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matching – Suchprozesse am Arbeitsmarkt

Offene Stellen bei gleichzeitiger Arbeitslosigkeit - was Arbeitsmarkttheorien u. a. mit "unvollkommener Information" begründen, ist für Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchende oft nur schwer nachzuvollziehen: Unternehmen können freie Stellen nicht besetzen, trotzdem finden Arbeitsuchende nur schwer den passenden Job. Wie gestalten sich die Suchprozesse bei Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchenden, welche Konzessionen sind beide Seiten bereit einzugehen, wie lässt sich das "matching" verbessern?
Diese Infoplattform bietet wissenschaftliche Literatur zur theoretischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

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    Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions (2015)

    Gautier, Pieter A.; Teulings, Coen N.;


    Gautier, Pieter A. & Coen N. Teulings (2015): Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Jg. 13, H. 6, S. 1136-1166. DOI:10.1111/jeea.12134


    "We analyze a general search model with on-the-job search (OJS) and sorting of heterogeneous workers into heterogeneous jobs. For given values of nonmarket time, the relative efficiency of OJS, and the amount of search frictions, we derive a simple relationship between the unemployment rate, mismatch, and wage dispersion. We estimate the latter two from standard micro data. Our methodology accounts for measurement error, which is crucial to distinguish true from spurious mismatch and wage dispersion. We find that without frictions, output would be about 9.5% higher if firms can commit to pay wages as a function of match quality and 15.5% higher if they cannot. Noncommitment leads to a business-stealing externality which causes a 5.5% drop in output." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of coworker-based networks in the labour market (2015)

    Glitz, Albrecht;


    Glitz, Albrecht (2015): The role of coworker-based networks in the labour market. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 25-32.


    "With the arrival of administrative data that provide comprehensive longitudinal information on individual work relationships, the systematic analysis of coworker-based networks and their role in the labour market has experienced an enormous boost in recent years. Moving ever closer to capturing actual personal interaction, several researchers have studied this important dimension of social networks within the context of established theoretical models, providing strong overall evidence that coworker-based networks play a positive role in labour market outcomes. My own findings show that this happens both through these networks' positive effect on the flow of information about job opportunities (Glitz 2013), and through their ability to reduce uncertainty about match-specific productivity (Glitz and Vejlin 2015)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Firm-to-firm labor flows and the aggregate matching function: a network-based test using employer - employee matched records (2015)

    Guerrero, Omar A. ; López, Eduardo;


    Guerrero, Omar A. & Eduardo López (2015): Firm-to-firm labor flows and the aggregate matching function. A network-based test using employer - employee matched records. In: Economics letters, Jg. 136, H. November, S. 9-12. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2015.08.009


    "The assumption of aggregate matching functions in labor markets is tested using a network configuration model for directed multigraphs. We use employer - employee matched records of the universe of employees and firms in Finland and find that aggregate matching functions, even at the level of submarkets, cannot explain the vast majority of the observed patterns of labor flows between firms. Our findings suggest the need for theoretical frameworks that take into account the structure of labor market frictions." (Author's abstract, © 2015 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Wage dispersion and search behavior (2015)

    Hall, Robert E. ; Mueller, Andreas I.;


    Hall, Robert E. & Andreas I. Mueller (2015): Wage dispersion and search behavior. (IZA discussion paper 9527), Bonn, 55 S.


    "We use a rich new body of data on the experiences of unemployed job-seekers to determine the sources of wage dispersion and to create a search model consistent with the acceptance decisions the job-seekers made. From the data and the model, we identify the distributions of four key variables: offered wages, offered non-wage job values, the value of the job-seeker's non-work alternative, and the job-seeker's personal productivity. We find that, conditional on personal productivity, the dispersion of offered wages is moderate, accounting for 21 percent of the total variation in observed offered wages, whereas the dispersion of the non-wage component of offered job values is substantially larger. We relate our findings to an influential recent paper by Hornstein, Krusell, and Violante who called attention to the tension between the fairly high dispersion of the values job-seekers assign to their job offers - which suggest a high value to sampling from multiple offers - and the fact that the job-seekers often accept the first offer they receive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do geographical mobility requirements for the unemployed affect their exit rate to work?: evidence from a policy change (2015)

    Hofmann, Barbara;


    Hofmann, Barbara (2015): Do geographical mobility requirements for the unemployed affect their exit rate to work? Evidence from a policy change. In: ILR review, Jg. 68, H. 5, S. 1195-1219., 2014-11-05. DOI:10.1177/0019793915592376


    "A policy change tightened job search requirements regarding geographical mobility for unemployment insurance - benefit recipients in Germany. Those affected by the policy change were individuals without family ties and whose reemployment prospects were low in their home labor market region. The author finds that the policy change increased employment after one year by 4.6 percentage points among women without children who lived in regions with relatively high unemployment. Women responded by taking up jobs in the home labor market region as well as outside the home labor market region. The author does not find any effects of the tightened mobility requirements for men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Pflegende in Arbeitslosengeld-II-Haushalten: Wie Leistungsbezieher Pflege und Arbeitsuche vereinbaren (2015)

    Hohmeyer, Katrin; Kopf, Eva;


    Hohmeyer, Katrin & Eva Kopf (2015): Pflegende in Arbeitslosengeld-II-Haushalten: Wie Leistungsbezieher Pflege und Arbeitsuche vereinbaren. (IAB-Kurzbericht 05/2015), Nürnberg, 7 S.


    "Die Zahl der Pflegebedürftigen in Deutschland steigt. Viele Menschen pflegen Angehörige und müssen dies mit ihrer Erwerbstätigkeit vereinbaren. Auch Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezieher, die ihre Angehörigen pflegen, stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Pflegearbeit und ihrer Pflicht zur Arbeitsuche. Mithilfe von Befragungsdaten des Panels 'Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung' aus dem Zeitraum 2006 bis 2012 untersuchen wir die Situation von pflegenden Leistungsbeziehern sowie deren Kontakt zu ihrem Jobcenter." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Hohmeyer, Katrin;
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    How conformity to labor market norms increases access to job search assistance: a case study from Japan (2015)

    Holbrow, Hilary J.;


    Holbrow, Hilary J. (2015): How conformity to labor market norms increases access to job search assistance. A case study from Japan. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 42, H. 2, S. 135-173. DOI:10.1177/0730888415572377


    "Recent studies have shown that providing job search assistance to job seekers who violate labor market norms can be costly. Consequently, people with information about jobs are less willing to help deviant job seekers. This implies that job seekers' conformity to labor market norms should be useful in predicting receipt of job search assistance. The author tests this claim using data from Japan and finds evidence that deviant job seekers receive less assistance. The findings demonstrate the importance of social norms in understanding assistance flows and illustrate the limits of network analysis in explaining access to job search assistance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Three essays on the job search of hard-to-place unemployed and older job seekers (2015)

    Homrighausen, Pia;


    Homrighausen, Pia (2015): Three essays on the job search of hard-to-place unemployed and older job seekers. Nürnberg, 116 S.


    "This dissertation consists of three stand-alone studies related to the job search progress of hard-to-place unemployed and older job seekers:
    - Job search behavior of older workers and labor market outcomes
    - Contracting out employment service programs: Compensation and private provider performance
    - Targeted wage support for older workers: Results from a randomized field experiment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Efficient firm dynamics in a frictional labor market (2015)

    Kaas, Leo; Kircher, Philipp;


    Kaas, Leo & Philipp Kircher (2015): Efficient firm dynamics in a frictional labor market. In: The American economic review, Jg. 105, H. 10, S. 3030-3060. DOI:10.1257/aer.20131702


    "We develop and analyze a labor market model in which heterogeneous firms operate under decreasing returns and compete for labor by posting long-term contracts. Firms achieve faster growth by offering higher lifetime wages, which allows them to fill vacancies with higher probability, consistent with recent empirical findings. The model also captures several other regularities about firm size, job flows, and pay, and generates sluggish aggregate dynamics of labor market variables. In contrast to existing bargaining models with large firms, efficiency obtains and the model allows a tractable characterization over the business cycle." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Neueinstellungen im Jahr 2014: Mindestlohn spielt schon im Vorfeld eine Rolle (2015)

    Kubis, Alexander; Weber, Enzo ; Rebien, Martina;


    Kubis, Alexander, Martina Rebien & Enzo Weber (2015): Neueinstellungen im Jahr 2014: Mindestlohn spielt schon im Vorfeld eine Rolle. (IAB-Kurzbericht 12/2015), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Von dem flächendeckenden gesetzlichen Mindestlohn, der seit Januar 2015 gilt, werden unterschiedliche Effekte erwartet, die sich aber erst nach einiger Zeit bewerten lassen. Die IAB-Stellenerhebung im vierten Quartal 2014 liefert Indizien dafür, dass Betriebe ihr Verhalten bereits vor der Einführung des Mindestlohns angepasst haben und er somit bereits vor seinem Inkrafttreten Wirkung zeigte. Das lässt sich gerade bei Neueinstellungen im Mindestlohn- und Niedriglohnbereich im Jahr 2014 beobachten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kubis, Alexander; Weber, Enzo ;
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    Quotas for women can improve recruitment procedures: gender as a predictor of the frequency of use of passive job search behavior and the mediating roles of management aspirations, proactivity, and career level (2015)

    Lang, Jutta; Zapf, Dieter;


    Lang, Jutta & Dieter Zapf (2015): Quotas for women can improve recruitment procedures. Gender as a predictor of the frequency of use of passive job search behavior and the mediating roles of management aspirations, proactivity, and career level. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Jg. 14, H. 3, S. 131-141. DOI:10.1027/1866-5888/a000124


    "In this study, among a sample of 388 participants located in German-speaking countries, from different career levels and all having an employment relationship, we examined the influence of gender on the frequency of use of different job search strategies. The main focus lies on passive job search behavior, which is considered to be an important determinant of career success. The data suggest considerable gender differences in the frequency of use of passive job search strategies. Results of mediation analyses showed that the gap between men and women became smaller with respect to the influence of proactivity and management aspirations and disappeared for individuals in leadership positions. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of the literature and quota debate." (Author's abstract, © 2015 Hogrefe Verlag) ((en))

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    How demanding are eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, quantitative indicators for OECD and EU countries (2015)

    Langenbucher, Kristine;


    Langenbucher, Kristine (2015): How demanding are eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, quantitative indicators for OECD and EU countries. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 166), Paris, 84 S. DOI:10.1787/5jrxtk1zw8f2-en


    "Eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, which require recipients to actively look for work, take up suitable job offers or take part in active labour market programmes (ALMPs), or risk benefit sanctions, can play an important role in offsetting the negative impact of generous unemployment benefits on employment incentives. This paper presents information on the strictness of eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits for 40 OECD and/or EU member countries. It covers availability requirements during ALMPs and suitable work criteria, job search requirements and monitoring of independent job search effort, and sanctions for voluntary unemployment, refusing a job offer or participation in active labour market measures. These qualitative data are then used to compile a composite indicator of the strictness of eligibility criteria and some comparisons are made with the results of a similar exercise by the OECD in 2011. This indicator complements existing cross-country indicators relating to unemployment benefits, such as net replacement rate data from the OECD Taxes and Benefits Database and data on ALMP expenditure compiled annually by Eurostat and the OECD." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Failed searches: How the choice set of job applicants affects an employer's likelihood of making an offer (2015)

    Leung, Ming D.;


    Leung, Ming D. (2015): Failed searches: How the choice set of job applicants affects an employer's likelihood of making an offer. (IRLE working paper 2015-111), Berkeley, CA, 41 S.


    "Most accounts of hiring focus on understanding why a particular job candidate was chosen and do not examine hiring as an outcome for the employer. I suggest that a focus on developing a better understanding of failed searches, job openings which end unfilled, is a valuable, yet understudied, piece of the hiring puzzle. I do so here by highlighting the effect of an employer's choice set on whether a job offer is extended to any candidate. In particular, I hypothesize that the categorical overlap among the candidates who apply affects the likelihood of an offer being extended. Because a hiring decision is one an employer seeks to maximize, comparisons are effortful. The less overlap in the background of job candidates', the more difficult it is to compare them, the less likely any decision will be made. To support my contention that this is driven by cognitive effort, I further predict that choice set commensurability issues are less salient for jobs which are more urgent; suggesting variation in satisficing and maximizing motivations. Finally, commensurability is more challenging for employers with greater categorical fluency because differences among candidates are further exacerbated by the employer's more nuanced expectations. I demonstrate support for my contentions with data from Elance, an online market for freelancing services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A labour market that works: connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age (2015)

    Manyika, James; Lund, Susan; Dobbs, Richard; Robinson, Kelsey; Valentino, John;


    Manyika, James, Susan Lund, Kelsey Robinson, John Valentino & Richard Dobbs (2015): A labour market that works. Connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age. Washington, DC, 88 S.


    "Labor markets around the world haven't kept pace with rapid shifts in the global economy, and their inefficiencies have taken a heavy toll. Millions of people cannot find work, even as sectors from technology to healthcare struggle to fill open positions. Many who do work feel overqualified or underutilized. These issues translate into costly wasted potential for the global economy. More important, they represent hundreds of millions of people coping with unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages, and discouragement.
    Online talent platforms can ease a number of labor-market dysfunctions by more effectively connecting individuals with work opportunities. Such platforms include websites, like Monster.com and LinkedIn, that aggregate individual résumés with job postings from traditional employers, as well as the rapidly growing digital marketplaces of the new 'gig economy,' such as Uber and Upwork. While hundreds of millions of people around the world already use these services, their capabilities and potential are still evolving. Yet even if they touch only a fraction of the global workforce, we believe they can generate significant benefits for economies and for individuals (exhibit)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2015: mehr Ausbildungsangebote, stabile Nachfrage, aber wachsende Passungsprobleme. BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge zum 30. September (2015)

    Matthes, Stephanie; Granath, Ralf-Olaf; Ulrich, Joachim Gerd; Flemming, Simone;


    Matthes, Stephanie, Joachim Gerd Ulrich, Simone Flemming & Ralf-Olaf Granath (2015): Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2015. Mehr Ausbildungsangebote, stabile Nachfrage, aber wachsende Passungsprobleme. BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge zum 30. September. Bonn, 39 S.


    "Mehr Ausbildungsplatzangebote der Betriebe, eine weitgehend stabile Ausbildungsplatznachfrage der Jugendlichen, aber weiter wachsende Schwierigkeiten, die Ausbildungsangebote der Betriebe und die Ausbildungswünsche der Jugendlichen in Einklang zu bringen, so dass letztlich dennoch nicht mehr Ausbildungsverträge abgeschlossen werden konnten - so lässt sich in aller Kürze die Ausbildungsmarktentwicklung 2015 charakterisieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Who are the unemployed?: evidence from the United Kingdom (2015)

    Moffat, John; Yoo, Hong Il;


    Moffat, John & Hong Il Yoo (2015): Who are the unemployed? Evidence from the United Kingdom. In: Economics letters, Jg. 132, H. July, S. 61-64. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2015.04.017


    "Using the UK Labour Force Survey 2005 - 2012, we analyse heterogeneity among non-employment subgroups in future employment hazards. Based on the results, we propose alternative measures of unemployment that include out-of-the-labour-force subgroups with similar or higher hazards to the officially unemployed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does extending unemployment benefits improve job quality? (2015)

    Nekoei, Arash; Weber, Andrea;


    Nekoei, Arash & Andrea Weber (2015): Does extending unemployment benefits improve job quality? (IZA discussion paper 9034), Bonn, 41 S.


    "Contrary to standard search model predictions, prior studies failed to estimate a positive effect of unemployment insurance (UI) on reemployment wages. This paper estimates a positive UI wage effect exploiting an age-based regression discontinuity in Austrian administrative data. A search model incorporating duration dependence determines the UI wage effect as the balance between two offsetting forces: UI causes agents to seek higher wage jobs, but also reduces wages by lengthening unemployment. This implies a negative relationship between the UI unemployment duration and wage effects, which holds empirically both in our sample and across studies, reconciling disparate wage-effect estimates. Empirically, UI raises wages by improving reemployment firms' quality and attenuating wage drops." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    For love or money? Gender differences in how one approaches getting a job (2015)

    Ng, Weiyi; Leung, Ming D.;


    Ng, Weiyi & Ming D. Leung (2015): For love or money? Gender differences in how one approaches getting a job. (IRLE working paper 2015-103), Berkeley, CA, 45 S.


    "Extant supply-side labor market theories conclude that women and men apply to different jobs but are unable to explain gender differences in how they may behave when applying to the same job. We correct this discrepancy by considering gendered approaches to the hiring process. We propose that applicants can emphasize either the relational or the transactional aspects of the job and that this affects whether they are hired. Relational job seekers focus on developing a social connection with their employer. In contrast, transactional job seekers focus on quantitative and mechanical aspects of the job. We expect women to be more relational and men to be more transactional and that this behavior will contribute to differences in hiring outcomes. Specifically, we contend that being relational suggest that one is more committed to the job at hand and therefore should increases the chances of being hired - holding constant competence. We examine behaviors in an online contract labor market for graphic designers, Elance.com where we find that women are more likely to be hired than men by about 4.1%. Quantitative linguistic analysis on the unstructured text of job proposals reveals that women (men) adopt more relational (transactional) language in their applications. These different approaches affect a job seeker's likelihood of being hired and attenuate the gender gap we identified. Attenuation suggests that how one approaches the hiring process matters and that gender is correlated with a particular style of engagement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fachkräftebedarf in hessischen Betrieben: Ergebnisse aus dem IAB-Betriebspanel Hessen 2014 (2015)

    Nüchter, Oliver; Larsen, Christa;


    Nüchter, Oliver & Christa Larsen (2015): Fachkräftebedarf in hessischen Betrieben. Ergebnisse aus dem IAB-Betriebspanel Hessen 2014. (IAB-Betriebspanel Hessen 2015,03), Frankfurt am Main, 18 S.


    "Der drohende Engpass bei der Versorgung mit Fachkräften war in der Vergangenheit immer Thema der arbeitsmarkt- und wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion. Aber wenn auch in einzelnen Berufen wie den Sozial- und Gesundheitsberufen strukturelle Probleme bei der Rekrutierung qualifizierter Arbeitskräfte bestanden, konnte doch bislang nicht von einer Fachkräftelücke gesprochen werden, wie auch die Befunde des IAB-Betriebspanels verdeutlichten.
    Im vorliegenden Report wird daher den Fragen nachgegangen, wie sich der Fachkräftebedarf in der Vergangenheit entwickelt hat und wie es um den aktuellen betrieblichen Fachkräftebedarf bestellt ist. Zudem gehen wir der Frage nach, ob die hessischen Betriebe zukünftig mit Fachkräfteengpässen rechnen und welche Strategien sie verfolgen, um diesen zu begegnen. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob das Gesetz zur Anerkennung ausländischer Berufsabschlüsse, das 2012 eingeführt wurde und zu einer Verringerung der potenziellen Fachkräftelücke beitragen kann, bei den hessischen Betrieben bekannt ist und bereits Anwendung findet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Race, self-selection, and the job search process (2015)

    Pager, Devah; Pedulla, David S. ;


    Pager, Devah & David S. Pedulla (2015): Race, self-selection, and the job search process. In: American Journal of Sociology, Jg. 120, H. 4, S. 1005-1054. DOI:10.1086/681072


    "While existing research has documented persistent barriers facing African-American job seekers, far less research has questioned how job seekers respond to this reality. Do minorities self-select into particular segments of the labor market to avoid discrimination? Such questions have remained unanswered due to the lack of data available on the positions to which job seekers apply. Drawing on two original data sets with application-specific information, we find little evidence that blacks target or avoid particular job types. Rather, blacks cast a wider net in their search than similarly situated whites, including a greater range of occupational categories and characteristics in their pool of job applications. Additionally, we show that perceptions of discrimination are associated with increased search breadth, suggesting that broad search among African-Americans represents an adaptation to labor market discrimination. Together these findings provide novel evidence on the role of race and self-selection in the job search process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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