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Menschen mit Behinderungen in Ausbildung und Beruf

Mit dem Bundesteilhabegesetz und dem Nationalen Aktionsplan 2.0 wurden 2016 zwei wichtige behindertenpolitische Vorhaben angestoßen und in den Folgejahren umgesetzt und weiterentwickelt. Damit soll im Einklang mit der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention die Inklusion in Deutschland weiter vorangetrieben werden, indem die Selbstbestimmung und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen gestärkt werden. Mit dem schrittweisen Inkrafttreten des Bundesteilhabegesetzes erfuhren das Recht der Rehabilitation und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen und die Eingliederungshilfe (SGB IX) weitreichende Änderungen. Wie stellt sich die Situation von behinderten Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dar? Wie lassen sich behindertengerechte Berufsleben und inklusive Arbeitswelten gestalten?
Die Infoplattform stellt zentrale Dokumente und relevante Quellenhinweise zusammen, inhaltlich strukturiert nach den Aspekten der Politik für behinderte Menschen und den diskutierten bzw. realisierten Reformanstrengungen.

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im Aspekt "Europäische Union"
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    Exploring the disability–poverty nexus in children: a cross-national comparative analysis in Europe (2024)

    Vinck, Julie;


    Vinck, Julie (2024): Exploring the disability–poverty nexus in children: a cross-national comparative analysis in Europe. In: The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Jg. 32, H. 1, S. 65-99. DOI:10.1332/17598273y2023d000000006


    "By ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, states committed themselves to ensure an adequate standard of living and social protection to all persons with disabilities, including children. Yet, prior studies showed that children with disabilities are more likely to grow up poor. Existing research has mainly focused on single-country case studies or comparative analyses for low- and middle-income countries. Due to the lack of good quality data, comparative studies on poverty outcomes, its determinants and the poverty-reducing role of social transfers among children with disabilities in high-income countries are largely missing. This article addresses these gaps using the 2017 EU-SILC cross-sectional survey. The results show great differences across Europe in the prevalence of childhood disability, the poverty outcomes of children with disabilities and the poverty-reducing effectiveness of social transfers for them. In only a third of European countries are children with disabilities more likely to live in poor households than children without disabilities. Countries that perform weakly for children without disabilities also perform weakly for children with disabilities. Moreover, social transfers achieve more for children with disabilities in more than half of European countries. The family’s employment participation and social background have the expected poverty-reducing effects for children with disabilities and children without disabilities, though the strength of some effects differs between the two groups within certain geographical regions. However, the income-based poverty indicator disregards the higher costs families with children with disabilities face which underestimates their poverty risk. More research is needed on which poverty indicator accurately reflects the real living standards of children with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Policy Press) ((en))

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    European Semester 2022 - mainstreaming disability equality (2023)

    Priestley, Mark;


    Priestley, Mark (2023): European Semester 2022 - mainstreaming disability equality. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 155 S. DOI:10.2767/480741


    "The Semester in 2022 built on the exceptional circumstances of the previous policy cycle, resulting from EU response to the COVID-19 crisis. The scope returned to a broader perspective on economic and employment policy co-ordination but remained closely aligned to implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Some of the key features of previous cycles were resumed, although in streamlined form. These include the submission of National Reform Programmes by the Member States, the preparation of Country Reports by Commission staff, and proposals to the Council for country-specific recommendations. The integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the Semester process also continues. From a disability perspective, the Semester process should give due regard to mainstreaming disability equality in all of its aspects. Disability concerns and data should be visible at each stage of the policy cycle and their coverage should align, wherever possible, with the European Disability Strategy, with national disability strategies and actions plans, and with implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Europe. These are the key challenges addressed in this synthesis report" (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Policy brief on supporting persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship (2023)


    "This policy brief, prepared by the OECD and European Commission, explores the potential of entrepreneurship policy to support the labour market participation of people with disabilities. Disabilities vary widely in type, severity, stability, duration and time of onset, and these characteristics influence individual capacities and willingness to be active in the labour market. Self-employment can be appropriate for some in this population because it can provide more flexibility than paid employment in terms of workload, work schedule and work location, which can allow for better management of disability and lifestyle. This brief provides an overview of the policy rationale for entrepreneurship support for people with disabilities and provides a brief overview of the scale and nature of self-employment activities by people with disabilities and suggests potential actions for governments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Catalogue of positive actions to encourage the hiring of persons with disabilities and combating stereotypes (2023)


    "The right of persons with disabilities to work and be employed on an equal basis with others is enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which has been ratified by all EU Member States. Principle 17 of the European Pillar of Social Rights reaffirms the right of persons with disabilities to services that enable them to participate in the labor market and a work environment adapted to their needs. Closing the employment gap between persons with and without disabilities is one of the objectives of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, which invited Member States to set national targets for employment and adult learning for persons with disabilities. One of the Strategy’s seven flagship initiatives is the Disability Employment Package. The Package aims to improve the labour market outcomes of persons with disabilities by providing guidance and good practices for employers, employers’ associations, and public authorities, as well as by raising awareness about persons with disabilities and by combating stereotypes. (...) This catalogue, which the Commission produced with the help of the European Disability Expertise (EDE) project and the members of the Disability Platform subgroup on employment, is one of the Package’s deliverables. It publicises positive actions carried out by employers and public authorities in Europe to hire persons with disabilities. Those actions can be considered good practices and serve as an inspiration for employers, employers’ organizations, public authorities, trade unions and other stakeholders that support employment of persons with disabilities." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: Practitioner toolkit on strengthening PES to improve the labor market outcomes of persons with disabilities (2022)

    Genova, Angela; Davern, Eamonn;


    Genova, Angela & Eamonn Davern (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services: Practitioner toolkit on strengthening PES to improve the labor market outcomes of persons with disabilities. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 54 S. DOI:10.2767/034981


    "This toolkit provides Public Employment Services (PES) with practice-oriented knowledge to improve labor market outcomes for persons with disabilities. This toolkit provides a practical guide, with concrete examples, for how Public Employment Services (PES) can promote the participation of persons with disabilities in the labor market. The accessible toolkit intends to support PES in their role as key agents for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). It is a deliverable of the European Commission’s new Disability Employment Package - a flagship initiative of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, as well as their own ambition to meet the needs of different client groups. The objective of the toolkit is to provide PES with information and advice on strategies and practices to support them in combatting labor market discrimination against persons with disabilities and further their effective labor market participation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: Mapping PES responses against labour market discrimination (2022)

    Hajnal, Áron ; Scharle, Ágota ;


    Hajnal, Áron & Ágota Scharle (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services: Mapping PES responses against labour market discrimination. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 45 S. DOI:10.2767/40536


    "The report provides an overview of PES approaches, based on a survey conducted in 2021. It shows that in most countries, the PES mandate is limited to its general role in supporting job search and protecting jobseekers’ rights. However, some PES have a detailed and proactive anti-discrimination strategy and other PES mainstream support into their overall approach of individualised services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How Does Disability Affect Income?: An Empirical Study on Older European Workers (2021)

    Bondoux, Justine; Renaud, Thomas; Barnay, Thomas; Jusot, Florence;


    Bondoux, Justine, Thomas Barnay, Thomas Renaud & Florence Jusot (2021): How Does Disability Affect Income? An Empirical Study on Older European Workers. (Series of ERUDITE working papers 2021-05), Marne-la-Vallée, 43 S.


    "This paper studies the impact on personal income resulting from the onset of disability. Using the longitudinal Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we compare the income trajectories of individuals who become disabled and of those remaining in healthy conditions during the same period. Assuming that a disability shock may result in a loss of global income due to the negative effect on wages being much higher than the positive effect on compensation incomes, we strive to identify a causal impact by combining a difference-in-differences approach with kernel propensity score matching, thus allowing us to take into account observable and time-invariant unobservable individual characteristics. We find a clear heterogeneity of effect according to the level of disability. Although the Global Activity Limitation Indicator shows no effect on personal income, our findings suggest a negative impact on personal income when the shock of disability appears to be strong, as in the case of a more severe disability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How the Welfare-State Regime Shapes the Gap in Subjective Well-Being Between People With and Without Disabilities (2021)

    Hadjar, Andreas ; Kotitschke, Edith;


    Hadjar, Andreas & Edith Kotitschke (2021): How the Welfare-State Regime Shapes the Gap in Subjective Well-Being Between People With and Without Disabilities. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 73, H. 4, S. 501-525. DOI:10.1007/s11577-021-00805-4


    "Der vorliegende Beitrag nimmt Behinderung, eine wenig beleuchtete Ungleichheitsachse, und subjektives Wohlbefinden in den Blick. Aufbauend auf die Theorie der sozialen Produktionsfunktionen wird der allgemeinen Annahme gefolgt, dass Menschen mit Behinderungen nicht die gleichen Möglichkeiten wie Menschen ohne Behinderungen haben, Ressourcen, instrumentelle Ziele und letztlich Wohlbefinden zu erlangen. Soziale Teilhabe und Arbeitsmarktintegration scheinen bedeutsame Mechanismen hinter den angesprochenen Disparitäten zu sein. Das Sozialsystem eines Landes auf der Makroebene prägt ebenso Unterschiede im subjektiven Wohlbefinden zwischen Gruppen. Die Hauptziele dieses Beitrags bestehen entsprechend darin, den Unterschied im subjektiven Wohlbefinden zwischen Menschen mit und ohne Behinderungen zu analysieren. Inwieweit lässt sich dieser Unterschied durch Unterschiede in sozialer Teilhabe und Arbeitsmarktintegration erklären, und wie prägt das Wohlfahrtsstaatsregime den Unterschied in subjektivem Wohlbefinden zwischen Menschen mit und ohne Behinderungen? Im Kern der Forschung stehen Mehrebenenanalysen von kumulierten Daten des European Social Survey aus 31 europäischen Ländern. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Menschen mit Behinderungen ein signifikant geringeres subjektives Wohlbefinden zeigen als Menschen ohne Behinderungen. Wohlfahrtsstaatsregimes moderieren diesen Unterschied, wobei die Performanz der skandinavischen sozialdemokratischen (und familienorientierten) Länder hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung gleicher Lebensbedingungen für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderungen offenbar im Vergleich am stärksten erscheint." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Disability and labor market outcomes: Disability is associated with labor market disadvantage; evidence points to this being a causal relationship (2021)

    Jones, Melanie ;


    Jones, Melanie (2021): Disability and labor market outcomes. Disability is associated with labor market disadvantage; evidence points to this being a causal relationship. (IZA world of labor 253), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.253.v2


    "Die Häufigkeit gesundheitlicher Einschränkungen und damit verbundener Arbeitsmarktnachteile erfordert eine politische Antwort, die soziale und ökonomische Negativeffekte reduziert. Die richtigen Politikansätze zu finden, wird neben Messproblemen dadurch erschwert, dass zwischen Diskriminierung und dem Einfluss von Behinderungen auf Arbeitspräferenzen und -produktivität oft nur schwer differenziert werden kann. Die Erkenntnis, dass die Arbeitsmarktwirkungen von gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen je nach ihrer Art, Schwere und Dauer anders zu beurteilen sind, kann dabei helfen, zielgerichtetere Unterstützungsangebote und Anreize für eingeschränkt Erwerbsfähige zu schaffen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Disability and labour market integration: Policy trends and support in EU Member States (2021)

    Patrini, Valentina; Ahrendt, Daphne;


    Patrini, Valentina & Daphne Ahrendt (2021): Disability and labour market integration: Policy trends and support in EU Member States. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 77 S. DOI:10.2806/143896


    "This report examines policy developments in EU Member States aimed at supporting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the open labour market, with a particular focus on the three stages of entering into employment, staying in the job and returning to work after an absence. It explores the mechanisms and effectiveness of more than 150 different policy measures designed to address the dimensions in place in the EU before the COVID-19 pandemic: job creation, labour supply, labour demand and contextual factors. In addition, it provides an updated analysis of early policy measures created in the wake of the pandemic that aimed to support the labour market situation of people with disabilities. A country case study on Ireland complements the study by outlining the complexity of disability and support systems from a broader perspective. The report builds on the lessons learned and provides policy pointers to improve the integration of people with disabilities into the open labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The disability employment gap in European countries: What is the role of labour market policy? (2021)

    Zwan, Roos van der; de Beer, Paul;


    Zwan, Roos van der & Paul de Beer (2021): The disability employment gap in European countries: What is the role of labour market policy? In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 31, H. 4, S. 473-486. DOI:10.1177/09589287211002435


    "Across Europe, the labour market participation of persons with disabilities remains lower than that of persons without a disability. Our research examines this disability employment gap, looking specifically at its variation by country and gender. Additionally, we test the influence of labour market policies - testing both the social investment perspective and the welfare scepticism perspective - on the size of the gap, in an effort to determine whether a more generous welfare state raises or lowers the employment rate of people with disabilities. Using the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), we show that Southern European countries have the smallest disability employment gap. Whereas stricter employment protection legislation is found to be beneficial for people with disabilities on the labour market, other labour market policies specifically intended to benefit this group do not strongly affect their chances on the labour market. These findings support the social investment perspective and show that social policies can have a positive effect on the employment of people with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluating social investment in disability policy (2020)

    Folmer, Christopher P. Reinders; Veen, Romke van der; Mascini, Peter;


    Folmer, Christopher P. Reinders, Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020): Evaluating social investment in disability policy. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 54, H. 5, S. 792-812. DOI:10.1111/spol.12579


    "Disability policy in European countries is displaying a shift towards social investment: increasing human capital and access to the labour market. The reasoning that underlies this transition is that disabled persons would benefit from mainstream employment, but are impeded in traditional policy by deficiencies in labour supply and demand. However, the shift towards more activating policies in many countries is accompanied by a decline in social protection. It is unclear whether social investment may effectively promote the employment chances of disabled persons within this context. The present research examines this question through a quantitative, cross‐sectional, multilevel analysis on microdata from 22 EU countries. Our findings suggest greater activation to predict lower employment chances, while reducing passive support shows mixed effects. Conversely, measures for facilitation in daily life predict greater employment chances, as do measures for sheltered work. These findings raise questions over the value of social investment for disabled persons - and underline the need to overcome broader barriers in the labour market and in society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Die soziale und Beschäftigungssituation von Menschen mit Behinderungen (2018)

    Ahrendt, Daphne;


    Ahrendt, Daphne (2018): Die soziale und Beschäftigungssituation von Menschen mit Behinderungen. (Eurofound Kurzbericht), Dublin, 20 S. DOI:10.2806/284490


    "Menschen mit Behinderungen gehören zu den am stärksten benachteiligten Gruppen in der EU. In diesem Kurzbericht wird die soziale Situation von Menschen mit Behinderungen im erwerbsfähigen Alter anhand von Daten aus den Erhebungsrunden 2011 und 2016 der Europäischen Erhebung zur Lebensqualität (EQLS) näher beleuchtet. Es werden die Änderungen in diesem Zeitraum in den Bereichen Beschäftigung, allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, Teilhabe an der Gesellschaft, sozialer Schutz und Gesundheitsversorgung untersucht, die allesamt Schwerpunktbereiche der Europäischen Strategie zugunsten von Menschen mit Behinderungen darstellen. Thematisiert wird aber auch das subjektive Wohlbefinden dieser Gruppe von Europäern, und es werden die Faktoren untersucht, die deren Wohlbefinden beeinflussen. Unter den Empfehlungen für die Politik wird in dem Kurzbericht unterstrichen, was noch zu tun ist, um die Beschäftigungssituation von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu verbessern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The changing disability policy system: active citizenship and disability in Europe. Volume 1 (2017)

    Halvorsen, Rune; Hvinden, Bjørn; Bickenbach, Jerome; Guillén Rodriguez, Ana Marta; Ferri, Delia;


    Halvorsen, Rune, Bjørn Hvinden, Jerome Bickenbach, Delia Ferri & Ana Marta Guillén Rodriguez (Hrsg.) (2017): The changing disability policy system. Active citizenship and disability in Europe. Volume 1. (Routledge advances in disability studies), London: Routledge, 239 S.


    "Being an 'active citizen' involves exercising social rights and duties, enjoying choice and autonomy, and participating in political decision-making processes which are of importance for one's life. Amid the new challenges facing contemporary welfare states, debate over just how 'active' citizens can and ought to be has redoubled. Presenting research from the first major comparative and cross-national study of active citizenship and disability in Europe, this book analyses the consequences of ongoing changes in Europe - what opportunities do persons with disabilities have to exercise Active Citizenship?
    The Changing Disability Policy System: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 1 approaches the conditions for Active Citizenship from a macro perspective in order to capture the impact of the overall disability policy system. This system takes diverse and changing forms in the nine European countries under study. Central to the analysis are issues of coherence and coordination between three subsystems of the disability policy system, and between levels of governance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A new kid in town? Active inclusion elements in European minimum income schemes (2017)

    Marchal, Sarah ; Mechelen, Natascha Van;


    Marchal, Sarah & Natascha Van Mechelen (2017): A new kid in town? Active inclusion elements in European minimum income schemes. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 171-194. DOI:10.1111/spol.12177


    "This article assesses the current variation in activation strategies directed towards able-bodied persons of working age relying on a minimum income guarantee in 19 EU member states. First, we argue that the active inclusion notion developed by the European Commission in its Recommendation on the active inclusion of persons excluded from the labour market provides a useful tool to categorize current activation strategies towards minimum income protection (MIP) recipients. Consequently, we assess the empirical viability of active inclusion strategies in a fuzzy set ideal type analysis of purpose-collected institutional data. We find that there are only few countries where the activation discourse has remained a dead letter. Most countries implement policy measures that aim to discourage benefit dependency among MIP recipients. Nevertheless, behind the realities of activation strategies towards MIP recipients seldom lies the notion of active inclusion as defined by the European Commission. Particularly, many countries focus predominantly on incentives to increase labour market participation rates of MIP recipients, rather than enabling measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability and labor market outcomes: disability is associated with labor market disadvantage (2016)

    Jones, Melanie ;


    Jones, Melanie (2016): Disability and labor market outcomes. Disability is associated with labor market disadvantage. (IZA world of labor 253), Bonn, 10 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.253


    "In Europe, about one in eight people of working age report having a disability; that is, the presence of a long-term limiting health condition. Despite the introduction of a range of legislative and policy initiatives designed to eliminate discrimination and facilitate retention of and entry into work, disability is associated with substantial and enduring employment disadvantages. Identifying the reasons for this is complex, but critical to determine effective policy solutions that reduce the social and economic costs of disability disadvantage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Deutschland noch weit von UN-Zielvorgaben entfernt: Analysen zur Arbeitsmarktsituation von behinderten Menschen in der Europäischen Union (2015)

    Berger, Catrin;


    Berger, Catrin (2015): Deutschland noch weit von UN-Zielvorgaben entfernt. Analysen zur Arbeitsmarktsituation von behinderten Menschen in der Europäischen Union. In: Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren H. 53, S. 1-7.


    "Ein wichtiges Teilziel aktueller Behindertenpolitik ist die Inklusion behinderter Menschen in den regulären Arbeitsmarkt. Die Ausgangsbedingungen hierfür sind in den Ländern der Europäischen Union sehr unterschiedlich - einige Länder setzen schon lange auf Partizipation im Sinne von Inklusion, andere sahen ihre Hauptaufgabe bisher in der Kompensation von Einkommensausfällen der überwiegend nicht erwerbstätigen behinderten Bevölkerung oder setzten ihren Schwerpunkt v. a. auf die Wiedereingliederung und Rehabilitation von Arbeitnehmern. In diesem Beitrag wird nun die Beschäftigungssituation behinderter Menschen in den EU-Ländern unter Berücksichtigung der verschiedenen behindertenpolitischen Fundamente vergleichend untersucht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stand der ICF-Entwicklung und Nutzung im Bereich der Beruflichen Rehabilitation in Europa (2015)

    Morfeld, Matthias; Stritter, Wiebke; Lentz, Rainer; Friedrichs, Anke; Robinson, Katja;


    Morfeld, Matthias, Anke Friedrichs, Wiebke Stritter, Rainer Lentz & Katja Robinson (2015): Stand der ICF-Entwicklung und Nutzung im Bereich der Beruflichen Rehabilitation in Europa. In: Berufliche Rehabilitation, Jg. 29, H. 1, S. 11-19.


    "Die ICF stellt das von der WHO entwickelte Rahmenkonzept der funktionalen Gesundheit mit einer entsprechenden Klassifikation dar. Der Beitrag untersucht auf Basis von Recherchen und Literatur den Grad der Nutzung der ICF im Bereich der Beruflichen Rehabilitation in Europa. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Verbreitung der ICF im Bereich der beruflichen Rehabilitation in Europa sehr unterschiedlich fortgeschritten ist. Als führende Nation auf dem Gebiet der ICF-Implementierung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation können nach Stand dieser Recherche (ausgenommen Deutschland) vor allem die Schweiz, Italien, die Niederlande, Schweden und Norwegen genannt werden. In diesen Ländern wird die ICF in Wissenschaft und Praxis weitestgehend selbstverständlich als zu Grunde liegendes Konzept für die berufliche Rehabilitation angesehen und verwendet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Wage differentials and disability across Europe: Discrimination and/or lower productivity? (2012)

    Malo, Miguel Á.; Pagán, Ricardo;


    Malo, Miguel Á. & Ricardo Pagán (2012): Wage differentials and disability across Europe: Discrimination and/or lower productivity? In: International Labour Review, Jg. 151, H. 1/2, S. 43-60. DOI:10.1111/j.1564-913X.2012.00134.x


    "The authors measure wage discrimination against disabled persons after controlling for unobserved disability-related productivity differences. Using data for 11 European countries from the European Community Household Panel (1995-2001), they estimate wage equations for persons with disabilities hampering them in daily activities, for those not hampered, and for non-disabled people. Most countries showed no relevant wage differential against disabled workers not so hampered, compared with non-disabled workers. Where it existed, it related mainly to low productivity characteristics, not wage discrimination. However, compared with non-disabled workers, disabled workers hampered in daily activities suffered from low productivity characteristics and wage discrimination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems (2012)

    McAnaney, Donal; Wynne, Richard; DeVos, Edwin; Spooren, Jan; Reijenga, Femke; Delfosse, Claude;


    McAnaney, Donal, Richard Wynne, Edwin DeVos, Femke Reijenga, Claude Delfosse & Jan Spooren (2012): Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems. Dublin, 119 S. DOI:10.2806/41643


    "Young people with disabilities or health problems face particular difficulties in accessing employment. Active inclusion policy is seen as the most appropriate policy instrument for combating the exclusion of these young people from the labour market. This study examines the implementation of active inclusion policy at national level in 11 EU Member States. The study reviews policy in these countries and compiles information from 44 case studies of good practice among diverse and innovative service providers. The study concludes that policy and practice need to focus more keenly on these young people, to learn from available evidence, and to take a more joined-up approach to service delivery." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Politik für Menschen mit Behinderung und zum Entschädigungsrecht in der EU, USA und Japan: ein Überblick 2011 (2011)


    "Mit der Ratifizierung des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen ist dieses Abkommen seit dem 26. März 2009 auch für Deutschland verbindlich. Die Bundesregierung will die Impulse, die durch das Übereinkommen in unserem Land spürbar sind, aufnehmen und die deutsche Politik für Menschen mit Behinderungen weiter vorantreiben.
    Da auch andere Staaten das VN-Übereinkommen ratifiziert haben und eine erfolgreiche Behindertenpolitik umsetzen, soll in dieser Publikation diese Politik aller EU-Staaten und der Vertragsstaaten USA und Japan dargestellt werden, damit so die Zahlen und Fakten zur Lage behinderter Menschen und die Behindertenpolitik des jeweiligen Landes besser bekannt werden und verglichen werden können. Außerdem wird dargestellt, welche Maßnahmen andere Staaten in ihrer Behindertenpolitik ergriffen haben, um aus diesem Wissen Verbesserungspotenziale für die deutsche Politik zu Gunsten behinderter Menschen zu erkennen.
    Aus diesem Grund sind die Regierungen der oben genannten Länder über die deutschen Botschaften um Hilfe gebeten worden, den Fragebogen zum Thema Behinderung zu beantworten. Neben diesem Fragebogen erfolgte eine weitere Abfrage zu Fragen aus dem Bereich des Sozialen Entschädigungsrechts einschließlich des Gewaltopferrechts." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems: background paper (2010)

    Wynne, Richard; McAnaney, Donal;


    Wynne, Richard & Donal McAnaney (2010): Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems. Background paper. Dublin, 40 S.


    "This report reviews the evidence to support the contention that increasing numbers of young people (16-34 years) are entering the disability benefits system. It attempts to place this evidence within the context of the many factors that are known to influence the economic activity and labour market participation of young people with disabilities. The study also aims to document any measures targeted at young people with health problems to promote labour market inclusion and the ways in which these systems operate and interact. It makes specific reference to active inclusion measures, including the role of social, health and employment services, as well as educational systems and social partners." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Europäische Strategie zugunsten von Menschen mit Behinderungen 2010-2020: erneuertes Engagement für ein barrierefreies Europa. Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen (2010)


    "Mit dieser Strategie soll das gesamte Potenzial der EU-Charta der Grundrechte, des Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union und des VN-Übereinkommens ausgeschöpft sowie die Europa-2020-Strategie und ihre Instrumente voll genutzt werden. Die Strategie setzt einen Prozess in Gang, durch den für Menschen mit Behinderungen neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet werden, damit sie uneingeschränkt und gleichberechtigt mit anderen an der Gesellschaft teilhaben können. Angesichts der alternden Bevölkerung in Europa werden die Maßnahmen konkrete Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität eines wachsenden Teils der Bürger/innen haben. Die EU-Institutionen und die Mitgliedstaaten sind aufgerufen, im Rahmen dieser Strategie zusammenzuarbeiten, um ein barrierefreies Europa für alle zu schaffen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Disability policy of the European Union: the supranational level (2009)

    Waldschmidt, Anne;


    Waldschmidt, Anne (2009): Disability policy of the European Union. The supranational level. In: ALTER. European Journal of Disability Research, Jg. 3, H. 1, S. 8-23. DOI:10.1016/j.alter.2008.12.002


    "During recent years disability policy at the European level has changed from a formerly disregarded branch of traditional social policy into a modern policy formation which comprises not only social protection and labour market integration, but also equal rights and non-discrimination. In the light of this evolution, against the background of an ongoing research project the paper explores these questions: what kind of a political body is the European Union (EU)? What kind of impact does it have on disability policy? How did EU disability policy evolve? What are the relations between social policy and equal rights policy? Do different welfare regimes operate at the EU level? The article presents results of a systematic analysis of disability related policy documents of the EU covering the period from 1958 until 2005. The documentary analysis shows that from the late 1970s up to the middle of the 1990s EU disability policy has centred around labour market integration. During the last decade, however, the equal rights approach has got more and more dominant. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Socio-demographic determinants of disabled people: an empirical approach based on the European Community Household Panel (2007)

    Pascual, Marta; Cantarero, David ;


    Pascual, Marta & David Cantarero (2007): Socio-demographic determinants of disabled people. An empirical approach based on the European Community Household Panel. In: The Journal of Socio-Economics, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 275-287. DOI:10.1016/j.socec.2005.11.041


    "People suffering some form of disability represent a very important sector of society and they need guarantees that their rights are to be assured. The aim of this paper is to model the probability of an individual reporting non-hampered in daily activities by a chronic or mental health problem, illness or disability as a function of a range of socio-economic characteristics using the new data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A comparative study of the situation of Supported Employment in Europe (2007)

    Urries, Borja Jordan de; Verdugo, Miguel Angel; Beyer, Stephen;


    Urries, Borja Jordan de, Stephen Beyer & Miguel Angel Verdugo (2007): A comparative study of the situation of Supported Employment in Europe. Salamanca, 85 S.


    "Supported Employment (SE) in Europe, as stated by the European Union of Supportes Employment (EUSE), has experienced a rapid growth across Europe. However, no systematic research has been carried out providing reliable data in relation to these diverse realities across Europe. This study is the product of collaboration between the Community Integration Institute of the University of Salamanca, the Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities from Cardiff University and the European Union of Supported Employment. The purpose of the study was to carry out a descriptive quantitative study of the situation of SE in Europe, collecting data by means of specially designed survey. This survey set out to gather information about SE programmes in relation to the following: transition to/conversion of, users, professional stall, and economic resources and costs." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment guidance services for people with disabilities (2006)

    Wynne, Richard; O'Kelly, Caroline; MacAnaney, Donal; Fleming, Padraic;


    Wynne, Richard, Donal MacAnaney, Caroline O'Kelly & Padraic Fleming (2006): Employment guidance services for people with disabilities. Dublin, 64 S.


    "The number of people on long-term disability benefits in Europe is rising and this group is particularly at risk of social exclusion. Although many of those away from work for a long period due to illness or injury would like to rejoin the workforce, very few actually do so in practice. This situation means that potential workers are absent from the labour market and there is pressure on social security systems. One of the key strategies for reversing this trend and helping long-term benefit claimants to return to work is a system of effective employment guidance and counselling services. By looking at case studies in 10 Member States, this report identifies examples of good practice in employment services for people who have become disability claimants in the course of their working lives. It concludes that there is overall a lack of awareness of the specific needs of people on longterm disability benefits and a need for a wider range of initiatives specially targeted at this group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Modelle der Berufsbildung von behinderten Jugendlichen: die Suche nach dem optimalen Weg (2005)

    Baranauskiene, Ingrida; Gerulaitiene, Zivile;


    Baranauskiene, Ingrida & Zivile Gerulaitiene (2005): Modelle der Berufsbildung von behinderten Jugendlichen. Die Suche nach dem optimalen Weg. In: Berufliche Rehabilitation, Jg. 19, H. 5, S. 189-199.


    "In dem Beitrag werden die Besonderheiten der Modelle beruflicher Bildung von Personen mit leichtem Behinderungsgrad nach WHO, z. B. junger Menschen mit Lernbehinderung, anhand der Beispiele von 15 europäischen Berufsbildungsinstitutionen betrachtet. In Verallgemeinerung der Forschungsergebnisse kann man behaupten, dass die Auswahl eines bestimmten Modells kein wesentliches Kriterium der erfolgreichen Berufsbildung von Personen mit leichtem Behinderungsgrad und ihrer Berufsanpassung ist. Es ist klar, dass jedes Modell seine eigenen Vorteile und Nachteile hat. Darum gibt es auch genug Reserven, um jedes Modell zu perfektionieren. Dem 'idealen' Modell der Berufsbildung von Jugendlichen mit leichtem Behinderungsgrad kommt das 'Modell der beruflichen Konkurrenzfähigkeit' oder sogenanntes ' Duales Modell' am nächsten. In einer Kombination der Konkurrenzfähigkeitsidee mit einer beruflichen Unterstützung am Arbeitsplatz hätten wir einen Weg, nach dem die Anhänger des sozialen Paradigma beruflicher Bildung von Menschen mit leichtem Behinderungsgrad streben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Recruitment to sheltered employment: evidence from Samhall, a Swedish state-owned company (2003)

    Skedinger, Per ; Widerstedt, Barbro;


    Skedinger, Per & Barbro Widerstedt (2003): Recruitment to sheltered employment. Evidence from Samhall, a Swedish state-owned company. (Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation. Working paper 2003,11), Uppsala, 35 S.


    "This paper analyses recruitment practices to Samhall, a state-owned company that provides sheltered employment for individuals with severe work disabilities. Besides providing employment for disabled workers and rehabilitating them to employment outside Samhall, the company is expected to decrease its dependence on Government subsidies. This profitability goal may come into conflict with the recruitment goals, resulting in cream skimming effects. The job security offered at the company may also provide incentives at the individual level for using Samhall as a means of escaping unemployment rather than as an employer of last resort for the most disabled. The evidence regarding cream skimming is mixed; the recruitment-to-Samhall hazards of the prioritised groups, i.e., individuals with intellectual or psychic disabilities, are significantly higher than the hazards for some, but not all, disability groups. Individuals without disabilities tend to be hired by the company, which suggests creaming and is contrary to the guidelines. Finally, the Samhall hazard increases slightly with time in unemployment. This is consistent both with Samhall acting as an employer of last resort and the existence of incentives among individuals to use Samhall in order to escape unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Chancengleichheit für Menschen mit Behinderungen - ein europäischer Aktionsplan: Mitteilung der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften an den Rat, das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen (2003)


    Europäischen Gemeinschaften,Kommission (2003): Chancengleichheit für Menschen mit Behinderungen - ein europäischer Aktionsplan. Mitteilung der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften an den Rat, das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen. (Verhandlungen des Bundesrates. Drucksachen 861/03 (13.11.2003)), 28 S.


    "Die Mitteilung skizziert zukunftsorientierte EU-Initiativen zur stärkeren Integration von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen in einem erweiterten Europa. Herzstück des vorgeschlagenen Ansatzes sind folgende drei operativen Ziele: die uneingeschränkte Anwendung der Richtlinie zur Gleichbehandlung in Beschäftigung und Beruf (2000/78/EG), die Einbeziehung der Behindertenthematik in alle einschlägigen Gemeinschaftsmaßnahmen und die Förderung des Zugangs für alle. Insbesondere führt die Mitteilung einen mehrjährigen Turnusaktionsplan für den Zeitraum bis 2010 ein. Ziel des Aktionsplans ist es, Behindertenfragen in die einschlägigen Gemeinschaftsmaßnahmen einzubeziehen und konkrete Aktionen in Kernbereichen zu entwickeln, um die Eingliederung von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern. Da der Beschäftigung nach wie vor eine ausschlaggebende Rolle bei der sozialen Integration zukommt, wird die erste Phase des EU-Aktionsplans zugunsten behinderter Menschen - die für 2004 und 2005 vorgesehen ist - auf die Schaffung der Bedingungen ausgerichtet sein, die erforderlich sind, um die Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern und den ersten Arbeitsmarkt in der gesamten Union für sie besser zugänglich zu machen. Dementsprechend wird sich die erste Phase des Aktionsplans auf vier konkrete Handlungsschwerpunkte im Beschäftigungsbereich konzentrieren:
    - Zugang zur Beschäftigung und Weiterbeschäftigung, einschließlich der Bekämpfung von Diskriminierungen;
    - Lebenslanges Lernen, um die Beschäftigungs- und Anpassungsfähigkeit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und aktive Bürgerschaft zu unterstützen und zu verbessern;
    - neue Technologien, um die Handlungskompetenz von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu stärken und damit ihren Zugang zur Beschäftigung zu erleichtern;
    - Zugänglichkeit öffentlicher Gebäude, um die Beteiligung am Arbeitsleben und die Integration in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu erleichtern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Berufliche (Erst-)Eingliederung junger Menschen mit Behinderung in Europa (2000)

    Artzfeld, Heidi; Knikker, Jan; Scheidemann, Angelika; Bayer-Enke, Caroline;


    Artzfeld, Heidi; Caroline Bayer-Enke, Jan Knikker & Angelika Scheidemann (Mitarb.) (2000): Berufliche (Erst-)Eingliederung junger Menschen mit Behinderung in Europa. In: Informationen für die Beratungs- und Vermittlungsdienste der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit H. 8, S. 595-635.


    Getrennt für Belgien, Frankreich, die Niederlande und Luxemburg werden die Ziele, Konzepte, Maßnahmen und Institutionen zur beruflichen Rehabilitation behinderter junger Menschen beschrieben und wichtige Adressen aufgelistet. (IAB)

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