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Female breadwinner – Erwerbsentscheidungen von Frauen im Haushaltskontext

Nach wie vor ist die ungleiche Verteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit zwischen den Partnern der Regelfall. Traditionelle familiäre Arrangements werden dabei durch institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen bevorzugt. Die Folge ist, dass Frauen immer noch beruflich zurückstecken - auch wenn sie den Hauptteil des Haushaltseinkommens erarbeiten und damit die Rolle der Familienernährerin übernehmen.

Diese Infoplattform widmet sich den Bedingungen und Auswirkungen der Erwerbsentscheidung von Frauen sowie empirischen Studien, die sich mit der Arbeitsteilung der Partner im Haushaltskontext befassen.

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im Aspekt "Deutschland"
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    Household employment and the crisis in Europe (2019)

    Sánchez-Mira, Núria ; O'Reilly, Jacqueline;


    Sánchez-Mira, Núria & Jacqueline O'Reilly (2019): Household employment and the crisis in Europe. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 422-443. DOI:10.1177/0950017018809324


    "The 2008 crisis had a significant impact on household employment in some European countries. An analysis of the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions generated a new cross-national typology of household employment structures and showed how these changed during the crisis and austerity period, capturing the experiences of high and low qualified households. Findings indicate that dual earning households are not always a consequence of gender equality but result from economic necessity or employment opportunities. The re-emergence of traditional male breadwinner households is often the result of female unemployment, especially for lower educated women. An increase in female single earners and workless households is evident in countries hit hardest by the employment crisis. The value of this cross-national typology, rooted in the interaction of educational effects and employment opportunities, is allowing comparison both within and between European countries, going beyond established typologies based on policy frameworks or gender cultures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tightening early childcare choices - gender and social class inequalities among Polish mothers in Germany and the UK (2018)

    Barglowski, Karolina; Pustulka, Paula;


    Barglowski, Karolina & Paula Pustulka (2018): Tightening early childcare choices - gender and social class inequalities among Polish mothers in Germany and the UK. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 6, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1186/s40878-018-0102-6


    "Care for young children continues to highly influence the life chances of men and women, even more so when they are migrants. For migrant women, childcare remains a particular challenge when their kin are absent and the gendered norms of work and family life abroad diverge from what they have known in the country of origin. This article contributes to a deeper understanding of social class and childcare strategies of migrant women by combining two research projects with migrants from Poland to Germany and the UK. Accounts represented in this article depict the ways in which migrant mothers interpret and use the available childcare options, thereby highlighting how class-based resources are deployed and reproduced in two different welfare regimes. The comparative approach pursued in the article reveals that it is neither class nor national context that has a capacity to determine early childcare choices on its own. Instead, it is an intricate interplay of social protections' availability, gender norms and social class, which together engender various childcare strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Drivers of participation elasticities across Europe: gender or earner role within the household? (2018)

    Bartels, Charlotte ; Shupe, Cortnie ;


    Bartels, Charlotte & Cortnie Shupe (2018): Drivers of participation elasticities across Europe. Gender or earner role within the household? (IZA discussion paper 11359), Bonn, 41 S.


    "We compute participation tax rates across the EU and find that work disincentives inherent in tax-benefit systems largely depend on household composition and the individual's earner role within the household. We then estimate participation elasticities using an IV Group estimator that enables us to investigate the responsiveness of individuals to work incentives. We contribute to the literature on heterogeneous elasticities by providing estimates for different socioeconomic groups by country, gender and earner role within the household. Our results show an average elasticity of 0.08 for men and of 0.14 for women as well as a high degree of heterogeneity across countries. The commonly cited difference in elasticities between men and women stems predominantly from the earner role of the individual within the household and nearly disappears once we control for this factor." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Long-term changes in married couples' labor supply and taxes: evidence from the US and Europe since the 1980s (2018)

    Bick, Alexander ; Brüggemann, Bettina; Paule-Paludkiewicz, Hannah; Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola ;


    Bick, Alexander, Bettina Brüggemann, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln & Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz (2018): Long-term changes in married couples' labor supply and taxes. Evidence from the US and Europe since the 1980s. (IZA discussion paper 11824), Bonn, 35 S.


    "We document the time-series of employment rates and hours worked per employed by married couples in the US and seven European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK) from the early 1980s through 2016. Relying on a model of joint household labor supply decisions, we quantitatively analyze the role of nonlinear labor income taxes for explaining the evolution of hours worked of married couples over time, using as inputs the full country- and year-specific statutory labor income tax codes. We further evaluate the role of consumption taxes, gender and educational wage premia, and the educational composition. The model is quite successful in replicating the time series behavior of hours worked per employed married woman, with labor income taxes being the key driving force. It does however capture only part of the secular increase in married women's employment rates in the 1980s and early 1990s, suggesting an important role for factors not considered in this paper. We will make the non-linear tax codes used as an input into the analysis available as a user-friendly and easily integrable set of Matlab codes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paid parental leave and families' living arrangements (2018)

    Cygan-Rehm, Kamila; Riphahn, Regina T.; Kühnle, Daniel;


    Cygan-Rehm, Kamila, Daniel Kühnle & Regina T. Riphahn (2018): Paid parental leave and families' living arrangements. (IZA discussion paper 11533), Bonn, 51 S.


    "We examine how a paid parental leave reform causally affected families' living arrangements. The German reform we examine replaced a means-tested benefit with a universal transfer paid out for a shorter period. Combining a regression discontinuity with a difference-in-differences design, we find that the reform increased the probability that a newborn lives with non-married cohabiting parents. This effect results from a reduced risk of single parenthood among women who gained from the reform. We reject the economic independence hypothesis and argue that the reform effects for those who benefited from the reform are consistent with hypotheses related to the improved financial situation of new mothers after the reform and increased paternal involvement in childcare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Bedeutung öffentlicher Kinderbetreuung für die Erwerbsentscheidung und den Erwerbsumfang von Müttern beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg (2018)

    Diener, Katharina; Berngruber, Anne;


    Diener, Katharina & Anne Berngruber (2018): Die Bedeutung öffentlicher Kinderbetreuung für die Erwerbsentscheidung und den Erwerbsumfang von Müttern beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, Jg. 30, H. 2, S. 124-150., 2017-11-07. DOI:10.3224/zff.v30i2.01


    "Der Beitrag untersucht, welche Rolle öffentliche Kinderbetreuung bei der Erwerbsentscheidung und dem Erwerbsumfang von Müttern aus Paarhaushalten nach der Elternzeit spielt. Betrachtet werden Einstellungen der Mütter zur Kinderbetreuung und die tatsächliche Nutzung verschiedener Betreuungsmöglichkeiten während der Elternzeit sowie die Betreuungsquote auf Kreisebene. Datengrundlage sind die Paneldaten der DJI-Länderstudie der Jahre 2012 bis 2014. Für die Entscheidung wieder in den Beruf einzusteigen sind insbesondere der geplante Zeitpunkt der Rückkehr und der gewünschte Stundenumfang von Bedeutung. Eine positive Einstellung zur öffentlichen Betreuung von Kindern im Alter von ein bis zwei Jahren und die Betreuung in einer Kita oder in Tagespflege während der Elternzeit, sowie eine höhere Kinderbetreuungsquote auf Kreisebene, führen dazu, dass Mütter in höherem Umfang wieder erwerbstätig werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Diener, Katharina;
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    Abkehr vom Zuverdiener-Modell - aber wohin?: Gleichstellungspolitische Zielsetzungen und Anforderungen an Vereinbarkeitspolitik. Europäisches Fachgespräch am 1./2. Oktober 2018 in Berlin (2018)

    Gärtner, Debora; Reinschmidt, Lena;


    Gärtner, Debora & Lena Reinschmidt (2018): Abkehr vom Zuverdiener-Modell - aber wohin? Gleichstellungspolitische Zielsetzungen und Anforderungen an Vereinbarkeitspolitik. Europäisches Fachgespräch am 1./2. Oktober 2018 in Berlin. Frankfurt am Main, 77 S.

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    Damned if you do, damned if you don't?: Experimental evidence on hiring discrimination against parents with differing lengths of family leave (2018)

    Hipp, Lena ;


    Hipp, Lena (2018): Damned if you do, damned if you don't? Experimental evidence on hiring discrimination against parents with differing lengths of family leave. (SocArXiv Papers), 37 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/qsm4x


    "Trotz vieler Veränderungen in den letzten Jahren erfahren Mütter in Deutschland noch immer große Nachteile auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. In einem Experiment hat Lena Hipp, Leiterin der Nachwuchsgruppe Arbeit und Fürsorge, mit ihrem Team jetzt untersucht, ob sich eine veränderte Aufteilung von Kinderbetreuung positiv auf die Erwerbschancen von Müttern auswirkt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das nicht unbedingt der Fall ist. Mütter mit lediglich zwei Monaten Elternzeit werden deutlich seltener zum Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen als Frauen, die ein Jahr Elternzeit genommen haben. Bei den Vätern dagegen spielt die Dauer der Elternzeit keine Rolle." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    What Fairness? Gendered Division of Housework and Family Life Satisfaction across 30 Countries (2018)

    Hu, Yang ; Yucel, Deniz ;


    Hu, Yang & Deniz Yucel (2018): What Fairness? Gendered Division of Housework and Family Life Satisfaction across 30 Countries. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. 92-105. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcx085


    "This article sheds new light on the role played by perceived fairness in configuring the relationship between gendered housework division and women's family life satisfaction across 30 countries. This is achieved by distinguishing and comparing two major dimensions of women's fairness comparison -- inter-gender relational comparison between partners and intra-gender referential comparison with other women from the same society. Analysing data from the 2012 International Social Survey Programme, we find that women's family life satisfaction is adversely affected by both a lack of relational fairness and unfavourable referential comparison, which operate independently of each other. Supporting the 'self-serving' theory, women are found to rely more on one dimension of fairness comparison to assess their family life satisfaction when they compare unfavourably rather than favourably in the other dimension. Country-level gender equality positively predicts the strength of the association between relational fairness and family life satisfaction. However, it does not seem to moderate the influence of referential comparison on family life satisfaction. In light of these results, scholars are urged to consider the perceived fairness of housework division as a plural construct, and to promulgate gender equality in multiple dimensions -- addressing not just inter-gender (in)equity but also intra-gender (in)equality -- to move the gender revolution forward." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment (2018)

    Keldenich, Carina; Knabe, Andreas ;


    Keldenich, Carina & Andreas Knabe (2018): Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment. (CESifo working paper 7377), München, 30 S.


    "This paper revisits the added worker effect. Using bivariate random-effects probit estimation on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we show that women respond to their partners' unemployment with an increase in labor market participation, which also leads to an increase in their employment probability. Our analysis considers within- and between-effects separately, revealing differences in the relationships between women's labor market statuses and their partners' unemployment in the previous period (within-effect) and their partners' overall probability of being unemployed (between-effect). Furthermore, we demonstrate that partners' employment in low-paid jobs has an effect on women's labor market choices and outcomes similar to that of his unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor supply under participation and hours constraints (2018)

    Müller, Kai-Uwe; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Neumann, Michael;


    Müller, Kai-Uwe, Michael Neumann & Katharina Wrohlich (2018): Labor supply under participation and hours constraints. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1758), Berlin, 50 S.


    "The paper extends a static discrete-choice labor supply model by adding participation and hours constraints. We identify restrictions by survey information on the eligibility and search activities of individuals as well as actual and desired hours. This provides for a more robust identification of preferences and constraints. Both, preferences and restrictions are allowed to vary by and are related through observed and unobserved characteristics. We distinguish various restrictions mechanisms: labor demand rationing, working hours norms varying across occupations, and insufficient public childcare on the supply side of the market. The effect of these mechanisms is simulated by relaxing different constraints at a time. We apply the empirical framework to evaluate an in-work benefit for low-paid parents in the German institutional context. The benefit is supposed to increase work incentives for secondary earners. Based on the structural model we are able to disentangle behavioral reactions into the pure incentive effect and the limiting impact of constraints at the intensive and extensive margin. We find that the in-work benefit for parents substantially increases working hours of mothers of young children, especially when they have a low education. Simulating the effects of restrictions shows their substantial impact on employment of mothers with young children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples?: parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany (2018)

    Nitsche, Natalie ; Grunow, Daniel;


    Nitsche, Natalie & Daniel Grunow (2018): Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples? Parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany. In: European Societies, Jg. 20, H. 5, S. 785-815. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2018.1473626


    "This paper examines the factors associated with a gendered division of childcare among parents in Germany. While much is known on the gender division of housework in families and the economic and sociological factors that may be driving it, we still know relatively little about whether and how these factors may affect the division of unpaid childcare in families. We first assess the relevance of partner's combined gender ideologies and relative resources on the division of unpaid childcare. Second, we assess whether the effect of economic resources may be contingent on the partners' agreement or disagreement on gender ideologies concerning maternal employment. We address these questions using data from the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam) and MLM Growth Curve Models. Our findings consistently show a significant positive effect of partners' combined gender ideologies and her share of income on his share of childcare. These effects are strongest, and robust, among couples with matching ideologies supporting maternal employment, which we term 'egalitarian island' couples. Economically efficient divisions of childcare thus appear dependent upon the couples' ideological pairing and on mothers' ideologies towards maternal employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Institutional change and women's work patterns along the family life course (2018)

    Stier, Haya ; Lewin-Epstein, Noah; Braun, Michael;


    Stier, Haya, Noah Lewin-Epstein & Michael Braun (2018): Institutional change and women's work patterns along the family life course. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 57, H. October, S. 46-55. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2018.07.001

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    The interplay of work and family trajectories over the life course: Germany and the United States in comparison (2017)

    Aisenbrey, Silke; Fasang, Anette;


    Aisenbrey, Silke & Anette Fasang (2017): The interplay of work and family trajectories over the life course. Germany and the United States in comparison. In: American Journal of Sociology, Jg. 122, H. 5, S. 1448-1484. DOI:10.1086/691128


    "This article uses sequence analysis to examine how gender inequality in work-family trajectories unfolds from early adulthood until middle age in two different welfare state contexts. Results based on the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and the German National Education Panel Study demonstrate that in Germany, all work-family trajectories are highly gender-specific irrespective of social class. In contrast, patterns of work-family interplay across the life course in the United States are, overall, less gendered, but they differ widely by social class. In fact, work-family patterns characterized by high occupational prestige are fairly equally accessible for men and women. However, women are far more likely than men to experience the joint occurrence of single parenthood and unstable low-prestige work careers in the United States. The authors contribute to the literature by bringing in a longitudinal, process-oriented life course perspective and conceptualizing work-family trajectories as interlocked, multidimensional processes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women make houses, women make homes (2017)

    Akbulut-Yuksel, Mevlude; Khamis, Melanie ; Yuksel, Mutlu;


    Akbulut-Yuksel, Mevlude, Melanie Khamis & Mutlu Yuksel (2017): Women make houses, women make homes. In: Labour economics, Jg. 49, H. December, S. 145-161. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2017.05.004


    "This paper examines the persistent effects of historical labor market institutions and policies on women's long-term labor market outcomes. We quantify these enduring effects by exploring quasi-experimental variation in Germany's post-World War II mandatory reconstruction policy, which compelled women to work in the rubble removal and reconstruction process. Using difference-in-differences and instrumental variable approaches, we find that mandatory employment during the postwar era generated persistent adverse effects on women's long-term labor market outcomes. An increase in marriage and fertility rates in the postwar era and a physical and mental exhaustion associated with manual labor are some of the direct and indirect channels potentially explaining our results." (Author's abstract, © 2017 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Trends in fathers' contribution to housework and childcare under different welfare policy regimes (2017)

    Altintas, Evrim; Sullivan, Oriel;


    Altintas, Evrim & Oriel Sullivan (2017): Trends in fathers' contribution to housework and childcare under different welfare policy regimes. In: Social Politics, Jg. 24, H. 1, S. 81-108. DOI:10.1093/sp/jxw007


    "This article brings up to date welfare regime differences in the time fathers spend on childcare and core housework, using Multinational Time Use Study data (1971 - 2010) from fifteen countries. Although Nordic fathers continue to set the bar, the results provide some support for the idea of a catch-up in core housework among Southern regime fathers. The results also suggest an increasing polarization in Liberal countries, whereby fathers who were meaningfully involved in family life were increasingly likely to spend more time doing core housework and, particularly, childcare. Fathers living in Corporatist countries have been least responsive to change." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The sorting of female careers after first birth: a competing risks analysis of maternity leave duration (2017)

    Arntz, Melanie ; Dlugosz, Stephan; Wilke, Ralf A. ;


    Arntz, Melanie, Stephan Dlugosz & Ralf A. Wilke (2017): The sorting of female careers after first birth. A competing risks analysis of maternity leave duration. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 79, H. 5, S. 689-716. DOI:10.1111/obes.12158


    "A number of contributions have found evidence that motherhood is a critical life event for women's employment careers. This study presents a detailed analysis for the duration of maternity leave in which young mothers can make a transition into different types of employment, unemployment as well as the next birth. We provide a comprehensive picture of the sorting mechanisms that lead to the differentiation of women's employment careers after birth. Our empirical evidence is derived from large-linked administrative individual labour market data from Germany for a period of three decades. We obtain unprecedented insights into how women's skills, the quality of the previous job match, firm level characteristics, labour market conditions and leave legislation are related to the length of maternity duration. Expansionary leave policies, e.g. are found to be a key factor for the rising share of women who have their second child out of inactivity." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Geschlechter(un)gerechtigkeit: Zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf (2017)

    Bernhardt, Janine ;


    Bernhardt, Janine (2017): Geschlechter(un)gerechtigkeit: Zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Jg. 67, H. 30/31, S. 28-33.


    "Während sich viele Mütter mehr Teilhabe am Erwerbsleben wünschen, wollen viele Väter mehr Zeit für Familie haben. Die geschlechts-spezifische Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Sorgearbeit hat gravierende Folgen für Geschlechterungleichheiten im Lebensverlauf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Public childcare and maternal labour supply: new evidence for Germany (2017)

    Boll, Christina ; Lagemann, Andreas;


    Boll, Christina & Andreas Lagemann (2017): Public childcare and maternal labour supply. New evidence for Germany. (HWWI research paper 180), Hamburg, 34 S.


    "This study explores the linkage between nine policy indicators of public childcare provision and maternal employment in terms of employment propensity and (conditional) working hours. We apply different identification strategies with a two-way fixed effects specification with individual and macro-level confounders as well as year and state fixed effects as our most ambitious specification. Based on German microcensus data for waves 2006-2014, our findings show that identification, particularly in terms of state fixed effects, is crucial for the estimated effects. For three indicators however, we are left with significant associations even in the most complex model: For 1-2 year old children cared for by a childminder (3-5 year old children in daycare centres), an increase in the share of children taken care for less than 25 weekly hours on all same-age children attending public care by 10 percentage points is associated with a decrease of maternal employment propensity by 2 (4) percentage points. Thirdly, the existence of a legal claim on childcare from the age of one is associated with an increase in weekly working hours by 4.3 %, compared to a situation without such an entitlement. Compared to medium-level educated mothers, associations with respect to employment propensity are stronger (weaker) for mothers with a high (low) educational level whereas hours associations are weaker for highly skilled mothers. Compared to mothers in couples, single mothers respond less sensitively concerning both the extensive and the intensive margin of employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Motherhood postponement and wages in Europe (2017)

    Bratti, Massimiliano ; Meroni, Elena Claudia; Pronzato, Chiara;


    Bratti, Massimiliano, Elena Claudia Meroni & Chiara Pronzato (2017): Motherhood postponement and wages in Europe. In: ifo DICE report, Jg. 15, H. 2, S. S, 31-37.


    Heutzutage ist es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass Frauen ihr erstes Kind erst mit 30 Jahren oder später bekommen. Auf der Grundlage von Daten des Europäischen Haushaltspanels untersuchen die Autoren die Auswirkungen einer späten Mutterschaft auf das Einkommen der Mütter im europäischen Vergleich. Dabei werden auch sozioökonomische, kulturelle und institutionelle Faktoren berücksichtigt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich eine große Varianz bei den positiven Einkommenseffekten einer aufgeschobenen Mutterschaft. In einigen Ländern führt das Aufschieben der Mutterschaft um ein Jahr zu einem Lohnanstieg von 2,5 Prozent (Deutschland und Polen), während sich in anderen Ländern ein negativer Effekt ergibt. Einkommensgewinne durch eine spätere Mutterschaft sind größer in Ländern mit einer wenig ausgeprägten Familienpolitik und in Gesellschaften mit traditionellen Werten. (IAB)

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