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matching – Suchprozesse am Arbeitsmarkt

Offene Stellen bei gleichzeitiger Arbeitslosigkeit - was Arbeitsmarkttheorien u. a. mit "unvollkommener Information" begründen, ist für Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchende oft nur schwer nachzuvollziehen: Unternehmen können freie Stellen nicht besetzen, trotzdem finden Arbeitsuchende nur schwer den passenden Job. Wie gestalten sich die Suchprozesse bei Unternehmen und Arbeitsuchenden, welche Konzessionen sind beide Seiten bereit einzugehen, wie lässt sich das "matching" verbessern?
Diese Infoplattform bietet wissenschaftliche Literatur zur theoretischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitsuche"
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    Unemployment or overeducation: which is a worse signal to employers? (2014)

    Baert, Stijn ; Verhaest, Dieter ;


    Baert, Stijn & Dieter Verhaest (2014): Unemployment or overeducation. Which is a worse signal to employers? (IZA discussion paper 8312), Bonn, 25 S.


    "This study aims at estimating the stigma effect of unemployment and overeducation within one framework. To this end, we conduct a field experiment in the Belgian labour market. We send out trios of fictitious male job applications to real vacancies. These applications differ only by the labour market history of the candidates. By monitoring the subsequent reactions from the employer side, we find evidence for a larger stigma effect of unemployment than overeducation. The stigma effect of overeducation is found to occur for permanent contract jobs but not temporary ones." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cash-on-hand and the duration of job search: quasi-experimental evidence from Norway (2014)

    Basten, Christoph; Telle, Kjetil; Fagereng, Andreas;


    Basten, Christoph, Andreas Fagereng & Kjetil Telle (2014): Cash-on-hand and the duration of job search. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway. In: The economic journal, Jg. 124, H. 576, S. 540-568. DOI:10.1111/ecoj.12135


    "We identify the causal effect of lump-sum severance payments on non-employment duration in Norway by exploiting a discontinuity in eligibility at age 50. We find that a severance payment worth 1.2 months' earnings at the median lowers the fraction re-employed after a year by seven percentage points. Data on household wealth enable us to verify that the effect is decreasing in prior wealth, which favors an interpretation as liquidity constraints over the alternative of mental accounting. Finding liquidity constraints in Norway, despite its equitable wealth distribution and generous welfare state, means they are likely to exist also in other countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unintended effects of anonymous resumes (2014)

    Behaghel, Luc; Crépon, Bruno; Le Barbanchon, Thomas ;


    Behaghel, Luc, Bruno Crépon & Thomas Le Barbanchon (2014): Unintended effects of anonymous resumes. (IZA discussion paper 8517), Bonn, 53 S.


    "We evaluate an experimental program in which the French public employment service anonymized resumes for firms that were hiring. Firms were free to participate or not; participating firms were then randomly assigned to receive either anonymous resumes or name-bearing ones. We find that participating firms become less likely to interview and hire minority candidates when receiving anonymous resumes. We show how these unexpected results can be explained by the self-selection of firms into the program and by the fact that anonymization prevents the attenuation of negative signals when the candidate belongs to a minority." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Monitoring job offer decisions, punishments, exit to work, and job quality (2014)

    Berg, Gerard J. van den; Vikström, Johan;


    Berg, Gerard J. van den & Johan Vikström (2014): Monitoring job offer decisions, punishments, exit to work, and job quality. In: The Scandinavian journal of economics, Jg. 116, H. 2, S. 284-334. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12051


    "Unemployment insurance systems include monitoring of unemployed workers and punitive sanctions if job search requirements are violated. We analyze the effect of sanctions on the ensuing job quality, notably on wage rates and hours worked, and we examine how often a sanction leads to a lower occupational level. The data cover the Swedish population over 1999-2004. We estimate duration models dealing with selection on unobservable. We use weighted exogenous sampling maximum likelihood to deal with the fact the data register is large whereas observed punishments are rare. We also develop a theoretical job search model with monitoring of job offer rejection vis-a-vis monitoring of job search effort. The observation window includes a policy change in which the punishment severity was reduced. We find that the hourly wage and the number of hours are on average lower after a sanction, and that individuals move more often to a lower occupational level, incurring human capital losses. Monitoring offers rejections is less effective than monitoring search effort." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Courses or individual counselling: does job search assistance work? (2014)

    Bernhard, Sarah ; Kopf, Eva;


    Bernhard, Sarah & Eva Kopf (2014): Courses or individual counselling: does job search assistance work? In: Applied Economics, Jg. 46, H. 27, S. 3261-3273., 2014-05-20. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2014.927567


    "How does labour market policy affect welfare recipients and long-term unemployed people? We investigate whether job search assistance (JSA) helps disadvantaged individuals to find jobs and whether courses or individual counselling is more successful in reaching this goal. To evaluate individual employment effects, we apply a quasi-experimental design and construct suitable comparison groups using propensity score matching methods. We compare participants to nonparticipants as well as participants of both schemes directly. Our article benefits from access to rich administrative data from the German Federal Employment Agency. When comparing participants to nonparticipants, results suggest that the individual JSA does not affect participants' employment prospects at all and that the course JSA even decreased their employment chances. At the same time, differences in these effects can be ascribed to programme design differences and to differences in the groups of participants. Therefore, we compare both programmes directly to each other, that is, we use the other programme participants as a comparison group, respectively. We found some evidence that individual JSA performs better than course JSA." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bernhard, Sarah ;
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    Networking the unemployed: can policy interventions facilitate access to employment through informal channels? (2014)

    Bonoli, Giuliano ;


    Bonoli, Giuliano (2014): Networking the unemployed. Can policy interventions facilitate access to employment through informal channels? In: International social security review, Jg. 67, H. 2, S. 85-106. DOI:10.1111/issr.12040


    "It is widely known that informal contacts and networks constitute a major advantage when searching for a job. Unemployed people are likely to benefit from such informal contacts, but building and sustaining a network can be particularly difficult when out of employment. Interventions that allow unemployed people to effectively strengthen their networking capability could as a result be promising. Against this background, this article provides some hints in relation to the direction that such interventions could take. First, on the basis of data collected on a sample of 4,600 newly-unemployed people in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, it looks at the factors that influence jobseekers' decisions to turn to informal contacts for their job search. The article shows that many unemployed people are not making use of their network because they are unaware of the importance of this method. Second, it presents an impact analysis of an innovative intervention designed to raise awareness of the importance of networks which is tested in a randomized controlled trial setting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Search online: Evidence from acquisition of information on online job boards and resume banks (2014)

    Brencic, Vera;


    Brencic, Vera (2014): Search online: Evidence from acquisition of information on online job boards and resume banks. In: Journal of economic psychology, Jg. 42, H. June, S. 112-125. DOI:10.1016/j.joep.2014.02.003


    "While online job boards and resume banks have improved access to information about available jobs and job searchers, little is known about how much of this information gets actually disseminated among participants in the labor market. On the basis of novel data, we find that employers and job searchers prefer to visit resume banks and job boards with more postings. However, once on the site, the number of postings that a typical visitor reviews is not affected by the number of available postings and represents a small fraction of all postings on the site. These findings suggest that employers and job searchers acquire limited amount of information about available job searchers and jobs online even though additional information is easily accessible and available free of charge." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Information disclosure and job search: evidence from a social networks experiment (2014)

    Dong, Z. K.; Huang, D. S.; Tang, F. F.;


    Dong, Z. K., D. S. Huang & F. F. Tang (2014): Information disclosure and job search. Evidence from a social networks experiment. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 293-296. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2013.856992


    "We report the results of an experiment that determined the importance of an information disclosure policy in job search behaviour. We controlled the level of employment information disclosed after every experimental round. When we announced the subjects' wage levels, which at that point they had accepted along with their counterparts in a social network, the subjects' average reservation wages increased significantly according to their initial preference. However, when this information was not revealed, the reservation wage remained the same despite the availability of the social network. We suggest that the green-eyed monster effect may be significant in explaining these results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unemployment and market size (2014)

    Ellison, Martin; Keller, Godfrey; Stevens, Margaret; Roberts, Kevin;


    Ellison, Martin, Godfrey Keller, Kevin Roberts & Margaret Stevens (2014): Unemployment and market size. In: The economic journal, Jg. 124, H. 575, S. 119-148. DOI:10.1111/ecoj.12043


    "Without strong empirical support, labour market matching models typically assume constant returns to scale in matching. We construct a tractable equilibrium random matching model with a general matching technology, introducing market size effects: the job-finding rate varies with unemployment. Stable steady-states may occur in regions of increasing or decreasing returns, and multiple equilibria are welfare-ranked by market size. While the standard model relies on high-frequency shocks to the steady state to explain the co-movement of unemployment and job-finding, locally decreasing returns in matching generate plausible adjustment dynamics and slower convergence. Lastly, an extension of the Hosios condition internalises search externalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job search behaviour and job search success of the unemployed (2014)

    Eppel, Rainer ; Mahringer, Helmut; Weber, Andrea;


    Eppel, Rainer, Helmut Mahringer & Andrea Weber (2014): Job search behaviour and job search success of the unemployed. (WIFO working papers 471), Wien, 40 S.


    "We combine information from a job-seeker survey and two sources of administrative data to shed light on the job search behaviour and job search success of the unemployed. Our particular focus is on the way the Public Employment Service (AMS) shapes job search effort and outcomes in terms of the exit rate to work and of post-unemployment job match quality. Job-seekers attach a high value to internet job search, but social networks are by far the most promising job search channel. The AMS has a central role in the job search process of the unemployed, particularly for job-seekers with low education and long unemployment record. We find a positive link between the amount of AMS counselling and job search effort. Our results indicate that the AMS is effective in facilitating exit from unemployment to paid work - directly, through placing of jobs and increasing the efficiency of job search, as well as indirectly, by stimulating job search effort. The jobs placed by this intermediary do not significantly differ in job tenure from those generated by other channels, but they are rather poorly paid. After adjustment for differences in covariates, monthly starting wages are significantly lower for people placed via the AMS compared with those successful with the internet and private employment agencies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unhappiness and job finding (2014)

    Gielen, Anne C.; Ours, Jan C. van;


    Gielen, Anne C. & Jan C. van Ours (2014): Unhappiness and job finding. In: Economica, Jg. 81, H. 323, S. 544-565. DOI:10.1111/ecca.12089


    "It is puzzling that people feel quite unhappy when they become unemployed, while at the same time active labor market policies are needed to bring unemployed back to work more quickly. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we investigate whether there is indeed such a puzzle. First, we find that nearly half of the unemployed do not experience a drop in happiness, which might explain why at least some workers need to be activated. In addition to that, we find that even though unemployed who experience a drop in happiness search more actively for a job, it does not speed up their job finding. Apparently, there is no link between unhappiness and the speed of job finding. Hence, there is no contradiction between unemployed being unhappy and the need for activation policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Determinanten der Arbeitssuche atypisch Beschäftigter (2014)

    Himsel, Carina; Walwei, Ulrich ;


    Himsel, Carina & Ulrich Walwei (2014): Determinanten der Arbeitssuche atypisch Beschäftigter. In: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Jg. 23, H. 3, S. 225-241., 2014-09-25. DOI:10.1515/arbeit-2014-0306


    "Seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre befinden sich die Erwerbsformen im Wandel, die Zahl atypisch Beschäftigter legte kontinuierlich zu. Unser Fokus liegt in diesem Beitrag auf den Präferenzen und Motiven atypisch Beschäftigter und dabei insbesondere auf der Frage, ob die Aufnahme einer atypischen Beschäftigung auch im Sinne der Arbeitnehmer liegt oder diese eine Veränderung ihrer Beschäftigungssituation anstreben. Hierfür werden das Suchverhalten und Gründe für die Arbeitssuche näher betrachtet. Es zeigt sich, dass atypisch Beschäftigte häufiger als unbefristet Vollzeitbeschäftigte eine andere oder weitere Tätigkeit suchen, bei geringfügig Beschäftigten ist die Suchintensität am größten. Tendenziell suchen Männer, Geringqualifizierte sowie Personen ohne Partner häufiger eine andere Tätigkeit. In der letzten Dekade hat die Suchintensität atypisch Beschäftigter zugenommen, allerdings geht die höhere Suchintensität zum Ende der letzten Dekade nicht allein auf die Hartz-Reformen zurück, sondern insbesondere auch mit einer verbesserten Arbeitsmarktlage einher. Atypisch Beschäftigte, die nach einer anderen Tätigkeit suchen, stellen für die Arbeitsmarktpolitik ein besonderes Potenzial dar. Wird dieses Potenzial durch geeignete Maßnahmen und Initiativen erschlossen, würde man damit einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Fachkräftesicherung, zur Stabilisierung von Erwerbsbiografien und zu individueller Aufwärtsmobilität leisten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Himsel, Carina; Walwei, Ulrich ;
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    On-the-job search and finding a good job through social contacts (2014)

    Horvath, Gergely;


    Horvath, Gergely (2014): On-the-job search and finding a good job through social contacts. In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Jg. 14, H. 1, S. 1-33. DOI:10.1515/bejte-2013-0033


    "The interactions between on-the-job search and finding a job through social contacts are investigated in a Diamond - Mortensen - Pissarides search model with heterogeneous wages. Workers may find a job through their social contacts and on the formal market. The presence of social contacts increases the overall welfare in society as it rises the number of workers earning high wages and decreases the unemployment rate. However, unemployed workers finding a job through social ties earn lower wages on average than those who obtain a job on the formal market. This result follows from on-the-job search: employed workers pass only those offers on to their neighbors that pay (weakly) lower wages than their current wages earned. Despite the wage discount, unemployed workers still might find it beneficial to search via social ties because arrival rate of offers is higher for this channel than for the formal market when the number of neighbors is sufficiently large. There is a trade-off between unemployment duration and wages earned for workers obtaining a job via social ties." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Measuring heterogeneity in job finding rates among the nonemployed using labor force status histories (2014)

    Kudlyak, Marianna; Lange, Fabian;


    Kudlyak, Marianna & Fabian Lange (2014): Measuring heterogeneity in job finding rates among the nonemployed using labor force status histories. (IZA discussion paper 8663), Bonn, 30 S.


    "We use a novel approach to studying the heterogeneity in the job finding rates of the nonemployed by classifying the nonemployed by labor force status (LFS) histories, instead of using only one-month LFS. Job finding rates differ substantially across LFS histories: they are 25-30% among those currently out of the labor force (OLF) with recent employment, 10% among those currently OLF who have been unemployed but not employed in the previous two months, and 2% among those who have been OLF in all three previous months. This heterogeneity cannot be deduced from the one-month LFS or from one-month responses to the CPS survey questions about desire to work or recent search activity. We conclude that LFS histories is an important predictor of the nonemployed's job finding probability, particularly for those OLF." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effects of savings on reservation wages and search effort (2014)

    Lammers, Marloes;


    Lammers, Marloes (2014): The effects of savings on reservation wages and search effort. In: Labour economics, Jg. 27, H. April, S. 83-98. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2014.03.001


    "This paper discusses the interrelations among wealth, reservation wages and search effort. A theoretical job search model predicts wealth to affect reservation wages positively, and search effort negatively. Subsequently, reduced form equations for reservation wages and search intensity take these theoretical results to the data. The data used is a Dutch panel, containing detailed information on individual wealth and income, subjective reservation wages and proxies for search effort. The main empirical results show that wealth has a significantly positive effect on reservation wages of both household heads and spouses, and a significantly negative effect on the search effort of household heads." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inefficient hiring in entry-level labor markets (2014)

    Pallais, Amanda;


    Pallais, Amanda (2014): Inefficient hiring in entry-level labor markets. In: The American Economic Review, Jg. 104, H. 11, S. 3565-3599. DOI:10.1257/aer.104.11.3565


    "Hiring inexperienced workers generates information about their abilities. If this information is public, workers obtain its benefits. If workers cannot compensate firms for hiring them, firms will hire too few inexperienced workers. I determine the effects of hiring workers and revealing more information about their abilities through a field experiment in an online marketplace. I hired 952 randomly-selected workers, giving them either detailed or coarse public evaluations. Both hiring workers and providing more detailed evaluations substantially improved workers' subsequent employment outcomes. Under plausible assumptions, the experiment's market-level benefits exceeded its cost, suggesting that some experimental workers had been inefficiently unemployed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Getting to work: experimental evidence on job search and transportation costs (2014)

    Phillips, David C.;


    Phillips, David C. (2014): Getting to work. Experimental evidence on job search and transportation costs. In: Labour economics, Jg. 29, H. August, S. 72-82. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2014.07.005


    "Do transportation costs constrain job search in urban low wage labor markets? I test this question by providing transit subsidies to randomly selected clients of a non-profit employment agency. The subsidies generate a large, short-run increase in search intensity for a transit subsidy group relative to a control group receiving standard job search services but no transit subsidy. In the first two weeks, individuals assigned to the transit subsidy group apply and interview for 19% more jobs than those not receiving subsidies. The subsidies generate the greatest increase in search intensity for individuals living far from employment opportunities. Some suggestive evidence indicates that greater search intensity translates into shorter unemployment durations. These results provide experimental evidence in support of the theory that search costs over space can depress job search intensity, contributing to persistent urban poverty in neighborhoods far from job opportunities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Stellenbesetzungsprozesse am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt: Schwierigkeiten und die besondere Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke (2014)

    Rebien, Martina;


    Rebien, Martina (2014): Stellenbesetzungsprozesse am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Schwierigkeiten und die besondere Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke. (IAB-Bibliothek 349), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 137 S. DOI:10.3278/300855w


    "Was zeichnet schwierige Stellenbesetzungen bei der betrieblichen Personalsuche aus? Welche Rolle spielen dabei soziale Netzwerke - also Freunde, Verwandte und andere persönliche Kontakte? Sind Jobs, die über soziale Netzwerke gefunden wurden, tatsächlich 'bessere' Jobs? Und welche Vorteile haben Betriebe, die ihr Personal über soziale Netzwerke rekrutieren? Diesen Fragen geht Martina Rebien in ihrer Dissertationsschrift nach. Sie legt dar, dass einige gängige Annahmen über Schwierigkeiten bei der Stellenbesetzung und über die Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke am Arbeitsmarkt einer tieferen empirischen Überprüfung nicht standhalten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Coworkers, networks, and job search outcomes (2014)

    Saygin, Perihan Ozge ; Weber, Andrea; Weynandt, Michèle A.;


    Saygin, Perihan Ozge, Andrea Weber & Michèle A. Weynandt (2014): Coworkers, networks, and job search outcomes. (IZA discussion paper 8174), Bonn, 37 S.


    "Social networks are an important channel of information transmission in the labor market. This paper studies the mechanisms by which social networks have an impact on labor market outcomes of displaced workers. We base our analysis on administrative records for the universe of private sector employment in Austria where we define work-related networks formed by past co-workers. To distinguish between mechanisms of information transmission, we adopt two different network perspectives. From the job-seeker's perspective we analyze how network characteristics affect job finding rates and wages in the new jobs. Then we switch to the perspective of the hiring firm and analyze which types of displaced workers get hired by firms that are connected to a closing firm via past co-worker links. Our results indicate that employment status and the firm types of former co-workers are crucial for the job finding success of their displaced contacts. Moreover, 21% of displaced workers find a new job in a firm that is connected to their former workplace. Among all workers that were displaced from the same closing firm those with a direct link to a former co-worker are twice as likely to be hired by the connected firm than workers without a link. These results highlight the role of work related networks in the transmission of job information and strongly suggest that job referrals are an important mechanism." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Free to move?: a network analytic approach for learning the limits to job mobility (2014)

    Schmutte, Ian M.;


    Schmutte, Ian M. (2014): Free to move? A network analytic approach for learning the limits to job mobility. In: Labour economics, Jg. 29, H. August, S. 49-61. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2014.05.003


    "Job mobility has many overlapping determinants that are hard to characterize solely on the basis of industry or occupation transitions. Workers may match with, and move to, particular jobs on the basis of match quality, preferences, human capital, and mobility costs. This paper implements a novel method based on complex network analysis to describe how workers move from job to job. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), I find first that the labor market is composed of four distinct segments between which job mobility is relatively unlikely. Second, these segments are not well-described on the basis of industry, occupation, demographic characteristics, or education. Third, mobility segments are associated with earnings heterogeneity, and there is evidence of positive assortative matching across segments. Fourth, the boundaries to job mobility are counter-cyclical: workers move more freely when unemployment is low." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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