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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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im Aspekt "Institutionelle Determinanten"
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    The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis * (2016)

    Karamessini, Maria; Symeonaki, Maria ; Papazachariou, Antonis; Stamatopoulou, Glykeria;


    Karamessini, Maria, Maria Symeonaki, Glykeria Stamatopoulou & Antonis Papazachariou (2016): The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis *. (NEGOTIATE working paper 3.2), Oslo, 93 S.


    "In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of young people's careers in Europe and the identification of the risk factors influencing them. The study of transitions between labour market states and the measurement of the school-to-work transition probabilities has become of utmost importance, since young people's pathways from school to sustained work have become rough and unpredictable. The probability of someone who has concluded full-time education to move successfully into full-time occupation seems to decrease, while, on the other hand, the probability of engaging into a part-time or temporary job increases. Emphasis should therefore be given to the estimation of different indicators that can be used in order to capture the extent and forms of job insecurity. Several methodological approaches are proposed in the present study, taking advantage of existing data sources, cross-sectional and longitudinal, so as to provide a full picture of early job insecurity in all European countries and its relation to a number of socio-demographic variables that might be influencing its magnitude. The results uncover that there are important differences between countries, when all estimated early job insecurity indicators are taken into account." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Size of training firms and cumulated long-run unemployment exposure: the role of firms, luck, and ability in young workers' careers (2016)

    Müller, Steffen; Neubäumer, Renate;


    Müller, Steffen & Renate Neubäumer (2016): Size of training firms and cumulated long-run unemployment exposure. The role of firms, luck, and ability in young workers' careers. (IWH-Diskussionspapiere 2016,05), Halle, 28 S.


    "This paper analyzes how life-cycle unemployment of former apprentices depends on the size of the training firm. We start from the hypotheses that the size of training firms reduces long-run cumulated unemployment exposure, e.g. via differences in training quality and in the availability of internal labor markets, and that the access to large training firms depends positively on young workers' ability and their luck to live in a region with many large and medium-sized training firms. We test these hypotheses empirically by using a large administrative data set for Germany and find corroborative evidence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic crisis and youth unemployment: comparing Greece and Ireland (2016)

    Papadopoulos, Orestis ;


    Papadopoulos, Orestis (2016): Economic crisis and youth unemployment. Comparing Greece and Ireland. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 409-426. DOI:10.1177/0959680116632326


    "Both Greece and Ireland have long suffered high youth unemployment rates and have been pressured to restructure their employment and social systems under the European Employment Strategy. Problems were aggravated by the harsh conditions imposed by the Troika following bail-outs. Yet there was significant divergence in youth employment outcomes between Greece and Ireland despite a convergence of policies. In Ireland, tighter conditionality of benefits and stronger 'activation' were already on the agenda of the social actors, so their implementation was not forcefully contested. In Greece, the lack of effective social protection made it difficult for successive governments to build support for flexibilization, and the escalating insecurity of young Greeks and their families gave rise to social unrest and political instability. This contrast leads to a reappraisal of the convergence - divergence debate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inequality and 21-year-olds' negotiation of uncertain transitions to employment: a Bourdieusian approach (2015)

    Borlagdan, Joseph;


    Borlagdan, Joseph (2015): Inequality and 21-year-olds' negotiation of uncertain transitions to employment. A Bourdieusian approach. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 18, H. 7, S. 839-854. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2014.992327


    "Faced with uncertainty, how do young people navigate the transition from school to work? Applying Bourdieu's concept of habitus to the 'fields' of education and employment, I argue that past experience, family background and unequal access to economic, social and symbolic forms of capital differentiate their transitions. Drawing on the tenth wave of the Australian longitudinal Life Chances Study, we found that all of the twenty-five 21-year-olds interviewed expressed uncertainty when discussing their futures. However, those from high-income backgrounds with access to strong social, economic and cultural resources were better able to manage the risks arising from uncertainty than their counterparts from low-income backgrounds. The following article seeks to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of young people's experiences at age 21 through the application of Bourdieu's conceptual framework. The interviewees' habitus and cultivation of varying forms of capital tend towards social reproduction, yet also reveal opportunities for those considered 'disadvantaged' to mobilise their cultural resources. Bourdieu's model of the field, and its component conceptual tools, provide an explanatory frame to make sense of the seemingly incoherent paths that young people trace between education and employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Understanding the consequences of early job insecurity and labour market exclusion: the interaction of structural conditions, institutions, active agency and capability (2015)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Schøyen, Mi Ah; Hyggen, Christer; Hvinden, Bjørn ;


    Dingeldey, Irene, Bjørn Hvinden, Christer Hyggen, Jacqueline O'Reilly & Mi Ah Schøyen (2015): Understanding the consequences of early job insecurity and labour market exclusion. The interaction of structural conditions, institutions, active agency and capability. (NEGOTIATE working paper 2.1), Oslo, 43 S.


    "This document is the first deliverable from Work Package 2 of the NEGOTIATE project, 'Early job insecurity and youth unemployment as a theoretical and societal challenge'. The Work Package's first objective is to develop 'an original analytical framework for a comparative assessment of the individual and societal consequences of job insecurity early in a career. The analytical framework integrates concepts such as negotiation, agency, capability, empowerment, social resilience, embedded employability, networks, transition regimes, welfare state regimes and multi-level governance. A key interest is how to conceptualise the interactions between the young adults' agency and structurally given constraints and opportunities, (e.g. how they perceive and use their scope for action through networks and active agency, even in seemingly adverse circumstances) and in what sense young adults' find ways of negotiating the challenges of prolonged unemployment and job insecurity.' (DoA, Annex 1, Part A, p. 16). NEGOTIATE's core question is how young people's scope for agency interacts with different layers of structural conditions in a multi-level governance system.
    As means to answering this question, the deliverable will review and summarise relevant theoretical literature on key concepts and assess how they contribute to an understanding of the consequences of early job insecurity for young people. A particular interest is the extent to which young women and men are able to negotiate these conditions and avoid the most adverse consequences of such insecurity. We will be particularly attentive to mechanisms of gendered labour market outcomes and patterns of market marginalisation of young people.
    The practical goal of presenting the analytical framework and undertaking a conceptual clarification is to provide a common basis for the empirical work of NEGOTIATE (cf. Work Packages 3-8), as well as a conceptual base for the final synthesis of results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufswünsche benachteiligter Jugendlicher: die Konkretisierung der Berufsorientierung gegen Ende der Vollzeitschulpflicht (2015)

    Dombrowski, Rosine;


    Dombrowski, Rosine (2015): Berufswünsche benachteiligter Jugendlicher. Die Konkretisierung der Berufsorientierung gegen Ende der Vollzeitschulpflicht. (Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 261 S.


    "Die Determinanten der Berufswünsche von benachteiligten Jugendlichen sind bisher wenig erforscht. Welchen Einfluss haben Erwartungen, berufliche Motive, familiäre Ressourcen und schulische Unterstützungsstrukturen? In ihrer empirischen Studie analysiert die Autorin mit Daten des nationalen Bildungspanels die Berufswünsche von Jugendlichen, die die Schule voraussichtlich mit Hauptschulabschluss oder ohne Schulabschluss verlassen werden. Die Dissertation liefert Erkenntnisse über Verlaufsmuster von Berufsfindungsprozessen, bringt neue Befunde über die Berufswünsche benachteiligter Jugendlicher ans Licht und markiert weiteren Forschungsbedarf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Policy performance and evaluation: Germany (2015)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Wozny, Florian; Cox, Michael;


    Eichhorst, Werner, Florian Wozny & Michael Cox (2015): Policy performance and evaluation: Germany. (IZA research report 66), Bonn, 40 S.


    Der Beitrag beginnt mit einer Darstellung der Struktur des deutschen Bildungssystems, seiner Institutionen, der Hierarchie der Zuständigkeiten und der Akteure auf dem Feld der Bildungspolitik - des Schulsystems, der tertiären Bildung und vor allem der beruflichen Bildung (duales System). Im nächsten Schritt werden die aktive bzw. aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik, die Anspruchsvoraussetzungen für den Leistungsbezug, der Kündigungsschutz und neuere politische Innovationen auf den Politikfeldern Bildung, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Mindestlohn beschrieben. Ein letzter Blick gilt den unterschiedlichen Förderungsmöglichkeiten für (arbeitslose) Jugendliche und deren Subgruppen und den Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der im europäischen Vergleich deutlich niedrigeren Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. (IAB)

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    Happy birthday, you're fired!: the effects of age-dependent minimum wage on youth employment flows in the Netherlands (2015)

    Kabátek, Jan ;


    Kabátek, Jan (2015): Happy birthday, you're fired! The effects of age-dependent minimum wage on youth employment flows in the Netherlands. (IZA discussion paper 9528), Bonn, 28 S.


    "This paper investigates the effects of the age-dependent minimum wage on youth employment flows in the Netherlands. The Dutch minimum wage for workers aged 15-23 is defined as a step-wise increasing function of a worker's calendar age. At the age of 23, workers become eligible for the 'adult' minimum wage which does not increase further. This creates an incentive for firms to discriminate against employees on the basis of their age, substituting more expensive older workers with younger ones. In order to grasp the size of these effects, I analyze monthly flows in and out of employment using administrative records for the entire youth population of the Netherlands. I account for the time remaining until workers' next birthdays, exploiting the fact that firms are facing a sharp discontinuity in labor costs in the month when a worker turns one year older. The results show a significant increase in job separation around the time of this discontinuity: the probability of job separation increases by 1.1% in the three calendar months which are closest to a worker's next birthday. This effect exhibits substantial heterogeneity with respect to a worker's age, showing that young and inexperienced workers are more likely to be affected by the discontinuities. The size of the effect also varies by the sector of employment, being particularly large for supermarket employees. Job accession peaks just after workers' birthdays, representing both entry of the workers with higher reservation wages and reemployment of the workers whose jobs are dissolved around the time of the discontinuity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    On the efficiency of labor market reforms: how to solve the Spanish puzzle? (2015)

    Sacht, Stephen;


    Sacht, Stephen (2015): On the efficiency of labor market reforms. How to solve the Spanish puzzle? (Economics. Discussion papers 2015-55), Kiel, 20 S.


    "In this paper we shed light on the relationship between labor market policy, entrepreneurship and youth unemployment prior to and in the aftermath of the global financial crisis in Spain. We discuss the situation, where labor market and macroeconomic policies were largely inefficient in reducing high levels of (youth) unemployment after 2007. We rise the question why in a situation of low inflation rates, an increase in (youth) unemployment had been observed although the labor market becomes more flexible due to the associated structural reform in 2010. We call this the Spanish Puzzle. The main reason for this observation can be found in the phenomena of downward nominal rigidity and the existence of a liquidity trap. Given the recovery of the Spanish economy in 2015, this development is grounded on (besides the increase in private consumption and a trade surplus) several policy measurements in order to strengthen entrepreneurial activity in 2013. The corresponding boost in private investment expenditure can be identified as the sustainable main driver for job creation in the long run." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Studying employers' risk assessment and the role of institutions: an experimental design (2015)

    Shi, Lulu P. ; Samuel, Robin ; Imdorf, Christian ;


    Shi, Lulu P., Christian Imdorf & Robin Samuel (2015): Studying employers' risk assessment and the role of institutions. An experimental design. (NEGOTIATE working paper 7.1), Oslo, 24 S.


    "Work Package 7 aims at understanding how early job insecurity can affect an individual's future career from an employer's perspective. By paying special attention to the educational background and gender of the applicants, we plan to investigate how employers interpret young applicants' job insecurity, for example in the form of unemployment or job-mismatch experiences, during recruitment. The negative effects of such experiences on an individual's chances of being recruited successfully - so called scarring effects - may further vary depending on economic and institutional contexts such as country-specific economic or political conditions, educational structures or economic sectors. By surveying employers from different sectors, we will examine if and how these scarring effects vary between four different countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland. We will apply an innovative methodology in the form of an employer-sided survey with an integrated multidimensional vignette experiment in order to simulate the impact of multiple factors on success and failure when young people who experienced job insecurities apply for new jobs. In the present working paper we summarise the major theoretical concepts that have been used to explain the scarring effects that can result from employer behaviour. Moreover, we outline how we plan to collect data in WP 7 in order to analyse scarring through decision-making on behalf of employers during the recruitment process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wie kann die NEET-Rate bzw. die Anzahl an NEET-Jugendlichen gesenkt werden? (2015)

    Tamesberger, Dennis; Koblbauer, Christina;


    Tamesberger, Dennis & Christina Koblbauer (2015): Wie kann die NEET-Rate bzw. die Anzahl an NEET-Jugendlichen gesenkt werden? (AMS-Info 333), Wien, 4 S.


    "Das vorliegende AMS info stellt die erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrages dar, den Dennis Tamesberger im Rahmen der Tagung 'All we NEET is ...? Barrieren & Chancen für Jugendliche in Bildung & Beruf' am 27.5.2015 in Wien gehalten hat. Veranstalter dieser Tagung waren die Caritas Österreich, die Abt. Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation des AMS Österreich und das sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut abif - Analyse, Beratung und interdisziplinäre Forschung." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    A multifactorial explanation of youth unemployment and the special case of Austria (2015)

    Tamesberger, Dennis;


    Tamesberger, Dennis (2015): A multifactorial explanation of youth unemployment and the special case of Austria. In: International social security review, Jg. 68, H. 1, S. 23-45. DOI:10.1111/issr.12058


    "One of the biggest challenges currently facing European society is the dramatically high level of youth unemployment. Commonly, political solutions and strategies can be found in those countries that have been able to keep youth unemployment low in spite of the financial and economic crises. Austria is such a case. On the basis of European Union Member State data, the article gives a multifactorial explanation of youth unemployment and asks whether these factors can explain relatively low youth unemployment in Austria. With the country's 'youth safety net' presented in detail, it is shown that active labour market policy reduces youth unemployment in Austria. The article also points out the limitations of cross-country comparisons of youth unemployment rates and proposes the use of a greater number of indicators. Finally, the article argues for economic policies to stimulate demand, which have to be based on a political and social commitment to full employment." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    OECD skills outlook 2015: youth, skills and employability (2015)


    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2015): OECD skills outlook 2015. Youth, skills and employability. (OECD skills outlook), Paris, 153 S. DOI:10.1787/9789264234178-en


    "Im OECD-Raum sind heute mehr als 35 Millionen junge Leute weder in Beschäftigung noch in Bildung oder Ausbildung. Der Bericht baut auf der Internationalen Vergleichsstudie über die Kompetenzen Erwachsener (PIAAC) auf und analysiert, wie junge Menschen Kompetenzen erwerben, wie sie ihre Fähigkeiten einsetzen und welchen Hindernissen sie bei Berufseinstieg und Karriere begegnen. Er gibt Empfehlungen für Politikmaßnahmen, mit denen die Länder die Beschäftigungslage junger Menschen verbessern können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Youth unemployment in advanced economies in Europe: searching for solutions (2014)

    Banerji, Angana; Lin, Huidan; Saksonovs, Sergejs; Blavy, Rodolphe;


    Banerji, Angana, Sergejs Saksonovs, Huidan Lin & Rodolphe Blavy (2014): Youth unemployment in advanced economies in Europe. Searching for solutions. (IMF staff discussion note 2014,11), Washington, DC, 32 S. DOI:10.5089/9781498337113.006


    "The staff discussion note will assess the youth unemployment problem in advanced European countries, with a special focus on the euro area. It will document the main trends in youth and adult unemployment in 22 European countries before and after the global financial crisis. It will identify the main drivers of youth and adult unemployment, focusing in particular on the role of the business cycle and structural characteristics of the labor market. It will outline the main elements of a comprehensive strategy to address the problem." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Changes in labour market transitions in Ireland over the Great Recession (2014)

    Bergin, Adele; McGuinness, Seamus ; Kelly, Elish ;


    Bergin, Adele, Elish Kelly & Seamus McGuinness (2014): Changes in labour market transitions in Ireland over the Great Recession. (IZA discussion paper 8401), Bonn, 21 S.


    "This paper assesses the impact that the 2009 Great Recession had on individual's transitions to and from unemployment in Ireland. The rate of transition from unemployment to employment declined between 2006 and 2011, while the rate from employment to unemployment increased. The impact of some of the factors identified as contributing to the likelihood of a transition taking place were found to have changed over this period. In particular, young people are much less likely to exit unemployment, but at the same time they have a lower risk of becoming unemployed. Education has become an increasingly important factor in both supporting unemployment exits and reducing the risk of becoming unemployed since the recession. The scarring impact of long-term unemployment appears to have fallen substantially in Ireland post-recession. The results from a decomposition analysis show that compositional changes are largely unimportant in explaining the change in the transition rates between 2006 and 2011." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quo Vadis Gute Arbeit - Perspektiven der jungen Generation (2014)

    Blum-Geenen, Sabine; Leiderer, Eric; Machnig, Jan;


    Blum-Geenen, Sabine, Eric Leiderer & Jan Machnig (2014): Quo Vadis Gute Arbeit - Perspektiven der jungen Generation. In: L. Schröder & H.- J. Urban (Hrsg.) (2014): Gute Arbeit : Profile prekärer Arbeit - Arbeitspolitik von unten, S. 196-205.


    "Trotz aller postmaterialistischen Phantasien ist Arbeit für die meisten Menschen nach wie vor die zentrale Grundlage sowohl für ökonomische als auch soziale Teilhabe und gesellschaftliche Integration. In Folge der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise haben zahlreiche europäische Länder mit einer hohen Arbeitslosigkeit, insbesondere bei jungen Menschen, sozialer Unsicherheit und einer Ausweitung atypischer Beschäftigungsverhältnisse zu kämpfen. Sie stehen - nicht zuletzt aufgrund der einseitigen Krisenanalyse und der dementsprechend einseitigen Therapiekonzepte - vor tiefgreifenden Reformen ihrer Arbeitsmärkte. Diese Entwicklungen sind inzwischen längst zu einer großen Herausforderung für Wohlfahrtsstaat und Demokratie geworden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The impact of the global financial crisis on youth labour markets (2014)

    Junankar, Pramod N.;


    Junankar, Pramod N. (2014): The impact of the global financial crisis on youth labour markets. (IZA discussion paper 8400), Bonn, 32 S.


    "This paper investigates the impact of the GFC on youth unemployment and long term unemployment. In particular, we study whether the GFC had a bigger impact on youths than adults, and whether youth unemployment rates increased due to an increase in youth wages relative to adult wages. To anticipate our results, we find that the youth unemployment rates increased significantly more than that of adults even though youth wages had been falling relative to adult wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth labour market integration across Europe: the impact of cyclical, structural, and institutional characteristics (2014)

    Lange, Marloes de; Gesthuizen, Maurice; Wolbers, Maarten H.J.;


    Lange, Marloes de, Maurice Gesthuizen & Maarten H.J. Wolbers (2014): Youth labour market integration across Europe. The impact of cyclical, structural, and institutional characteristics. In: European Societies, Jg. 16, H. 2, S. 194-212. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2013.821621


    "Young people in Europe face great difficulties nowadays when entering the labour market. Unemployment and temporary employment are high among youth, although considerable differences exist between European countries. In this article, we study to what extent cyclical, structural, and institutional factors explain cross-national variation in youth labour market integration. Inaddition, we examine educational differences in the impact of these macro-characteristics. To answer these questions, we use data on young people from 29 countries who were interviewed in the European Social Survey of 2002, 2004, 2006, or 2008 and left day-time education in the period 1992_2008. Both unemployment and temporary employment are regarded as a lack of labour market integration, compared to the situation of permanent employment. The empirical results first of all show that high unemployment hinders young people to smoothly integrate into the labour market. In addition, economic globalisation positively affects youth labour market integration. We also demonstrate that young people experience less difficulty with labour market integration as the educational system is more vocationally specific. Intermediate and higher educated particularly profit from the positive effect of the vocational specificity of the educational system. Finally, as the employment protection legislation of incumbent workers is stricter, young people experience more difficulties with labour market integration, especially higher educated youth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Consequences of flexible employment at labour market entry for early career development in the Netherlands (2014)

    Lange, Marloes de; Gesthuizen, Maurice; Wolbers, Maarten Hendrik Jan;


    Lange, Marloes de, Maurice Gesthuizen & Maarten Hendrik Jan Wolbers (2014): Consequences of flexible employment at labour market entry for early career development in the Netherlands. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 35, H. 3, S. 413-434. DOI:10.1177/0143831X13485878


    "In this article it is investigated to what extent flexible employment at labour market entry negatively affects the early career of school-leavers in the Netherlands in the period 1986 - 2008. Additionally, the question is raised to what extent educational differences exist in this relationship. To answer these questions, Dutch panel data from the OSA Labour Supply Panel are analysed. The results correspond with previous findings from studies on other European countries, supporting the stepping-stone rather than the entrapment hypothesis. A flexible start in the Dutch labour market increases the likelihood of repeated flexible employment and unemployment in the early career, and coincides with less occupational status development and income growth. However, the detrimental effects of flexible employment at labour market entry are only temporary and diminish after some years. Furthermore, no evidence is found for the existence of educational differences in the negative effects of flexible employment at labour market entry." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market transitions of young people during the economic crisis (2014)

    Leitner, Sebastian; Stehrer, Robert;


    Leitner, Sebastian & Robert Stehrer (2014): Labour market transitions of young people during the economic crisis. (WIIW working paper 109), Wien, 35 S.


    "This paper analyses the impacts of the crisis on various groups in the labour market, providing a comparison across groups of EU countries and individual Central and East European new EU Member States. In particular, it reports how the crisis affected the transitions of people between different states in the labour market: employment, unemployment, education and inactivity. Based on EU SILC data, a descriptive overview concerning the changes in transition rates is provided by estimating Markov transition probabilities. This is complemented by a set of probit regression results pointing towards significant changes in the various transitions triggered by the crisis. This is particularly the case for the younger age cohorts and low-educated workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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