Prof. Dr. Joseph Sakshaug
Funktion am IAB
Beruflicher Werdegang
Joseph Sakshaug ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, stellvertretender Forschungsleiter, und Leiter der Einheit Datenerhebung und Datenintegration in der Abteilung Kompetenzzentrum Empirische Methoden (KEM) am IAB. Er ist Universitätsprofessor für Statistik an der Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München und Honorarprofessor an der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Mannheim. Zuvor war er Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) für Sozialstatistik an der University of Manchester (Großbritannien) und Juniorprofessor für Statistik und Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodenlehre an der Universität Mannheim. Er erhielt seinen Master of Science und PhD in Survey Methodology an der University of Michigan-Ann Arbor und seien Bachelor of Arts in Mathematik an der University of Washington-Seattle. Von 2011 bis 2013 war er als Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc-Stipendiat am IAB und an der LMU tätig. Er ist auch Fakultätsmitglied beim International Program in Survey and Data Science und Adjunct Research Assistant Professor am Survey Research Center des Institute for Social Research an der University of Michigan. Seine Forschung konzentriert sich auf Datenqualität in komplexen Umfragen, Integration von mehreren Datenquellen und empirische Forschungsmethoden.
laufende Projekte
- Ideal Survey Design in Establishment Panels
- Item Nonresponse in Factorial Survey Experiments - Simulation Study
- To Switch or Not to Switch. An Analysis on Switching Modes Mid-Interview in Establishment Surveys
- More Interviews = More Panel Attrition? An Analysis on the Implementation and Effects of Supplement Surveys.
- Experimente zur Panelbereitschaft im OPAL
- Experimente zur Zuspielbereitschaft im OPAL
- Does the Mode Really Matter? Mode Effects in Factorial Survey Experiments.
- LPP-Modusexperiment Wellen 6/7
- Investigating Measurement Error in a Mixed-Mode Establishment Survey
- Der Einfluss von Audio-Mitschnitten auf das Interviewendenverhalten
- Identifikation von (Teil-)Fälschungen in Panel Surveys
- Paradaten-Betriebspanel
abgeschlossene Projekte
- Erstellung eines Handbuchartikels zur Survey Methodik bei Betriebsbefragungen
- Qualitative Fokusgruppendiskussion: Vom Erstkontakt zu Befragungen in Betrieben
- Analyse der Selektivität der Respondenten in der IAB-Stellenerhebung in der COVID-19 Pandemie
- Analyse des Moduseffektes auf den Total Survey Error in der IAB-Stellenerhebung
- Identifikation von Interviewer Fälschungen mittels maschinellen Lernens
- Automated identification of deviant interviewers
- Modusexperimente in der IAB-Stellenerhebung
- Analyse von Nonresponse im Quer- und Längsschnitt im IAB Betriebspanel 2001-2017
- Verhalten von Interviewern in besonderen Interviewsituationen
- Analyse der Unit Non-Response der IAB-Stellenerhebung
- IAB-Betriebspanel: Stichprobenziehung und Gewichtung
- Auswertung des Modusexperiments 2018 im zeitlichen Verlauf
- LPP-Modusexperiment
- Anschreiben-Framing und Bereitschaft zur Studienteilnahme
- Experiment Interviewer Training
- Statistische Identifikation gefälschter Interviews zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität
- Umstellung des IAB-Betriebspanels auf computergestützte Datenerfassung: Modus-Experiment
- Mode of invitation in a web survey of establishments
- Imputation and record linkage strategies for educational data collected from surveys and administrative sources
- Platzierung der Frage nach der Zuspielerlaubnis in einer Betriebsbefragung
- Imputation und Gewichtung zum Umgang mit fehlenden Werten in hierarchischen Längsschnitterhebungen
- Nonresponse Follow-Up Study to Filterfragen Survey
- Linkage consent in the total survey error perspective
Averaging Non-Probability Online Surveys to Avoid Maximal Estimation Error
Murray-Watters, Alexander, Stefan Zins, Joseph Sakshaug & Carina Cornesse (2025): Averaging Non-Probability Online Surveys to Avoid Maximal Estimation Error. In: Journal of Official Statistics. DOI:10.1177/0282423X241312775
Climate emotions, thoughts, and plans among US adolescents and young adults: a cross-sectional descriptive survey and analysis by political party identification and self-reported exposure to severe weather events
Lewandowski, R. Eric, Susan D. Clayton, Lukas Olbrich, Joseph W. Sakshaug, Britt Wray, Sarah E. O. Schwartz, Jura Augustinavicius, Peter D. Howe, McKenna Parnes, Sacha Wright, Caitlyn Carpenter, Arkadiusz Wiśniowski, Diego Perez Ruiz & Lise Van Susteren (2024): Climate emotions, thoughts, and plans among US adolescents and young adults: a cross-sectional descriptive survey and analysis by political party identification and self-reported exposure to severe weather events. In: The Lancet planetary health, Jg. 8, H. 11, S. e879-e893. DOI:10.1016/s2542-5196(24)00229-8
The Impact of Mail, Web, and Mixed-Mode Data Collection on Participation in Establishment Surveys
Küfner, Benjamin, Joseph Sakshaug, Stefan Zins & Claudia Globisch (2024): The Impact of Mail, Web, and Mixed-Mode Data Collection on Participation in Establishment Surveys. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smae033
Collecting Hair Samples in Online Panel Surveys: Participation Rates, Selective Participation, and Effects on Attrition
Lawes, Mario, Clemens Hetschko, Joseph Sakshaug & Michael Eid (2024): Collecting Hair Samples in Online Panel Surveys: Participation Rates, Selective Participation, and Effects on Attrition. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 167-185. DOI:10.18148/srm/2024.v18i2.8170
A data-driven approach to understanding non-response and restoring sample representativeness in the UK Next Steps cohort
Silverwood, Richard J., Lisa Calderwood, Morag Henderson, Joseph W. Sakshaug & George B. Ploubidis (2024): A data-driven approach to understanding non-response and restoring sample representativeness in the UK Next Steps cohort. In: Longitudinal and life course studies, Jg. 15, H. 2, S. 227-250. DOI:10.1332/17579597y2024d000000010
Bayesian Integration of Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Logistic Regression
Salvatore, Camilla, Silvia Biffignandi, Joseph Sakshaug, Arkadiusz Wiśniowski & Bella Struminskaya (2024): Bayesian Integration of Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Logistic Regression. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 458-492. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smad041
Interviewer Effects on the Measurement of Physical Performance in a Cross-National Biosocial Survey
Waldmann, Sophia, Joseph Sakshaug & Alexandru Cernat (2024): Interviewer Effects on the Measurement of Physical Performance in a Cross-National Biosocial Survey. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 12, H. 4, S. 961-986. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smad031
Nonresponse trends in establishment panel surveys: findings from the 2001–2017 IAB establishment panel
König, Corinna & Joseph Sakshaug (2023): Nonresponse trends in establishment panel surveys: findings from the 2001–2017 IAB establishment panel. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 57. DOI:10.1186/s12651-023-00349-4
To Link or Synthesize? An Approach to Data Quality Comparison
Smith, Duncan, Mark Elliot & Joseph Sakshaug (2023): To Link or Synthesize? An Approach to Data Quality Comparison. In: Journal of Data and Information Quality, Jg. 15, H. 2, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1145/3580487
Ethical Considerations for Augmenting Surveys with Auxiliary Data Sources
Struminskaya, Bella & Joseph Sakshaug (2023): Ethical Considerations for Augmenting Surveys with Auxiliary Data Sources. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 87, H. S1, S. 619-633. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfad030
Augmenting Surveys with Paradata, Administrative Data, and Contextual Data
Sakshaug, Joseph & Bella Struminskaya (2023): Augmenting Surveys with Paradata, Administrative Data, and Contextual Data. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 87, H. S1, S. 475-479. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfad026
Recent Advances in Data Integration
Sakshaug, Joseph & Rebecca C. Steorts (2023): Recent Advances in Data Integration. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 11, H. 3, S. 513-517. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smad009
Transitioning an employee panel survey from telephone to online and mixed-mode data collection
Mackeben, Jan & Joseph Sakshaug (2023): Transitioning an employee panel survey from telephone to online and mixed-mode data collection. In: Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Jg. 39, H. 1, S. 213-232. DOI:10.3233/SJI-220088
Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection
Snijkers, Ger, Mojca Bavdaž, Stefan Bender, Jacqui Jones, Steve MacFeely, Joseph Sakshaug, Katherine J. Thompson & Arnout van Delden (Hrsg.) (2023): Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection. Chichester: Wiley, 856 S.
Recent Findings from Experiments in Establishment Surveys
Langeland, Josh, Heather Ridolfo, Jaki McCarthy, Kathy Ott, Doug Kilburg, Karen CyBulski, Melissa Krakowiecki, Larry Vittoriano, Matt Potts, Benjamin Küfner, Joseph Sakshaug & Stefan Zins (2023): Recent Findings from Experiments in Establishment Surveys. In: G. Snijkers, M. Bavdaž, S. Bender, S. MacFeely, J. Sakshaug, K. J. Thompson & A. v. Delden (Hrsg.) (2023): Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection, S. 437-467. DOI:10.1002/9781119672333.ch19
Effects of mixing modes on nonresponse and measurement error in an economic panel survey
Sakshaug, Joseph, Jonas Beste & Mark Trappmann (2023): Effects of mixing modes on nonresponse and measurement error in an economic panel survey. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 57. DOI:10.1186/s12651-022-00328-1
Detecting Interviewer Fraud Using Multilevel Models
Olbrich, Lukas, Yuliya Kosyakova, Joseph Sakshaug & Silvia Schwanhäuser (2024): Detecting Interviewer Fraud Using Multilevel Models. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 12, H. 1, S. 14-35. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smac036
The Impact of Mixing Survey Modes on Estimates of Change: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2023): The Impact of Mixing Survey Modes on Estimates of Change: A Quasi-Experimental Study. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 11, H. 5, S. 1110-1132. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smac034
The Impact of Survey Mode Design and Questionnaire Length on Measurement Quality
Cernat, Alexandru, Joseph Sakshaug, Pablo Christmann & Tobias Gummer (2024): The Impact of Survey Mode Design and Questionnaire Length on Measurement Quality. In: Sociological methods & research, Jg. 53, H. 4, S. 1873-1904. DOI:10.1177/00491241221140139
Analysing establishment survey non-response using administrative data and machine learning
Küfner, Benjamin, Joseph Sakshaug & Stefan Zins (2022): Analysing establishment survey non-response using administrative data and machine learning. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, Jg. 185, H. Suppl. 2, S. S310-S342. DOI:10.1111/rssa.12942
Establishment survey participation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Küfner, Benjamin, Joseph Sakshaug & Stefan Zins (2022): Establishment survey participation during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 56. DOI:10.1186/s12651-022-00321-8
The impact of using the Web in a mixed-mode follow-up of a longitudinal birth cohort study: Evidence from the National Child Development Study
Goodman, Alissa, Matt Brown, Richard J. Silverwood, Joseph Sakshaug, Lisa Calderwood, Joel Williams & George B. Ploubidis (2022): The impact of using the Web in a mixed-mode follow-up of a longitudinal birth cohort study: Evidence from the National Child Development Study. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, Jg. 185, H. 3, S. 822-850. DOI:10.1111/rssa.12786
Measurement equivalence in probability and nonprobability online panels
Einarsson, Hafsteinn, Joseph Sakshaug, Alexandru Cernat, Carina Cornesse & Annelies G. Blom (2022): Measurement equivalence in probability and nonprobability online panels. In: International Journal of Market Research, Jg. 64, H. 4, S. 484-505. DOI:10.1177/14707853221085206
Measurement Equivalence in Sequential Mixed-Mode Surveys
Sakshaug, Joseph, Alexandru Cernat, Richard J. Silverwood, Lisa Calderwood & George B. Ploubidis (2022): Measurement Equivalence in Sequential Mixed-Mode Surveys. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 29-43. DOI:10.18148/srm/2022.v16i1.7811
Introducing Web in a Telephone Employee Survey: Effects on Nonresponse and Costs
Mackeben, Jan & Joseph Sakshaug (2023): Introducing Web in a Telephone Employee Survey: Effects on Nonresponse and Costs. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 11, H. 5, S. 1054-1088. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smac002
The reliability of adult self-reported height: The role of interviewers
Olbrich, Lukas, Yuliya Kosyakova & Joseph Sakshaug (2022): The reliability of adult self-reported height: The role of interviewers. In: Economics and Human Biology, Jg. 45, S. 1-14. DOI:10.1016/j.ehb.2022.101118
How to Catch a Falsifier: Comparison of Statistical Detection Methods for Interviewer Falsification
Schwanhäuser, Silvia, Joseph Sakshaug & Yuliya Kosyakova (2022): How to Catch a Falsifier: Comparison of Statistical Detection Methods for Interviewer Falsification. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 86, H. 1, S. 51-81. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfab066
Introducing Web in a mixed-mode establishment survey: Effects on nonresponse
Gleiser, Patrick, Joseph Sakshaug, Marieke Volkert, Peter Ellguth, Susanne Kohaut & Iris Möller (2022): Introducing Web in a mixed-mode establishment survey: Effects on nonresponse. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, Jg. 185, H. 3, S. 891-915. DOI:10.1111/rssa.12809
Occupation Coding During the Interview in a Web-First Sequential Mixed-Mode Survey
Peycheva, Darina, Joseph Sakshaug & Lisa Calderwood (2021): Occupation Coding During the Interview in a Web-First Sequential Mixed-Mode Survey. In: Journal of Official Statistics, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 981-1007. DOI:10.2478/jos-2021-0042
Trends in Establishment Survey Nonresponse Rates and Nonresponse Bias: Evidence from the 2001-2017 IAB Establishment Panel
König, Corinna, Joseph Sakshaug, Jens Stegmaier & Susanne Kohaut (2021): Trends in Establishment Survey Nonresponse Rates and Nonresponse Bias: Evidence from the 2001-2017 IAB Establishment Panel. In: Journal of Official Statistics, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 931-953. DOI:10.2478/jos-2021-0040
Evaluating the Utility of Linked Administrative Data for Nonresponse Bias Adjustment in a Piggyback Longitudinal Survey
Büttner, Tobias, Joseph Sakshaug & Basha Vicari (2021): Evaluating the Utility of Linked Administrative Data for Nonresponse Bias Adjustment in a Piggyback Longitudinal Survey. In: Journal of Official Statistics, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 837-864. DOI:10.2478/jos-2021-0037
Understanding the Patterns of Mode Switching in Longitudinal Studies
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): Understanding the Patterns of Mode Switching in Longitudinal Studies. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 15, H. 3, S. 281-298. DOI:10.18148/srm/2021.v15i3.7669
Differences in beliefs about COVID-19 by gun ownership: a cross-sectional survey of Texas adults
Johnson, Renee M., Cassandra Crifasi, Erin M. Anderson Goodell, Arkadiusz Wiśniowski, Joseph Sakshaug, Johannes Thrul & Mark Owens (2021): Differences in beliefs about COVID-19 by gun ownership: a cross-sectional survey of Texas adults. In: BMJ open, Jg. 11, H. 11. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048094
Respondent Understanding of Data Linkage Consent
Sakshaug, Joseph, Alexandra Schmucker, Frauke Kreuter, Mick P. Couper & Leonie Holtmann (2021): Respondent Understanding of Data Linkage Consent. In: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, S. 1-15. DOI:10.13094/SMIF-2021-00008
More Clarification, Less Item Nonresponse in Establishment Surveys? A Split-Ballot Experiment
Küfner, Benjamin, Stefan Zins & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): More Clarification, Less Item Nonresponse in Establishment Surveys? A Split-Ballot Experiment. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 15, H. 2, S. 195-206. DOI:10.18148/srm/2021.v15i2.7809
“My next question is, could I have some blood?”
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): “My next question is, could I have some blood?”. In: Significance, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 8-9. DOI:10.1111/1740-9713.01543
Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (Hrsg.) (2021): Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 464 S.
Contact Modes and Participation in App-Based Smartphone Surveys: Evidence From a Large-Scale Experiment
Lawes, Mario, Clemens Hetschko, Joseph Sakshaug & Stephan Grießemer (2022): Contact Modes and Participation in App-Based Smartphone Surveys: Evidence From a Large-Scale Experiment. In: Social science computer review, Jg. 40, H. 5, S. 1076-1092. DOI:10.1177/0894439321993832
Interviewer Effects in Biosocial Survey Measurements
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): Interviewer Effects in Biosocial Survey Measurements. In: Field Methods, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 236-252. DOI:10.1177/1525822X21997231
Positive Learning or Deviant Interviewing? Mechanisms of Experience on Interviewer Behavior
Kosyakova, Yuliya, Lukas Olbrich, Joseph Sakshaug & Silvia Schwanhäuser (2022): Positive Learning or Deviant Interviewing? Mechanisms of Experience on Interviewer Behavior. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 10, H. 2, S. 249-275. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smab003
Interviewerkontrolle in der 4. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten, Stichproben M3-M5
Olbrich, Lukas, Yuliya Kosyakova, Joseph Sakshaug & Silvia Schwanhäuser (2020): Interviewerkontrolle in der 4. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten, Stichproben M3-M5. (SOEP Survey Papers. Series C 901), Berlin, 3 S.
Nurse Effects on Non-Response in Survey-Based Biomeasures
Cernat, Alexandru, Joseph Sakshaug, Tarani Chandola, James Nazroo & Natalie Shlomo (2021): Nurse Effects on Non-Response in Survey-Based Biomeasures. In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Jg. 24, H. 4, S. 487-499. DOI:10.1080/13645579.2020.1832737
Linking Surveys with Big Data
Sakshaug, Joseph (2020): Linking Surveys with Big Data. Issues of Consent. In: B. Klumpe, J. Schröder & M. Zwick (Hrsg.) (2020): Qualität bei zusammengeführten Daten - Befragungsdaten, Administrative Daten, neue digitale Daten: Miteinander besser?, Wiesbaden, Springer VS S. 163-173. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-31009-7_12
Data linkage
Antoni, Manfred & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): Data linkage. In: P. A. Atkinson, A. Cernat, S. Delamont, J. Sakshaug & R. A. Williams (Eds.) (2020): SAGE Research Methods foundations, S. 1-18. DOI:10.4135/9781526421036931838
Business Data Collection Methodology: Current State and Future Outlook
Bavdaž, Mojca, Ger Snijkers, Joseph Sakshaug, Türknur Brand, Gustav Haraldsen, Bilal Kurban, Paulo Saraiva & Diane K. Willimack (2020): Business Data Collection Methodology: Current State and Future Outlook. In: Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Jg. 36, H. 3, S. 741-756. DOI:10.3233/SJI-200623
The Impact of Nurse Continuity on Biosocial Survey Participation
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): The Impact of Nurse Continuity on Biosocial Survey Participation. In: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, S. 1-14. DOI:10.13094/SMIF-2020-00010
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Surveys at the German Institute for Employment Research
Sakshaug, Joseph, Jonas Beste, Mustafa Coban, Tanja Fendel, Georg-Christoph Haas, Sebastian Hülle, Yuliya Kosyakova, Corinna König, Frauke Kreuter, Benjamin Küfner, Bettina Müller, Christopher Osiander, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Gesine Stephan, Ehsan Vallizadeh, Marieke Volkert, Claudia Wenzig, Christian Westermeier, Cordula Zabel & Stefan Zins (2020): Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Surveys at the German Institute for Employment Research. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 14, H. 2, S. 229-233. DOI:10.18148/srm/2020.v14i2.7743
Statistical identification of fraudulent interviews in surveys
Schwanhäuser, Silvia, Joseph Sakshaug, Yuliya Kosyakova & Frauke Kreuter (2020): Statistical identification of fraudulent interviews in surveys. Improving interviewer controls. In: K. Olson, J. D. Smyth, J. Dykema, A. Holbrook, F. Kreuter & B. T. West (Eds.) (2020): Interviewer effects from a total survey error perspective, o. Sz.
Understanding ‘Don't know’ answers to survey questions
Purdam, Kingsley, Joseph Sakshaug, Mollie Bourne & David Bayliss (2024): Understanding ‘Don't know’ answers to survey questions. An international comparative analysis using interview paradata. In: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 219-241. DOI:10.1080/13511610.2020.1752631
A data driven approach to understanding and handling non-response in the Next Steps cohort
Silverwood, Richard J., Lisa Calderwood, Joseph Sakshaug & George B. Ploubidis (2020): A data driven approach to understanding and handling non-response in the Next Steps cohort. (CLS Working Paper 2020/05), London, 34 S.
The impact of mixed modes on multiple types of measurement error
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): The impact of mixed modes on multiple types of measurement error. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 14, H. 1, S. 79-91. DOI:10.18148/srm/2020.v14i1.7450
The impact of synthetic data generation on data utility with application to the 1991 UK samples of anonymised records
Taub, Jennifer, Mark Elliot & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): The impact of synthetic data generation on data utility with application to the 1991 UK samples of anonymised records. In: Transactions on Data Privacy, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 1-23.
Nurse effects on measurement error in household biosocial surveys
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): Nurse effects on measurement error in household biosocial surveys. In: BMC medical research methodology, Jg. 20, S. 1-9. DOI:10.1186/s12874-020-00922-2
Recent advances in probability-based and nonprobability survey research
Blom, Annelies G., Carina Cornesse, Joseph Sakshaug & Alexander Wenz (2020): Recent advances in probability-based and nonprobability survey research. Editorial. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. 2-3. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smaa002
Integrating probability and nonprobability samples for survey inference
Wiśniowski, Arkadiusz, Joseph Sakshaug, Diego Andres Perez Ruiz & Annelies Blom (2020): Integrating probability and nonprobability samples for survey inference. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. 120-147. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smz051
A review of conceptual approaches and empirical evidence on probability and nonprobability sample survey research
Cornesse, Carina, Annelies Blom, David Dutwin, Jon A. Krosnick, Edith D. de Leeuw, Stéphane Legleye, Josh Pasek, Benjamin Phillips, Darren Pennay, Benjamin Phillips, Joseph Sakshaug, Bella Struminskaya & Alexander Wenz (2020): A review of conceptual approaches and empirical evidence on probability and nonprobability sample survey research. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. 4-36. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smz041
Does benefit framing improve record linkage consent rates?
Sakshaug, Joseph, Jens Stegmaier, Mark Trappmann & Frauke Kreuter (2019): Does benefit framing improve record linkage consent rates? A survey experiment. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 13, H. 3, S. 289-304. DOI:10.18148/srm/2019.v13i3.7391
What do we know about voters who say "don't know" in election polls?
Purdam, Kingsley & Joseph Sakshaug (2019): What do we know about voters who say "don't know" in election polls? In: The Conversation H. 06.12.2019, o.Sz.
SAGE Research methods foundations: an encyclopedia
Atkinson, Paul A., Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph Sakshaug & Richard A. Williams (Hrsg.) (2019): SAGE Research methods foundations: an encyclopedia. Los Angeles: Sage, getr. Sz.
Supplementing small probability samples with nonprobability samples
Sakshaug, Joseph, Arkadiusz Wiśniowski, Diego Perez-Ruiz & Annelies Blom (2019): Supplementing small probability samples with nonprobability samples. A Bayesian approach. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 35, H. 3, S. 653-681. DOI:10.2478/jos-2019-0027
Multivariate small area estimation of multidimensional latent economic wellbeing indicators
Moretti, Angelo, Natalie Shlomo & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): Multivariate small area estimation of multidimensional latent economic wellbeing indicators. In: International statistical review, Jg. 88, H. 1, S. 1-28. DOI:10.1111/insr.12333
Measurement error
Cernat, Alexandru, Joseph Sakshaug & Javier Castillo (2019): Measurement error. Skin colour and the role of the interviewer. In: Significance, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 10-11. DOI:10.1111/j.1740-9713.2019.01293.x
The effect of framing and placement on linkage consent
Sakshaug, Joseph, Alexandra Schmucker, Frauke Kreuter, Mick P. Couper & Eleanor Singer (2019): The effect of framing and placement on linkage consent. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 83, H. S1, S. 289-308. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfz018
Panel survey recruitment with or without interviewers?
Sakshaug, Joseph, Sebastian Hülle, Alexandra Schmucker & Stefan Liebig (2020): Panel survey recruitment with or without interviewers? Implications for nonresponse, panel consent, and total recruitment bias. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 8, H. 3, S. 540-565. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smz012
Identification of interviewer falsification in the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany
Kosyakova, Yuliya, Lukas Olbrich, Joseph Sakshaug & Silvia Schwanhäuser (2019): Identification of interviewer falsification in the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany. (FDZ-Methodenreport 02/2019 (en)), Nürnberg, 33 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZM.1902.en.v1
Small area estimation of latent economic well-being
Moretti, Angelo, Natalie Shlomo & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): Small area estimation of latent economic well-being. In: Sociological methods & research, Jg. 50, H. 4, S. 1660-1693. DOI:10.1177/0049124119826160
The impact of interviewer effects on skin color assessment in a cross-national context
Cernat, Alexandru, Joseph Sakshaug & Javier Castillo (2019): The impact of interviewer effects on skin color assessment in a cross-national context. In: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Jg. 31, H. 4, S. 779-793. DOI:10.1093/ijpor/edy030
Do sequential mixed-mode surveys decrease nonresponse bias, measurement error bias, and total bias?
Sakshaug, Joseph, Alexandru Cernat & Trivellore E. Raghunathan (2019): Do sequential mixed-mode surveys decrease nonresponse bias, measurement error bias, and total bias? An experimental study. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 7, H. 4, S. 545-571. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smy024
Statistical matching as a supplement to record linkage
Gessendorfer, Jonathan, Jonas Beste, Jörg Drechsler & Joseph Sakshaug (2018): Statistical matching as a supplement to record linkage. A valuable method to tackle nonconsent bias? In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 909-933. DOI:10.2478/jos-2018-0045
Parametric bootstrap mean squared error of a small area multivariate EBLUP
Moretti, Angelo, Natalie Shlomo & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): Parametric bootstrap mean squared error of a small area multivariate EBLUP. In: Communications in statistics - Simulation and computation, Jg. 49, H. 6, S. 1474-1486. DOI:10.1080/03610918.2018.1498889
Paper, e-mail, or both?
Sakshaug, Joseph, Basha Vicari & Mick P. Couper (2019): Paper, e-mail, or both? Effects of contact mode on participation in a web survey of establishments. In: Social science computer review, Jg. 37, H. 6, S. 750-765. DOI:10.1177/0894439318805160
Accounting for complex sampling in survey estimation: A review of current software tools
West, Brady T., Joseph Sakshaug & Guy Alain S. Aurelien (2018): Accounting for complex sampling in survey estimation: A review of current software tools. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 721-752. DOI:10.2478/jos-2018-0034
Evaluating the utility of indirectly linked federal administrative records for nonresponse bias adjustment
Sakshaug, Joseph & Manfred Antoni (2019): Evaluating the utility of indirectly linked federal administrative records for nonresponse bias adjustment. In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Jg. 7, H. 2, S. 227-249. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smy009
The need to account for complex sampling features when analyzing establishment survey data: an illustration using the 2013 Business Research and Development Innovation Survey (BRDIS)
West, Brady T. & Joseph Sakshaug (2018): The need to account for complex sampling features when analyzing establishment survey data: an illustration using the 2013 Business Research and Development Innovation Survey (BRDIS). In: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field H. Januar 2018, S. 1-10. DOI:10.13094/SMIF-2018-00001
Linking survey data to official government records
Sakshaug, Joseph (2018): Linking survey data to official government records. In: D. L. Vanette & J. A. Krosnick (Hrsg.) (2018): The Palgrave Handbook of survey research, S. 597-606. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-54395-6_67
Methods of linking survey data to official records
Sakshaug, Joseph (2018): Methods of linking survey data to official records. In: D. L. Vanette & J. A. Krosnick (Hrsg.) (2018): The Palgrave Handbook of survey research, S. 257-261. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-54395-6_32
Analytic error as an important component of total survey error
West, Brady T., Joseph Sakshaug & Yumi Kim (2017): Analytic error as an important component of total survey error. Results from a meta-analysis. In: P. P. Biemer, E. de Leeuw, S. Eckman, B. Edwards, F. Kreuter, L. E. Lyberg, N. C. Tucker & B. T. West (Hrsg.) (2017): Total Survey Error in Practice, S. 489-510.
Biases in multilevel analyses caused by cluster-specific fixed-effects imputation
Speidel, Matthias, Jörg Drechsler & Joseph Sakshaug (2018): Biases in multilevel analyses caused by cluster-specific fixed-effects imputation. In: Behavior research methods, Jg. 50, H. 5, S. 1824-1840. DOI:10.3758/s13428-017-0951-1
Obtaining record linkage consent from establishments
Sakshaug, Joseph & Basha Vicari (2018): Obtaining record linkage consent from establishments. The impact of question placement on consent rates and bias. In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Jg. 6, H. 1, S. 46-71. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smx009
Exploring the effects of interviewer- and self-administered survey modes on record linkage consent rates and bias
Sakshaug, Joseph, Sebastian Hülle, Alexandra Schmucker & Stefan Liebig (2017): Exploring the effects of interviewer- and self-administered survey modes on record linkage consent rates and bias. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 11, H. 2, S. 171-188. DOI:10.18148/srm/2017.v11i2.7158
Following up with nonrespondents via mode switch and shortened questionnaire in an economic survey
Sakshaug, Joseph & Stephanie Eckman (2017): Following up with nonrespondents via mode switch and shortened questionnaire in an economic survey. Evaluating nonresponse bias, measurement error bias, and total bias. In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Jg. 5, H. 4, S. 454-479. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smw039
The quality and selectivity of linking federal administrative records to respondents and nonrespondents in a general population survey in Germany
Sakshaug, Joseph, Manfred Antoni & Reinhard Sauckel (2017): The quality and selectivity of linking federal administrative records to respondents and nonrespondents in a general population survey in Germany. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 11, H. 1, S. 63-80. DOI:10.18148/srm/2017.v11i1.6718
Errors in linking survey and administrative data
Sakshaug, Joseph & Manfred Antoni (2017): Errors in linking survey and administrative data. In: P. P. Biemer, E. de Leeuw, S. Eckman, B. Edwards, F. Kreuter, L. E. Lyberg, N. C. Tucker & B. T. West (Hrsg.) (2017): Total survey error in practice, S. 557-573.
Are survey nonrespondents willing to provide consent to use administrative records?
Sakshaug, Joseph & Stephanie Eckman (2017): Are survey nonrespondents willing to provide consent to use administrative records? Evidence from a nonresponse follow-up survey in Germany. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 81, H. 2, S. 495-522. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfw053
Evaluating active (opt-in) and passive (opt-out) consent bias in the transfer of federal contact data to a third-party survey agency
Sakshaug, Joseph, Alexandra Schmucker, Frauke Kreuter, Mick P. Couper & Eleanor Singer (2016): Evaluating active (opt-in) and passive (opt-out) consent bias in the transfer of federal contact data to a third-party survey agency. In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Jg. 4, H. 3, S. 382-416. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smw020
A genetic algorithm approach to synthetic data production
Chen, Yingruy, Mark Elliot & Joseph Sakshaug (2016): A genetic algorithm approach to synthetic data production. In: Association for Computing Machinery (Hrsg.) (2016): Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on AI for Privacy and Security, getr. Sz. DOI:10.1145/2970030.2970034
How big of a problem is analytic error in secondary analyses of survey data?
West, Brady T., Joseph Sakshaug & Guy Alain S. Aurelien (2016): How big of a problem is analytic error in secondary analyses of survey data? In: PLoS one, Jg. 11, H. 6, S. 1-29. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0158120
Definitely, maybe?
Purdam, Kingsley, Mollie Bourne, Joseph Sakshaug & David Bayliss (2016): Definitely, maybe? 5 million don't knows and the EU Referendum. (Manchester Policy Blogs), 7 S.
Does the recruitment of offline households increase the sample representativeness of probability-based online panels?
Blom, Annelies G., Jessica M.E. Herzing, Carina Cornesse, Joseph Sakshaug, Ulrich Krieger & Dayana Bossert (2017): Does the recruitment of offline households increase the sample representativeness of probability-based online panels? Evidence from the German internet panel. In: Social science computer review, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 498-520. DOI:10.1177/0894439316651584
Classifying open-ended reports: Factors affecting the reliability of occupation codes
Conrad, Frederick G., Mick Couper & Joseph Sakshaug (2016): Classifying open-ended reports: Factors affecting the reliability of occupation codes. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 32, H. 1, S. 75-92. DOI:10.1515/jos-2016-0003
Obtaining record linkage consent
Sakshaug, Joseph, Stefanie Wolter & Frauke Kreuter (2015): Obtaining record linkage consent. Results from a wording experiment in Germany. In: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field H. 01.11.2015, S. 1-12. DOI:10.13094/SMIF-2015-00012
An evaluation of panel nonresponse and linkage consent bias in a survey of employees in Germany
Sakshaug, Joseph & Martina Huber (2016): An evaluation of panel nonresponse and linkage consent bias in a survey of employees in Germany. In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Jg. 4, H. 1, S. 71-93. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smv034
The association between medical home readiness, quality, and care of vulnerable patients
Chen, Lena M., Joseph Sakshaug, David C. Miller, Ann-Marie Rosland & John Hollingsworth (2015): The association between medical home readiness, quality, and care of vulnerable patients. In: The American journal of managed care, Jg. 21, H. 8, S. e480-e486.
The framing of the record linkage consent question
Kreuter, Frauke, Joseph Sakshaug & Roger Tourangeau (2016): The framing of the record linkage consent question. In: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Jg. 28, H. 1, S. 142-152. DOI:10.1093/ijpor/edv006
Generating synthetic microdata to estimate small area statistics in the american community survey
Sakshaug, Joseph & Trivellore Raghunathan (2014): Generating synthetic microdata to estimate small area statistics in the american community survey. In: Statistics in transition, Jg. 15, H. 3, S. 341-368.
The collection of biospecimens in health surveys
Sakshaug, Joseph, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Heidi Guyer & Timothy J. Beebe (2015): The collection of biospecimens in health surveys. In: T. P. Johnson (Hrsg.) (2015): Handbook of health survey methods (Wiley Handbooks in survey methodology, 01), S. 383-419. DOI:10.1002/9781118594629.ch15
Nonparametric generation of synthetic data for small geographic areas
Sakshaug, Joseph & Trivellore Raghunathan (2014): Nonparametric generation of synthetic data for small geographic areas. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer (Hrsg.) (2014): Privacy in statistical databases 2014 : UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, International Conference, PSD 2014, Ibiza, Spain, September 17-19, 2014. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8744), S. 213-231. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-11257-2_17
Availability of in-office laboratory services and use of Prostate Specific Antigen Testing
Sakshaug, Joseph, Brent K. Hollenbeck, John Wei & John M. Hollingsworth (2014): Availability of in-office laboratory services and use of Prostate Specific Antigen Testing. In: Urology Practice, Jg. 1, H. 3, S. 111-116. DOI:10.1016/j.urpr.2014.04.005
Identifying diabetics in medicare claims and survey data
Sakshaug, Joseph, David R. Weir & Lauren H. Nicholas (2014): Identifying diabetics in medicare claims and survey data. Implications for health services research. In: BMC health services research, Jg. 14, H. 150, S. 1-6. DOI:10.1186/1472-6963-14-150
Generating synthetic data to produce public-use microdata for small geographic areas based on complex sample survey data with application to the national health interview survey
Sakshaug, Joseph & Trivellore Raghunathan (2014): Generating synthetic data to produce public-use microdata for small geographic areas based on complex sample survey data with application to the national health interview survey. In: Journal of applied statistics, Jg. 41, H. 10, S. 2103-2122. DOI:10.1080/02664763.2014.909778
The effect of benefit wording on consent to link survey and administrative records in a web survey
Sakshaug, Joseph & Frauke Kreuter (2014): The effect of benefit wording on consent to link survey and administrative records in a web survey. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 78, H. 1, S. 166-176. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfu001
The 2010 PASS interviewer survey
Kreuter, Frauke, Joseph Sakshaug & Mark Trappmann (2014): The 2010 PASS interviewer survey. Collecting data for research into interviewer effects. (FDZ-Methodenreport 02/2014 (en)), Nürnberg, 92 S.
Important considerations when analyzing health survey data collected using a complex sample design
Sakshaug, Joseph & Brady T. West (2014): Important considerations when analyzing health survey data collected using a complex sample design. In: American Journal of Public Health, Jg. 104, H. 1, S. 15-16. DOI:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301515
In-office imaging capabilities among procedure-based specialty practices
Hollingsworth, John M., Joseph Sakshaug, Yun Zhang & Brent K. Hollenbeck (2014): In-office imaging capabilities among procedure-based specialty practices. In: Surgical innovation, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 403-408. DOI:10.1177/1553350613505715
Placement, wording, and interviewers: Identifying correlates of consent to link survey and administrative data
Sakshaug, Joseph, Valerie Tutz & Frauke Kreuter (2013): Placement, wording, and interviewers: Identifying correlates of consent to link survey and administrative data. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 7, H. 2, S. 133-144.
Using paradata to study response to within-survey requests
Sakshaug, Joseph (2013): Using paradata to study response to within-survey requests. In: F. Kreuter (Hrsg.) (2013): Improving surveys with paradata : analytic uses of process information, S. 171-190.
Experiments in obtaining data linkage consent in web surveys
Sakshaug, Joseph & Frauke Kreuter (2013): Experiments in obtaining data linkage consent in web surveys. In: S. A. Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.) (2013): NTTS - Conferences on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics. Brussels, 5-7 March 2013. Proceedings, S. 1-6.
Urologists and the patient-centered medical home
Sakshaug, Joseph, David C. Miller, Brent K. Hollenbeck, John T. Wei & John M. Hollingsworth (2013): Urologists and the patient-centered medical home. In: The Journal of Urology, Jg. 190, H. 4, S. 1345-1349. DOI:10.1016/j.juro.2013.03.119
Readiness of primary care practices for medical home certification
Zickafoose, Joe, Sarah J. Clark, Joseph Sakshaug, Lena Chen & John Hollingsworth (2013): Readiness of primary care practices for medical home certification. In: Pediatrics, Jg. 131, H. 3, S. 473-482. DOI:10.1542/peds.2012-2029
Linking survey and administrative records
Sakshaug, Joseph, Mick P. Couper, Mary Beth Ofstedal & David R. Weir (2012): Linking survey and administrative records. Mechanisms of consent. In: Sociological Methods and Research, Jg. 41, H. 4, S. 535-569. DOI:10.1177/0049124112460381
Assessing the magnitude of non-consent biases in linked survey and administrative data
Sakshaug, Joseph & Frauke Kreuter (2012): Assessing the magnitude of non-consent biases in linked survey and administrative data. In: Survey research methods, Jg. 6, H. 2, S. 113-122.
Multiple imputation of household income in the first wave of PASS
Jaenichen, Ursula & Joseph Sakshaug (2012): Multiple imputation of household income in the first wave of PASS. (FDZ-Methodenreport 02/2012 (en)), Nürnberg, 26 S.
Physician practices and readiness for medical home reforms
Hollingsworth, John M., Sanjay Saint, Joseph Sakshaug, Rodney A. Hayward, Lingling Zhang & David C. Miller (2012): Physician practices and readiness for medical home reforms. Policy, pitfalls, and possibilities. In: Health Services Research, Jg. 47, H. 1 Part 2, S. 486-508. DOI:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01332.x
Using paradata and other auxiliary data to examine mode switch nonresponse in a "recruit-and-switch" telephone survey
Sakshaug, Joseph & Frauke Kreuter (2011): Using paradata and other auxiliary data to examine mode switch nonresponse in a "recruit-and-switch" telephone survey. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 27, H. 2, S. 339-357.
Nonresponse error, measurement error, and mode of data collection
Sakshaug, Joseph, Ting Yan & Roger Tourangeau (2010): Nonresponse error, measurement error, and mode of data collection. Tradeoffs in a multi-mode survey of sensitive and non-sensitive items. In: Public opinion quarterly, Jg. 74, H. 5, S. 907-933. DOI:10.1093/poq/nfq057
Characteristics of physical measurement consent in a population-based survey of older adults
Sakshaug, Joseph, Mick P. Couper & Mary Beth Ofstedal (2010): Characteristics of physical measurement consent in a population-based survey of older adults. In: Medical care, Jg. 48, H. 1, S. 64-71. DOI:10.1097/MLR.0b013e3181adcbd3
Capture-Recapture Sampling
Sakshaug, Joseph (2008): Capture-Recapture Sampling. In: P. J. Lavrakas (Hrsg.) (2008): Encyclopedia of survey research methods, getr. Sz.
Investigating the use of nurse paradata in understanding nonresponse to biological data collection
Pashazadeh, Fiona, Alexandru Cernat & Joseph Sakshaug (2020): Investigating the use of nurse paradata in understanding nonresponse to biological data collection. In: K. Olson, J. D. Smyth, J. Dykema, A. Holbrook, F. Kreuter & B. T. West (Eds.) (2020): Interviewer effects from a total survey error perspective.
Collection of biomeasures in a cross-national setting
Weiss, Luzia M., Joseph Sakshaug & Axel Börsch-Supan (2018): Collection of biomeasures in a cross-national setting. Experiences in SHARE. In: T. P. Johnson, B.- E. Pennell, I. Stoop & B. Dorer (Hrsg.) (2018): Advances in comparative survey methods : multinational, multiregional and multicultural contexts (3MC), S. 623-642.
The Effects of Biological Data Collection in Longitudinal Surveys on Subsequent Wave Nonresponse
Pashazadeh, F., Alexandru Cernat & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): The Effects of Biological Data Collection in Longitudinal Surveys on Subsequent Wave Nonresponse. In: P. Lynn (Ed.) (2021): Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, S. 100-121.
Combining Scientific and Non-scientific Surveys to Improve Estimation and Reduce Costs
Sakshaug, Joseph, Arkadiusz Wiśniowski, Diego Perez-Ruiz & Annelies Blom (2021): Combining Scientific and Non-scientific Surveys to Improve Estimation and Reduce Costs. In: T. Rudas & G. Péli (eds.) (2021): Pathways between social science and computational social science, Springer S. 71-93. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-54936-7_4
Estimating the Measurement Effects of Mixed Modes in Longitudinal Studies
Cernat, Alexandru & Joseph Sakshaug (2021): Estimating the Measurement Effects of Mixed Modes in Longitudinal Studies. Current Practice and Issues. In: P. Lynn (Ed.) (2021): Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, S. 227-249.
Producing Official Statistics during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jones, Jacqui, Luisa Ryan, AJ Lanyon, Marie Apostolou, Tanya Price, Corinna König, Marieke Volkert, Joseph Sakshaug, Dane Mead, Helen Baird, Duncan Elliott & Craig H. McLaren (2023): Producing Official Statistics during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: G. Snijkers, M. Bavdaž, S. Bender, S. MacFeely, J. Sakshaug, K. J. Thompson & A. v. Delden (Hrsg.) (2023): Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection, S. 225-264.
Measuring and controlling for non-consent bias in linked survey and administrative data
Sakshaug, Joseph (2021): Measuring and controlling for non-consent bias in linked survey and administrative data. In: A. Y. Chun, M. D. Larsen, G. Durrant & J. Reiter (Eds.) (2021): Administrative records for survey methodology, Hoboken, Wiley S. 155-178.