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matching – Suchprozesse am Arbeitsmarkt

Offene Stellen bei gleichzeitiger Arbeitslosigkeit - was Arbeitsmarkttheorien u. a. mit "unvollkommener Information" begründen, ist für Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchende oft nur schwer nachzuvollziehen: Unternehmen können freie Stellen nicht besetzen, trotzdem finden Arbeitsuchende nur schwer den passenden Job. Wie gestalten sich die Suchprozesse bei Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchenden, welche Konzessionen sind beide Seiten bereit einzugehen, wie lässt sich das "matching" verbessern?
Diese Infoplattform bietet wissenschaftliche Literatur zur theoretischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

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    How conformity to labor market norms increases access to job search assistance: a case study from Japan (2015)

    Holbrow, Hilary J.;


    Holbrow, Hilary J. (2015): How conformity to labor market norms increases access to job search assistance. A case study from Japan. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 42, H. 2, S. 135-173. DOI:10.1177/0730888415572377


    "Recent studies have shown that providing job search assistance to job seekers who violate labor market norms can be costly. Consequently, people with information about jobs are less willing to help deviant job seekers. This implies that job seekers' conformity to labor market norms should be useful in predicting receipt of job search assistance. The author tests this claim using data from Japan and finds evidence that deviant job seekers receive less assistance. The findings demonstrate the importance of social norms in understanding assistance flows and illustrate the limits of network analysis in explaining access to job search assistance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Efficient firm dynamics in a frictional labor market (2015)

    Kaas, Leo; Kircher, Philipp;


    Kaas, Leo & Philipp Kircher (2015): Efficient firm dynamics in a frictional labor market. In: The American economic review, Jg. 105, H. 10, S. 3030-3060. DOI:10.1257/aer.20131702


    "We develop and analyze a labor market model in which heterogeneous firms operate under decreasing returns and compete for labor by posting long-term contracts. Firms achieve faster growth by offering higher lifetime wages, which allows them to fill vacancies with higher probability, consistent with recent empirical findings. The model also captures several other regularities about firm size, job flows, and pay, and generates sluggish aggregate dynamics of labor market variables. In contrast to existing bargaining models with large firms, efficiency obtains and the model allows a tractable characterization over the business cycle." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quotas for women can improve recruitment procedures: gender as a predictor of the frequency of use of passive job search behavior and the mediating roles of management aspirations, proactivity, and career level (2015)

    Lang, Jutta; Zapf, Dieter;


    Lang, Jutta & Dieter Zapf (2015): Quotas for women can improve recruitment procedures. Gender as a predictor of the frequency of use of passive job search behavior and the mediating roles of management aspirations, proactivity, and career level. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Jg. 14, H. 3, S. 131-141. DOI:10.1027/1866-5888/a000124


    "In this study, among a sample of 388 participants located in German-speaking countries, from different career levels and all having an employment relationship, we examined the influence of gender on the frequency of use of different job search strategies. The main focus lies on passive job search behavior, which is considered to be an important determinant of career success. The data suggest considerable gender differences in the frequency of use of passive job search strategies. Results of mediation analyses showed that the gap between men and women became smaller with respect to the influence of proactivity and management aspirations and disappeared for individuals in leadership positions. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of the literature and quota debate." (Author's abstract, © 2015 Hogrefe Verlag) ((en))

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    How demanding are eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, quantitative indicators for OECD and EU countries (2015)

    Langenbucher, Kristine;


    Langenbucher, Kristine (2015): How demanding are eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, quantitative indicators for OECD and EU countries. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 166), Paris, 84 S. DOI:10.1787/5jrxtk1zw8f2-en


    "Eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, which require recipients to actively look for work, take up suitable job offers or take part in active labour market programmes (ALMPs), or risk benefit sanctions, can play an important role in offsetting the negative impact of generous unemployment benefits on employment incentives. This paper presents information on the strictness of eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits for 40 OECD and/or EU member countries. It covers availability requirements during ALMPs and suitable work criteria, job search requirements and monitoring of independent job search effort, and sanctions for voluntary unemployment, refusing a job offer or participation in active labour market measures. These qualitative data are then used to compile a composite indicator of the strictness of eligibility criteria and some comparisons are made with the results of a similar exercise by the OECD in 2011. This indicator complements existing cross-country indicators relating to unemployment benefits, such as net replacement rate data from the OECD Taxes and Benefits Database and data on ALMP expenditure compiled annually by Eurostat and the OECD." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Failed searches: How the choice set of job applicants affects an employer's likelihood of making an offer (2015)

    Leung, Ming D.;


    Leung, Ming D. (2015): Failed searches: How the choice set of job applicants affects an employer's likelihood of making an offer. (IRLE working paper 2015-111), Berkeley, CA, 41 S.


    "Most accounts of hiring focus on understanding why a particular job candidate was chosen and do not examine hiring as an outcome for the employer. I suggest that a focus on developing a better understanding of failed searches, job openings which end unfilled, is a valuable, yet understudied, piece of the hiring puzzle. I do so here by highlighting the effect of an employer's choice set on whether a job offer is extended to any candidate. In particular, I hypothesize that the categorical overlap among the candidates who apply affects the likelihood of an offer being extended. Because a hiring decision is one an employer seeks to maximize, comparisons are effortful. The less overlap in the background of job candidates', the more difficult it is to compare them, the less likely any decision will be made. To support my contention that this is driven by cognitive effort, I further predict that choice set commensurability issues are less salient for jobs which are more urgent; suggesting variation in satisficing and maximizing motivations. Finally, commensurability is more challenging for employers with greater categorical fluency because differences among candidates are further exacerbated by the employer's more nuanced expectations. I demonstrate support for my contentions with data from Elance, an online market for freelancing services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Who are the unemployed?: evidence from the United Kingdom (2015)

    Moffat, John; Yoo, Hong Il;


    Moffat, John & Hong Il Yoo (2015): Who are the unemployed? Evidence from the United Kingdom. In: Economics letters, Jg. 132, H. July, S. 61-64. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2015.04.017


    "Using the UK Labour Force Survey 2005 - 2012, we analyse heterogeneity among non-employment subgroups in future employment hazards. Based on the results, we propose alternative measures of unemployment that include out-of-the-labour-force subgroups with similar or higher hazards to the officially unemployed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does extending unemployment benefits improve job quality? (2015)

    Nekoei, Arash; Weber, Andrea;


    Nekoei, Arash & Andrea Weber (2015): Does extending unemployment benefits improve job quality? (IZA discussion paper 9034), Bonn, 41 S.


    "Contrary to standard search model predictions, prior studies failed to estimate a positive effect of unemployment insurance (UI) on reemployment wages. This paper estimates a positive UI wage effect exploiting an age-based regression discontinuity in Austrian administrative data. A search model incorporating duration dependence determines the UI wage effect as the balance between two offsetting forces: UI causes agents to seek higher wage jobs, but also reduces wages by lengthening unemployment. This implies a negative relationship between the UI unemployment duration and wage effects, which holds empirically both in our sample and across studies, reconciling disparate wage-effect estimates. Empirically, UI raises wages by improving reemployment firms' quality and attenuating wage drops." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    For love or money? Gender differences in how one approaches getting a job (2015)

    Ng, Weiyi; Leung, Ming D.;


    Ng, Weiyi & Ming D. Leung (2015): For love or money? Gender differences in how one approaches getting a job. (IRLE working paper 2015-103), Berkeley, CA, 45 S.


    "Extant supply-side labor market theories conclude that women and men apply to different jobs but are unable to explain gender differences in how they may behave when applying to the same job. We correct this discrepancy by considering gendered approaches to the hiring process. We propose that applicants can emphasize either the relational or the transactional aspects of the job and that this affects whether they are hired. Relational job seekers focus on developing a social connection with their employer. In contrast, transactional job seekers focus on quantitative and mechanical aspects of the job. We expect women to be more relational and men to be more transactional and that this behavior will contribute to differences in hiring outcomes. Specifically, we contend that being relational suggest that one is more committed to the job at hand and therefore should increases the chances of being hired - holding constant competence. We examine behaviors in an online contract labor market for graphic designers, Elance.com where we find that women are more likely to be hired than men by about 4.1%. Quantitative linguistic analysis on the unstructured text of job proposals reveals that women (men) adopt more relational (transactional) language in their applications. These different approaches affect a job seeker's likelihood of being hired and attenuate the gender gap we identified. Attenuation suggests that how one approaches the hiring process matters and that gender is correlated with a particular style of engagement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Race, self-selection, and the job search process (2015)

    Pager, Devah; Pedulla, David S. ;


    Pager, Devah & David S. Pedulla (2015): Race, self-selection, and the job search process. In: American Journal of Sociology, Jg. 120, H. 4, S. 1005-1054. DOI:10.1086/681072


    "While existing research has documented persistent barriers facing African-American job seekers, far less research has questioned how job seekers respond to this reality. Do minorities self-select into particular segments of the labor market to avoid discrimination? Such questions have remained unanswered due to the lack of data available on the positions to which job seekers apply. Drawing on two original data sets with application-specific information, we find little evidence that blacks target or avoid particular job types. Rather, blacks cast a wider net in their search than similarly situated whites, including a greater range of occupational categories and characteristics in their pool of job applications. Additionally, we show that perceptions of discrimination are associated with increased search breadth, suggesting that broad search among African-Americans represents an adaptation to labor market discrimination. Together these findings provide novel evidence on the role of race and self-selection in the job search process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job search self-efficacy: Reconceptualizing the construct and its measurement (2015)

    Saks, Alan M.; Koen, Jessie ; Zikic, Jelena;


    Saks, Alan M., Jelena Zikic & Jessie Koen (2015): Job search self-efficacy: Reconceptualizing the construct and its measurement. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 86, H. February, S. 104-114. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2014.11.007


    "Job search self-efficacy (JSSE) is one of the most studied variables in the job search literature and an important component of the theory of planned behavior and self-regulation theory which have both been used to explain the job search process. However, even though JSSE has been a part of job search research for thirty years, the measurement of JSSE has varied from study to study. This questions both the validity of the measures used and the findings from each study that used a different measure. In this paper, we propose and test a two dimensional measure of JSSE that corresponds to job search behavior (JSSE-B) and job search outcomes (JSSE-O). The results of a longitudinal study of employed and unemployed job seekers support a two-factor model corresponding to the two dimensions of JSSE. We also found differential relationships between each dimension of JSSE and several antecedents and consequences. Among the antecedents, environmental exploration and self-exploration were stronger predictors of JSSE-B while career planning was a stronger predictor of JSSE-O. In terms of consequences, JSSE-B was a stronger predictor of job search intention and behavior while JSSE-O was a stronger predictor of the number of job offers received. These findings provide support for two dimensions of JSSE and have important implications for job search research and practice." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sozio-technologische AkteurInnen auf einem angespannten Arbeitsmarkt: Diskriminierung und Online-Job-Plattformen (2015)

    Schadauer, Andreas; Schäfer, Claudia;


    Schadauer, Andreas & Claudia Schäfer (2015): Sozio-technologische AkteurInnen auf einem angespannten Arbeitsmarkt. Diskriminierung und Online-Job-Plattformen. In: SWS-Rundschau, Jg. 55, H. 4, S. 455-475.


    "Rassistische Diskriminierung bei der Suche nach neuen Angestellten ist in Österreich noch immer ein großes Problem. Auf einem angespannten Arbeitsmarkt stellt diese eine weitere Erschwernis und Hürde für die Arbeitssuchenden dar. Wir widmen uns in unserem Artikel diesem Thema unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des sozio-technologischen Charakters der Arbeitssuche. Zwei Fragen stehen im Zentrum unserer Arbeit: Inwieweit können bestimmte sozio-technologische Objekte, genauer Online-Job-Plattformen, die Arbeitssuche beeinflussen und prägen und in welchen Situationen können diese anti-diskriminatorische Impulse setzen? Aufbauend auf qualitative Interviews mit Arbeitssuchenden skizzieren wir sieben Situationen, in denen durch bestimmte Designentscheidungen Online-Job-Plattformen einen Unterschied machen und Diskriminierung zumindest erschweren können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Social capital and job search behaviour of long-term welfare recipients (2015)

    Varekamp, Inge; Knijn, Trudie; Gaag, Martin van der; Bos, Peter;


    Varekamp, Inge, Trudie Knijn, Martin van der Gaag & Peter Bos (2015): Social capital and job search behaviour of long-term welfare recipients. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 35, H. 11/12, S. 738-755. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-10-2014-0092


    "Purpose: Long-term welfare recipients in the Netherlands are either long-term unemployed or part-time employed in jobs that generate incomes below the subsistence level. The question is whether reintegration policies aiming at their return to - a fulltime - job should consider individual social network factors besides psychological and human capital factors. The purpose of this paper is to investigate welfare recipients' job search behaviour, in particular how individual social capital is distributed, and whether it is related to job search activities.
    Design/methodology/approach: Standardised and structured interviews were conducted with 189 long-term unemployed welfare recipients. An adapted version of the Resource Generator instrument was used to measure individual access to social capital.
    Findings: Social capital scales measuring domestic social resources, status-related social resources, expert advice on regulations and financial matters, and advice on finding a job were developed and psychometrically tested. Status-related social resources were more easily accessible to men and higher educated persons. Advice on finding a job was more easily accessible to recently unemployed individuals. Domestic social resources were less accessible to ethnic minorities. Persons with more social capital, specifically status-related social resources and advice in finding a job, showed more active job search behaviour.
    Social implications: The differences in job search activities between respondents with more social capital and those with less social capital were present but to a small degree, and therefore there is no argument for reintegration activities to focus on enlarging social capital.
    Originality/value: This study addresses the instrumental functions of the social network by multidimensionally scrutinising the resources that social relationships provide access to." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work trends study: discover the future of social recruiting and smartworking (2015)


    "The world of work is changing. New trends are emerging that will affect the work environments of large corporations and small businesses alike. To find out how job seekers and recruiters use social media to search for jobs or candidates, and what they think about smartworking, Adecco, the world's leading provider of HR solutions, has conducted this Work Trends Study.
    Extending the scope of the 2014 Social Recruiting Study, the 2015 Work Trends Study also looks at emerging practices and beliefs around smartworking and draws some interesting conclusions on how both job seekers and recruiters see the way we will work in the future. Technology is changing not only the way people search for jobs and recruit candidates - the social media sphere is increasingly becoming the new job marketplace - but also the very concept of the 'workplace'. The impact of smartworking and flexible working environments will require new thinking on the traditional relationship between employer and employee.
    The study was conducted in 26 countries (see appendix for full list), making it the most comprehensive global study on the future of search and select as well as the workplace environment. Over 31,793 job seekers and more than 4,168 recruiters responded to a survey developed in partnership with the Università Cattolica in Milan, Italy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Rolle von Erwartungshaltungen in der Stellensuche und der RAV-Beratung: Teilprojekt 1: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erwartungshaltungen der Stellensuchenden, Determinanten des Sucherfolgs und arbeitsmarktlichen Maßnahmen. Schlussbericht (2014)

    Arni, Patrick; Wunsch, Conny;


    Arni, Patrick & Conny Wunsch (2014): Die Rolle von Erwartungshaltungen in der Stellensuche und der RAV-Beratung. Teilprojekt 1: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erwartungshaltungen der Stellensuchenden, Determinanten des Sucherfolgs und arbeitsmarktlichen Maßnahmen. Schlussbericht. (IZA research report 62), Bonn, 127 S.


    "Dieses Projekt untersucht die Rolle von Erwartungshaltungen und Einstellungen von Stellensuchenden (STES) im Stellensuchprozess sowie für die Wirkung von arbeitsmarktpolitischen Instrumenten anhand der wenigen für die Schweiz existierenden Daten. Die Analysen zeigen, dass die Erwartungen und Einstellungen der STES entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Sucherfolg haben und durch arbeitsmarktpolitische Instrumente beeinflussbar sind. Sie sollten deshalb stärker in den Fokus der Arbeitsmarktpolitik gerückt werden. Hierzu ist es jedoch notwendig, dass systematisch Informationen über die Erwartungen, Einstellungen und das Suchverhalten der STES erhoben werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mapping and analysing bottleneck vacancies in EU labour markets: overview report final (2014)

    Attström, Karin; Sandvliet, Kees; Kuhn, Hanna-Maija; Beavor, Edmund; Niedlich, Sebastian;


    Attström, Karin, Sebastian Niedlich, Kees Sandvliet, Hanna-Maija Kuhn & Edmund Beavor (2014): Mapping and analysing bottleneck vacancies in EU labour markets. Overview report final. Brüssel, 122 S.


    "The study, compiling data available at national level, found that bottleneck vacancies do not only occur in high skilled occupations, such as health, IT, scientific and engineering professionals, but are also found in skilled and low skilled manual occupations, in manufacturing, construction or tourism. This is due both to mismatch in educational choices at high skill level, and to poor wage or working conditions leading to high turnover and difficulties to replace ageing workers at lower skill levels. The study provides a ranking of bottlenecks most frequently reported for specific occupations. According to the study, cooks are most difficult to find, followed by metal working machine tool setters and operators, and shop sales assistants. Most of the bottlenecks identified are structural, persisting over long periods, showing that education and training systems need to better and more swiftly aligned to labour market needs. There are too few initiatives addressing shortages in a coordinated manner and labour market intelligence needs to be improved at national level. At EU level, the study recommends better targeted EU mobility aimed at specific specialisations and occupations in need, as well as better matching of skills in EU recruitment. EU action should upscale and focus more narrowly targeted mobility tools for young people such as Your First EURES Job and should improve skills-based matching on the EURES Job Mobility Portal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cash-on-hand and the duration of job search: quasi-experimental evidence from Norway (2014)

    Basten, Christoph; Telle, Kjetil; Fagereng, Andreas;


    Basten, Christoph, Andreas Fagereng & Kjetil Telle (2014): Cash-on-hand and the duration of job search. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway. In: The economic journal, Jg. 124, H. 576, S. 540-568. DOI:10.1111/ecoj.12135


    "We identify the causal effect of lump-sum severance payments on non-employment duration in Norway by exploiting a discontinuity in eligibility at age 50. We find that a severance payment worth 1.2 months' earnings at the median lowers the fraction re-employed after a year by seven percentage points. Data on household wealth enable us to verify that the effect is decreasing in prior wealth, which favors an interpretation as liquidity constraints over the alternative of mental accounting. Finding liquidity constraints in Norway, despite its equitable wealth distribution and generous welfare state, means they are likely to exist also in other countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unintended effects of anonymous resumes (2014)

    Behaghel, Luc; Crépon, Bruno; Le Barbanchon, Thomas ;


    Behaghel, Luc, Bruno Crépon & Thomas Le Barbanchon (2014): Unintended effects of anonymous resumes. (IZA discussion paper 8517), Bonn, 53 S.


    "We evaluate an experimental program in which the French public employment service anonymized resumes for firms that were hiring. Firms were free to participate or not; participating firms were then randomly assigned to receive either anonymous resumes or name-bearing ones. We find that participating firms become less likely to interview and hire minority candidates when receiving anonymous resumes. We show how these unexpected results can be explained by the self-selection of firms into the program and by the fact that anonymization prevents the attenuation of negative signals when the candidate belongs to a minority." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Monitoring job offer decisions, punishments, exit to work, and job quality (2014)

    Berg, Gerard J. van den; Vikström, Johan;


    Berg, Gerard J. van den & Johan Vikström (2014): Monitoring job offer decisions, punishments, exit to work, and job quality. In: The Scandinavian journal of economics, Jg. 116, H. 2, S. 284-334. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12051


    "Unemployment insurance systems include monitoring of unemployed workers and punitive sanctions if job search requirements are violated. We analyze the effect of sanctions on the ensuing job quality, notably on wage rates and hours worked, and we examine how often a sanction leads to a lower occupational level. The data cover the Swedish population over 1999-2004. We estimate duration models dealing with selection on unobservable. We use weighted exogenous sampling maximum likelihood to deal with the fact the data register is large whereas observed punishments are rare. We also develop a theoretical job search model with monitoring of job offer rejection vis-a-vis monitoring of job search effort. The observation window includes a policy change in which the punishment severity was reduced. We find that the hourly wage and the number of hours are on average lower after a sanction, and that individuals move more often to a lower occupational level, incurring human capital losses. Monitoring offers rejections is less effective than monitoring search effort." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Networking the unemployed: can policy interventions facilitate access to employment through informal channels? (2014)

    Bonoli, Giuliano ;


    Bonoli, Giuliano (2014): Networking the unemployed. Can policy interventions facilitate access to employment through informal channels? In: International social security review, Jg. 67, H. 2, S. 85-106. DOI:10.1111/issr.12040


    "It is widely known that informal contacts and networks constitute a major advantage when searching for a job. Unemployed people are likely to benefit from such informal contacts, but building and sustaining a network can be particularly difficult when out of employment. Interventions that allow unemployed people to effectively strengthen their networking capability could as a result be promising. Against this background, this article provides some hints in relation to the direction that such interventions could take. First, on the basis of data collected on a sample of 4,600 newly-unemployed people in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, it looks at the factors that influence jobseekers' decisions to turn to informal contacts for their job search. The article shows that many unemployed people are not making use of their network because they are unaware of the importance of this method. Second, it presents an impact analysis of an innovative intervention designed to raise awareness of the importance of networks which is tested in a randomized controlled trial setting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European vacancy and recruitment report 2014 (2014)

    Ende, Martin van der; Walsh, Kenneth; Bekkum, Ronald van; Wit, Jena de; Buren, Dennis van; McGrath, John; Verkennis, Atze; Minkeviciute, Dovile; Ziminiene, Natalija; Peters, Marjolein;


    Ende, Martin van der, Kenneth Walsh, Ronald van Bekkum, Jena de Wit, Dennis van Buren, Atze Verkennis, Dovile Minkeviciute & Marjolein Peters (2014): European vacancy and recruitment report 2014. Brüssel, 132 S. DOI:10.2767/2563


    "This second edition of the European Vacancy and Recruitment Report is a key component of the European Commission's endeavour to develop a systematic labour market monitoring system focusing on changes in the recruitment demand for skills. The analyses utilise detailed data on occupations and education qualifications as a proxy for 'skills' and traces developments in recruitment over the last five years using a combination of data on hirings and job vacancies both in different Member States and for the EU as a whole, or groups of EU countries according to data availability.
    This publication also provides an insight into how the recession - which affected the European economy from 2008 - has impacted on the nature of employment. It focuses in particular on the increasing incidence of 'underemployment' and its impact, especially on young jobseekers. It analyses the performance of the Public Employment Services and the Temporary Work Agencies against a background of declining employment and recruitment and it makes a series of proposals designed to improve the functioning of the European labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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