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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitsplatzmerkmale"
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    How's life? 2020: measuring well-being (2020)


    OECD (2020): How's life? 2020. Measuring well-being. (How's life? 05), Paris, 244 S. DOI:10.1787/9870c393-en

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    Sinnstiftendes Management: Welche Faktoren das Sinnerleben der Mitarbeiter beeinflussen (2019)

    Busse, Ronald;


    Busse, Ronald (2019): Sinnstiftendes Management. Welche Faktoren das Sinnerleben der Mitarbeiter beeinflussen. In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation, Jg. 88, H. 2, S. 130-138.


    "Extrinsische Anreize sind weit verbreitet, haben aber meistens nur einen kurzfristigen Motivationseffekt. Der Frage, welche organisationalen Bedingungen bereitgestellt werden müssen, damit Mitarbeiter intrinsisch motiviert sind, wird in diesem Beitrag nachgegangen. Dabei wird die Methode des vernetzten Denkens nach Frederic Vester angewandt." (Autorenreferat, © 2019 Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft - Steuern - Recht GmbH, Stuttgart)

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    Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit - Ein Berufsgruppenvergleich von verbeamteten Lehrkräften, Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und Erwerbstätigen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen (2019)

    Kiel, Ewald; Braun, Annika; Hillert, Andreas; Bäcker, Klaus; Weiß, Sabine;


    Kiel, Ewald, Annika Braun, Andreas Hillert, Klaus Bäcker & Sabine Weiß (2019): Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit - Ein Berufsgruppenvergleich von verbeamteten Lehrkräften, Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und Erwerbstätigen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen. In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, Jg. 73, H. 3, S. 324-336. DOI:10.1007/s41449-019-00159-w


    "Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Befindlichkeit und das Erleben von beruflicher Verausgabung und Gratifikation in einem Berufsgruppenvergleich mit verbeamteten Lehrkräften sowie Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und in Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Mittels eines Online-Verfahrens wurden insgesamt 24.516 Erwerbstätige der genannten Berufsgruppen zu Symptomen von Depressivität, Ängstlichkeit und Stress befragt, erhoben durch die Depressions-Angst-Stress-Skalen (DASS). Die Wahrnehmung von beruflicher Verausgabung und Gratifikation erfolgte durch die Skalen zur Effort-Reward-Imbalance von Siegrist. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass Depressivitäts-, Ängstlichkeits- und Stresssymptome mit der Art des Arbeitsverhältnisses in Bezug stehen: Angestellte in Unternehmen gefolgt von denen im öffentlichen Dienst zeigen die höchsten Werte in den DASS-Skalen und berichten zudem von einem geringeren Gratifikationserleben. Lehrkräfte erweisen sich als die Berufsgruppe mit der insgesamt günstigsten Einschätzung. Berufliche Sicherheit stellt sich hier als protektiver Faktor heraus, zusätzlich berichten Lehrkräfte von der höchsten Anerkennung durch Kollegen und Vorgesetzte.<br> Praktische Relevanz: Die abgeleiteten Maßnahmen sind explizit auf die Bedürfnisse der unterschiedlichen Erwerbstätigengruppen zugeschnitten. Bei im öffentlichen Dienst tätigen Personen sind immaterielle Gratifikationen bedeutsam, es sind beispielsweise institutionelle Formen der Rückmeldung zu etablieren, die Vorgesetzte für wertschätzende Kommunikation sensibilisieren. Für angestellte Mitarbeiter wären neben Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsfürsorge langfristige Beschäftigungsperspektiven zielführend, deren Bedeutung für die Befindlichkeit sichtbar wird." (Autorenreferat)

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    The Underemployment-Job Satisfaction Nexus: A Study of Part-Time Employment in Australia (2019)

    Kifle, T.; Kler, P.; Shankar, S.;


    Kifle, T., P. Kler & S. Shankar (2019): The Underemployment-Job Satisfaction Nexus. A Study of Part-Time Employment in Australia. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 143, H. 1, S. 233-249. DOI:10.1007/s11205-018-1976-2


    "This study investigates the association between underemployment and job satisfaction among part-time workers across the period 2002-2014, given that both are increasingly important phenomena within the Australian labour market, and currently under-researched. We delve deeper into this nexus by extending the focus of job satisfaction beyond overall job satisfaction, including another five workplace satisfaction domains. This is done to see if the association is sensitive to specific aspects of work. We find that being underemployed is negatively associated with job satisfaction, across all workplace satisfaction domains. Further, we find that the underemployment-job satisfaction nexus to be somewhat gendered. Specifically, we report that underemployed males have a greater negative association with job satisfaction relative to their female peers. These results suggest that part-time underemployment is a significant (amounting to around 94% of the entire underemployed people in Australia) but well-hidden issue within the Australian labour market, and the consequence of this for job satisfaction are pronounced." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Arbeitszufriedenheit in der modernen Arbeitswelt (2019)

    Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle; Rinne, Ulf; Schneider, Hilmar;


    Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle, Ulf Rinne & Hilmar Schneider (2019): Arbeitszufriedenheit in der modernen Arbeitswelt. (IZA Standpunkte 94), Bonn, 17 S.


    "Der fortschreitende Wandel der Arbeitswelt zeichnet sich durch steigende Flexibilitätsanforderungen und ein höheres Maß an eigenverantwortlichem Handeln aus. Verantwortung, Flexibilität und neue Freiräume im Job werden auch von vielen Erwerbstätigen geschätzt - aber nicht von allen. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt, dass die Arbeitszufriedenheit nicht allein mit den Eigenschaften des Arbeitsplatzes zusammenhängt, sondern auch damit, wie sehr diese Eigenschaften den Präferenzen des jeweiligen Arbeitnehmers entsprechen. Beschäftigte mit wenig Flexibilität und Eigenverantwortung können somit grundsätzlich genauso zufrieden mit ihrer Arbeit sein wie Arbeitnehmer mit viel Flexibilität und Eigenverantwortung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Helping with the kids? How family-friedly workplaces affect parental well-being and behavior (2019)

    Lauber, Verena; Storck, Johanna;


    Lauber, Verena & Johanna Storck (2019): Helping with the kids? How family-friedly workplaces affect parental well-being and behavior. In: Oxford economic papers, Jg. 71, H. 1, S. 95-118. DOI:10.1093/oep/gpy062


    "Despite political efforts, balancing work and family life is still challenging. This paper provides novel evidence on the effect of firm level interventions that seek to reduce the work - life conflict. The focus is on how childcare support affects the well-being, working time, and caring behaviour of mothers with young children. Since the mid-2000s and pushed by public policies, in Germany an increasing number of employers have become proactive and implemented more family-friendly workplaces. These changes over time allow us to suggest causal effects using a difference-in-differences-matching approach. Based on a large panel data set, we find evidence pointing to welfare enhancing effects of childcare support. Mothers who are likely to be constrained in their allocation of time especially increase their working time and use formal care more intensively. The rise in satisfaction levels is more pronounced if mothers are more career-orientated." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The shorter workweek and worker wellbeing: Evidence from Portugal and France (2019)

    Lepinteur, Anthony ;


    Lepinteur, Anthony (2019): The shorter workweek and worker wellbeing. Evidence from Portugal and France. In: Labour economics, Jg. 58, H. June, S. 204-220. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2018.05.010


    "Using data from the European Community Household Panel, this paper evaluates the impact of the exogenous reductions in weekly working hours induced by reforms implemented in Portugal and France on worker wellbeing. Difference-in-differences estimation results suggest that reduced working hours generated significant and robust increases in job and leisure satisfaction of the workers affected in both countries (from 0.07 to 0.15 standard deviation increases), with the rise in the former mainly being explained by greater satisfaction with working hours and working conditions. Further results suggest that staff representative bodies are important for ensuring that working-time reductions lead to welfare gains." (Author's abstract, © 2019 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Financial, job and health satisfaction: A comparative approach on working people (2019)

    Navarro, María;


    Navarro, María (2019): Financial, job and health satisfaction: A comparative approach on working people. In: Societies, Jg. 9, H. 2, S. 1-17. DOI:10.3390/soc9020034


    "The determinants of domain satisfactions could be differently evaluated depending on the aspect of life considered, which would lead to different implications for public policies. To test this hypothesis, using the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), we analyse the effect of different economic and non-economic factors on satisfaction with financial situation, job and health status. The main results confirm that several determinants exert different effects depending on the aspect of life that people are evaluating. For instance, household income only improves satisfaction with financial situation but it does not explain job or health satisfaction. However, those people with an active social life, who are less worried and distrustful, are more satisfied regardless of the aspect of life considered. These findings reflect the importance of studying the main determinants of the domain satisfactions using a comparative perspective to design and evaluate specific public policies, since some measures could be effective for improving satisfaction in one area of an individual's life but not for others." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Designing flexible work practices for job satisfaction: The relation between job characteristics and work disaggregation in different types of work arrangements (2019)

    Neirotti, Paolo; Gastaldi, Luca; Raguseo, Elisabetta ;


    Neirotti, Paolo, Elisabetta Raguseo & Luca Gastaldi (2019): Designing flexible work practices for job satisfaction. The relation between job characteristics and work disaggregation in different types of work arrangements. In: New Technology, Work and Employment, Jg. 34, H. 2, S. 116-138. DOI:10.1111/ntwe.12141


    "The literature on flexible work practices has not yet evaluated in detail how the characteristics of a job affect job satisfaction. This study makes a distinction between two types of flexible work practices according to their aims: the accommodation of employees' personal lives (employment practice) and the operational reasons of a firm (work practice). Based on this distinction, we studied how the characteristics of a job, which reflect the use of ICT to support the spatial disaggregation of business processes, influence the relationship between the two types of flexible work practices and job satisfaction. We show, through a survey conducted on 987 workers, that the characteristics of a job that favour work disaggregation positively moderate the influence of flexible work as a work practice on job satisfaction, but they do not moderate the influence of flexible work as an employment practice. The implications for managers, workers and scholars are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort - (wie viel) Flexibilität ist gesund?: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung unter Erwerbstätigen zu mobiler Arbeit und gesundheitlichen Beschwerden (2019)

    Waltersbacher, Andrea; Maisuradze, Maia; Schröder, Helmut;


    Waltersbacher, Andrea, Maia Maisuradze & Helmut Schröder (2019): Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort - (wie viel) Flexibilität ist gesund? Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung unter Erwerbstätigen zu mobiler Arbeit und gesundheitlichen Beschwerden. In: B. Badura, A. Ducki, H. Schröder, J. Klose & M. Meyer (Hrsg.) (2019): Fehlzeiten-Report 2019 : Digitalisierung - gesundes Arbeiten ermöglichen, S. 77-107. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-59044-7_7


    "Immer erreichbar, hochflexibel und ständig mobil - infolge der Digitalisierung droht die bisherige, bei den meisten Erwerbstätigen vorherrschende Trennung von Arbeit und Privatleben verlorenzugehen. Digitale Informations- und Kommunikationsgeräte ermöglichen bereits zum heutigen Zeitpunkt zahlreichen Beschäftigtengruppen die Möglichkeit zeit- und ortsunabhängig zu arbeiten. Diese Formen von mobiler Arbeit eröffnet Betrieben und Beschäftigten neue Gestaltungsspielräume, stellen aber auch neue Herausforderungen dar. So stellt sich die Frage, ob die Flexibilisierung von Arbeitszeiten und -orten einen Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden der Beschäftigten hat. In einer repräsentativen Befragungsstudie unter Erwerbstätigen im Jahr 2019 werden die Beschäftigten, die ausschließlich in der Betriebsstätte des Arbeitgebers arbeiten mit denjenigen Beschäftigten verglichen, die entweder zu Hause oder an verschiedenen Orten arbeiten. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass einerseits die Flexibilisierung der Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsorte die Zufriedenheit der Beschäftigten erhöhen kann, aber andererseits der erhöhte Aufwand der Selbstorganisation und der Abgrenzung von den Anforderungen des Betriebes negativ auf das Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit einwirken. Beschäftigte, die mit großer Autonomie viel in ihrer häuslichen Umgebung arbeiten, beichten am häufigsten darüber nicht abschalten zu können, aber auch von psychischen Beeinträchtigungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Fehlzeiten-Report 2018: Sinn erleben - Arbeit und Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft (2018)

    Badura, Bernhard; Schröder, Helmut; Ducki, Antje; Klose, Joachim; Meyer, Markus;


    Badura, Bernhard, Antje Ducki, Helmut Schröder, Joachim Klose & Markus Meyer (Hrsg.) (2018): Fehlzeiten-Report 2018. Sinn erleben - Arbeit und Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft. (Fehlzeiten-Report), Berlin: Springer London, 608 S.


    "Der vorliegende Fehlzeiten-Report beleuchtet das Thema 'Sinn erleben - Arbeit und Gesundheit' aus gesellschaftlicher, unternehmerischer und individueller Perspektive. Welche Rolle das Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) für die Förderung des Sinnerlebens spielen kann erörtern 28 Fachbeiträge u. a. mit folgenden Fragen: Welchen Zusammenhang gibt es zwischen dem Erleben von sinnhafter Erwerbsarbeit und der Gesundheit der Beschäftigten? Wie erleben Beschäftigte den 'Sinn ihrer Arbeit' und wie können Unternehmen ihre Mitarbeiter unterstützen, ihre Arbeit als sinnerfüllte Tätigkeiten zu erleben? Wie können Führungskräfte und das Unternehmensklima das Sinnerleben positiv beeinflussen? Welche Konzepte und Angebote gibt es im Rahmen des BGM, um zur Prävention von Sinnkrisen beizutragen?
    Darüber hinaus ist der Report durch umfassende Daten und Analysen ein wertvoller Ratgeber für alle, die Verantwortung für den Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz in Unternehmen tragen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The well-being of the overemployed and the underemployed and the rise in depression in the UK (2018)

    Bell, David N. F.; Blanchflower, David G. ;


    Bell, David N. F. & David G. Blanchflower (2018): The well-being of the overemployed and the underemployed and the rise in depression in the UK. (NBER working paper 24840), Cambrige, Mass., 36 S. DOI:10.3386/w24840


    "In this paper we build on our earlier work on underemployment using data from the UK. In particular, we explore their well-being based on hours preferences rather than on involuntary part-time work used in the prior literature. We make use of five main measures of well-being: happiness; life satisfaction; whether life is worthwhile; anxiety and depression. The underemployed have higher levels of well-being than the unemployed and disabled but lower levels than any other group of workers, full or part-time. The more that actual hours differ from preferred hours the lower is a worker's well-being. This is true for those who say they want more hours (the underemployed) and those who say they want less (the over employed). We find strong evidence of a rise in depression and anxiety (negative affect) in the years since the onset of austerity in 2010 that is not matched by declines in happiness measures (positive affect). The fear of unemployment obtained from monthly surveys from the EU has also been on the rise since 2015. We find evidence of an especially large rise in anxiety and depression among workers in general and the underemployed in particular. The underemployed don't want to be underemployed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are schools different? Wellbeing and commitment among staff in schools and elsewhere (2018)

    Bryson, Alex ; Wilkinson, David; Stokes, Lucy ;


    Bryson, Alex, Lucy Stokes & David Wilkinson (2018): Are schools different? Wellbeing and commitment among staff in schools and elsewhere. (IZA discussion paper 11456), Bonn, 49 S.


    "Using nationally representative linked employer-employee data for Britain in 2004 and 2011 we find school staff are more satisfied and more contented with their jobs than 'like' employees in other workplaces. The differentials are largely accounted for by the occupations school employees undertake and perceptions of job quality. School employees are also more committed to their organization than non-school employees, a difference that remains large and statistically significant having conditioned on job quality, human resource management practices (HRM), managerial style and other features of employees' working environment. Using panel data for workplaces and their employees observed in 2004 and 2011 we find increases in organizational commitment are linked to improvements in workplace performance in schools, but not in other workplaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Nonmonetary incentives and the implications of work as a source of meaning (2018)

    Cassar, Lea; Meier, Stephan;


    Cassar, Lea & Stephan Meier (2018): Nonmonetary incentives and the implications of work as a source of meaning. In: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 215-238. DOI:10.1257/jep.32.3.215


    "Empirical research in economics has begun to explore the idea that workers care about nonmonetary aspects of work. An increasing number of economic studies using survey and experimental methods have shown that nonmonetary incentives and nonpecuniary aspects of one's job have substantial impacts on job satisfaction, productivity, and labor supply. By drawing on this evidence and relating it to the literature in psychology, this paper argues that work represents much more than simply earning an income: for many people, work is a source of meaning. In the next section, we give an economic interpretation of meaningful work and emphasize how it is affected by the mission of the organization and the extent to which job design fulfills the three psychological needs at the basis of self-determination theory: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. We point to the evidence that not everyone cares about having a meaningful job and discuss potential sources of this heterogeneity. We sketch a theoretical framework to start to formalize work as a source of meaning and think about how to incorporate this idea into agency theory and labor supply models. We discuss how workers' search for meaning may affect the design of monetary and nonmonetary incentives. We conclude by suggesting some insights and open questions for future research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of minimum wages on well-being: evidence from a quasi- experiment in Germany (2018)

    Gülal, Filiz; Ayaita, Adam ;


    Gülal, Filiz & Adam Ayaita (2018): The impact of minimum wages on well-being. Evidence from a quasi- experiment in Germany. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 969), Berlin, 45 S.


    "To analyze well-being effects of minimum wages, the introduction of a minimum wage in Germany in 2015 is used as a quasi-experiment. Based on the representative SOEP data, a difference-in-differences design compares the development of life, job, and pay satisfaction between those who are affected by the reform according to their pre-intervention wages and those who already have marginally higher wages so that they are not directly affected. The results show that the minimum wage has significantly positive effects on all considered dimensions of well-being, on average, with an increase in life satisfaction by 0.10 standard deviations (0.15 points on a ten-point Likert scale). Positive effects last at least until one year after the reform. Life satisfaction tends to increase particularly in the region that is overall economically less developed (East Germany). The results hold if those who are not employed anymore after the reform are included in the analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paying for what kind of performance?: performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs (2018)

    Jones, Daniel; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Tonin, Mirco;


    Jones, Daniel, Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos (2018): Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs. (CESifo working paper 7156), München, 40 S.


    "How does pay-for-performance (P4P) impact productivity, multitasking, and the composition of workers in mission-oriented jobs? These are central issues in sectors like education or healthcare. We conduct a laboratory experiment, manipulating compensation and mission, to answer these questions. We find that P4P has positive effects on productivity on the incentivized dimension of effort and negative effects on the non-incentivized dimension for workers in nonmission- oriented treatments. In mission-oriented treatments, P4P generates minimal change on either dimension. Participants in the non-mission sector - but not in the mission-oriented treatments - sort on ability, with lower ability workers opting out of the P4P scheme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Team production benefits from a permanent fear of exclusion (2018)

    Kopányi-Peuker, Anita; Sloof, Randolph; Offerman, Theo;


    Kopányi-Peuker, Anita, Theo Offerman & Randolph Sloof (2018): Team production benefits from a permanent fear of exclusion. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 103, H. April, S. 125-149. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.01.005


    "One acclaimed role of managers is to monitor workers in team production processes and discipline them through the threat of terminating them from the team. We extend a standard weakest link experiment with a manager who can decide to replace some workers at a cost. We address two main questions: (i) Does the fear of exclusion need to be a permanent element of contractual agreements? (ii) Are the results robust to the introduction of noise in workers' productivity? We find that the fear of exclusion strongly encourages cooperation among workers, but it does not generate the trust needed for cooperation once the fear of exclusion is lifted. That is, once some workers receive a permanent contract, effort levels steadily decrease. The results are robust to the introduction of noise in the link between effort and productivity." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Compensation and incentives in the workplace (2018)

    Lazear, Edward P.;


    Lazear, Edward P. (2018): Compensation and incentives in the workplace. In: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 195-214. DOI:10.1257/jep.32.3.195


    "Labor is supplied because most of us must work to live. Indeed, it is called 'work' in part because without compensation, the overwhelming majority of workers would not otherwise perform the tasks. The theme of this essay is that incentives affect behavior and that economics as a science has made good progress in specifying how compensation and its form influences worker effort. This is a broad topic, and the purpose here is not a comprehensive literature review on each of many topics. Instead, a sample of some of the most applicable papers are discussed with the goal of demonstrating that compensation, incentives, and productivity are inseparably linked." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The causal analysis of the development of the unemployment effect on life satisfaction (2018)

    Lerch, Nils;


    Lerch, Nils (2018): The causal analysis of the development of the unemployment effect on life satisfaction. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 991), Berlin, 51 S.


    "The long-term negative effects of unemployment, especially on subjective well-being, have been indicated by many studies. Therefore, unemployment and its effects on the individual life course must remain an important challenge for social policy. Many studies have focused on the cognitive component of subjective well-being, i.e., life satisfaction, and have analysed in particular its development during the unemployment period. The trajectory is usually characterized by the effects of anticipation, reaction and adaption. Studies have shown different findings regarding the shape of the effect development. The present study discusses the effect development in greater detail and analyses whether the development of the effect is different depending on unemployment experience using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and applying fixed effects regressions. The findings of this study support a non-linear effect development, which begins with the anticipation of unemployment. The trend can be described by a linear function and polynomials up to the fifth degree. The introduction of a model according to modern causal analysis and the interpretation of the dynamic development of the counterfactual outcomes are the secondary focuses of the study. A detailed discussion of causal assumptions and necessary control variables is needed to reveal the effect of unemployment on life satisfaction. The SOEP provides information about employment status on a monthly basis. This study shows possibilities for using this information for the construction of control groups and treatment groups and analyses with ideal episode patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor mismatches: Effects on wages and on job satisfaction in 17 OECD countries (2018)

    Mateos-Romero, Lucía; del Mar Salinas-Jiménez, María;


    Mateos-Romero, Lucía & María del Mar Salinas-Jiménez (2018): Labor mismatches: Effects on wages and on job satisfaction in 17 OECD countries. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 140, H. 1, S. 369-391. DOI:10.1007/s11205-017-1830-y


    "This study analyzes the effects of labor mismatches on wages and on job satisfaction in seventeen OECD countries by distinguishing between educational mismatch and skills mismatch. Using data from PIAAC, the results suggest that whereas educational mismatch shows greater effects on wages, the effects of labor mismatch on job satisfaction are generally better explained by skills mismatches. Both phenomena appear to be relevant for understanding the economic effects of labor mismatch and suggest that educational mismatch is not an accurate proxy for skills mismatch, mainly when the non-monetary effects of labor mismatch are addressed." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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