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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Work-Life-Management"
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    Being together, working apart: dual-career families and the work-life balance (2005)

    Schneider, Barbara; Adam, Emma K.; Levine, Judith A.; Waite, Linda J.; Lewin, Alisa C.; Bianchi, Suzanne M.; Maier, Kimberly S.; Christensen, Kathleen E.; Marchena, Elaine; Cunningham, Mick; Martinez, Sylvia; Doherty, William J.; Matjasko, Jennifer I.; Fricke, Tom; Moen, Phyllis; Garner, Douglas A.; Mortimer, Jeylan T.; Glenn, Norval D.; Mulligan, Casey B.; Hanis-Martin, Jennifer; Nielsen, Mark R.; Hoogstra, Lisa; Offer, Shira; Jeong, Jae-Gea; Raskin, Patricia M.; Klima, Tali; Repetti, Rena L.; Kremer-Sadlik, Tamar; Rubinstein, Yona; Larson, Reed; Schmidt, Jennifer A.; Lefgren, Lars; Schneider, Barbara; Browning, Don s.; Sexton, Holly R.; Dempsey, Nicholas P.; Shirtcliff, Elizabeth A.; Galambos, Nancy L.; Spitze, Glenna; Hammack, Phillip L.; Stanley, Scott M.; Jacobs, Jerry A. ; Stolzenberg, Ross M.; Koh, Chi-Young; Struenkel, Carolyn P.; Lee, Yun-Suk; Waite, Linda J.; Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly; Weinshenker, Metthew N.; Glass, Jennifer ; Wethington, Elaine; Kalil, Ariel; Yamaguchi, Kazuo; Kubey, Robert; Zuzanek, Jiri; Feldmann, Amy F.; Hekntner, Joel M.; Ziol-Guest, Kathleen M.;


    Schneider, Barbara & Linda J. Waite (Hrsg.) (2005): Being together, working apart. Dual-career families and the work-life balance. Cambridge u.a.: Cambridge University Press, 553 S.


    "Despite the fact that most parents are employed, how work affects the lives and well-being of parents and their children remains relatively unexplored. A recent study of 500 dual-career families in 8 communities across the US provides a holistic view of the complexities of work and family life experienced by parents and their children. Drawing on the study, this book explores how dual-earner families cope with the stresses and demands of balancing work and family life, whether the time parents spend working is negatively affecting their children, how mothers feel managing both work and household responsibilities, and what role fathers are taking in family life. In answering these questions the authors argue for a new balance between work and family life. The book
    - highlights the problems faced by working parents and discusses the implications of parents' work on the lives of their children
    - draws together a mixture of data, analysis and commentary from an interdisciplinary group of contributors
    - bases results on empirical evidence obtained through multiple innovative methods." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) >

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    Discourses of work-life balance: negotiating 'genderblind' terms in organizations (2005)

    Smithson, Janet; Stokoe, Elizabeth H.;


    Smithson, Janet & Elizabeth H. Stokoe (2005): Discourses of work-life balance. Negotiating 'genderblind' terms in organizations. In: Gender, Work and Organization, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 147-168.


    "This article examines current debates about gender equality, work-life balance and flexible working. We contrast policymakers' and organizational discourses of flexible working and work-life balance with managers' and employees' talk about these issues within their organizations. We show how, despite the increasingly gender-neutral language of the official discourses, in the data studied participants consistently reformulate the debates around gendered explanations and assumptions. For example, a 'generic female parent' is constructed in relation to work-life balance and flexible working yet participants routinely maintain that gender makes no difference within their organization. We consider the effects of these accounts; specifically the effect on those who take up flexible working, and the perceived backlash against policies viewed as favouring women or parents. We argue that the location of work-life balance and flexibility debates within a gender-neutral context can in practice result in maintaining or encouraging gendered practices within organizations. Implications of this for organizations, for policymakers and for feminist researchers are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work-Life-Balance: Motor für wirtschaftliches Wachstum und gesellschaftliche Stabilität. Analyse der volkswirtschaftlichen Effekte. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse (2005)


    Gegenstand der Studie bildet die dreifache Win-Situation durch Work-Life-Balance, die aus Vorteilen für die Unternehmen, für die einzelnen Beschäftigten sowie einem gesamtgesellschaftlichen und volkswirtschaftlichen Nutzen resultiert. Auf Grundlage der durchgeführten Modellrechnung zeigt sich, dass moderate Veränderungen einzelner volkswirtschaftlicher Größen zu deutlichen Impulsen im Hinblick auf Wachstum und Bevölkerungsentwicklung führen. In einem Wirtschaftsmodell wird auf Basis der Daten der volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Deutschlands der kommenden Jahrzehnte skizziert. Im Vergleich zu dieser Referenzrechnung weist das Work-Life-Balance-Szenario im Jahr 2020 ein um 1,3 % erhöhtes Bruttoinlandsprodukt, 221.000 zusätzliche sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigte, eine höhere Geburtenrate, um 0,86 Prozentpunkte niedrigere Sozialversicherungsbeiträge und einen deutlichen Anstieg der Binnennachfrage auf. Die konsequente Umsetzung von Work-Life-Balance-Maßnahmen in einer möglichst großen Zahl von Unternehmen sowie flankierende politische Maßnahmen, mit denen die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie wirksam verbessert wird, führen sowohl auf der betriebswirtschaftlichen als auch auf der volkswirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsebene zu positiven Effekten. Weniger offensichtlich, aber nicht minder bedeutsam als die positiven betriebswirtschaftlichen und volkswirtschaftlichen Effekte sind die Wirkungen, die von einer Work-Life-Balance orientierten Personalpolitik auf die Stabilität des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens ausgehen. Von stabilen Rahmenbedingungen profitiert insbesondere auch die Wirtschaft, die eine verlässliche Kalkulationsgrundlage auch für die Planung und Realisierung von Investitionen erhält. Die politischen Rahmenbedingungen sind folglich so zu gestalten, dass auf der einen Seite die notwendige Flexibilität zur individuellen Ausgestaltung von betrieblichen Work-Life-Balance-Konzepten gewährleistet bleibt und auf der anderen Seite die Möglichkeiten zur Inanspruchnahme der betrieblichen Maßnahmen erhöht werden. (IAB)

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    Fehlzeiten-Report 2003: Wettbewerbsfaktor Work-Life-Balance. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft (2004)

    Badura, Bernhard; Schellschmidt, Henner; Vetter, Christian;


    Badura, Bernhard, Henner Schellschmidt & Christian Vetter (Hrsg.) (2004): Fehlzeiten-Report 2003. Wettbewerbsfaktor Work-Life-Balance. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft. (Fehlzeiten-Report), Berlin u.a.: Springer London, 516 S.


    Die wachsenden Anforderungen an Unternehmensmitarbeiter in einer globalisierten Arbeitswelt und der steigende Anteil erwerbstätiger Frauen machen die "Work-Life-Balance" zum neuen Leitbegriff für die betriebliche Personal- und Gesundheitspolitik. Für eine Bestandsaufnahme werden vergleichende Analysen nach Ländern, Betriebsgröße und Berufsgruppen herangezogen. Die wichtigsten Maßnahmen und Strategien zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Beruf, Familie und Privatleben werden vorgestellt. Anhand empirischer Beispiele wird gezeigt, wie die konkrete Umsetzung in den Unternehmen aussehen kann. Daneben werden Daten aus dem Jahr 2002 zur Krankenstandsentwicklung in Deutschland in allen Branchen wiedergegeben. Der Anhang enthält eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten für Arbeitsunfähigkeit verantwortlichen Krankheitsarten nach dem ICD-Schlüssel und eine Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige. (IAB)

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    Work-life balance and working from home (2004)

    Crosbie, Tracey; Moore, Jeanne;


    Crosbie, Tracey & Jeanne Moore (2004): Work-life balance and working from home. In: Social policy and society, Jg. 3, H. 3, S. 223-233. DOI:10.1017/S1474746404001733


    "In recent years, there has been increasing focus on the question of how to balance work and life commitments in both academic and political debates. Homeworking is one initiative that has been promoted as a way of improving the work-life balance. This paper examines the experience of homeworking drawing on a recently completed ESRC study on homeworkers. Using the data from 45 interviews and 3 focus groups with homeworkers from different socio-economic backgrounds, it explores the question of whether working (or not) from home improves people's capacity to balance their work and life commitments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Flexi-time is not enough: context conditions for work-life balance. Paper proposed on the International Symposium on Working-Time, 26th - 28th February 2004 (2004)

    Hielscher, Volker;


    Hielscher, Volker (2004): Flexi-time is not enough. Context conditions for work-life balance. Paper proposed on the International Symposium on Working-Time, 26th - 28th February 2004. Saarbrücken, 10 S.


    Vor dem Hintergrund der wachsenden Anzahl flexibler Arbeitszeitmodelle werden deren Auswirkungen auf die Beschäftigten untersucht. Insbesondere wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob flexible Arbeitszeiten zu einer besseren Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie führen. Hierzu werden zwei explorative Studien herangezogen: (1) eine Untersuchung eines flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodells in Verbindung mit einer Arbeitszeitverkürzung im Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg; (2) eine branchenübergreifende Fallstudie. Es zeigt sich, dass eine optimale Arbeitsorganisation und die Unternehmenskultur wesentliche Determinanten für den Erfolg der flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodelle sind. Abschließend werden weitere Empfehlungen für eine Verbesserung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie gegeben, wie z. B. eine weitere Arbeitszeitverkürzung. (IAB)

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    Flexible Arbeitszeit und soziale Sicherheit (2004)

    Linne, Gudrun;


    (2004): Flexible Arbeitszeit und soziale Sicherheit. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Arbeitspapier 97), Düsseldorf, 90 S.


    "Dauer, Lage und Verteilung der Arbeitszeit haben sich in den letzten Jahren tiefgreifend verändert. In allen drei Dimensionen ist die Arbeitszeit flexibler geworden. Arbeitszeitkonten oder neue Modelle der Vertrauensarbeitszeit haben die eher starren Zeitrhythmen der Normalarbeitszeit abgelöst und erlauben es, die Arbeitszeit innerhalb einer Arbeitswoche, eines Monats, Kalenderjahres oder noch längerer Zeiträume variabel zu verteilen. Die in dem Band dokumentierten Tagungsbeiträge geben aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven einen Einblick in die arbeitsweltliche Realität flexibler Arbeitszeiten. Und sie stehen für den aus unserer Sicht dringend gebotenen Schritt, bei der Bewertung der Chancen und Risiken flexibler Arbeitszeiten arbeitspolitische, sozialpolitische und lebensweltliche Diskussionsperspektiven zusammenzuführen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The evaluation of the world-life balance challenge fund (2004)

    Nelson, Adrian; Nemec, Kathryn; Solvik, Pernille; Ramsden, Chris;


    Nelson, Adrian, Kathryn Nemec, Pernille Solvik & Chris Ramsden (2004): The evaluation of the world-life balance challenge fund. (Employment relations research series 32), London, 133 S.


    Der im April 2000 gegründete Work-Life Balance Challenge Fund (WLB-CF) unterstützt Arbeitgeber mit finanziellen Mitteln bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Strategien zur Herstellung einer Arbeits-Lebens-Balance. Damit ist gemeint, dass jeder unabhängig von Alter, Rasse oder Geschlecht, in die Lage versetzt werden soll, seinen Rhythmus zu finden, der es ermöglicht, die Arbeit mit den anderen Lebensaspekten in ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zu bringen. Die Ergebnisse einer 20-monatigen unabhängigen Untersuchung der ersten drei Jahre des WLB-CF zeigt, dass die übergroße Mehrheit der Arbeitgeber positiv von der Teilnahme am Fond profitiert haben. Mit Hilfe des WLB-CF konnten die Arbeitgeber die konkreten Bedingungen der Beschäftigungsverhältnisse signifikant verändern und damit in die Lage versetzt werden, ein größeres Problembewusstsein in Sachen Arbeits-Lebens-Balance und die Entwicklung von Umsetzungsstrategien zu zeigen. Es war jedoch schwierig zu messen, was unter dem Strich in Bezug auf Verhaltensweisen wie Beharren auf Gewohnheiten, Fehlzeiten und Arbeitsplatzwechsel herauskommt, und ob etwaige Verhaltensänderungen etwas mit WLB-CF zu tun haben. Die Schlüsselfaktoren für einer erfolgreichen Implementierung umfassten die Notwendigkeit eines partizipativen Ansatzes, der alle Arbeitnehmer einbezieht, und das Engagement der Unternehmensleitungen für das Konzept bzw. die Bereitschaft, sich daran zu beteiligen. Im Anhang sind fünf unternehmensbezogene Fallstudien sowie die Evaluierungsmethodologie dokumentiert. (IAB)

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    The second work-life balance study: results from the employees' survey (2004)

    Stevens, Jane; Lee, Caroline; Brown, Juliet;


    Stevens, Jane, Juliet Brown & Caroline Lee (2004): The second work-life balance study. Results from the employees' survey. (Employment relations research series 27), London, 185 S.


    "The aim of this study was two-fold. First, to monitor change since the 2000 work-life balance (baseline) study by collecting data on (a) employer provision of work-life balance practices and policies; (b) employee take-up of, and demand for, these initiatives; and (c) the impact of employers' provisions (including costs and benefits). Second, to establish a robust baseline for future evaluation of the provisions brought in under the Employment Act 2002; in particular the right for parents of young children and parents of disabled children to apply to work flexibly, and the duty of their employers to seriously consider their requests, as well as the introduction of paid paternity and adoption leave. The findings indicate strong employee support for the importance of achieving work-life balance. There appears to have been a significant increase since 2000 in the reported availability and take-up of several (but not all) flexible working practices. However, despite relatively high demand for flexible working practices, employees were not always convinced that many of the flexible working arrangements would be feasible for their job. There was also some employee concern about the consequences of adopting flexible working practices for their job security and career prospects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working part-time: achieving a successful 'work-life' balance? (2004)

    Warren, Tracey ;


    Warren, Tracey (2004): Working part-time. Achieving a successful 'work-life' balance? In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 55, H. 1, S. 99-122. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-4446.2004.00008.x


    "The role of part-time employment in the balancing of women's employment and family lives has generated an immense literature. Using data on women working part-time and full-time in different level occupations in the British Household Panel Survey, this paper argues that it is now vital to move these balancing debates on from their location within work-family rhetoric and to re-position the study of women's working time in broader work-life discussions. Work-family debates tend to neglect a number of key domains that women balance in their lives, in addition to family and employment, including their financial security and their leisure. The paper shows that examining the financial situations and the leisure lives of female part-timers in lower level jobs reveals a less positive picture of their 'life balancing' than is portrayed in much work-family literature. Instead, they emerged as the least financially secure employees and, linked to this, less satisfied with their social lives too. It is concluded that since the work-life system is multi- and not just two-dimensional, it is important to examine how all life domains interrelate with each other. In this way, we would be in a better position to begin to assess all the benefits and disadvantages associated with working part-time and with other work-life balancing strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The management of work-life balance in enterprises: a European overview including deeper views at Germany, Italy and The Netherlands, Berlin, 10.-11.July, 2003. Workshop proceedings (2004)


    Der Sammelband gibt einen Überblick über die Konferenz 'The management of work-life balance in enterprises : a European overview including deeper views at Germany, Italy and The Netherlands', im Jahre 2003 in Berlin. Die ökonomischen, sozialen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern werden aus nationalstaatlicher und vergleichender Perspektive thematisiert. (IAB)

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    The work-life balance in social practice (2003)

    Kay, Tess;


    Kay, Tess (2003): The work-life balance in social practice. In: Social policy and society, Jg. 2, H. 3, S. 231-239. DOI:10.1017/S1474746403001271


    "This article examines the extent to which the growing attention being paid at EU and national level to issues related to work-life balance is reflected in families' lived experience. It identifies the demands facing families in balancing paid work with other activities, the strategies they adopt to meet them, and the role played by policy interventions. Attention is drawn to diversity in family structures and labour market participation throughout Europe, to differences in the issues encountered by families in achieving a satisfactory work-life balance, and to the contribution of policy to their strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Interactions between care-giving and paid work hours among European midlife women, 1994 to 1996 (2003)

    Spiess, Katharina; Schneider, A. Ulrike;


    Spiess, Katharina & A. Ulrike Schneider (2003): Interactions between care-giving and paid work hours among European midlife women, 1994 to 1996. In: Ageing and society, Jg. 23, H. 1, S. 41-68. DOI:10.1017/S0144686X02001010


    "This paper uses data from the European Community Household Panel surveys of 1994 and 1996 to study the association between changes in care-giving and changes in weekly work hours. Our sample comprises women aged 45 - 59 years who participated in the labour force in at least one of the two years studied. Controlling for country variation, we find significant relationships between starting or increasing informal care-giving and changes in weekly work hours. No such association is found however among women terminating a care-giving commitment or reducing their care hours. Starting care-giving significantly reduces work hours for women in northern European countries (except Ireland). By contrast, women in southern Europe and Ireland respond to an increase in care-giving hours by a smaller increase or a higher decrease in work hours than non care-givers. In summary, our results show that the impact of care-giving on adjustments of weekly work hours is asymmetrical and that it differs in southern and northern Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women and men at work (2002)

    Padavic, Irene; Reskin, Barbara;


    Padavic, Irene & Barbara Reskin (2002): Women and men at work. (Sociology for a new century), Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press, 217 S.


    "The Second Edition of this best selling book provides a comprehensive examination of the role that gender plays in work environments. This book differs from others by comparing women's and men's work status, addressing contemporary issues within a historical perspective, incorporating comparative material from other countries, recognizing differences in the experiences of women and men from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Relying on both qualitative and quantitative data, the authors seek to link social scientific ideas about workers' lives, sex inequality, and gender to the real-world workplace. This new edition contains updated statistics, timely cartoons, and presents new scholarship in the field. It also provides a renewed focus on reasons for variability in inequality across workplaces. In sum, the second edition of Women and Men at Work presents a contemporary perspective to the field, with relevant comparative and historical insights that will draw readers in and connect them to the wider concern of making sense of our dramatically changing world." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The child care problem: an economic analysis (2001)

    Blau, David M.;


    Blau, David M. (2001): The child care problem. An economic analysis. New York: Russel Sage Foundation, 266 S.


    "The child care system in the United States is widely criticized, yet the underlying structural problems are difficult to pin down. In The Child Care Problem, David M. Blau sets aside the often emotional terms of the debate and applies a rigorous economic analysis to the state of the child care system in this country, arriving at a surprising diagnosis of the root of the problem. Blau approaches child care as a service that is bought and sold in markets, addressing such questions as: What kinds of child care are available? Is good care really hard to find? How do costs affect the services families choose? Why are child care workers underpaid relative to other professions? He finds that the child care market functions much better than is commonly believed. The supply of providers has kept pace with the number of mothers entering the workforce, and costs remain relatively modest. Yet most families place a relatively low value on high-quality child care, and are unwilling to pay more for better care. Blau sees this lack of demand - rather than the market's inadequate supply - as the cause of the nation's child care dilemma. The Child Care Problem also faults government welfare policies - which treat child care subsidies mainly as a means to increase employment of mothers, but set no standards regarding the quality of child care their subsidies can purchase. Blau trains an economic lens on research by child psychologists, evaluating the evidence that the day care environment has a genuine impact on early development. The failure of families and government to place a priority on improving such critical conditions for their children provides a compelling reason to advocate change. The Child Care Problem concludes with a balanced proposal for reform. Blau outlines a systematic effort to provide families of all incomes with the information they need to make more prudent decisions. And he suggests specific revisions to welfare policy, including both an allowance to defray the expenses of families with children, and a child care voucher that is worth more when used for higher quality care. The Child Care Problem provides a straightforward evaluation of the many contradictory claims about the problems with child care, and lays out a reasoned blueprint for reform which will help guide both social scientists and non-academics alike toward improving the quality of child care in this country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender and the labour market: econometric evidence of obstacles to achieving gender equality (2000)

    Gustafsson, Siv S.; Jepsen, Maria; Joshi, Heather; Meulders, Daniele E.; Joy, Lois; Battu, Harminder; Killingsworth, Mark; Cifre, Concha Salvador; Lilja, Reija; Dale-Olsen, Harald; Maruani, Margaret; Dekker, Ronals; Meulders, Daniele E.; Freeman, Richard B. ; Muffels, Ruud; Gustafsson, Silv S.; Oaxaca, Ronald L.; Barth, Erling ; Peronaci, Romana; Clement, David; Seaman, Paul T.; Fernandez, Amadeo Fuenmayor; Sloane, Peter J.; Witzels, Cecile; Smith, Nina ; Davies, Hugh; Sofer, Catherine; Büchel, Felix; Stancanelli, Elena; Gupta, Nabanita Datta; Terraz, Isabelle;


    Gustafsson, Siv S. & Daniele E. Meulders (Hrsg.) (2000): Gender and the labour market. Econometric evidence of obstacles to achieving gender equality. (Applied econometrics association), Basingstoke: Macmillan, 336 S.


    "The purpose of Gender and the Labour Market is to analyze the remaining obstacles in achieving gender equality. The first chapters present different aspects of the gender earnings gap. Different counteries are studied and special emphasis is made on particular sectors and occupations. The next chapters deal with the postponement of first birth by educated women, the non-cooperative behavior in time use, gender differences in job and working mobility, transitions between employment status, discriminations contained in tax systems and poverty rates of single parent households." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work-lifestyle choices in the 21st century: preference theory (2000)

    Hakim, Catherine;


    Hakim, Catherine (2000): Work-lifestyle choices in the 21st century. Preference theory. Oxford u.a.: Oxford University Press, 340 S.


    Die Autorin versucht auf der Grundlage einer multidisziplinären Präferenztheorie laufende und zukünftige Muster des Erwerbsverlaufs von Frauen zu erklären und zu prognostizieren. Die Theorie wird anschließend mit neueren Forschungsergebnissen über die Lebenslaufplanung von Frauen aus verschiedenen Ländern konfrontiert. (IAB)

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    Social security and changing family structures (1992)

    Duskin, Elizabeth; Goodman, Catherine; Cantillon, Bea ; Stanton, David I.; Austin, Michael J.; Apt, Nana Araba; Bradshaw, Jonathan; Herscovitch, Andrew; Thave, Suzanne; Hohnerlein, Eva-Maria; Buysse, Anne-Marie; Kroupova, Alena; Barbier, Jean-Claude; Millar, Jane ;


    Duskin, Elizabeth, Catherine Goodman, Bea Cantillon, David I. Stanton, Michael J. Austin, Nana Araba Apt, Jonathan Bradshaw, Andrew Herscovitch, Suzanne Thave, Eva-Maria Hohnerlein, Anne-Marie Buysse, Alena Kroupova, Jean-Claude Barbier & Jane Millar Duskin, Elizabeth, Catherine Goodman, Bea Cantillon, David I. Stanton, Michael J. Austin, Nana Araba Apt, Jonathan Bradshaw, Andrew Herscovitch, Suzanne Thave, Eva-Maria Hohnerlein, Anne-Marie Buysse, Alena Kroupova, Jean-Claude Barbier & Jane Millar (sonst. bet. Pers.) (1992): Social security and changing family structures. (International Social Security Association. Studies and research 29), Geneva, 228 S.


    "Social security has often been criticised on the ground that, having been conceived in a period and for a society in which the family represented a stable institution, the man providing the means of subsistence for his dependents and the woman looking after the household chores and the children, it has failed to adapt itself to the real situation of today's families. However justified this criticism may be in some cases and countries, it overlooks the many measures adopted by social security schemes during the past twenty or twenty-five years to meet new needs and adjust to the new situations created by the recent changes in family structures. This book attempts to analyse the repercussions for social security of the advent of new family models, in particular one-parent families, and of the changes in the functions of the family in society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social security provisions in case of divorce: report of a round table meeting (Geneva, 29 June - 1 July 1977) (1978)

    Cockburn, Christine; Chester, Robert; Ciffin, Shirley; Aström, Lars-Ake; Marziale, Franco; Bouquet, Rolande; Graniewska, Danuta; Berger, Alfons; Hoskins, Dalmer; O'Neil, Maureen; Kaltenbach, Helmut;


    Cockburn, Christine, Robert Chester, Shirley Ciffin, Lars-Ake Aström, Franco Marziale, Rolande Bouquet, Danuta Graniewska, Alfons Berger, Dalmer Hoskins, Maureen O'Neil & Helmut Kaltenbach Cockburn, Christine, Robert Chester, Shirley Ciffin, Lars-Ake Aström, Franco Marziale, Rolande Bouquet, Danuta Graniewska, Alfons Berger, Dalmer Hoskins, Maureen O'Neil & Helmut Kaltenbach (sonst. bet. Pers.) (1978): Social security provisions in case of divorce. Report of a round table meeting (Geneva, 29 June - 1 July 1977). (International Social Security Association. Studies and research 11), Geneva, 111 S.


    "In 1974 the ISSA undertook among a number of its member institutions an inquiry into social security and divorce. This study showed that while many social security systems were responding to the problems which arise, particularly for women, on the dissolution of the marriage, there still existed gaps and inconsistencies in the treatment of divorced persons. It was therefore to provide for further study of the problems of income security arising on divorce that the Round Table Meeting was organised. In more explicit terms, the purpose of the meeting was seen as threefold:
    1) to analyse the administrative problems and policy issues faced by social security institutions as a result of rising rates of divorce and the marked trend toward more liberal divorce laws;
    2) to compare and exchange information on current social security provisions for divorced persons; and
    3) to dicuss any proposed changes which would affect the treatment of divorced persons and their dependants under national social security systems." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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