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matching – Suchprozesse am Arbeitsmarkt

Offene Stellen bei gleichzeitiger Arbeitslosigkeit - was Arbeitsmarkttheorien u. a. mit "unvollkommener Information" begründen, ist für Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchende oft nur schwer nachzuvollziehen: Unternehmen können freie Stellen nicht besetzen, trotzdem finden Arbeitsuchende nur schwer den passenden Job. Wie gestalten sich die Suchprozesse bei Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchenden, welche Konzessionen sind beide Seiten bereit einzugehen, wie lässt sich das "matching" verbessern?
Diese Infoplattform bietet wissenschaftliche Literatur zur theoretischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

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im Aspekt "Deutschland"
  • Literaturhinweis

    IAB-Stellenerhebung 2/2019: Hohe Personalnachfrage stützt den Arbeitsmarkt (2019)

    Kubis, Alexander;


    Kubis, Alexander (2019): IAB-Stellenerhebung 2/2019: Hohe Personalnachfrage stützt den Arbeitsmarkt. In: IAB-Forum H. 15.08.2019, o. Sz., 2019-07-31.


    "Im zweiten Quartal 2019 gab es bundesweit rund 1,39 Millionen offene Stellen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Gegenüber dem ersten Quartal 2019 stieg die Zahl der offenen Stellen um rund 9.000, gegenüber dem zweiten Quartal 2018 um 175.000. Das geht aus der IAB-Stellenerhebung hervor, einer regelmäßigen Betriebsbefragung des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB). Gegenüber dem Jahr 2010 ist die Arbeitsmarktanspannung in Ost- und Westdeutschland deutlich angestiegen. Viele Betriebe berichten nach wie vor von Schwierigkeiten bei der Personalsuche." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kubis, Alexander;
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    Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit in Zeiten von Fachkräfteengpässen (2019)

    Kubis, Alexander; Rebien, Martina;


    Kubis, Alexander & Martina Rebien (2019): Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit in Zeiten von Fachkräfteengpässen. In: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, Jg. 66, H. 1, S. 39-57., 2019-01-30.


    "Der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt befindet sich im 13. Jahr des Aufschwungs. Betriebe berichten vermehrt über Fachkräfteengpässe und die Arbeitsmarktchancen haben sich in vielen Regionen und Berufen gebessert. Der Arbeitsmarkt hat sich jedoch nicht für alle und nicht überall gedreht. Während einige Regionen von einer hohen Arbeitslosigkeit gekennzeichnet sind, fehlen in anderen bereits Fachkräfte. Eine zu geringe Mobilität macht einen Ausgleich bisher unwahrscheinlich. Menschen mit passender Qualifikation finden leicht einen Job, fehlt diese, ist der Wettbewerb um freie Stellen jedoch sehr hoch. Das schmälert vor allem die Chancen Langzeitarbeitsloser. Zwar sind Betriebe zunehmend bereit ihnen eine Chance zu geben, jedoch zeigt sich, dass neben einem teils obsoleten Fachwissen die erwarteten soft skills eine Hürde für den Erfolg darstellen. Maßnahmen, die an diesen Punkten ansetzten, könnten nicht nur den qualifikatorischen Mismatch verringern, sondern auch die regionale Mobilität fördern." (Autorenreferat, © MANZ Verlag, Wien)

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    Kubis, Alexander;
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    The skill divide in post-unemployment job quality (2019)

    Rose, Damaris; Stier, Haya ;


    Rose, Damaris & Haya Stier (2019): The skill divide in post-unemployment job quality. In: Social science research, Jg. 82, H. August, S. 105-112. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.04.003

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    Online job vacancies and skills analysis: A Cedefop pan-European approach (2019)


    "Over recent decades, online job portals have become important recruitment and job search tools. Beyond assisting skills matching, the job vacancies these portals gather can also be used to analyse labour market trends in real time, generating evidence that can inform education and training policies and help ensure that people's skills meet the needs of rapidly changing workplaces. These insights can complement skills intelligence based on information collected via traditional methods, such as Cedefop's Europe-wide skills forecasts, the European skills and jobs survey, and the European skills index. This booklet outlines the main features of online job vacancies and the key characteristics of Cedefop's new system to collect and analyse them. It accompanies the first release of results based on the collection and analysis of online job vacancies in seven EU Member States." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Can job search assistance improve the labour market integration of refugees? evidence from a field experiment (2018)

    Battisti, Michele ; Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya; Giesing, Yvonne;


    Battisti, Michele, Yvonne Giesing & Nadzeya Laurentsyeva (2018): Can job search assistance improve the labour market integration of refugees? evidence from a field experiment. (CESifo working paper 7292), München, 31 S.


    "We conducted a field experiment to evaluate the impact of job-search assistance on the employment of recently arrived refugees in Germany. The treatment group received jobmatching support: an NGO identified suitable vacancies and sent the refugees' CVs to employers. Results of follow-up phone surveys show a positive and significant treatment effect of 13 percentage points on employment after twelve months. These effects are concentrated among low-educated refugees and those facing uncertainty about their residence status. These individuals might not search effectively, lack access to alternative support programmes, and may be disregarded by employers due to perceived higher hiring costs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Shifting the Beveridge curve: what affects labor market matching? (2018)

    Bova, Elva; Jalles, João Tovar ; Kolerus, Christina;


    Bova, Elva, João Tovar Jalles & Christina Kolerus (2018): Shifting the Beveridge curve. What affects labor market matching? In: International Labour Review, Jg. 157, H. 2, S. 267-306. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12046


    "This paper explores conditions and policies that could affect the matching between labor demand and supply. We identify shifts in the Beveridge curves for 12 OECD countries between 2000Q1 and 2013Q4 using three complementary methodologies and analyze the short-run determinants of these shifts by means of limited-dependent variable models. We find that labor force growth as well as employment protection legislation reduce the likelihood of an outward shift in the Beveridge curve,. Our findings also show that the matching process is more difficult the higher the share of employees with intermediate levels of education in the labor force and when long-term unemployment is more pronounced. Policies which could facilitate labor market matching include active labor market policies, such as incentives for start-up and job sharing programs. Passive labor market policies, such as unemployment benefits, as well as labor taxation render matching significantly more difficult." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Disentangling goods, labor, and credit market frictions in three European economies (2018)

    Brzustowski, Thomas; Wasmer, Etienne ; Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas;


    Brzustowski, Thomas, Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau & Etienne Wasmer (2018): Disentangling goods, labor, and credit market frictions in three European economies. In: Labour economics, Jg. 50, H. March, S. 180-196. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2016.05.006


    "We build a flexible model with search frictions in three markets: credit, labor, and goods markets. We then apply this model (called CLG) to three different economies: a flexible, finance-driven economy (the UK), an economy with wage moderation (Germany), and an economy with structural rigidities (Spain). In these three countries, goods and credit market frictions play a dominant role in entry costs and account for 75% to 85% of the total entry costs. In the goods market, adverse supply shocks are amplified through their propagation to the demand side, as they also imply income losses for consumers. This adds up to, at most, an additional 15% to 25% to the impact of the shocks. Finally, the speed of matching in the goods market and the credit market accounts for a small fraction of unemployment: most variation in unemployment comes from the speed of matching in the labor market." (Author's abstract, © 2016 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Occupations as labour market institutions: Occupational regulation and its effects on job matching and occupational closure (2018)

    Damelang, Andreas ; Abraham, Martin ; Stops, Michael ;


    Damelang, Andreas, Michael Stops & Martin Abraham (2018): Occupations as labour market institutions. Occupational regulation and its effects on job matching and occupational closure. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 69, H. 4, S. 406-426., 2018-11-02. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2018-4-406


    "Wir definieren Berufe als Institutionen, die das Bildungssystem mit dem Arbeitsmarkt koppeln und argumentieren, dass Berufe idealtypische Anforderungsprofile von Stellenangeboten darstellen. Auf dieser theoretischen Grundlage erarbeiten wir unterschiedliche Mechanismen, wie berufliche Institutionen und deren Regulierung berufliche Qualifikationen definieren und den Zugang zu Berufen und gleichzeitig Mobilität zwischen Berufen strukturieren. Das Ausmaß der beruflichen Regulierung variiert erheblich zwischen den Berufen. Darauf aufbauend analysieren wir die Auswirkungen der beruflichen Regulierung. Wir zeigen, dass die Regulierung zweiteilige Effekte hat. Erstens erhöht die berufliche Regulierung den Informationsstand sowohl für Arbeitgeber als auch für Arbeitssuchende und verringert somit die Unsicherheit im Matching-Prozess. Zweitens produziert berufliche Regulierung 'closed shops', indem der Zugang zu Berufen eingeschränkt wird. Studien, die sowohl die positiven als auch die negativen Auswirkungen beruflicher Regulierungen berücksichtigen, sind bisher selten. Wir schließen diese Lücke, indem wir zwei zentrale Arbeitsmarktprozesse untersuchen: Job Matching und berufliche Schließung. Um berufliche Regulierung empirisch abzubilden, verwenden wir einen innovativen Indikator und testen unsere Hypothesen mit deutschen Daten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass je stärker die berufliche Regulierung bei sonst gleichen Bedingungen ist, desto weniger aufwändig gestaltet sich der Matching-Prozess für die Vertragspartner. Im Gegensatz dazu wird der Wechsel in eine neue Beschäftigung umso unwahrscheinlicher, je stärker ein Beruf reguliert ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stops, Michael ;
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    Matching in cities (2018)

    Dauth, Wolfgang ; Moretti, Enrico; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens;


    Dauth, Wolfgang, Sebastian Findeisen, Enrico Moretti & Jens Südekum (2018): Matching in cities. (NBER working paper 25227), Cambrige, 65 S. DOI:10.3386/w25227


    "In most countries, average wages tend to be higher in larger cities. In this paper, we focus on the role played by the matching of workers to firms in explaining geographical wage differences. Using rich administrative German data for 1985-2014, we show that wages in large cities are higher not only because large cities attract more high-quality workers, but also because highquality workers are significantly more likely to be matched to high-quality plants. In particular, we find that assortative matching - measured by the correlation of worker fixed effects and plant fixed effects - is significantly stronger in large cities. The elasticity of assortative matching with respect to population has increased by around 75%in the last 30 years. We estimate that in a hypothetical scenario in which we keep the quality and location of German workers and plants unchanged, and equalize within-city assortative matching geographical wage inequality in Germany would decrease significantly. Overall, assortative matching magnifies wage differences caused by worker sorting and is a key factor in explaining the growth of wage disparities between communities over the last three decades.
    If high-quality workers and firms are complements in production, moreover, increased assortative matching will increase aggregate earnings. We estimate that the increase in within-city assortative matching observed between 1985 and 2014 increased aggregate labor earnings in Germany by 2.1%, or 31.32 billion euros. We conclude that assortative matching increases earnings inequality across communities, but it also generates important efficiency gains for the German economy as a whole." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dauth, Wolfgang ;
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    Does the internet increase the job finding rate?: evidence from a period of internet expansion (2018)

    Denzer, Manuel; Upward, Richard ; Schank, Thorsten ;


    Denzer, Manuel, Thorsten Schank & Richard Upward (2018): Does the internet increase the job finding rate? Evidence from a period of internet expansion. (IZA discussion paper 11764), Bonn, 33 S.


    "We examine the impact of household access to the internet on job finding rates in Germany during a period (2006-2009) in which internet access increased rapidly, and job-seekers increased their use of the internet as a search tool. During this period, household access to the internet was almost completely dependent on connection to a particular technology (DSL). We therefore exploit the variation in connection rates across municipalities as an instrument for household access to the internet. OLS estimates which control for differences in individual and local area characteristics suggest a job-finding advantage of about five percentage points. The IV estimates are substantially larger, but much less precisely estimated. However, we cannot reject the hypothesis that, conditional on observables, residential computer access with internet was as good as randomly assigned with respect to the job-finding rate. The hypothesis that residential internet access helped job-seekers find work because of its effect on the job search process is supported by the finding that residential internet access greatly increased the use of the internet as a search method. We find some evidence that household access to the internet reduced the use of traditional job search methods, but this effect is outweighed by the increase in internetbased search methods." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Schneller Internetzugang hilft Arbeitslosen bei der Jobsuche (2018)

    Diegmann, André ; Gürtzgen, Nicole ; Berg, Gerard J. van den; Pohlan, Laura ;


    Diegmann, André, Nicole Gürtzgen, Laura Pohlan & Gerard J. van den Berg (2018): Schneller Internetzugang hilft Arbeitslosen bei der Jobsuche. In: IAB-Forum H. 13.12.2018, o. Sz., 2018-12-04.


    "Das Internet als Massenmedium hat die Art und Weise, wie Arbeitgeber und Arbeitsuchende zusammenfinden, entscheidend verändert. Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt, dass ein schneller Internetzugang in den ersten Jahren der Verbreitung des Breitbandinternets die Erfolgschancen der Jobsuche von Arbeitslosen in Deutschland verbessert hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Dynamics and endogeneity of firms' recruitment behaviour (2018)

    Ehrenfried, Felix; Holzner, Christian;


    Ehrenfried, Felix & Christian Holzner (2018): Dynamics and endogeneity of firms' recruitment behaviour. (CESifo working paper 7283), München, 51 S.


    "Models of random search, directed search, or stock-ow matching differ substantially in the way they assume that job seekers and firms behave during the recruitment process. In this paper we identify new patterns about the recruitment behaviour of firms using the entropy balancing technique and argue that stock-flow matching models - if suitably amended by a timeconsuming screening technology - are best able to explain why the vacancy-filling hazard is increasing during the planned search period and decreases thereafter, why most applicants arrive early in the recruitment process, and why the willingness to pay higher wages or to hire less qualified or experienced applicants increases for firms, which have been unlucky and unable to hire until the intended starting date." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Identifying asymmetric effects of labor market reforms (2018)

    Gehrke, Britta; Weber, Enzo ;


    Gehrke, Britta & Enzo Weber (2018): Identifying asymmetric effects of labor market reforms. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 110, H. November, S. 18-40., 2018-07-17. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.07.006


    "This paper proposes a novel approach to identify structural long-term driving forces of the labor market and their short-run state-dependent effects. Based on search and matching theory, our empirical model extracts these driving forces within an unobserved components approach. We relate changes in the labor market structures to reforms that enhance the flexibility of the labor market in expansion and recession. Results for Germany and Spain show that labor market reforms have substantially weaker beneficial effects in the short run when implemented in recessions. From a policy perspective, these results highlight the costs of introducing reforms in recessions." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Gehrke, Britta; Weber, Enzo ;
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    How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany (2018)

    Gericke, Dina; Löwe, Jil; Deller, Jürgen; Burmeister, Anne; Pundt, Leena;


    Gericke, Dina, Anne Burmeister, Jil Löwe, Jürgen Deller & Leena Pundt (2018): How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 105, S. 46-61. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2017.12.002


    "Using Germany as an example, this qualitative study explores how refugees use their social capital within and outside organizations to enter their host countries' labor market. Following a grounded theory approach, we interviewed 36 Syrian refugees who had already secured employment in Germany. We aim to provide in-depth information regarding the available types, uses, and benefits of social capital with regard to their access and integration into the labor market. We found that refugees have access to different types of social capital and that these types can offer different forms of support to refugees during the labor market integration process. In addition, we identify subtle differences in the kinds of support offered through vertical and horizontal bonding and bridging social capital. More specifically, we found that vertical bridging social capital is a valuable source for securing adequate employment, whereas horizontal bonding social capital and independent job-searching methods may more often lead to low-skilled work or underemployment. Our findings provide new insights into how different forms of social capital can facilitate labor market integration of refugees at different stages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Urbanization, commuting and regional labor markets (2018)

    Haller, Peter;


    Haller, Peter (2018): Urbanization, commuting and regional labor markets. (IAB-Bibliothek 368), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 124 S. DOI:10.3278/300972w


    "Deutschland ist durch seine regionale Struktur - mit vielen Zentren intensiver wirtschaftlicher Aktivität - besonders interessant für Analysen zu räumlichen Mechanismen von Städten und zu Wechselwirkungen zwischen Regionen. Mit steigender Bevölkerungszahl in den Städten dient das Pendeln zwischen Wohn- und Arbeitsort als räumlicher Ausgleichsmechanismus und führt zu Interaktionen zwischen regionalen Arbeitsmärkten. Der Autor untersucht, wie lokale Arbeitsmärkte interagieren, wie stark besiedelte Märkte bei der Suche nach einem neuen Arbeitsplatz helfen und wie Beschäftigte auf Änderungen ihrer Pendlerdistanzen reagieren. Die verschiedenen Blickwinkel und die Verwendung von Mikro- und georeferenzierten Daten bieten neue empirische Erkenntnisse über die Interaktionen zwischen regionalen Arbeitsmärkten und das Mobilitätsverhalten in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Big Data bei der BA: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Suchverhalten am Arbeitsmarkt (2018)

    Hartl, Tobias ; Hutter, Christian ; Weber, Enzo ;


    Hartl, Tobias, Christian Hutter & Enzo Weber (2018): Big Data bei der BA: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Suchverhalten am Arbeitsmarkt. In: IAB-Forum H. 29.05.2018, o. Sz., 2018-05-24.


    "Mit der Jobbörse der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) und der Vermittler-Software 'VerBIS' erschließen sich für die Forschung ganz neuartige Datenquellen. Sie erlauben die Messung von Such- und Vermittlungsintensitäten und ermöglichen innovative Analysen des Arbeitsmarktgeschehens." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Hartl, Tobias ; Hutter, Christian ; Weber, Enzo ;
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    Of carrots and sticks: The effect of workfare announcements on the job search behaviour and reservation wage of welfare recipients (2018)

    Hohmeyer, Katrin; Wolff, Joachim;


    Hohmeyer, Katrin & Joachim Wolff (2018): Of carrots and sticks: The effect of workfare announcements on the job search behaviour and reservation wage of welfare recipients. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 1-23., 2018-09-23. DOI:10.1186/s12651-018-0245-9


    "The German workfare scheme 'One-Euro-Jobs', which provides additional jobs of public interest for welfare recipients, has a number of different goals. On the one hand, One-Euro-Jobs are intended to increase the participants' employment prospects in the medium term. On the other hand, they can be used to test welfare recipients' willingness to work. We use survey data from the Panel Study 'Labour Market and Social Security' and propensity score matching methods to study the intention-to-treat effect of receiving a One-Euro-Job announcement on job search behaviour, reservation wage and labour market performance of welfare recipients. We find that receiving a One-Euro-Job announcement increases job search activities significantly and decreases the reservation wage for women and individuals who have been employed within the last 4 years, but does not affect the short-term employment probability." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Hohmeyer, Katrin; Wolff, Joachim;
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    Inhalt schlägt Form (2018)

    Kanning, Uwe Peter; Dressler, Nathalie;


    Kanning, Uwe Peter & Nathalie Dressler (2018): Inhalt schlägt Form. In: Personalwirtschaft, Jg. 45, H. 5, S. 64-66.


    "Schon lange diskutieren Experten, wie eine Stellenanzeige aussehen muss, damit sich die passenden Bewerber angesprochen fühlen. Eine neue Studie zeigt, welchen Einfluss die Gestaltung der Stellenanzeige auf Schüler und Azubis hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The mobility of displaced workers: How the local industry mix affects job search (2018)

    Neffke, Frank M. H.; Hidalgo, César; Otto, Anne ;


    Neffke, Frank M. H., Anne Otto & César Hidalgo (2018): The mobility of displaced workers: How the local industry mix affects job search. In: Journal of urban economics, Jg. 108, H. November, S. 124-140., 2018-09-27. DOI:10.1016/j.jue.2018.09.006


    "Are there Marshallian externalities in job search? We study how workers who lose their jobs in establishment closures in Germany cope with their loss of employment. About a fifth of these displaced workers do not return to social-security covered employment within the next three years. Among those who do get re-employed, about two-thirds leave their old industry and one-third move out of their region. However, which of these two types of mobility responses workers will choose depends on the local industry mix in ways that are suggestive of Marshallian benefits to job search. In particular, large concentrations of one's old industry makes it easier to find new jobs: in regions where the pre-displacement industry is large, displaced workers suffer relatively small earnings losses and find new work faster. In contrast, large local industries skill-related to the pre-displacement industry increase earnings losses but also protect against long-term unemployment. Analyzed through the lens of a job-search model, the exact spatial and industrial job-switching patterns reveal that workers take these Marshallian externalities into account when deciding how to allocate search efforts among industries." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Otto, Anne ;

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    Education outcomes and the labor market (2018)

    Obiols-Homs, F. ; Sánchez-Marcos, V.;


    Obiols-Homs, F. & V. Sánchez-Marcos (2018): Education outcomes and the labor market. In: Labour economics, Jg. 54, H. October, S. 14-28. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2018.06.001


    "The quality of education appears to be negatively correlated with both the overeducation of workers at the tasks they perform and the unemployment rate across EU-15 countries, and positively correlated with the wage premium associated to tertiary education. We develop a model of the labor market with frictions to quantitatively investigate the impact of the education outcomes on the labor market. We show that both the ability of educated and non educated workers have sizable effects on the incentives of firms regarding the type of vacancies they open and also regarding the incentives of educated workers as of where to search for a job. Therefore education outcomes are relevant to understand the overeducation phenomena observed in the labor market. According to our quantitative analysis had the quality of education observed in Spain been similar to the European average then the overeducation rate would have been between 5 and 10 percentage points lower and the unemployment rate of the two types of workers would be reduced by 40%, but the tertiary education wage premium would be slightly smaller than in the benchmark economy." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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