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Ältere im Betrieb

Die zunehmende Alterung und die abnehmende Zahl der Erwerbspersonen sowie die Anhebung des Rentenalters bleiben nicht ohne Auswirkungen auf die Betriebe. Es ist eine alter(n)ssensible Personalpolitik gefordert, die sich der verändernden Altersstruktur im Betrieb stellt. Die Infoplattform bietet zum Thema Ältere im Betrieb Literaturhinweise, Volltexte und Informationen über Forschungsprojekte. Es werden die Positionen der Politik, der Verbände und Betriebe sowie die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema deutlich.
In dieser Infoplattform sind erstmals alle Literaturhinweise - neben der Themeneinordnung - dem Punkt "wissenschaftliche Literatur" oder "politik-/praxisbezogene Literatur" zugeordnet. "Wissenschaftliche Literatur" beinhaltet Veröffentlichungen in SSCI-Journals, referierten Zeitschriften, wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungsreihen und Discussion Papers. "Politik/Praxis" bezieht sich auf die aktuelle politische Diskussion bzw. auf betriebs-praktische Hinweise zum Thema Ältere im Betrieb.

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im Aspekt "Berufsausstieg und Übergang in Rente"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Career Spillovers in Internal Labour Markets (2023)

    Bianchi, Nicola; Bovini, Giulia; Li, Jin; Powell, Michael; Paradisi, Matteo;


    Bianchi, Nicola, Giulia Bovini, Jin Li, Matteo Paradisi & Michael Powell (2023): Career Spillovers in Internal Labour Markets. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Jg. 90, H. 4, S. 1800-1831. DOI:10.1093/restud/rdac067


    "This article studies career spillovers across workers, which arise in firms with limited promotion opportunities. We exploit a 2011 Italian pension reform that unexpectedly tightened eligibility criteria for the public pension, leading to sudden, substantial, and heterogeneous retirement delays. Using administrative data on Italian private-sector workers, the analysis leverages cross-firm variation to isolate the effect of retirement delays among soon-to-retire workers on the wage growth and promotions of their colleagues. We find evidence of spillover patterns consistent with older workers blocking the careers of their younger colleagues, but only in firms with limited promotion opportunities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Durchhalten Bis Zur Rente?: Einschätzungen von Beschäftigten, Betriebs- und Personalräten (2023)

    Blank, Florian ; Brehmer, Wolfram;


    Blank, Florian & Wolfram Brehmer (2023): Durchhalten Bis Zur Rente? Einschätzungen von Beschäftigten, Betriebs- und Personalräten. (WSI-Report 85), Düsseldorf, 13 S.


    "In öffentlichen Debatten wird gefordert, das Renteneintrittsalter zu erhöhen. Diese Forderung geht jedoch an der Realität der Beschäftigten vorbei. Viele schaffen es aus gesundheitlichen und sonstigen Gründen nicht, bis zum Rentenalter zu arbeiten. Dieser WSI-Report geht der Frage nach, ob und welche Beschäftigte sich in der Lage sehen, ihre aktuelle berufliche Tätigkeit bis zum Rentenalter durchhalten zu können. Ergänzt wird diese Selbsteinschätzung durch Angaben von Betriebs- und Personalräten, nicht nur zur Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, sondern auch zu Handlungsspielräumen der Betriebe zur Unterstützung der Beschäftigten. Datengrundlage sind die HBS-Erwerbspersonenbefragung und die WSI-Betriebs- und Personalrätebefragung 2021. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Mehrheit der Beschäftigten eher optimistisch ist, ihre aktuelle Tätigkeit bis zur Rente ausüben zu können. Allerdings zeigen sich erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen Beschäftigtengruppen, etwa zwischen Arbeiter*innen, Angestellten und Beamt*innen. Betriebs- und Personalräte äußern sich skeptischer zur Fähigkeit der Beschäftigten, bis zur Rente durchzuhalten. Gleichzeitig sehen sie aber Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung – Betriebe könnten mehr tun, um lange Erwerbskarrieren zu ermöglichen. Die aktuelle Situation wird aber als unzureichend eingeschätzt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Role of Disability Insurance on the Labour Market Trajectories of Europeans (2023)

    Brugiavini, Agar; Crudu, Petru;


    Brugiavini, Agar & Petru Crudu (2023): The Role of Disability Insurance on the Labour Market Trajectories of Europeans. (Working papers / Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Economia 2023,20), Venezia, 81 S.


    "This work documents the role played by disability insurance, typically part of a wider public pension provision package, on the labour market trajectories and retirement decisions. We will first employ a machine learning approach to estimate a Transition Probability Model able to uncover the most likely labour market histories and then evaluate the effects of policy reforms, including reforms to the eligibility for disability insurance benefits. The main contribution is the introduction of disability insurance programs within a framework, which models the entire life course of older Europeans. This requires the detailed administrative eligibility criteria prevailing in each of the 11 countries from 1970 to 2017. Results show that the disability route and early retirement are substitutes. In addition, tightening eligibility rules of disability programs crowd out disabled workers, whose reductions in working capacities are correctly assessed, towards other compensatory schemes (e.g., unemployment benefits or early pension) in which working is not expected. On the contrary, individuals with over-assessed reductions in working capacities are the most reactive to disability policy restrictions. In conclusion, efficient disability assessment procedures are crucial for incentivising labour market participation without hurting individuals most in need." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effects of Reforms on Retirement Behavior: Introduction and Summary (2023)

    Börsch-Supan, Axel H.; Coile, Courtney;


    Börsch-Supan, Axel H. & Courtney Coile (2023): The Effects of Reforms on Retirement Behavior: Introduction and Summary. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31979), Cambridge, Mass, 33 S.


    "The International Social Security (ISS) project compares the experiences of a dozen developed countries to study Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World. The project was launched in the mid 1990s and was motivated by decades of decline in the labor force participation rate of older men. The first phases of the project documented that social security program provisions can create powerful incentives for retirement that are strongly correlated with the labor force behavior of older workers. Since then, the dramatic decline in men's labor force participation has been replaced by sharply rising participation rates. Older women's participation has increased dramatically as well. This tenth phase of the International Social Security (ISS) Project is the third step in explaining rising participation at older ages. The first step investigated changes in health and education as potential causes and showed that they could not account for the extent of changes in labor force participation. As a second step, we documented that countries have undertaken numerous reforms of their social security programs, disability programs, and other public benefit programs available to older workers. We found that these reforms substantially reduced the implicit tax on work at older ages and that stronger financial incentives to work were positively correlated with labor force participation at older ages. In this volume, the third step of our analysis, we exploit the time-series and cross-national variation in the timing and extent of reforms of retirement incentives and employ micro-econometric methods in order to study whether the correlation between financial incentives and work at older ages is causal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lebensarbeitszeit im internationalen Vergleich: Die Bedeutung der Silver Worker für die Fachkräftesicherung (2023)

    Enste, Dominik H.; Werding, Martin ; Hensen, Julia;


    Enste, Dominik H., Martin Werding & Julia Hensen (2023): Lebensarbeitszeit im internationalen Vergleich. Die Bedeutung der Silver Worker für die Fachkräftesicherung. (Studie / Roman Herzog Institut 38), München, 39 S.


    "Viele Menschen würden gern weniger arbeiten und früher in Rente gehen. Allerdings passt dieser persönliche Wunsch nicht zur alternden Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Um den Mangel an Fach- und Arbeitskräften abzuschwächen und die Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Altersvorsorge zu stabilisieren, müsste die Lebensarbeitszeit vielmehr steigen. Wie dies gehen kann, welche Potenziale in den sogenannten Silver Workern – den 65- bis 69-Jährigen – liegen und wie Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich dasteht, damit beschäftigen sich Dominik H. Enste, Martin Werding und Julia Hensen in dieser RHI-Studie. Als empirische Basis dazu vergleichen die Autor*innen die Lebensarbeitszeit in Deutschland mit der in anderen OECD-Staaten. Sie zeigen – auch anhand von Best-Practice-Beispielen aus anderen Ländern –, wie sich Potenziale heben und das Arbeitsvolumen steigern ließen. Zudem plädieren sie dafür, die Erwerbsphase zu verlängern, indem das gesetzliche Renteneintrittsalter automatisch an die höhere Lebenserwartung wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The value of pension reforms for late working life: evidence from Sweden (2023)

    Focacci, Chiara Natalie ; Kelfve, Susanne; Motel-Klingebiel, Andreas ; Öylü, Gülin ;


    Focacci, Chiara Natalie, Gülin Öylü, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel & Susanne Kelfve (2023): The value of pension reforms for late working life: evidence from Sweden. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 13/14, S. 79-89. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-02-2023-0038


    "Purpose: Driven by the aim to increase the participation of older people in the labor force and to extend people's working lives, the Swedish Parliament passed a bill in 1998 to increase the pension eligibility age from 60 to 61 years and establish a notional defined-contribution (NDC) plan. In this article, the authors investigate the impacts towards the prolongation of working lives expected from such an intervention. Design/methodology/approach The authors apply a multinomial probabilistic model based on Swedish registry data on the birth cohorts 1937–1938 (n  = 102,826) and observe differences in exit behaviour between eligible and non-eligible individuals. Findings: The authors find that the cohorts eligible to the pension reform exit the labor market at a later age compared to non-eligible cohorts at the 61-years cut-off. The authors also find that the effect persists in the long term. Furthermore, the authors find that both men and women are equally struck by the reform. Originality/value While there exist many descriptive reports and theoretical analyses on the costs and benefits of pension reforms, this study is the first one to empirically analyse the effect of the first European NDC pay-as-you go pension plan on the potential exclusion of old-aged workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Working Longer, Working Stronger? The Forward-Looking Effects of Increasing the Retirement Age on (Un)employment Behaviour (2023)

    Gohl, Niklas;


    Gohl, Niklas (2023): Working Longer, Working Stronger? The Forward-Looking Effects of Increasing the Retirement Age on (Un)employment Behaviour. (CEPA discussion papers / Center for Economic Policy Analysis 63), Potsdam, 62 S.


    "Leveraging two cohort-specific pension reforms, this paper estimates the forward-looking effects of an exogenous increase in the working horizon on (un)employment behaviour for individuals with a long remaining statutory working life. Using difference-in-differences and regression discontinuity approaches based on administrative and survey data, I show that a longer legal working horizon increases individuals' subjective expectations about the length of their work life, raises the probability of employment, decreases the probability of unemployment, and increases the intensity of job search among the unemployed. Heterogeneity analyses show that the demonstrated employment effects are strongest for women and in occupations with comparatively low physical intensity, i.e., occupations that can be performed at older ages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How Does the Statutory Retirement Age Affect Older workers' Employment in Relation to Individual and Work‐Related Factors? (2023)

    Grzenda, Wioletta ;


    Grzenda, Wioletta (2023): How Does the Statutory Retirement Age Affect Older workers' Employment in Relation to Individual and Work‐Related Factors? In: Journal of Aging & Social Policy online erschienen am 18.11.2023, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1080/08959420.2023.2284570


    "Policies aimed at increasing employment among older people often focus on the statutory retirement age. Taking into account the characteristics of workers and work-related factors, we examine the impact of reaching the statutory retirement age on continuing employment. In addition to the use of survival trees, we propose a novel method to predict the probability of staying in employment based on an ensemble of survival trees. We focus on Poland as an example of a European country with a particularly low share of older workers in the labor force. Moreover, reform was carried out in Poland in 2017, lowering the previously raised pension eligibility age. Like other EU countries, pension eligibility in Poland starts after reaching the statutory retirement age. Our results suggest that the timing of retirement is determined by the statutory retirement age to a limited extent compared to other factors. In the case of women, a match of education and occupation, the employment sector, and holding a managerial position had a greater impact on continuing employment than reaching retirement age. In the case of men, the type of job contract had the greatest impact on continuing employment. Our findings indicate that the policies and initiatives aimed at extending working life should pay more attention to work-related factors and gender differences in employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    When Institutions Interact: How the Effects of Unemployment Insurance are Shaped by Retirement Policies (2023)

    Gudgeon, Matthew; Ye, Han; Schmieder, Johannes F.; Trenkle, Simon ; Guzman, Pablo;


    Gudgeon, Matthew, Pablo Guzman, Johannes F. Schmieder, Simon Trenkle & Han Ye (2023): When Institutions Interact: How the Effects of Unemployment Insurance are Shaped by Retirement Policies. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31807), Cambridge, Mass, 62 S.


    "This paper shows empirically that the non-employment effects of unemployment insurance (UI) for older workers depend in a first-order way on the structure of retirement policies. Using German data, we first present reduced-form evidence of these interactions, documenting large bunching in UI inflows at the age that allows workers to claim their pension following UI expiration. We then estimate a dynamic life-cycle model and use it to directly quantify how the effects of UI vary with retirement policies. Accounting for interactions across UI and retirement institutions also helps explain otherwise difficult-to-explain trends in the unemployment rate of older German workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Trenkle, Simon ;
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    Ageing and labor productivity (2023)

    Hernaes, Erik; Kornstad, Tom; Røed, Knut; Markussen, Simen;


    Hernaes, Erik, Tom Kornstad, Simen Markussen & Knut Røed (2023): Ageing and labor productivity. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 82. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102347


    "We exploit a policy-induced shift in the labor supply of elderly (age 63–67) workers in Norway to explore how aging of the workforce within existing firms is likely to affect labor productivity and the demand for younger workers. Our results are imprecise, but indicate that a higher share of age 63–67 workers increases total wage costs and has a small positive effect on labor productivity in the short run. Postponed retirement of existing elderly workers leads to a significant decline in the hiring of younger (below age 30) workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Effects of Social Insurance Benefits on Leaving Employment at Older Ages in the Netherlands (2023)

    Kalwij, Adriaan; Kapteyn, Arie;


    Kalwij, Adriaan & Arie Kapteyn (2023): The Effects of Social Insurance Benefits on Leaving Employment at Older Ages in the Netherlands. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31546), Cambridge, Mass, 48 S.


    "In the Netherlands, from 1989 to 2013, in the age group 55-63 the annual exit rate from employment to receiving social insurance benefits in the following year decreased from around 17 percent to 7 percent for men, and from 14 percent to 5 percent for women. We found that less generous social insurance benefits have had small but significant negative effects on these exit rates: The annual exit rate to social insurance benefit receipt next year (at ages 56-64) would have been about 14 percent higher for both men and women in 2013 should social insurance benefits schemes of 1989 still have been in place. This increase amounts to staying, on average, three months longer in employment from age 55 onwards in 2013 than in 1989. These findings are driven to some extent by the reduction in the maximum duration of unemployment insurance benefits in 2007, but predominantly by making (early) retirement schemes actuarially fair from 2006 onwards. The increase in disability insurance's income replacement rate in 2006 has led to a slight increase in the exit rate from employment, conditional on eligibility. As the estimated effects of changes in the social insurance benefits from 1989 to 2013 on working beyond age 55 are relatively small, they suggest the importance of other factors such as changes in workers' skills, improved health (on which we provide some evidence), and social insurance's tighter eligibility criteria." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Effects of digital skills and other individual factors on retirement decision-making and their gender differences (2023)

    Lakomý, Martin ;


    Lakomý, Martin (2023): Effects of digital skills and other individual factors on retirement decision-making and their gender differences. In: European Journal of Ageing, Jg. 20. DOI:10.1007/s10433-023-00784-9


    "Increasing the pension age as a dominant solution to population ageing does not bring desirable outcomes, if not accompanied by other essential measures in lifelong learning and fighting age discrimination. Moreover, rapid digitalization and automation in the labor market bring additional uncertainties for the growing group of older workers. The analysis is based on the SHARE data from Waves 5, 6, and 7 and examines predictors of retirement intentions by two different estimation methods. While digital skills are positively associated with a willingness to stay in the labor market in the random-effect modelling, fixed-effects regression shows no correlation between digital skills and retirement intentions. This difference means that digital skills do not correlate with retirement intentions once we control for time-invariant individual characteristics. Thus, increasing ICT literacy among older workers can have a very limited potential for extending working lives. In contrast to this result, starting to be self-employed, health improvement, having an additional grandchild, and losing a partner increase the willingness to work longer. The study identifies the factors shaping retirement intentions, which should be reflected in any effective social policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gendered retirement pathways across lifecourse regimes (2023)

    Madero-Cabib, Ignacio ; König, Stefanie; Le Feuvre, Nicky ;


    Madero-Cabib, Ignacio, Nicky Le Feuvre & Stefanie König (2023): Gendered retirement pathways across lifecourse regimes. In: Ageing & Society, Jg. 43, H. 10, S. 2394-2423. DOI:10.1017/S0144686X21001781


    "In order to capture the rapidly changing reality of older workers, it is important to study retirement not as a one-off transition, but rather as a series of diverse pathways that unfold during the period before and after reaching the full retirement age. The retirement transitions of men and women have been shown to vary widely according to individual characteristics such as health, education and marital status, but also according to macro-institutional factors, such as welfare regimes and gender norms. While there is a consensus about the combined influence of institutional and individual factors in shaping retirement transitions, previous research has rarely included both levels of analysis. This study aims to close this research gap. Using a pooled-country dataset from three panel surveys, covering 11 nations, we examine the retirement pathways of 1,594 women and 1,105 men during a 12-year period (2004–2016) around the country- and gender-specific full pension age. Results show that retirement pathways diverge considerably across countries and lifecourse regimes. The distribution of men and women between the different pathways is also variable, both within and across societal contexts. More importantly, the influence of individual-level characteristics, such as education, on the gendering of retirement pathways is not identical across societal contexts. These findings provide useful insights into the gender-differentiated implications of policies aimed at extending working lives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Pension Reforms and Couples' Labour Supply Decisions (2023)

    Moghadam, Hamed Markazi; Puhani, Patrick A.; Tyrowicz, Joanna ;


    Moghadam, Hamed Markazi, Patrick A. Puhani & Joanna Tyrowicz (2023): Pension Reforms and Couples' Labour Supply Decisions. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16039), Bonn, 43 S.


    "To determine how wives' and husbands' retirement options affect their spouses' (and their own) labour supply decisions, we exploit (early) retirement cutoffs by way of a regression discontinuity design. Several German pension reforms since the early 1990s have gradually raised women's retirement age from 60 to 65, but also increased ages for several early retirement pathways affecting both sexes. We use German Socio-Economic Panel data for a sample of couples aged 50 to 69 whose retirement eligibility occurred (i) prior to the reforms, (ii) during the transition years, and (iii) after the major set of reforms. We find that, prior to the reforms, when several retirement options were available to both husbands and wives, both react almost symmetrically to their spouse reaching an early retirement age, that is both husband and wife decrease their labour supply by about 5 percentage points when the spouse reaches age 60). This speaks in favour of leisure complementarities. However, after the set of reforms, when retiring early was much more difficult, we find no more significant labour supply reaction to the spouse reaching a retirement age, whereas reaching one's own retirement age still triggers a significant reaction in labour supply. Our results may explain some of the diverse findings in the literature on asymmetric reactions between husbands and wives to their spouse reaching a retirement age: such reactions may in large parts depend on how flexibly workers are able to retire." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Länger arbeiten lohnt sich im Alter (2023)

    Pimpertz, Jochen;


    Pimpertz, Jochen (2023): Länger arbeiten lohnt sich im Alter. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2023,65), Köln, 3 S.


    "Mit dem zunehmenden Fachkräftemangel wird gefordert, die Anreize für ein verlängertes Arbeitsleben zu stärken. Für Arbeitnehmer lohnt sich ein späterer Renteneintritt aber schon heute – sowohl mit Blick auf die monatliche Bruttorente als auch auf den Barwert der lebenslang zu erwartenden Rentenzahlungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Investigating the influence of work-related stress on early labour market exit: the role of health (2023)

    Toczek, Lisa ; Peter, Richard;


    Toczek, Lisa & Richard Peter (2023): Investigating the influence of work-related stress on early labour market exit: the role of health. In: European Journal of Ageing, Jg. 20. DOI:10.1007/s10433-023-00778-7


    "Early labour market exit of large birth cohorts will put pressure on the social security systems of many European countries, especially Germany. Despite political efforts, many people retire before the statutory retirement age. A well-known predictor of retirement is health, which, in turn, is influenced by psychosocial working conditions such as work-related stress. This study examined whether work stress is associated with early labour market exit. In addition, we investigated whether health mediates this association. Survey data of the German Cohort Study on Work, Age, Health and Work Participation (lidA study) were linked to register data from the Federal Employment Agency, from which information on labour market exit was obtained (n = 3636). During a 6-year follow-up period, Cox proportional hazard models were used to investigate the influence of work-related stress and health on early labour market exit, adjusting for sex, age, education, occupational status, income and supervisor behaviour. Work-related stress was measured by effort–reward imbalance (ERI). Additionally, a mediation analysis was conducted to investigate a possible mediation of the association between ERI and early labour market exit by self-rated health. Higher work-related stress increased the likelihood of early labour market exit (HR 1.86; 95% CI 1.19–2.92). However, when including health in the Cox regression, the significant effect of work-related stress disappeared. Poor health was a risk factor for early labour market exit (HR 1.49; 95% CI 1.26–1.76) independent of all confounders. The results of the mediation analysis showed that self-rated health mediated the association between ERI and early labour market exit. The balance between effort and reward at work plays a major role in improving the self-rated health of workers. Interventions that reduce work-related stress can help to improve health and thus to maintain older employees in the German labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    When we were young: how labour market attachment during mid-life affects labour market exit (2023)

    Öylü, Gülin ; Motel-Klingebiel, Andreas ; Serratos-Sotelo, Luis ; Kelfve, Susanne; Focacci, Chiara Natalie ;


    Öylü, Gülin, Chiara Natalie Focacci, Luis Serratos-Sotelo, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel & Susanne Kelfve (2023): When we were young: how labour market attachment during mid-life affects labour market exit. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 13/14, S. 245-262. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-08-2023-0189


    "Purpose: In this paper, the authors attempt to understand how labor market attachment during the ages of 30–59 influences individuals' transition out of the labor market. Design/methodology/approach Using high-quality Swedish register data, the authors follow individuals born in 1950 and observe their labor market attachment during mid-life and their exit from the labor market. Findings The authors find evidence that labour market attachment in different stages of the career is differently related to exit from the labor market. At the age of 30, as well as between the ages 50–59, low attachment is related with earlier exit from the labor market. On the contrary, low labour market attachment during the ages 40–49 is related with later exit from the labour market. However, regardless of age, lower labour market attachment increases the risk of work-related benefit receipt in the exit year. The authors also find evidence that gender, migration status and childhood socioeconomic disadvantages may represent obstacles to longer working lives, while high education is a consistent factor in avoiding early exit from the labour market. Originality/value This study provides insights on the link between labour market attachment in different stages of the career and the exit from the labor market as well as work-related benefits dependency in the year of exit." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Den Übergang in die Rente managen (2022)

    Baier, Wilhelm; Gruber, Brigitta;


    Baier, Wilhelm & Brigitta Gruber (2022): Den Übergang in die Rente managen. In: Gute Arbeit, Jg. 34, H. 5, S. 23-27.


    "Der Fachkräftemangel ist akut – und nicht mehr zu leugnen. Im demografischen Wandel können und müssen Unternehmen mehr für den Erhalt der Gesundheit und der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ihrer Belegschaften tun. Es geht um wertvolle Lebensjahre für die Beschäftigten und die Betriebe." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Individualized work arrangements and socio-economic factors in relation to motivation to continue working: a multilevel study of municipal influences (2022)

    Bal, P. Matthijs ; Jansen, Paul ; Chudzikowski, Katharina ; Wawoe, Kilian;


    Bal, P. Matthijs, Katharina Chudzikowski, Paul Jansen & Kilian Wawoe (2022): Individualized work arrangements and socio-economic factors in relation to motivation to continue working: a multilevel study of municipal influences. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 18, S. 3629-3661. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2021.1928730


    "This paper introduces a socio-economic perspective on the relationships of idiosyncratic deals (i.e. i-deals) with motivation to continue working beyond retirement. On the basis of work adjustment theory, we expected that i-deals enable employees to engage in innovative behavior and professional development, through which they experience more work engagement, subsequently facilitating higher motivation to continue working. Moreover, on the basis of signaling theory, we introduced two socio-economic factors to explain when i-deals are most effective in the context of the current study among teachers: municipal child population growth and municipal unemployment. A study among 1,210 teachers in the Netherlands was conducted to test the mediation and moderation model. Results show positive indirect relationships of growth i-deals with motivation to continue working through innovative work behavior, professional development and work engagement, while indirect relationships were negative for accommodative i-deals. Moreover, child population growth boosted the relationships of i-deals, while unemployment accentuated the effects of professional development. The study contributes to the literature by showing the importance of socio-economic factors in explaining the relationships of i-deals and individualized HRM." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    System and Life-Course Perspectives on Capability to Work and Capability Through Work (2022)

    Dellve, Lotta; Jonsson, Robin; Bengtsson, Mattias; Flisbäck, Marita;


    Dellve, Lotta, Robin Jonsson, Marita Flisbäck & Mattias Bengtsson (2022): System and Life-Course Perspectives on Capability to Work and Capability Through Work. In: H. F. Erhag, U. L. Nilsson, T. R. Sterner & I. Skoog (Hrsg.) (2022): ¬A¬ Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing, S. 207-219. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-78063-0_15


    "The capability approach is relevant to gaining a conceptual understanding of individuals’ abilities and motivation to work and to explore the potential consequences that various working conditions have for people when they reach old age. Here, the capability concept is complemented with system theory to understand the multi-component key resources for capability to work among older workers, and also the conversion factors – capability through work – at individual, micro, meso, macro and chrono-levels. The theoretical approach is exemplified by studies from the interdisciplinary field of work sciences. The chapter describes central working-life conditions, conversion factors for crafting capability to work and examples of patterns of interactions between capability to work and capability through work. To support practical applications, we suggest important conversion factors and patterns of interaction between capability to work and capability through working-life resources. In sum, having a reasonable degree of control and influence (freedom of choice) at work and opportunities to make individual deals and adjustments that match one’s values, abilities, competence and experience are important for individual preference of a long working life. This requires an organisation that focuses on the value of work and promotes a general learning climate through broad participation." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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