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Berufliche Mobilität

Eine Tätigkeit, die mehr Spaß verspricht, ein höheres Gehalt oder bessere Entwicklungsperspektiven: Es gibt viele Gründe, nicht länger im erlernten oder ausgeübten Beruf tätig zu sein. Nicht immer sind sie jedoch so erfreulich: Auslöser kann auch eine Entlassung sein.

Dieses Themendossier bietet Literaturhinweise zur beruflichen Mobilitätsforschung in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern. Sie erschließt theoretische Ansätze und empirische Ergebnisse - beispielsweise zu den Fragen: Sind Berufswechsel lohnend? Für wen sind sie mit besonderen Risiken verbunden? Wie gut lassen sich bei einem beruflichen Neustart die bisher erworbenen Qualifikationen verwerten?
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    Good or bad (in)stability? A cross-cohort study of the relation between career stability and earnings mobility in Finland (2022)

    Riekhoff, Aart-Jan ;


    Riekhoff, Aart-Jan (2022): Good or bad (in)stability? A cross-cohort study of the relation between career stability and earnings mobility in Finland. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 77. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2022.100674


    "Although recent studies have found no signs of drastic destabilisation of employment and careers, it is possible that the returns of having a stable or unstable career have changed. This study looks at the link between early-career stability and earnings mobility in Finland: 1) What are the size and direction of the relations between various indicators of career stability and earnings mobility in early working life, and 2) Have these relations changed across cohorts? It uses longitudinal register data of earnings and employment from the Finnish Centre for Pensions, covering cohorts born between 1940 and 1980 for the years 1963–2019 (5396 individuals and 72,578 observations). Growth curve models are applied where repeated observations between the ages 23 and 39 are nested within individuals. Earnings are regressed on three types of career stability indicators: cumulative time in non-employment, tenure with the current employer and the cumulative job changes. Results show overall negative associations of earnings with career breaks and positive associations with tenure and job transitions, but also some differences in these associations by gender and education levels. The link between the career stability indicators and earnings mobility is relatively similar across cohorts, with few exceptions. The positive relation with tenure has decreased and even turned negative for women. Moreover, economic crisis in the early 1990s might have presented a temporary shock to the relation between career breaks and job changes on the one hand, and earnings mobility on the other." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Erwerbsbiografische Veränderungen beim Beschäftigungswechsel (2022)

    Rinn, Maren; Rudolf, Heiko;


    Rinn, Maren & Heiko Rudolf (2022): Erwerbsbiografische Veränderungen beim Beschäftigungswechsel. (Grundlagen: Methodenbericht / Bundesagentur für Arbeit), Nürnberg, 20 S.


    "Der vorliegende Methodenbericht stellt neue Analysemöglichkeiten zu Wechseln zwischen zwei Beschäftigungsverhältnissen vor. Auf Basis zwei verschiedener Suchvarianten wird die vor Beginn eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses zuletzt beendete Beschäftigung gesucht. Für das vorangegangene Beschäftigungsverhältnis können der Beruf und viele weitere Merkmale der Beschäftigung sowie die Branche, der Arbeits- und Wohnort und die Dauer des beendeten Beschäftigungsverhältnisses ausgewertet werden. Im Vergleich von neuem und altem Beschäftigungsverhältnis lassen sich Aussagen zu Veränderungen in der Erwerbsbiographie für alle dem Meldeverfahren zur Sozialversicherung unterliegenden Beschäftigungsverhältnisse treffen. Auf dieser Grundlage ist künftig vor allem die Betrachtung der beruflichen und regionalen Mobilität sowie der Wechsel zwischen den Branchen möglich. Nach Veröffentlichung dieses Methodenberichts wird die statistische Berichterstattung über erwerbsbiografische Veränderungen beim Beginn eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses nach und nach aufgebaut und in die allgemeine Berichterstattung zum Arbeitsmarkt aufgenommen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Berufsspezifische Lohnunterschiede: In einigen Helferjobs verdienen Fachkräfte mehr als in ihrem erlernten Beruf (2022)

    Seibert, Holger; Schwengler, Barbara; Wiethölter, Doris;


    Seibert, Holger, Barbara Schwengler & Doris Wiethölter (2022): Berufsspezifische Lohnunterschiede: In einigen Helferjobs verdienen Fachkräfte mehr als in ihrem erlernten Beruf. (IAB-Kurzbericht 14/2022), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2214


    "Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt dominieren Tätigkeiten mit mittleren und hohen Qualifikationsanforderungen. Daneben existiert im Helfersegment eine Reihe einfacher Tätigkeiten, die im Schnitt vergleichsweise niedrig entlohnt werden. Das trifft aber nicht für alle Helfertätigkeiten zu. In bestimmten Konstellationen können ausgebildete Fachkräfte auf Helferniveau höhere Verdienste erzielen als im erlernten Beruf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Scarring Effect of "Women’s Work": The Determinants of Women’s Attrition from Male-dominated Occupations (2022)

    Torre, Margarita ;


    Torre, Margarita (2022): The Scarring Effect of "Women’s Work". The Determinants of Women’s Attrition from Male-dominated Occupations. (OSF preprints), 47 S.


    "Women's entry into formerly male-dominated occupations has increased in recent decades, yet a significant outflow remains. This study examines the determinants of women's exits from male-dominated occupations, focusing on the effect of previous occupational trajectories. In particular, it hypothesizes that occupational trajectories in female-dominated occupations are often imbued with meanings and beliefs about the (in)appropriateness of the worker, which adversely affect women's integration and chances when they enter the male sector. Using the NLSY79 data set, the study analyzes the job histories of women employed in the United States between 1979 and 2006. The results reveal a disproportionate risk of exit among newcomers from female-dominated occupations. Also, women who reenter the male field are more likely to leave it again. Altogether, the findings challenge explanations based on deficiencies in the information available to women at the moment of hiring. The evidence points to the existence of a “scar effect” of previous work in the female field, which hinders women's opportunities in the male sector and ends up increasing the likelihood of exit." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How Internal Hiring Affects Occupational Stratification (2022)

    Wilmers, Nathan ; Kimball, William;


    Wilmers, Nathan & William Kimball (2022): How Internal Hiring Affects Occupational Stratification. In: Social forces, Jg. 101, H. 1, S. 111-149. DOI:10.1093/sf/soab131


    "When employers conduct more internal hiring, does this facilitate upward mobility for low-paid workers or does it protect the already advantaged? To assess the effect of within-employer job mobility on occupational stratification, we develop a framework that accounts for inequality in both rates and payoffs of job changing. Internal hiring facilitates advancement for workers without strong credentials, but it excludes workers at employers with few good jobs to advance into. Analyzing Current Population Survey data, we find that when internal hiring increases in a local labor market, it facilitates upward mobility less than when external hiring increases. When workers in low-paid occupations switch jobs, they benefit more from switching employers than from moving jobs within the same employer. One-third of this difference is due to low-paid workers isolated in industries with few high-paying jobs to transfer into. An occupationally segregated labor market therefore limits the benefits that internal hiring can bring to the workers who most need upward mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Parental Over- and Undereducation and Offspring Earnings (2022)

    Witteveen, Dirk ;


    Witteveen, Dirk (2022): Parental Over- and Undereducation and Offspring Earnings. (SocArXiv papers), 35 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/p9d36


    "The ORU model has become one of the most accustomed ways to measure the joint impact of required level of education of the job and the education-occupation matching of the worker on their earnings. The broader implications of overeducation and undereducation for socio-economic stratification are however less straightforward. This study contributes to our understanding of the long-term and far-reaching consequences of education-occupation matching by estimating the ORU parameters of parents for the earnings levels of their offspring. After introduction of the “intergenerational ORU model,” we measure associations between parental ORU (overeducation, required education, and undereducation) and earnings among individuals during occupational maturity in the United States (using the NLSY79) and the United Kingdom (using the UKHLS). Results echo findings from the standard ORU model. Years of “matched education-occupation” (R) of the parents’ job increases offspring earnings by about 9.9% (US) and about 8.2% (UK), while years of parents’ “surplus occupation” (U) increases offspring earnings by about 4.0% (US) and about 3.7% (UK). We find a positive effect of “surplus education” (O) in the US, but not the UK. Similar to intergenerational mobility models, parental ORU estimates are moderated by offspring own education yet remain statistically significant. Further analyses explore gender differences in both generations. Implications for ORU research and intergenerational mobility research are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vom Helfer zur Fachkraft durch betriebliche Weiterbildung?: Berufliche Aufstiege und Lohnveränderungen von an- und ungelernten Beschäftigten in regulierten und unregulierten internen Arbeitsmärkten (2022)

    Wotschack, Philip ; Samtleben, Claire ;


    Wotschack, Philip & Claire Samtleben (2022): Vom Helfer zur Fachkraft durch betriebliche Weiterbildung? Berufliche Aufstiege und Lohnveränderungen von an- und ungelernten Beschäftigten in regulierten und unregulierten internen Arbeitsmärkten. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 73, H. 2, S. 309-352. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2022-2-309


    "Ein erheblicher Teil der an- und ungelernten Beschäftigten in Deutschland übt Fachkrafttätigkeiten aus, für die eigentlich ein formaler Berufsabschluss erforderlich ist. Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht vor diesem Hintergrund die Rolle von non-formalen betrieblichen Weiterbildungsaktivitäten für berufliche Aufstiege von An- und Ungelernten im internen Arbeitsmarkt. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach der Rolle regulierender Strukturen. Ausgehend von der Humankapital- und Filtertheorie sowie dem Labor-Queue-Modell werden Hypothesen zum Einfluss betrieblicher Weiterbildungsaktivitäten auf berufliche Statusveränderungen und Lohnzuwächse von vollzeitbeschäftigten An- und Ungelernten formuliert und mit Linked-Employer-Employee Daten (LIAB) für den Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2010 getestet. Unterschiede der Regulierung des internen Arbeits-marktes werden bezüglich tariflicher Standards, einer formalisierten Personalarbeit oder Interessenvertretungsstrukturen untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird die Rolle von Betriebswechseln berücksichtigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen positiven Zusammenhang von regelmäßigen betrieblichen Weiterbildungsinvestitionen und beruflichen Statusverbesserungen für An- und Ungelernte, die im Untersuchungszeitraum nicht den Betrieb gewechselt haben („Stayer“). Dieser ist stärker in regulierten internen Arbeitsmärkten ausgeprägt und geht dort auch eher mit einer höheren Lohnentwicklung einher. Bei einer hohen Weiterbildungsquote von An- und Ungelernten sinken hingegen die Chancen, zur Fachkraft aufzusteigen. Damit ist der berufliche Aufstieg für An- und Ungelernte in den Betrieben erschwert, die in der Weiterbildung dieser Gruppe besonders aktiv sind. Berufliche Statusverbesserungenlassen sich unter diesen Bedingungen eher im Rahmen von Betriebswechseln(„Mover“) realisieren. Insgesamt verweist die Untersuchung auf die Wichtigkeit regulierender Strukturen des internen Arbeitsmarktes für den beruflichen Aufstieg von An- und Ungelernten im Rahmen betrieblicher Weiterbildung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)

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    Intergenerational Mobility Trends and the Changing Role of Female Labor (2021)

    Ahrsjö, Ulrika; Rasmussen, Joachim Kahr; Karadakic, René;


    Ahrsjö, Ulrika, René Karadakic & Joachim Kahr Rasmussen (2021): Intergenerational Mobility Trends and the Changing Role of Female Labor. (CEBI working paper series 2021,19), Copenhagen, 54 S.


    "We present new evidence on the existence and drivers of trends in intergenerational income mobility using administrative income data from Scandinavia along with survey data from the United States. Harmonizing the data from Sweden, Denmark and Norway, we first find that intergenerational rank associations in income have increased uniformly across Scandinavia for cohorts of children born between 1951 and 1979. These trends are robust to a large set of empirical specifications that are common in the associated literature. However, splitting the trends by gender, we find that father-son mobility has been stable in all three countries, while correlations involving females display substantial trends. Similar patterns are confirmed in the US data, albeit with slightly different timing. Utilizing information about individual occupation, education and income in the Scandinavian data, we find that intergenerational mobility in latent economic status has remained relatively constant for all gender combinations. This suggests that a gradual reduction in gender-specific labor market segregation, increased female labor force participation and increased female access to higher education has strengthened the signal value that maternal income carries about productivity passed on to children. Based on these results, we argue that the observed decline in intergenerational mobility in Scandinavia is consistent with a socially desirable development where female skills are increasingly valued at the labor market, and that the same is likely to be true also in the US." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Equilibrium Worker-Firm Allocations and the Deadweight Losses of Taxation (2021)

    Bagger, Jesper; Vejlin, Rune Majlund; Moen, Espen R.;


    Bagger, Jesper, Espen R. Moen & Rune Majlund Vejlin (2021): Equilibrium Worker-Firm Allocations and the Deadweight Losses of Taxation. (IZA discussion paper 14865), Bonn, 57 S.


    "We analyse the deadweight losses of tax-induced labor misallocation in an equilibrium model of the labour market where workers search to climb a job ladder and firms post vacancies. Workers differ in abilities. Jobs differ in productivities and amenities. A planner uses affine tax functions to finance lump-sum transfers to all workers and unemployment benefits. The competitive search equilibrium maximizes after-tax utility subject to resource constraints and the tax policy. A higher tax rate distorts search effort, job ranking and vacancy creation. Distortions vary on the job ladder, but always result in deadweight losses. We calibrate the model using matched employer-employee data from Denmark. The marginal deadweight loss is 33 percent of the tax base, and primarily arise from distorted search effort and vacancy creation. Steeply rising deadweight losses from distorted vacancy creation imply that the deadweight loss in the calibrated economy exceeds those incurred by very inequality averse social planners." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Productivity shocks, long-term contracts and earnings dynamics (2021)

    Balke, Neele; Lamadon, Thibaut;


    Balke, Neele & Thibaut Lamadon (2021): Productivity shocks, long-term contracts and earnings dynamics. (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2021,19), Uppsala, 78 S.


    "This paper examines how employer- and worker-specific productivity shocks transmit to earnings and employment in an economy with search frictions and firm commitment. We develop an equilibrium search model with worker and firm shocks and characterize the optimal contract offered by competing firms to attract and retain workers. In equilibrium, riskneutral firms provide only partial insurance against shocks to risk-averse workers and offer contingent contracts, where payments are backloaded in good times and frontloaded in bad times. We prove that there exists a unique spot target wage, which serves as an attraction point for smooth wage adjustments. The structural model is estimated on matched employer-employee data from Sweden. The estimates indicate that firms absorb persistent worker and firm shocks, with respective passthrough values of 27 and 11%, but price permanent worker differences, a large contributor (32%) to variations in wages. A large share of the earnings growth variance can be attributed to job mobility, which interacts with productivity shocks. We evaluate the effects of redistributive policies and find that almost 40% of government-provided insurance is undone by crowding out firm-provided insurance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social origin and compensation patterns over the occupational career in Italy (2021)

    Ballarino, Gabriele ; Panichella, Nazareno ; Cantalini, Stefano ;


    Ballarino, Gabriele, Stefano Cantalini & Nazareno Panichella (2021): Social origin and compensation patterns over the occupational career in Italy. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 64, H. 2, S. 166-183. DOI:10.1177/0001699320920917


    "This paper studies dynamically the direct effect of social origin on occupational destinations among men in Italy over the career. It aims at investigating the existence, the pattern over time and the heterogeneity of differences in occupational achievement related to social origins, net of education (DESO) and occupational allocation at first job. It also analyses if the change of the DESO over the career is related to the effect of specific job change episodes (voluntary job change, involuntary job change, internal career move). Results based on growth curve models show the relevance of first job in shaping the DESO, which also slightly increases over the career. The DESO is stronger among highly educated individuals, confirming a boosting pattern primarily driven by a better allocation at first job. The (smaller) DESO among the low-educated, increasing over the career, depends from the higher probabilities to benefit from voluntary and internal career job changes for the children of the service class. The (stronger) DESO among the highly educated is driven by the higher probabilities of experiencing internal career mobility for the children of the service class as well as by their ability to benefit also from an involuntary job change (e.g. dismissal)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How much should we trust estimates of firm effects and worker sorting? (2021)

    Bonhomme, Stephane; Setzler, Bradley; Holzheu, Kerstin; Mogstad, Magne; Lamadon, Thibaut; Manresa, Elena;


    Bonhomme, Stephane, Kerstin Holzheu, Thibaut Lamadon, Elena Manresa, Magne Mogstad & Bradley Setzler (2021): How much should we trust estimates of firm effects and worker sorting? (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2021,20), Uppsala, 76 S.


    "Many studies use matched employer-employee data to estimate a statistical model of earnings determination where log-earnings are expressed as the sum of worker effects, firm effects, covariates, and idiosyncratic error terms. Estimates based on this model have produced two influential yet controversial conclusions. First, firm effects typically explain around 20% of the variance of log-earnings, pointing to the importance of firm-specific wage-setting for earnings inequality. Second, the correlation between firm and worker effects is often small and sometimes negative, indicating little if any sorting of high-wage workers to high-paying firms. The objective of this paper is to assess the sensitivity of these conclusions to the biases that arise because of limited mobility of workers across firms. We use employer-employee data from the US and several European countries while taking advantage of both fixed-effects and random-effects methods for bias-correction. We find that limited mobility bias is severe and that bias-correction is important. Once one corrects for limited mobility bias, firm effects dispersion matters less for earnings inequality and worker sorting becomes always positive and typically strong." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bildungsmobilität über drei Generationen in Deutschland: Die Dynamik von Auf- und Abstiegen (2021)

    Büchler, Theresa; Lohmann, Henning;


    Büchler, Theresa & Henning Lohmann (2021): Bildungsmobilität über drei Generationen in Deutschland. Die Dynamik von Auf- und Abstiegen. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 72, H. 3, S. 283-312. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2021-3-283


    "In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchen wir, ob der Bildungserfolg von jungen Erwachsenen neben der elterlichen Bildung auch vom Bildungsgrad der Großeltern beeinflusst wird. Mit Blick auf Prozesse der dreigenerationalen Vererbung von Bildung in Deutschland fokussieren wir dabei insbesondere auf Muster von Gegenmobilität, indem wir Auf- und Abstiege der Elterngeneration in den Blick nehmen. Wir betrachten den Bildungsabschluss junger Erwachsener und untersuchen, ob sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit bis zum Alter von 21 Jahren ein Abitur zu erlangen zwischen Personen aus Familien mit Auf- und Abstiegserfahrungen unterscheidet. Außerdem diskutieren wir mögliche Mechanismen von direkten oder indirekten Großelterneinflüssen. Wir verwenden Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Die Ergebnisse liefern Hinweise auf einen Einfluss großelterlicher Bildungsressourcen, die insbesondere bei elterlichen Bildungsabstiegen eine kompensatorische Wirkung entfalten. Dieser Befund bleibt auch nach umfassender Kontrolle weiterer Variablen bestehen. Keine Hinweise finden wir hingegen für kumulative Vorteile, wenn bereits die Elterngeneration ein hohes Bildungsniveau aufweist. Zusätzliche Analysen für verschiedene Subgruppen stützen die zentralen Befunde." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Equilibrium Job Turnover and the Business Cycle (2021)

    Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos ; Coles, Melvyn; Clymo, Alex;


    Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos, Alex Clymo & Melvyn Coles (2021): Equilibrium Job Turnover and the Business Cycle. (IZA discussion paper 14869), Bonn, 65 S.


    "This paper develops and estimates a fully microfounded equilibrium business cycle model of the US labor market with aggregate productivity shocks. Those microfoundations are consistent with evidence regarding the underlying distribution of firm growth rates across firms [by age and size] and, when aggregated, are consistent with macro-evidence regarding gross job creation and job destruction flows over the cycle. By additionally incorporating on-the-job search, we systematically characterise the stochastic relationships between aggregate job creation and job destruction flows across firms, gross hire and quit flows [churning] by workers across firms, as well as the persistence and volatility of unemployment and worker job finding rates over the cycle." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The firm-level link between productivity dispersion and wage inequality: A symptom of low job mobility? (2021)

    Criscuolo, Chiara; Hijzen, Alexander; Garloff, Alfred; Grabska, Katharzyna; Koelle, Michael; Kambayashi, Ryo; Barth, Erling ; Lankester, Valerie; Fabling, Richard; Stadler, Balazs; Zwysen, Wouter ; Skans, Oskar Nordström; Chen, Wen-Hao; Nurmi, Satu; Schwellnus, Cyrille; Murakozy, Balazs; Fialho, Priscilla; Upward, Richard ;


    Criscuolo, Chiara, Alexander Hijzen, Michael Koelle, Cyrille Schwellnus, Erling Barth, Wen-Hao Chen, Richard Fabling, Priscilla Fialho, Alfred Garloff, Katharzyna Grabska, Ryo Kambayashi, Valerie Lankester, Balazs Stadler, Oskar Nordström Skans, Satu Nurmi, Balazs Murakozy, Richard Upward & Wouter Zwysen (2021): The firm-level link between productivity dispersion and wage inequality: A symptom of low job mobility? (OECD Economics Department working papers 1656), Paris, 45 S. DOI:10.1787/4c6131e3-en


    "Differences in average wages across firms – which account for around one-half of overall wage inequality – are mainly explained by differences in firm wage premia (the part of wages that depends exclusively on characteristics of firms) rather than workforce composition. Using a new cross-country dataset of linked employer-employee data, this paper investigates the role of cross-firm dispersion in productivity in explaining dispersion in firm wage premia, as well as the factors shaping the link between productivity and wages at the firm level. The results suggest that around 15% of cross-firm differences in productivity are passed on to differences in firm wage premia. The degree of pass-through is systematically larger in countries and industries with more limited job mobility, where low-productivity firms can afford to pay lower wage premia relative to high-productivity ones without a substantial fraction of workers quitting their jobs. Stronger product market competition raises pass-through while more centralised bargaining and higher minimum wages constrain firm-level wage setting at any given level of productivity dispersion. From a policy perspective, the results suggest that the key priority should be to promote job mobility, which would reduce wage differences between firms while easing the efficient reallocation of workers across them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reducing automation risk through career mobility: Where and for whom? (2021)

    Czaller, László ; Eriksson, Rikard H. ; Lengyel, Balázs ;


    Czaller, László, Rikard H. Eriksson & Balázs Lengyel (2021): Reducing automation risk through career mobility. Where and for whom? In: Papers in Regional Science, Jg. 100, H. 6, S. 1545-1569. DOI:10.1111/pirs.12635


    "Automation risk prevails less in large cities compared to small cities but little is known about the drivers of this emerging urban phenomenon. A major challenge is that automation risk is quantified by work-related tasks that allows for measurement through occupation, which is in turn implicitly related to local economic structure and to individual career paths. This paper examines the role of working in cities on changes in automation risk through individual career mobility. Using panel data on Swedish workers, we show that the metropolitan effect of reducing automation risk is mainly induced through inter-firm job mobility. Separate estimates for different groups show that this effect accrues mostly to native, high-skilled and male workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Adjusting to globalization in Germany (2021)

    Dauth, Wolfgang ; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens;


    Dauth, Wolfgang, Sebastian Findeisen & Jens Südekum (2021): Adjusting to globalization in Germany. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 39, H. 1, S. 263-302., 2019-11-14. DOI:10.1086/707356


    "We study the impact of trade exposure on the job biographies of 2.4 million manufacturing workers in Germany. Rising export opportunities lead to two equally important sources of earnings gains: on-the-job, and via employer switches within the same industry. Highly skilled workers benefit the most. Import shocks mostly hurt lowskilled workers, especially when they possess lots of industry-specific human capital. They also destroy workers rents when separating from high-wage plants, and they leave strongly scarring effects in the event of a mass layoff. We connect our results to the growing theoretical literature on the labor market effects of trade." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dauth, Wolfgang ;
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    Firms and the Intergenerational Transmission of Labor Market Advantage (2021)

    Engzell, Per ; Wilmers, Nathan ;


    Engzell, Per & Nathan Wilmers (2021): Firms and the Intergenerational Transmission of Labor Market Advantage. (SocArXiv papers), 62 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/mv3e9


    "Recent research finds that pay inequality stems both from firm pay-setting and from workers’ individual characteristics. Yet, intergenerational mobility research remains focused on transmission of individual traits, and has failed to test how firms shape the inheritance of inequality. We study this question using three decades of Swedish population register data, and decompose the intergenerational earnings correlation into firm pay premiums and stable worker effects. One quarter of the intergenerational earnings correlation at midlife is explained by sorting between firms with unequal pay. Employer or industry inheritance account for a surprisingly small share of this firm-based earnings transmission. Instead, children from high-income backgrounds benefit from matching with high-paying firms irrespective of the sources of parents’ earnings advantage. Our analysis reveals how an imperfectly competitive labor market provides an opening for skill-based rewards in one generation to become class-based advantages in the next." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Brain Drain or Brain Circulation? Economic and Non-Economic Factors Driving the International Migration of German Citizens (2021)

    Ette, Andreas ; Witte, Nils ;


    Ette, Andreas & Nils Witte (2021): Brain Drain or Brain Circulation? Economic and Non-Economic Factors Driving the International Migration of German Citizens. In: M. Erlinghagen, A. Ette, N. F. Schneider & N. Witte (Hrsg.) (2021): ¬The¬ Global Lives of German Migrants, S. 65-83. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-67498-4_4


    "International movements by people from economically highly developed welfare states are a puzzle for the classic canon of migration theories, which generally focus on flows from less to more developed regions. Based on a simple theoretical framework linking largely disparate literatures on international and internal migration as well as the field of global work experience, this chapter provides an analysis of the emigration and remigration decisions of German citizens. Whereas the five theoretical dimensions-expected financial returns, job satisfaction, social capital, mobility capital, and employment in transnational professions-already explain much of the variance in the emigration decisions, the theoretical and empirical understanding of remigration decision-making processes remains a challenge. Contributing to recent debates about a brain drain from economically highly developed countries, this chapter provides evidence that the international migration of German citizens is best understood as brain circulation. Temporary migration dominates these international movements and emigrants are similar to remigrants along many theoretical dimensions. Although some indications for a potential loss of human capital caused by international migration do exist, they remain insignificant in light of Germany’s overall volume of international migration. Political debates about flows of people from highly developed countries should focus less on potential losses of human capital for national economies and more on the economic and non-economic returns international migration offers for individual life courses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Job Displacement and Job Mobility: The Role of Joblessness (2021)

    Fallick, Bruce; Haltiwanger, John C.; Staiger, Matthew; McEntarfer, Erika;


    Fallick, Bruce, John C. Haltiwanger, Erika McEntarfer & Matthew Staiger (2021): Job Displacement and Job Mobility: The Role of Joblessness. (NBER working paper 29187), Cambridge, Mass, 51 S. DOI:10.3386/w29187


    "Who is harmed by and who benefits from worker reallocation? We investigate the earnings consequences of changing jobs and find a wide dispersion in outcomes. This dispersion is driven not by whether the worker was displaced, but by the duration of joblessness between job spells. Job movers who experience joblessness suffer a persistent reduction in earnings and tend to move to lower-paying firms, suggesting that job ladder models offer a useful lens through which to understand the negative consequences of job separations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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