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Dieses Themendossier bietet eine Auswahl von Literatur- und Forschungsprojektnachweisen zur Berufswahlforschung in Deutschland und anderen Ländern. Sie gibt einen Überblick über theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde zur Erklärung des Berufswahlverhaltens, zu Motiven der Berufswahl bei besonderen Personengruppen sowie zu Bestimmungsgründen und Einflussfaktoren bei der Entscheidungsfindung.
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Welche Erwartungen Abiturient*innen mit einem Studium oder einer Berufsausbildung verbinden (Serie "Berufsorientierung Jugendlicher") (2024)

    Anger, Silke ; Patzina, Alexander ; Toussaint, Carina; Lerche, Adrian; Sandner, Malte ; Dietrich, Hans ; Knau, Felix; Bernhard, Sarah ;


    Anger, Silke, Sarah Bernhard, Hans Dietrich, Felix Knau, Adrian Lerche, Alexander Patzina, Malte Sandner & Carina Toussaint (2024): Welche Erwartungen Abiturient*innen mit einem Studium oder einer Berufsausbildung verbinden (Serie "Berufsorientierung Jugendlicher"). In: IAB-Forum H. 03.09.2024, 2024-09-02. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240903.01


    "Nach dem Abitur eröffnen sich jungen Menschen alle weiterführenden Bildungswege. Neben der Wahl der Fachrichtung steht die Entscheidung zwischen Studium oder Berufsausbildung im Vordergrund. Hier geht es neben persönlichen Interessen und Fähigkeiten um die Erwartungen der Abiturient*innen hinsichtlich der Aussichten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und in Bezug auf die Arbeitsbedingungen nach einem Studium oder einer Ausbildung. Diese Erwartungen unterscheiden sich je nachdem, ob sie eher zu einem Studium oder einer Ausbildung tendieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Chancengleichheit und berufliche Bildung: Stellungnahme des IAB zur Anhörung der Enquetekommission I „Chancengleichheit in der Bildung“ des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen am 28.6.2024 (2024)

    Anger, Silke ; Schreyer, Franziska; Heß, Pascal ; Goßner, Laura ; Toussaint, Carina; Jaschke, Philipp ; Schels, Brigitte ; Leber, Ute;


    Anger, Silke, Laura Goßner, Pascal Heß, Philipp Jaschke, Ute Leber, Brigitte Schels, Franziska Schreyer & Carina Toussaint (2024): Chancengleichheit und berufliche Bildung. Stellungnahme des IAB zur Anhörung der Enquetekommission I „Chancengleichheit in der Bildung“ des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen am 28.6.2024. (IAB-Stellungnahme 02/2024), Nürnberg, 27 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.SN.2402


    "Zur schriftlichen Anhörung der Enquetekommission I „Chancengleichheit in der Bildung“ des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen hat das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung (IAB) seine Stellungnahme abgegeben. Darin werden Herausforderungen und Lösungen (praxistaugliche Ansätze zur Unterstützung erfolgreicher Maßnahmen) folgender Themenfelder behandelt: Verbesserung der Berufsorientierung und -vorbereitung in Schulen, der Übergänge aus der Schule in berufliche (Aus-)Bildung sowie den Übergangssektor, Verringerung von Ausbildungsabbrüchen, Erschließung der Potenziale der Berufsbildung für die Integration von Zugewanderten und Geflüchteten, Bedeutung von Rollenvorbildern, bildungspolitische Hebel für mehr Chancengleichheit, Bildungsforschung am IAB sowie Verringerung der Unterrepräsentation von Frauen in Handwerksberufen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    From Movements to Managers: Crossing Organizational Boundaries in the Field of Sustainability (2024)

    Augustine, Grace ; King, Brayden G.;


    Augustine, Grace & Brayden G. King (2024): From Movements to Managers: Crossing Organizational Boundaries in the Field of Sustainability. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 51, H. 2, S. 207-248. DOI:10.1177/07308884221142215


    "This study investigates a route to occupational activism whereby individuals with significant experience in a social movement enter organizational positions that have been established to address those same movement's concerns. Utilizing data on the career pathways of 800 individuals from the field of sustainability in higher education, we formulate and test hypotheses related to whether or not individuals with more experience in the environmental movement gain access to sustainability manager positions, and whether or not entry patterns change as the roles become more institutionalized. These questions matter because although movements pressure organizations to address issues such as equality, diversity, and sustainability, it is individuals inside organizations who are best positioned to institutionalize movement-aligned practices and policies. And if those individuals have movement backgrounds, they can be carriers of movement praxis and ideals. Through our analyses, we find that although individuals with more experience in the environmental movement have a higher likelihood of entering sustainability manager positions overall, their advantage diminishes as the positions become institutionalized as formalized organizational roles. Our findings contribute to scholarship on occupational activism and in particular to outstanding questions regarding the role of occupations and occupational members in furthering social movement ideals and initiatives inside organizations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic returns to reproducing parents' field of study (2024)

    Birkelund, Jesper Fels ;


    Birkelund, Jesper Fels (2024): Economic returns to reproducing parents' field of study. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 303-321. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13090


    "Research on the influence of family background on college graduates' earnings has not considered the importance of the match between parents' and children's field of study. Using a novel design based on within-family comparisons, I examine long-term earnings returns to reproducing parents' field of study in Denmark. I find that individuals whose field of study matches that of a parent have earnings that are 2 percent higher than those of their siblings with college degrees in different fields, on average. Earnings returns to field inheritance are highest in the fields of law (9 percent), medicine (6 percent), and engineering (4 percent) and are driven mainly by income from self-employment. I find no direct evidence of nepotism as the earnings advantage does not arise from inheritance of parents' firms or employment in parents' occupational network. My findings indicate that, although a college degree generally equalizes family background differences in economic outcomes, there are additional payoffs to field inheritance, particularly in traditional fields characterized by a high degree of social closure and self-employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The impact of field of study on the gender wage gap: evidence from the first job offer out of college (2024)

    Choi, Koangsung; Renna, Francesco ; Choe, Chung ;


    Choi, Koangsung, Francesco Renna & Chung Choe (2024): The impact of field of study on the gender wage gap: evidence from the first job offer out of college. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 56, H. 53, S. 6713-6729. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2023.2276078


    "Using a sample of recently graduated college students from South Korea, we estimate the effects of the between-majors and within-major gender wage gap. We use a recentered influence function to decompose the wage differential between majors and find that women face a higher rate of return to the field of study. In addition, women tend to select their program of study with the intention of optimizing their earnings potential relative to men. In calculating the within-major gender wage gap, we control for selectivity into a field of study extending the current methodology to a multinomial logit setting. We test our model using a sample of new graduates from South Korea. We consider six college majors. The within-major wage differential ranged from 8.2% for natural science graduates to 17% for social science graduates. After selection is accounted for, the gender wage gap becomes smaller in humanities graduates but increases in natural science and medicine graduates. Decomposing the selection correction term into explained and unexplained factors eliminates discrimination in medicine and points to reverse discrimination in natural science." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tertiary Education, Changing One's Educational Decision and the Role of Parental Preferences (2024)

    Christoph, Bernhard ; Spangenberg, Heike ; Quast, Heiko ;


    Christoph, Bernhard, Heike Spangenberg & Heiko Quast (2024): Tertiary Education, Changing One's Educational Decision and the Role of Parental Preferences. In: Research in Higher Education, Jg. 65, H. 2, S. 283-302., 2023-08-08. DOI:10.1007/s11162-023-09752-9


    "Unequal access to university and the decision processes that give rise to it are important factors in the accumulation of educational inequalities. In this paper, we investigate a specific aspect of such decision processes by focusing on those students who change their original plans to start a (nontertiary) vocational education and decide to pursue a tertiary degree instead. In doing so, we find that more than one-fifth of the students in our sample who originally planned to pursue a vocational education change their original decision in this way. Moreover, while students from a more advantaged background are more likely to go to university in the first place, those among them that initially opted for a vocational education are also more likely to change their decision and go to university instead. We also find that parental preferences for tertiary education play an important role in the process of changing one’s mind, even for adult children. Moreover, we find that differential parental preferences contribute to both the emergence of social background effects and - as a result - the perpetuation of educational inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Christoph, Bernhard ;
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    Parental networks, wage expectations, and the intergenerational educational mobility (2024)

    Damdinsuren, Erdenebulgan; Mitkova, Mariya ; Zaharieva, Anna ;


    Damdinsuren, Erdenebulgan, Mariya Mitkova & Anna Zaharieva (2024): Parental networks, wage expectations, and the intergenerational educational mobility. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 218, S. 146-175. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2023.12.004


    "We develop a novel theoretical framework for studying the relationship between parental social networks and educational choices of children allowing us to analyze the implications of network structure, especially size and homophily, for intergenerational schooling mobility. When the market skill premium is unobservable, families rely on noisy wage information obtained from their social contacts giving rise to heterogeneous expectations across families. Under skill homophily, children in low skill families are stronger affected by imprecise information due to a smaller number of interactions with high skill families, hence, their expectations are more dispersed and they are less likely to study. This yields a positive intergenerational schooling correlation. Empirically, a larger share of high skill parental friends is positively associated with a probability of studying, in line with the model, after controlling for the education of parents, cognitive abilities and personality traits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Perspektive Pflege? Die Sicht der Eltern auf die Berufswahl (2024)

    Driesel-Lange, Katja; Klein, Jerusha; Wentzel, Wenka; Morgenstern, Iris; Funk, Lore;


    Driesel-Lange, Katja, Jerusha Klein, Iris Morgenstern, Lore Funk & Wenka Wentzel (2024): Perspektive Pflege? Die Sicht der Eltern auf die Berufswahl. In: Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online, S. 1-19.


    "Um die Berufswahl zu meistern, wünschen sich Jugendliche vor allem Unterstützung durch ihre Eltern (vgl. Ulrich et al. 2019, 300). Eltern gelten als Einflussfaktor für Bildungs- und Berufsverläufe (vgl. Kracke/Middendorf/Buck 2018, 1). Darüber hinaus nehmen sie u. a. durch ihr Engagement Einfluss auf berufliche Entwicklungsprozesse (vgl. Kracke/Noack 2005, 187). Die elterliche Sicht wurde bisher, vor allem mit Blick auf unterschiedliche berufliche Domänen, wenig differenziert beleuchtet (z. B. Calmbach/Schleer 2020). 1599 Eltern wurden zu Einstellungen zur Berufswahl der Kinder und ihrer Sicht auf Berufsfelder befragt. In diesem Beitrag werden vor allem Gesundheitsberufe betrachtet, die als dynamische Domäne sowohl in ökonomischer als auch gesamtgesellschaftlicher Hinsicht von großer Bedeutung sind (vgl. Weyland 2020, 337). Nur ein Zehntel der Eltern bekundet, dass ihre Kinder Perspektiven in Gesundheitsberufen nachgehen. Sie schätzen ferner diese Berufe, im Vergleich mit naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Berufen, vor allem im Hinblick auf Verdienst und Karrieremöglichkeiten, eher kritisch ein. Erkennbar ist eine Hierarchie der Berufe, die sich möglicherweise aus vermuteten Erträgen und Perspektiven in spezifischen Berufen ergibt. Ausgehend von den Erkenntnissen zu den elterlichen Perspektiven der hier adressierten Domänen und Berufe sollen Implikationen für die Elternarbeit herausgestellt werden. Diese Befunde sind vor dem Hintergrund der von Eltern geäußerten Aufgabe des Aufzeigens von zukunftssicheren Berufen und der Breite an Ausbildungen und Studiengängen (vgl. Calmbach/Schleer 2020, 44) für Konzepte der Beruflichen Orientierung zu diskutieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Compromises in occupational choice and premature termination of vocational education and training: gender type, prestige, and occupational interests in focus (2024)

    Fischer-Browne, Melanie ; Kleinert, Corinna ; Ahrens, Lea; Schels, Brigitte ;


    Fischer-Browne, Melanie, Lea Ahrens, Corinna Kleinert & Brigitte Schels (2024): Compromises in occupational choice and premature termination of vocational education and training: gender type, prestige, and occupational interests in focus. In: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, Jg. 16, 2024-06-14. DOI:10.1186/s40461-024-00168-y


    "This study examines whether premature termination of vocational education and training (VET) is more likely when trainees have to make compromises between their realistic occupational aspirations and the occupation for which they are trained in terms of the occupational dimensions of gender type, prestige, and occupational interests. Specifically, it examines the relative importance of the three compromise dimensions on premature VET termination. The study is based on a sample of 3,241 VET entrants from a cohort of ninth graders in 2010 in the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS-SC4) in combination with aggregated data on occupational characteristics. Results from discrete hazard rate models indicate a higher risk of premature VET termination for trainees whose VET occupation differs from their realistic occupational aspiration from their school days. While compromises in prestige have no overall effect, both compromises in interests and gender type threaten the stability of VET. The results also indicate that compromises in interests have the strongest effect on the risk of premature VET termination and that the effects of compromises in gender type are partly mediated by the effects of compromises in interests. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis revealed that the main effects of compromises in gender type and prestige are gender specific." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mapping the distinct patterns of educational and social stratification in European countries (2024)

    Gogescu, Fiona ;


    Gogescu, Fiona (2024): Mapping the distinct patterns of educational and social stratification in European countries. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 271-288. DOI:10.1177/09589287241240966


    "This article analyzes how educational and initial vocational training systems in Europe vary regarding the way in which they structure educational routes for pupils of different academic ability. The study uses cluster analysis to explore the degree of similarity between 25 European countries, including variables related to: stratification within compulsory education; vocational orientation; links between initial vocational education and the labor market; transitions from secondary education; stratification within tertiary education; and links between educational qualifications and labor market outcomes. I identify three clusters of countries that have distinct patterns of stratification. This article contributes to the literature on educational regimes and school-to-work transitions by adding countries from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and integrating multiple dimensions pertaining to the link between educational and social stratification. Thus, it develops a more encompassing representation of the architecture of educational pathways in different European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    On the Importance of Social Status for Occupational Sorting (2024)

    Gola, Paweł;


    Gola, Paweł (2024): On the Importance of Social Status for Occupational Sorting. In: The Economic Journal, Jg. 134, H. 661, S. 2009-2040. DOI:10.1093/ej/uead119


    "Models of self-selection predict that occupations with flat wage schedules attract workers of lower average ability. However, in certain prominent occupations such as academia and the civil service, wages are flat yet the average skill level is high. In this paper, I examine whether social status concerns can explain this puzzle. I find that within-occupation status allows flat wage occupations to attract predominantly high-skilled workers, but only at the cost of attracting few workers overall. If, however, workers care about both within- and between-occupation status then occupations paying flat wages can be arbitrarily large and attract workers of high average skill. I conclude that within- and between-occupation status concerns act as complements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die duale Berufsausbildung im Handwerk: Immer mehr junge Menschen bleiben ihrem erlernten Beruf treu (2024)

    Hell, Stefan; Roth, Duncan ; Seibert, Holger; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele ;


    Hell, Stefan, Duncan Roth, Holger Seibert & Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio (2024): Die duale Berufsausbildung im Handwerk: Immer mehr junge Menschen bleiben ihrem erlernten Beruf treu. (IAB-Kurzbericht 18/2024), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2418


    "Vielen Betrieben in Deutschland fällt es aktuell schwer, ihren Fachkräftebedarf zu decken. Zur Sicherung dieser Bedarfe spielt die duale Berufsausbildung eine zentrale Rolle. Doch selbst wenn ein Betrieb ausbildet, bedeutet dies nicht zwangsläufig, dass die Absolvent*innen in ihrem Ausbildungsbetrieb oder -beruf verbleiben. Dieser Kurzbericht widmet sich der Entwicklung der Ausbildung im Handwerk sowie der Betriebs- und Berufstreue von Absolvent*innen in diesem Bereich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Innovation in career pathways across five countries (2024)

    Herdman, Paul; Mann, Anthony; Signoret, Patrick; Burke, Alison;


    Herdman, Paul, Anthony Mann, Alison Burke & Patrick Signoret (2024): Innovation in career pathways across five countries. (OECD education working papers 320), Paris, 87 S. DOI:10.1787/742bcd05-en


    "Since the Great Financial Crisis (2007–08) many countries have explored how education systems can better prepare students for their working lives in order to reduce youth unemployment and enhance educational engagement and achievement. This paper focuses on Career Pathways, learning programmes delivered in general secondary education that allow students to undertake a deep exploration of a vocational field of interest while keeping their options for the future open. In a first-of-its-kind analysis and building on understanding of historic provision, the study considers innovation in programme development in five predominantly Anglophone countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Scotland and the United States) since 2010. While historically participation in Career Pathways has been strongly associated with better employment outcomes for learners, evaluations have highlighted important challenges to their delivery at scale for the full range of learners. This paper reviews a range of responses to historic challenges based on study visits to five countries and closes with policy recommendations for future enhancement of provision." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Parental job loss and children’s career choices (2024)

    Huttunen, Kristiina; Riukula, Krista ;


    Huttunen, Kristiina & Krista Riukula (2024): Parental job loss and children’s career choices. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 90. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102578


    "We examine how shocks to parents’ careers affect the children’s educational choices and career outcomes. Using Finnish administrative data, we find that a father’s job loss decreases the likelihood of a child choosing the father’s study field. Children of displaced fathers have lower earnings and are more likely to choose study fields with lower predicted earnings; however, we find no effects on the outcomes measured before study choices are made, such as school grades, inactivity and juvenile delinquency. The results suggest that labor market shocks can carry over to the next generation through children’s career choices." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Same degrees, different outcomes? Fields of study choices and gender wage inequality in Finland and Germany (2024)

    Hägglund, Anna Erika;


    Hägglund, Anna Erika (2024): Same degrees, different outcomes? Fields of study choices and gender wage inequality in Finland and Germany. In: Social science research, Jg. 122. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2024.103029


    "Men and women's diverging fields of study choices contribute to the gender wage gap among highly educated workers in several countries, yet systematic cross-national comparisons are rare. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, the German Microcensus, and Statistics Finland this study explores whether fields of study shape the gender wage gap differently in Germany than in Finland; two countries that display strong linkages between education and employment, but differ in the generosity of family policies. The results show that fields of study are an important source of gender wage disparities in both countries. In Germany, associations between characteristics of fields and wages do not seem to differ between the genders. In Finland, the findings suggest that women profit more than men from fields with strong linkages to occupations. Our findings highlight that research analyzing the association between fields of study and gender inequality needs to consider institutional features and gender-specific patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Intergenerational transmission or local labor market context? A comparative analysis of the formation of work value patterns in 65 European regions (2024)

    Hörisch, Felix ; Weiss, Julia ;


    Hörisch, Felix & Julia Weiss (2024): Intergenerational transmission or local labor market context? A comparative analysis of the formation of work value patterns in 65 European regions. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 690-709. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12634


    "This article analyzes the driving factors behind the formation of individual work values in European welfare states. By comparing relative preferences for extrinsic and intrinsic work values, we shed light on the discussion of the effects of intergenerational transmission and the structuring effects of labor market policies and regional opportunity structures on the formation of work values. Therefore, a multilevel analysis is applied using the innovative CUPESSE data set, which provides data on young adults and their parents in 65 NUTS‐1‐regions from 11 European countries. The results show that individual work values of young Europeans are most substantively shaped by the respective values of their parents. Furthermore, we demonstrate that individual characteristics such as sex, education and personal unemployment experiences determine preferences for work values. Finally, the paper shows that the local labor market context and welfare state arrangements also play a decisive role in the formation of individual work values." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsinformationen als Datenbasis für eine verbesserte Abstimmung zwischen Bildung und Beschäftigung: Ein Verfahren zur Entwicklung beruflicher Curricula (2024)

    Jepsen, Maik;


    Jepsen, Maik (2024): Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsinformationen als Datenbasis für eine verbesserte Abstimmung zwischen Bildung und Beschäftigung. Ein Verfahren zur Entwicklung beruflicher Curricula. In: A. Grimm, V. Herkner, T. Karges & R. Schlausch (Hrsg.) (2024): Dekarbonisierung, Digitalisierung, Demographie. Gestaltungsanspruch für gewerblich-technische Facharbeit und Bildung, S. 101-113.


    "Eine der Herausforderungen in der Curriculumentwicklung beruflicher Bildungsangebote besteht darin, relevante Informationen über Arbeitsaufgaben und deren Anforderungen in der Beschäftigung zu identifizieren. Auf diesen Erkenntnissen basierend folgen didaktische Entscheidungen. Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit stellt mit ihren Informationssystemen eine umfassende Datenbasis über Berufe im Arbeitsmarkt zur Verfügung, die bislang nur wenig für curriculare Entwicklungen genutzt wird. Der Beitrag stellt einen Ansatz vor, wie sich diese erwerbsberuflichen Daten nutzen lassen, um berufliche Curricula besser mit den Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes abzustimmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Peter Lang)

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    Die Zuordnung der Hauptfachrichtung im Mikrozensus zur KldB 2010 (2024)

    Kalinowski, Michael; Maier, Tobias ; Schroer, Jan Philipp;


    Kalinowski, Michael, Tobias Maier & Jan Philipp Schroer (2024): Die Zuordnung der Hauptfachrichtung im Mikrozensus zur KldB 2010. (BIBB discussion paper / Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung), Bonn, 61 S.


    "Der Mikrozensus stellt als 1-Prozent-Stichprobe aller Haushalte Deutschlands Daten zur Struktur sowie zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Lage der Bevölkerung bereit. Seit dem Erhebungsjahr 2005 wird für den höchsten beruflichen Abschluss aller beruflichen und akademischen Ausbildungsstätten verpflichtend die Hauptfachrichtung erfragt. Dem Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) steht diese Information auf der kleinsten Aggregationstiefe zur Verfügung. Dieser Beitrag veranschaulicht, wie die im Jahr 2018 neu eingeführte Systematik der Hauptfachrichtung in Kombination mit dem höchsten beruflichen Abschluss in eine Berufsgattung (Fünfsteller) der Klassifikation der Berufe 2010 (KldB 2010) überführt werden kann und zeigt, welche Schlüsse sich daraus für die berufliche Qualifizierung der Bevölkerung Deutschlands ergeben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Institution, Major, and Firm-Specific Premia: Evidence from Administrative Data (2024)

    Ost, Ben; Pan, Weixiang; Webber, Douglas A.;


    Ost, Ben, Weixiang Pan & Douglas A. Webber (2024): Institution, Major, and Firm-Specific Premia: Evidence from Administrative Data. (Finance and economics discussion series / Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 2024-018), Washington, DC, o. Sz. DOI:10.17016/FEDS.2024.018


    "We examine how a student’s field of Degree and institution attended contribute to the labor market outcomes of young graduates. Administrative panel data that combines student transcripts with matched employer-employee records allow us to provide the first decomposition of premia into individual and firm-specific components. We find that both major and institutional premia are more strongly related to the firm-specific component of wages than the individual-specific component of wages. On average, a student’s major is a more important predictor of future wages than the selectivity of the institution attended, but major premia (and their relative ranking) can differ substantially across institutions, suggesting the importance of program-level data for prospective students and their parents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Information intervention on long-term earnings prospects and the gender gap in major choice (2024)

    Peter, Frauke ; Spieß, C. Katharina ; Schober, Pia ;


    Peter, Frauke, Pia Schober & C. Katharina Spieß (2024): Information intervention on long-term earnings prospects and the gender gap in major choice. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 40, H. 2, S. 258-275. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcad055


    "This study investigates whether an intervention that provided high school seniors with information on costs and economic returns to tertiary education and on the long-term earnings prospects of college graduates from different study fields enhances the probability that male and female students opt for financially more rewarding study fields and for business-related or STEM fields with a lower share of women. It extends our understanding on the potentials of information interventions for reducing gender segregation in tertiary education. We draw on a field experiment in one German federal state, Berlin, which included a randomized information intervention, and analyze longitudinal data from 1,036 students in schools with a high share of less privileged students. Our results show that a short and low-cost information intervention on costs and returns to college education, including returns in different fields of study, can substantially reduce women's enrolment in care/social subjects, increase their enrolment in other, non-technical fields while also increasing men's enrolment in technical fields with above-average earnings. The overall effects appear limited in challenging the gender-typicality of enrolment choices, as students tend to choose more profitable majors while avoiding gender-atypical fields." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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