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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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im Aspekt "Schulabbruch/"early school leaving"/Ausbildungslosigkeit"
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    A life course perspective on the NEET phenomenon: long-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin among young adults in Norway (2024)

    Heglum, Mari Amdahl; Nilsen, Wendy ;


    Heglum, Mari Amdahl & Wendy Nilsen (2024): A life course perspective on the NEET phenomenon: long-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin among young adults in Norway. In: Journal of Youth Studies online erschienen am 19.01.2024, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2024.2305907


    "This study addresses the limitations of the NEET indicator (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) as a measure of the risk of social exclusion. Applying a life course analytical framework and sequence analysis to administrative data from Norway, we investigate the link between NEET status and longer-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin. Young adults with at least one year of NEET status at ages 22-25 (N = 125 804) are followed for ten years (age 22-31), spanning the years 1993-2017. Results show a mixed picture for individuals with early-career NEET status: 38 percent fare well over the long term, while over one-third face persistent challenges of long-term exclusion or reliance on permanent disability benefits. A deterioration of longer-term prospects, stronger among men than women, is observed across cohorts. An initial large gender gap in long-term exclusion probability in men's favor disappears in the youngest cohorts. Social inequalities remain stable over time. Findings support recent research emphasizing NEET category heterogeneity. Static measures may both exaggerate and underestimate the challenges faced by different sub-populations. The risk of long-term exclusion changes markedly over time, showcasing how the NEET indicator's sensitivity as a measure of at-risk youth depends on the historical-institutional context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Which companies hire NEET? Organisational characteristics of hiring NEET in a Norwegian full-population registry study (2023)

    Alves, Daniele Evelin ; Lillebråten, Andreas ; Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff ; Lundberg, Camilla Stub ; Nilsen, Wendy ; Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk ;


    Alves, Daniele Evelin, Jannike Gottschalk Ballo, Wendy Nilsen, Camilla Stub Lundberg, Andreas Lillebråten & Vilde Hoff Bernstrøm (2023): Which companies hire NEET? Organisational characteristics of hiring NEET in a Norwegian full-population registry study. In: Journal of Youth Studies online erschienen am 14.12.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2023.2290112


    "Which types of organizations hire NEET? We use longitudinal national registry data from Norway to investigate four types of organizational characteristics: (a) staff proportion with low pay and low education, (b) staff size and (c) staff proportion from groups with lower rates of work participation, and (d) private/public sector. Full-population registry data with all newly hired-employees in Norway aged 15 –30 years, yielded a sample of approximately 120,000 new hires in 2018 from 22,621 organizations. Organizational characteristics were measured the previous year. After controlling for individual and organisational level variables in logistic regression models, we found that: private organizations and those predominated by staff with low income, incomplete secondary school, NEET history and immigrant background were more likely to hire new NEET the following year. Organisation size was unrelated to the likelihood of hiring NEET. This study applies an innovative method to study demand side characteristics in a full population registry study. It also contributes to disentangling which of these characteristics lose their expected effect when the dataset is large and complete enough to control for individual and organizational factors- adjusted for organisation clustering. These characteristics can guide us towards which companies can serve as gate-openers for NEET." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Pinball transitions: exploring the school-to-work transitions of 'the missing middle' (2023)

    Brozsely, Beverly; Nixon, Darren;


    Brozsely, Beverly & Darren Nixon (2023): Pinball transitions: exploring the school-to-work transitions of 'the missing middle'. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 26, H. 8, S. 980-995. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2022.2058357


    "This paper responds to the call for more research on the ‘missing middle’ by reporting the findings of a small-scale qualitative longitudinal study in the North of England exploring the labour market transitions of young people completing compulsory schooling with mid-level qualifications and seeking employment. It found that participants desired training which aligned with their skills, interests and future work intentions. Participants were drawn to seek apprenticeships because they offered ‘earning and learning’ in a real-life work environment. However, for the vast majority, apprenticeships were not available, so they turned to college to articulate their choices and gain work-related training. Qualifications were gained in order to gain leverage in the job market and help them achieve ‘getting on’ work. However, often a period of ‘pinballing’ between their ambitions and the reality of the labour market ensued due to the lack of desirable quality work available. The majority of participants were still resisting ‘going nowhere’ work and making efforts to achieve ‘getting on’ work when interviewed, however, some had stopped making the effort and resigned themselves to on-going poor quality work. The process of biographicity was, for them, a reconciliation with on-going low-quality work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lieber Jobben als Ausbildung? 15- bis 24-Jährige zwischen Schule, Ausbildung & Co (2023)

    Dohmen, Dieter;


    Dohmen, Dieter (2023): Lieber Jobben als Ausbildung? 15- bis 24-Jährige zwischen Schule, Ausbildung & Co. (FiBS-Forum / Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie 78), Köln, 21 S.


    "Wie gehen Jugendliche mit schlechter werdenden Ausbildungschancen um? Eine detaillierte Analyse vorliegender Daten mit problematischen Befunden: Das Bildungsniveau sinkt, mehr Jugendliche jobben oder werden zu NEETUs (not in employment, education & training nor unemployed)." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Junge Menschen ohne Berufsausbildung. Welches Fachkräftepotenzial verbirgt sich in dieser Gruppe? (2023)

    Faißt, Christian; Jahn, Daniel; Wapler, Rüdiger; Hamann, Silke ;


    Faißt, Christian, Silke Hamann, Daniel Jahn & Rüdiger Wapler (2023): Junge Menschen ohne Berufsausbildung. Welches Fachkräftepotenzial verbirgt sich in dieser Gruppe? (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Baden-Württemberg 02/2023), Nürnberg, 42 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.REBW.2302


    "In Baden-Württemberg haben zwischen 2013 und 2021 mehr als 236.000 junge Menschen zwischen 15 und 25 Jahren eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung aufgenommen, ohne über eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zu verfügen. Ausbildungslosigkeit kann sich für die jungen Menschen langfristig negativ bezüglich ihrer Arbeitsmarktbiografien auswirken und ist darüber hinaus auch deshalb überaus problematisch, weil in Baden-Württemberg Fachkräfte besonders knapp sind. Unter den jungen Menschen ohne Abschluss finden sich relativ viele Hauptschüler*innen (22 Prozent) und ausländische Beschäftigte (24 Prozent). Weniger als 1 Prozent der Ausländer*innen verfügen über einen nicht anerkannten Berufsabschluss. Zu den am häufigsten gewählten Berufen der männlichen Ungelernten gehören Verkehrs- und Logistikberufe, Maschinen- und Fahrzeugtechnikberufe, die Metallberufe und die Mechatronik-, Energie- und Elektroberufe. Für die weiblichen Ungelernten stehen Verkaufsberufe an oberster Stelle, gefolgt von den Sekretariatsberufen und den Verkehrs- und Logistikberufen. Die Zeitarbeitsbranche nimmt ebenfalls zunächst viele formal nicht qualifizierte Männer und Frauen auf. Von den 136.000 Personen, die zwischen 2013 und 2017 ohne berufliche Qualifizierung eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung begonnen haben, bleiben rund 50.000 auch langfristig ohne beruflichen Abschluss. Dies geht einher mit einer geringeren Beschäftigungsstabilität, einem niedrigeren Einkommen und selteneren beruflichen Aufstiegen verglichen mit denjenigen, die noch formale Qualifikationen erwerben. Das Risiko dauerhafter Ausbildungslosigkeit ist für zwei Typen von Erwerbsverläufen besonders kennzeichnend: für die nach Schulabschluss direkte Einmündung in sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung und in deren Verbleib sowie für die heterogenen Arbeitsmarktbiografien. Diese zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass auf längere Orientierungsphasen relativ selten Zeiten in Ausbildung folgen, sondern vielmehr deutlich häufiger Arbeitslosigkeit zu beobachten ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Junge Menschen ohne Berufsabschluss – durch Stärkung der Ausbildungsbeteiligung zu mehr Fachkräften (2023)

    Kalinowski, Michael; Pfeifer, Harald ;


    Kalinowski, Michael & Harald Pfeifer (2023): Junge Menschen ohne Berufsabschluss – durch Stärkung der Ausbildungsbeteiligung zu mehr Fachkräften. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 76, H. 12, S. 3-6.


    "Auswertungen des BIBB (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung 2023, Kapitel A11) zeigen, dass die Zahl der jungen Erwachsenen ohne formalen Berufsabschluss im Alter von 20 bis unter 35 Jahren in den vergangenen Jahren angestiegen ist. Im Jahr 2021 waren dies 2,6 Mio. Personen und damit der höchste Wert seit mehr als 25 Jahren. Der Anteil junger Erwachsener ohne formalen Berufsabschluss an der gleichaltrigen Bevölkerung lag im Jahr 2021 bei 17,8 % (vgl. Abb. 1). Die Quote der nicht formal Qualifizierten (nfQ) ist auch ein wichtiger arbeitsmarktpolitischer Indikator. Personen ohne Berufsausbildung bzw. nicht formal Qualifizierte haben z.B. ein höheres Risiko der Arbeitslosigkeit, insbesondere der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit (Bundesagentur für Arbeit 2022a), und verdienen im Durchschnitt deutlich weniger als Beschäftigte mit einem Berufsabschluss (Bundesagentur für Arbeit 2022b). Letzteres erhöht auch das Risiko, am Ende des Erwerbslebens von Altersarmut betroffen zu sein." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Being a NEET before and after the Great Recession: persistence by gender in Southern Europe (2023)

    Malo, Miguel A.; Cueto, Begona; Mussida, Chiara ; Baussola, Maurizio ;


    Malo, Miguel A., Chiara Mussida, Begona Cueto & Maurizio Baussola (2023): Being a NEET before and after the Great Recession: persistence by gender in Southern Europe. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 1, S. 319-339. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwab043


    "This article adds to the scant literature on the time persistence of being a young Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) by including four main novelties: we distinguish short- and long-term persistence; we use estimations before (2004–2007) and after the Great Recession (2013–2016); we analyse four Southern European countries that are relatively similar and were significantly affected by the Great Recession (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain); and all analyses are disaggregated by gender. The descriptive analysis shows a convergence in NEET rates by gender in the four countries due to a worsening of the male NEET rate and no improvement among young females. The econometric estimations show that long-term persistence is smaller than short-term persistence and that the latter increased after the Great Recession, especially for male NEETs. Policy implications for the design of the Youth Guarantee and lessons from the coronavirus pandemic are also discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Übergang von der Schule in die Berufs(bildungs)welt: Alles besser in der Schweiz? (2023)

    Mühlemann, Samuel;


    Mühlemann, Samuel (2023): Übergang von der Schule in die Berufs(bildungs)welt: Alles besser in der Schweiz? In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 76, H. 12, S. 24-27.


    "Sowohl in Deutschland als auch in der Schweiz ist der Anteil junger Erwachsener ohne Berufsabschluss seit dem Jahr 2017 relativ stabil geblieben (vgl. Abb. 1). Der Anteil der Personen ohne Berufsabschluss, die nicht die Schweizer oder die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit besitzen, ist zudem in beiden Ländern mehr als dreimal so hoch wie bei Personen mit der entsprechenden Staatsangehörigkeit. In Deutschland haben jedoch auch 10 % der Personen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit keinen Berufsabschluss, während dies für weniger als 4 % der Schweizer zutrifft." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Young People between Education and the Labour Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy (2022)

    Fiaschi, Davide ; Tealdi, Cristina ;


    Fiaschi, Davide & Cristina Tealdi (2022): Young People between Education and the Labour Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. In: International Journal of Manpower, Jg. 43, H. 7, S. 1719-1757. DOI:10.1108/IJM-06-2021-0352


    "Purpose: The aim is to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the careers of different groups of young individuals, based on transition probabilities. Design/methodology/approach: The authors analyse the evolution of individual shares and flows between different types of employment (self-employment, temporary, and permanent), unemployment, education, and other types of inactivity of individuals aged 20–29 in Italy. Findings: The authors find that the pandemic worsened an already concerning situation of higher inactivity rates, compared to other EU countries. In quarters III and IV of 2020, mainly females and non-Italian citizens were less in (permanent and temporary) employment and more in the NLFET (neither in the labour force nor in education or training) state compared to the same quarters one year before. The authors also find evidence of a temporary but not persistent return to education among 20–24 years old individuals, particularly females. These changes are suggestive of a prolongation of the time needed to achieve temporary and permanent employment, mostly for females and non-Italian citizens. Originality/value: The contribution lies in the provision of a rigorous estimation and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the careers of young individuals in Italy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Expected early leaving among native and migrant students: evidence from PISA for EU Member States (2022)

    Hippe, Ralph; Jakubowski, Maciej;


    Hippe, Ralph & Maciej Jakubowski (2022): Expected early leaving among native and migrant students: evidence from PISA for EU Member States. (CEDEFOP working paper series / European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training 2022,16), Thessaloniki, 49 S. DOI:10.2801/589250


    "Early leavers from education and training become generally disadvantaged socially and economically in later stages in life, so it is important to understand better the motivations for early leaving and provide adequate policy solutions. This study analyses the factors that are most strongly related to the likelihood of leaving education and training early. It places special attention on migrant status, given the recent migration waves within and outside Europe, which are further exacerbated by the continuing war in Ukraine. To this end, we use the OECD most recent PISA data for 2015 and 2018 in a number of two-level logit regression models, including student- and school-level variables. The results show that migrant students do not differ structurally from EU natives in their likelihood of expected early leaving, implying that it is more important to focus on common factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Scarring Dreams? Young People's Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment (2022)

    Mühlböck, Monika ; Kalleitner, Fabian ; Steiber, Nadia ; Kittel, Bernhard ;


    Mühlböck, Monika, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022): Scarring Dreams? Young People's Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment. In: Social Inclusion, Jg. 10, H. 2, S. 252-264. DOI:10.17645/si.v10i2.5162


    "Young people's early‐career unemployment experience has been found to have long‐lasting effects, resulting in lower earnings even decades later. However, while this so‐called “scarring effect” is well established, there is still little knowledge about the mechanisms through which it comes about. We take a closer look at the period that produces the wounds that later turn to scars. Drawing on a panel survey in which young adults in Austria were interviewed once at the beginning of an unemployment period and again one year later, we study how job aspirations and expectations changed during this period. We find that respondents on average lowered their aspirations and expectations over time, particularly those who experienced latent deprivation during unemployment. Furthermore, while the aspirations and expectations of those who were unemployed at the time of the second interview remained relatively unchanged, those who were employed lowered their expectations and to some extent also their aspirations. Our results suggest that research should pay more attention to the heterogenous effects of early‐career unemployment: It produces scarred dreams for some while others manage to keep their aspirations and expectations alive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe: Career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers (2022)

    Psifidou, Irene; Harrison, Cynthia; Farazouli, Alexandra; Mouratoglou, Nikolaos;


    Psifidou, Irene, Nikolaos Mouratoglou, Alexandra Farazouli & Cynthia Harrison (2022): Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe. Career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers. (CEDEFOP working paper series / European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training 2022,11), Thessaloniki, 40 S. DOI:10.2801/75320


    "Career guidance and counselling are key features of comprehensive strategies aiming to reduce early leaving from education and training. They may assist students, not only in terms of decision-making but also in managing their transitions within education and training pathways or from education to employment. Minimising the risks of either insufficient information or unrealistic expectations, career guidance and counselling may support learners in making informed decisions based on their interests, talents, and future job aspirations, as well as preventing dropout and early leaving. For those who have left education and training early, career guidance and counselling may assist them to return to, and qualify in, upper secondary education. This paper examines how national policies and practices in career guidance and counselling in EU Member States may support learners at risk and early leavers from education and training. It identifies common patterns and existing information gaps, and sets out future prospects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Even more discouraged? The NEET generation at the age of COVID-19 (2021)

    Aina, Carmen ; Brunetti, Irene; Mussida, Chiara ; Scicchitano, Sergio ;


    Aina, Carmen, Irene Brunetti, Chiara Mussida & Sergio Scicchitano (2021): Even more discouraged? The NEET generation at the age of COVID-19. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 863), Maastricht, 24 S.


    "This paper evaluates if and to what extend the risk of becoming Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) has worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy. The analysis is based on a unique dataset from the merging of two sample surveys, the Italian Labor Force Survey and the Institutional Quality Index dataset. We find that the probability of being NEET significantly increased during the pandemic, but heterogeneously between age cohorts and geographical areas. The most affected categories have been young people (aged 25-34) and those living in North-West regions. Females are mostly affected compared to males, especially those experiencing motherhood and living in a Southern province. Investment in education reduces the NEET status, mainly for age-group 25-34 in the South. Participation in the civil society significantly reduces the probability to being NEET. Finally, active policies conducted at regional level are a further educational investment that protect from becoming NEET, although their effectiveness is not significant in the Southern regions. We provide novel evidence to inform policymakers and help building evidence-based policies, tailored on local needs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mapping Young NEETs Across Europe: Exploring the Institutional Configurations Promoting Youth Disengagement from Education and Employment (2021)

    Assmann, Marie-Luise; Broschinski, Sven ;


    Assmann, Marie-Luise & Sven Broschinski (2021): Mapping Young NEETs Across Europe: Exploring the Institutional Configurations Promoting Youth Disengagement from Education and Employment. In: Journal of applied youth studies, Jg. 4, H. 2, S. 95-117. DOI:10.1007/s43151-021-00040-w


    "Over the past decade, the number of young people neither in employment, education, or training (NEET) has reached a seriously high level in many European countries. Previous studies have illustrated the heterogeneity of this group and that they differ considerably across Europe. However, the reasons of these cross-country differences have hardly been investigated so far. This study explores how the rates of different NEET subgroups are conditioned by various institutional configurations by applying fuzzy-set Quantitative Comparative Analysis for 26 European countries using aggregated EU Labour Force Survey data from 2018. The analysis reveals that institutional causes of being NEET are as diverse as the group itself. Thus, high levels of young NEETs with care responsibilities are found in countries with a lack of family-related services in conjunction with weak formalised long-term care as it is true in mostly Central Eastern European countries. In contrast, high rates of NEETs with a disability are prevalent mainly in Northern European countries where generous and inefficient disability benefit schemes exist that create false incentives to stay away from the labour market. Finally, high proportions of unemployed and discouraged young NEETs are found in those countries hit hardest by the crisis and with high labour market rigidities, low vocational specificity, and a lack of active labour market policies like in the Southern and some Central Eastern European countries. The results illustrate that young people face very different barriers across Europe and that country-specific measures must be taken to reduce the number of NEETs in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The difficult school-to-work transition of high school dropouts: evidence from a field experiment (2021)

    Cahuc, Pierre ; Minea, Andreea; Carcillo, Stéphane ;


    Cahuc, Pierre, Stéphane Carcillo & Andreea Minea (2021): The difficult school-to-work transition of high school dropouts. Evidence from a field experiment. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 56, H. 1, S. 159-183. DOI:10.3368/jhr.56.1.0617-8894R2


    "This paper investigates the effects of the labor market experience of high school dropouts four years after leaving school by sending fictitious résumés to real job postings in France. Compared to those who have stayed unemployed since leaving school, the callback rate is not raised for those with employment experience, whether it is subsidized or non-subsidized, if there is no training accompanied by skill certification. We find no stigma effect associated with subsidized work experience. Moreover, training accompanied by skill certification improves youth prospects only when the local unemployment rate is sufficiently low, which occurs in one fifth of the commuting zones only." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Examining NEET situations in Spain: Labour Market, Discourses and Policies (2021)

    Strecker, Tanja ; López, Joffre; Cabasés, M. Àngels;


    Strecker, Tanja, Joffre López & M. Àngels Cabasés (2021): Examining NEET situations in Spain: Labour Market, Discourses and Policies. In: Journal of applied youth studies, Jg. 4, H. 2, S. 119-134. DOI:10.1007/s43151-021-00048-2


    "Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) and its Spanish equivalent 'nini' (Ni estudia, Ni trabaja) have dominated youth policy discourses in recent years. Within the European Union, Spain is one of the countries with the highest proportion of young people in NEET situations. In this article, it is argued that the idea of NEET has been weaponised to stigmatise youth, by evoking the phantom of a demotivated young person with scarce training. This stigmatisation has little to do with the reality of many young Spaniards who can find themselves in different situations, such as unemployment, precarious employment, training and education in a matter of days. Thus, there is a need to consider the different experiences and structural circumstances of so-called NEETs rather than viewing them as a homogenous and static group. Using documentary analysis and secondary data, this article examines the diversity of NEET situations for the youth in Spain, which is generally not captured in large national statistics data-sets and policies. Furthermore, it analyses the EU Youth Guarantee and its application in Spain, highlighting where official objectives have not been met, and includes an overview of the current effects of the coronavirus crisis. Ultimately, the paper shows that public discourses centred on an artificially created social group (NEET) legitimise and produce policies that do not respond to young people's actual needs and problems, especially for the most vulnerable among them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Perspektiven für "Unentdeckte Talente" – Prävention und Intervention bei frühzeitigem Bildungsabbruch: Gesamtresümee 2010–2020 (2020)

    Landauer, Doris;


    Landauer, Doris (2020): Perspektiven für "Unentdeckte Talente" – Prävention und Intervention bei frühzeitigem Bildungsabbruch. Gesamtresümee 2010–2020. (AMS report 151), Wien, 35 S.


    "Absicht und Ziel war es, die Thematik des frühen Bildungsabbruchs auf mehreren Ebenen unter dem Blickwinkel der Arbeitsmarktpolitik zu erfassen, zu beschreiben und auch neue Möglichkeiten für Interventionen zu erarbeiten, die geeignet sind, Abhilfe zu schaffen. Diese Aufgabenstellungen sollten innerhalb eines über einen längeren Zeitraum angelegten Projektes bearbeitet werden. Daher wurde seitens des (damaligen) Bundesministeriums für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz mit Wirksamkeit vom 1. November 2010 mit einer Laufzeit von zehn Jahren das Projekt, das in Folge mit »Perspektiven für unentdeckte Talente – Prävention und Interventionen bei frühzeitigem Bildungsabbruch« benannt wurde, ins Leben gerufen und die Autorin des vorliegenden Projektberichtes mit der Projektleitung beauftragt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Going to work without educational qualifications: school-to-work transitions of early school leavers in Belgium (2020)

    Praag, Lore van; Clycq, Noel;


    Praag, Lore van & Noel Clycq (2020): Going to work without educational qualifications: school-to-work transitions of early school leavers in Belgium. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 23, H. 4, S. 465-480. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2019.1620926


    "Risks of exclusion can occur in multiple forms and start early in life. Early school leavers are especially at risk of social exclusion as this is strongly related to turbulent school-to-work-transitions. These young people often find themselves in low-qualified work or unemployment. In this article, we explore the labour market experiences of early school leavers in Flanders, Belgium. In total, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with nine early school leavers and analysed following a grounded theory approach. Our results demonstrate the difficulties early school leavers encounter in their transitions from school to work and their precarious situation in the labour market. Of particular relevance are the insights gained in revealing the perspectives of young people on the importance of educational qualifications, work experience and participation in the labour market, as well as the strategies they develop to enter the labour market without educational qualifications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A closer look at labour market status and crime among a general population sample of young men and women (2020)

    Ramakers, Anke; Martikainen, Pekka ; Aaltonen, Mikko;


    Ramakers, Anke, Mikko Aaltonen & Pekka Martikainen (2020): A closer look at labour market status and crime among a general population sample of young men and women. In: Advances in life course research, Jg. 43. DOI:10.1016/j.alcr.2019.100322

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    Escaping the motherhood trap: Parental leave and childcare help young mothers to avoid NEET risks (2020)

    van Vugt, Lynn ; Nieuwenhuis, Rense ; Levels, Mark ;


    van Vugt, Lynn, Rense Nieuwenhuis & Mark Levels (2020): Escaping the motherhood trap: Parental leave and childcare help young mothers to avoid NEET risks. (Research memoranda / VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 2020,33), Amsterdam, 58 S. DOI:10.26481/umagsb.2020033


    "This paper explores to what extent and how the risk that young mothers become NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) later in life is related to family policy provisions (i.e. parental leave and Early Childhood Education and Care). We examine a three-staged process: the relation between (a) characteristics of family policies and the use of it, (b) the use of family policy provisions and NEET risks, and (c) the effectiveness of family policy provisions on the characteristics of these family policies. Combining data from the EU-LFS with macro-level indicators of family policies, we analyse NEET risks of 13,613 young mothers (20-29) in 27 EU-countries. We find that young mothers are more likely to take parental leave if it is paid for a longer period of time, and are more likely to use ECEC when childcare placement is guaranteed. Both parental leave and ECEC services are associated with lower NEET risks, as long as they are not used for overly short or long periods. However, this depends largely on the way parental leave is organised. In addition, in countries where ECEC is more affordable, young mothers who use ECEC are better protected against NEET risks later in life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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