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Female breadwinner – Erwerbsentscheidungen von Frauen im Haushaltskontext

Nach wie vor ist die ungleiche Verteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit zwischen den Partnern der Regelfall. Traditionelle familiäre Arrangements werden dabei durch institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen bevorzugt. Die Folge ist, dass Frauen immer noch beruflich zurückstecken - auch wenn sie den Hauptteil des Haushaltseinkommens erarbeiten und damit die Rolle der Familienernährerin übernehmen.

Diese Infoplattform widmet sich den Bedingungen und Auswirkungen der Erwerbsentscheidung von Frauen sowie empirischen Studien, die sich mit der Arbeitsteilung der Partner im Haushaltskontext befassen.

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im Aspekt "Schweden"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Does the gender composition in couples matter for the division of labor after childbirth? (2016)

    Moberg, Ylva ;


    Moberg, Ylva (2016): Does the gender composition in couples matter for the division of labor after childbirth? (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2016,08), Uppsala, 62 S.


    "In this paper I compare the effect of entering parenthood on the spousal income gaps in lesbian and heterosexual couples using Swedish population wide register data. Comparing couples with similar pre-childbirth income gaps, a difference-in-differences strategy is used to estimate the impact of the gender composition of the couple on the spousal income gap after childbirth. The results indicate that the gender composition of the couple does matter for the division of labor after having children. Five years after childbirth the income gap is smaller in lesbian than in heterosexual couples also when comparing couples with the same pre-parenthood income gap. Heterosexual couples' division of labor seems to be influenced by traditional gender norms, regardless of their pre-childbirth income gap. In lesbian couples the partners' relative earnings before parenthood and a principle about fairness may be more important, as well as the partners' preferences for giving birth as the birth giving partner typically spends more time on parental leave." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Von wegen Partnerschaftlichkeit. Erwerbsarbeit ist bei den meisten Paaren in Europa und den USA ungleich verteilt (2015)

    Hipp, Lena ; Leuze, Kathrin ;


    Hipp, Lena & Kathrin Leuze (2015): Von wegen Partnerschaftlichkeit. Erwerbsarbeit ist bei den meisten Paaren in Europa und den USA ungleich verteilt. In: WZB-Mitteilungen H. 149, S. 18-20.


    "Warum teilen Paare in manchen Ländern bezahlte Arbeit egalitärer auf als in anderen? Die Analysen repräsentativer Daten aus Europa und den USA zeigen, dass diese Arbeitszeitunterschiede in den Ländern geringer ausfallen, in denen Einkommen individuell besteuert werden, Kinderbetreuung gut ausgebaut ist, Männer und Frauen ähnliche Stundenlöhne für gleiche Arbeit bekommen und in denen egalitäre Geschlechternormen vorherrschen. Damit liefert die Untersuchung Erkenntnisse für die aktuelle Diskussion um 'Partnerschaftlichkeit'." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Das Betreuungsgeld und seine Inanspruchnahme: Norwegen, Schweden und Deutschland im Vergleich (2015)

    Höppner, Julia ;


    Höppner, Julia (2015): Das Betreuungsgeld und seine Inanspruchnahme. Norwegen, Schweden und Deutschland im Vergleich. (Schriften des Zentrums für Sozialpolitik Bremen 27), Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verl., 257 S.


    "Linke Parteien sehen das Betreuungsgeld als Hemmnis für Geschlechtergleichheit und frühkindliche Bildung, Konservative dagegen als Instrument zur Förderung von Wahlfreiheit zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Betreuungsmodellen. Die Erfahrungen aus Skandinavien verdeutlichen, dass Eltern das Betreuungsgeld unterschiedlich häufig nutzen. Julia Höppner geht den Ursachen dieses Phänomens in einem Vergleich zwischen Norwegen und Schweden auf den Grund. Sie zeigt, wie sich die Inanspruchnahme des Betreuungsgelds in Deutschland voraussichtlich entwickeln wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Paid and unpaid work: the impact of social policies on the gender division of labour (2015)

    Kleider, Hanna;


    Kleider, Hanna (2015): Paid and unpaid work. The impact of social policies on the gender division of labour. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 25, H. 5, S. 505-520. DOI:10.1177/0958928715610996


    "The varieties of capitalism (VOC) literature has offered one of the most influential explanations for cross-national variation in the gender division of labour. It argues that labour markets, which privilege specific as opposed to general skills, have a negative effect on women's employment and impede an egalitarian division of household labour. This article revisits one of the most prominent VOC studies: Iversen and Rosenbluth's empirical analysis of the 1994 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) survey on gender relations. I argue that a gendered welfare perspective provides an alternative and more compelling explanation for the same outcomes. In my empirical analysis, I re-analyse Iversen and Rosenbluth's study using the more recent 2002 ISSP survey on gender relations. The empirical results lend little support to the VOC approach and show that a gendered welfare state perspective, measured using a novel summary index of defamilialization, explains the observed outcomes better. The evidence in support for the VOC explanation disappears when controlling for defamilializing social policies. This suggests that a previous VOC work on the gender division of labour has suffered from omitting crucial social policy controls. This article substantiates earlier critiques of VOC that have questioned its usefulness as an explanatory framework for gender-relevant outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mums the word! Cross-national effects of maternal employment on gender inequalities at work and at home (2015)

    McGinn, Kathleen L.; Lingo, Elizabeth Long; Ruiz Castro, Mayra;


    McGinn, Kathleen L., Elizabeth Long Lingo & Mayra Ruiz Castro (2015): Mums the word! Cross-national effects of maternal employment on gender inequalities at work and at home. (Harvard Business School. Working paper 094), Boston, Mass., 43 S.


    "Our research considers how inequalities in public and the private spheres are affected by childhood exposure to non-traditional gender role models at home. We test the association between being raised by an employed mother and adult men's and women's outcomes at work and at home. Our analyses rely on national level archival data from multiple sources and individual level survey data collected as part of the International Social Survey Programme in 2002 and 2012 from nationally representative samples of men and women in 24 countries. Adult daughters of employed mothers are more likely to be employed, more likely to hold supervisory responsibility if employed, work more hours, and earn marginally higher wages than women whose mothers stayed home fulltime. The effects on labor market outcomes are non-significant for men. Maternal employment is also associated with adult outcomes at home. Sons raised by an employed mother spend more time caring for family members than men whose mothers stayed home fulltime, and daughters raised by an employed mother spend less time on housework than women whose mothers stayed home fulltime. Our findings reveal the potential for non-traditional gender role models to gradually erode gender inequality in homes and labor markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income inequality and educational assortative mating: evidence from the Luxembourg income study (2015)

    Monaghan, David;


    Monaghan, David (2015): Income inequality and educational assortative mating. Evidence from the Luxembourg income study. In: Social science research, Jg. 52, H. July, S. 253-269. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2015.02.001


    "Though extensive research has explored the prevalence of educational assortative mating, what causes its variation across countries and over time is not well understood. Using data from the Luxembourg Income Study Database, I investigate the hypothesis that assortative mating by income is influenced by income inequality between educational strata. I find that in countries with greater returns to education, the odds of any sort of union that crosses educational boundaries is substantially reduced. However, I do not find substantial evidence of an effect of changes in returns to education on marital sorting within countries. Educational and labor market parity between males and females appear to be negatively related to marital sorting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sickness insurance and spousal labour supply (2015)

    Olsson, Martin; Thoursie, Peter Skogman ;


    Olsson, Martin & Peter Skogman Thoursie (2015): Sickness insurance and spousal labour supply. In: Labour economics, Jg. 33, H. April, S. 41-54. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2015.02.005


    "Analysing a reform in the Swedish public sickness insurance, we find that an increased replacement rate for one spouse has a negative cross effect on the other spouse's labour supply. The cross effects are present in the labour supply margins that workers can easily adjust. For wives of treated husbands, the total number of sick days increases on average 9.1% per month, whereas labour earnings are unchanged. The cross effect on total sick days for husbands to treated wives is 6.1% on average, with no effect on annual labour earnings. The total number of sick days and annual labour earnings for treated spouses are estimated to be unaffected by the reform, which indicates that the cross effects stem specifically from higher insurance coverage for the couples." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familienleistungen und familienpolitische Instrumente in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern (2015)

    Schratzenstaller, Margit;


    Schratzenstaller, Margit (2015): Familienleistungen und familienpolitische Instrumente in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern. In: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. Monatsberichte, Jg. 88, H. 3, S. 195-209.


    "Sowohl die Ausrichtung als auch das Instrumentarium der Familienpolitik unterscheiden sich beträchtlich zwischen den hier untersuchten Ländern Deutschland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Schweden und Dänemark. Die traditionell geprägte deutsche Familienpolitik wurde in den letzten Jahren mit dem Ziel der Steigerung der Frauenerwerbstätigkeit und der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf auch für Männer in einigen Bereichen grundlegend reformiert. Die pronatalistische Familienpolitik Frankreichs zielt auf eine gleichzeitige Steigerung der Frauenerwerbstätigkeit und der Fertilität ab. In den Niederlanden fördert die Familienpolitik ein Zuverdienermodell. In Schweden liegt der familienpolitische Fokus auf der Unterstützung der Frauenerwerbstätigkeit durch Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen, aber auch auf der Sicherstellung einer gewissen Väterbeteiligung sowie auf Armutsverringerung durch großzügige monetäre Transfers. Die dänische Familienpolitik forciert den frühzeitigen Wiedereinstieg von Eltern in die Berufstätigkeit. In jüngeren Reformen insbesondere der Freistellungsregelungen schlägt sich in einigen Ländern zunehmend das Anliegen einer Steigerung der Väterbeteiligung nieder. Nicht zuletzt stehen im Zuge der krisenbedingten Konsolidierungsprogramme, die in den meisten EU-Ländern seit Anfang der 2010er-Jahre umgesetzt werden, auch die Familienleistungen unter Druck." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Educational heterogamy and the division of paid labour in the family: a comparison of present-day Belgium and Sweden (2014)

    Eeckhaut, Mieke C. W.; Stanfors, Maria A.; Putte, Bart van de;


    Eeckhaut, Mieke C. W., Maria A. Stanfors & Bart van de Putte (2014): Educational heterogamy and the division of paid labour in the family. A comparison of present-day Belgium and Sweden. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 30, H. 1, S. 64-75. DOI:10.1093/esr/jct022


    "This study builds on the long-standing theoretical interest in the importance of comparative advantages between partners for the division of paid labour in the family. It adopts a couple perspective on women's relative labour market participation by considering the role of educational heterogamy. Additionally, it takes account of the family life cycle by means of the presence of (young) children. The importance of these two factors for women's relative labour market participation is compared between Belgium and Sweden -- two European countries that share socio-economic features but differ regarding labour market and social policies relevant for gender equality and potential gains to specialization. Multinomial logistic diagonal reference models are used to analyse the pooled cross-sectional data of EU-SILC 2004 - 2008. Contrary to expectations, we find that comparative advantages between partners, as measured by educational heterogamy, are of only minor importance for determining the couple's division of paid labour in such diverse countries as Belgium and Sweden. Our results show that women's relative labour market participation is less education-driven in Sweden than in Belgium, and is more related to the life cycle effect of the presence of (young) children, confirming more egalitarianism and family friendliness in Scandinavia than in continental Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment protection and parental child care (2013)

    Olsson, Martin;


    Olsson, Martin (2013): Employment protection and parental child care. (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2013,02), Uppsala, 36 S.


    "I examine if employment protection affects parental childcare. I find that a softer employment protection has a substantial effect on how parents use and divide paid childcare between them. The identification relies on a reform that made it easier for employers in Sweden to dismiss workers in small firms. I estimate that a softer employment protection reduces the total days of parental childcare in targeted firms, measured as total days of parental leave or temporary parental leave. Both a sorting effect and a behavioral effect can explain the reduced childcare. I also find evidence of a redistribution effect of paid parental childcare within households if only one partner was affected by the reform. I interpret the redistribution effect as a way of evading an external cost on the child." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour supply responses to paid parental leave (2012)

    Karimi, Arizo; Lindahl, Erica ; Skogman Thoursie, Peter;


    Karimi, Arizo, Erica Lindahl & Peter Skogman Thoursie (2012): Labour supply responses to paid parental leave. (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2012,22), Uppsala, 35 S.


    "Women account for the majority of parental leave take-up, which is likely one of the major reasons for the gender gap in income and wages. Consequently, many countries exert effort to promote a more gender equal division of parental leave. Indeed, the last decades have seen an increase in fathers' take-up of parental leave benefits, but the gender earnings gap has remained fairly constant. In this paper we re-evaluate the labour supply responses of both mothers and fathers to three major reforms in the Swedish parental leave system, recognizing that take up of paid parental leave might not fully reflect actual time off from work in a system where job-protection exceeds paid leave. We find that both mothers and fathers decreased their labour supply to the same extent as a response to an increase in paid parental leave without gender restrictions. In contrast, we find no support for any changes in fathers' labour supply due to reforms introducing gender quotas in paid leave." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic uncertainty and family dynamics in Europe: introduction (2012)

    Kreyenfeld, Michaela ; Andersson, Gunnar; Pailhe, Ariane;


    Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Gunnar Andersson & Ariane Pailhe (2012): Economic uncertainty and family dynamics in Europe. Introduction. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 27, S. 835-852. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2012.27.28


    "Background - Economic uncertainty has become an increasingly important factor in explanations of declining fertility and postponed family formation across Europe. Yet the micro-level evidence on this topic is still limited.
    Objective - This special collection of Demographic Research focuses on the issue of how economic and employment uncertainties relate to fertility and family dynamics in Europe.
    Methods - The collection is comprised of studies that explore how various dimensions of employment uncertainty, such as temporary working contracts and individual and aggregate unemployment, are related to the fertility and family formation of women and men across Europe. The studies cover Germany, the UK, France, Russia, Estonia, Sweden, Italy, Spain, and Israel.
    Results - The various micro-level studies that are assembled in this special collection do not provide a simple answer to the question of whether and how economic uncertainty suppresses (or stimulates) fertility. However, some systematic variation by welfare state regime is discernable.
    Conclusions - Given the recent economic volatility in Europe, we expect that labor market uncertainties will remain an important component of explanations of fertility developments in the 21st century." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Fathers' childcare and parental leave policies: evidence from western European countries and Canada (2012)

    Reich, Nora; Boll, Christina ; Leppin, Julian Sebastian;


    Reich, Nora, Christina Boll & Julian Sebastian Leppin (2012): Fathers' childcare and parental leave policies. Evidence from western European countries and Canada. (HWWI research paper 115), Hamburg, 21 S.


    "The study at hand pursues the following question: How are national parental leave arrangements related to fathers' participation in and time used for childcare? To answer this question, we merge data from the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) with national parental leave characteristics. Specifically, we are using 30 surveys from eight industrialised countries from 1971 to 2005. Applying a selection model, we are estimating fathers' participation in childcare and the minutes per day spent on childcare. We control for the following parental leave characteristics: duration of leave, amount of benefits and the number of weeks reserved for the father. The main results are that duration of parental leave, exclusive weeks for the father and any benefit compared to no benefit have a positive impact on fathers' childcare participation. Parental leave weeks reserved for the father and parental leave benefits affect fathers' minutes of childcare positively. It is concluded that parental leave characteristics have effects on fathers' childcare participation and time spent on childcare, but that parental leave policies have to be evaluated within the framework of each country's family policy package." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fathers' childcare: the difference between participation and amount of time (2012)

    Reich, Nora;


    Reich, Nora (2012): Fathers' childcare. The difference between participation and amount of time. (HWWI research paper 116), Hamburg, 34 S.


    "The main research question of this article is whether and how predictors of fathers' participation in childcare, defined as zero versus more than zero minutes of childcare, differ from predictors of participating fathers' amount of time on childcare, measured as minutes on the survey day. The sample is drawn from the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) and covers surveys from ten industrialised countries from 1987 to 2005. Results show that there are remarkable differences between factors influencing participation in childcare and factors associated with participating fathers' time spent with children. For example, the educational level has a strong impact on fathers' participation, but not on the amount of time spent on childcare. In contrast, work hours and whether data refer to a weekday or a weekend day hardly affect participation, but strongly affect fathers' time for childcare. There are also noticeable differences between the countries and between different points in time regarding factors influencing childcare participation and time. Results call for caution regarding findings from existing studies not distinguishing participation from participating fathers' childcare minutes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The interplay of employment uncertainty and education in explaining second births in Europe (2011)

    Adsera, Alicia;


    Adsera, Alicia (2011): The interplay of employment uncertainty and education in explaining second births in Europe. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 25, S. 513-544. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2011.25.16


    "Periods of high and persistent unemployment since the late 1980s as well as an upward trend in the share of temporary employment characterize recent labor market instability in Europe. This paper analyzes the associations between timing to a second birth and changing economic environment. In particular, it focuses in understanding what dimensions of economic uncertainty affect women with different educational background. First it employs time varying measures of aggregate market conditions for women in twelve European countries as well as micro-measures of each woman's labor market history in a proportional hazard model of second births. Both individual and aggregate unemployment as well as temporary employment are coupled with later second births. Unemployment slows down childbearing plans, particularly for the least educated, whereas holding a very short contract deters the most educated. Second, I use the 2006 Spanish Fertility Survey to show how education and the economic conditions - provincial unemployment and share of temporary employment- faced by women as they enter the labor market in their early twenties are connected with their timing to second births." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Einfluss der Elternzeit von Vätern auf die familiale Arbeitsteilung im internationalen Vergleich (2011)

    Boll, Christina ; Leppin, Julian; Reich, Nora;


    Boll, Christina, Julian Leppin & Nora Reich (2011): Einfluss der Elternzeit von Vätern auf die familiale Arbeitsteilung im internationalen Vergleich. (HWWI policy paper 59), Hamburg, 136 S.


    "Die Arbeitsteilung von Müttern und Vätern in Familie und Beruf hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in den meisten Ländern verschoben. Mütter gehen zunehmend einer bezahlten Erwerbstätigkeit nach, und immer mehr Väter wollen Verantwortung für Familienaufgaben übernehmen. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, inwiefern diese Trends in der Zeitverwendung die traditionelle geschlechtsspezifische Rollenteilung verändert haben und ob Metavariablen auf der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Ebene wie die Frauenerwerbsquote oder aber auch familienpolitische Faktoren wie Regelungen zum Elterngeld die individuelle Zeitverwendung der Eltern beeinflusst haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Trading off or having it all?: completed fertility and mid-career earnings of Swedish men and women (2011)

    Boschini, Anne; Sjögren, Anna; Hakanson, Christina; Rosen, Asa;


    Boschini, Anne, Christina Hakanson, Asa Rosen & Anna Sjögren (2011): Trading off or having it all? Completed fertility and mid-career earnings of Swedish men and women. (Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation. Working paper 2011,15), Uppsala, 47 S.


    "Earnings in mid-career and children are two fundamental outcomes of the life-choices of men and women. Both require time and other resources and reflect the accumulated priorities of individuals and couples. We explore how these outcomes have changed for Swedish men and women born 1945-1962 by documenting changes in education, assortative mating patterns, completed fertility and mid-career earnings. We find an overall increasing inequality in career and family outcomes of men, reflecting a rise in the family-career complementarity. For women, the family-career trade-off has eased for non-professionals, and there appears to be a convergence in the life-choices of women across education groups. Despite these different developments for men and women, we find that within-family specialization, measured by the average spousal earnings contribution, is remarkably stable through the period." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The temporary leave dilemma: lone and partnered mothers in Sweden (2010)

    Amilon, Anna;


    Amilon, Anna (2010): The temporary leave dilemma. Lone and partnered mothers in Sweden. In: Feminist economics, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 33-52. DOI:10.1080/13545701.2010.530604


    "Lone mothers have to take care of a sick child with little or no help from the child's other parent and have to carry all costs connected to leave-taking. This paper empirically tests whether lone mothers take more temporary parental leave to care for sick children than partnered mothers and whether parental leave is associated with a signaling cost. The results from this study of Swedish mothers show that lone mothers use more temporary parental leave than partnered mothers. Further, within the group of lone mothers, those with higher socioeconomic status take less temporary parental leave than those with lower socioeconomic status, whereas no such differences are found within the group of partnered mothers. One possible interpretation is that signaling costs negatively influence the utilization of temporary parental leave for lone mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Self-employment matching: an analysis of dual-earner couples in Sweden (2010)

    Andersson, Lina; Hammarstedt, Mats;


    Andersson, Lina & Mats Hammarstedt (2010): Self-employment matching. An analysis of dual-earner couples in Sweden. In: Economics Bulletin, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 2197-2209.


    "This paper presents an analysis of self-employment matching among dual-earner couples in Sweden. The results show that self-employment propensities are positively correlated across partners. Self-employment propensities are significantly higher for both males and females whose spouses are self-employed. The existence of 'positive assortative mating' and the fact that self-employment knowledge and abilities are transferred across partners are presented as explanations for the results. One policy conclusion that can be drawn from the results is that if governments and policymakers want to increase the rate of female self-employment, stimulating overall self-employment might be effective, since an important determinant of female self-employment is having a self-employed spouse." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Family job search, wage bargaining, and optimal unemployment insurance (2010)

    Ek, Susanne; Holmlund, Bertil;


    Ek, Susanne & Bertil Holmlund (2010): Family job search, wage bargaining, and optimal unemployment insurance. In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Jg. 10, H. 1, S. 3-25. DOI:10.2202/1935-1682.2501


    "The paper develops an equilibrium search and matching model where two-person families as well as singles participate in the labor market. We show that equilibrium entails wage dispersion among equally productive risk-averse workers. Marital status as well as spousal labor market status matter for wage outcomes. In general, employed members of two-person families receive higher wages than employed singles. The model is applied to a welfare analysis of alternative unemployment insurance systems, recognizing the role of spousal employment as a partial substitute for public insurance. The optimal system involves benefit differentiation based on marital status as well as spousal labor market status. Optimal differentiation yields small welfare gains but gives rise to large wage differentials." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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