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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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    The Effect of Children on Women's Wages (1997)

    Waldfogel, Jane;


    Waldfogel, Jane (1997): The Effect of Children on Women's Wages. In: American Sociological Review, Jg. 62, H. 2, S. 209-217.


    Mit Hilfe der Daten des 1968-1988 National Longitudinal Survey werden die Ursachen für Lohnunterschiede zwischen amerikanischen Müttern und kinderlosen Frauen untersucht, die nicht nur auf unterschiedlich lange Berufserfahrung zurückzuführen sind. (IAB)

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    Probleme räumlicher Mobilität beruflich hochqualifizierter Paare: Personalkonzepte in Organisationen und individuelle Bewältigungsstrategien. Zwischenbericht des Forschungsprojektes "Coplacement" (1996)

    Lange, Diane; Schulte, Jürgen;


    Lange, Diane & Jürgen Schulte (1996): Probleme räumlicher Mobilität beruflich hochqualifizierter Paare. Personalkonzepte in Organisationen und individuelle Bewältigungsstrategien. Zwischenbericht des Forschungsprojektes "Coplacement". Bochum, 75 S., Anhang.


    Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind Mobilitätsanforderungen an beruflich hochqualifizierte Paare sowie die damit verbundenen Probleme und die verfügbaren Strategien zu ihrer Bewältigung. Im Mittelpunkt des Forschungsprojekts 'Coplacement' stehen Fragen der Personalplanungen und zielgruppenspezifischen Personalstrategien von Unternehmen im Zusammenhang mit der Mobilität innerhalb von Organisationen und die Koordination beruflicher und familiärer Belange bei hochqualifizierten Paaren. Dazu werden berufliche Karriereplanungen und -entwicklungen sowie die damit einhergehenden Mobilitätsentscheidungen bei Dual-Career Couples analysiert. Auf der Basis einer vergleichenden Analyse der Voraussetzungen und Handlungsstrategien der Unternehmen (Organisationen) und der betroffenen Paare sollen die mit den beruflichen Mobilitätsanforderungen einhergehenden Konfliktfelder und deren determinierende Faktoren herausgearbeitet werden. Der Zwischenbericht präsentiert die Ergebnisse der ersten Projektphase mit Befragungen von Professoren der Ruhr-Universität, von Experten in Personalberatungen und Verbänden sowie von Unternehmen und öffentlichen Verbänden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Rahmenbedingungen für beruflich hochqualifizierte Paare schwierig gestalten, da personalpolitische Maßnahmen, die auch die berufliche Situation des jeweiligen Partners berücksichtigen, die Ausnahme bilden. Es gibt aber auch Untenehmen, 'die eine innovative Personalpolitik mit einem mitarbeiterzentrierten Ansatz durchführen, die Problemlage genauer und detaillierter erfassen und bereits erste Bewältigungsstrategien erproben.' (IAB)

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    Returning to work after childbirth: opportunities and inequalities (1993)

    MacRae, Susan;


    MacRae, Susan (1993): Returning to work after childbirth. Opportunities and inequalities. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 9, H. 2, S. 125-138.


    Der Beitrag untersucht die Unterschiede in den beruflichen Reintegrationsverläufen von Frauen die innerhalb von acht bis neun Monaten nach der Geburt ihres Kindes wieder auf dem Arbeitsmarkt auftreten. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer schriftlichen Befragung von 7 600 Frauen (Rücklaufquote: 66%) in Großbritannien, die zwischen Dezember 1987 und Januar 1988 im Mutterschaftsurlaub waren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß der Integrationserfolg nachhaltig von den Faktoren Erwerbsstatus, Schichtzugehörigkeit und Erwerbsmotivation geprägt wird. (IAB)

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    Social security and changing family structures (1992)

    Duskin, Elizabeth; Goodman, Catherine; Cantillon, Bea ; Stanton, David I.; Austin, Michael J.; Apt, Nana Araba; Bradshaw, Jonathan; Herscovitch, Andrew; Thave, Suzanne; Hohnerlein, Eva-Maria; Buysse, Anne-Marie; Kroupova, Alena; Barbier, Jean-Claude; Millar, Jane ;


    Duskin, Elizabeth, Catherine Goodman, Bea Cantillon, David I. Stanton, Michael J. Austin, Nana Araba Apt, Jonathan Bradshaw, Andrew Herscovitch, Suzanne Thave, Eva-Maria Hohnerlein, Anne-Marie Buysse, Alena Kroupova, Jean-Claude Barbier & Jane Millar Duskin, Elizabeth, Catherine Goodman, Bea Cantillon, David I. Stanton, Michael J. Austin, Nana Araba Apt, Jonathan Bradshaw, Andrew Herscovitch, Suzanne Thave, Eva-Maria Hohnerlein, Anne-Marie Buysse, Alena Kroupova, Jean-Claude Barbier & Jane Millar (sonst. bet. Pers.) (1992): Social security and changing family structures. (International Social Security Association. Studies and research 29), Geneva, 228 S.


    "Social security has often been criticised on the ground that, having been conceived in a period and for a society in which the family represented a stable institution, the man providing the means of subsistence for his dependents and the woman looking after the household chores and the children, it has failed to adapt itself to the real situation of today's families. However justified this criticism may be in some cases and countries, it overlooks the many measures adopted by social security schemes during the past twenty or twenty-five years to meet new needs and adjust to the new situations created by the recent changes in family structures. This book attempts to analyse the repercussions for social security of the advent of new family models, in particular one-parent families, and of the changes in the functions of the family in society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Role of World War II in the Rise of Women's Employment (1991)

    Goldin, Claudia;


    Goldin, Claudia (1991): The Role of World War II in the Rise of Women's Employment. In: The American economic review, Jg. 81, H. 4, S. 741-756.


    "The 1940's were a turning point in married women's labor-force participation, leading many to credit World War II with spurring economic and social change. This paper uses two retrospective surveys, from 1944 and 1951, to show that half of all married women employed in 1950 were working in 1940, and more than half of the decade's new entrants joined after the war. Of all wartime entrants, the majority exited after 1944 but before 1950. The war had several significant indirect impacts on women's employment, but its direct influence appears to have been more modest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    For what it's worth: organizations, occupations, and the value of work done by women and nonwhites (1990)

    Baron, James N.; Newman, Andrew E.;


    Baron, James N. & Andrew E. Newman (1990): For what it's worth. Organizations, occupations, and the value of work done by women and nonwhites. In: American Sociological Review, Jg. 55, H. 2, S. 155-175. DOI:10.2307/2095624


    "Economic penalties against jobs employing disproportionate numbers of women or nonwhites vary across organizational context and occupational type. Analyses of prescribed pay rates for jobs in the California state civil service in 1985 suggest that work done disproportionately by women and nonwhites is devalued most in positions that are older, not represented by activist unions, have ambiguous performance criteria, or are most generic across organizational settings. We conclude that the extent of ascription depends on propensities toward devaluation in a given setting, prospects for collective action by disadvantaged groups, and the organizational costs and benefits (economic and otherwise) of recalibrating job worth to achieve pay equity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor-market entry and the sexual segregation of careers in the Federal Republic of Germany (1987)

    Blossfeld, Hans-Peter;


    Blossfeld, Hans-Peter (1987): Labor-market entry and the sexual segregation of careers in the Federal Republic of Germany. In: American Journal of Sociology, Jg. 93, H. 1, S. 89-118.


    Geschlechtsspezifische Strukturen des Lebenslaufs und ihre Auswirkungen auf die beruflichen Karrieren von Männern und Frauen werden untersucht. Dazu werden acht Kohorten von Männern und Frauen verglichen. (IAB)

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    Maximum Hours Legislation and Female Employment in the 1920s: A Reasse ssment (1986)

    Goldin, Claudia;


    Goldin, Claudia (1986): Maximum Hours Legislation and Female Employment in the 1920s: A Reasse ssment. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 1949), Cambridge, Mass, 27 S.


    "The causes and consequences of state maximum hours laws for female workers, passed from the mid-1800s to the 1920s, are explored and are found to differ from a recent reinterpretation. Although maximum hours legislation reduced scheduled hours in 1920, the impact was minimal and it operated equally for men. Legislation affecting only women was symptomatic of a general desire by labor for lower hours, and these lower hours were achieved in the tight, and otherwise special, World War I labor market -- hours of work declined substantially for most workers in the second decade of this century. Most importantly, the restrictiveness of the legislation had no effect on the employment share of women in manufacturing. The legislation was, on the contrary, associated with a positive impact on the employment share of women in sales (another covered sector). Finally, labor force participation rates of women across cities during the 1920s were strongly and negatively correlated with shorter hours of work per day, consistent with one time-series explanation for the increase in female market work. These results are consistent with a labor market model in which scheduled hours of work per day are negatively related to days worked per week, and that assumption is justified using previously untapped data on actual hours, scheduled hours, and days worked for women in the covered sectors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Historical Evolution of Female Earnings Functions and Occupations (1980)

    Goldin, Claudia;


    Goldin, Claudia (1980): The Historical Evolution of Female Earnings Functions and Occupations. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 0529), Cambridge, Mass, 38 S.


    "Of all the changes in the history of women's market work, few have been more impressive than the rapid emergence and feminization of the clerical sector and the related decline in manufacturing employment for women. Although a century ago few women were clerical workers, as early as 1920 22% of all employed non-farm women were, and about 50% of all clerical workers were women. Employment for women in the clerical sector expanded at five times the annual rate in manufacturing from 1890 to 1930, and during the same period of time wages for female clerical workers fell relative to those in manufacturing. This paper explores the underlying causes of these dramatic sectoral shifts by estimating the relationship between earnings and experience for manufacturing and clerical workers from 1888 to 1940. It is seen that earnings profiles for employment in manufacturing rose steeply with experience and peaked early, while those in the clerical sector were much flatter and did not peak within the relevant range. Returns to off-job training and depreciation with age and with time away from the labor force also differed between these occupations. A model of sectoral shift is developed in which workers choose occupations and therefore the time path of training on the basis of their life-cycle labor force participation and their consumption value of education. The coefficients from the earnings function estimations are used to demonstrate that the decline in the relative wage of clerical to manufacturing work from 1890 to 1930 can be explained by such a model, Finally, it is shown that a sizable percentage of the difference in the growth of female employment in the manufacturing and clerical sectors can be explained by various labor supply factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social security provisions in case of divorce: report of a round table meeting (Geneva, 29 June - 1 July 1977) (1978)

    Cockburn, Christine; Chester, Robert; Ciffin, Shirley; Aström, Lars-Ake; Marziale, Franco; Bouquet, Rolande; Graniewska, Danuta; Berger, Alfons; Hoskins, Dalmer; O'Neil, Maureen; Kaltenbach, Helmut;


    Cockburn, Christine, Robert Chester, Shirley Ciffin, Lars-Ake Aström, Franco Marziale, Rolande Bouquet, Danuta Graniewska, Alfons Berger, Dalmer Hoskins, Maureen O'Neil & Helmut Kaltenbach Cockburn, Christine, Robert Chester, Shirley Ciffin, Lars-Ake Aström, Franco Marziale, Rolande Bouquet, Danuta Graniewska, Alfons Berger, Dalmer Hoskins, Maureen O'Neil & Helmut Kaltenbach (sonst. bet. Pers.) (1978): Social security provisions in case of divorce. Report of a round table meeting (Geneva, 29 June - 1 July 1977). (International Social Security Association. Studies and research 11), Geneva, 111 S.


    "In 1974 the ISSA undertook among a number of its member institutions an inquiry into social security and divorce. This study showed that while many social security systems were responding to the problems which arise, particularly for women, on the dissolution of the marriage, there still existed gaps and inconsistencies in the treatment of divorced persons. It was therefore to provide for further study of the problems of income security arising on divorce that the Round Table Meeting was organised. In more explicit terms, the purpose of the meeting was seen as threefold:
    1) to analyse the administrative problems and policy issues faced by social security institutions as a result of rising rates of divorce and the marked trend toward more liberal divorce laws;
    2) to compare and exchange information on current social security provisions for divorced persons; and
    3) to dicuss any proposed changes which would affect the treatment of divorced persons and their dependants under national social security systems." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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