Digital and ecological transformation
Working Group
The digital transformation with its impact on the world of employment remains one of the most discussed issues in labour market politics and science, as well as in the general public. Along with the digital transformation, the mitigation of the climate change, the conservation of biodiversity, and the preservation of natural resources constitute the major social challenges worldwide. The IAB also focuses its attention on the ecological transformation towards a low-carbon, environmentally friendly economy and subsequently its impact on the labour market. In addition to this, labour market effects of "double transformation" are of particular interest to the working group. This term implies the necessity of handling both digitalization and decarbonization at the same time.
The aim of the working group is to promote interdisciplinary information exchange both within the IAB and – externally – with politics, science and practice, as well as to discuss research approaches, project ideas and results. Apart from establishing new data bases, the working group also deals with the effects of the digital and ecological transformation on employment, wages, further training, working conditions and other factors.
The website Digital and Ecological Transformation lists all publications by IAB staff on this topic.