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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Dual-Career-Couples"
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    Should we stay or should we go? A factorial survey analysis of decisions on regional moves within dual-earner partnerships (2009)

    Abraham, Martin ; Hinz, Thomas; Auspurg, Katrin ;


    Abraham, Martin, Katrin Auspurg & Thomas Hinz (2009): Should we stay or should we go? A factorial survey analysis of decisions on regional moves within dual-earner partnerships. (LASER discussion papers 28), Erlangen u.a., 32 S.


    "This paper focuses on the problems faced by dual-career partnerships arising from the regional coordination of both partners' employment careers. Although it is well known that couples are less mobile than singles, we do not know whether this is due to homogenous preferences within couples or to a process of balancing conflicting interests. Consequently, we analyze the influences on potential conflicts caused by work-related migration incentives. Hypotheses derived from bargaining theory are tested using quasi-experimental data from a factorial survey of 280 couples. Our results support the bargaining approach and confirm that the potential for conflict is driven by asymmetrical shifts in bargaining power. There is only weak evidence for gender-related patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    To work or not to work: Did tax reforms affect labor force participation of married couples? (2009)

    Bar, Michael; Leukhina, Oksana;


    Bar, Michael & Oksana Leukhina (2009): To work or not to work: Did tax reforms affect labor force participation of married couples? In: The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Jg. 9, H. 1, S. 1-30. DOI:10.2202/1935-1690.1807


    "During the period 1960-2000, the proportion of two-earner couples among married couples in the U.S. more than doubled, while tax laws underwent numerous changes, with major reforms taking place in the 1980's (flattening of the federal income tax schedule) and in the 1990's (major expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)). We investigate the impact of the actual tax reforms on married couples' participation through a model of heterogeneous households. Theoretically, we elucidate what aspects of the tax reforms are important for a family time allocation choice when the work choice is discrete. Quantitatively, we show that even in the 1980's, changes in tax laws account for only 8% of the increase in the proportion of two-earner couples, although this small average impact masks a much larger impact experienced by women with high earning husbands. Another important finding is that the Earned Income Tax Credit substantially discourages work participation among married couples with low-earning husbands. A notable contribution of this work is the accurate incorporation of the complex U.S. tax code into a model of heterogeneous households, which is done using TAXSIM, a tax calculator software." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Spatial mobility and commuting: the case of two-earner households (2009)

    Deding, Mette; Filges, Trine; Ommeren, Jos van;


    Deding, Mette, Trine Filges & Jos van Ommeren (2009): Spatial mobility and commuting. The case of two-earner households. In: Journal of regional science, Jg. 49, H. 1, S. 113-147. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9787.2008.00595.x


    "We examine the effects of the spatial configuration of workers' residence and workplace location on intraregional residential and job moving decisions of workers belonging to two-earner households. We hypothesize that two-earner households' residential mobility depends positively on the commuting distance of both spouses, but negatively on the distance between workplaces. Further, we hypothesize that workers' job mobility depends positively on the worker's commuting distance, negatively on the spouse's commuting distance, and positively on the distance between workplaces. Using data for Denmark, it appears that these hypotheses hold, and that the effects of the spatial configuration are rather large." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Traumpaare und der Traum vom 'doppelten Harmonisierungsversprechen' des Doppelkarriere-Paares (2009)

    Gottwald, Markus; Wimbauer, Christine;


    Gottwald, Markus & Christine Wimbauer (2009): Die Traumpaare und der Traum vom 'doppelten Harmonisierungsversprechen' des Doppelkarriere-Paares. In: Leviathan, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 95-116. DOI:10.1007/s11578-009-0007-8


    "Die Wissensgesellschaft hat einen spezifischen Paartypus hervorgebracht, der als Doppelkarriere-Paar bezeichnet wird. Der Begriff zielt auf eine auf ökonomische Anwendungskontexte zugeschnittene Wissensform, die im Kontext eines aktuellen Diskurses um die 'neuen Paare' die Einlösung von zwei Harmonisierungs- und Erfolgspostulaten verspricht: Erstens die Verringerung von Geschlechterungleichheit, die Erreichung sozialpolitischer Ziele und die Erhöhung ökonomischer Effizienz, zweitens die Produktion eines in der Praxis verwertbaren 'nützlichen Wissens'. Nach der wissenssoziologischen Rekonstruktion dieses Zusammenhangs zeigen wir anhand empirischer Daten, dass sich diese Harmonisierungsversprechen im Anwendungskontext der Ökonomie nicht einlösen lassen. Abschließend betrachten wir den Doppelkarriere-Paar-Begriff ungleichheitssoziologisch und verweisen unter anderem auf ein stratifizierendes Machtmoment." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    An evaluation of the tax-transfer treatment of married couples in European countries (2009)

    Immervoll, Herwig; Kleven, Henrik Jacobsen; Verdelin, Nicolaj; Kreiner, Claus Thustrup ;


    Immervoll, Herwig, Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Claus Thustrup Kreiner & Nicolaj Verdelin (2009): An evaluation of the tax-transfer treatment of married couples in European countries. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 76), Paris, 59 S. DOI:10.1787/227200406151


    "This paper presents an evaluation of the tax-transfer treatment of married couples in 15 EU countries using the EUROMOD microsimulation model. First, we show that many tax-transfer schemes in Europe feature negative jointness defined as a situation where the tax rate on one person depends negatively on the earnings of the spouse. This stands in contrast to the previous literature on this question, which has focused on a specific form of positive jointness. The presence of negative jointness is driven by family-based and means-tested transfer programs combined with tax systems that usually feature very little jointness. Second, we consider the labour supply distortion on secondary earners relative to primary earners implied by the current tax-transfer systems, and study the welfare effects of small reforms that change the relative taxation of spouses. By adopting a small-reform methodology, it is possible to set out a simple analysis based on more realistic labour supply models than those considered in the existing literature. We present microsimulations showing that simple revenue-neutral reforms that lower the tax burden on secondary earners are associated with substantial welfare gains in most countries. Finally, we consider the tax-transfer implications of marriage and estimate the so-called marriage penalty. For most countries, we find large marriage penalties at the bottom of the distribution driven primarily by features of the transfer system." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Effect of labor division between wife and husband on the risk of divorce: evidence from German data (2009)

    Kraft, Kornelius; Neimann, Stefanie;


    Kraft, Kornelius & Stefanie Neimann (2009): Effect of labor division between wife and husband on the risk of divorce. Evidence from German data. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 223), Berlin, 31 S.


    "Using German panel data from 1984 to 2007, we analyze the impact of labor division between husband and wife on the risk of divorce. Gary Becker's theory of marriage predicts that specialization in domestic and market work, respectively, reduces the risk of separation. Traditionally, the breadwinner role is assigned to the husband, however, female labor force participation and their wages have risen substantially. Our results suggest that there are gender-specifc differences, e.g. female breadwinner-couples have a substantially higher risk of divorce than male breadwinner-couples. In contrast, the equal division does not signifcantly alter the probability of separation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Change in attitudes about employed mothers: exposure, interests, and gender ideology discrepancies (2009)

    Kroska, Amy; Elman, Cheryl;


    Kroska, Amy & Cheryl Elman (2009): Change in attitudes about employed mothers. Exposure, interests, and gender ideology discrepancies. In: Social science research, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 366-382. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2008.12.004


    "Using a sample of continuously-married individuals (793 women and 847 men) and their spouses drawn from the first two waves of the NSFH, we examine change in individuals' attitudes about mothers' employment. We investigate hypotheses derived from three models of attitude change: the exposure model, the interest-based model, and the control model. We find support for hypotheses derived from all three. Consistent with exposure hypotheses, the adoption of fundamentalist beliefs reduces egalitarianism, while spouses' egalitarianism and spouses' education are positively related to individuals' own egalitarianism. As predicted in both exposure and interest hypotheses, women's entry into employment is positively related to women's egalitarianism, while wives' occupational prestige is positively related to men's egalitarianism. Congruent with the interest model, the presence of a young child is positively associated with women's egalitarianism. Consistent with the exposure model, the number of children in the home reduces men's egalitarianism, and a traditional division of housework decreases women's egalitarianism. Finally, consistent with the gender ideology discrepancy hypothesis, derived from the control model, individuals whose background, work, and family life are inconsistent with their gender ideology at wave 1 shift their gender ideology at wave 2 in a direction that is more compatible with their background, work, and family life: egalitarians with traditional life patterns at wave 1 are more traditional in their gender ideology at wave 2, and traditionals with egalitarian life patterns at wave 1 are more egalitarian at wave 2. We discuss the implications of these patterns for larger scale change in gender ideology." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familie und Beruf meistern!: Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf bei Doppelverdienern mit kleinen Kindern (2009)

    Reeb, Christian;


    Reeb, Christian (2009): Familie und Beruf meistern! Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf bei Doppelverdienern mit kleinen Kindern. (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag. Reihe Psychologie 16), Marburg: Tectum Verlag, 212 S.


    "Sie gehören in unserer Gesellschaft wohl zu den am stärksten geforderten Personen: Paare mit kleinen Kindern, in denen beide Partner berufstätig sind. Eltern, die dieser Doppelbelastung ausgesetzt sind, wissen oft nicht mehr, wie sie tagtäglich den Spagat zwischen Familie und Beruf meistern sollen. Christian Reeb fasst in diesem Buch zunächst den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf zusammen und geht dann der Frage nach, welche Möglichkeiten die betroffenen Familien selbst haben, ihre gefühlte Balance zwischen den beiden wichtigsten Lebensbereichen zu verbessern. Der Autor untersucht hierzu detailliert die Wirkung einer Reihe von Strategien auf diese Balance und überprüft außerdem, ob es einen bestimmten Typus von Vätern oder Müttern gibt, der diese Strategien besonders wirkungsvoll einsetzt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Modelling the employment and wage outcomes of spouses: is she outearning him? (2008)

    Bloemen, Hans; Stancanelli, Elena;


    Bloemen, Hans & Elena Stancanelli (2008): Modelling the employment and wage outcomes of spouses. Is she outearning him? (IZA discussion paper 3455), Bonn, 33 S.


    "This paper is focused on couple households where the wife is the main earner. The economic literature on this subject is particularly scant. According to our estimates, the wife was the main earner in one of every six couple households in France in 2002, including wife-sole-earner households. The proportion of wives outearning their husbands was 18% for dual-earners. About 24% of American women in dual-earner households earned more than their husband in 2004. Using a model of household labour supply behaviour, we show that households where the wife is the main earner may come about either because the husband has a weaker preference for work than his wife, due possibly to her high wage, or because he is hit by adverse circumstances, such as, for example, a decline in the demand for men with his particular qualifications. Positive assortative mating may also come into play. Our empirical model specifies spouse labour-market participation equations within each household, endogenizing wages and allowing for random effects and correlations in spouses' unobservables. We conclude that the determinants of wife-sole-earner households are quite distinct from those for dual-earner households where she outearns him. The probability of observing the first seems to be more related to labour market difficulties of the husband, while the latter is not. Dual-earners where she outearns him are more likely to be found among higher educated couples, and especially, among couple where the wife's education level is high." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender, family ties, and international mobility: cultural distance matters (2008)

    Dupuis, Marie-Josee; Saba, Tania; Haines, Victor Y.;


    Dupuis, Marie-Josee, Victor Y. Haines & Tania Saba (2008): Gender, family ties, and international mobility. Cultural distance matters. In: The international journal of human resource management, Jg. 19, H. 2, S. 274-295. DOI:10.1080/09585190701799846


    "This study empirically tests a model of associations between family-domain variables and willingness to accept an international assignment, and applies the general model to sub-samples of men and women to examine gender differences in the pattern of relationships. We further explore these patterns in culturally similar and culturally distant country destinations. Analyses conducted with a sample of 148 men and 79 women employed MBA graduates from dual-earner couples revealed that perceived spouse willingness to relocate, beliefs regarding spouse and couple mobility, relative income, and the presence of children are associated with willingness to accept an international assignment. Moreover, consistent with social role theory, significant gender differences in willingness were found across low and high cultural distance country destinations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender roles and values of children: childless couples in East and West Germany (2008)

    Henz, Ursula;


    Henz, Ursula (2008): Gender roles and values of children. Childless couples in East and West Germany. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 19, S. 1451-1500. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.39


    "Presuming that not just economic circumstances but also ideational factors influence fertility decisions, the paper examines the values of children of East and West-German childless men and women living with a partner. Based on the survey about 'Change and Development of Family Life Forms', a confirmatory factor analysis identifies an affective, a utility and a cost dimension of the values of children, and for West-German women an additional dimension of opportunity costs. Although East and West-German men and women differed in their values of children, hypotheses about the higher affective value of children for East Germans compared to West Germans or for women compared to men are not supported for the specific sample. The values of children varied with respondent's labour-market position and the division of household work. An analysis of panel data for West Germany shows that first-birth rates depended on the values of children especially of women and on the gender roles in the home. Couples that practised a patriarchal division of labour had a relatively high first-birth rate whereas less traditional couples' behaviour was more varied depending on their affective value of children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Off-scheduling within dual-earner couples: an unequal and negative externality for family time (2008)

    Lesnard, Laurent;


    Lesnard, Laurent (2008): Off-scheduling within dual-earner couples. An unequal and negative externality for family time. In: American Journal of Sociology, Jg. 114, H. 2, S. 447-490. DOI:10.1086/590648


    "Using couples' time-diary data from two French time-use surveys (1986, 1999), this article explores the extent to which off-scheduling within dual-earner couples is an unequal and negative externality for family time. An empirical typology of family workdays is built using a variant of optimal matching, and three kinds of family time are taken into account: conjugal time, father- and mother-child time, and parents-child time. The results indicate that off-scheduling is an unintentional by-product of employers' economic interests and that, since it reduces conjugal and parents-child time but fails to foster temporal complementarity between parents, it is a negative factor for family solidarity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The family and HRM in North America: how demographic and social changes are shifting the way work-family issues are managed by organizations and employees (2008)

    Meurs, James A.; Breaux, Denise M.; Perrewe, Pamela L.;


    Meurs, James A., Denise M. Breaux & Pamela L. Perrewe (2008): The family and HRM in North America. How demographic and social changes are shifting the way work-family issues are managed by organizations and employees. In: The international journal of human resource management, Jg. 19, H. 8, S. 1455-1471. DOI:10.1080/09585190802200215


    "The present article provides an overview of how changes in families, demographics, and culture impact organizational human resource practices. We address practical issues and the theoretical implications of these changes of modern society. First, our review examines two major environmental factors that are altering the work-life landscape. Next, we assess the primary changes in the workforce that affect work-family issues. Then, we discuss several recent developments in how HR managers and organizations are addressing work-family issues, what research has found regarding these trends and the promising areas of future research in each. We conclude with a discussion of the managerial implications of the new work-family environment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Life course patterns of career-prioritizing decisions and occupational attainment in dual-earner couples (2008)

    Pixley, Joy E.;


    Pixley, Joy E. (2008): Life course patterns of career-prioritizing decisions and occupational attainment in dual-earner couples. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 127-163. DOI:10.1177/0730888408315543


    "Couples' long-term pattern of favoring one spouse's career in major decisions is thought to affect occupational trajectories, but current research has looked only at short-term effects of single decisions. This article applies a new technique, the interpolated curves approach, to represent and compare life course patterns of major career-prioritizing decisions, using in-depth data from 51 couples. Five clusters of career hierarchy patterns are identified; the patterns predict income better than summary measures of career hierarchy, including average individual career gains to decisions and self-reported career priority. Findings are significant for wives, and are similar but weaker for husbands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The backstop breadwinner: working women in the transition to parenthood (2008)

    Reeves, Karen;


    Reeves, Karen (2008): The backstop breadwinner. Working women in the transition to parenthood. Brisbane, 91 S.


    "This thesis investigates the allocation of the breadwinner responsibility in dual-earner couples in the transition to parenthood. With sixty-three percent of Australian families now categorised as dual-income (ABS 2008 Cat. No. 6105.0), the rising workforce participation of mothers has dramatically diminished the dominance of the traditional male breadwinner family. Yet, the male breadwinner norm remains a pervasive social construct despite the emergence of a variety of breadwinning arrangements in Australian households. The continuing ideology of breadwinning as 'a special male responsibility' (Potuchek 1997:3) assumes that mothers in dual-earner families are secondary earners, merely providing a supplementary income (Hakim 2002). Existing literature neglects to examine the meaning which working mothers ascribe to their paid employment. To address this research 'gap', this study uses NVivo 8 to analyse original interview data from eighty cases of working mothers in dual-earner families to provide a comprehensive analysis of working mothers' attitudes to paid employment and their 'provider identity' (Hood 1986). How this individual-level provider identity influences breadwinning arrangements at a critical time in the life course of dual-earner couples - the transition to parenthood - is examined.
    Two main findings from the process of data analysis are presented in this thesis. Firstly, existing assumptions of working mothers as secondary earners were countered by a strong worker identity and continued attachment to paid employment which at times dominated the maternal role. Secondly, the notion of a 'backstop breadwinner' was identified in the data to characterise the continuing attachment to a provider identity in the transition from 'worker' to 'mother'. This thesis argues that in the transition to parenthood, micro- and macro-level structural factors interact with working mothers' attitudes to paid employment and their provider identity to frame both 'choice' and 'constraint' in the allocation of the breadwinner role in dualearner couples. Within this context, a disjuncture between the provider identity of working mothers and the persistence of breadwinning as a gender boundary in the transition to parenthood is evident. This disjuncture between self-identification as a provider and couple-level allocation of the provider role has led to the emergence of a new breadwinning arrangement in dual-earner households - women as mothers and as essential earners and providers. As one interviewee explains, this is highlighted by the rise of the 'backstop breadwinner,' a working mother who has financial independence and provides essential and indispensable income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Herausforderung Doppelkarriere: Auch in Akademikerpaaren steckt die Frau beruflich zurück (2008)

    Rusconi, Alessandra; Solga, Heike ;


    Rusconi, Alessandra & Heike Solga (2008): Herausforderung Doppelkarriere: Auch in Akademikerpaaren steckt die Frau beruflich zurück. In: WZB-Mitteilungen H. 119, S. 15-18.


    Die Realisierung des Karrierepotenzials von Akademikerpaaren ist nach wie vor eine große Herausforderung, meist aufgrund von Restriktionen der weiblichen Karriere. Dass beide Partner beruflich erfolgreich sind, hängt nicht nur von den individuellen Eigenschaften der Partner, sondern auch von der Konstellation innerhalb der Partnerschaft bezüglich Lebensalter, Beruf und Kinderbetreuung ab. Die Betreuung minderjähriger Kinder sowie ungleiche Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und in der Familie tragen zum Risiko eines Ein-Karriere-Arrangement von Paaren bei. (IAB)

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    A systematic reflection upon dual career couples (2008)

    Rusconi, Alessandra; Solga, Heike ;


    Rusconi, Alessandra & Heike Solga (2008): A systematic reflection upon dual career couples. (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. Discussion paper SP 1 2008-505), Berlin, 40 S.


    "Vor allem bei Hochqualifizierten charakterisiert ein andauernder Aufwärtstrend weiblicher Beschäftigungsraten die westlichen Industrieländer in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Jedoch herrscht bei den Karrierechancen von gleich qualifizierten Männern und Frauen noch immer eine große Geschlechterungleichheit vor. Frauen sind in führenden/leitenden Positionen sowohl im privatwirtschaftlichen als auch im öffentlichen Beschäftigungssektor noch immer unterrepräsentiert. Wir argumentieren, dass solche Geschlechterungleichheiten auf den Umstand zurückzuführen sind, dass die Mehrzahl hoch gebildeter Frauen mit gleichermaßen hoch gebildeten Partnern zusammenlebt. Für diese Frauen gewinnt die Realisierung von Doppelkarrieren an Bedeutung und stellt eine entscheidende Voraussetzung für ihre eigene professionelle Entwicklung dar. In Anlehnung an Phyllis Moens 'linked lives' Idee werden wir diskutieren, dass der Erfolg oder das Scheitern von Doppelkarrierenarrangements ein 'social- relational process' (Moen 2003a: 10) ist und dass die Lebensverläufe der Partner miteinander verwoben und voneinander abhängig sind. Im Einzelnen werden wir diskutieren, wie diese Verflechtung sich gestaltet, welche Prozesse auf verschiedenen Ebenen eine Rolle spielen und wie diese Prozesse miteinander interagieren. Zum Schluss werden wir Vorschläge für die Richtung zukünftiger Forschungen formulieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kinder und Karrieren - die neuen Paare: eine Studie der EAF im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung (2008)

    Walther, Kathrin; Mohn, Liz; Von der Leyen, Ursula; Lukoschat, Helga;


    Walther, Kathrin, Helga Lukoschat, Liz Mohn & Ursula Von der Leyen (2008): Kinder und Karrieren - die neuen Paare. Eine Studie der EAF im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 180 S.


    "Erfüllte Partnerschaft, verantwortungsvoller Beruf, fröhliche Kinder - viele junge Paare wünschen sich heute, dies alles unter einen Hut zu bringen. Sie stehen damit vor einer enormen Herausforderung: Wie kann es gelingen, miteinander zu vereinbaren, was doch oft fast unvereinbar erscheint? Diese Frage stand im Zentrum der Studie, für welche die EAF (Europäische Akademie für Frauen in Politik und Wirtschaft Berlin e. V.) im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung und des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend bundesweit knapp 1.200 Doppelkarrierepaare mit Kindern untersuchte. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass von diesen 'neuen Paaren' ein wichtiges Veränderungspotenzial ausgeht. Sie sind Vorreiter eines modernen Rollenverständnisses und setzen sich in ihren Unternehmen für Familienfreundlichkeit und Chancengleichheit ein. In diesem Sinne stellen sie eine gesellschaftliche Avantgarde dar." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Eine Frage der Anerkennung: Wie Doppelkarrierepaare Familie und Beruf vereinbaren (2008)

    Wimbauer, Christine; Gottwald, Markus; Henninger, Annette; Spura, Anke;


    Wimbauer, Christine, Annette Henninger, Anke Spura & Markus Gottwald (2008): Eine Frage der Anerkennung: Wie Doppelkarrierepaare Familie und Beruf vereinbaren. In: WZB-Mitteilungen H. 119, S. 11-14.


    "Die Nachwuchsgruppe ',Liebe', Arbeit, Anerkennung' beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach Anerkennung in Doppelkarriere-Paaren: Wofür wertschätzen sich die Partner, wie bewerten sie unterschiedliche Lebensbereiche, und wie wirken sich sozialstaatliche Regelungen und berufliche Anforderungen sowie die damit verbundenen ungleichen Anerkennungschancen auf die Beziehung aus? Grundlage der Analysen sind narrative Paarinterviews mit bislang acht Doppelkarriere-Paaren sowie darauf folgende Einzelinterviews mit beiden Partnern. Exemplarisch werden in dem Beitrag drei Paarkonstellationen präsentiert, die sich in den Beziehungskonzepten sowie der paarinternen Anerkennung von Berufs- und Familienarbeit unterscheiden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Women's earning power and the "double burden" of market and household work (2007)

    Chen, Naralie; Conconi, Paola; Perroni, Carlo;


    Chen, Naralie, Paola Conconi & Carlo Perroni (2007): Women's earning power and the "double burden" of market and household work. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 20), Berlin, 33 S.


    "Bargaining theory suggests that married women who experience a relative improvement in their labour market position should experience a comparative gain within their marriage. However, if renegotiation possibilities are limited by institutional mechanisms that achieve long-term commitment, the opposite may be true, particularly if women are specialized in household activities and the labour market allows comparatively more flexibility in their labour supply responses. Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel indeed shows that, as long as renegotiation opportunities are limited, comparatively better wages for women exacerbate their 'double burden' of market and household work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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