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Profilbild von Dr Duncan Roth (IAB)

Dr Duncan Roth

Functions at the IAB

Professional background

Duncan Roth is the head of the new junior research group “Occupations and Employment Trajectories” at the IAB since 2021 and senior researcher at the Regional Research Network. Following a Bachelor degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of York, he completed a Master of Science programme in Economics at the University of Warwick. He obtained his doctorate at Philipps-Universität Marburg on the topic of “Cohort size and labour-market outcomes”. His research interests lie in the field of empirical labour economics. Currently, he is working on various topics concerning the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on establishments, the labour market biographies of the employed and the unemployed as well as occupational mobility. In the area of regional economics, he is engaged in projects on the effects of the German minimum wage and on differences in agglomerations effects between natives and foreigners.
