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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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    Doing boss-like tasks and worker well-being: Job enrichment revisited (2022)

    Asuyama, Yoko;


    Asuyama, Yoko (2022): Doing boss-like tasks and worker well-being: Job enrichment revisited. In: Labour, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 196-230. DOI:10.1111/labr.12217


    "This study revisits the relationship between job enrichment and worker well-being by analysing worker-level data from around 20 countries. Job enrichment, which vertically expands jobs, is primarily measured by the novel ‘boss-like tasks’ indicator, constructed from 42 task-frequency data. The aim of job enrichment is to motivate workers. However, the study finds that even though average non-boss workers doing more boss-like tasks earn higher wages, they are not necessarily more satisfied with their jobs. The non-positive or slightly negative association with satisfaction becomes positive when workers have low-skilled blue-collar jobs or when tasks involving planning and organizing are enriched." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Matching it up: non-standard work and job satisfaction (2022)

    Bech, Katarzyna; Velde, Lucas van der; Tyrowicz, Joanna ; Smyk, Magdalena;


    Bech, Katarzyna, Magdalena Smyk, Lucas van der Velde & Joanna Tyrowicz (2022): Matching it up: non-standard work and job satisfaction. (GRAPE working paper / Group for Research in Applied Economics 72), Warszawa, 37 S.


    "We leverage the flexibility enactment theory to study the link between working arrangements and job satisfaction. We propose that this link is moderated by individual inclination to non-standard working arrangements. Thus, we provide novel insights on the (mis)match between preferred and actual working arrangements. We apply this approach to data from the European Working Conditions Survey and empirically characterize the extent of mismatch in working arrangements across European countries. We shed new light on several phenomena. First, the extent of mismatch is substantial and reallocating workers between jobs could substantially boost overall job satisfaction in European countries. Second, the mismatch more frequently affects women and parents. Finally, we demonstrate that the extent of mismatch differs across European countries, which hints that one-size-fits-all policies, whether they deregulate or curb non-standard arrangements, are not likely to maximize the happiness of workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay (2022)

    Beckmann, Michael; Kräkel, Matthias;


    Beckmann, Michael & Matthias Kräkel (2022): Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 40, H. 4, S. 889-938. DOI:10.1086/718465


    "Although, from the viewpoint of social psychology, task commitment is a driving force for intrinsic motivation at the workplace, this topic has been widely ignored in labor and personnel economics so far. Our paper contributes to reduce this gap in the literature by offering a theoretical analysis on worker empowerment and task commitment. This approach also helps to explain the observed variety of compensation schemes across workers and firms. By using a large-scale linked employer-employee panel data set, we present empirical evidence that is consistent with the predicted patterns of our theoretical model." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Beschäftigungsbedingungen für junge Forscher*innen - ein empirischer Beitrag zu #IchBinHanna (2022)

    Berroth, Lara; Wegner, Antje; Briedis, Kolja; Adrian, Dominik;


    Berroth, Lara, Dominik Adrian, Kolja Briedis & Antje Wegner (2022): Beschäftigungsbedingungen für junge Forscher*innen - ein empirischer Beitrag zu #IchBinHanna. (DZHW-Brief 2022,04), Hannover, 12 S. DOI:10.34878/2022.04.dzhw_brief


    "Die durchschnittliche Vertragslaufzeit der an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen beschäftigten Promovierenden beträgt 27 Monate. 26 Prozent haben einen Arbeitsvertrag mit einer Laufzeit von bis zu 12 Monaten. Auch wenn sich somit gegenüber älteren Studien eine Entwicklung zu längeren Vertragslaufzeiten abzeichnet, bleibt dennoch eine Lücke zwischen den Vertragslaufzeiten von Promovierenden und den tatsächlichen Promotionsdauern. Die subjektive Einschätzung der Finanzierungs- und Beschäftigungssituation fällt überwiegend positiv aus: Etwa drei Viertel der Promovierenden sind damit zufrieden. Im Durchschnitt wenden Promovierende mit einem Arbeitsvertrag an einer Hochschule oder Forschungseinrichtung 23 Stunden pro Woche für ihre Promotion auf. Regelungen zur Promotionszeit werden im Arbeitsvertrag oder der Promotionsvereinbarung selten getroffen. Sie garantieren aber meist einen recht hohen Zeitanteil der Arbeitszeit für die Promotion bzw. gehen mit einer höheren Zahl an aufgewendeten Wochenstunden für die Promotion einher. Im Vergleich mit Hochschulabsolvent*innen, die in anderen Bereichen erwerbstätig sind, zeigen Promovierende mit einer Stelle in der Wissenschaft in vielen Teilaspekten der Beschäftigung eine höhere (berufliche) Zufriedenheit. Deutlich unzufriedener sind sie jedoch mit der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit. Zentrale Ergebnisse zur Finanzierungs- und Beschäftigungssituation Promovierender sowie zu zahlreichen weiteren Themen finden sich unter nacaps-datenportal.de." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture (2022)

    Boehnlein, Philipp; Baum, Matthias;


    Boehnlein, Philipp & Matthias Baum (2022): Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 647-685. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2020.1737177


    "We quantitatively summarize existing studies on job crafting and its effects on well-being and individual in-role and extra-role performance. We differentiate job crafting behaviors by target of impact (individual vs. work environment) and regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus). Drawing on 60 independent samples with a total of 20,547 participants, we use meta-analysis to show that promotion-oriented job crafting can be associated with increased well-being and both in-role and extra-role performance. Prevention-oriented crafting yielded partially significant results for well-being while showing non-significant relationships with both performance outcomes. Drawing on previous findings of the GLOBE study, we further show that the effects of job crafting on both in-role and extra-role performance are partially moderated by the cultural practices of in-group collectivism, future orientation, performance orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. By doing so, we illuminate the cultural circumstances under which job crafting behaviors are more suitable and where job crafting is less effective as a way to improve individuals’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))"We quantitatively summarize existing studies on job crafting and its effects on well-being and individual in-role and extra-role performance. We differentiate job crafting behaviors by target of impact (individual vs. work environment) and regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus). Drawing on 60 independent samples with a total of 20,547 participants, we use meta-analysis to show that promotion-oriented job crafting can be associated with increased well-being and both in-role and extra-role performance. Prevention-oriented crafting yielded partially significant results for well-being while showing non-significant relationships with both performance outcomes. Drawing on previous findings of the GLOBE study, we further show that the effects of job crafting on both in-role and extra-role performance are partially moderated by the cultural practices of in-group collectivism, future orientation, performance orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. By doing so, we illuminate the cultural circumstances under which job crafting behaviors are more suitable and where job crafting is less effective as a way to improve individuals’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))756k

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    Durchführung von digitalen Arbeitssituationsanalysen für die mobil-flexible Arbeit zur Erhebung von psychischen Belastungsfolgen: Befragung von Mitarbeiter*innen einer öffentlichen Verwaltung zu Homeoffice – Erfahrungen während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie (2022)

    Bölsch-Peterka, Ronja; Schmidtke, Aliena; Krowicki, Martin; Böckelmann, Irina;


    Bölsch-Peterka, Ronja, Martin Krowicki, Aliena Schmidtke & Irina Böckelmann (2022): Durchführung von digitalen Arbeitssituationsanalysen für die mobil-flexible Arbeit zur Erhebung von psychischen Belastungsfolgen. Befragung von Mitarbeiter*innen einer öffentlichen Verwaltung zu Homeoffice – Erfahrungen während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie. In: Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie, Jg. 72, H. 3, S. 115-128. DOI:10.1007/s40664-022-00460-2


    "Im Zuge der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie wurde die Arbeit in vielen Betrieben nach Hause verlagert und innerhalb kurzer Zeit hat sich die Arbeitssituation der Beschäftigten schnell verändert. Um mögliche Belastungen zu identifizieren und gesundheitliche Ressourcen auszubauen, sind fundierte Analysen der Arbeitssituation notwendig. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, auch in Zeiten mit Kontaktbeschränkungen, fundierte Analysen im Bereich des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements anzubieten. Mithilfe von digitalen Arbeitssituationsanalysen (ASITA) sollte die Homeoffice-Tätigkeit in einer öffentlichen Verwaltung erfasst und Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Mittels digitaler ASITAs wurden 3 Gruppen (16 Beschäftigte) zu ihrer Arbeitssituation im Homeoffice befragt. Eingeschlossen wurden Beschäftigte, die innerhalb der letzten 12 Wochen vor der Befragung an mindestens 2 Tagen pro Woche im Homeoffice gearbeitet haben. Das Arbeiten im Homeoffice stellt Anforderungen an die Beschäftigten, die wiederum positive als auch negative Beanspruchungsfolgen mit sich bringen. Aufseiten der Arbeitsorganisation ergaben sich individuelle Vorteile, wie der Wegfall von Arbeitswegen oder eine bessere Zeiteinteilung. Hinsichtlich der Kommunikation im Unternehmen fehlten klare Strukturen zur Arbeit im Homeoffice. Digitale ASITAs können ein aussagekräftiges Instrument sein, um gesundheitliche Belastungen und Ressourcen auch in Unternehmen mit mobil-flexiblen Arbeitsmodellen zu untersuchen. Wie am Beispiel der Pandemie gezeigt, bedingt ein Wandel der Arbeitssituation einen kontinuierlichen Reflexionsprozess, bei dem die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten eine wesentliche Säule sein muss." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (2022)

    Carleton, Cheryl; Kelly, Mary T.;


    Carleton, Cheryl & Mary T. Kelly (2022): Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (Villanova School of Business working paper 51), Villanova, PA, 31 S.


    "With the growing attachment of older workers to the labor force and their engagement in alternative work arrangements, it is important to investigate the characteristics of older cohorts of individuals who are in the labor market and the factors that influence job satisfaction, as job satisfaction may be a predictor of which older individuals are likely to continue to work and in what type of work arrangement. This study uses several recent years of the General Social Survey to both explore the characteristics of older workers and investigate what contributes to job satisfaction, controlling for both gender and work arrangement. It splits the sample of workers into two cohorts to test for differences in job satisfaction between those who are nearing retirement age (55-64) and those who continue to work post the traditional retirement age (65-80). For the sample as a whole, and similar to other studies, we find that job satisfaction is higher for women and for those who work in alternative work arrangements as compared to those in regular jobs. We also find that there are differences in what contributes to job satisfaction between the two groups of older workers. These outcomes may inform firms about what they might do in order to keep these workers as well as informing the government on whether it is necessary to rethink how some benefits are both provided and paid for." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Well-being, productivity and employment: Squaring the working time policy circle (2022)

    Cazes, Sandrine; Krämer, Clara; Touzet, Chloé; Martin, Sebastien;


    Cazes, Sandrine, Clara Krämer, Sebastien Martin & Chloé Touzet (2022): Well-being, productivity and employment: Squaring the working time policy circle. In: A. Bassanini (Hrsg.) (2022): OECD Employment Outlook 2022: Building Back More Inclusive Labour Markets, S. 243-350.


    "Working time is both a key element of workers’ lives and a production factor. Understanding how working time policy relates to well-being and economic outcomes is thus crucial to design measures balancing welfare and efficiency concerns. Evidence so far has largely focused on the use of maximum hours’ regulation to prevent detrimental effects on workers’ health, and the effect of normal hours reductions on employment levels. This chapter brings two new perspectives: first, it accounts for the fact that workers’ well-being is an increasingly central societal objective of working time policies, and therefore considers well-being effects alongside productivity and employment effects. Second, it accounts for the use of flexible hours and the development of teleworking in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis and considers their impact on well-being, productivity and employment. Building on these analyses, the chapter discusses the potential of various working time policies to enhance non-material aspects of workers’ well-being such as health, work-life balance and life satisfaction while preserving employment or productivity" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Full Returns to the Choice of Occupation and Education (2022)

    Clark, Andrew E. ; Cotofan, Maria; Layard, Richard;


    Clark, Andrew E., Maria Cotofan & Richard Layard (2022): The Full Returns to the Choice of Occupation and Education. (IZA discussion paper 15279), Bonn, 57 S.


    "Information on both earnings and non-pecuniary rewards is needed to understand the occupational dispersion of wellbeing. We analyse subjective wellbeing in a large UK sample to construct a measure of "full earnings", the sum of earnings and the value of non-pecuniary rewards, in 90 different occupations. Labour-market inequality is underestimated: the dispersion of full earnings is one-third larger than the dispersion of earnings. Equally, the gender and ethnic gaps in the labour market are larger than those in earnings alone, and the full returns to education on the labour market are underestimated. These results are similar in data on US workers. In neither cross-section nor panel data do we find evidence of compensating differentials." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How do employees cope with mandatory working from home during COVID-19? (2022)

    Dicu, Andreea; Steger, Thomas; Rybnikova, Irma ;


    Dicu, Andreea, Irma Rybnikova & Thomas Steger (2022): How do employees cope with mandatory working from home during COVID-19? In: German Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 36, H. 3, S. 300-324. DOI:10.1177/23970022221079049


    "How do employees who are coerced to work from home during COVID-19 cope with this unprecedented situation? Drawing upon the job-demands-resources (JD-R) model and upon the literature on coping, we analyse empirical qualitative material which stems from two-stage interviews with and online diaries prepared by 15 white-collar employees in Romania. We identify four initial coping types in relation to mandatory working from home: ‘explorers’, ‘statics’, ‘chaotics’ and ‘irremediables’. In the follow-up stage of the field work, the ‘chaotic’ type of coping disappears. These findings in relation to the unique pandemic situation represent a significant contribution to the literature on working from home as well as on coping with stress." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    New insights into self-initiated work design: the role of job crafting, self-undermining and five types of job satisfaction for employee's health and work ability (2022)

    Döbler, Antonia-Sophie ; Wegge, Jürgen; Nowak, Joshua; Richter-Killenberg, Stefanie; Emmermacher, Andre;


    Döbler, Antonia-Sophie, Andre Emmermacher, Stefanie Richter-Killenberg, Joshua Nowak & Jürgen Wegge (2022): New insights into self-initiated work design: the role of job crafting, self-undermining and five types of job satisfaction for employee's health and work ability. In: German Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 113-147. DOI:10.1177/23970022211029023


    "The present study provides evidence for the important role of job crafting and self-undermining behaviors at work, two new concepts that were recently integrated into the well-known job demands-resources (JD-R) theory (Bakker and Demerouti, 2017). We investigate how these behaviors are associated with work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and work ability as a long-term indicator of employee’s well-being. Furthermore, we examine the moderating role of personal resources in the stress-strain process by comparing groups of employees representing the five types of job satisfaction defined by Bruggemann (1974). Data was collected in a cross-sectional study within a German DAX company’s manufacturing plant from 1145 blue- and white-collar workers. Results of structural equation modeling provided, as expected, support for an indirect effect of job demands and job resources on emotional exhaustion and work engagement through job crafting and self-undermining. Work ability, on the other hand, was mainly affected by emotional exhaustion, but not by work engagement. Most important, we found significant differences between path coefficients across the five types of job satisfaction indicating that these types represent important constellations of personal resources and job demands that should be considered both for analyzing stress at work and for offering tailored stress interventions in organizations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working-time mismatch and job satisfaction of junior academics (2022)

    Frei, Irina; Grund, Christian ;


    Frei, Irina & Christian Grund (2022): Working-time mismatch and job satisfaction of junior academics. In: Journal of business economics, Jg. 92, H. 7, S. 1125-1166. DOI:10.1007/s11573-022-01091-y


    "We examine the role of working-time mismatches (defined as the difference between actual and desired weekly working hours) in academics' job satisfaction. In doing so, we investigate how academics' career stage (predoc vs. postdoc) and contract status (part-time vs. full-time employment) moderate the relation between a mismatch in working hours and job-related well-being. Our results are based on longitudinal survey data among junior academics in the STEM fields indicate that mismatches in working hours are prevalent in academia and are associated with a loss of job satisfaction. In this context, overemployment (working more than desired) tends to unfold more severe consequences with respect to job satisfaction compared to underemployment. We find evidence for a similar reaction of doctoral students and postdocs with respect to job satisfaction when experiencing a working-time mismatch. Part-time employment positively moderates the link between working-time mismatch and job satisfaction for the case of underemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst: Eine Befragung zu Bindungsfaktoren in der Verwaltung (2022)

    Fulde, Michael; Laier, Jana;


    (2022): Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst. Eine Befragung zu Bindungsfaktoren in der Verwaltung. Berlin, 45 S.


    "Der Fachkräftemangel macht auch vor deutschen Verwaltungen nicht Halt. Neben der Rekrutierung von Nachwuchs, müssen Behörden ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in Zukunft aktiv zum Bleiben bewegen, um übermäßige Fluktuation zu verhindern. Eine Herausforderung für deutsche Verwaltungen, denn viele Instrumente, wie zum Beispiel Onboarding Prozesse, stehen in Behörden vielerorts noch nicht zur Verfügung. Alle Ergebnisse im Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst. Wichtigste Ressource im System der öffentlichen Leistungserbringung sind Mitarbeitende in Behörden. Diese werden aber immer weniger, zum einen durch altersbedingte Austritte, zum anderen durch Fluktuation, zum Beispiel in die Privatwirtschaft. Für Verwaltungen ist es deshalb essenziell, neben der Rekrutierung von neuen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, das bestehende Personal an sich zu binden. Welche Erwartungen die Beschäftigten an ihren Arbeitgeber haben und wie die Personalbindung gelingen kann, hat jetzt das Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst 2022 der Next:Public untersucht. Die schlechte Nachricht: 80 Prozent der Beschäftigten im Öffentlichen Dienst können sich vorstellen, den Arbeitgeber zu wechseln – knapp ein Drittel gar zu einem Arbeitgeber in der Privatwirtschaft Das hat die aktuelle Umfrage zum Bleibebarometer mit 7.500 Teilnehmenden aus dem Öffentlichen Dienst in Bund, Ländern und Kommunen ergeben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job satisfaction: towards internalizing the feeling of inequality between men and women (2022)

    Gaye, Maimouna;


    Gaye, Maimouna (2022): Job satisfaction: towards internalizing the feeling of inequality between men and women. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 54, H. 33, S. 3823-3839. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2021.2016589


    "The more pronounced job satisfaction among women is generally observed despite their less favorable work situation compared to men. However, regression analysis alone in a sample of non-comparable men and women may be subject to model misspecification. Our work uses an innovative matching procedure, Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM), to address this issue and analyze the reasons for the differential in job satisfaction between men and women with the same characteristics. Data from the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey are considered including five measures of satisfaction with career development prospects taken as a new measure. The results show that women are more satisfied with job security, while they seem less satisfied with their career development prospects. A similar level of satisfaction is observed between men and women with regard to social relations, overall satisfaction and salary. Exceptionally, the youngest women, or those with higher education, or employed at a higher hierarchical level, or working in male-dominated sectors, expressed levels of satisfaction that were the opposite of the other women. This is likely due to the fact that these women align their job expectations with those of their male counterparts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    An empirical analysis of the relationship between innovation activities and job satisfaction among French firms (2022)

    Grolleau, Gilles; Mzoughi, Naoufel; Pekovic, Sanja;


    Grolleau, Gilles, Naoufel Mzoughi & Sanja Pekovic (2022): An empirical analysis of the relationship between innovation activities and job satisfaction among French firms. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 133. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103689


    "Drawing on the literature on innovation climate and employee attitudes, we discuss how innovations could impact job satisfaction. Using lagged predictors and relevant control variables, we investigate empirically this relationship on a large sample of French firms. Our estimation results show that employees in companies that engage in innovation activities are more likely to report increased job satisfaction. Moreover, building on previous organizational research arguing that layoffs are likely to create detrimental workplace atmosphere and conditions, we test whether the relationship between innovation and job satisfaction is moderated by downsizing decisions among the examined firms. We draw several theoretical and managerial implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Arbeiten vor und während der Pandemie (2022)

    Grunau, Philipp ; Walz, Hannes ; Wolter, Stefanie;


    Grunau, Philipp, Hannes Walz & Stefanie Wolter (2022): Arbeiten vor und während der Pandemie. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht 604), Berlin, 66 S.


    "Die Art wie wir arbeiten unterlag schon immer einem gewissen Wandel, von der Industrialisierung über die Entstehung und Konsolidierung des Sozialstaats bis hin zu Digitalisierung und Flexibilisierung der heutigen Zeit („Arbeiten 4.0“). Dennoch scheint sich dieser Wandel in den letzten Jahren beschleunigt zu haben, insbesondere im Zuge der von der Corona-Pandemie geprägten vergangenen zwei Jahre. Dieser Bericht stellt daher die Veränderungen „erlebter Arbeit“ zwischen 2013 und 2021 dar, betrachtet somit also sowohl die Zeit vor als auch während der Pandemie. Dabei stehen die Beschäftigtenperspektive und somit subjektive Dimensionen im Fokus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohe Arbeitsdichte, mit hohem Termindruck bis 2017 und einer verstärkten Erreichbarkeit in der Freizeit. Gleichzeitig sinkt aber auch der Anteil der Beschäftigten, die Vereinbarkeits-Konflikte in Form von Störungen des Privatlebens durch Berufliches erleben. Die Arbeitszufriedenheit ist hoch, die Bindung an den Betrieb nimmt jedoch über die Zeit etwas ab, ein Trend, der während der Pandemie 2021 gebrochen wurde – ob nun temporär oder langfristig, müssen die kommenden Jahre und Befragungswellen zeigen. Während der Pandemie zeigen die Regressionsergebnisse, dass viele Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung zwischen verschiedenen Beschäftigtengruppen kleiner werden. Für befristete Beschäftigte hingegen finden wir Anzeichen, dass die Arbeitsqualität 2021 wahrscheinlich aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Lage schlechter geworden ist. Unvermindert stabil sind hingegen die Kollegialität und Hilfsbereitschaft unter KollegInnen. Bei der Analyse von Veränderungen der Arbeit basierend auf Berichten von Beschäftigten besteht natürlich potenziell der Nachteil, dass öffentliche Diskussionen über Themen der Arbeitsqualität möglicherweise Beschäftigte vor der Befragung dazu gebracht haben, ihre Arbeit neu zu bewerten, ohne dass sich für den Einzelnen/die Einzelne zwangsläufig objektive Änderung ergeben hätten. Nichtsdestotrotz bietet eine Betrachtung der Arbeitsqualität seitens von Beschäftigten unschätzbare Vorteile, nicht zuletzt da diese – subjektiven – Einschätzungen letztendlich deren Verhalten bestimmen, was insbesondere in Zeiten von Fachkräfteengpässen von Bedeutung ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Benefits of an Employee-Friendly Company on Job Attitudes and Health of Employees: Findings from Matched Employer–Employee Data (2022)

    Herr, Raphael M. ; Brokmeier, Luisa L. ; Fischer, Joachim E.; Mauss, Daniel;


    Herr, Raphael M., Luisa L. Brokmeier, Joachim E. Fischer & Daniel Mauss (2022): The Benefits of an Employee-Friendly Company on Job Attitudes and Health of Employees: Findings from Matched Employer–Employee Data. In: International journal of environmental research and public health, Jg. 19, H. 15. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19159046


    "This study explored the association of an employee-friendly work environment with employees’ job attitudes (engagement, commitment, turnover intentions, and job satisfaction), and health (mental and general health), applying matched employer–employee data. The German Linked Personnel Panel (LPP; n = 14,182) survey simultaneously captures the data of employees and the human resources (HR) management of companies. A two-step cluster analysis of 16 items of the HR valuation identified relatively more- and less-employee-friendly companies (EFCs). Logistic regressions tested differences between these companies in the assessment of job attitudes and health of their employees. Compared to less-EFCS, more-EFCS had a reduced risk of poorer job attitudes and substandard health of their employees. For example, the risk for higher turnover intentions was reduced by 33% in more-EFCS (OR = 0.683, 95% C.I. = 0.626–0.723), and more-EFCS had an 18% reduced chance of poor mental health reporting of their employees (OR = 0.822, 95% C.I. = 0.758–0.892). More-EFCS have more motivated and healthier employees. The most distinct factors for more-EFCS were: the existence of development plans for employees, opportunities for advancement and development, and personnel development measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © MDPI) ((en))

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    Exploring the Influences of Job Satisfaction for Europeans Aged 50 + from Ex-communist vs. Non-communist Countries (2022)

    Homocianu, Daniel ; Dospinescu, Octavian; Sireteanu, Napoleon-Alexandru;


    Homocianu, Daniel, Octavian Dospinescu & Napoleon-Alexandru Sireteanu (2022): Exploring the Influences of Job Satisfaction for Europeans Aged 50 + from Ex-communist vs. Non-communist Countries. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 159, H. 1, S. 235-279. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02754-z


    "The paper deals with the analysis of the influences of job satisfaction among Europeans aged 50 + (SHARE-ERIC's data set-Wave7) filtered on main residences and education before 1989. Besides confirming the leading role of the workplace atmosphere and own efforts recognition (dual-core), it further validates the assumption that education and residence in former communist countries count when analyzing job satisfaction and brings two particular types of models. We used many methods based on data mining and variable selection, ordinal and binary logistic and probit regressions, cross-validations via LASSO and mixed-effects modeling with random effects on countries, average marginal effects, and logistic-based prediction nomograms. We discovered seven common influences that count the most when analyzing job satisfaction in these circumstances. It is about the dual-core above and the ones corresponding to older respondents, the better-educated ones (ISCED2011), those with computer skills, the ones endowed with thoroughness, and the ones having higher values of the CASP index of life quality. Depending on each of the two specific models, we discovered peculiarities related to the role of some economic (GDP and SMC to GDP) and institutional (WGI) indicators. For the ex-communist models, we found significant negative influences for both categories while, for non-communist ones, only the second category matters and has a positive role." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Wie Arbeit, Transformation und soziale Lebenslagen mit anti-demokratischen Einstellungen zusammenhängen: Befunde einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage (2022)

    Hövermann, Andreas ; Kohlrausch, Bettina; Voss-Dahm, Dorothea;


    Hövermann, Andreas, Bettina Kohlrausch & Dorothea Voss-Dahm (2022): Wie Arbeit, Transformation und soziale Lebenslagen mit anti-demokratischen Einstellungen zusammenhängen. Befunde einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper Forschungsförderung 241), Düsseldorf, 78 S.


    "Die vorliegende Analyse präsentiert detaillierte Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage zum Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeit, sozialer Lebenslage, Digitalisierungserfahrungen, Einstellungen zum sozial-ökologischen Wandel und anti-demokratischen Einstellungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt sowie gute, sichere Arbeitsbedingungen vor anti-demokratischen Einstellungen schützen. Ebenso wird gezeigt, dass die konkrete politische Gestaltung von Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt und der sozial-ökologischen Transformation eine hohe Bedeutung hat für die demokratische Integration der Bürger:innen und damit für die Stabilität der Demokratie." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employee satisfaction and asymmetric cost behavior: Evidence from Glassdoor (2022)

    Kim, Jonghwan; Ra, Kyeongheum ;


    Kim, Jonghwan & Kyeongheum Ra (2022): Employee satisfaction and asymmetric cost behavior. Evidence from Glassdoor. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 219. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110829


    "This study examines the effect of employee satisfaction on firms’ cost behavior. Exploring over a million employees’ ratings collected from Glassdoor.com between 2008 and 2020, we find that higher employee satisfaction is associated with a higher degree of asymmetry in cost behavior. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the association is more pronounced in industries that lay great store by human capital. Our results suggest that satisfied employees are a valuable asset that affects firms’ choices over cost behavior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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