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Arbeitsbedingungen und Gesundheit von Beschäftigten

Der Zusammenhang von Arbeitsbedingungen bzw. Arbeitsbelastungen und der Gesundheit von Beschäftigten erhält durch die demografische Entwicklung, Digitalisierung und Klimawandel neues Gewicht. Wie muss Arbeit gestaltet sein, damit die Beschäftigten langfristig und gesund erwerbstätig sein können?
Dieses Themendossier dokumentiert die Ergebnisse empirischer Forschung der letzten Jahre.
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    Krankenstand in Berufen der Kindertagesbetreuung und -erziehung: Eine Auswertung von Krankenkassendaten (2024)

    Akko, Davin P.;


    Akko, Davin P. (2024): Krankenstand in Berufen der Kindertagesbetreuung und -erziehung. Eine Auswertung von Krankenkassendaten. Gütersloh, 13 S. DOI:10.11586/2024108


    "Die Arbeitsunfähigkeitstage für alle Berufsgruppen sind bundesweit in den letzten Jahren angestiegen. Bei Personen, die in der Kinderbetreuung und -erziehung arbeiten, sind die Fehlzeiten ebenfalls angestiegen und dabei höher als im Durchschnitt aller Berufsgruppen. Dies kann unterschiedliche Ursachen haben. Im Feld der Kindertagesbetreuung ist vor allem aufgrund des anhaltenden Personalmangels eine erhöhte Arbeitsbelastung zu beobachten, die zu einer Überlastung der Fachkräfte führt. Dies kann sowohl für die physische als auch psychische Gesundheit negative Folgen haben. Beim Kita-Personal äußert sich dies auch in besonders hohen Fehlzeiten aufgrund von psychischen Erkrankungen. Aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen hat die Bertelsmann Stiftung Berechnungen zu den Ausfallzeiten von pädagogischem Personal sowie dem Personalbedarf und den Personalkosten für Vertretung durchgeführt. Das Hintergrundpapier von Davin P. Akko analysiert anhand von bereitgestellten Daten der DAK-Gesundheit, inwieweit das KiTa-Personal in den Jahren 2020 bis 2023 von Arbeitsunfähigkeit betroffen war. Dafür wurde eine Sonderauswertung für die Berufe in der Kinderbetreuung und -erziehung der DAK-Gesundheit durchgeführt. Diese dient als Grundlage für die Berechnungen der Bertelsmann Stiftung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Performance-related pay, mental and physiological health (2024)

    Andelic, Nicole ; Allan, Julia; Bender, Keith A.; Theodossiou, Ioannis; Powell, Daniel;


    Andelic, Nicole, Julia Allan, Keith A. Bender, Daniel Powell & Ioannis Theodossiou (2024): Performance-related pay, mental and physiological health. In: Industrial Relations, Jg. 63, H. 1, S. 3-25. DOI:10.1111/irel.12334


    "Much of the literature on performance-related pay (PRP) and poor health relies on self-reported data, and the relationship is difficult to examine due to confounding variables. We examine the relationship between PRP and three groups of health measures using data from the UKHLS: blood pressure, inflammation markers in blood, and self-reported health. Regressions correcting for self-selection bias and socio-demographic covariates find that PRP contracts are associated with poorer mental health, higher systolic blood pressure, and higher levels of fibrinogen. These findings suggest that firms that use PRP may need to implement policies to mitigate against PRP-related stress." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Are we yet sick of new technologies? The unequal health effects of digitalization (2024)

    Arntz, Melanie ; Schlenker, Oliver; Findeisen, Sebastian; Maurer, Stephan;


    Arntz, Melanie, Sebastian Findeisen, Stephan Maurer & Oliver Schlenker (2024): Are we yet sick of new technologies? The unequal health effects of digitalization. (CEP discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance 1984), London, 52 S.


    "This study quantifies the relationship between workplace digitalization, i.e., the increasing use of frontier technologies, and workers' health outcomes using novel and representative German linked employer-employee data. Based on changes in individual-level use of technologies between 2011 and 2019, we find that digitalization induces similar shifts into more complex and service-oriented tasks across all workers but exacerbates health inequality between cognitive and manual workers. Unlike more mature, computer-based technologies, frontier technologies of the recent technology wave substantially lower manual workers' subjective health and increase sick leave, while leaving cognitive workers unaffected. We provide evidence that the effects are mitigated in firms that provide training and assistance in the adjustment process for workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Verkürzung von Arbeitszeit und „4-Tage-Woche“: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Arbeits(zeit)gestaltung aus Sicht der Arbeitswissenschaft (2024)

    Backhaus, Nils;


    Backhaus, Nils (2024): Verkürzung von Arbeitszeit und „4-Tage-Woche“: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Arbeits(zeit)gestaltung aus Sicht der Arbeitswissenschaft. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Jg. 73, H. 2, S. 136-146. DOI:10.1515/zfwp-2024-2010


    "The debate on working time reduction in Germany is becoming increasingly important in light of international “4-day week” trials and the experiences of the Corona pandemic. Studies show a declining trend in average working hours and a preference for shorter working times. Different models for working time reduction must be taken into account. Shorter working hours have potential health benefits, but also the risk of work intensification and productivity losses. A collective reduction in working hours seems unrealistic against the background of economic challenges, but working time models that are differentiated and employee-oriented might meet the demands of employees and allow companies to benefit from healthy and motivated employees in the long term." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © DeGruyter) ((en))

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    Fehlzeiten-Report 2024: Bindung und Gesundheit - Fachkräfte gewinnen und halten (2024)

    Badura, Bernhard; Schröder, Helmut; Ducki, Antje; Meyer, Markus; Baumgardt, Johanna;


    Badura, Bernhard, Antje Ducki, Johanna Baumgardt, Markus Meyer & Helmut Schröder (Hrsg.) (2024): Fehlzeiten-Report 2024. Bindung und Gesundheit - Fachkräfte gewinnen und halten. (Fehlzeiten-Report 26), Berlin: Springer, 721 S.


    "Der jährlich erscheinende Fehlzeiten-Report informiert umfassend über Entwicklungen des Krankenstandes in Deutschland. Neben detaillierten Analysen aktueller Daten werden empirische Studienergebnisse, zeitgemäße methodische Herangehensweisen und Leuchtturmprojekte des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements vorgestellt. Schwerpunkt „Bindung und Gesundheit – Fachkräfte gewinnen und halten“ Vor dem Hintergrund des Fachkräftemangels haben Arbeitgebende heute mehr denn je ein hohes Interesse, Beschäftigte zu gewinnen und dann langfristig gesund und leistungsfähig in der eigenen Organisation zu halten. Deshalb fokussiert der diesjährige Schwerpunkt des Fehlzeiten-Reports das Thema organisationale Bindung, denn diese reduziert nachweislich das Risiko, dass Mitarbeitende eine Organisation verlassen. Die folgenden Themen werden dabei wissenschaftlich fundiert erörtert: - Arbeitsmarktentwicklung und empirische Daten zur Mitarbeitendenbindung in Deutschland - Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zu organisationaler Bindung - Strategien zur Steigerung von Mitarbeitendenbindung - Zusammenhänge von gelungener Führung, Bindung und Gesundheit - Nutzen und Potenzial von Betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement für die Steigerung der Mitarbeitendenbindung Darüber hinaus liefert der Fehlzeiten-Report 2024 in gewohnter Qualität Daten und Analysen zu Fehlzeiten von Beschäftigten in Deutschland: - Aktuelle Statistiken zum Krankenstand in allen Branchen - Vergleichende Analysen nach Berufsgruppen, Bundesländern und Städten - Die wichtigsten für Arbeitsunfähigkeit verantwortlichen Krankheitsarten - Detaillierte Auswertungen zu Arbeitsunfällen, Langzeitarbeitsunfähigkeit, Kinderkrankengeld sowie zu Covid-19-Infektionen und deren Spätfolgen Die Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber Der Fehlzeiten-Report wird vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK (WIdO) in Kooperation mit der Universität Bielefeld und der Berliner Hochschule für Technik herausgegeben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Constructing Mobilities: The Reproduction of Posted Workers' Disposability in the Construction Sector (2024)

    Bagnardi, Francesco ; Vianello, Francesca Alice ; Sacchetto, Devi ;


    Bagnardi, Francesco, Devi Sacchetto & Francesca Alice Vianello (2024): Constructing Mobilities: The Reproduction of Posted Workers' Disposability in the Construction Sector. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 6, S. 1703-1724. DOI:10.1177/09500170231225622


    "Posted work is often framed as a business model based on social dumping. Widespread regulatory evasion is imputed to regulation’s opacity, firms’ predatory practices and trade unions’ inability to organise posted workers. Isolation and precariousness channel posted workers’ agency into individualized reworking or exit strategies. These perspectives, however insightful, focus either on formal regulations, enforcement actors or host countries ’ institutional settings. Drawing on biographical interviews with Italian construction workers posted abroad, and semi-structured interviews with non-posted workers and stakeholders of the sector in Italy, the article adopts an actor-centred perspective and mobilises the concept of labour regime to show how its disciplining elements operating in the construction sector in Italy stick with workers during their postings and enhance their disposability. Although this sticky labor regime constrains workers’ agency abroad, it remains continuously contested and offers ways for workers to subvert it and improve their employment conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Harmonised BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2006, 2012 and 2018 (H-ETB) (2024)

    Berk, Beatrice van; Friedrich, Anett ;


    Berk, Beatrice van & Anett Friedrich (2024): The Harmonised BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2006, 2012 and 2018 (H-ETB). In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, S. 1-11. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2024-0048


    "The BIBB/BAuA Employment Surveys 2006, 2012 and 2018 are large cross-sections of the working population on qualification and working conditions in Germany and many publications are based on them. The data covers a wide range of topics, including information on occupations, education, job tasks, working conditions, job satisfaction and health status. A new harmonized dataset now compiles these three surveys into one file. The harmonized BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey (H-ETB) simplifies the use of the surveys for analyzes over time and analyzes of the pooled data. The dataset includes 60,048 cases and all variables that were surveyed in each wave in a harmonized form. The paper outlines the subject and methodology of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey as well as the harmonization." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    Arbeitsbedingte Belastungen, technologischer Wandel und die Wirkung von rentenrechtlichen Änderungen auf den Renteneintritt (2024)

    Broockmann, Bernhard; Herdegen, Natalie; Kroczek, Martin ;


    Broockmann, Bernhard, Natalie Herdegen & Martin Kroczek (2024): Arbeitsbedingte Belastungen, technologischer Wandel und die Wirkung von rentenrechtlichen Änderungen auf den Renteneintritt. In: Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Jg. 79, H. 2, S. 71-93.


    "In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir, inwiefern Rentenreformen unterschiedliche Effekte auf Versicherte haben, deren Berufe sich hinsichtlich arbeitsbedingter Belastungen und der Anpassung an den technologischen Wandel unterscheiden. Wir finden signifikante Unterschiede in den Effekten hinsichtlich der untersuchten Berufscharakteristika. Versicherte in belastenden Berufen weiten ihre Erwerbstätigkeit beim Wegfall einer Frühverrentungsoption weniger stark aus und stehen eher in der Gefahr, arbeitslos zu werden. Ermöglicht eine Reform einen vorzeitigen Renteneintritt, nehmen dies eher Versicherte in belastenden Berufen wahr. Versicherte in Berufen, in denen neue Technologien intensiver verwendet werden, gelingt es besser, beim Wegfall einer Frühverrentungsoption erwerbstätig zu bleiben und ihr Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko ist geringer. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine verlängerte Erwerbsbeteiligung nicht für alle Versicherten gleichermaßen möglich ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeiten in bioökonomischen Produktionsprozessen: Eine qualitative Analyse von Arbeit und Beschäftigung in Chemie, Landwirtschaft und Pharmazie (2024)

    Brunsen, Hendrik; Kalff, Yannick; Holst, Hajo; Fessler, Agnes;


    Brunsen, Hendrik, Agnes Fessler, Yannick Kalff & Hajo Holst (2024): Arbeiten in bioökonomischen Produktionsprozessen. Eine qualitative Analyse von Arbeit und Beschäftigung in Chemie, Landwirtschaft und Pharmazie. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 77, H. 2, S. 89-97. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2024-2-89


    "Die Umstellung auf eine Bioökonomie soll dem menschengemachten Klimawandel entgegenwirken. Für die Betriebe bedeutet dies eine veränderte stoffliche Basis der Produktion. Der Beitrag untersucht qualitativ die bislang nur randständig beachteten Folgen bioökonomischer Produktionsprozesse für die Arbeitenden. Mittels Expert*inneninterviews und Betriebsfallstudien aus der Landwirtschaft, Chemie und Pharmazie werden drei zentrale Herausforderungen im biobasierten Produktionsprozess herausgearbeitet, die sich direkt auf die Arbeitsbedingungen auswirken: Standardisierungsgrenzen durch die ‚natürlich-lebendige‘ Produktionsbasis, eine vergleichsweise schwache Marktposition und ein hoher Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel. Für die Arbeitenden werden diese Herausforderungen spürbar durch hohe Wissens- und Flexibilitätsanforderungen, eine hohe Arbeitsintensität sowie eine Verstetigung und sogar Ausweitung atypischer Beschäftigungsverhältnisse – und zwar nicht nur für Akademiker*innen. Die Befunde zeigen, dass Ausbildungsberufe, atypische und geringqualifizierte Arbeit ein – bislang unterschätzter – Bestandteil der Bioökonomie sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does employability help to cope with job insecurity? An analysis of workers' well-being with Swiss panel data (2024)

    Canzio, Leandro Ivan;


    Canzio, Leandro Ivan (2024): Does employability help to cope with job insecurity? An analysis of workers' well-being with Swiss panel data. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 90. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2024.100915


    "Can perceived employability mitigate the negative impacts of job insecurity on wellbeing?. We address this question using fixed-effects models on panel data from. Switzerland. To measure job insecurity, we use two subjective indicators (risk of job. loss and fear of job loss in the last year) and an objective one (having a temporary contract). We assess well-being by studying job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and mental health, and perform separate analyses for men and women. Results suggest that employability does not mitigate the impacts of job insecurity on job satisfaction. For life satisfaction, employability reduces the impacts of the risk of job loss in the last year, but only among men. Regarding mental health, employability partially offsets the impacts of the risk of job loss in the last year for both men and women. We conclude that even though employability might help, it does not shield workers from the negative impacts of job insecurity. This suggests that the flexicurity strategy falls short of mitigating the non-pecuniary impacts of job insecurity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The impacts of working from home on individual health and well-being (2024)

    Denzer, Manuel; Grunau, Philipp ;


    Denzer, Manuel & Philipp Grunau (2024): The impacts of working from home on individual health and well-being. In: The European Journal of Health Economics, Jg. 25, H. 5, S. 743-762., 2023-07-07. DOI:10.1007/s10198-023-01620-8


    "Using a novel German linked employer–employee dataset, we provide unique evidence about the consequences of working from home (WfH) on individual health and well-being. During the recent pandemic, this locational flexibility measure has been used extensively to promote health by hampering the spread of the virus and to secure jobs. However, its direct theoretical ambiguous effects on health and well-being as characterized by different potential channels have barely been empirically investigated to date despite WfH’s increasing popularity in the years before the pandemic. To address concerns about selection into WfH in our dataset that is unaffected by the COVID-19 shock, our analysis relies on an identification strategy ruling out confounding effects by time-invariant unobservable variables. Moreover, we explain the remaining (intertemporal) variation in the individual WfH status by means of an instrumental variable strategy using variation in equipment with mobile devices among establishments. We find that subjective measures of individual health are partly affected by WfH, whereas no corresponding effect is present for an objective measure of individual health. In terms of individual well-being, we find that WfH leads to considerable improvement. By addressing the potential heterogeneity in our effect of interest, we find that men and middle-aged individuals particularly benefit from WfH." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Job quality in worker cooperatives: Beyond degeneration and intrinsic rewards (2024)

    Dorigatti, Lisa ; Sacchetto, Devi ; Piro, Valeria ; Iannuzzi, Francesco E. ;


    Dorigatti, Lisa, Francesco E. Iannuzzi, Valeria Piro & Devi Sacchetto (2024): Job quality in worker cooperatives: Beyond degeneration and intrinsic rewards. In: BJIR, Jg. 62, H. 3, S. 591-613. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12798


    "While there are normally positive expectations concerning job quality in cooperatives, many studies have described a more complex picture. The extant literature has, however, found it difficult to deal with evidence of poor working conditions in these organisations. Some contributions downplay the relevance of this issue, arguing that poor extrinsic aspects of job quality are compensated by intrinsic rewards, as confirmed by higher levels of job satisfaction. Others focus on external market pressure and interpret bad labour conditions as a form of degeneration of originally good employment practices. Through a qualitative analysis of job quality in cooperatives in three sectors of the Italian economy (social services, hotel cleaning and meat processing), we advance a different argument: we contend that employment practices associated with poor job quality are not the result of difficult market conditions but are rather the key explanation for the quantitative expansion of this form of economic organisation, which has moved from being an instrument for promoting good employment to a way of ensuring lower labour costs and higher flexibility within outsourcing relationships." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gesundheitsrisiken und Prävention in der digitalen Arbeitswelt - Technostress, Ergonomie und Unfallsicherheit (2024)

    Dragano, Nico ;


    Dragano, Nico (2024): Gesundheitsrisiken und Prävention in der digitalen Arbeitswelt - Technostress, Ergonomie und Unfallsicherheit. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Jg. 74, H. 36-37, S. 30-35.


    "Der Einsatz digitaler Technologien im Arbeitskontext soll Arbeit besser organisieren, sie effizienter und sicherer machen. Gleichzeitig wachsen damit auch die Potenziale für psychische und physische Belastungen, die eine Diskussion über Technikfolgenabschätzung erfordern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The effects of automation in the apparel and automotive sectors and their gender dimensions (2024)

    Fana, Marta ; Tejani, Sheeba; Kucera, David; Esquivel, Valeria; Bárcia De Mattos, Fernanda; Anzolin, Guendalina;


    Fana, Marta, Fernanda Bárcia De Mattos, Valeria Esquivel, Guendalina Anzolin, David Kucera & Sheeba Tejani (2024): The effects of automation in the apparel and automotive sectors and their gender dimensions. (JRC science for policy report 136639), Brüssel, 66 S.


    "This report is the final output of a research project investigating the effects of automation on employment in the automotive, apparel and footwear industries in five countries, namely Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Romania, and Spain. The main objective of this project has been to improve our understanding of how ongoing processes of technological upgrading, particularly automation, impact women's and men's employment and work in these industries. Our findings suggest that, in the short term, close to the introduction of new automation technology, the impact on employment takes the form of reassignment of workers directly involved in automated processes to other positions, tasks, and occupations. This study also explored the impact of automation in terms of work organization and working conditions. Across the case studies, it emerged that the adoption of automation technologies has reduced heavy and repetitive tasks and improved health and safety for workers directly concerned by automation. Another interesting and related common finding is the reduction of workers' autonomy who are now subject to more standardization of tasks together with an ongoing process of deskilling of operators. Finally, in the apparel and footwear sector, we did not find evidence of defeminisation at the establishment level as well as the automotive factories remains highly male-dominated. Cultural norms and stereotypes which influence not only the jobs women and men apply to and get hired for, but also which training and education they engage in, contribute to this gender segregation in both sectors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Measuring Job Risks When Hedonic Wage Models Do Not Do the Job (2024)

    Ferreira, Susana; Martinez-de-Morentin, Sara; Erro-Garcés, Amaya ;


    Ferreira, Susana, Sara Martinez-de-Morentin & Amaya Erro-Garcés (2024): Measuring Job Risks When Hedonic Wage Models Do Not Do the Job. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16716), Bonn, S.45.


    "Hedonic wage regressions show little evidence that European workers facing larger job risks and other workplace disamenities receive higher wages. On the other hand, workers in more risky or unpleasant jobs are less satisfied with their jobs, ceteris paribus. If labor markets were perfectly competitive and workers fully informed of their working conditions ex ante, according to the theory of compensating differentials, there should be no relationship between on-the-job risk and job satisfaction because wages would fully adjust to compensate for differences in job characteristics. We show that when wages do not fully compensate for on-the-job risks, the willingness to pay to reduce mortality risks estimated from hedonic regressions needs to be complemented with a residual effect of job risks on utility which is not capitalized on wages. We explore the potential of job satisfaction regressions as an additional valuation approach to estimate the tradeoffs between wages and risks that keep job satisfaction constant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy (2024)

    Fleischer, Julia ; Wanckel, Camilla;


    Fleischer, Julia & Camilla Wanckel (2024): Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy. In: Review of Public Personnel Administration, Jg. 44, H. 3, S. 431-452. DOI:10.1177/0734371X221148403


    "Worldwide, governments have introduced novel information and communication technologies (ICTs) for policy formulation and service delivery, radically changing the working environment of government employees. Following the debate on work stress and particularly on technostress, we argue that the use of ICTs triggers “digital overload” that decreases government employees’ job satisfaction via inhibiting their job autonomy. Contrary to prior research, we consider job autonomy as a consequence rather than a determinant of digital overload, because ICT-use accelerates work routines and interruptions and eventually diminishes employees’ freedom to decide how to work. Based on novel survey data from government employees in Germany, Italy, and Norway, our structural equation modeling (SEM) confirms a significant negative effect of digital overload on job autonomy. More importantly, job autonomy partially mediates the negative relationship between digital overload and job satisfaction, pointing to the importance of studying the micro-foundations of ICT-use in the public sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sick of Leading? Supervisory Responsibility and Its Consequences for Sickness Absenteeism and Sickness Presenteeism (2024)

    Funk, Stephanie ;


    Funk, Stephanie (2024): Sick of Leading? Supervisory Responsibility and Its Consequences for Sickness Absenteeism and Sickness Presenteeism. In: Journal of Business and Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s10869-024-09980-5


    "This research examines the impact of leadership positions with supervisory responsibility on two labormarket related health behaviors - sickness absenteeism and sickness presenteeism, i.e., working while being sick. Drawing on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model, this study posits that supervisory responsibility, serving as both a job resource and a demand, reduces sickness absenteeism while concurrently increasing sickness presenteeism behavior. The study identifies permanent availability and time pressure as two key aspects of leadership positions with supervisory responsibility that mediate these relationships. Using German-linked employer-employee data, the empirical results suggested that having supervisory responsibility reduces sickness absenteeism while at the same time elevating the engagement in sickness presenteeism. Furthermore, these relationships are partially mediated by leaders’ need for permanent availability and the time pressure inherent in positions with supervisory responsibility. This research advances our understanding of job characteristics of leadership positions by illustrating that job demands can yield favorable outcomes, offering valuable insights into the complex interplay between leadership positions and leaders’ health behaviors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender inequalities of psychosomatic complaints at work vary by occupational groups of white- and blue-collar and level of skill: A cross sectional study (2024)

    Grasshoff, Julia ; Sperlich, Stefanie; Safieddine, Batoul; Beller, Johannes ;


    Grasshoff, Julia, Batoul Safieddine, Stefanie Sperlich & Johannes Beller (2024): Gender inequalities of psychosomatic complaints at work vary by occupational groups of white- and blue-collar and level of skill: A cross sectional study. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 19. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0303811


    "Background: Previous research has shown that women report more psychosomatic complaints at work than men. However, knowledge about gender inequalities in psychosomatic complaints within occupational groups and specific symptoms is lacking. This study aims to compare gender inequalities in psychosomatic complaints in the occupational groups of white-collar high-skilled, white-collar low-skilled, blue-collar high-skilled and blue-collar low-skilled workers. Methods: The study implemented a cross sectional design using data from the nationwide German Employment Survey of the Working Population on Qualification and Working Conditions conducted in 2017/ 2018. Psychosomatic complaints were operationalised by the following symptoms: headache, insomnia, tiredness, irritability, dejection, physical fatigue, and emotional fatigue. N = 20012 working German-speaking respondents were sampled. After excluding persons with missing data on the study variables, the sample consisted of N = 16359 persons. Results: Women reported significantly more psychosomatic complaints than men in the subgroups of white-collar high-skilled and white-collar low-skilled (ps < .05), inequalities in blue-collar high-skilled and blue-collar low-skilled only being numerical. Regarding specific symptoms, women reported more psychosomatic complaints then men in the subgroups of white-collar high-skilled workers, white-collar low-skilled workers, and blue-collar low-skilled workers. Headaches, physical fatigue, and emotional fatigue were the most common symptoms. The white-collar high-skilled subgroup had the highest number of symptoms with significant gender inequalities. These effects remained after controlling for age, working hours, parental status and marital status. Conclusions: Gender inequalities in psychosomatic complaints are ubiquitous but vary in their frequency by occupational subgroup and specific psychosomatic complaint. Women in white-collar high-skilled jobs in particular report to be burdened more often by many specific psychosomatic symptoms. Future studies should investigate the reasons for these occupational inequalities and develop interventions to reduce health inequalities in the workplace." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Use of Performance Appraisals and Employees' Presenteeism Behavior (2024)

    Grund, Christian ; Nießen, Anna;


    Grund, Christian & Anna Nießen (2024): The Use of Performance Appraisals and Employees' Presenteeism Behavior. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16883), Bonn, 44 S.


    "Presenteeism behavior, i.e. working despite illness, is a common phenomenon worldwide and can have severe consequences for employees and firms alike. In this study, we investigate the relation between the use of company performance appraisals and employees' presenteeism behavior. We use linked-employer-employee data (the German Linked Personnel Panel) and apply pooled Poisson as well as linear fixed effects estimations. We show that the use of performance appraisals is associated with significant lower annual presenteeism days in the amount of one-half to one full day. In addition, the presence of a works council strengthens the negative relationship between performance appraisals and presenteeism. The results are driven by performance appraisals that are linked to performance-related pay, in particular. Our study contributes to the understanding of context specific behavioral consequences of HRM practices such as performance appraisals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Age Management in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege: eine qualitativ-empirisch Untersuchung alter(n)sgerechter Arbeitsgestaltung in der stationären Pflege (2024)

    Heisel, Max-Erik; Heisel, Max-Erik;


    Heisel, Max-Erik (2024): Age Management in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege: eine qualitativ-empirisch Untersuchung alter(n)sgerechter Arbeitsgestaltung in der stationären Pflege. In: R. Conrads, B.-J. Ertelt & A. Frey (Hrsg.) (2024): Berufswahl, Arbeitsgestaltung und Berufsverbleib in Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufen, S. 155-229.


    "Die Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege steht in Deutschland vor der Herausforderung, die pflegerische Versorgung der Bevölkerung angesichts einer steigenden Anzahl pflegebedürftiger Personen, anhaltender Fachkräfteengpässe und hoher Arbeitsanforderungen auch in Zukunft sicherzustellen. Der zunehmende Anteil älterer Beschäftigter macht es notwendig, die Arbeitsbedingungen in der Pflege auf eine gesunde, motivierte und möglichst lange Erwerbsbiografie auszurichten. Die lebensphasenorientierte und alter(n)sgerechte Ausgestaltung der pflegerischen Arbeit muss deutlicher adressiert werden, um das Erwerbspersonenpotenzial älterer Pflegekräfte sowie Teilzeitbeschäftigter zu erschließen und die Berufsattraktivität zu erhöhen. Der Beitrag thematisiert zum einen die Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Alterung der Belegschaften in der stationären Akutpflege. Zum anderen setzt die vorliegende Untersuchung bei den Differenzen zwischen den vorherrschenden gesundheitlichen Belastungsfaktoren und den Anforderungen an eine präventive, altern(n)sgerechte Arbeitsgestaltung an. Am Beispiel einiger Akutkrankenhäuser werden Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Arbeit in systematischen Handlungsfeldern vorgestellt und Kriterien guter Arbeit für stationäre Pflegeinrichtungen identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Befragung von Personalverantwortlichen, Pflegekräften und Arbeitnehmervertretungen sowie literaturbasierte Analysen zu den Arbeitsbedingungen und Berufsverweildauer begründen das Plädoyer des Autors für eine systematisches Age Management in der stationären Akutpflege." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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