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Female breadwinner – Erwerbsentscheidungen von Frauen im Haushaltskontext

Nach wie vor ist die ungleiche Verteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit zwischen den Partnern der Regelfall. Traditionelle familiäre Arrangements werden dabei durch institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen bevorzugt. Die Folge ist, dass Frauen immer noch beruflich zurückstecken - auch wenn sie den Hauptteil des Haushaltseinkommens erarbeiten und damit die Rolle der Familienernährerin übernehmen.

Diese Infoplattform widmet sich den Bedingungen und Auswirkungen der Erwerbsentscheidung von Frauen sowie empirischen Studien, die sich mit der Arbeitsteilung der Partner im Haushaltskontext befassen.

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im Aspekt "...das Haushaltseinkommen"
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    Beliefs About Maternal Labor Supply (2024)

    Boneva, Teodora; Kaufmann, Katja; Rauh, Christopher ; Golin, Marta;


    Boneva, Teodora, Marta Golin, Katja Kaufmann & Christopher Rauh (2024): Beliefs About Maternal Labor Supply. (CRC TR 224 discussion paper series / EPoS Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 517), Bonn, 86 S.


    "We provide representative evidence on the perceived returns to maternal labor supply. A mother's decision to work is perceived to have sizable impacts on child skills, family outcomes, and the mother's future labor market outcomes. Beliefs about the impact of additional household income can account for some, but not all, of the perceived positive effects. Perceived returns are predictive of labor supply intentions under different policy scenarios related to childcare availability and quality, two factors that are also perceived as important. An information experiment reveals that providing information about benefits of mothers working causally affects labor supply intentions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Was macht Frauen in Deutschland zu Familienernährerinnen (2022)

    Brehmer, Wolfram; Klenner, Christina; Schmidt, Tanja;


    Brehmer, Wolfram, Christina Klenner & Tanja Schmidt (2022): Was macht Frauen in Deutschland zu Familienernährerinnen. (WSI-Report 70), Düsseldorf, 28 S.


    "Das Spektrum der Arrangements, in denen sich Paare Erwerbs- und Fürsorgearbeit teilen, wandelt sich. Jeder zehnte (Erwerbs-)Paarhaushalt in Deutschland hat eine weibliche Haupteinkommensbezieherin. Dabei liegt der Anteil in Westdeutschland deutlich niedriger als in Ostdeutschland. Dieser Report geht mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels der Frage nach, was dazu führt, dass Frauen den größten Teil des Haushaltseinkommens erwirtschaften und somit Familienernährerinnen werden. Werden Frauen zu Familienernährerinnen, weil Paare auf der Basis ihrer Einstellungen und nicht-traditionellen Geschlechterrollenorientierungen ein solches Arrangement wählen? Oder führen andere Umstände zu Familienernährerinnen-Konstellationen? Unsere Analysen zeigen: Viel spricht dafür, dass die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 die Tendenz zu Familienernährerinnen-Haushalten verstärkt hat. Dort, wo Frauen die Familienernährerinnen sind, steht das häufig mit Arbeitslosigkeit oder atypischer Beschäftigung des Mannes im Zusammenhang und von 2007 an wurde die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Familienernährerinnen-Haushalte von Jahr zu Jahr signifikant größer. Für den Einfluss der Wirtschaftskrise - wie sich die Coronakrise auswirkt, ist bisher nicht klar - spricht auch, dass Familienernährerinnen-Haushalte überdurchschnittlich häufig arm sind oder armutsnah leben. In vielen Fällen müssen Familienernährerinnen auch mit unterer beruflicher Stellung, in Teilzeit und mit entsprechend niedrigen Einkünften die Familie ernähren. Dass Familienernährerinnen-Konstellationen auf bewusst gewählten Strategien der Paare beruhen, lässt sich anhand der verfügbaren Daten nicht bestätigen. Allerdings haben Frauen, die Familienernährerinnen sind, häufiger egalitäre Einstellungen. Sie haben auch häufiger eine hohe Bildung, eine hohe berufliche Stellung und sind überdurchschnittlich in Vollzeit, in Großbetrieben und im öffentlichen Dienst tätig. Das heißt, dass berufliche Positionen von Frauen mit guten Einkommenschancen also ebenfalls das Überwiegen des weiblichen Einkommensanteils begünstigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment (2022)

    Keldenich, Carina; Knabe, Andreas ;


    Keldenich, Carina & Andreas Knabe (2022): Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment. In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 134-162. DOI:10.1007/s12122-022-09327-0


    "Using bivariate random-effects probit estimation on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we show that women respond to their partners' unemployment with an increase in labor market participation, which also leads to an increase in their employment probability. Our analysis considers within and between effects separately, revealing differences in the relationships between women's labor market statuses and their partners' unemployment in the previous period (within effect) and their partners' overall probability of being unemployed (between effect). Furthermore, we contribute to the literature by demonstrating that a partner's employment in a low-paid job has an effect on women's labor market choices and outcomes similar to that of his unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Understanding inequality within households (2021)

    Almås, Ingvild; Ringdal, Charlotte; Hoem Sjursen, Ingrid;


    Almås, Ingvild, Charlotte Ringdal & Ingrid Hoem Sjursen (2021): Understanding inequality within households. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 961), Essen, 31 S.


    "To describe and understand the economic inequality in a given society, it is necessary to understand intra-household inequality. House- holds can hide important inequalities, but can also be essential units for redistribution in society. This paper gives an overview of within- household distributions in different settings, both between the adults and also between adults and children. It documents that there are substantial inequalities within households in some contexts and that these often, but not always, disfavor women and children. The paper also discusses the importance of intra-household allocations for poverty and inequality measurement. Methods that assign each household member a per-adult share of household consumption leads to underestimation of inequalities and miss-classification of poverty. In comparison, structural models seem to do better in predicting individual poverty when disaggregated data on allocation within households are not available. Main determinants of power in household decision-making are also discussed, and relatedly, so are two important policy questions: Are targeted transfers to women good for female empowerment? And, are targeted transfers to mothers good for child outcomes? The empirical evidence is clearly pointing to targeting being beneficial for female empowerment, but the evidence is less clear when it comes to child outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Access to Head Start and Maternal Labor Supply: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence (2021)

    Wikle, Jocelyn; Wilson, Riley;


    Wikle, Jocelyn & Riley Wilson (2021): Access to Head Start and Maternal Labor Supply: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. (IZA discussion paper 14880), Bonn, 89 S.


    "We explore how access to Head Start impacts maternal labor supply. By relaxing child care constraints, public preschool options like Head Start might lead mothers to reallocate time between employment, child care, and other activities. Using the 1990s enrollment and funding expansions and the 2002 Head Start Impact Study randomized control trial, we show that Head Start increases short-run employment and wage earnings of single mothers. The increase in labor supply does not appear to reduce quality parent-child interactions. Viewing Head Start as a bundle of family-level treatments can shed new light on the impacts of the program beyond children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Für wen lohnt sich Arbeit?: Partizipationsbelastungen im deutschen Steuer-, Abgaben- und Transfersystem (2020)

    Blömer, Maximilian; Peichl, Andreas ;


    Blömer, Maximilian & Andreas Peichl (2020): Für wen lohnt sich Arbeit? Partizipationsbelastungen im deutschen Steuer-, Abgaben- und Transfersystem. Gütersloh, 34 S. DOI:10.11586/2020074


    "Die gegenwärtige Corona-Pandemie hat die Schwächen des deutschen Arbeitsmarkts deutlich vor Augen geführt. Gerade geringfügig Beschäftigte sind besonders hart von Arbeitsplatzverlusten betroffen, da sie keinen Anspruch auf Arbeitslosengeld haben und auch kein Kurzarbeitergeld erhalten. Vor allem für viele Haushalte mit niedrigem Einkommen ist damit in der aktuellen Krise ein erheblicher Teil des verfügbaren Einkommens weggebrochen. Dabei erweisen sich die besonderen Regelungen für Minijobs nicht erst jetzt als Hemmschuh für substanzielle, nachhaltige Beschäftigung. Neben fehlender sozialer Absicherung leiden Minijobber:innen unter mangelnden Weiterbildungs- und Entwicklungschancen und arbeiten häufig in niedrig entlohnten Tätigkeiten. Auf der Haben-Seite steht aus Sicht der Beschäftigten einzig die Steuer- und Abgabenfreiheit, das bekannte „brutto gleich netto“. Doch dieser kurzfristige Vorteil erweist sich allzu oft als Bumerang. Denn das Zusammenwirken im deutschen Steuer-, Abgaben- und Transfersystem trägt dazu bei, dass viele Frauen und Mütter sowie zahlreiche Beschäftigte insbesondere im Niedriglohnsektor in Kleinstjobs, geringfügiger Beschäftigung oder Teilzeit mit niedriger Stundenzahl gefangen sind – ein Mehr an Arbeit lohnt sich finanziell häufig nicht. Doch wie sehen die Anreizwirkungen auf das Arbeitsangebot für verschiedene Haushaltskonstellationen konkret aus, die sich durch das Zusammenspiel aus Steuern, Abgaben und Transferentzug ergeben? Diese Frage steht im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Studie. Die Analyse nimmt dabei die sogenannte Partizipationsbelastung in den Blick, die aufzeigt, wie viel Prozent des gesamten individuellen Bruttoeinkommens bei der Aufnahme einer Erwerbstätigkeit als Steuern und Abgaben sowie durch Transferentzug vom Staat einbehalten werden. Damit beantwortet die Studie die Frage, für wen sich Arbeit lohnt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Frauen müssen mitunter höhere Hürden überwinden, um aus der Grundsicherung heraus eine Arbeit aufzunehmen (2020)

    Bähr, Holger; Frodermann, Corinna ; Rossen, Anja ; Zabel, Cordula ; Lietzmann, Torsten; Fuchs, Michaela ;


    Bähr, Holger, Corinna Frodermann, Michaela Fuchs, Torsten Lietzmann, Anja Rossen & Cordula Zabel (2020): Frauen müssen mitunter höhere Hürden überwinden, um aus der Grundsicherung heraus eine Arbeit aufzunehmen. In: IAB-Forum H. 20.03.2020, o.Sz., 2020-03-10.


    "Frauen beziehen im Schnitt länger Leistungen aus der Grundsicherung als Männer. Das liegt auch daran, dass sie sich schwerer tun, eine bedarfsdeckende Erwerbsarbeit zu finden. So bietet der Arbeitsmarkt vor Ort Frauen und Männern zum Teil unterschiedlich gute Beschäftigungschancen. Hinzu kommt, dass sich Frauen häufiger um die Betreuung von Kindern oder um die Pflege von Angehörigen kümmern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Bringing home the bacon: The relationships among breadwinner role, performance, and pay (2019)

    Manchester, Colleen Flaherty ; Dahm, Patricia C.; Leslie, Lisa M.;


    Manchester, Colleen Flaherty, Lisa M. Leslie & Patricia C. Dahm (2019): Bringing home the bacon: The relationships among breadwinner role, performance, and pay. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 58, H. 1, S. 46-85. DOI:10.1111/irel.12225


    "We evaluate the relationships among breadwinner role, performance, and pay. Differences in pay are present despite limited differences in performance. We find a pay premium for primary-breadwinner employees across gender, yet a pay penalty for secondary-breadwinners employees only for women, suggesting an asymmetric relationship among breadwinner role, gender, and pay." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Elterngeld und Elterngeld Plus: Nutzung durch Väter gestiegen, Aufteilung zwischen Müttern und Vätern aber noch sehr ungleich (2019)

    Samtleben, Claire ; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Schäper, Clara;


    Samtleben, Claire, Clara Schäper & Katharina Wrohlich (2019): Elterngeld und Elterngeld Plus. Nutzung durch Väter gestiegen, Aufteilung zwischen Müttern und Vätern aber noch sehr ungleich. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 86, H. 35, S. 607-613.


    "Seit Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 gehen - ausgehend von einem extrem niedrigen Niveau - immer mehr Väter in Elternzeit. Im Vergleich zu Müttern ist das jedoch nach wie vor deutlich seltener der Fall und wenn, dann ist der Umfang der Elternzeit bei Vätern relativ kurz. Seit im Jahr 2015 das Elterngeld Plus eingeführt wurde, kombinieren zwar mehr Mütter und auch Väter die Elternzeit mit einer Teilzeiterwerbstätigkeit - der absolute Anteil von Vätern, die Elternzeit nehmen, ist zumindest kurzfristig aber nicht weiter gestiegen. Als wichtigstes Motiv gegen den Bezug von Elterngeld werden von Vätern finanzielle Gründe angegeben. Auch die Sorge vor negativen beruflichen Konsequenzen wird häufig genannt. Diese beiden Punkte könnten von der Politik zum einen durch ein Anheben der Lohnersatzrate im unteren Einkommensbereich und zum anderen durch bessere Informationen über die zu erwartenden Auswirkungen von Elternzeit auf die zukünftigen Löhne und beruflichen Karrieren von Müttern und Vätern adressiert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Drivers of participation elasticities across Europe: gender or earner role within the household? (2018)

    Bartels, Charlotte ; Shupe, Cortnie ;


    Bartels, Charlotte & Cortnie Shupe (2018): Drivers of participation elasticities across Europe. Gender or earner role within the household? (IZA discussion paper 11359), Bonn, 41 S.


    "We compute participation tax rates across the EU and find that work disincentives inherent in tax-benefit systems largely depend on household composition and the individual's earner role within the household. We then estimate participation elasticities using an IV Group estimator that enables us to investigate the responsiveness of individuals to work incentives. We contribute to the literature on heterogeneous elasticities by providing estimates for different socioeconomic groups by country, gender and earner role within the household. Our results show an average elasticity of 0.08 for men and of 0.14 for women as well as a high degree of heterogeneity across countries. The commonly cited difference in elasticities between men and women stems predominantly from the earner role of the individual within the household and nearly disappears once we control for this factor." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Parental time restrictions and the cost of children: insights from a survey among mothers (2018)

    Borah, Melanie; Knabe, Andreas ; Pahlke, Kevin;


    Borah, Melanie, Andreas Knabe & Kevin Pahlke (2018): Parental time restrictions and the cost of children. Insights from a survey among mothers. (CESifo working paper 7321), München, 33 S.


    "In this paper, we provide estimates of the subjectively perceived cost of children depending on the extent of parental time restrictions. Building on a study by Koulovatianos et al. (2009) that introduces a novel way of using subjective income evaluation data for such estimations, we conduct a refined version of the underlying survey, focusing on young women with children in Germany. Our study confirms that the monetary cost of children is substantial and increases with parental nonmarket time restrictions. The loss in the material living standard associated with supplying time to the labor market is sizeable for families with children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dynamic labour supply of married Australian women (2018)

    Cai, Lixin;


    Cai, Lixin (2018): Dynamic labour supply of married Australian women. In: Labour, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 427-450. DOI:10.1111/labr.12122


    "Using the first 13 waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, this study investigates the determinants of labour supply of married Australian women, with a focus on whether and to what extent there is state dependence in their labour supply. It is found that both observed and unobserved individual heterogeneity contribute to the observed inter-temporal persistence of married Australian women's labour supply, but the persistence remains even after controlling for these factors. It is also found that non-labour income, age, education, health and the number and age of young dependent children have significant effects on married Australian women's labour supply." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Marriage and the economic status of women with children (2018)

    Depew, Briggs; Price, Joseph;


    Depew, Briggs & Joseph Price (2018): Marriage and the economic status of women with children. In: Review of Economics of the Household, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 1049-1061. DOI:10.1007/s11150-017-9395-8


    "Marriage is positively correlated with income, and women with children are much less likely to be in poverty if they are married. Selection into marriage makes it difficult to assess whether these correlations represent a causal effect of marriage. One instrument for marriage proposed in past research is the gender of a woman's first child. We find that women who have a boy first are about 0.33 percentage points more likely to be married at any point in time. This effect operates through both increasing the probability that unmarried mothers marry the child's father and reducing the probability of divorce. We also find that women whose first child is a boy experience higher levels of family income and are less likely to receive welfare income, be below the poverty line, and receive food stamps. Estimates using child gender as an instrumental variable for marriage suggest that marriage plays a large causal role in improving the economic well-being of women with children and that these effects are largest among women at the lower end of the income distribution." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Abkehr vom Zuverdiener-Modell - aber wohin?: Gleichstellungspolitische Zielsetzungen und Anforderungen an Vereinbarkeitspolitik. Europäisches Fachgespräch am 1./2. Oktober 2018 in Berlin (2018)

    Gärtner, Debora; Reinschmidt, Lena;


    Gärtner, Debora & Lena Reinschmidt (2018): Abkehr vom Zuverdiener-Modell - aber wohin? Gleichstellungspolitische Zielsetzungen und Anforderungen an Vereinbarkeitspolitik. Europäisches Fachgespräch am 1./2. Oktober 2018 in Berlin. Frankfurt am Main, 77 S.

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    Globalization, gender, and the family (2018)

    Keller, Wolfgang; Utar, Hâle;


    Keller, Wolfgang & Hâle Utar (2018): Globalization, gender, and the family. (NBER working paper 25247), Cambrige, Mass., 96 S. DOI:10.3386/w25247


    "This paper shows that globalization has far-reaching implications for the economy's fertility rate and family structure because they influence work-life balance. Employing population register data on new births, marriages, and divorces together with employer-employee linked data for Denmark, we show that lower labor market opportunities due to Chinese import competition lead to a shift towards family, with more parental leave taking and higher fertility as well as more marriages and fewer divorces. This pro-family, pro-child shift is driven largely by women, not men. Correspondingly, the negative earnings implications of the rising import competition are concentrated on women, and gender earnings inequality increases. We show that the choice of market versus family is a major determinant of worker adjustment costs to labor market shocks. While older workers respond to the shock rather similarly whether female or not, for young workers the fertility response takes away the adjustment advantage they typically have - if the worker is a woman. We find that the female biological clock - women have difficulties to conceive beyond their early forties - is central for the gender differential, rather than the composition of jobs and workplaces, as well as other potential causes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples?: parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany (2018)

    Nitsche, Natalie ; Grunow, Daniel;


    Nitsche, Natalie & Daniel Grunow (2018): Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples? Parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany. In: European Societies, Jg. 20, H. 5, S. 785-815. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2018.1473626


    "This paper examines the factors associated with a gendered division of childcare among parents in Germany. While much is known on the gender division of housework in families and the economic and sociological factors that may be driving it, we still know relatively little about whether and how these factors may affect the division of unpaid childcare in families. We first assess the relevance of partner's combined gender ideologies and relative resources on the division of unpaid childcare. Second, we assess whether the effect of economic resources may be contingent on the partners' agreement or disagreement on gender ideologies concerning maternal employment. We address these questions using data from the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam) and MLM Growth Curve Models. Our findings consistently show a significant positive effect of partners' combined gender ideologies and her share of income on his share of childcare. These effects are strongest, and robust, among couples with matching ideologies supporting maternal employment, which we term 'egalitarian island' couples. Economically efficient divisions of childcare thus appear dependent upon the couples' ideological pairing and on mothers' ideologies towards maternal employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Educational Assortative Mating and Income Dynamics in Couples: A Longitudinal Dyadic Perspective (2018)

    Qian, Yue ;


    Qian, Yue (2018): Educational Assortative Mating and Income Dynamics in Couples. A Longitudinal Dyadic Perspective. In: Journal of Marriage and Family, Jg. 80, H. 3, S. 607-621. DOI:10.1111/jomf.12470

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    Gender norms and income misreporting within households (2018)

    Roth, Anja; Slotwinski, Michaela;


    Roth, Anja & Michaela Slotwinski (2018): Gender norms and income misreporting within households. (CESifo working paper 7298), München, 30 S.


    "We revisit the prominent finding that women's incomes are disproportionally often observed just below the income of their partner. So far, this bunching has been explained by couple formation or couples' labor market decisions. We propose an additional mechanism: income misreporting in surveys. Drawing on survey and administrative data, we show that income misreporting accounts for the discontinuity in the distribution of women's relative incomes just below the point where a woman outearns her partner. This misreporting is best explained by the role of gender norms in individuals' self-portrayals and self-perception." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How much consumption insurance in bewley models with endogenous family labor supply? (2018)

    Wu, Chunzan; Krueger, Dirk ;


    Wu, Chunzan & Dirk Krueger (2018): How much consumption insurance in bewley models with endogenous family labor supply? (NBER working paper 24472), Cambrige, Mass., 59 S. DOI:10.3386/w24472


    "We show that a calibrated life-cycle two-earner household model with endogenous labor supply can rationalize the extent of consumption insurance against shocks to male and female wages, as estimated empirically by Blundell, Pistaferri and Saporta-Eksten (2016) in U.S. data. With additively separable preferences, 43% of male and 23% of female permanent wage shocks pass through to consumption, compared to the empirical estimates of 34% and 20%. With non-separable preferences the model predicts more consumption insurance, with pass-through rates of 29% and 16%. Most of the consumption insurance against permanent male wage shocks is provided through the labor supply response of the female earner." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Family labor supply and the timing of cash transfers: evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit (2018)

    Yang, Tzu-Ting;


    Yang, Tzu-Ting (2018): Family labor supply and the timing of cash transfers. Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 53, H. 2, S. 445-473. DOI:10.3368/jhr.53.2.0115-6857R1


    "This paper exploits the unique disbursement timing and benefit rules of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to provide new evidence on how families adjust their labor supply in response to receiving anticipated cash transfers. I find that income seasonality caused by EITC receipt leads to changes in the intra-year labor supply patterns of married women. On average, receiving a $1,000 payment significantly reduces the proportion of married women who work, by 1.3 percentage points, in the month when the EITC is received. Additionally, this labor supply response is mainly driven by those who are secondary earners or liquidity-constrained." (Author's abstract, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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