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Female breadwinner – Erwerbsentscheidungen von Frauen im Haushaltskontext

Nach wie vor ist die ungleiche Verteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit zwischen den Partnern der Regelfall. Traditionelle familiäre Arrangements werden dabei durch institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen bevorzugt. Die Folge ist, dass Frauen immer noch beruflich zurückstecken - auch wenn sie den Hauptteil des Haushaltseinkommens erarbeiten und damit die Rolle der Familienernährerin übernehmen.

Diese Infoplattform widmet sich den Bedingungen und Auswirkungen der Erwerbsentscheidung von Frauen sowie empirischen Studien, die sich mit der Arbeitsteilung der Partner im Haushaltskontext befassen.

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    Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation (2023)

    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena ; Moral, Alfonso; Martín-Román, Ángel L.;


    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena, Ángel L. Martín-Román & Alfonso Moral (2023): Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 293-305. DOI:10.1177/09500170211062808


    "This article presents novel empirical evidence of fathers’ parental leave usage by introducing a family dimension in Spain. To test this hypothesis, a bivariate probit estimation was used to analyse the effect of the mother’s labour force participation on the father’s decision to take parental leave. This procedure allowed us to address the issue of simultaneous factors affecting the decisions of both the man and the woman, which were relevant to interpreting for the phenomenon. The results suggested that successfully using fathers’ paternity leave as a tool to promote gender equality depends on the family household’s characteristics and the woman’s connection to the job market. The bivariate probit estimation revealed that the effect of the woman’s decision on the man’s choice is much stronger than a naive regression would suggest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familie, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen (2023)

    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias ;


    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias (2023): Familie, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen. In: O. A. Becker, K. Hank & A. Steinbach (Hrsg.) (2023): Handbuch Familiensoziologie, Wiesbaden, Springer VS S. 675-692. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-35219-6_27


    "Die familiale Situation hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen und kann ebenfalls die Berufstätigkeit von Männern beeinflussen. Der Übergang zur Mutterschaft wirkt sich negativ auf die Erwerbsbeteiligung, den Erwerbsumfang und die Einkommenshöhe von Frauen aus. Bei Männern sind hingegen sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf die Arbeitszeit zu beobachten. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt verschiedene Theorieansätze zum Einfluss familialer Übergänge auf das Erwerbsverhalten und skizziert den empirischen Forschungsstand. Dabei wird auch diskutiert, inwiefern Effekte der Elternschaft durch individuelle Merkmale, familienpolitische Rahmenbedingungen und den kulturellen Kontext geprägt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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    Marriage patterns and the gender gap in labor force participation: Evidence from Italy (2023)

    Righetto, Giovanni ;


    Righetto, Giovanni (2023): Marriage patterns and the gender gap in labor force participation: Evidence from Italy. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 82. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102359


    "The Italian rate of gender participation gap, defined as the differential between female and male rates of labor force participation, was 18.2% in 2020, the second highest among EU countries. In this paper, we present evidence highlighting a new possible determinant of this unbalance in the labor force: endogamy intensity. We define endogamy as “marriage within the community”, and we argue that it helps preserve and reinforce social norms stigmatizing working women, along with reducing the probability of divorce, which in turn disincentivizes women's participation in the labor force. We proxy the endogamy rate of a community by the degree of concentration of its surnames' distribution, and we provide evidence that a more intense custom of endogamy contributed to enlarging gender participation gaps across Italian municipalities in 2001. In order to deal with endogeneity issues, we make use of an instrumental variable strategy, by instrumenting the endogamy measure of a municipality by the degree of ruggedness of its territory: the asperity of a municipality's surface indeed contributes to its geographical isolation, thus incentivizing in- marriage. In our main 2SLS result, a standard deviation increase in our proxy of endogamy is linked to roughly a 0.3 standard deviation increase in the gender participation gap of 2001. In addition, we provide evidence supporting our main hypothesis, documenting how higher rates of in-marriage are linked to the preservation of social norms and to greater marriage stability, with a lower probability of divorce." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    A 'potential motherhood' penalty? A longitudinal analysis of the wage gap based on potential fertility in Germany and the United Kingdom (2023)

    Zamberlan, Anna ; Barbieri, Paolo ;


    Zamberlan, Anna & Paolo Barbieri (2023): A 'potential motherhood' penalty? A longitudinal analysis of the wage gap based on potential fertility in Germany and the United Kingdom. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 39, H. 6, S. 920-934. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcad003


    "While labour market penalties related to motherhood are a widely studied topic, less is known about the implications of signalled potential fertility. We thus posed the question of whether potential fertility—operationalized as the likelihood that a childless woman will transition to motherhood depending on observed sociodemographic characteristics—is associated with a wage penalty and—if so—what the drivers of this wage gap are. We further tested theory-driven hypotheses about heterogeneity across institutional contexts (i.e. in Germany and the United Kingdom) and socio-economic classes. In so doing, we relied on SOEP, BHPS, and UKHLS panel data to construct a synthetic measure of potential fertility over the period from 1991 to 2017. We first explored the overall association between potential fertility and wages and found a wage gap to the disadvantage of potential mothers in both contexts, albeit with non-negligible heterogeneity across time and socio-economic classes. Subsequently, we selected the top and bottom quartiles of the distribution of potential fertility and performed a 2-fold decomposition of the wage differential between potential mothers and women who are less likely to transition to motherhood. The observed wage gap can mostly be explained by compositional differences in observed characteristics between the two groups of women, thereby leaving little room for explanations based on employer discrimination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die langfristigen Folgen von ehelicher Spezialisierung bei Scheidung (2022)

    Albrecht, Clara; Herold, Elena; Steigmeier, Jennifer;


    Albrecht, Clara, Elena Herold & Jennifer Steigmeier (2022): Die langfristigen Folgen von ehelicher Spezialisierung bei Scheidung. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 75, H. 10, S. 41-46.


    "Bei einem Großteil der deutschen Ehepaare herrscht eine traditionelle Arbeitsteilung vor, in der der Mann Hauptverdiener ist, während die Ehefrau ihre Arbeitszeit reduziert und sich auf den Haushalt konzentriert. In der Familienökonomik wird diese Spezialisierung mit durch komparative Vorteile entstehenden Effizienzgewinnen begründet. Es bleibt jedoch unberücksichtigt, dass damit für den*die Zweitverdiener*in, im Falle einer Ehescheidung, als Folge der Haushaltsspezialisierung, Humankapitalverluste einhergehen, die zu einer verschlechterten Arbeitsmarktposition führen und somit langfristige negative finanzielle Konsequenzen haben. Dieses finanzielle Risiko wurde durch die Unterhaltsreform von 2008 insbesondere für alleinerziehende geschiedene Mütter verstärkt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How does intrahousehold bargaining power impact labor supply? European cross-country evidence (2004-2019) (2022)

    Belloc, Ignacio; Molina, José Alberto ; Velilla, Jorge ;


    Belloc, Ignacio, José Alberto Molina & Jorge Velilla (2022): How does intrahousehold bargaining power impact labor supply? European cross-country evidence (2004-2019). (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1132), Essen, 35 S.


    "This paper analyzes how intrahousehold bargaining power impacts labor supply, for seventeen European countries. To that end, we estimate a collective model using the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions for the period 2004-2019, and we study the validity of several potential distribution factors; that is to say, variables that impact labor supply only through intrahousehold bargaining power. Results show some degree of heterogeneity in the responses of labor supply to intrahousehold bargaining power. Spouses' education and the age gap operate as distribution factors in central European countries, such as Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. On the other hand, in the Mediterranean South countries, the share of unearned income of the wife operates as a distribution factor in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, and in countries of Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania), the sex ratio, wives' non-labor income share, spouses' age and education gap, and the fertility rate all operate as distribution factors. In northern economies, such as Denmark and Estonia, we find evidence for share of unearned income, age gap, and fertility rate, while in islands, such as Ireland and the United Kingdom, the sex ratio, the share of unearned income, the age and education gap, and the fertility rate are suitable bargaining power variables. The results are consistent with theoretical sharing rules, and distribution factors that empower a given spouse are mainly positively correlated with increases in the share of income they attract from intrahousehold bargaining." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Female self-employment: prevalence and performance effects of having a high-income spouse (2022)

    Bjuggren, Carl Magnus; Henrekson, Magnus ;


    Bjuggren, Carl Magnus & Magnus Henrekson (2022): Female self-employment: prevalence and performance effects of having a high-income spouse. In: Small business economics, Jg. 59, H. 1, S. 163-181. DOI:10.1007/s11187-021-00526-0


    "Little is known about self-employment as a career choice for women who marry a high-income spouse. Using rich Swedish register data, we show that Swedish women who are married to a high-income spouse are, on average, highly educated and more likely to pursue self-employment than those married to a spouse in the middle of the income distribution. Our results indicate that the likelihood of entering self-employment increases by 128-176% for women who marry a spouse in the top of the income distribution, and the shift into self-employment is associated with a lower income. This can be interpreted as a career choice that produces a more flexible work schedule in return for lower income. In a Nordic welfare state, where work is the norm for women, self-employment offers a way to avoid the stay-at-home stigma. It allows one to stay in the workforce while enjoying approval from society and being in control of one's work schedule and personal demands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Access to universal childcare and its effect on maternal employment (2022)

    Bousselin, Audrey ;


    Bousselin, Audrey (2022): Access to universal childcare and its effect on maternal employment. In: Review of Economics of the Household, Jg. 20, H. 2, S. 497-532. DOI:10.1007/s11150-021-09572-9


    "Subsidized childcare is a key instrument to support maternal employment in most OECD countries. Using a major reform implemented in Luxembourg in 2009, I study the effects of expanding access to subsidized childcare on the employment decisions of women in a context where childcare is universal and heavily subsidized, but is limited by capacity constraints. The identification strategy relies on temporal variation across age groups of children. In response to the reform, the employment rate of mothers increased by 3 percentage points, and their working time grew by 1 h per week. This effect hides the difference between children's ages, as mothers of the youngest children are found to be more responsive to the reform than mothers of children in primary education. Studying heterogeneous effects reveals a differential impact of the reform with regard to prior employment status." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Was macht Frauen in Deutschland zu Familienernährerinnen (2022)

    Brehmer, Wolfram; Klenner, Christina; Schmidt, Tanja;


    Brehmer, Wolfram, Christina Klenner & Tanja Schmidt (2022): Was macht Frauen in Deutschland zu Familienernährerinnen. (WSI-Report 70), Düsseldorf, 28 S.


    "Das Spektrum der Arrangements, in denen sich Paare Erwerbs- und Fürsorgearbeit teilen, wandelt sich. Jeder zehnte (Erwerbs-)Paarhaushalt in Deutschland hat eine weibliche Haupteinkommensbezieherin. Dabei liegt der Anteil in Westdeutschland deutlich niedriger als in Ostdeutschland. Dieser Report geht mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels der Frage nach, was dazu führt, dass Frauen den größten Teil des Haushaltseinkommens erwirtschaften und somit Familienernährerinnen werden. Werden Frauen zu Familienernährerinnen, weil Paare auf der Basis ihrer Einstellungen und nicht-traditionellen Geschlechterrollenorientierungen ein solches Arrangement wählen? Oder führen andere Umstände zu Familienernährerinnen-Konstellationen? Unsere Analysen zeigen: Viel spricht dafür, dass die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 die Tendenz zu Familienernährerinnen-Haushalten verstärkt hat. Dort, wo Frauen die Familienernährerinnen sind, steht das häufig mit Arbeitslosigkeit oder atypischer Beschäftigung des Mannes im Zusammenhang und von 2007 an wurde die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Familienernährerinnen-Haushalte von Jahr zu Jahr signifikant größer. Für den Einfluss der Wirtschaftskrise - wie sich die Coronakrise auswirkt, ist bisher nicht klar - spricht auch, dass Familienernährerinnen-Haushalte überdurchschnittlich häufig arm sind oder armutsnah leben. In vielen Fällen müssen Familienernährerinnen auch mit unterer beruflicher Stellung, in Teilzeit und mit entsprechend niedrigen Einkünften die Familie ernähren. Dass Familienernährerinnen-Konstellationen auf bewusst gewählten Strategien der Paare beruhen, lässt sich anhand der verfügbaren Daten nicht bestätigen. Allerdings haben Frauen, die Familienernährerinnen sind, häufiger egalitäre Einstellungen. Sie haben auch häufiger eine hohe Bildung, eine hohe berufliche Stellung und sind überdurchschnittlich in Vollzeit, in Großbetrieben und im öffentlichen Dienst tätig. Das heißt, dass berufliche Positionen von Frauen mit guten Einkommenschancen also ebenfalls das Überwiegen des weiblichen Einkommensanteils begünstigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsangebot in der COVID-19-Krise und Lohnunterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in Österreich (2022)

    Böheim, Rene; Fink, Marian; Zulehner, Christine;


    Böheim, Rene, Marian Fink & Christine Zulehner (2022): Arbeitsangebot in der COVID-19-Krise und Lohnunterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in Österreich. (WIFO Research Briefs 2022,05), Wien, 12 S.


    "Schätzungen zeigen, dass der geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschied mit 12,1% des mittleren Frauenlohnes 2020 niedriger als in den Vorjahren war. Der bereinigte Lohnunterschied blieb mit 6,1% des mittleren Frauenlohnes im Vergleich zum Vorjahr stabil. Im privaten Sektor ist der bereinigte Lohnunterschied von 5,8% auf 6,6% des mittleren Frauenlohnes gestiegen. Ein maßgeblicher Faktor für die beobachteten Lohnunterschiede ist die geringere Berufserfahrung von Frauen. Ein weiterer Faktor sind in den Daten nicht beobachtbare Merkmale wie beispielsweise Unterschiede bei Lohnverhandlungen. Eine detaillierte Untersuchung zeigt negative Effekte der Krise auf das Arbeitsangebot von Frauen und Männern, jedoch keine zusätzlichen Effekte für Eltern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Counter-stereotypical female role models and women's occupational choices (2022)

    Chhaochharia, Vidhi; Niessen-Ruenzi, Alexandra ; Du, Mengqiao;


    Chhaochharia, Vidhi, Mengqiao Du & Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi (2022): Counter-stereotypical female role models and women's occupational choices. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 196, S. 501-523. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2022.02.009


    "This paper examines the relation between counter-stereotypical female role models and women's labor supply and occupational choices. Using hand-collected data from Gallup surveys that cover more than 50 years, we create a direct measure of counter-stereotypical female role models based on the fraction of local survey respondents who state that they admire famous women in business, politics, or science. We show that admiring counter-stereotypical female role models is associated with more women participating in the labor market, working in male-dominated and STEM industries, and taking managerial positions, which eventually alleviates the gender pay gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Der Einfluss von Familien- und Berufsverläufen auf das Wohlbefinden von Frauen und Männern in der Schweiz (2022)

    Comolli, Chiara Ludovica; Voorpostel, Marieke; Bernardi, Laura ;


    Comolli, Chiara Ludovica, Laura Bernardi & Marieke Voorpostel (2022): Der Einfluss von Familien- und Berufsverläufen auf das Wohlbefinden von Frauen und Männern in der Schweiz. (Social Change in Switzerland 29), Lausanne, 15 S. DOI:10.22019/SC-2022-00002


    "Die familiären und beruflichen Lebensverläufe in der Schweiz sind von einer immer grösseren Vielfalt geprägt, geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bleiben jedoch bestehen. Basierend auf den Daten des Schweizer Haushalt-Panels (SHP) kehren Frauen der Jahrgänge 1952 bis 1966 nach dem Übergang zur Elternschaft meistens in Teilzeit an den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wobei ihre Lebenszufriedenheit verglichen mit anderen Lebensverläufen geringer ausfällt. Eine Minderheit der Frauen ist durchgehend in Vollzeit beschäftigt und verfolgt eine traditionelle familiäre Laufbahn – feste eheliche Beziehung mit Kindern. Diese Gruppe geniesst nach dem Erreichen des 50. Lebensjahrs ein höheres subjektives und finanzielles Wohlbefinden. Die beruflichen Laufbahnen von Männern unterliegen deutlich weniger Variationen als jene der Frauen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Parental Leave within the Workplace: A Re-assessment of Opposite Educational Gradients for Women and Men (2022)

    Eriksson, Helen ; Branden, Maria; Billingsley, Sunnee ;


    Eriksson, Helen, Sunnee Billingsley & Maria Branden (2022): Parental Leave within the Workplace: A Re-assessment of Opposite Educational Gradients for Women and Men. In: Sociology, Jg. 56, H. 5, S. 1032-1044. DOI:10.1177/00380385221109743


    "Educational gradients in parental leave length are opposite for women and men: highly educated women return to work faster than those with low education while highly educated men are absent longer than less educated men. Explanations for the opposite gradients are typically made at the individual- or couple-level. To date, no quantitative study has documented whether the opposite educational gradients hold also within workplaces. In this study, we use employer-employee matched Swedish register data with fixed-effects models to examine whether the educational gradient applies also among co-workers in the same workplace. The results show that three-quarters of the educational effect typically attributed to the individual father disappeared when comparing fathers within workplaces. The educational gradient of mothers remained largely unchanged. These findings provide the first population-level evidence for the primacy of the workplace in determining fathers? care choices." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Caregiving Dads, Breadwinning Mums: Transforming Gender in Work and Childcare? (2022)

    Gaunt, Ruth; Tarrant, Anna ; Wezyk, Agata; Pinho, Mariana; Jordan, Ana; Chanamuto, Nicola;


    Gaunt, Ruth, Ana Jordan, Anna Tarrant, Nicola Chanamuto, Mariana Pinho & Agata Wezyk (2022): Caregiving Dads, Breadwinning Mums. Transforming Gender in Work and Childcare? 61 S.


    "This mixed methods study investigates opposite-sex couples who share childcare equally or reverse roles so that the father is the primary caregiver. Comparing these couples with traditional couples, the project will explore what exactly their work and care arrangements look like, and what effects these arrangements have on their well-being and relationship satisfaction. A new survey questionnaire will be distributed online to collect quantitative data on time investment and the allocation of tasks from samples of mothers and fathers of young children with either traditional family roles (male breadwinner, female caregiver), reversed roles (male caregiver, female breadwinner), or equal sharing arrangements. A novel aspect of the research is the consideration of the socio-psychological processes that may contribute to a decision to adopt non-gendered arrangements – for example, the survey will also measure respondents’ identities, ideologies, and implicit gender attitudes. In addition to the quantitative data, ten couples from each of the three sample groups will be recruited for an in-depth face-to-face interview, with the partners interviewed separately. Interviews will more fully uncover the complex dynamics involved in the construction and maintenance of different work and care arrangements, and further explore the facilitators and barriers to downplaying gender-based considerations in parenting arrangements. The findings will inform discussions on better ways to support fathers’ caring responsibilities through workplace policies and legislation around paternity and shared parental leave. Ultimately, this project seeks to identify the means to create more balanced, fulfilling lives for both men and women." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender and precarity in platform work: Old inequalities in the new world of work (2022)

    Gerber, Christine ;


    Gerber, Christine (2022): Gender and precarity in platform work: Old inequalities in the new world of work. In: New Technology, Work and Employment, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 206-230. DOI:10.1111/ntwe.12233


    "Platform work creates a work model that is both a curse and a blessing for vulnerable labour market segments. Based on research on female precarity, the article expects that remote platform work—so-called crowdwork—could especially attract women who need to combine income and care responsibilities. This article investigates whether women experience more precarity on crowdwork platforms than men, and why their risks differ. It analyses data from a quantitative survey with crowdworkers in Germany and the United States. The results indicate higher precarity risks for women due to care work, which are also indirectly mediated via the employment status. The higher commodification of labour and weaker social infrastructure lead to generally greater precarity risks for platform workers in the United States. The high differences between women and men in Germany underline the gendered nature of labour market dualization and precarization as well as the traditional division of housework. Policy measures should address both platform work and these structural inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender identity and relative income within households: Evidence from Sweden (2022)

    Hederos, Karin; Stenberg, Anders;


    Hederos, Karin & Anders Stenberg (2022): Gender identity and relative income within households. Evidence from Sweden. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Jg. 124, H. 3, S. 744-772. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12477


    "Bertrand et al. (2015) show that the U.S. distribution of the wife’s share of household income drops sharply where the wife starts earning more than her husband. They attribute the drop to a gender norm prescribing that a wife's income should not exceed her husband’s income. We document a similar drop in Swedish data. However, we also show that there is a spike where spouses earn exactly the same. Excluding the equal-earning spouses, the drop is small and mostly statistically insignificant. We conclude that, if anything, we find only weak evidence that Swedish couples comply with this gender norm." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Do Mothers and Fathers in Germany Really Prefer a Traditional Division of Labor? The Impact of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Reconsidered (2022)

    Heyne, Stefanie ; Wolbring, Tobias ;


    Heyne, Stefanie & Tobias Wolbring (2022): Do Mothers and Fathers in Germany Really Prefer a Traditional Division of Labor? The Impact of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Reconsidered. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 51, H. 3, S. 298-306. DOI:10.1515/zfsoz-2022-0013


    "In dieser Studie unterziehen wir die Ergebnisse einer Studie zum Einfluss der Arbeitszeit auf die Lebenszufriedenheit einer kritischen Überprüfung. Zunächst replizieren wir die Befunde der Ausgangsstudie, welche nahelegen, dass eine traditionelle Arbeitsteilung zwischen Müttern und Vätern deren Lebenszufriedenheit maximiert. Bei Lockerung parametrischer Annahmen, Kontrolle auf Konfundierung durch Elternschaft sowie der Berücksichtigung von Ost-West-Unterschieden zeigt sich, dass (1) Väter, die zwischen 35 und 60 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten, am zufriedensten mit Ihrem Leben sind, (2) Mütter, die mindestens ~25 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten, zufriedener mit ihrem Leben sind als nicht-erwerbstätige Mütter und (3) verschiedene Formen der Arbeitsteilung innerhalb von Haushalten zu vergleichbaren Niveaus in der Lebenszufriedenheit führen. Im Gegensatz zur Ausgangsstudie legt unsere Replikation daher nahe, dass das männliche Alleinverdienermodell keineswegs der einzige Weg zur Maximierung der elterlichen Lebenszufriedenheit ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter)

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    Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment (2022)

    Keldenich, Carina; Knabe, Andreas ;


    Keldenich, Carina & Andreas Knabe (2022): Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment. In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 134-162. DOI:10.1007/s12122-022-09327-0


    "Using bivariate random-effects probit estimation on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we show that women respond to their partners' unemployment with an increase in labor market participation, which also leads to an increase in their employment probability. Our analysis considers within and between effects separately, revealing differences in the relationships between women's labor market statuses and their partners' unemployment in the previous period (within effect) and their partners' overall probability of being unemployed (between effect). Furthermore, we contribute to the literature by demonstrating that a partner's employment in a low-paid job has an effect on women's labor market choices and outcomes similar to that of his unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Are men or women more unsettled by fixed-term contracts? Gender differences in affective job insecurity and the role of household context and labour market position (2022)

    Morgenroth, Nicolas; Schels, Brigitte ; Teichler, Nils;


    Morgenroth, Nicolas, Brigitte Schels & Nils Teichler (2022): Are men or women more unsettled by fixed-term contracts? Gender differences in affective job insecurity and the role of household context and labour market position. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 38, H. 4, S. 560-574., 2021-11-15. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcab060


    "This study investigates differences in the causal effect of fixed-term contracts on affective job insecurity by gender and household context in Germany. Research shows that workers in fixed-term employment are more unsettled about their job security than are permanent employees. We contribute to the literature on subjective job insecurity by explicitly modelling the causal effect of fixed-term employment and by examining how women and men differ in this effect. We argue that gender differences in the labour market positions and a gendered division of labour in the household account for gender differences in the subjective vulnerability to fixed-term employment. We apply linear fixed effect probability models based on the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with a sample of employees aged between 20 and 45 years. Results show that a fixed-term contract doubles the probability of big job worries compared to a permanent contract. Women are substantially more unsettled by fixed-term contracts than men across all household types. These gender differences cannot be explained by unfavourable labour market positions of women. Fixed-term employment thus seems to add to existing gender inequalities on the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Schels, Brigitte ;
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    Where does public childcare boost female labor force participation? Exploring geographical heterogeneity across Germany 2007–2017 (2022)

    Neuberger, Franz; Bujard, Martin ; Rüttenauer, Tobias;


    Neuberger, Franz, Tobias Rüttenauer & Martin Bujard (2022): Where does public childcare boost female labor force participation? Exploring geographical heterogeneity across Germany 2007–2017. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 46, S. 693-722. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2022.46.24


    "Background: Public childcare provision and female labor force participation (FLP) have strongly increased over the past decades in European societies. However, studies offer heterogeneous findings on the link between public childcare and FLP. Objective: We investigate the link between public childcare and FLP, using different indicators of childcare and accounting for heterogeneous time trends and regional heterogeneity. Methods: Based on a balanced panel of all German counties from 2007 to 2017, we estimate the effect of an increasing enrollment rate for children aged 0–2 and 3–5 on FLP. We compare fixed effect (FE) and fixed effect individual slope estimators (FEIS) to control for county-specific time trends. Subsequently, we compare the results across regions with different levels of urbanization. Results: We find that most FE results are biased due to selection on trends. Still, when accounting for selection on trends, childcare enrollment for the age group 0–2 increases FLP in West Germany and in urban areas. Furthermore, childcare enrollment for children aged 3–5 years is associated with higher FLP in West Germany, in rural and, most strongly, in metropolitan areas. Conclusions: Our study highlights important heterogeneity in the general time trends of FLP and the effectiveness of childcare arrangements across different regions in Germany. Contribution: We provide a potential explanation for mixed results in previous studies. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that the effectiveness of childcare arrangements varies with the level of urbanization. Taking this heterogeneity into account can help to develop target-oriented policy interventions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))

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