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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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im Aspekt "Auswirkungen von Arbeitszufriedenheit"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Knowing that you matter, matters! The interplay of meaning, monetary incentives, and worker recognition (2014)

    Kosfeld, Michael; Yang, Xiaolan; Neckermann, Susanne;


    Kosfeld, Michael, Susanne Neckermann & Xiaolan Yang (2014): Knowing that you matter, matters! The interplay of meaning, monetary incentives, and worker recognition. (IZA discussion paper 8055), Bonn, 27 S.


    "We manipulate workers' perceived meaning of a job in a field experiment. Half of the workers are informed that their job is important, the other half are told that their job is of no relevance. Results show that workers exert more effort when meaning is high, corroborating previous findings on the relationship between meaning and work effort. We then compare the effect of meaning to the effect of monetary incentives and of worker recognition via symbolic awards. We also look at interaction effects. While meaning outperforms monetary incentives, the latter have a robust positive effect on performance that is independent of meaning. In contrast, meaning and recognition have largely similar effects but interact negatively. Our results are in line with image-reward theory (Bénabou and Tirole 2006) and suggest that meaning and worker recognition operate via the same channel, namely image seeking." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European women: the link between money, career, and financial satisfaction (2014)

    Kulic, Nevena ;


    Kulic, Nevena (2014): European women. The link between money, career, and financial satisfaction. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 287-301. DOI:10.1093/esr/jct030


    "This study goes beyond economic research on women's economic independence, which relies only on income in explaining women's economic well-being within a household, and adopts a perspective that recognizes the importance of their actual employment patterns and occupational choices (Gerson, 1993, Hakim, 2000). Using the data on financial satisfaction from the European Community Household Panel from 1994 - 2001, this article compares married and cohabiting women from five industrialized European countries. Analyses indicate that it is not relative income or pure employment that matters the most for a woman's financial satisfaction but, more likely, the choice of continuous and full-time labour market involvement. The data also offer other interesting findings: a homemaking career may be as beneficial for a woman's financial satisfaction as continuous employment, while a discontinuous employment path seems to be detrimental for a woman's financial satisfaction. Cross-country comparison shows that institutions alter women's economic well-being independently of their individual achievements, suggesting that more research is needed to disentangle the institutional components that most influence the relation between women's paid and unpaid employment, and their economic well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market policy and its effects on subjective well-being and reemployment stability in Europe (2014)

    Wulfgramm, Melike;


    Wulfgramm, Melike (2014): Labour market policy and its effects on subjective well-being and reemployment stability in Europe. Bremen, 143 S.; 1,86 MB.


    "This dissertation analyses the effects of labour market policy on subjective well-being and social inclusion of the unemployed as well as employment stability once the unemployment spell is finished. In the first research stage, the treatment effect of participation in the German work creation scheme One-Euro-Jobs on life satisfaction and perceptions of social inclusion are studied using microeconometric panel methods. It is shown that active labour market policy (ALMP) measures can moderate the social exclusion of long-term unemployed and can thus foster their subjective well-being. However, ALMP cannot fully substitute the psychosocial functions of regular employment. In the second research stage, multilevel as well duration analyses show how country differences in well-being of the unemployed and their reemployment stability can be traced back to national differences in labour market policy. Especially the generosity of unemployment benefits is strongly and positively associated with reemployment stability and subjective well-being of the unemployed in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The rise in absenteeism: disentangling the impacts of cohort, age and time (2013)

    Biørn, Erik; Røed, Knut; Gaure, Simen; Markussen, Simen;


    Biørn, Erik, Simen Gaure, Simen Markussen & Knut Røed (2013): The rise in absenteeism. Disentangling the impacts of cohort, age and time. In: Journal of population economics, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 1585-1608. DOI:10.1007/s00148-012-0403-2


    "In recent years, a number of welfare state economies, including Norway, have experienced substantial increases in sickness absence. Using longitudinal individual register data for virtually all Norwegian employees, we examine the remarkable rise since the early 1990s, with emphasis on disentangling the roles of cohort, age, and time. We show that individual age-adjusted absence propensities have risen even more than aggregate absence rates from 1993 to 2005, which casts doubt on the popular hypotheses that the rise was due to the inclusion into the workforce of young or marginal workers with weaker work-norms or poorer health." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inequality and happiness: when perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match (2013)

    Bjørnskov, Christian; Gehring, Kai; Dreher, Axel; Schnellenbach, Jan; Fischer, Justina A.V.;


    Bjørnskov, Christian, Axel Dreher, Justina A.V. Fischer, Jan Schnellenbach & Kai Gehring (2013): Inequality and happiness. When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match. In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Jg. 91, H. July, S. 75-92. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2013.03.017


    "We argue that perceived fairness of the income generation process affects the association between income inequality and subjective well-being, and that there are systematic differences in this regard between countries that are characterized by a high or, respectively, low level of actual fairness. Using a simple model of individual labor market participation under uncertainty, we predict that high levels of perceived fairness cause higher levels of individual welfare, and lower support for income redistribution. Income inequality is predicted to have a more favorable impact on subjective well-being for individuals with high fairness perceptions. This relationship is predicted to be stronger in societies that are characterized by low actual fairness. Using data on subjective well-being and a broad set of fairness measures from a pseudo micro-panel from the WVS over the 1990 - 2008 period, we find strong support for the negative (positive) association between fairness perceptions and the demand for more equal incomes (subjective well-being). We also find strong empirical support for the predicted differences in individual tolerance for income inequality, and the predicted influence of actual fairness." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Worker identity, employment fluctuations and stabilization policy (2013)

    Snower, Dennis J.; Lechthaler, Wolfgang ;


    Snower, Dennis J. & Wolfgang Lechthaler (2013): Worker identity, employment fluctuations and stabilization policy. (IZA discussion paper 7413), Bonn, 44 S.


    "This paper provides a model of 'social hysteresis' whereby long, deep recessions demotivate workers and thereby lead them to change their work ethic. In switching from a pro-work to an anti-work identity, their incentives to seek and retain work fall and consequently their employment chances fall. In this way, temporary recessions may come to have permanent effects on aggregate employment. We also show that these permanent effects, along with the underlying identity switches, can be avoided through stabilization policy. The size of the government expenditure multiplier can be shown to depend on the composition of identities in the workforce." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Financial development, entrepreneurship, and job satisfaction (2012)

    Bianchi, Milo;


    Bianchi, Milo (2012): Financial development, entrepreneurship, and job satisfaction. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 94, H. 1, S. 273-286.


    "This paper shows that utility differences between the self-employed and employees increase with financial development. This effect is explained not by increased profits but by an increased value of nonmonetary benefits, in particular job independence. We interpret these findings by building a simple occupational choice model in which financial constraints may impede the creation of firms and depress labor demand, thereby pushing some individuals into self-employment for lack of salaried jobs. In this setting, financial development favors a better matching between individual motivation and occupation, thereby increasing entrepreneurial utility despite increasing competition and so reducing profits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The job satisfaction-productivity nexus: a study using matched survey and register data (2012)

    Böckerman, Petri ; Ilmakunnas, Pekka;


    Böckerman, Petri & Pekka Ilmakunnas (2012): The job satisfaction-productivity nexus. A study using matched survey and register data. In: ILR review, Jg. 65, H. 2, S. 244-262. DOI:10.1177/001979391206500203


    "The authors examine the role of employee job satisfaction in Finnish manufacturing plants over the period 1996-2001 to determine the extent to which it affects establishment-level productivity. Using matched data on job satisfaction from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) and information on establishment productivity from longitudinal register data linked to the ECHP, they estimate that the effect of an increase in the establishment's average level of employee job satisfaction on productivity is positive, but its magnitude varies depending on the specification of the model. The authors use an instrumental variables point estimate and find that an increase in the measure of job satisfaction by one within-plant standard deviation increases value-added per hours worked in manufacturing by 6.6%." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Direkte Partizipation abhängig Beschäftigter: Konzept, organisatorische Realisierung und die Wirkung auf Arbeitszufriedenheit und Gesundheitsressourcen (2012)

    Haas, Michael;


    Haas, Michael (2012): Direkte Partizipation abhängig Beschäftigter. Konzept, organisatorische Realisierung und die Wirkung auf Arbeitszufriedenheit und Gesundheitsressourcen. (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. Discussion papers SP 1 2012-302), Berlin, 29 S.


    "Restrukturierungen von Unternehmen gehen häufig mit dem Versprechen einher, Teilhabechancen der ausführenden Beschäftigten an Konsultationen und Entscheidungen in der Arbeit - d.h. direkte Partizipation - zu vergrößern. Man erhofft sich davon: motiviertere, zufriedenere und gesündere Beschäftigte, höhere Produktivität sowie geringere Kosten. In diesem Papier wird zunächst der Begriff der direkten Partizipation erläutert und in einen historischen Kontext gestellt. Sodann werden gängige Wege, direkte Partizipation in Unternehmen organisatorisch zu vergrößern, vorgestellt. Schließlich wird auf Basis organisationspsychologischer Ansätze und einschlägiger empirischer Studien untersucht, wie sich organisatorische oder auch nur wahrgenommene Erweiterungen direkter Partizipation auf die subjektive Befindlichkeit der Beschäftigten auswirken. Die Befunde sprechen für einen moderaten Effekt von Partizipation auf die Motivation und das Befinden von Beschäftigten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job satisfaction and self-employment: autonomy or personality? (2012)

    Lange, Thomas;


    Lange, Thomas (2012): Job satisfaction and self-employment: autonomy or personality? In: Small business economics, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 165-177. DOI:10.1007/s11187-009-9249-8


    "Most studies in the economics discourse argue that the impact of self-employment on job satisfaction is mediated by greater procedural freedom and autonomy. Values and personality traits are considered less likely to explain the utility difference between self-employed and salaried workers. Psychology scholars suggest that entrepreneurial satisfaction also depends, at least in part, on specific values and personality traits. Utilising a large dataset derived from the 2006 European Social Survey, this study performs a complementary analysis by taking personality traits, personal values and indicators for workers' autonomy explicitly into account. The empirical findings add further strength to economists' argument that, net of values and personality traits, autonomy and independence are the mechanisms by which self-employment leads to higher levels of job satisfaction. These results hold true for both male and female sub-samples even when a multitude of sociodemographic characteristics, personal values and personality traits are controlled for." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Examining the constructs of work-to-family enrichment and positive spillover (2012)

    Masuda, Aline D.; MacNall, Laurel A.; Nicklin, Jessica M.; Allen, Tammy D.;


    Masuda, Aline D., Laurel A. MacNall, Tammy D. Allen & Jessica M. Nicklin (2012): Examining the constructs of work-to-family enrichment and positive spillover. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 80, H. 1, S. 197-210. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2011.06.002


    "This paper reports three studies examining construct validity evidence for two recently developed measures of the positive side of the work-family interface: work-to-family positive spillover and work-to-family enrichment. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the results from the first two studies indicate that the best fitting model distinguishes between WFPS and WFE, each with three sub-dimensions. However, these studies also showed that several items measuring WFE cross-loaded onto factors measuring WFPS. Results from the discriminant analyses showed that the sub-dimensions of WFPS and WFE uniquely predicted job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Yet, when WFPS and WFE were examined as one dimension, the measure of WFE predicted life satisfaction, but the measure of WFPS did not add to the prediction above WFE. Across both studies, WFE mediated the relationship between WFPS with both job and life satisfaction. Lastly, Study 3 provides some evidence of the content adequacy of these items; however, several items overlapped in content. These results suggest that enrichment and positive spillover are distinct but related constructs, each with three sub-dimensions. Further, more work is needed to refine the measurement of WFE and WFPS; however, this research helps advance our understanding of the positive side of the work-family interface." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Relative wage positions and quit behavior: new evidence from linked employer-employee data (2012)

    Pfeifer, Christian ; Schneck, Stefan;


    Pfeifer, Christian & Stefan Schneck (2012): Relative wage positions and quit behavior. New evidence from linked employer-employee data. In: ILR review, Jg. 65, H. 1, S. 126-147. DOI:10.1177/001979391206500107


    "We use a large linked employer-employee data set to analyze the importance of relative wage positions in the context of individual quit decisions as an inverse measure of job satisfaction. Our main findings are: (1) Workers with higher relative wage positions within their firms are on average more likely to quit their jobs than workers with lower relative wage positions; and (2) workers, who experience a loss in their relative wage positions, are also more likely to have a wage cut associated with their job-to-job transition. The overall results therefore suggest that the status effect is dominated by an opposing signal effect." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The psychology of quality of life: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia (2012)

    Sirgy, M. Joseph;


    Sirgy, M. Joseph (2012): The psychology of quality of life. Hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. (Social indicators research series 50), Dordrecht: Springer London, 622 S.


    "The updated edition of this popular book covers up-to-date research on hedonic well-being (emotional well-being, positive/negative affect, affective dimension of happiness, etc.), life satisfaction (subjective well-being, perceived quality of life, subjective well-being, and cognitive dimension of happiness), and eudaimonia (psychological well-being, self-actualization, self-realization, growth, mental health, character strengths, etc.).
    The book is divided in six major sections. Part 1 begins with a chapter that covers much of the history and philosophical foundations of the psychology of quality of life in terms of three major pillars: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. This part also covers much of the research that has successfully made distinctions among these three major constructs and its varied dimensions. To establish to the importance of the topic (the psychology of quality of life), this part also covers much of the literature on the positive benefits of hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia on the individual, the community, organizations, and society at large. Part 2 focuses on capturing much of research dealing with the effects of objective reality (objective factors grounded in real, environmental conditions) on hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. Specifically, this part captures the quality-of-life literature related to biological and health-related effects, income effects, other demographic effects, effects of personal activities, and socio-cultural effects. Part 3 shifts gears to focus on the effects of subjective reality on hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. In this context, the book reviews research on personality effects, effects of affect and cognition, effects of beliefs and values, effects of goals, self-concept effects, and social comparison effects. Part 4 focuses on quality-of-life research that is domain specific. That is, the book covers the research on the psychology of life domains in general and delves in some depth to describe research on work well-being, residential well-being, material well-being, social well-being, health well-being, leisure well-being, and the well-being of other life domains of lesser salience. Part 5 focuses on covering much of the psychology of quality-of-life literature dealing with specific populations such as the elderly, women, children and youth, and specific countries. Part 6 is essentially an epilogue. This part discusses a variety of theories proposed by quality-of-life scholars designed to integrate much of the literature on the psychology of quality of life. The last chapter covers the author's own integrative theory." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fehlzeiten-Report 2011: Führung und Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft (2011)

    Badura, Bernhard; Ducki, A.; Macco, Katrin; Klose, Joachim; Schröder, Helmut;


    Badura, Bernhard, A. Ducki, Helmut Schröder, Joachim Klose & Katrin Macco (Hrsg.) (2011): Fehlzeiten-Report 2011. Führung und Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft. (Fehlzeiten-Report), Berlin: Springer London, 438 S.


    "Der Fehlzeiten-Report, der vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK (WIdO), der Universität Bielefeld und der Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin herausgegeben wird, informiert jährlich umfassend über die Krankenstandsentwicklung in der deutschen Wirtschaft. Er beleuchtet detailliert das Arbeitsunfähigkeitsgeschehen in den einzelnen Branchen und stellt aktuelle Befunde und Bewertungen zu den Gründen und Mustern von Fehlzeiten in Betrieben vor. In seinem Schwerpunkt beschäftigt sich der Fehlzeiten-Report 2011 mit dem Thema 'Führung und Gesundheit'. In einer rohstoffarmen und hochindustrialisierten Dienstleistungswirtschaft bilden die Mitarbeiter das wichtigste Leistungspotenzial eines Unternehmens und sind entscheidend für den zukünftigen Unternehmenserfolg. Damit angesichts des demografischen Wandels die Mitarbeiter motiviert und leistungsfähig bleiben, spielen Führungskräfte eine besondere Rolle. Sie sind oft selbst großen Belastungen und Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt, tragen gleichzeitig aber auch die Verantwortung für die Gesunderhaltung ihrer Mitarbeiter. Der Fehlzeiten-Report stellt sowohl die personalpolitischen Ansätze in Unternehmen und die Rollen von Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften als auch konkrete evaluierte Maßnahmen vor." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The effect of variable pay schemes on workplace absenteeism (2011)

    Pouliakas, Konstantinos; Theodoropoulos, Nikolaos ;


    Pouliakas, Konstantinos & Nikolaos Theodoropoulos (2011): The effect of variable pay schemes on workplace absenteeism. (IZA discussion paper 5941), Bonn, 39 S.


    "We estimate the effect of variable pay schemes on workplace absenteeism using two cross sections of British establishments. Private sector establishments that explicitly link pay with individual performance are found to have significantly lower absence rates. This effect is stronger for establishments that offer variable pay schemes to a greater share of their non-managerial workforce. Matched employer-employee data suggest that the effect is robust to a number of sensitivity tests. We also find that firms that tie a greater proportion of employees' earnings to variable pay schemes are also found to experience lower absence rates. Further, quintile regression results suggest that variable pay schemes have a stronger effect on establishments with an absence rate that is higher than an average or 'sustainable' level. Finally, panel data suggest that a feedback mechanism is present, whereby high absenteeism in the past is related to a greater future incidence of individual variable pay schemes, which, in turn, is correlated with lower absence rates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employee behavior in organizations: on the current state of research (2011)

    Rosenstiel, Lutz von;


    Rosenstiel, Lutz von (2011): Employee behavior in organizations. On the current state of research. In: Management Revue, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 344-366. DOI:10.1688/1861-9908_mrev_2011_04_Rosenstiel


    "The article gives an overview about scientific research on individual behavior in organizations. A number of reasons are discussed why it is difficult to obtain a coherent body of knowledge about this topic, some of them meta-theoretical and methodological, others political, organizational and ideological, e.g. the existence of different schools of psychology, one-sided and interest-laden views, the dominance of survey methodology, measurement problems, the submission of researchers to dominant styles of publishing. The article further reports on main insights about the effects of stable and variable personal traits, and of situational conditions on employee behavior and about practical consequences. The conclusion is that there is a lot of well-founded knowledge, especially about the aptitudes of employees, but on the other hand one finds remarkable ignorance on behaviour which has no direct relation to performance and on the impacts of specific work and organizational conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work engagement in eight European countries: the role of job demands, autonomy, and social support (2011)

    Taipale, Sakari; Selander, Kirsikka; Nätti, Jouko; Anttila, Timo;


    Taipale, Sakari, Kirsikka Selander, Timo Anttila & Jouko Nätti (2011): Work engagement in eight European countries. The role of job demands, autonomy, and social support. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 31, H. 7/8, S. 486-504. DOI:10.1108/01443331111149905


    "Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the level and predictors of work engagement among service sector employees in eight European countries.
    Design/methodology/approach - The work seeks to discover if job demands and resources, i.e. job autonomy and social support, affect work engagement in differing ways in different countries when socio-demographical variables and work-related factors are controlled. The study is based on a statistical analysis of survey data from Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the UK in 2007 (n=7,867). The data represent four economic sectors: retail trade, finance and banking, telecoms and public hospitals.
    Findings - The results show that the level of work engagement varies not only between countries but also between those four economic sectors within each country. Additionally, the findings indicate that demands decrease work engagement, while autonomy and support increase it. Although the effects are mainly the same across the countries, the article also points out some exceptions in this regard.
    Originality/value - Although the paper is built upon established theories about job demands and autonomy, it uses a newer work engagement approach, produces cross-national knowledge about work engagement and its predictors. Cross-national approaches to work engagement are still rare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Why are quit rates lower among defense contractors? (2011)

    Watkins, Todd A.; Hyclak, Thomas;


    Watkins, Todd A. & Thomas Hyclak (2011): Why are quit rates lower among defense contractors? In: Industrial relations, Jg. 50, H. 4, S. 573-590. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-232X.2011.00653.x


    "This paper presents empirical evidence of lower quit rates at small manufacturers with defense contracts and examines whether this is associated with differences in their human resource policies and organizational practices and strategies. We take advantage of an original data set to compare labor quits, workforce skills, and occupational structure between defense-contracting and noncontracting small manufacturers in eastern Pennsylvania. We find that the remarkably large defense contractor advantage in quit rates - 7 percentage points - is almost totally explained by differences in skills, operational strategies, and workforce management and training practices, suggesting a mediation effect through these HR practices. Defense-contracting status emerges as an important overlooked variable in HRM studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Well-being, job satisfaction and labour mobility (2010)

    Green, Francis ;


    Green, Francis (2010): Well-being, job satisfaction and labour mobility. In: Labour economics, Jg. 17, H. 6, S. 897-903. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2010.04.002


    "I investigate whether two indicators of job-related well-being predict subsequent quitting. I find that both the Depression - Enthusiasm scale and the Anxiety - Comfort scale predict quitting, the former more strongly, and this contributes an element of criterion validity to their use as welfare measures. However, overall job satisfaction, which implicitly captures well-being relative to outside job opportunities, predicts job mobility better than either the Depression-Enthusiasm or the Anxiety-Comfort scale. I also find asymmetric effects: relative to intermediate levels, low well-being or job satisfaction are associated with greater quitting, yet high well-being or job satisfaction are not significantly associated with reduced quitting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Formen der Arbeitszufriedenheit und Kreativität (2010)

    Gunkel, Jennifer;


    Gunkel, Jennifer (2010): Formen der Arbeitszufriedenheit und Kreativität. 185 S.


    Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Formen der Arbeitszufriedenheit. Untersucht wird ferner der Zusammenhang zwischen Formen der Arbeitszufriedenheit und Mitarbeiterkreativität. Im Fokus steht das Modell der Arbeitszufriedenheit nach Bruggemann mit den Formen resignative, stabilisierte und progressive Arbeitszufriedenheit. Mit dem entwickelten Fragebogen werden anhand von drei Stichproben Zusammenhänge der drei vorgenannten Arbeitszufriedenheitsformen mit kognitiven und mit affektiven Maßen der allgemeinen Arbeitszufriedenheit nachgewiesen. Außerdem werden Zusammenhänge mit dem Arbeitsengagement festgestellt. 'Insgesamt bietet die Arbeit neue Erkenntnisse in der bisher eingeschränkten und widersprüchlichen Befundlage zum Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitszufriedenheit und Kreativität. Die Differenzierung des Konzeptes Arbeitszufriedenheit und deren neuartige Operationalisierung bieten Möglichkeiten, Arbeitszufriedenheit auch in zukünftigen Untersuchungen auf ökonomische Art und Weise zu erheben und als differenziertes Konzept zu betrachten.' (IAB)

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