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matching – Suchprozesse am Arbeitsmarkt

Offene Stellen bei gleichzeitiger Arbeitslosigkeit - was Arbeitsmarkttheorien u. a. mit "unvollkommener Information" begründen, ist für Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchende oft nur schwer nachzuvollziehen: Unternehmen können freie Stellen nicht besetzen, trotzdem finden Arbeitsuchende nur schwer den passenden Job. Wie gestalten sich die Suchprozesse bei Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchenden, welche Konzessionen sind beide Seiten bereit einzugehen, wie lässt sich das "matching" verbessern?
Diese Infoplattform bietet wissenschaftliche Literatur zur theoretischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitsuche"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Opening the blackbox: How does labor market policy affect the job seekers' behavior?: a field experiment (2015)

    Arni, Patrick;


    Arni, Patrick (2015): Opening the blackbox: How does labor market policy affect the job seekers' behavior? A field experiment. (IZA discussion paper 9617), Bonn, 59 S.


    "Empirically, not much is known about the mechanisms how labor market programs like job search assistance and training operate to support finding a job. This paper provides novel evidence to open the 'blackbox': it causally links the program interventions to the dynamics of search behavior, beliefs and non-cognitive skills. The study is based on a unique combination of a randomized field experiment with detailed register data and a panel of repeated surveys. The tested coaching program, focused on older job seekers, turns out to increase the job finding of participants by 9 percentage points (72% vs. 63% in the control group). The treatment effect is driven by a reduction of reservation wages and an increase in search efficiency. Moreover, I find short-run effects on motivation, self-confidence and beliefs. The job seekers overestimate their chances slightly less with respect to job interviews and salaries. Overall, the focus on realistic expectations and on search strategy appears to be important for program success. The experiment shows that evaluation designs which directly assess behavior can provide a fruitful base for targeted policy design." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effects of binding and non-binding job search requirements (2015)

    Arni, Patrick; Schiprowski, Amelie;


    Arni, Patrick & Amelie Schiprowski (2015): The effects of binding and non-binding job search requirements. (IZA discussion paper 8951), Bonn, 52 S.


    "Job search requirements constrain the effort choice of unemployment insurance recipients by enforcing a minimum number of monthly applications. This paper is the first to assess how individual search effort, job finding and job stability react to this constraint. Standard job search theory predicts that requirements affect each job seeker relative to her unconstrained effort choice. Therefore, the behavioral treatment intensity of interest is the incremental effort necessary to comply with the requirement. Using novel Swiss register data, we measure this intensity as the difference between the individual requirement threshold and the search effort provided just before requirement imposition. Our econometric approach exploits that - conditional on a broad set of choice fixed effects - the match between the job seeker's unconstrained effort choice and the caseworker's requirement setting behavior is arbitrary. Therefore, it provides exogenous variation in the treatment assignment. We find that binding search requirements that exceed the job seeker's unconstrained effort choice, increase job finding in a substantial way. These effects are highly heterogeneous with respect to the job seeker's characteristics. They come at the cost of increased non-compliance and sanction imposition rates. Moreover, binding requirements have striking negative effects on job stability. Finally, we find that non-binding requirements can also affect search outcomes. This suggests that requirements can operate as signals, thereby generating behavioral effects that are not predicted by standard job search theory." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Precarious employment and bargaining power: results of a factorial survey analysis (2015)

    Auspurg, Katrin ; Gundert, Stefanie ;


    Auspurg, Katrin & Stefanie Gundert (2015): Precarious employment and bargaining power. Results of a factorial survey analysis. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 44, H. 2, S. 99-117., 2014-10-13.


    "Welche Rolle spielt die Verhandlungsmacht von Arbeitnehmern für ihre Bereitschaft, befristete Arbeitsverträge zu akzeptieren? In welchem Ausmaß ist ihre Konzessionsbereitschaft durch individuelle Merkmale oder Kontextfaktoren beeinflusst, welche die Verhandlungsmacht gegenüber Arbeitgebern bestimmen? In einem faktoriellen Survey-Modul wurden im Panel 'Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung' (PASS) im Jahr 2011 etwa 3.700 Erwerbspersonen in Deutschland zu ihrer Annahmebereitschaft hinsichtlich fiktiver Jobangebote (Vignetten) befragt, die in Merkmalen wie der Beschäftigungsdauer experimentell variiert wurden. Erwartungsgemäß reduziert eine gute Verhandlungsposition (z.B. in Form von ökonomischen Ressourcen oder einer starken Arbeitsmarktintegration) die Konzessionsbereitschaft im Hinblick auf Beschäftigungssicherheit. Der Vorteil einer solchen Position zeigt sich zudem in höheren finanziellen Kompensationen bei der Annahme befristeter Verträge. Dabei finden sich Variationen nach familiärem Hintergrund und Geschlecht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gundert, Stefanie ;
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    The strength of many kinds of ties: unpacking the role of social contacts across stages of the job (2015)

    Barbulescu, Roxana;


    Barbulescu, Roxana (2015): The strength of many kinds of ties. Unpacking the role of social contacts across stages of the job. In: Organization Science, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 1040-1058. DOI:10.1287/orsc.2015.0978


    "The topic of job mobility has received increasing attention in recent years. Yet, surprising in light of the wealth of research on social networks and job attainment, we do not have a unified model of the impact of different kinds of social contacts on job search success. In this paper I show that contacts are differently beneficial for job seekers depending on the stage of the job search process that job seekers are engaged in. Specifically, three stages of the job search process can be distinguished in which social contacts fulfill different roles for the job seekers: deciding the types of jobs for which to apply, submitting job applications, and preparing for interviews. I propose that contacts who are spread across different occupations are conducive to applying to more types of jobs, yet it is contacts who are more focused across occupations that are beneficial for being invited to more interviews - relative to the number of job types applied for - and for converting the interviews into offers. In addition, contacts with lower relationship depth with the job seeker are more helpful for getting invited to interviews, whereas contacts who have more frequent interactions with the job seeker are more helpful for converting interviews into offers. Analyses using a unique longitudinal data set on the job searches of 226 participants in an MBA program offer robust evidence in support of the hypotheses. The results suggest that external mobility is best enabled when job seekers engage with - and learn from - different kinds of contacts across stages of the job search process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A theory of dual job search and sex-based occupational clustering (2015)

    Benson, Alan ;


    Benson, Alan (2015): A theory of dual job search and sex-based occupational clustering. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 54, H. 3, S. 367-400. DOI:10.1111/irel.12095


    "This paper theorizes and provides evidence for the segregation of men into clustered occupations and women into dispersed occupations in advance of marriage and in anticipation of future colocation problems. Using the Decennial Census, and controlling for occupational characteristics, I find evidence of this general pattern of segregation, and also find that the minority of the highly educated men and women who depart from this equilibrium experience delayed marriage, higher divorce, and lower earnings. Results are consistent with the theory that marriage and mobility expectations foment a self-fulfilling pattern of occupational segregation with individual departures deterred by earnings and marriage penalties." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktsituation von Aufstockern: Vor allem Minijobber suchen nach einer anderen Arbeit (2015)

    Bruckmeier, Kerstin ; Eggs, Johannes; Trappmann, Mark ; Walwei, Ulrich ; Sperber, Carina;


    Bruckmeier, Kerstin, Johannes Eggs, Carina Sperber, Mark Trappmann & Ulrich Walwei (2015): Arbeitsmarktsituation von Aufstockern: Vor allem Minijobber suchen nach einer anderen Arbeit. (IAB-Kurzbericht 19/2015), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Die positive Beschäftigungsentwicklung in Deutschland hält an und der Arbeitsmarkt ist in einer guten Grundverfassung. Dennoch ist die Zahl der Menschen, die gleichzeitig Leistungen der Grundsicherung und ein Erwerbseinkommen erhalten, in den letzten Jahren nahezu unverändert geblieben. Diese erwerbstätigen Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezieher, die sogenannten Aufstocker, stehen im besonderen Fokus von Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik. Die Haushaltsbefragung 'Arbeitsmarkt und Soziale Sicherung' zeigt für das Jahr 2013, dass die Tätigkeiten von Aufstockern oft durch eine geringe Stundenzahl und/oder geringe Stundenlöhne gekennzeichnet sind. Ihre Beschäftigungssituation könnte sich verbessern, wenn sie nach einer anderen oder weiteren Tätigkeit suchen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job search, locus of control, and internal migration (2015)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Cobb-Clark, Deborah A. ; Hennecke, Juliane ; Uhlendorff, Arne;


    Caliendo, Marco, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Juliane Hennecke & Arne Uhlendorff (2015): Job search, locus of control, and internal migration. (IZA discussion paper 9600), Bonn, 42 S.


    "Internal migration can substantially improve labor market efficiency. Consequently, policy is often targeted towards reducing the barriers workers face in moving to new labor markets. In this paper we explicitly model internal migration as the result of a job search process and demonstrate that assumptions about the timing of job search have fundamental implications for the pattern of internal migration that results. Unlike standard search models, we assume that job seekers do not know the true job offer arrival rate, but instead form subjective beliefs - related to their locus of control - about the impact of their search effort on the probability of receiving a job offer. Those with an internal locus of control are predicted to search more intensively (i.e. across larger geographic areas) because they expect higher returns to their search effort. However, they are predicted to migrate more frequently only if job search occurs before migration. We then test the empirical implications of this model. We find that individuals with an internal locus of control not only express a greater willingness to move, but also undertake internal migration more frequently." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Uhlendorff, Arne;
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    Home-ownership, unemployed's job search behavior and post-unemployment outcomes (2015)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Gielen, Anne C.; Mahlstedt, Robert;


    Caliendo, Marco, Anne C. Gielen & Robert Mahlstedt (2015): Home-ownership, unemployed's job search behavior and post-unemployment outcomes. (IZA discussion paper 8972), Bonn, 15 S.


    "Although home-ownership has been shown to restrict geographic labor mobility and to affect job search behavior of unemployed, there is no evidence so far on how it affects their future re-employment outcomes. We use two waves of detailed German survey data of newly unemployed individuals to study the effect of home-ownership on the job search behavior of unemployed and their re-employment outcomes. We show that unemployed who own a home are less willing to move and also less likely to apply for jobs for which one would have to move. However, we do not find any evidence for compensations of their restricted mobility by more intensive (more search channels or applications) or different (more active or informal) search behavior. Furthermore, we find that home-ownership does not seem to harm the employment prospects of the unemployed. Although the re-employment probability in the short-run is slightly lower, we find that after one year home-owning unemployed have found better re-employment jobs, in terms of wages and job satisfaction, than their renting counterparts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Locus of control and job search strategies (2015)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Cobb-Clark, Deborah A. ; Uhlendorff, Arne;


    Caliendo, Marco, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Arne Uhlendorff (2015): Locus of control and job search strategies. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 97, H. 1, S. 71-87. DOI:10.1162/REST_a_00459


    "Standard job search theory assumes that unemployed individuals have perfect information about the effect of their search effort on the job offer arrival rate. In this paper, we present an alternative model which assumes instead that each individual has a subjective belief about the impact of his or her search effort on the rate at which job offers arrive. These beliefs depend in part on an individual's locus of control, i.e., the extent to which a person believes that future outcomes are determined by his or her own actions as opposed to external factors. We estimate the impact of locus of control on job search behavior using a novel panel data set of newly-unemployed individuals in Germany. Consistent with our theoretical predictions, we find evidence that individuals with an internal locus of control search more and that individuals who believe that their future outcomes are determined by external factors have lower reservation wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Uhlendorff, Arne;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    With a little help from my friends? Quality of social networks, job finding and job match quality (2015)

    Cappellari, Lorenzo; Tatsiramos, Konstantinos;


    Cappellari, Lorenzo & Konstantinos Tatsiramos (2015): With a little help from my friends? Quality of social networks, job finding and job match quality. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 78, H. August, S. 55-75. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.04.002


    "This paper studies the effect of network quality on job finding and job match quality using longitudinal data and a direct measure of network quality, which is based on the employment of friendship ties. Various identification strategies provide robust evidence that a higher number of employed contacts increases the job finding rate. Network quality also increases wages for high-skilled workers forming networks with non-familial contacts. Instead, for low-skilled workers, more employed familial contacts lead to a negative but not significant effect on wages. These findings reconcile previous mixed evidence of network effects on wages, indicating heterogeneity by skill level and relationship type." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Information frictions and labor market outcomes (2015)

    Cardoso, Ana Rute; Loviglio, Annalisa; Piemontese, Lavinia;


    Cardoso, Ana Rute, Annalisa Loviglio & Lavinia Piemontese (2015): Information frictions and labor market outcomes. (IZA discussion paper 9070), Bonn, 43 S.


    "We analyze the impact of information frictions on workers' wages, contributing to the literature that tested search theory, which has so far focused on labor market frictions in general and not specifically on information asymmetries. Using data for 16 countries from the European Social Survey 2008, we find a sizeable gap between workers' perceptions of the unemployment rate and the actual unemployment rate in the country, which is a meaningful indicator of their misperception of labor market tightness. To handle the interval nature of our outcome of interest, the earnings variable, we estimate interval regressions, as well as ordered probit models. We follow a threefold strategy to tackle potential endogeneity problems, as the model includes: controls for the worker's ability; country-specific fixed effects; the unemployment rate in the region of residence, which might be the benchmark respondents have in mind when reporting their perception of the national unemployment rate and which is known to influence regional wages. Results show that when subjective perceptions overstate the unemployment rate in the country, a one percentage point gap between the perceived and the actual unemployment rate reduces individual wages by 0.4 to 0.7 percent. We discuss a potential mechanism generating this result. A pessimistic view of the labor market leads to concern over own future employment prospects and is thus likely to lower reservation wages; a too optimistic view, in turn, could raise reservation wages, but it would render job finding more difficult." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Effects of labor taxes and unemployment compensation on labor supply in a search model with an endogenous labor force (2015)

    Chen, Been-Lon; Lai, Chih-Fang ;


    Chen, Been-Lon & Chih-Fang Lai (2015): Effects of labor taxes and unemployment compensation on labor supply in a search model with an endogenous labor force. In: Journal of macroeconomics, Jg. 43, H. March, S. 300-317. DOI:10.1016/j.jmacro.2014.12.005


    "Labor taxes and unemployment compensation were blamed for causing relative declines in labor supply in the EU to the US in the past decades. We propose a model with an endogenous labor force and compare with the model with an exogenous labor force. Because of discouraging the labor force, labor taxes decrease employment in our model less than the model with an exogenous labor force, have ambiguous effects on hours, and decrease less labor supply in our model. Due to boosting the labor force, unemployment compensation increases employment in our model and decreases in the model with an exogenous labor force, but with opposite effects on hours, labor supply is ambiguous in both models. To understand the net effect on labor supply, we feed in the data of increases in labor taxes and unemployment compensation in the EU relative to the US. We find that the model with an exogenous labor force explain excessively of decreases in employment and labor supply, with increases in hours against the data. In contrast, our model explains reasonable decreases in labor supply, with sensible decreases in employment and in hours. Thus, with an endogenous labor force, our model explains relative declines in labor supply better than the model with an exogenous labor force." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job seekers' search intensity and wage flexibility: does age matter? (2015)

    De Coen, An; De Cuyper, Nele; Forrier, Anneleen; Sels, Luc;


    De Coen, An, Anneleen Forrier, Nele De Cuyper & Luc Sels (2015): Job seekers' search intensity and wage flexibility. Does age matter? In: Ageing and Society, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 346-366. DOI:10.1017/S0144686X13000731


    "Although studies on job search implicitly presume that relationships between antecedents and indicators of job search are similar for job seekers from different ages, few studies have tested this assumption even though lifespan theories state that individual motives and behaviour significantly change as people age. From this theoretical perspective, we examine how age moderates the relationships between re-employment efficacy, employment commitment and financial hardship, on the one hand, and job search intensity and wage flexibility, on the other hand. Path analysis on a sample of 240 Belgian job seekers who were at the start of an outplacement programme showed that re-employment efficacy relates positively to job search intensity and wage flexibility for older job seekers, while we find negative relationships for younger job seekers. For employment commitment and financial hardship, we do not find any interaction effects with age. Employment commitment relates positively to search intensity, whereas financial hardship relates negatively to wage flexibility, irrespective of age. We discuss implications for theory, practice and future research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job search intention, theory of planned behavior, personality and job search experience (2015)

    Fort, Isabelle; Pacaud, Catherine; Gilles, Pierre-Yves;


    Fort, Isabelle, Catherine Pacaud & Pierre-Yves Gilles (2015): Job search intention, theory of planned behavior, personality and job search experience. In: International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 57-74. DOI:10.1007/s10775-014-9281-3


    "Diese Studie beabsichtigte nicht nur die Beziehungen zwischen Variablen der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens und der Absicht zur Jobsuche innerhalb einer französischen Stichprobe zu bestätigen, sondern auch moderierende Effekte für diese Beziehungen durch Erfahrungen bezüglich der Jobsuche und durch zwei Persönlichkeitsdimensionen (Extraversion und Gewissenhaftigkeit) zu überprüfen. 154 Teilnehmer beurteilten die relevanten Konzepte auf einer Reihe von mehreren Skalen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Variablen der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens signifikant im Zusammenhang mit der Absicht zur Jobsuche stehen, und dass Extraversion sowie Gewissenhaftigkeit den Zusammenhang zwischen Einstellungen und der Absicht zur Jobsuche moderieren. Die Ergebnisse werden in Bezug zu bisheriger Forschung und praktischen Implikationen diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Potenzialnutzung in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen: eine Analyse von Angebot und Nachfrage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (2015)

    Fritzsche, Birgit; Fuchs, Michaela ; Orth, Anja Katrin; Weyh, Antje; Sujata, Uwe;


    Fritzsche, Birgit, Michaela Fuchs, Anja Katrin Orth, Uwe Sujata & Antje Weyh (2015): Potenzialnutzung in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen. Eine Analyse von Angebot und Nachfrage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Sachsen-Anhalt-Thüringen 01/2015), Nürnberg, 49 S.


    "Auf den Arbeitsmärkten in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen hat in den letzten Jahren eine Kehrtwende stattgefunden. Nachdem die Arbeitslosigkeit über Jahre hinweg angestiegen und die Beschäftigung gesunken war, drehte sich diese Entwicklung um 2005 in ihr Gegenteil. Angesichts des spürbaren demografischen Wandels wird nun immer öfter das Szenario eines Fachkräftemangels diskutiert. Dementsprechend berichten die Betriebe in den drei Bundesländern über zunehmende Probleme, ihre offenen Stellen passend zu besetzen. Einer stetig steigenden Zahl an Stellen, die immer schwieriger oder teilweise gar nicht besetzt werden können, steht aber eine immer noch recht hohe Zahl von Arbeitslosen gegenüber. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, ob und in welchem Ausmaß in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen spezifische Hemmnisse auf der Stellen- und/oder der Bewerberseite existieren, die einer umfassend(er)en Potenzialnutzung entgegen stehen.
    Die vorliegende Studie hat eine vergleichende Analyse der Strukturen und Entwicklungen am Arbeitsmarkt in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen zum Inhalt. Von speziellem Interesse ist hierbei, wie die drei Bundesländer sich sowohl im Vergleich zum ostdeutschen Durchschnitt als auch im Vergleich untereinander positionieren. Hierfür werden die spezifischen Stärken und Schwächen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt anhand einer Gegenüberstellung verschiedener Indikatoren zum Arbeitsangebot und zur Arbeitsnachfrage herausgearbeitet. Als Fazit lässt sich festhalten, dass in Sachsen-Anhalt das verfügbare Potenzial auf dem Arbeitsmarkt im Vergleich zu Sachsen und Thüringen rein rechnerisch am höchsten ist. Bei genauerer Betrachtung der Arbeitslosen wird aber auch deutlich, dass ein recht hoher Anteil aus verschiedenen Gründen eher als arbeitsmarktfern einzustufen ist. In Sachsen und Thüringen haben sich sowohl Angebot als auch Nachfrage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt günstiger als in Sachsen-Anhalt entwickelt. In bestimmten Berufen und Regionen sind in Zukunft Fachkräfteengpässe nicht mehr auszuschließen. Die Struktur und damit auch die Herausforderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt unterschieden sich damit ganz wesentlich zwischen Sachsen und Thüringen auf der einen Seite und Sachsen-Anhalt auf der anderen Seite. Dementsprechend müssen sie auch auf unterschiedlichen Wegen angegangen werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions (2015)

    Gautier, Pieter A.; Teulings, Coen N.;


    Gautier, Pieter A. & Coen N. Teulings (2015): Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Jg. 13, H. 6, S. 1136-1166. DOI:10.1111/jeea.12134


    "We analyze a general search model with on-the-job search (OJS) and sorting of heterogeneous workers into heterogeneous jobs. For given values of nonmarket time, the relative efficiency of OJS, and the amount of search frictions, we derive a simple relationship between the unemployment rate, mismatch, and wage dispersion. We estimate the latter two from standard micro data. Our methodology accounts for measurement error, which is crucial to distinguish true from spurious mismatch and wage dispersion. We find that without frictions, output would be about 9.5% higher if firms can commit to pay wages as a function of match quality and 15.5% higher if they cannot. Noncommitment leads to a business-stealing externality which causes a 5.5% drop in output." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of coworker-based networks in the labour market (2015)

    Glitz, Albrecht;


    Glitz, Albrecht (2015): The role of coworker-based networks in the labour market. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 25-32.


    "With the arrival of administrative data that provide comprehensive longitudinal information on individual work relationships, the systematic analysis of coworker-based networks and their role in the labour market has experienced an enormous boost in recent years. Moving ever closer to capturing actual personal interaction, several researchers have studied this important dimension of social networks within the context of established theoretical models, providing strong overall evidence that coworker-based networks play a positive role in labour market outcomes. My own findings show that this happens both through these networks' positive effect on the flow of information about job opportunities (Glitz 2013), and through their ability to reduce uncertainty about match-specific productivity (Glitz and Vejlin 2015)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wage dispersion and search behavior (2015)

    Hall, Robert E. ; Mueller, Andreas I.;


    Hall, Robert E. & Andreas I. Mueller (2015): Wage dispersion and search behavior. (IZA discussion paper 9527), Bonn, 55 S.


    "We use a rich new body of data on the experiences of unemployed job-seekers to determine the sources of wage dispersion and to create a search model consistent with the acceptance decisions the job-seekers made. From the data and the model, we identify the distributions of four key variables: offered wages, offered non-wage job values, the value of the job-seeker's non-work alternative, and the job-seeker's personal productivity. We find that, conditional on personal productivity, the dispersion of offered wages is moderate, accounting for 21 percent of the total variation in observed offered wages, whereas the dispersion of the non-wage component of offered job values is substantially larger. We relate our findings to an influential recent paper by Hornstein, Krusell, and Violante who called attention to the tension between the fairly high dispersion of the values job-seekers assign to their job offers - which suggest a high value to sampling from multiple offers - and the fact that the job-seekers often accept the first offer they receive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do geographical mobility requirements for the unemployed affect their exit rate to work?: evidence from a policy change (2015)

    Hofmann, Barbara;


    Hofmann, Barbara (2015): Do geographical mobility requirements for the unemployed affect their exit rate to work? Evidence from a policy change. In: ILR review, Jg. 68, H. 5, S. 1195-1219., 2014-11-05. DOI:10.1177/0019793915592376


    "A policy change tightened job search requirements regarding geographical mobility for unemployment insurance - benefit recipients in Germany. Those affected by the policy change were individuals without family ties and whose reemployment prospects were low in their home labor market region. The author finds that the policy change increased employment after one year by 4.6 percentage points among women without children who lived in regions with relatively high unemployment. Women responded by taking up jobs in the home labor market region as well as outside the home labor market region. The author does not find any effects of the tightened mobility requirements for men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Pflegende in Arbeitslosengeld-II-Haushalten: Wie Leistungsbezieher Pflege und Arbeitsuche vereinbaren (2015)

    Hohmeyer, Katrin; Kopf, Eva;


    Hohmeyer, Katrin & Eva Kopf (2015): Pflegende in Arbeitslosengeld-II-Haushalten: Wie Leistungsbezieher Pflege und Arbeitsuche vereinbaren. (IAB-Kurzbericht 05/2015), Nürnberg, 7 S.


    "Die Zahl der Pflegebedürftigen in Deutschland steigt. Viele Menschen pflegen Angehörige und müssen dies mit ihrer Erwerbstätigkeit vereinbaren. Auch Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezieher, die ihre Angehörigen pflegen, stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Pflegearbeit und ihrer Pflicht zur Arbeitsuche. Mithilfe von Befragungsdaten des Panels 'Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung' aus dem Zeitraum 2006 bis 2012 untersuchen wir die Situation von pflegenden Leistungsbeziehern sowie deren Kontakt zu ihrem Jobcenter." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Hohmeyer, Katrin;
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