2023)

    Alfitian, Jakob; Sliwka, Dirk ; Deversi, Marvin;


    Alfitian, Jakob, Marvin Deversi & Dirk Sliwka (2023): Closing the Gender Gap in Salary Increases: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Promoting Pay Equity. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16278), Bonn, 23 S.


    "We present a natural field experiment on promoting pay equity through simple modifications to the salary review process involving 623 middle managers and 8,951 subordinate employees of a large technology firm. We first document a gender gap not only in salary levels but also in salary increases. Our treatments provide for a gender-blind reallocation of the salary increase budget available to middle managers aimed at promoting pay equity, along with different variants of a corresponding decision guidance. We show that the budget reallocation combined with an explicit decision guidance, while still leaving middle managers discretion in allocating the budget, can completely eliminate the gender gap in salary increases. The treatments also do not appear to undermine the desired performance differentiation in salary increases. We thus show that simple modifications to the salary review process can go a long way toward achieving pay equity by preventing gender gaps from widening throughout employees' careers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Skills and occupational sex segregation in Europe (2023)

    Almstedt Valldor, Amanda; Halldén, Karin;


    Almstedt Valldor, Amanda & Karin Halldén (2023): Skills and occupational sex segregation in Europe. In: M. Tåhlin (Hrsg.) (2023): A Research Agenda for Skills and Inequality, S. 65-83. DOI:10.4337/9781800378469.00011


    "This chapter examines levels and trends in the average rate of occupational sex segregation within Europe between 2000 and 2020. The aim is to map out average segregating and integrating forces in total and across nine major occupational groups. We use data from the EU Labour Force Survey and apply the Mutual Information (MI) index to decompose the changes in occupational sex segregation into “pure” (margin free) changes, marginal changes in gender composition of labour supply and occupational composition, as well as emerging and disappearing occupations. Consistent with previous research we find that the average level of occupational sex segregation has decreased in Europe over time. Nevertheless, occupational sex segregation still remains substantive. The average decline seemed mainly to be due a decrease in “pure” (margins-free) segregation, implying that there are fundamental societal forces moving towards a more gender balanced distribution of women and men across European labour markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Promoting gender equality to strengthen economic growth and resilience (2023)

    Andre, Christophe; Causa, Orsetta; Unsal, Filiz; Sutherland, Douglas; Soldani, Emilia;


    Andre, Christophe, Orsetta Causa, Emilia Soldani, Douglas Sutherland & Filiz Unsal (2023): Promoting gender equality to strengthen economic growth and resilience. (OECD Economics Department working papers 1776), Paris, 23 S. DOI:10.1787/54090c29-en


    "Women's employment rates and wages are still lagging those of men across OECD countries, with average employment and wage gaps now around 15% and 12% respectively. Gaps narrowed at a relatively modest pace over the past decade, calling for further policy action. A lack of affordable high-quality childcare is often an obstacle to women's participation in the labor market and notably to working full time. A very unequal sharing of parental leave between parents and challenges upon return to work further hampers women's careers. Biases in the tax system may discourage women from working in some countries. Women face disadvantage in accessing management positions and entrepreneurship. A range of policies can help reduce gender gaps, including better childcare provision, incentivizing parents to better share parental leave, re-skilling and upskilling on return from parental leave, encouraging gender equality within firms, integration programs for foreign-born women, promoting women entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, and levelling taxation for second earners. Moreover, the multiple dimensions and root causes of gender inequality call for mainstreaming gender across policy domains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth: Evidence from Germany (2023)

    Artmann, Elisabeth; Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola ; Giupponi, Giulia;


    Artmann, Elisabeth, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln & Giulia Giupponi (2023): Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth. Evidence from Germany. (CESifo working paper 10427), München, 48 S.


    "We provide new evidence of forward-looking labor supply responses to changes in pension wealth. We exploit a 2014 German reform that increased pension wealth for mothers by an average of 4.4% per child born before January 1, 1992. Using administrative data on the universe of working histories, we implement a difference-in-differences design comparing women who had their first child before versus after January 1, 1992. We document significant reductions in labor earnings, driven by intensive margin responses. Our estimates imply that, on average, an extra euro of pension wealth in a given period reduces unconditional labor earnings by 54 cents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Erwerbsverläufe und frühzeitige Aktivierung von Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit kleinen Kindern (2023)

    Artmann, Elisabeth;


    Artmann, Elisabeth (2023): Erwerbsverläufe und frühzeitige Aktivierung von Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit kleinen Kindern. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2023), Nürnberg, 36 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2303


    "Arbeitslosengeld-II-Beziehende sind grundsätzlich verpflichtet, Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um ihren Leistungsbezug zu beenden oder zu verringern. Dazu zählt die Pflicht zur Arbeitssuche und Teilnahme an angebotenen Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regelung betrifft Bedarfsgemeinschaften, die Kinder unter drei Jahren betreuen. Hier kann sich ein Partner auf die Erziehung des Kindes berufen und muss dem Arbeitsmarkt nicht zur Verfügung stehen, kann dies aber auf freiwilliger Basis tun. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht untersucht anhand von administrativen Daten zunächst, wie sich die Arbeitsmarktverläufe von Eltern im Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezug in den ersten vier Lebensjahren ihres Kindes entwickeln. Des Weiteren wird analysiert, in welchem Umfang Mütter und Väter in diesem Zeitraum von den Jobcentern in gemeinsamen Einrichtungen aktiviert werden. Im Sinne von Aktivierung werden sowohl Betreuungstermine im Jobcenter als auch Teilnahmen an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen betrachtet. Die Stichprobe für diese Untersuchungen umfasst Bedarfsgemeinschaften, in denen in den Jahren 2014 oder 2015 ein Kind geboren wurde und die zumindest am Tag der Geburt des Kindes Arbeitslosengeld II bezogen. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Müttern und Vätern weisen darauf hin, dass vor allem Frauen die Betreuung der Kinder übernehmen und für den Arbeitsmarkt nicht verfügbar sind. Ein wesentlicher Teil der Mütter in der Stichprobe ist in den ersten drei Lebensjahren des Kindes als „nicht arbeitsuchend” gemeldet, während der Anteil von Müttern in sozialversicherungspflichtiger Beschäftigung mit dem Alter des Kindes zunimmt, aber während des Beobachtungszeitraums niedrig bleibt. Nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes zeigt sich insgesamt ein Sprung in den Arbeitsuchendmeldungen von Frauen und ein geringer Anstieg in den Teilnahmen an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen. Dieses Muster ist vor allem auf westdeutsche Frauen zurückzuführen, den bei ostdeutschen Frauen nehmen sowohl die Arbeitsuchendmeldungen als auch die Beschäftigungsquote bereits nach dem ersten Geburtstag des Kindes sprunghaft zu. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Vätern scheinen hingegen kaum von der Geburt ihres Kindes beeinflusst zu werden, sie sind durchgehend häufiger in Beschäftigung bzw. arbeitsuchend gemeldet als Frauen. Auch nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes zeigen sich allenfalls geringe Veränderungen in den Erwerbsverläufen der Väter. Mütter werden im Beobachtungszeitraum dieser Studie in den ersten drei Lebensjahren ihres Kindes insgesamt nur sehr eingeschränkt aktiviert. Sowohl die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Betreuungstermine je Jobcenter als auch der Anteil an Frauen in arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind deutlich geringer als die entsprechenden Zahlen für Väter. Jedoch zeigen sich für Mütter auch bei der Aktivierungsintensität wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen ost- und westdeutschen Jobcentern. Mütter in ostdeutschen Jobcentern nehmen bereits nach dem ersten Geburtstag ihres Kindes zunehmend Betreuungstermine wahr und an Maßnahmen teil, während sich bei Müttern in westdeutschen Jobcentern vor allem nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes eine Zunahme der Aktivierungsintensität zeigt. Rund vier Jahre nach der Geburt ihres Kindes sind etwas weniger als 20 Prozent der westdeutschen Mütter sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt, aber rund 28 Prozent der ostdeutschen Mütter. Kausale Effekte frühzeitiger Aktivierung auf die Erwerbschancen der Eltern lassen sich mit den vorliegenden Daten jedoch nicht bestimmen, unter anderem weil sich die Teilnehmenden an frühzeitigen Aktivierungsmaßnahmen von denjenigen unterscheiden, die nicht teilnehmen. Im Rahmen eines Feldexperiments ließe sich für derartige (Selbst-)Selektionen kontrollieren, da die Zielgruppe zufällig einer Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe zugeordnet werden könnte. Aufgrund der Zufallszuordnung könnten spätere Unterschiede in den Arbeitsmarktergebnissen zwischen beiden Gruppen als kausale Effekte der Intervention (z.B. eine intensivere Frühaktivierung) interpretiert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Artmann, Elisabeth;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Civil rights experiments versus enrichment experiments in wage gap analysis (2023)

    Asali, Muhammad ;


    Asali, Muhammad (2023): Civil rights experiments versus enrichment experiments in wage gap analysis. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 30, H. 10, S. 1395-1399. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2022.2056124


    "The choice of the non-discriminatory vector of returns in Oaxaca-Blinder wage gap decompositions affects the results. Rather than being arbitrary, that choice should depend on the nature of the intended policy to address wage differentials in the labour market. The effectiveness of policies at the extensive margin, such as those offering greater access to higher education, is better estimated by the explained part of the wage gap, when choosing the lower-wage group’s vector of returns as non-discriminatory (the ‘enrichment experiment’). Alternatively, the effectiveness of affirmative action policies is better estimated by the unexplained part of the wage gap, when choosing the higher-wage group’s vector of returns as non-discriminatory (the ‘civil rights experiment’). We provide an example of applying this methodology for ethnic and gender wage differentials in the Georgian labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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