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Ältere im Betrieb

Die zunehmende Alterung und die abnehmende Zahl der Erwerbspersonen sowie die Anhebung des Rentenalters bleiben nicht ohne Auswirkungen auf die Betriebe. Es ist eine alter(n)ssensible Personalpolitik gefordert, die sich der verändernden Altersstruktur im Betrieb stellt. Die Infoplattform bietet zum Thema Ältere im Betrieb Literaturhinweise, Volltexte und Informationen über Forschungsprojekte. Es werden die Positionen der Politik, der Verbände und Betriebe sowie die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema deutlich.
In dieser Infoplattform sind erstmals alle Literaturhinweise - neben der Themeneinordnung - dem Punkt "wissenschaftliche Literatur" oder "politik-/praxisbezogene Literatur" zugeordnet. "Wissenschaftliche Literatur" beinhaltet Veröffentlichungen in SSCI-Journals, referierten Zeitschriften, wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungsreihen und Discussion Papers. "Politik/Praxis" bezieht sich auf die aktuelle politische Diskussion bzw. auf betriebs-praktische Hinweise zum Thema Ältere im Betrieb.

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im Aspekt "Wissenschaft"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Zur künftigen Altersgrenzenstrategie mit Blick auf den Arbeitsmarkt (2010)

    Döring, Diether; Trabert, Lioba;


    Döring, Diether & Lioba Trabert (2010): Zur künftigen Altersgrenzenstrategie mit Blick auf den Arbeitsmarkt. In: Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Jg. 65, H. 3, S. 370-379.


    Nach einem kurzen Abriss der historischen Entwicklung der Altersgrenzenpolitik in der deutschen Rentenpolitik wird in dem Beitrag der These des 'Generationenaustauschs' nachgegangen, wonach es einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Berufsaustieg Älterer und der Anzahl der verfügbaren Arbeitsplätze für junge Berufseinsteiger gibt. Diese These wird anhand eines internationalen Vergleichs überprüft. Die Gegenüberstellung der Erwerbstätigenquoten und Arbeitslosenquoten junger und älterer Arbeitnehmer in OECD-Ländern zeigt, 'dass man auf das Generationenaustauschkonzept nicht vertrauen kann'. Der Ländervergleich weist darauf hin, 'dass in den Unternehmen der Frühausstieg den Beschäftigungsabbau eher beschleunigt hat und überwiegend dem Einstieg der Jüngeren nicht zugutekam'. (IAB)

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    Pension reform and labor market incentives (2010)

    Fisher, Walter H.; Keuschnigg, Christian;


    Fisher, Walter H. & Christian Keuschnigg (2010): Pension reform and labor market incentives. In: Journal of population economics, Jg. 23, H. 2, S. 769-809. DOI:10.1007/s00148-008-0227-2


    "This paper investigates how parametric reform in a pay-as-you-go pension system with a tax-benefit link affects retirement and work incentives of prime-age workers. We find that postponed retirement tends to harm incentives of prime-age workers in the presence of a tax-benefit link, thereby creating a policy trade-off in stimulating aggregate labor supply. We show how several popular reform scenarios are geared either towards young or old workers or, indeed, both groups under appropriate conditions. We characterize the excess burden of pension insurance and show how it depends on the supply elasticities of both decision margins and the effective tax rates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Public pensions, changing employment patterns, and the impact of pension reforms across birth cohorts: a microsimulation analysis for Germany (2010)

    Geyer, Johannes ; Steiner, Viktor;


    Geyer, Johannes & Viktor Steiner (2010): Public pensions, changing employment patterns, and the impact of pension reforms across birth cohorts. A microsimulation analysis for Germany. (IZA discussion paper 4815), Bonn, 46 S.


    "We analyze the impact of changing employment patterns and pension reforms on the future level of public pensions across birth cohorts in Germany. The analysis is based on a rich dataset that combines household survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) and process-produced microdata from the German pension insurance. A microsimulation model is developed which accounts for cohort effects in individual employment and unemployment and earnings over the lifecycle as well as the differential impact of recent pension reforms. Cohort effects for individuals born between 1937 and 1971 vary greatly by region, gender and education and strongly affect lifecycle wage profiles. The largest effects can be observed for younger cohorts in East Germany and for the low educated. Using simulated life cycle employment and income profiles, we project gross future pensions across cohorts taking into account changing demographics and recent pension reforms. Simulations show that pension levels for East German men and women will fall dramatically among younger birth cohorts, not only because of policy reforms but due to higher cumulated unemployment. For West German men, the small reduction of average pension levels among younger birth cohorts is mainly driven by the impact of pension reforms, while future pension levels of West German women are increasing or stable due to rising labor market participation of younger birth cohorts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of re-entry in the retirement process (2010)

    Giandrea, Michael D.; Cahill, Kevin E.; Quinn, Joseph F.;


    Giandrea, Michael D., Kevin E. Cahill & Joseph F. Quinn (2010): The role of re-entry in the retirement process. (BLS working paper 439), Washington, 24 S.


    "To what extent do older Americans re-enter the labor force after an initial exit and what drives these 'unretirement' decisions? Retirement for most older Americans with full-time career jobs is not a one-time, permanent event. Labor force exit is more likely to be a process. Prior studies have found that between one half and two thirds of career workers take at least one other job before exiting from the labor force completely. The transitional nature of retirement may be even more pronounced when considering the impact of re-entry. This paper examines the extent to which older Americans with career jobs re-entered the labor force. The analysis is based on data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), an ongoing, longitudinal survey of older Americans that began in 1992. We examined the retirement patterns of a subset of 5,617 HRS respondents who were on a full-time career job at the time of the first interview. Logistic regression was used to explore determinants of re-entry among those who initially exited the labor force. We found that approximately 15 percent of older Americans with career jobs returned to the labor force after initially exiting. Respondents were more likely to re-enter if they were younger, were in better health, or had a defined-contribution pension plan. This research provides empirical evidence of how older Americans are utilizing bridge jobs as they transition from career employment, and that re-entry may be an important part of the work experience of older Americans." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do older workers earn more than they deserve? (2010)

    Gordo, Laura Romeu; Mertens, Antje ;


    Gordo, Laura Romeu & Antje Mertens (2010): Do older workers earn more than they deserve? (Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen. Diskussionspapier 51), Berlin, 30 S.


    "This paper uses cognitive abilities as an indicator of productivity potential in order to see whether productivity decreases with age and how wages adapt to this profile. Moreover, we will decompose wage differentials between older and younger workers in explained and unexplained components in order to test whether older workers earn more or less than younger workers, control-ling for a standard set of covariates known to influence wages and our cognitive ability variables. Section 2 below gives a brief overview of the literature to date and discusses evidence on age-productivity and age-earnings profiles. In section 3 our data, the German Socio-economic Panel Study and our methodology is described. Section 4 presents our results and the final section 5 concludes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Which personnel measures are effective in increasing productivity of old workers? (2010)

    Göbel, Christian; Zwick, Thomas ;


    Göbel, Christian & Thomas Zwick (2010): Which personnel measures are effective in increasing productivity of old workers? (ZEW discussion paper 2010-069), Mannheim, 48 S.


    "In this study, we investigate the effect of five specific human resource measures for old employees (SMOE) on their relative productivity. Despite the fact that SMOE are applied in the majority of establishments, this is the first representative study on the effectiveness of these measures. We find that the relative productivity contributions of old workers are significantly higher in establishments that provide either specific equipment of work places or age-specific jobs for old workers. In establishments that apply mixed-age working teams the productivity contributions of old and of young employees are significantly higher than in establishments without this measure. Working time reductions and specific training for old employees are not associated with higher relative productivity of these employees. Our paper provides a joint explanation for two recent findings, the only modest decline of the productivity contributions of old workers and the high variance for estimates of age-productivity profiles." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Financial incentives to postpone retirement and further effects on employment: evidence from a natural experiment (2010)

    Hanel, Barbara;


    Hanel, Barbara (2010): Financial incentives to postpone retirement and further effects on employment. Evidence from a natural experiment. In: Labour economics, Jg. 17, H. 3, S. 474-486. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2009.10.001


    "This paper examines the effect of the introduction of permanent benefit reductions for early retirees (i) on the duration until benefit claiming and (ii) on the duration until exit from gainful employment. I estimate discrete time duration models using different error term specifications. Administrative data containing the full earnings history of the individuals are used. Since the reform implementing the benefit reductions was a natural experiment, under some assumptions a causal effect can be identified. The permanent reduction of retirement benefit amounts causes a postponement of claiming benefits by about 14 months and a delay of employment exit by about 10 months on average." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Are older workers overpaid?: a literature review (2010)

    Hek, Paul de; Vuuren, Daniël van;


    Hek, Paul de & Daniël van Vuuren (2010): Are older workers overpaid? A literature review. (CPB discussion paper / CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis 165), The Hague, 58 S.


    "It is widely believed that wage and productivity profiles of individual workers do not coincide at all ages. We give an overview of the theories which provide a rationale for this, and discuss the empirical literature. Human capital theories typically imply that wages rise with tenure, so that job reallocation at old age would imply a wage cut. Incentive theories typically imply that wages exceed productivity at the end of a worker's career. Bargaining power of unions may also lead to 'overpayment' of older workers. Some general conclusions regarding the wages of older workers are formulated on basis of the authors' reading of the empirical literature." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Back to Work: expectations and realizations of work after retirement (2010)

    Maestas, Nicole;


    Maestas, Nicole (2010): Back to Work. Expectations and realizations of work after retirement. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 45, H. 3, S. 718-748.


    "This paper analyzes a puzzling aspect of retirement behavior known as 'unretirement.' Nearly 50 percent of retirees follow a nontraditional retirement path that involves partial retirement or unretirement, and at least 26 percent of retirees later unretire. I explore two possible explanations: (1) unretirement transitions result from failures in planning or financial shocks; and (2) unretirement transitions are anticipated prior to retirement, reflecting a more complex retirement process. I show that unretirement was anticipated for the vast majority of those returning to work, and is not a result of financial shocks, poor planning or low wealth accumulation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Intertemporal substitution in labor force participation: evidence from policy discontinuities (2010)

    Manoli, Dayanand; Weber, Andrea;


    Manoli, Dayanand & Andrea Weber (2010): Intertemporal substitution in labor force participation. Evidence from policy discontinuities. (IZA discussion paper 5248), Bonn, 52 S.


    "This paper presents new empirical evidence on intertemporal labor supply elasticities. We use administrative data on the census of private sector employees in Austria and variation from mandated discontinuous changes in retirement benefits from the Austrian pension system. We first present graphical evidence documenting delays in retirement in response to the policy discontinuities. Next, based on the empirical evidence, we develop a model of career length decisions. Using an estimator that exploits the graphical evidence, we estimate an intertemporal labor supply elasticity of 0.30; this relatively low estimate reflects that the disutility of labor supply rises relatively quickly with additional years of work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    The Influence of Retiree Health Benefits on Retirement Patterns (2010)

    Marton, James; Woodbury, Stephen A. ;


    Marton, James & Stephen A. Woodbury (2010): The Influence of Retiree Health Benefits on Retirement Patterns. (Upjohn Institute working paper 163), Kalamazoo, 39 S. DOI:10.17848/wp10-163


    "We estimate the effect of employer offers of retiree health benefits (RHBs) on the timing of retirement using a sample of Health and Retirement Study (HRS) men observed over a period of up to 12 years. We hypothesize that the effect of RHBs differs for workers of different ages -- a hypothesis we can test now that the main HRS cohort has aged sufficiently. We apply three well known panel data estimators and find that, for men in their 50s, RHBs have little or no effect on retirement decisions; however, a substantial effect emerges for men in their early 60s. We use simulations to illustrate how RHBs alter retirement patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Age, wage and productivity (2010)

    Ours, Jan C. van; Stoeldraijer, Lenny;


    Ours, Jan C. van & Lenny Stoeldraijer (2010): Age, wage and productivity. (CESifo working paper 2965), München, 48 S.


    "Previous empirical studies on the effect of age on productivity and wages find contradicting results. Some studies find that if workers grow older there is an increasing gap between productivity and wages, i.e. wages increase with age while productivity does not or does not increase at the same pace. However, other studies find no evidence of such an age related payproductivity gap. We perform an analysis of the relationship between age, wage and productivity using a matched worker-firm panel dataset from Dutch manufacturing covering the period 2000-2005. We find little evidence of an age related pay-productivity gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Age, wage and productivity (2010)

    Ours, Jan C. van; Stoeldraijer, Lenny;


    Ours, Jan C. van & Lenny Stoeldraijer (2010): Age, wage and productivity. (IZA discussion paper 4765), Bonn, 50 S.


    "Previous empirical studies on the effect of age on productivity and wages find contradicting results. Some studies find that if workers grow older there is an increasing gap between productivity and wages, i.e. wages increase with age while productivity does not or does not increase at the same pace. However, other studies find no evidence of such an age related pay-productivity gap. We perform an analysis of the relationship between age, wage and productivity using a matched worker-firm panel dataset from Dutch manufacturing covering the period 2000-2005. We find little evidence of an age related pay-productivity gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Training participation of an aging workforce in an internal labor market (2010)

    Pfeifer, Christian ; Janssen, Simon; Yang, Philip; Backes-Gellner, Uschi ;


    Pfeifer, Christian, Simon Janssen, Philip Yang & Uschi Backes-Gellner (2010): Training participation of an aging workforce in an internal labor market. (Diskussionspapiere / Universität Hannover, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften 447), Hannover, 38 S.


    "We use a long panel data set for four entry cohorts into an internal labor market to analyze the effect of age on the probability to participate in different training measures. We find that training participation probabilities are inverted u-shaped with age and that longer training measures are undertaken earlier in life and working career, respectively. These findings are consistent with predictions from a human capital model which incorporates amortization period and screening effects. Our results point to a market failure in the context of human capital investments to increase employability of older workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Janssen, Simon;
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    Gender differences in postretirement employment (2010)

    Pleau, Robin L.;


    Pleau, Robin L. (2010): Gender differences in postretirement employment. In: Research on Aging, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 267-303. DOI:10.1177/0164027509357706


    "This study examines gender differences in postretirement employment, using the first eight waves of Health and Retirement Study data. Gender is shown to be an important factor in understanding transitions into postretirement employment. Forty-seven percent of retirees (n = 3,590) experienced postretirement employment, with 43% of retired women making the transition, compared with 50% of retired men. Marital status, earnings, and household wealth were significant only when gender interaction terms were introduced due to countervailing effects by gender. For women, being married and having high household wealth were negatively associated, and higher earnings positively associated, with labor force reentry; for men, wealth and earnings had the opposite effect. Hazard models show that divorced and separated women have a greater likelihood of labor force reentry than married women and that this difference increases with time out of the labor force, suggesting push factors that derive from economic vulnerability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job displacement and the transitions to re-employment and early retirement for non-employed older workers (2010)

    Tatsiramos, Konstantinos;


    Tatsiramos, Konstantinos (2010): Job displacement and the transitions to re-employment and early retirement for non-employed older workers. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 54, H. 4, S. 517-535. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2009.10.001


    "Despite the relatively higher frequency of job displacement among older workers in Europe, little is known about its effect on the work-retirement decision. Employing individual data from the European Community Household Panel for a number of countries with differences in their institutional environments, the effect of job displacement for non-employed workers is identified separately for the transitions into re-employment and retirement. The findings suggest that in countries with relatively more generous unemployment insurance provisions for the older unemployed, which offer a pathway to early retirement, older displaced workers exhibit lower re-employment and higher retirement rates compared to the non-displaced. These results are robust to dynamic selection due to unobserved heterogeneity and to the endogeneity of displacement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Der Anteil älterer Mitarbeiter in Betrieben: eine empirische Analyse mit 'Linked Employer-Employee-Daten' (2010)

    Tisch, Anita; Engelhardt, Henriette ; Schmidt, Christopher;


    Tisch, Anita, Christopher Schmidt & Henriette Engelhardt (2010): Der Anteil älterer Mitarbeiter in Betrieben. Eine empirische Analyse mit 'Linked Employer-Employee-Daten'. (Universität Bamberg, Professur für Bevölkerungswissenschaft. Discussion papers 02/2010), Bamberg, 27 S.


    "Auf Basis der Linked Employer-Employee (LIAB) Daten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung analysiert der vorliegende Artikel den Anteil älterer Mitarbeiter (50+) in deutschen Betrieben über einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren (1996 - 2006). Im Fokus stehen hierbei allgemeine betriebliche Strukturen sowie betriebliche Anforderungen an Mitarbeiter, welche die Altersstruktur maßgeblich beeinflussen. Dabei kommen wir mithilfe von Fixed-Effects Modellen zu dem Schluss, dass vor allem altersselektive Weiterbildungsbeteiligungen in Kombination mit dem Prinzip der Senioritätsentlohnung einen strukturellen Nachteil für ältere Mitarbeiter darstellen. Ferner muss zwischen der Situation älterer männlicher und weiblicher Arbeitnehmer unterschieden werden. Insbesondere letztere bilden eine Subgruppe, deren Erwerbsbeteiligung generell relativ niedrig, jedoch in spezifischen Betrieben sowie Tätigkeitsfeldern aus unterschiedlichen Gründen relativ hoch ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Working conditions in mid-life and participation in voluntary work after labour market exit (2010)

    Wahrendorf, Morten ; Siegrist, Johannes;


    Wahrendorf, Morten & Johannes Siegrist (2010): Working conditions in mid-life and participation in voluntary work after labour market exit. (Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging. Discussion paper 225), Mannheim, 13 S.


    "- Are working conditions in mid-life associated with participation in productive activities after labour market exit?
    - If so, to what degree can this association be explained by better health after labour market exit?
    - Which macro factors are related to higher participation rate and might help to increase participation in productive activities in older ages?
    To study these questions, we focus an volunteering as an important type of productive activity, and we analyse working conditions, in terms of different aspects of respondents' work history (see Measurement section), including the exposure to psychosocial stress at work during the working career - all information taken from the retrospective data collection in SHARELIFE." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktchancen Älterer: empirische Befunde und Perspektiven (2010)

    Walwei, Ulrich ;


    Walwei, Ulrich (2010): Arbeitsmarktchancen Älterer. Empirische Befunde und Perspektiven. In: Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Jg. 65, H. 3, S. 421-433.


    In dem Beitrag wird die alterspezifische Entwicklung von Arbeitslosigkeit und Beschäftigung dargestellt und längerfristige Beschäftigungsperspektiven älterer Arbeitnehmer werden prognostiziert. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Diskussion der Determinanten der Beschäftigung Älterer und der Frage nach Handlungsoptionen zur Verbesserung ihrer Arbeitsmarktchancen. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen arbeitsrechtlicher, sozialrechtlicher und sozialpolitischer Reformen. Als Fazit wird festgehalten, dass die Situation von Älteren auf dem Arbeitsmarkt 'immer noch alles andere als rosig' ist, sich jedoch in den letzten Jahren verbessert hat. Dies wird einerseits auf eine konjunkturell bedingte Belebung des Arbeitsmarktes zurückgeführt, andererseits auf Verhaltensänderungen infolge renten- und sozialpolitischer Reformen. 'Altersspezifische Maßnahmen helfen den Betroffenen nur in den seltensten Fällen. Oft kommt es zur 'Rache der Gutgemeinten', denn der besondere Schutz oder die besondere Förderung können sich als Stigma erweisen.' (IAB)

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    Walwei, Ulrich ;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Altern, Arbeit und Betrieb (2009)

    Backes-Gellner, Uschi ; Zwick, Thomas ; Veen, Stephan; Conrad, Harald ; Schmid, Günther; Hartlapp, Miriam; Staudinger, Ursula M. ; Kocka, Jürgen;


    Backes-Gellner, Uschi & Stephan Veen (Hrsg.) (2009): Altern, Arbeit und Betrieb. (Nova Acta Leopoldina. N.F. 101/365), Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges., 157 S.


    "Der Band fasst den Erkenntnisstand zum demographischen Wandel aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Perspektive zum Thema 'Arbeit, Altern und Betrieb' zusammen. Dabei werden insbesondere die Beschäftigungs-, Lohn- und Produktivitätseffekte in Betrieben untersucht und im internationalen Vergleich die Wirkungen institutioneller Rahmungen betrachtet. Die Befunde liefern erste Antworten auf die Frage, mit welchen Regelungen und Maßnahmen sowohl Beschäftigung älterer Arbeitnehmer als auch betriebliche Produktivität in Deutschland im demographischen Wandel gewährleistet und verbessert werden können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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