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Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit und Langzeitleistungsbezug in Deutschland – Ursachen, Konsequenzen, Maßnahmen

Trotz positiver Arbeitsmarktentwicklung bleibt die Anzahl langzeitarbeitsloser Menschen in Deutschland seit Jahren konstant. Langfristig auf den Bezug von Sozialleistungen angewiesen zu sein, geht für die Betroffenen häufig mit ökonomischen und sozialen Teilhabedefiziten und Exklusionsrisiken einher. Welche Personen sind von Langzeitleistungsbezug und Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit betroffen? Was sind die Ursachen und Folgen und welche Maßnahmen wirken?
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im Aspekt "Europa"
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    Active Labour Market Policies: What Works for the Long-term Unemployed? (2024)

    Eppel, Rainer ; Huemer, Ulrike; Mahringer, Helmut; Schmoigl, Lukas;


    Eppel, Rainer, Ulrike Huemer, Helmut Mahringer & Lukas Schmoigl (2024): Active Labour Market Policies: What Works for the Long-term Unemployed? (WIFO working papers 671), Wien, 22 S.


    "There is still a lack of knowledge on how to effectively help the long-term unemployed into employment. We evaluate a wide range of active labor market policies for this target group, using a dynamic matching approach. Measures vary considerably in the extent to which they improve labor market prospects. Human capital-intensive training programmes that substantially enhance vocational skills and employment programs are most effective, short activating job search training the least. Our results suggest that not only wage subsidies in the private sector, but also direct job creation in the public and non-profit sector can work, if properly designed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Innovative approaches to tackle long-term unemployment (2023)

    Dromundo, Sofia; Tuccio, Michele; Lüske, Marius;


    Dromundo, Sofia, Marius Lüske & Michele Tuccio (2023): Innovative approaches to tackle long-term unemployment. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 300), Paris, 39 S. DOI:10.1787/e1f7e16e-en


    "Long-term unemployment remains a structural challenge for most OECD countries. Despite major efforts to address this issue, the efficiency and effectiveness of many existing active labor market policies are limited for jobseekers who face major vulnerabilities and have no ties to the labor market. Therefore, there is a need for innovative approaches that specifically address the barriers faced by long-term unemployed individuals in their labor market (re)integration. This paper discusses examples of promising practices from across Europe, which can serve as a source of inspiration for policymakers seeking new approaches to assist vulnerable jobseekers in overcoming the challenge of long-term unemployment" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Marienthal.reversed": Wie wirkt eine Arbeitsplatzgarantie für langzeitarbeitslose Menschen im österreichischen Kontext? (2023)

    Quinz, Hannah ; Flecker, Jörg ;


    Quinz, Hannah & Jörg Flecker (2023): "Marienthal.reversed": Wie wirkt eine Arbeitsplatzgarantie für langzeitarbeitslose Menschen im österreichischen Kontext? In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Jg. 49, H. 3, S. 79-104. DOI:10.59288/wug493.208


    "Derzeit wird das Konzept „Arbeitsplatzgarantie“ international als Instrument im Kampf gegen Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit diskutiert. Eine staatlich geförderte Jobgarantie stellt jenen Menschen einen Arbeitsplatz zur Verfügung, die von Beschäftigung ausgeschlossen bleiben. Das Arbeitsmarktservice Niederösterreich setzt dieses Konzept im „Modellprojekt Arbeitsplatzgarantie Marienthal“ um. Dieser Beitrag stellt Wirkungen im Hinblick auf latente Erfahrungskategorien von Erwerbsarbeit (Zeitstruktur, soziale Kontakte, soziale Wertschätzung, Tätigkeit, Mitwirken an kollektiven Zielen, Selbstwirksamkeit) dar. Dazu haben wir Teilnehmer:innen des Modellprojekts im Zeitraum von zwei Jahren mehrmals quantitativ und qualitativ befragt. Die Analysen zeigen heterogene Teilnehmer:innen, aber wir stellen insgesamt positive Veränderungen für Zeitstruktur, Aktivitäten und so-ziale Kontakte fest. Durch den Zugang zu Erwerbsarbeit nimmt das Gefühl sozialer Wertschätzung sowie zu kollektiven Zielen beizutragen zu. Beides kann durch nicht erkennbare Nützlichkeit der Tätigkeiten getrübt werden. Insbesondere die Selbstwirksamkeit nimmt im Zeitverlauf zu. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Konzept der Arbeitsplatzgarantie in Österreich mit positiven Wirkungen für die Teilnehmer:innen umsetzen lässt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Class and Unemployment (2023)

    Requena, Miguel;


    Requena, Miguel (2023): Class and Unemployment. (JRC working papers on social classes in the digital age / Joint Research Centre (Seville site) 2023-11), Sevilla, 33 S.


    "The purpose of this paper is to theoretically clarify and empirically analyze the link between social class and unemployment. After reviewing and justifying the criteria used to determine the class position of the unemployed, empirical evidence of the associations between class and unemployment rates in ten selected European countries is provided. Data come from the European Union Labor Force Surveys and European Socio-economic Classifications was used. Results of the analysis show that the likelihood of being unemployed depends on class position. The experience of unemployment is distributed across classes according to a clear gradient in which the more advantaged classes have lower unemployment rates than the working classes. This implies that the class profile of the employed and the unemployed is different and that the employed and the unemployed contribute differentially to class composition, with the unemployed contributing more than the employed to the composition of the working classes. The results are robust to different specifications of the observed populations. The class gradient in unemployment rates is visible among women and men and is also present in all ten countries considered." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: 2022 PES Capacity Questionnaire Part II: Labour market training for the long-term unemployed: Survey-based Report (2022)

    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita;


    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services: 2022 PES Capacity Questionnaire Part II: Labour market training for the long-term unemployed. Survey-based Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 50 S. DOI:10.2767/07742


    "As part of its 2022 work program, the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES) continues the monitoring of the implementation of the Council Recommendation on the integration of the long term unemployed into the labor market. The report complements the quantitative and qualitative monitoring done by EMCO, and provides input to the EMCO multilateral surveillance. It mainly focuses on PES delivery of labor market training to LTUs to improve their ability to access jobs in the changing labor market. The findings are based on responses to a survey provided by 32 PES in 26 EU member States plus Iceland and Norway. The report shows that PES put a lot of efforts into organizing and delivering the labor market training to LTUs to improve their access to jobs, even in a challenging period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also includes some issues for further consideration when planning and adjusting future training programs for LTUs (for instance related to lack of internet access and IT equipment, low digital skills, poor support networks)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Improving collaboration to support the integration of long-term unemployed and inactive people: a mini-toolkit (2022)


    "This mini toolkit presents information on concepts, tools, and practices which can support stakeholders in using European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) resources to assist in the integration of people furthest from the labour market, including long-term unemployed and inactive people, including older jobseekers. It will also demonstrate the advantages of effective partnership working including from the encouragement of consortia to develop bids." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe (2021)

    Miyamoto, Hiroaki; Suphaphiphat, Nujin;


    Miyamoto, Hiroaki & Nujin Suphaphiphat (2021): Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe. In: IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Jg. 11. DOI:10.2478/izajolp-2021-0003


    "While unemployment rates in Europe declined after the global financial crisis until 2018/2019, the incidence of long-term unemployment, the share of people who have been unemployed for >1 year to the total unemployed, remained high. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic could aggravate the long-term unemployment. This paper explores the factors associated with longterm unemployment in European countries using a panel of 25 European countries over the period 2000–2018. We find that skill mismatches, labor market matching efficiency, and labor market policies are associated with the incidence of long-term unemployment. Among the different types of active labor market policies, training and startup incentives are found to be effective in reducing long-term unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: Integrated services for long-term unemployed 2020: Survey-based Report (2020)

    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita;


    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita (2020): European Network of Public Employment Services: Integrated services for long-term unemployed 2020. Survey-based Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 54 S. DOI:10.2767/418886


    "The EU Council adopted in February 2016 the Recommendation on the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labor market (hereinafter ‘the Recommendation’). The aim of the Recommendation was to support sustainable reintegration of the LTU back into the labor market by calling on MS to: 1. encourage registration of the long-term unemployed with an employment service; 2. increase individualised support for the long-term unemployed based on in-depth assessments of their needs, and ensure that a job integration agreement (JIA) is set up within 18 months of the person becoming unemployed; 3. develop closer links with employers and partnerships between employers, social partners, employment and social services, government authorities and education and training providers to increase job opportunities for registered LTU; 4. improve the continuity of support by coordinating services available to the long-term unemployed through a single point of contact (SPOC). According to the Recommendation, a SPOC refers to an authority responsible ‘for supporting registered LTU persons through a coordinated service offer involving available employment and social support services. It can be based on a framework of inter-institutional coordination and/or be identified within existing structures’. The Recommendation also requested that the European Network of Public Employment Services (ENPES, the network of national PES) contribute to the monitoring of its implementation. In response, in 2016 the PES Network designed and adopted a set of minimum, intermediate and advanced quality standards4for implementing a SPOC and a JIA. A Survey Report (the Ad Hoc Module to the 2018 PES Capacity Questionnaire5) was produced by the PES Network in 2018. This Survey Report summarised PES developments in integration of the long-term unemployed back into the labor market, offering an overview of the effects of the Recommendation as reported by the PES, and outlining common challenges faced by the PES." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are Migrants Overrepresented Among Individual Welfare Beneficiaries? (2020)

    Jakubiak, Igor ;


    Jakubiak, Igor (2020): Are Migrants Overrepresented Among Individual Welfare Beneficiaries? In: International Migration, Jg. 58, H. 5, S. 103-127. DOI:10.1111/imig.12692


    "The level of immigrant welfare dependency is the subject of heated debate in the majority of developed countries, which have experienced a significant increase in immigration in recent years. In both Europe and the US, the problem of potential excessive use of social transfers is beginning to bring real policy consequences. This article addresses this issue by presenting a quantitative assessment of welfare receipt in 17 European countries, as well as Yun decomposition of its differences between natives and immigrants. It adds to existing literature by comparing the levels of welfare dependence among EU and non-EU migrants for individual benefits including and excluding pensions, using recent data from EU-SILC. Results suggest that immigrants rely on welfare less often than natives, and receive lower benefits when they do. Those conclusions are reversed, however, when old-age benefits are not considered ? especially in the case of non-EU migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: Ad hoc module to the 2018 PES capacity questionnaire: Survey-based Report (2020)

    Mašidlauskaitė, Rūta;


    Mašidlauskaitė, Rūta (2020): European Network of Public Employment Services: Ad hoc module to the 2018 PES capacity questionnaire. Survey-based Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 45 S. DOI:10.2767/738258


    "Public Employment Services play a key role in the sustainable activation of disadvantaged groups, including the long-term unemployed. The Recommendation on the integration of the LTU into the labour market explicitly asked the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) to contribute to the monitoring of its implementation. In response, in 2016, the PES Network designed and adopted a set of minimum, intermediate and advanced quality standards for implementing a SPOC and a JIA. These standards were used by the Employment Committee (EMCO) review on long-term unemployment in December 2016 and it is very likely that the LTU will continue to feature in the upcoming EMCO review in October 2018. Furthermore, as a part of the Benchlearning project, the PES Network amended a qualitative performance enabler to integrate data on the LTU into its qualitative assessments in 2018. This report summarises the recent developments in PES concerning the integration of the long-term unemployed back into the labour market, and it provides an overview of the effects of the Recommendation reported by PES. The report also provides information on common challenges faced by PES when implementing the Recommendation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe (2020)

    Suphaphiphat, Nujin; Miyamoto, Hiroaki;


    Suphaphiphat, Nujin & Hiroaki Miyamoto (2020): Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe. (IMF working paper 2020,168), Washington, DC, 32 S.


    "While unemployment rates in Europe declined after the global financial crisis until 2018/19, the incidence of long-term unemployment, the share of people who have been unemployed for more than one year to the total unemployed, remained high. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic could aggravate the long-term unemployment. This paper explores factors associated with long-term unemployment in European countries, using panel of 25 European countries over the period 2000–18. We find that skill mismatches, labor market matching efficiency, and labor market policies are associated with the incidence of long-term unemployment. Among different types of active labor market policies, training and start-up incentives are found to be effective in reducing long-term unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The economic and non-economic consequences of job loss, unemployment, and inadequate re-employment in Germany and Europe (2019)

    Voßemer, Jonas ; Schuck, Bettina; Heyne, Stefanie ;


    Voßemer, Jonas, Bettina Schuck & Stefanie Heyne (2019): The economic and non-economic consequences of job loss, unemployment, and inadequate re-employment in Germany and Europe. Bamberg, 328 S. DOI:10.20378/irbo-54547


    "Job loss and unemployment are major social problems in modern market economies. Understanding their consequences is of key concern to the social sciences. Against this background, this cumulative thesis examines the economic and non-economic consequences of job loss, unemployment, and inadequate re-employment in Germany and Europe. In addition to five articles, it contains an overview article which motivates the research questions, reviews the state of research and highlights the contributions of this thesis, develops a general theoretical model, presents the research designs, and summarizes the main findings before drawing conclusions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Contextualising institutional complementarity: how long-term unemployment depends on employment protection legislation, active labour market policies and the economic climate (2018)

    Benda, Luc; Koster, Ferry; van der Veen, Romke;


    Benda, Luc, Ferry Koster & Romke van der Veen (2018): Contextualising institutional complementarity. How long-term unemployment depends on employment protection legislation, active labour market policies and the economic climate. In: International journal of social welfare, Jg. 27, H. 3, S. 258-269. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12307


    "This study investigated if and how active labour market policies (ALMPs) and employment protection interact with each other in light of long-term unemployment reduction. We argue that how well the interaction between both labour market institutions reduces long-term unemployment depends on the level of economic growth. To improve analytical clarity, two types of ALMPs were differentiated, namely training and employment programmes. Using data on 20 European countries over 16 years, our results suggest that employment protection moderates the relationship between employment programmes and long-term unemployment. The combination of high spending on employment programmes and less strict employment protection is associated with less long-term unemployment. This moderation effect is stronger during an economic downturn. A moderation effect from employment protection on the relationship between training programmes and long-term unemployment was not found, even when the economic climate was taken into account as a contextual factor." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The intergenerational transmission of welfare dependency (2018)

    De Haan, Monique; Schreiner, Ragnhild C.;


    De Haan, Monique & Ragnhild C. Schreiner (2018): The intergenerational transmission of welfare dependency. (CESifo working paper 7140), München, 40 S.


    "There is a strong intergenerational correlation in welfare participation, but this does not imply that parental welfare receipt induces child receipt. While there are a few quasi-experimental studies that provide estimates of the causal effect of parental welfare participation for children from marginal welfare participants, we know very little about intergenerational spillovers of welfare participation onto the children of average welfare participants. By combining rich administrative data from Norway with weak mean-monotonicity assumptions, we estimate nonparametric bounds around the average causal effect of parental welfare participation on children's welfare participation in the general population, as well as the average causal effect for children growing up in welfare-dependent families. We find that these average causal effects are considerably lower than the intergenerational correlation in welfare participation, and substantially below available local average treatment effect estimates in the literature. We further find important differences between intergenerational spillovers of disability insurance and intergenerational spillovers of financial assistance, a traditional means-tested welfare program." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Long-term unemployment: a European comparison (2018)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina; Rhein, Thomas;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina & Thomas Rhein (2018): Long-term unemployment: a European comparison. In: IAB-Forum H. 23.02.2018, o. Sz., 2018-02-21.


    "For many years, Germany was notable for its high levels of long-term unemployment compared to other countries. However, in contrast to the European trend, the number of long-term unemployed has decreased significantly since the mid-2000s. In most other European countries the number of long-term unemployed rose to a greater or lesser degree as a result of the financial and Euro debt crisis." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Ländervergleich Deutschland, Dänemark und Finnland: Kaum mehr Unterschiede bei chronischer Arbeitslosigkeit (2018)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina; Rhein, Thomas; Rothe, Thomas;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina, Thomas Rhein & Thomas Rothe (2018): Ländervergleich Deutschland, Dänemark und Finnland: Kaum mehr Unterschiede bei chronischer Arbeitslosigkeit. (IAB-Kurzbericht 01/2018), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Personen, deren Arbeitslosigkeit durch kurze Phasen der Beschäftigung, Inaktivität oder Teilnahme an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen unterbrochen wird, zählen nicht zu den offiziellen Langzeitarbeitslosen, obwohl sie am ersten Arbeitsmarkt nicht dauerhaft Fuß fassen können. Mit dem Konzept der 'chronischen Arbeitslosigkeit' berücksichtigen die Autoren auch diesen Personenkreis und untersuchen für Deutschland, Dänemark und Finnland, wer davon hauptsächlich betroffen ist und welche Rolle aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik bei ihrer Überwindung spielen kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Hysteresis and labour market institutions: evidence from the UK and the Netherlands (2018)

    Rodriguez-Gil, Antonio;


    Rodriguez-Gil, Antonio (2018): Hysteresis and labour market institutions. Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 55, H. 4, S. 1985-2025. DOI:10.1007/s00181-017-1338-y


    "This paper uses data for the UK and the Netherlands (1983q4 - 2011q4) to test if hysteresis occurs in these economies, and through what mechanisms. The novelty of the paper resides in the use of a VAR-IRF that encompasses previous hysteresis studies, using long-term unemployment, productivity, capital stock and real long-term interest rates, and in the use of specific Labour Market Institutions shocks, such as benefits, taxation or unions' power. This allows us to disentangle what specific demand and supply-variables affect unemployment in the long-run, i.e. the NAIRU. Our findings suggest that there is hysteresis in both countries, and that it happens through several channels. Further, we find that the influence of Labour Market Institutions on unemployment depend on their impact on the real wages-productivity gap. These results have implications for structural and macroeconomic policies that we also discuss. Finally, we investigate the impact of different supply and demand-shock on long-term unemployment and discuss the relevant policy implications." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    A new approach to helping the hard-to-place unemployed: the promise of developing new knowledge in an interactive and collaborative process (2017)

    Andersen, Niklas A.; Caswell, Dorte; Larsen, Flemming ;


    Andersen, Niklas A., Dorte Caswell & Flemming Larsen (2017): A new approach to helping the hard-to-place unemployed. The promise of developing new knowledge in an interactive and collaborative process. In: European Journal of Social Security, Jg. 19, H. 4, S. 335-352. DOI:10.1177/1388262717745193


    "The reforms of the social and employment services that have swept across most of the developed world since the 1990s have enormously expanded the groups of citizens receiving active employment measures. Nevertheless, up until now, most countries have only seen limited results from enhancing the labour market participation of the most vulnerable groups. We argue that the goal of including a greater share of the harder-to-place unemployed in the labour market is not likely to be achieved through the tried and tested ways of developing knowledge, policy and practice. Rather, we propose a different approach to generating and exchanging the necessary knowledge for developing active employment policy and practice. As an alternative to the evidence-based knowledge paradigm, we set up a model for knowledge production that is made through co-operation between practice and research. This model investigates the potential for integrated services and for co-production by acknowledging the importance of the experiences of frontline professionals and clients in developing employment services." (Author's abstract, © Intersentia, Ltd.) ((en))

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    Long-term unemployed youth: Characteristics and policy responses (2017)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie; Vacas-Soriano, Carlos; Jacobs, Lena;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano, Stefanie Ledermaier, Carlos Vacas-Soriano & Lena Jacobs (2017): Long-term unemployed youth. Characteristics and policy responses. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 85 S. DOI:10.2806/940447


    "While the youth labour market has improved considerably since 2014, one legacy of the recent economic crisis is the large cohort of long-term unemployed young people, which represents nearly one-third of jobless young people. This report provides an updated profile of the youth labour market in 2016 and describes trends over the past decade. It explores the determinants of long-term unemployment, at both sociodemographic and macroeconomic levels. It also provides evidence on the serious consequences for young people of spending a protracted time in unemployment, such as scarring effects on income and occupation and on several dimensions of young people's well-being. The report concludes with a discussion of selected policy measures recently implemented by 10 Member States in order to prevent young people from becoming long-term unemployed or, if they are in such circumstances, to integrate them into the labour market or education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment effects of reduced non-wage labour costs (2017)

    Ramos, Raul ; López-Bazo, Enrique; Dreger, Christian; Vacas, Carlos; Surinach, Jordi; Royuela, Vicente ; Hurley, John; Moreno, Rosina;


    Ramos, Raul, Enrique López-Bazo, Carlos Vacas, Vicente Royuela, Rosina Moreno, Christian Dreger, John Hurley & Jordi Surinach (2017): Employment effects of reduced non-wage labour costs. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 62 S. DOI:10.2806/074541


    "Reducing labour taxes or offering incentives to hire new workers could motivate employers to either retain staff who might otherwise have been let go or to create new jobs. Since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, both types of measure have been deployed in many EU Member States. This report reviews the effectiveness of measures designed to reduce the employer part of the tax wedge in an effort to stimulate positive labour market outcomes. It provides an overview of the reforms adopted since 2008 across the EU Member States to stimulate labour demand, focusing on policies aimed at reducing the cost of labour for employers. It analyses the effectiveness of shifts in employer social security contributions, employer payroll taxes and functionally equivalent employer incentives as employment-generating policy interventions. The findings show mixed evidence of positive employment effects from relevant policy reforms but suggest that measures targeted at specific groups of workers are more likely to be successful." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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