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matching – Suchprozesse am Arbeitsmarkt

Offene Stellen bei gleichzeitiger Arbeitslosigkeit - was Arbeitsmarkttheorien u. a. mit "unvollkommener Information" begründen, ist für Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchende oft nur schwer nachzuvollziehen: Unternehmen können freie Stellen nicht besetzen, trotzdem finden Arbeitsuchende nur schwer den passenden Job. Wie gestalten sich die Suchprozesse bei Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchenden, welche Konzessionen sind beide Seiten bereit einzugehen, wie lässt sich das "matching" verbessern?
Diese Infoplattform bietet wissenschaftliche Literatur zur theoretischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

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    International Assortative Matching in the European Labor Market (2022)

    Peeters, Thomas; Ours, Jan C. van;


    Peeters, Thomas & Jan C. van Ours (2022): International Assortative Matching in the European Labor Market. (IZA discussion paper 15521), Bonn: Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), 31 S.


    "We investigate whether national borders within Europe hinder the assortative matching of workers to firms in a high skilled labor market. We characterize worker productivity as the ability to contribute to physical output and define firm productivity as the capacity to transform physical output into revenues. We rank workers and firms according to their individual productivity estimates and study the ensuing rank correlation to gauge the degree of assortative matching within and across countries. We find strong evidence for positive assortative matching at the national level, and even more so at the international level. This suggests national borders do not prevent workers and firm from pursuing profitable complementarities in production." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Demand-side consequences of unemployment and horizontal skill mismatches across national contexts: An employer-based factorial survey experiment (2022)

    Shi, Lulu P. ; Wang, Senhu ;


    Shi, Lulu P. & Senhu Wang (2022): Demand-side consequences of unemployment and horizontal skill mismatches across national contexts: An employer-based factorial survey experiment. In: Social science research, Jg. 104. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102668


    "With growing flexibilization in the labour market, continuous and consistent career trajectories have become less the norm, and workers facing unemployment may need to look for employment opportunities outside the occupation they are trained in. But what are their employment chances? And what are the chances of returning to the occupation they were trained in after having worked in a different occupation? Despite much research on how employers evaluate job candidates with vertical skill mismatches (e.g. over-qualification and under-qualification) and unemployment, there is little research to investigate how employers view horizontal mismatch in comparison to unemployment, and whether a combination of both generates multiplicative negative effects. Using data gathered from an employer survey experiment in Switzerland and Greece, we find that in Switzerland both unemployment and horizontal mismatch significantly reduce employment chances, but the scarring effect of horizontal mismatch is much stronger. In contrast, in Greece horizontal mismatch significantly reduces employment chances but unemployment does not. Furthermore, we found that horizontal mismatch scarring is significantly stronger in Switzerland than in Greece. These findings suggest that the scarring effects of both unemployment and horizontal mismatch vary across contexts. Further analyses show that, rather than experiencing multiplicative scarring effects, unemployment does not add further disadvantages to mismatched candidates in either country, highlighting the importance of occupational specificity of skills in labour market matching. Overall, these findings facilitate a more nuanced understanding of demand-side labour market processes, highlighting the distinct interactive effects of unemployment and horizontal mismatch across national contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Überfachliche Kompetenzen sind gefragt - allen voran Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit (2022)

    Stops, Michael ; Leschnig, Lisa; Laible, Marie-Christine ;


    Stops, Michael, Marie-Christine Laible & Lisa Leschnig (2022): Überfachliche Kompetenzen sind gefragt - allen voran Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit. In: IAB-Forum H. 16.02.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-02-14. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220216.01


    "Betriebe benennen in etwa 75 Prozent ihrer Stellenanzeigen explizit fachliche Kompetenzen. Zugleich werden in rund zwei Drittel der betrieblichen Stellenanzeigen aber auch überfachliche Kompetenzen gefordert. Bei Letzteren gilt dabei den personalen und sozial-kommunikativen Kompetenzen ein besonderes Augenmerk. Vor allem größere Betriebe, die vergleichsweise hohe Löhne zahlen, fordern überfachliche Kompetenzen - insbesondere, wenn es um Stellen mit höherem Anforderungsniveau geht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stops, Michael ;
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    Economic conditions, task shares, and overqualification (2022)

    Summerfield, Fraser;


    Summerfield, Fraser (2022): Economic conditions, task shares, and overqualification. In: Oxford economic papers, Jg. 74, H. 1, S. 40-61. DOI:10.1093/oep/gpab002


    "This article demonstrates that economic conditions affect job match quality by influencing the task shares of available jobs. Cognitive (reasoning/communication) and physical (sensory/coordination) task shares and education-based overqualification measures are generated from Canada’s Labour Force Survey, the Career Handbook, and the Occupational Information Network database. In unfavourable labour markets, cognitive task intensity decreases and physical task intensity rises. The task content of newly formed jobs is then shown to be an important empirical determinant of overqualification. A calibrated search model that accounts for these findings quantifies the costs of increased overqualification. Each percentage point increase in unemployment raises overqualification by 5.8 percentage points, partly due to changes in task shares. Economic output subsequently decreases by about 0.6%." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Kompetenz-Kompass Hessen (2022)

    Teichert, Christian ; Kindt, Anna-Maria ; Weyh, Antje; Burkert, Carola ; Stops, Michael ;


    Teichert, Christian, Carola Burkert, Michael Stops, Anna-Maria Kindt & Antje Weyh (2022): Kompetenz-Kompass Hessen. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Hessen 01/2022), Nürnberg, 50 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.REH.2201


    "Der strukturelle Wandel am Arbeitsmarkt führt zu veränderten Anforderungen, auf die sich alle Akteure einstellen müssen. Ein entscheidender Faktor dabei ist das Wissen um die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften. Wie sich diese Nachfrage generell und in einzelnen Berufshauptgruppen in Hessen gestaltet, analysiert der vorliegende Bericht. Er basiert methodisch auf der „Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass“, die Stellenanzeigen erstmalig systematisch auswertet. Zunächst wird anhand verschiedener Kriterien ermittelt, welche Berufshauptgruppen für die kurz- und langfristige vergangene und künftige Entwicklung der Beschäftigung von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Potenzielle Engpässe sowie eine besonders positive Beschäftigungsentwicklung, die auch eine künftige Nachfrage annehmen lässt, sollen dadurch abgebildet werden. Diese Berufshauptgruppen sind für Hessen „Mechatronik, Energie- & Elektroberufe“, „Informatik-, Informations- & Kommunikationstechnologieberufe“, „Medizinische Gesundheitsberufe“, „Nichtmedizinische Gesundheits-, Körperpflege- & Wellnessberufe, Medizintechnik“ sowie „Erziehung, soziale & hauswirtschaftliche Berufe, Theologie“. Für diese Berufshauptgruppen werden die in Stellenanzeigen am häufigsten genannten fachlichen und überfachlichen Kompetenzen ausgewertet. Insgesamt zeichnet sich eine stärkere Nachfrage nach fachlichen als nach überfachlichen Kompetenzen ab, was die Bedeutung von formaler Qualifikation und berufsspezifischen Anforderungen betont. Es werden außerdem starke Unterschiede zwischen den Berufshauptgruppen deutlich. Unterschiede zeigen sich beispielsweise bei der Anzahl an genannten Kompetenzen je ausgeschriebener Stelle. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass mit steigendem Anforderungsniveau vermehrt überfachliche Kompetenzen nachgefragt werden. Der Beitrag diskutiert zudem die Entstehung von Stellenanzeigen. Dieser Prozess ist stark vom Kontext der ausschreibenden Organisation abhängig und sollte bei der Betrachtung von Kompetenzanforderungen und den vorliegenden Ergebnissen immer mitbedacht werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job Search Intensity and Wage Rigidity in Business Cycles (2022)

    Uemura, Yuki;


    Uemura, Yuki (2022): Job Search Intensity and Wage Rigidity in Business Cycles. (KIER discussion paper series 1078), Kyoto, 34 S.


    "This paper examines the job search behavior of unemployed workers over the business cycle. The paper first constructs a standard search and matching model with endogenous search efforts, wage rigidity, and a generalized matching function. Contrary to the existing literature, the proposed model generates both procyclical and countercyclical search intensity, depending on the degree of wage rigidity and the elasticity parameter of the matching function. The paper then calibrates the model to the U.S. economy and provides various impulse response analyses. The numerical exercises show that the model successfully and simultaneously reproduces countercyclical search efforts and sizable labor market fluctuations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Nine Mechanisms of Job-Searching and Job-Finding Through Contacts Among Young Adults (2022)

    Vacchiano, Mattia;


    Vacchiano, Mattia (2022): Nine Mechanisms of Job-Searching and Job-Finding Through Contacts Among Young Adults. In: Sociological research online, Jg. 27, H. 2, S. 361-378. DOI:10.1177/13607804211009525


    "Since Granovetter’s seminal works, the influence of personal networks on the labour market has attracted widespread attention. This article analyses the role played by contacts in the context of the labour trajectories of young people in Spain, for whom the use of personal networks represents one of the most important job-searching methods. Using narrative data extracted from a life-history grid and ego-network generator, the analysis brings to light nine mechanisms in which personal contacts intervene in job-searching and job-finding in a sample of 90 young people living in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. The article emphasizes that contacts play primarily three roles in these processes as informers, employers, or influencers. This distinction offers a renewed framework for the study of networks in the labour market, further complementing the debate on the strength of ties. Using this framework allows me to create a map of the mechanisms that shed light on personal networks as tools with which to deal with labour insecurity and unemployment among young people, thus providing resources that to a large extent reaffirm the objective character of class differences. The article offers innovative insights into how social capital operates in the labour market and helps understand how youth precarity, which is widespread in Spain, is experienced in a relational way." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Determinants of Displaced Workers' Wages: Sorting, Matching, Selection, and the Hartz Reforms (2022)

    Woodcock, Simon;


    Woodcock, Simon (2022): The Determinants of Displaced Workers' Wages: Sorting, Matching, Selection, and the Hartz Reforms. (Discussion papers / Simon Fraser University, Department of Economics 2022,04), Burnaby, 90 S.


    "We present a simple new method to decompose the wage effects of displacement into components due to differences in the way that displaced and non-displaced workers are sorted across higher- and lower-paying employers (a sorting effect), differences in the quality of worker-employer matches they enter into (a matching effect), and differences in their unobservable characteristics (a selection effect). In an extended application, we apply our decomposition to understand how the determinants of displaced workers' wages in Germany changed following the 2003-2005 Hartz reforms. We find that the wages of displaced workers fell substantially after the reforms, and that over 80 percent of the decline was because they found re-employment at lower-paying employers. Sorting into worse matches explains a smaller 5-9 percent of the wage decline experienced by men, and 12-23.5 percent of the female wage decline. Collectively, the sorting and matching channels explain almost all of the post-reform decline in displaced workers' wages, and selection played little role." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Studying the UK job market during the COVID-19 crisis with online job ads (2021)

    Arthur, Rudy ;


    Arthur, Rudy (2021): Studying the UK job market during the COVID-19 crisis with online job ads. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 16, H. 5. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0251431


    "The COVID-19 global pandemic and the lockdown policies enacted to mitigate it have had profound effects on the labour market. Understanding these effects requires us to obtain and analyse data in as close to real time as possible, especially as rules change rapidly and local lockdowns are enacted. This work studies the UK labour market by analysing data from the online job board Reed.co.uk, using topic modelling and geo-inference methods to break down the data by sector and geography. I also study how the salary, contract type, and mode of work have changed since the COVID-19 crisis hit the UK in March. Overall, vacancies were down by 60 to 70% in the first weeks of lockdown. By the end of the year numbers had recovered somewhat, but the total job ad deficit is measured to be over 40%. Broken down by sector, vacancies for hospitality and graduate jobs are greatly reduced, while there were more care work and nursing vacancies during lockdown. Differences by geography are less significant than between sectors, though there is some indication that local lockdowns stall recovery and less badly hit areas may have experienced a smaller reduction in vacancies. There are also small but significant changes in the salary distribution and number of full time and permanent jobs. As well as the analysis, this work presents an open methodology that enables a rapid and detailed survey of the job market in unsettled conditions and describes a web application jobtrender.com that allows others to query this data set." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vacancies, Employment Outcomes and Firm Growth: Evidence from Denmark (2021)

    Bagger, Jesper; Fontaine, Francois; Galenianos, Manolis; Trapeznikova, Ija;


    Bagger, Jesper, Francois Fontaine, Manolis Galenianos & Ija Trapeznikova (2021): Vacancies, Employment Outcomes and Firm Growth: Evidence from Denmark. (IZA discussion paper 14436), Bonn, 31 S.


    "We use comprehensive data from Denmark that combine online job advertisements with a matched employer-employee dataset and a firm-level dataset with information on revenues and value added to study the relationship between vacancy-posting and various firm outcomes. Posting a vacancy is associated with a 4.5 percentage point increase in a firm's hiring rate and two-thirds of the additional hiring occurs within two months. The response of hiring from employment is twice as large as the response of hiring from non-employment. Firms that are smaller, low-wage and fast-growing are associated with larger hiring responses and that response materializes faster at larger firms, low-wage firms and fast-growing firms. We also find that separations are associated with subsequent vacancy posting and this effect is stronger for separations to employment, consistent with replacement hiring and the presence of vacancy chains. Growth in revenue and value added strongly predict vacancy-posting, with negative shocks having a stronger effect than positive shocks and larger shocks having less-than-proportional responses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Search during a Pandemic Recession: Survey Evidence from the Netherlands (2021)

    Balgová, Mária; Trenkle, Simon ; Zimpelmann, Christian ; Pestel, Nico;


    Balgová, Mária, Simon Trenkle, Christian Zimpelmann & Nico Pestel (2021): Job Search during a Pandemic Recession: Survey Evidence from the Netherlands. (IZA discussion paper 14180), Bonn, 36 S.


    "This paper studies job search behavior in the midst of a pandemic recession. We use long-running panel data from the Netherlands (LISS) and complement the core survey with our own COVID-specific module, conducted in June 2020, surveying job search effort of employed as well as unemployed respondents. We estimate an empirical model of job search over the business cycle over the period 2008-2019 to explore the gap between predicted and actual job search behavior in 2020. We find that job search during the pandemic recession differs strongly from previous downturns. The unemployed search significantly less than what we would normally observe during a recession of this size, while the employed search mildly more. Expectations about the duration of the pandemic seem to play a key role in explaining job search effort for the unemployed in 2020. Furthermore, employed subjects affected by changes in employment status due to COVID-19 are more likely to search for a job. Conversely, beliefs about infection risk do not seem to be related to job search in a systematic way." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Trenkle, Simon ;
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    Nonlinear Search and Matching Explained (2021)

    Bernstein, Joshua; Throckmorton, Nathaniel; Richter, Alexander W.;


    Bernstein, Joshua, Alexander W. Richter & Nathaniel Throckmorton (2021): Nonlinear Search and Matching Explained. (Working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Research Department 2106), Dallas, TX, 28 S. DOI:10.24149/wp2106


    "Competing explanations for the sources of nonlinearity in search and matching models indicate that they are not fully understood. This paper derives an analytical solution to a textbook model that highlights the mechanisms that generate nonlinearity and quantifies their contributions. Procyclical variation in the matching elasticity creates nonlinearity in the job finding rate, which interacts with the law of motion for unemployment. These results show the matching function choice is not innocuous. Quantitatively, the Den Haan et al. (2000) matching function more than doubles the skewness of unemployment and welfare cost of business cycles, compared to the Cobb-Douglas specification." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job search intensity of unemployed Workers and the business cycle (2021)

    Bransch, Felix ;


    Bransch, Felix (2021): Job search intensity of unemployed Workers and the business cycle. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 205, S. 1-4. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109927


    "This paper provides empirical evidence for the cyclicality in the job search intensity of unemployed workers using data on job search behavior from the Dutch National Bank Household Survey (DHS), an annual panel survey, for the years 1993 until 2018. I find that job search intensity is counter-cyclical, adding to the mixed results of prior studies that mainly rely on data from the US. This finding is robust to using different measures of search intensity and business cycle indicators. The counter-cyclical pattern seems to be driven by changes in the composition of searchers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2021 Elsevier) ((en))

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    A new approach to skills mismatch (2021)

    Brun-Schammé, Amandine; Rey, Martin;


    Brun-Schammé, Amandine & Martin Rey (2021): A new approach to skills mismatch. (OECD productivity working papers 24), Paris, 28 S. DOI:10.1787/e9563c2a-en


    "Skills mismatch - the sub-optimal use of an individual's skills in their occupation - can be a source of dissatisfaction for workers and a brake for productivity growth. In our view, a difference in the level of skills within an occupation is not sufficient to infer that a skills mismatch exists. Since skills-mismatch is the result of a disparity between the supply and demand of labour, the quantifying of skills-mismatch must therefore be based on the mechanisms involved in this disparity. We propose to include in our measurement the level of education and field of study, which are key markers of an individual's skill level in the labour market. This makes it possible to identify, among individuals whose skill level differs from others within an occupation, those whose training profile can (or cannot) explain this situation. Through using the OECD PIAAC 2012 survey, this paper first identifies with data for France, individuals who present an apparent skills mismatch according to the framework proposed. Following an international comparison of “apparent skills mismatch rates”, we conclude this study by observing how the different groups identified differ in terms of how they perceive their employment situation as well as their individual characteristics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mismatch Unemployment in Austria: The Role of Regional Labour Markets for Skills (2021)

    Böheim, René; Christl, Michael ;


    Böheim, René & Michael Christl (2021): Mismatch Unemployment in Austria. The Role of Regional Labour Markets for Skills. (CESifo working paper 9080), München, 38 S.


    "During the last decade, the Austrian labour market experienced a substantial outward shift of the Beveridge curve. Using detailed administrative data on vacancies and registered unemployed by region and skill level, we test which factors caused this shift. We find that the Beveridge curve shifted primarily because mismatch increased substantially. Looking on the regional and skill dimension of mismatch unemployment, we find a substantial increase of mismatch unemployment for manual routine tasks as well as for the region of Vienna." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Marriage Market and Labor Market Sorting (2021)

    Calvo, Paula A.; Reynoso, Ana; Lindenlaub, Ilse;


    Calvo, Paula A., Ilse Lindenlaub & Ana Reynoso (2021): Marriage Market and Labor Market Sorting. (NBER working paper 28883), Cambridge, MA, 67 S. DOI:10.3386/w28883


    "We build a novel equilibrium model in which households' labor supply choices form the link between sorting on the marriage market and sorting on the labor market. We first show that in theory, the nature of home production – whether partners' hours are complements or substitutes – shapes marriage market sorting, labor market sorting and labor supply choices in equilibrium. We then estimate our model on German data to assess the nature of home production in the data, and find that spouses' home hours are complements. We investigate to what extent complementarity in home hours drives sorting and inequality. We find that the home production complementarity – by strengthening positive marriage sorting and reducing the gender gap in hours and labor sorting – puts significant downward pressure on the gender wage gap and within-household income inequality, but it fuels between-household inequality. Our estimated model sheds new light on the sources of inequality in today's Germany and – by identifying important shifts in home production technology towards more complementarity – on the evolution of inequality over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Interlocking Complementarities Between Job Design And Labour Contracts (2021)

    Cattani, Luca; Landini, Fabio ; Dughera, Stefano;


    Cattani, Luca, Stefano Dughera & Fabio Landini (2021): Interlocking Complementarities Between Job Design And Labour Contracts. (Working paper series / Dipartimento economia e statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" 2021,14), Torino, 44 S.


    "The drivers of large within-industry heterogeneity in the use of non-standard employment are still poorly understood. Specifically, there is little evidence on how firm-specific factors related to the organization of work affect the diversity of hiring decisions. This paper contributes to this line of research by studying the existence of interlocking complementarities between job design and labour contract at the firm level. Using a formal model, we show that firms face two organizational equilibria: one in which job designs with high routine task intensity are matched with a large use of non-standard contracts; and the other in which low routine task intensity combines with a small use of non-standard contracts. These complementarities exist because while non-standard contracts allow firm to adjust to external shocks, they also provide little incentive to invest in firm-specific knowledge. Since the cost associated with the lack of such knowledge is lower (higher) in firms with high (low) routine task intensity, they are also more (less) likely to use this type of contracts. We test the predictions of our model using linked-employer-employee data from the Emilia-Romagna region. We build an index of firm's routine task intensity by matching information from INAPP data at the occupation level. The empirical evidence is consistent with our theory: the use of non-standard contracts is positively associated with routine task intensity at the firm level. This result holds controlling for a wide range of firm-specific and contextual covariates and it is robust to alternative estimation methods (OLS, panel and IV). The related managerial and policy implications are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Will Accepting Less Bring Success? Job Related Concessions and Welfare Recipients in Germany (2021)

    Christoph, Bernhard ; Lietzmann, Torsten;


    Christoph, Bernhard & Torsten Lietzmann (2021): Will Accepting Less Bring Success? Job Related Concessions and Welfare Recipients in Germany. In: The social policy blog H. 22.06.2021.


    "It is often argued that in order to find new employment, the unemployed have to compromise and accept jobs that are inferior (e.g. paying less or requiring a lower qualification) than the jobs they held before becoming unemployed. Making such compromise to find new employment is what we call a job related concession. Our results show that while there might be some truth to this Assertion - in particular with regard to accepting lower paying Jobs - being generally flexible with regard to job search has comparably positive effects without requiring the unemployed to make such compromise. Therefore, we argue that enabling the unemployed to find new occupational perspectives - ideally in combination with training and qualification measures for the new occupation - should be at least as promising as requiring them to make job-related concessions." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Christoph, Bernhard ; Lietzmann, Torsten;

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    Does the internet increase the job finding rate?: Evidence from a period of expansion in internet use (2021)

    Denzer, Manuel; Schank, Thorsten ; Upward, Richard ;


    Denzer, Manuel, Thorsten Schank & Richard Upward (2021): Does the internet increase the job finding rate? Evidence from a period of expansion in internet use. In: Information economics and policy, Jg. 55. DOI:10.1016/j.infoecopol.2020.100900


    "We examine the impact of household access to the internet on job finding rates in Germany during a period (2006–2009) in which the share of households with a broadband connection increased by 31 percentage points, and job-seekers increased their use of the internet as a search tool. During this period, household access to broadband internet was almost completely dependent on the availability of a particular technology (DSL). We therefore exploit the variation in DSL availability across municipalities as an instrument for household access to the internet. OLS estimates which control for differences in individual and local area characteristics suggest a job finding advantage of about six percentage points. The IV estimates are substantially larger, but much less precisely estimated. However, we cannot reject the hypothesis that, conditional on observables, residential computer access with internet was as good as randomly assigned with respect to the job finding rate. The hypothesis that residential internet access helped job-seekers find work because of its effect on the job search process is supported by the finding that residential internet access greatly increased the use of the internet as a search method. We find some evidence that household access to the internet reduced the use of traditional job search methods, but this effect is outweighed by the increase in internet-based search methods." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Using Artificial Intelligence to classify Jobseekers: The Accuracy-Equity Trade-off (2021)

    Desiere, Sam ; Struyven, Ludo;


    Desiere, Sam & Ludo Struyven (2021): Using Artificial Intelligence to classify Jobseekers: The Accuracy-Equity Trade-off. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 50, H. 2, S. 367-385. DOI:10.1017/S0047279420000203


    "Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly popular in the public sector to improve the cost-efficiency of service delivery. One example is AI-based profiling models in public employment services (PES), which predict a jobseeker's probability of finding work and are used to segment jobseekers in groups. Profiling models hold the potential to improve identification of jobseekers at-risk of becoming long-term unemployed, but also induce discrimination. Using a recently developed AI-based profiling model of the Flemish PES, we assess to what extent AI-based profiling 'discriminates' against jobseekers of foreign origin compared to traditional rule-based profiling approaches. At a maximum level of accuracy, jobseekers of foreign origin who ultimately find a job are 2.6 times more likely to be misclassified as 'high-risk' jobseekers. We argue that it is critical that policymakers and caseworkers understand the inherent trade-offs of profiling models, and consider the limitations when integrating these models in daily operations. We develop a graphical tool to visualize the accuracy-equity trade-off in order to facilitate policy discussions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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