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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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    Arbeit und Gender (2023)

    Krause, Florian; Arndt, Luisa; Vedder, Günther; Vedder, Günther; Honé, Alicia; Warnecke, Anja; Pieper, Jessica;


    Krause, Florian & Günther Vedder (Hrsg.) (2023): Arbeit und Gender. (Schriftenreihe zur interdisziplinären Arbeitswissenschaft 15), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 189 S.


    "Das Zusammenspiel von Arbeit und Gender ist innerhalb der Arbeitswissenschaft seit vielen Jahren von besonderem Interesse. Permanent kommen an der Schnittstelle aktuelle Themen hinzu, die bisher noch wenig beforscht wurden. In diesem Sammelband geht es um Fragestellungen aus folgenden Bereichen: (1) Menstruationsbedingte Arbeitsunfähigkeit – eine Diskursanalyse; (2) Frauen im organisationalen Führungsfeld unter Covid 19; (3) Die Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Beruf und Ehrenamt; (4) Sind Frauen im vorzeitigen Ruhestand glücklicher?; (5) Gewichtsdiskriminierung im Privat- und Berufsleben. Alle Beiträge sind am Institut für interdisziplinäre Arbeitswissenschaft der Leibniz Universität Hannover entstanden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)

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    Now, Women Do Ask: A Call to Update Beliefs about the Gender Pay Gap (2023)

    Kray, Laura; Lee, Margaret; Kennedy, Jessica;


    Kray, Laura, Jessica Kennedy & Margaret Lee (2023): Now, Women Do Ask: A Call to Update Beliefs about the Gender Pay Gap. In: The Academy of Management Discoveries online erschienen am 15.08.2023. DOI:10.5465/amd.2022.0021


    "For over two decades, gender differences in the propensity to negotiate have been thought to explain the gender pay gap. We ask whether a “women don’t ask” pattern holds today among working adults. We compare estimates of gender differences in negotiation propensity (Study 1) with actual patterns from MBA students (n = 1,435) and alumni (n = 1,939) from a top U.S. business school (Studies 2A-2B). Contrary to lay beliefs, women report negotiating their salaries more often (not less) than men. We then re-analyze meta-analytic data on self-reported initiation of salary negotiations to reconcile our findings with prior work (Study 2C). While men reported higher negotiation propensity than women prior to the twenty-first century, the gender difference grew neutral and then reversed since then. Negotiation propensity rose across time for both men and women, although to differing degrees. Finally, we explore the consequences of the now-outdated belief that “women don’t ask,” finding that it increases gender stereotyping, even on dimensions unrelated to negotiation, and it is associated with both greater system-justification and weaker support for legislation addressing pay equity (Studies 3 and 4). Our research calls for an updating of beliefs about gender and the propensity to negotiate for pay." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Second Birth Fertility in Germany: Social Class, Gender, and the Role of Economic Uncertainty (2023)

    Kreyenfeld, Michaela ; Konietzka, Dirk ; Lambert, Philippe; Ramos, Vincent Jerald;


    Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Dirk Konietzka, Philippe Lambert & Vincent Jerald Ramos (2023): Second Birth Fertility in Germany: Social Class, Gender, and the Role of Economic Uncertainty. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 39, H. 1. DOI:10.1007/s10680-023-09656-5


    "Building on a thick strand of the literature on the determinants of higher-order births, this study uses a gender and class perspective to analyse second birth progression rates in Germany. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1990 to 2020, individuals are classified based on their occupation into: upper service, lower service, skilled manual/higher-grade routine nonmanual, and semi-/unskilled manual/lower-grade routine nonmanual classes. Results highlight the “economic advantage” of men and women in service classes who experience strongly elevated second birth rates. Finally, we demonstrate that upward career mobility post-first birth is associated with higher second birth rates, particularly among men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The strength of gender norms and gender-stereotypical occupational aspirations among adolescents (2023)

    Kuhn, Andreas ; Wolter, Stefan C. ;


    Kuhn, Andreas & Stefan C. Wolter (2023): The strength of gender norms and gender-stereotypical occupational aspirations among adolescents. In: Kyklos, Jg. 76, H. 1, S. 101-124. DOI:10.1111/kykl.12320


    "We empirically test the hypothesis that adolescents' occupational aspirations are more gender-stereotypical if they live in a region where the societal norm towards gender equality is weaker. For our analysis, we combine rich survey data describing a sample of 1,434 Swiss adolescents who attended 8th grade in 2013 with municipal voting results dealing with gender equality and policy. We find that occupational aspirations predominantly follow gender stereotypes and that adolescents living in municipalities with a stronger norm towards gender equality are significantly less likely to aspire for a gender-stereotypical occupation, even after controlling for individual-level controls. At the same time, we also find that the association is surprisingly weak – in the sense that adolescents tend to aspire for gender-stereotypical occupations even in the most gender-progressive municipalities. Moreover, a more detailed analysis shows that the association mainly reflects the intergenerational transmission of occupations from parents to their children and/or regional differences in the prevailing occupational structure. We discuss the implications of these findings and several mechanisms that are consistent with the evidence from our analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit im internationalen Vergleich: Update des EcoAustria Scoreboard-Indikators (2023)

    Köppl-Turyna, Monika; Graf, Nikolaus;


    Köppl-Turyna, Monika & Nikolaus Graf (2023): Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit im internationalen Vergleich: Update des EcoAustria Scoreboard-Indikators. (Policy note / EcoAustria - Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung 54), Wien, 21 S.


    "Die Verfügbarkeit qualitativ hochwertiger, örtlich erreichbarer, zeitlich flexibler Kinderbetreuung stellt eine Grundvoraussetzung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie dar. Österreich weist eine überdurchschnittliche Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern auf, zugleich findet diese Erwerbsbeteiligung sehr häufig in Form von Teilzeitbeschäftigung statt. Teilzeitbeschäftigung stellt wieder mit, eine Ursache für geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten am Arbeitsmarkt dar. Institutionelle Kinderbetreuung kann die Arbeitsmarktteilnahme von Müttern befördern und zu einer Ausweitung der Arbeitszeit führen. Zugleich gehen von Kinderbetreuung positive Effekte auf die Bildungsergebnisse und auf die schulische Integration bildungsbenachteiligter Kinder aus. In Anbetracht der aktuellen Arbeitskräfteknappheit kann eine Ausweitung der Erwerbsintegration von Müttern eine Option darstellen, die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften zu decken. Kurzum: Von Kinderbetreuung gehen viele positive, gesellschaftlich und politisch erwünschte Effekte aus. Dennoch: Trotz der in der jüngeren Vergangenheit erzielten Fortschritte sind etwa bei der Betreuung von Kleinkindern unter drei Jahren und im Hinblick auf verlängerte flexible Öffnungszeiten am Tagesrand sowie Schließtage während den Ferien Aufholpotenziale insbesondere in ländlichen Regionen gegeben. [...]" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Maternal health, well-being, and employment transitions: A longitudinal comparison of partnered and single mothers in Germany (2023)

    Kühn, Mine ; Dudel, Christian ; Werding, Martin ;


    Kühn, Mine, Christian Dudel & Martin Werding (2023): Maternal health, well-being, and employment transitions. A longitudinal comparison of partnered and single mothers in Germany. In: Social science research, Jg. 114. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2023.102906


    "Balancing parenthood and employment can be challenging and distressing, particularly for single mothers. At the same time, transitioning to employment can improve the financial situations of single mothers and provide them with access to social networks, which can have beneficial effects on their health and well-being. Currently, however, it is not well understood whether the overall impact of employment on single mothers is positive or negative, and to what extent it differs from the impact of employment on partnered mothers. Building on the literature on work-family conflict, we investigate the differential effects of employment transitions on the health and well-being of single mothers and partnered mothers. Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1992–2016), we apply panel regression techniques that address the potential endogeneity of maternal employment, as well as the dynamic nature of the relationship between employment transitions and maternal health and well-being. We find that employment has a positive impact on single mothers, and that single mothers benefit from employment significantly more than partnered mothers. Surprisingly, income does not appear to be an important driver of these results. Overall, our findings suggest that employment plays a key role in the well-being of single mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The effects of Covid-19 on couples’ job tenures: Mothers have it worse (2023)

    Lafuente, Cristina ; Ruland, Astrid ; Santaeulàlia-Llopis, Raül; Visschers, Ludo ;


    Lafuente, Cristina, Astrid Ruland, Raül Santaeulàlia-Llopis & Ludo Visschers (2023): The effects of Covid-19 on couples’ job tenures: Mothers have it worse. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 83. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102404


    "We study the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the employment contracts and job tenures of couples, and how these are shaped by gender and the presence of children. Using the Spanish Labor Force Survey, we find that women with children have suffered relatively larger losses of higher-duration, permanent jobs since the pandemic than men or women without children. These losses emerge approximately one year after the onset of the pandemic and persist, even though the aggregate male and female employment rate has recovered. Our results point to potential labor market scars, in particular, for mothers, that hide behind standard aggregate employment measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Der Preis von Mutterschaft – die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Kinder in Ost- und Westdeutschland (2023)

    Lawitzky, Corinna; Weyh, Antje;


    Lawitzky, Corinna & Antje Weyh (2023): Der Preis von Mutterschaft – die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Kinder in Ost- und Westdeutschland. In: Gender, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 119-137., 2021-12-07. DOI:10.3224/gender.v15i1.09


    "Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Kinder vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Rollenbilder in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Die Datengrundlage bildet die Beschäftigtenhistorik des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, die Angaben zu allen sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten in Deutschland enthält. Vollzeitbeschäftigte Frauen mit Kindern verdienen weniger als Frauen ohne Kinder, wobei dieser Lohnunterschied in Westdeutschland deutlich größer ausfällt als in Ostdeutschland. Mittels einer Oaxaca-Blinder-Zerlegung weisen wir wichtige Einflussfaktoren aus und können einen bereinigten Lohnunterschied ermitteln. Dabei deuten die Ergebnisse der Zerlegungen darauf hin, dass historische Unterschiede bezüglich der gesellschaftlichen Leitbilder zur Mutterrolle in Ost- und Westdeutschland weiterhin bestehen. Die Abkehr vom traditionellen Bild der Mutterrolle ist somit nach wie vor relevant für den Abbau des Lohnnachteils für Mütter." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Budrich)

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    Weyh, Antje;
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    Union brokerage and the gender gap in the labor market: A cross-national comparative study of associational networks and gendered labor force participation in OECD countries (2023)

    Lee, Cheol-Sung ; Goh, Taekyeong;


    Lee, Cheol-Sung & Taekyeong Goh (2023): Union brokerage and the gender gap in the labor market. A cross-national comparative study of associational networks and gendered labor force participation in OECD countries. In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Jg. 64, H. 1, S. 22-56. DOI:10.1177/00207152221108139


    "This article explores the role of union-centered brokerage in promoting women’s labor force participation in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries for the last three decades. Using two measures of brokerage, a union’s core brokerage role, and its general brokerage role, we attempted to capture the processes by which union activists mobilize and extend women’s rights in associational fields. Then, we tested our key argument that union-centered brokerage plays the most effective role among the different brokerage types in channeling women’s interests by transforming them into wider class-linked or cross-class concerns. Cross-national and comparative case studies demonstrate that union-led brokerage promotes greater presence of women in the economy. Our findings revealed that, when controlling for economic, regional, and cultural factors, both types of brokerage roles impact women’s participation in the labor market and their participation compared to that of men. The overall findings underscore the importance of creating and utilizing solidarity structures through effective channeling mechanisms in civic associational fields between labor-based organizations and other reform-oriented civic groups in achieving egalitarian socioeconomic goals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Documenting occupational sorting by gender in the UK across three cohorts: does a grand convergence rely on societal movements? (2023)

    Lekfuangfu, Warn N.; Lordan, Grace;


    Lekfuangfu, Warn N. & Grace Lordan (2023): Documenting occupational sorting by gender in the UK across three cohorts: does a grand convergence rely on societal movements? In: Empirical economics, Jg. 64, H. 5, S. 2215-2256. DOI:10.1007/s00181-022-02314-5


    "We consider the extent to which temporal shifts have been responsible for an increased tendency for females to sort into traditionally male roles over time, versus childhood factors. Drawing on three cohort studies, which follow individuals born in the UK in 1958, 1970 and 2000, we compare the shift in the tendency of females in these cohorts to sort into traditionally male roles compared to males, to the combined effect of a large set of childhood variables. For all three cohorts, we find strong evidence of sorting along gendered lines, which has decreased over time, yet there is no erosion of the gender gap in the tendency to sort into occupations with the highest share of males. Within the cohort, we find little evidence that childhood variables change the tendency for females of either the average or highest ability to sort substantively differently. Our work is highly suggestive that temporal shifts are what matter in determining the differential gendered sorting patterns we have seen over the last number of decades, and also those that remain today. These temporal changes include attitudinal changes, technology advances, policy changes and economic shifts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Modern fathers' dilemma of work-family reconciliation. Findings from the German Youth Institute Survey AID:A II (2023)

    Li, Xuan ; Zerle-Elsäßer, Claudia ;


    Li, Xuan & Claudia Zerle-Elsäßer (2023): Modern fathers' dilemma of work-family reconciliation. Findings from the German Youth Institute Survey AID:A II. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 35, S. 103-123. DOI:10.20377/jfr-792


    "Fragestellung: Diese Studie untersucht, wie die beruflichen und familialen Anforderungen und Ressourcen mit den wahrgenommenen Konflikten zwischen Familie und Beruf deutscher Väter zusammenhängen. Hintergrund: Die steigenden Erwartungen an mehr familienbezogenes Engagement bei anhaltend zentraler Bedeutung der Erwerbstätigkeit im männlichen Lebensverlauf stellen Väter vor die Herausforderung, diese Lebensbereiche miteinander zu verbinden. Die meisten Studien zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf konzentrieren sich jedoch nach wie vor auf Mütter und untersuchen Konflikte zwischen Beruf und Familie (work-to-family) sowie zwischen Familie und Beruf (family-to-work) getrennt. Methode: Zunächst haben wir mit Hilfe einer Clusteranalyse eine Typologie aus vier Gruppen ermittelt, die je unterschiedliche Ausprägungen der work-to-family- und family-to-work-Konflikte haben. Anschließend haben wir den Zusammenhang mit relevanten beruflichen und familialen Anforderungen und Ressourcen in einer multinominalen logistischen Regression von 5.226 deutschen Kernfamilien mit mindestens einem Kind unter 18 Jahren mit analysiert. Ergebnisse: Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der größte Anteil der Väter (38,2 %) angab, hauptsächlich von der Arbeit unter Druck gesetzt zu werden (= work-to-family-Konflikte überwiegen), 19,8 % hauptsächlich von der Familie (= family-to-work-Konflikte überwiegen). Weitere 13,4 % gaben an, Druck aus beiden Richtungen zu spüren; nur 28,6 % der Väter gaben an, mehr oder weniger frei von Konflikten zu sein. Die Ergebnisse der multinominalen logistischen Regression deuteten darauf hin, dass lange Arbeitszeiten, familienunfreundliche Arbeitsanforderungen und langes Pendeln mit den Konflikten zwischen Beruf und Familie oder doppelten Konflikten der Väter in Zusammenhang stehen. Je höher der Umfang der geleisteten Stunden an Kinderbetreuung unter der Woche und je besser die Paar- und Familienbeziehung erachtet wird, desto geringer die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Väter Konflikte zwischen Beruf und Familie oder Konflikte in beide Richtungen erlebten, ohne die Wahrscheinlichkeit von family-to-work-Konflikten zu erhöhen. Darüber hinaus stehen ein höheres Familieneinkommen und eine nicht erwerbstätige Partnerin in negativem Zusammenhang mit den Konflikten zwischen Familie und Beruf bei den Vätern. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse haben starke Implikationen für die Praxis der Familienbildung und Familienberatung sowie der Familienpolitik, die Väter in ihrer schwierigen Position zwischen Arbeits- und Familienpflichten besser unterstützen sollten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender Role Attitudes and Labour Market Behaviours: Do Attitudes Contribute to Gender Differences in Employment in Germany? (2023)

    Lietzmann, Torsten; Frodermann, Corinna ;


    Lietzmann, Torsten & Corinna Frodermann (2023): Gender Role Attitudes and Labour Market Behaviours: Do Attitudes Contribute to Gender Differences in Employment in Germany? In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 373-393., 2021-03-07. DOI:10.1177/09500170211011318


    "This article contributes to the literature on persistent gender inequalities in the labour market by investigating gender role attitudes in Germany and their association with labour market behaviour. Based on the German Panel Study ‘Labour Market and Social Security’ (PASS), longitudinal analyses are applied to examine the influence of gender role attitudes and the household context on various employment states. The results reveal that gender role attitudes are crucial for labour market behaviour and that there are differences among women and men in different household contexts. Whereas single men and women do not differ significantly in their employment probabilities, women in couple households are less active in the labour market than their male counterparts. Furthermore, differences in employment are largest in couples with children. Among women, differences in full-time employment by household context become smaller when these women hold egalitarian attitudes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lietzmann, Torsten; Frodermann, Corinna ;
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    Gender-targeted transfers by default? - Evidence from a child allowance reform in Sweden (2023)

    Lindahl, Erica ; Rosenqvist, Olof; Selin, Hakan;


    Lindahl, Erica, Olof Rosenqvist & Hakan Selin (2023): Gender-targeted transfers by default? - Evidence from a child allowance reform in Sweden. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 83. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102389


    "We exploit a sharp birthday discontinuity in a large and universal Swedish cash transfer program, creating plausibly exogenous variation in the default disbursement option, while holding entitlements and other financial incentives constant. When the cash transfer is paid out to the mother by default, instead of a 50/50 default, it has a large effect (55 percentage points) on the probability that the transfer is deposited in the mother's bank account also in the long run. Surprisingly, we find that the default policy redistributes resources to separated low-income mothers. We find no indications that the 100%-to-the-mother default induces mothers to work less or to take more responsibility for the children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Understanding informal care burden domains' impact on overall burden – a structural equation modeling approach with cross-sectional data from Germany (2023)

    Loboiko, Katharina ; Steiner, Michael ; Bohnet-Joschko, Sabine ;


    Loboiko, Katharina, Michael Steiner & Sabine Bohnet-Joschko (2023): Understanding informal care burden domains' impact on overall burden – a structural equation modeling approach with cross-sectional data from Germany. In: Journal of Social Policy online erschienen am 04.07.2023, S. 1-17. DOI:10.1017/S0047279423000302


    "Informal caregivers are the core of long-term care for older and disabled people. Although previous research has studied factors that influence caregivers’ burden, little is known about the different care domains and why they influence the caregivers’ perceived burden. Drawing on a large-scale German survey, the current study makes a first attempt to address this research gap. The study used cross-sectional data on 1.429 informal caregivers. Germany is characterized by comprehensive but fragmented health and social protection systems oriented toward supporting informal care at home. Structural equation modeling (SmartPLS 3) was used to estimate the effects of five care domains on three burden dimensions and, ultimately, on the overall burden. Our results indicate that support in organizational matters had the highest impact on the overall perceived burden. The findings reveal that German caregivers particularly struggle with bureaucracy, i.e. an area that can directly be influenced by policymakers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wie Männer und Frauen sich bei der Jobsuche unterscheiden: Bewerbungsverhalten kann die Hälfte der bereinigten Verdienstlücke erklären (2023)

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Merkl, Christian ;


    Lochner, Benjamin & Christian Merkl (2023): Wie Männer und Frauen sich bei der Jobsuche unterscheiden: Bewerbungsverhalten kann die Hälfte der bereinigten Verdienstlücke erklären. (IAB-Kurzbericht 8/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2308


    "Frauen verdienen im Durchschnitt weniger als Männer. Dies wird in der Wissenschaft intensiv analysiert und in der Politik oft debattiert. Dabei findet das geschlechtsspezifische Bewerbungsverhalten bisher kaum Beachtung. Die Analyse detaillierter Betriebsdaten zeigt aber, dass sich Männer und Frauen selbst innerhalb eng definierter Berufe auf Stellen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften bewerben und dass dies einen erheblichen Teil der Verdienstlücke erklärt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Lochner, Benjamin ;
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    How men and women differ when searching for a job: application behaviour can explain half of the residual earnings gap (2023)

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Merkl, Christian ;


    Lochner, Benjamin & Christian Merkl (2023): How men and women differ when searching for a job: application behaviour can explain half of the residual earnings gap. In: IAB-Forum H. 25.10.2023. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231025.01


    "On average, women earn less than men. So far, gender-specific application behaviour has received little attention in this context. It can, however, explain a considerable part of the gender earnings gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lochner, Benjamin ;
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    Gender-Specific Application Behavior, Matching, and the Residual Gender Earnings Gap (2023)

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Merkl, Christian ;


    Lochner, Benjamin & Christian Merkl (2023): Gender-Specific Application Behavior, Matching, and the Residual Gender Earnings Gap. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16686), Bonn, 61 S.


    "This paper analyzes the relationship between gender-specific application behavior, employer-side flexibility requirements, and the gender earnings gap using a unique combination of the German Job Vacancy Survey (JVS) linked to administrative employment records. We document that women have a substantially lower probability of applying to jobs with high flexibility requirements at high-wage firms than do men but have the same probability of being hired upon application. In our two-stage search model, these empirical patterns are rationalized by firms compensating workers for meeting employer-side flexibility requirements. Consistently, we empirically show that among women, mothers face the largest earnings discounts relative to men in jobs with high flexibility requirements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lochner, Benjamin ;
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    Working longer with working-time flexibility: Only when job commitment is high and family commitment is low? (2023)

    Lott, Yvonne ;


    Lott, Yvonne (2023): Working longer with working-time flexibility. Only when job commitment is high and family commitment is low? In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 35, S. 372-392. DOI:10.20377/jfr-852


    "Objective: This study investigates (a) whether job commitment and family commitment moderate the positive association between flexible working-time arrangements and work hours, and (b) whether childless women and men and mothers and fathers with the same levels of job and family commitment work equally long hours with flexible working-time arrangements. Background: As working-time flexibility increases at many workplaces due to digital technologies and work overload, so too does the risk of working longer hours. Although previous research has neglected job and family commitment as potential moderators of the relationship between working-time flexibility and long working hours, it has found gender inequalities in working hours among employees with flexible working-time arrangements, which have been attributed inter alia to men’s higher commitment to work and lower commitment to family. Method: Multivariate analyses were conducted based on German Family Panel (pairfam) data for 2018, 2019, and 2020. The sample comprised data from 4,568 employee-years, 1,666 part-time employee-years, and 2,902 full-time employee-years. Results: Among full-time employees, only those with high job commitment and low family commitment worked longer hours with employer-driven flexibility and working-time autonomy. Mothers with these arrangements worked fewer hours than childless women, childless men, and fathers, unless they had the same levels of job and family commitment as the latter three groups. Conclusion: These results suggest, first, that among full-time employees with flexible working-time arrangements, job and family commitment are driving factors for working long hours; second, that gender differences in work hours are shaped by parental status; and third, that these differences are due, at least in part, to differences in connectedness to job and family roles." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Competition, confidence and gender: shifting the focus from the overconfident to the realistic (2023)

    Lénárd, Tünde; Horn, Dániel; Kiss, Hubert János;


    Lénárd, Tünde, Hubert János Kiss & Dániel Horn (2023): Competition, confidence and gender: shifting the focus from the overconfident to the realistic. (CERS-IE working papers 2023,27), Budapest, 37 S.


    "The gender gap in competitiveness is argued to explain gender differences in later life outcomes, including career choices and the gender wage gap. In experimental settings, a prevalent explanation attributes this gap to males being more (over)confident than females (we call this the compositional channel). While our lab-in-the-field study using data from students in 53 classrooms (N$>$1000) reproduces this finding, it also uncovers a second, potentially more impactful channel of confidence contributing to the gender gap in competitiveness (the preference channel). To disentangle the two channels, we propose a more precise measure of confidence based on whether the subjects' believed performance rank exceeds, coincides with or falls short of their actual performance in a real-effort task. We label categories of this Guessed - Actual Performance (GAP) difference as overconfident, realistic or underconfident, respectively. Surprisingly, there is no gender difference in competitiveness within the over- and underconfident subgroups, while a significant gender gap exists among the realistic. So, even if both genders had the same level of confidence, a persistent gender gap in preference (or taste) for competition would remain in the realistic group. This finding is robust across all specifications, challenging previous theories about the overconfidence of men being the sole driver of the relationship between confidence and the gender gap in competition." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do households live the family model they prefer? Household's work patterns across European policy regimes (2023)

    Lütolf, Meret; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle ;


    Lütolf, Meret & Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen (2023): Do households live the family model they prefer? Household's work patterns across European policy regimes. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 1421-1443. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwac023


    "Studies have investigated the equalizing effect of childcare provision and parental leave schemes on gendered work patterns. However, as the relationship between policies and individual time allocations to paid work is complex and challenging to empirically assess, previous research has clarified single aspects of this complexity. The present study theoretically and empirically combines a household perspective by considering the work behaviors of two partners within one household (i.e. a household's lived family model) with a comparative approach to systematically analyze relationships between specific policy designs and households' paid work patterns in a large sample. The findings imply that extensive childcare policies are systematically related to an egalitarian household organization, mostly among those with small children. This association can be observed across households with varying levels of egalitarian norms. Conversely, the findings suggest that the current design of parental leave policies in the 21 European countries does not allow for a true assessment of the potential of leave schemes to influence the within-household division of labor." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women's Attrition from Male-Dominated Workplaces in Norway: The Importance of Numerical Minority Status, Motherhood and Class (2023)

    Madsen, Aleksander Å. ; Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud ; Brekke, Idunn ;


    Madsen, Aleksander Å., Idunn Brekke & Silje Bringsrud Fekjær (2023): Women's Attrition from Male-Dominated Workplaces in Norway: The Importance of Numerical Minority Status, Motherhood and Class. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 333-351. DOI:10.1177/09500170211004247


    "This study explores women’s attrition from male-dominated workplaces based on Norwegian public administrative records, covering individuals born 1945–1983, in the period between 2003 and 2013. It examines sex differences in rates of attrition and tests the significance of two commonly proposed explanations in the literature, namely the degree of numerical minority status and motherhood. It also investigates whether these explanations vary by occupational class. Selection into male-dominated workplaces is accounted for by using individual fixed effects models. The results show that attrition rates from male-dominated workplaces are considerably higher among women than among men. Moreover, the risk of female attrition to sex-balanced workplaces increases, regardless of occupational class, with increases in the percentage of males. Childbirth is associated with an increased risk of attrition to female-dominated workplaces, while having young children (⩽ 10 years old) lowered the risk. This association, however, was primarily evident among working-class women in manual occupations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Path-Dependencies in Employment Trajectories Around Motherhood: Comparing Native Versus Second-Generation Migrant Women in Belgium (2023)

    Maes, Julie ; Wood, Jonas ; Neels, Karel ;


    Maes, Julie, Jonas Wood & Karel Neels (2023): Path-Dependencies in Employment Trajectories Around Motherhood: Comparing Native Versus Second-Generation Migrant Women in Belgium. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jg. 24, H. 1, S. 281-344. DOI:10.1007/s12134-020-00801-1


    "A sizeable body of literature has shown that the migrant-native employment gap is larger among women with children than among childless women, suggesting that the transition to parenthood has a stronger impact on the employment trajectories of migrant origin women compared to those of native women. However, due to the limited use of longitudinal data, our understanding of the mechanisms generating differential employment trajectories around the transition to parenthood remains limited. This study adopts a life course perspective to address path-dependencies in employment trajectories around the transition to motherhood. Using longitudinal data and fixed-effects models that compare within-individual changes in contractual working hours around the transition to parenthood between natives and second-generation migrants of Southern European and Turkish or Moroccan origin in Belgium, we find no migrant-native differentials among women with low employment rates before the birth of their first child and only limited differentials in employment trajectories around parenthood among women with medium and high employment rates before parenthood. This indicates that there is a strong path-dependency of employment trajectories around parenthood for migrant women and natives alike, but that second-generation migrant women generally have a lower pre-birth labour market attachment than native women which accounts for the frequently observed migrant-native differentials in maternal employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Women's Involuntary Part-Time Employment and Household Economic Security in Europe (2023)

    Maestripieri, Lara ;


    Maestripieri, Lara (2023): Women's Involuntary Part-Time Employment and Household Economic Security in Europe. In: Feminist economics, Jg. 29, H. 4, S. 223-251. DOI:10.1080/13545701.2023.2251991


    "The rate of involuntary part-time work among women has increased sharply. Scholars have demonstrated its links with diminished career opportunities, deteriorated working conditions, and low pay at an individual level. However, less attention has been paid to the effects of these contracts on economic security at the household level. This article investigates to what extent women being in part-time work involuntarily hinders their household's ability to attain reasonable living standards and examines whether this would be any different if women were in part-time employment voluntarily. The results show that part-time work in itself does not necessarily constitute a threat to household economic security, but when it is involuntary, part-time employment jeopardizes a household's financial well-being. This occurs in countries that deregulated peripheral corners of their labor markets, or "dualized" countries such as Italy, Spain, and France, and fully liberalized countries, such as Switzerland and the United Kingdom." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paid Parental Leave Reforms and Mothers’ Employment in Austria, France and Hungary (2023)

    Makay, Zsuzsanna;


    Makay, Zsuzsanna (2023): Paid Parental Leave Reforms and Mothers’ Employment in Austria, France and Hungary. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-17


    "This study focuses on changes in the length of paid parental leave in Austria, France and Hungary between the 1960s and the first decade of the 2000s. Its aim is to analyse to what extent extensions and reductions of the duration of paid parental leave affect mothers’ labour market entry after childbirth. For each country, periods according to the different policy reforms are analysed and data from the Generations and Gender Survey are used to account for changes in mothers’ labour market entry. Scholars have argued that too long periods of paid parental leave might act as work-reducing policy in that they hinder women’s labour market entry while short leaves have positive effects on labour market participation and wages. This phenomenon is studied in three countries with very different conciliation policies. Results for Austria show that the introduction of more flexibility into the leave legislation in 2008 increased mothers’ relative risks of labour market entry especially among higher educated women. In France, the extension of paid leave for second born children in 1994 reduced labour market entry. We found however, no significant effect of the 1986 reform for third children and the 2004 reform introducing a paid leave of six months for first-born children. In Hungary, labour market entry of mothers was influenced by structural changes which accompanied the political transition of 1989 and resulted in longer leave take up of mothers. Labour market entry before the transition was more intensive than ever since that." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bessere Vereinbarkeit im Homeoffice? Erfahrungen und Grenzgestaltungen von Eltern (2023)

    Mallat, Anja;


    Mallat, Anja (2023): Bessere Vereinbarkeit im Homeoffice? Erfahrungen und Grenzgestaltungen von Eltern. (IAQ-Report 2023-08), Duisburg ; Essen, 20 S. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/79083


    "Homeoffice kann für Eltern zu mehr Flexibilität und Freiheit in ihrer Alltagsgestaltung, jedoch auch zu einer zunehmenden Entgrenzung der Lebensbereiche Beruf und Familie führen. Insbesondere erwerbsbezogene erweiterte Erreichbarkeiten werden in der Forschung als negative Konsequenz von Homeoffice bewertet. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, dass es aufseiten der Beschäftigten sehr verschiedene Sichtweisen auf das Arbeiten außerhalb regulärer Arbeitszeiten und folglich auch unterschiedliche Regulierungsbedarfe für eine gelingende Vereinbarkeit gibt. Deswegen gilt es, in der betrieblichen Praxis nicht einzig auf kollektive Regelungen zu erwerbsbezogenen Erreichbarkeiten zu fokussieren, sondern auch die Vereinbarkeitsideale der Beschäftigten zu berücksichtigen. Dies setzt zum einen voraus, Führungskräfte für Vereinbarkeitsfragen zu sensibilisieren. Zum anderen müssen die Beschäftigten familiäre und berufliche Leitbilder und Vereinbarkeitsideale reflektieren und befähigt werden, aktive Grenzsetzungsstrategien zu erlernen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Reiches Land - arme Frauen: Was gegen strukturelle Benachteiligung von Frauen getan werden muss (2023)

    Mandrysch, Claudia;


    (2023): Reiches Land - arme Frauen. Was gegen strukturelle Benachteiligung von Frauen getan werden muss. (Theorie und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit. Sonderband 2023), Weinheim: Juventa Verlag, 146 S.


    "Männer und Frauen sind in Deutschland noch immer nicht gleichberechtigt. Angesichts ausdifferenzierter Lebenslagen von Frauen steht die Frauen- und Gleichstellungspolitik vor großen Herausforderungen. Die politischen Themen, die dringend diskutiert werden müssen, sind vielfältig: etwa die Ungleichheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und in der Entlohnung, die ungerechte Verteilung von unbezahlter Arbeit im Haushalt oder bei der häuslichen Pflege. Der Diskurs um Geschlechtergerechtigkeit muss noch mehr geführt werden. Die AWO hat notwendige Gleichberechtigungsdiskussionen immer schon angestoßen und geführt. Der vorliegende Sonderband steht in dieser Tradition." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Feminization, ageing and occupational change in Europe in the last 25 years (2023)

    Mariscal-de-Gante, Álvaro; Fernández-Macías, Enrique ; Grubanov-Boskovic, Sara; Palencia-Esteban, Amaia;


    Mariscal-de-Gante, Álvaro, Amaia Palencia-Esteban, Sara Grubanov-Boskovic & Enrique Fernández-Macías (2023): Feminization, ageing and occupational change in Europe in the last 25 years. (JRC working papers series on labour, education and technology 2023,04), Sevilla, 23 S.


    "This paper presents new evidence on the interaction between demographic and occupational change in Europe over the last 25 years. We use data from the European Union Labour Force Survey covering six European countries to make the results representative of the different EU institutional families. The analysis is based on a cross-sectional comparison between the population and employment distributions in 1995 and 2019. This strategy allows us to study the changing demographic dynamics, which have brought a more feminised, aged and educated working population, in a context of structural employment change, where higher job polarisation or occupational upgrading are the main patterns. The results indicate that the increasing female participation has been accompanied by job polarisation, driven especially by the expansion of low-paid jobs among women. Although educational upgrading was particularly relevant for females, a multinomial logistic regression shows that occupational returns to education have declined more for women than men. Finally, despite the fact that the share of young (old) workers has decreased (increased), the occupational profile has changed similarly for both groups and the gender-based differences remain regardless of their age." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen von Berufswahl, Erwerbsunterbrechungen und Teilzeitarbeit auf das Lebenseinkommen von Frauen: Zentrale Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen einer aktuellen Studie im Auftrag des AMS Österreich (2023)

    Mayrhuber, Christine;


    Mayrhuber, Christine (2023): Auswirkungen von Berufswahl, Erwerbsunterbrechungen und Teilzeitarbeit auf das Lebenseinkommen von Frauen: Zentrale Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen einer aktuellen Studie im Auftrag des AMS Österreich. (AMS-Info / Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich 576), Wien, 4 S.


    "(...) Die vorliegende Studie ist eine Aktualisierung wie auch Erweiterung einer Studie aus 2017. Im ersten Abschnitt wird die Arbeitsmarktintegration der Frauen in Österreich entlang der Dimensionen Arbeitszeit und Einkommen analysiert. Die Datengrundlage sowie die Annahmen zu den modellierten Erwerbs- und Einkommensverläufen finden sich im zweiten Abschnitt. Der dritte Abschnitt behandelt die strukturellen Unterschiede der Erwerbseinkommens- summen entlang unterschiedlicher Wirtschaftsbranchen und Berufe, die Frauen ohne Erwerbsunterbrechungen haben. Ein Vergleich der Erwerbseinkommen bei durchgängigen Erwerbsverläufen zeigt, dass die strukturellen Verdienstunterschiede zwischen den Wirtschaftsklassen im Hinblick auf die Lebenseinkommensmöglichkeiten bedeutender sind, als die Effekte von vorübergehenden Teilzeitphasen. Im vierten Abschnitt sind die Ergebnisse der modellierten elf hypothetischen Erwerbsbiographien auf die Erwerbs- und Pensionseinkommen der Frauen festgehalten. Im ersten Teil sind die Unterschiede der summieren Erwerbseinkommen diskutiert, die Vollzeit- und Teilzeiterwerbstätigkeit nach sich zieht. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, welche Auswirkungen sowohl Erwerbsunterbrechungen als auch Teilzeitarbeitsphasen auf das Lebenseinkommen in fünf unterschiedlichen Berufen und fünf unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsbranchen haben. (...)" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The effect of child allowances on female labour supply: evidence from Israel (2023)

    Mazar, Yuval; Reingewertz, Yaniv;


    Mazar, Yuval & Yaniv Reingewertz (2023): The effect of child allowances on female labour supply: evidence from Israel. In: Economica, Jg. 90, H. 359, S. 882-910. DOI:10.1111/ecca.12467


    "This study estimates the effect of the sharp reduction in Israel's child allowances in the early 2000s on female labour supply. The study uses the difference-in-differences method to estimate changes in the labour supply of Israeli women with more children (four or five) compared to changes in the labour supply of women with fewer children (two or three). The results show an increase of approximately 3.1 percentage points (4.4%) in the labour supply of women with four or five children, relative to that of women with two or three children. These numbers translate to an income elasticity of labour supply in the range −0.50 to −0.81. Finally, we document the heterogeneity of these effects and provide several tests of their validity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gender Differences in Reservation Wages in Search Experiments (2023)

    McGee, Andrew; McGee, Peter ;


    McGee, Andrew & Peter McGee (2023): Gender Differences in Reservation Wages in Search Experiments. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16577), Bonn, 26 S.


    "Women report setting lower reservation wages than men in survey data. We show that women set reservation wages that are 14 to 18 percent lower than men's in laboratory search experiments that control for factors not fully observed in surveys such as offer distributions and outside options. This gender gap—which exists even controlling for overconfidence, preferences, personality, and intelligence—leads women to spend less time searching than men while accepting lower wages. Women—but not men—set reservation wages that are too low relative to theoretically optimal values given their risk preferences early in search, reducing their earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Child Penalty Estimation and Mothers' Age at First Birth (2023)

    Melentyeva, Valentina; Riedel, Lukas;


    Melentyeva, Valentina & Lukas Riedel (2023): Child Penalty Estimation and Mothers' Age at First Birth. (ECONtribute discussion paper 266), Köln ; Bonn, 43 S.


    "Motherhood continues to pose significant challenges to women's careers, and a correct assessment of its effects is crucial for understanding the persistent gender inequality in the labor market. We show that the prevalent approach to estimate post-birth earnings losses – so called “child penalties” – is prone to yield substantially biased results. We demonstrate that the biases stem from conventional event studies pooling together first-time mothers of all ages, without considering their distinct characteristics and the varying impact of motherhood. To address the biases, we propose a novel approach that accounts for the heterogeneity by building upon recent advancements in the econometric literature on difference-in-differences models. Applying it to administrative data from Germany, we demonstrate that considering heterogeneity by maternal age at birth is crucial for both methodological correctness and a deeper understanding of gender inequality. Our approach yields substantially larger estimates of earnings losses after childbirth (by 20 percent), indicating that the costs of motherhood and related gender gaps in Germany are even larger than previously thought. Moreover, we demonstrate that effects and their interpretation differ significantly depending on maternal age at birth. We show that younger first-time mothers experience larger career costs of motherhood, as they miss out on the phase of the most rapid career progression." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disentangling the Components of the Gender Wage Gap (2023)

    Minkus, Lara ;


    Minkus, Lara (2023): Disentangling the Components of the Gender Wage Gap. (Gesellschaftsanalyse 4), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 150 S. DOI:10.5771/9783748939979


    "In diesem Buch werden die Komponenten und treibenden Kräfte hinter dem geschlechtsspezifischen Lohngefälle untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Deutschland liegt. Es befasst sich mit der historischen Bedeutung und Messung des Lohngefälles und liefert relevante theoretische und empirische Belege. Außerdem werden drei Schlüsselbereiche untersucht, die mit der Zusammensetzung und den Kräften zusammenhängen, die das geschlechtsspezifische Lohngefälle auf den heutigen Arbeitsmärkten aufrechterhalten: die Auswirkungen radikaler Veränderungen in den politischen und wirtschaftlichen Institutionen; die Bedeutung von Berufen und als letztes die Auswirkungen von Diskriminierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und von Soft Skills. Das Buch schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse, des Forschungsbedarfs und der Implikationen für die wissenschaftliche Debatte." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mothers' return-to-work reasons and work–family conflict: does a partner involved in childcare make a difference? (2023)

    Moilanen, Sanna ; Räikkönen, Eija ; Alasuutari, Maarit ;


    Moilanen, Sanna, Eija Räikkönen & Maarit Alasuutari (2023): Mothers' return-to-work reasons and work–family conflict: does a partner involved in childcare make a difference? In: Community, work & family, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 444-465. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2021.2009441


    "Facilitating mothers’ work–family reconciliation upon their return to work can be considered a viable means of enhancing women’s overall employment participation. This study examined return-to-work reasons among mothers with a one-year-old child, how these reasons are related to mothers’ background characteristics, work-to-family conflict (WFC) and family-to-work conflict (FWC) and whether having a partner home caring for the child protects against such conflicts. Results based on survey data collected from Finnish working mothers (N=573) in 2016 showed four dimensions of return-to-work reasons: personal importance of work, work- and career-related worries, dissatisfaction with stay-at-home mothering and convenient work/childcare conditions. Higher personal importance of work was associated with lower levels of WFC and FWC, whereas higher work- and career-related worries were related to higher WFC and FWC. Higher dissatisfaction with stay-at-home mothering was associated with higher WFC and higher convenient work/childcare conditions with lower WFC. Having a partner on care-related leave did not protect against the conflict." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation (2023)

    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena ; Moral, Alfonso; Martín-Román, Ángel L.;


    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena, Ángel L. Martín-Román & Alfonso Moral (2023): Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 293-305. DOI:10.1177/09500170211062808


    "This article presents novel empirical evidence of fathers’ parental leave usage by introducing a family dimension in Spain. To test this hypothesis, a bivariate probit estimation was used to analyse the effect of the mother’s labour force participation on the father’s decision to take parental leave. This procedure allowed us to address the issue of simultaneous factors affecting the decisions of both the man and the woman, which were relevant to interpreting for the phenomenon. The results suggested that successfully using fathers’ paternity leave as a tool to promote gender equality depends on the family household’s characteristics and the woman’s connection to the job market. The bivariate probit estimation revealed that the effect of the woman’s decision on the man’s choice is much stronger than a naive regression would suggest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Taking the Time: The Implications of Workplace Assessment for Organizational Gender Inequality (2023)

    Nelson, Laura K. ; O'Connor, Daniel M.; Arora, Vineet M.; Mueller, Anna S. ; Dayal, Arjun; Brewer, Alexandra ;


    Nelson, Laura K., Alexandra Brewer, Anna S. Mueller, Daniel M. O'Connor, Arjun Dayal & Vineet M. Arora (2023): Taking the Time: The Implications of Workplace Assessment for Organizational Gender Inequality. In: American sociological review, Jg. 88, H. 4, S. 627-655. DOI:10.1177/00031224231184264


    "Gendered differences in workload distribution, in particular who spends time on low-promotability workplace tasks—tasks that are essential for organizations yet do not typically lead to promotions—contribute to persistent gender inequalities in workplaces. We examined how gender is implicated in the content, quality, and consequences of one low-promotability workplace task: assessment. By analyzing real-world behavioral data that include 33,456 in-the-moment numerical and textual evaluations of 359 resident physicians (subordinates) by 285 attending physicians (superordinates) in eight U.S. hospitals, and by combining qualitative methods and machine learning, we found that, compared to men, women attendings wrote more words in their comments to residents, used more job-related terms, and were more likely to provide helpful feedback, particularly when residents were struggling. Additionally, we found women residents were less likely to receive substantive evaluations, regardless of attending gender. Our findings suggest that workplace assessment is gendered in three ways: women (superordinates) spend more time on this low-promotability task, they are more cognitively engaged with assessment, and women (subordinates) are less likely to fully benefit from quality assessment. We conclude that workplaces would benefit from addressing pervasive inequalities hidden within workplace assessment, equalizing not only who provides this assessment work, but who does it well and equitably." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mothers Working during Preschool Years and Child Skills: Does Income Compensate? (2023)

    Nicoletti, Cheti ; Salvanes, Kjell; Tominey, Emma;


    Nicoletti, Cheti, Kjell Salvanes & Emma Tominey (2023): Mothers Working during Preschool Years and Child Skills: Does Income Compensate? In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 41, H. 2, S. 389-429. DOI:10.1086/719688


    "Increasing mothers’ labour supply in a child’s preschool years may reduce time investments, yielding a negative direct effect on mid-childhood and teenage outcomes. But as mothers’ work hours increase, income will rise. Can income compensate for the negative effect of hours? Our mediation analysis exploits exogenous variation in both mothers’ hours and family income. Results suggest a negative, insignificant direct effect from increasing mother’s hours on child test scores. However the positive mediating effect of income creates a positive total effect on test scores of 26% of a standard deviation for 10-hours increase in mothers weekly hours in preschool years." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gendered Relationship of Childbearing with Earnings Accumulated by Midlife in Two Nordic Countries (2023)

    Nisén, Jessica ; Erlandsson, Anni ; Jalovaara, Marika ;


    Nisén, Jessica, Anni Erlandsson & Marika Jalovaara (2023): Gendered Relationship of Childbearing with Earnings Accumulated by Midlife in Two Nordic Countries. (INVEST working papers 2023,75), Helsinki, 27 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/mr4yg


    "Nordic countries are considered advanced in gender equality, but also in these countries women still take longer family leaves and have lower earnings than men. This study providesnovel insight by assessing the differences in accumulated earnings by midlife associated with childbearing among women and men in Finland and Sweden. We place particular attention to the magnitude of gender gaps in accumulated earnings across groups. We hypothesize larger gender gaps among those with a larger number of children, among those with a lower level of education, and overall, in Finland. The study is based on full-population register data, with highly accurate measures of earnings across decades. Our results indicate that women born in 1974–1975 accumulatedon average 32% and 29% less labor earnings than men by age 44 in Finland and Sweden, respectively. Childbearing strongly modifies the gender gap especially in Finland, and the highly educated have moderately smaller gaps in both countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Couples' ideological pairings, relative income and housework sharing (2023)

    Nitsche, Natalie ; Grunow, Daniela; Hudde, Ansgar ;


    Nitsche, Natalie, Daniela Grunow & Ansgar Hudde (2023): Couples' ideological pairings, relative income and housework sharing. (MPIDR working paper 2023-033), Rostock, 37 S. DOI:10.4054/MPIDR-WP-2023-033


    "Our study offers and empirically tests a new conceptual framework of couples' housework sharing. We suggest that the partners' joint gender ideology, or their 'ideological pairings' will determine their housework sharing. Further, we argue the link between couples' relative socio-economic resources and their housework sharing likely depends on these 'ideological pairings'. Our results, based on data from the German Panel Study of Family and Income Dynamics (pairfam) and mixed- and fixed-effects panel regressions, offer support for this conceptualization. First, we find egalitarian attitudinal duos to share housework the most equally, traditional attitudinal duos to share housework the most unequally, and mismatched attitudinal couples to lie in between. Second, our results indicate that only egalitarian duos further equalize housework sharing when she becomes the family's main earner. Traditional duos don't adjust their housework divisions even if she outearns him. Findings for mismatched couples are mixed, but don't lend support for successful within-couple re-negotiations of housework divisions as her income share rises. Our study advances prior literature by conceptualizing the relevance of the partners' joint attitudes for gendered domestic work divisions and by making complex interactions between sociological and economic aspects visible. Further, it underscores the importance of investigating couples as an essential meso-level institution in the reproduction of gender inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Division of Routine and Non-Routine Housework Among Migrant and Native Couples in Germany (2023)

    Nutz, Theresa ; Pollak, Reinhard ; Schmid, Lisa ;


    Nutz, Theresa, Lisa Schmid & Reinhard Pollak (2023): The Division of Routine and Non-Routine Housework Among Migrant and Native Couples in Germany. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-15


    "Gender inequality in the division of household chores is a persistent issue over time and across country contexts, while differences within and between native and migrant couples remain largely unclear. Relying on the German country case, this study examines the association between partners’ migration constellations and the division of housework. We differentiate between natives and first-generation migrants, and within first-generation migrants, we differentiate by their regions of origin. For the division of housework, we analyse traditionally female routine tasks and male non-routine tasks. Following gender and resource explanations, this study expects gendered variation in the way native, migrant, and mixed (i.e., native/migrant) couples divide housework. Utilising novel data from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA-GGS sample, 2021), the paper employs OLS regression models to predict the division of housework among 11,223 cohabiting different-sex couples. The study finds a gender-traditional divide in routine household tasks among migrant couples, with heterogeneity across regions of origin. Specifically, women in Asian and Eastern European couples tend to do more routine tasks than their native counterparts, while the division of routine housework in couples from Western countries is more egalitarian. In mixed couples, the division of routine tasks is highly unequal if the male partner is a migrant. Non-routine tasks in mixed couples are, however, mostly performed by the native partner, irrespective of gender. The results suggest that the division of routine housework conforms to traditional gender roles across most migrant groups, while non-routine housework, such as financial tasks that require country-specific knowledge, is influenced by the native status, which serves as a resource in itself." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Arbeitszeiten und Verdiensten (2023)

    Ohlert, Clemens ;


    Ohlert, Clemens (2023): Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Arbeitszeiten und Verdiensten. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 74, H. 4, S. 562-588. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2023-4-562


    "Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns zu einer Reduzierung von Geschlechterungleichheiten nicht nur bei Stundenlöhnen, sondern auch bei Arbeitszeiten und monatlichen Verdiensten beigetragen hat. Anhand der Verdienststrukturerhebung 2014 und der Verdiensterhebung 2015 wurden ein Panel-Datensatz generiert und Differenz-in-Differenzen-Analysen auf der Betriebsebene durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine bis zu 3,6 Prozentpunkte stärkere Reduzierung des durchschnittlichen Gender Pay Gap der Stundenlöhne in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Die Stundenlohneffekte des Mindestlohns auf Frauen und Männer im Niedriglohnbereich fielen jedoch gleich hoch aus. Zudem ergäbe sich keine Verringerung des Gender Pay Gap durch den Mindestlohn, wenn Frauen und Männer gleich auf Vollzeit-, Teilzeit- und geringfügige Beschäftigung verteilt wären. Der Gender Time Gap verringerte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben im Durchschnitt um rund 2,4 Prozentpunkte und für Beschäftigte im Niedriglohnbereich um rund 3,9 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Durch den Mindestlohn kam es zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des durchschnittlichen Gender Earnings Gap der monatlichen Bruttoverdienste. Dieser reduzierte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben bei Betrachtung aller Beschäftigten um bis zu 6,1 Prozentpunkte und bei Niedriglohnbeschäftigten um bis zu 4,6 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Commuting to work and gender norms by sexual orientation (2023)

    Oreffice, Sonia ; Sansone, Dario ;


    Oreffice, Sonia & Dario Sansone (2023): Commuting to work and gender norms by sexual orientation. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 85. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102451


    "We assess the role of gender-conforming social norms in household decision-making and gender inequalities in the labor market with a parsimonious household model that endogenizes commuting time. Using the American Community Survey 2008-2019, we test the model predictions and find that women in same-sex couples have a longer commute to work than working women in different-sex couples, whereas the commute to work of men in same-sex couples is shorter than the one of working men in different-sex couples, even after controlling for demographic characteristics, partner's characteristics, location and urbanicity, fertility, marital status, industry and occupation. These differences among men and women amount to a sizable portion of the gender commuting gap estimated in the literature, and are particularly stark among married couples with children. Within-couple gaps in commuting time are also significantly smaller in same-sex couples, and labor supply disparities mimic the commuting ones. According to our model, these differences are interpreted as gender-conforming social norms leading women in different-sex couples into jobs with a shorter commute and fewer hours worked while their male partners or spouses hold jobs with a longer commute and more hours worked, thus reinforcing gender inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Who Is Doing the Chores and Childcare in Dual-Earner Couples during the COVID-19 Era of Working from Home? (2023)

    Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff ; Vernon, Victoria ;


    Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff & Victoria Vernon (2023): Who Is Doing the Chores and Childcare in Dual-Earner Couples during the COVID-19 Era of Working from Home? In: Review of Economics of the Household, Jg. 21, H. 2, S. 519-565. DOI:10.1007/s11150-022-09642-6


    "In 2020–21, parents' work-from-home days increased three-and-a-half-fold following the initial COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns compared to 2015–19. At the same time, many schools offered virtual classrooms and daycares closed, increasing the demand for household-provided childcare. Using weekday workday time diaries from American Time Use Survey and looking at parents in dual-earner couples, we examine parents' time allocated to paid work, chores, and childcare in the COVID-19 era by the couple's joint work location arrangements. We determine the work location of the respondent directly from their diary and predict the partner's work-from-home status. Parents working from home alone spent more time on childcare compared to their counterparts working on-site, though only mothers worked fewer paid hours. When both parents worked from home compared to on-site, mothers and fathers maintained their paid hours and spent more time on childcare, though having a partner also working from home reduced child supervision time. On the average day, parents working from home did equally more household chores, regardless of their partner's work-from-home status; however, on the average school day, only fathers working from home alone spent more time on household chores compared to their counterparts working on-site. We also find that mothers combined paid work and child supervision to a greater extent than did fathers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Does Overwork Attenuate the Motherhood Earnings Penalty among Full-Time Workers? (2023)

    Paek, Eunjeong ;


    Paek, Eunjeong (2023): Does Overwork Attenuate the Motherhood Earnings Penalty among Full-Time Workers? In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 78-96. DOI:10.1177/09500170211041293


    "This study examines whether working long hours alters the motherhood earnings penalty in the context of the United States. The author uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1979–2014) to model the annual earnings penalty mothers incur per child in the United States. The results support that working long hours (50+ hours per week) reduces the negative effect of motherhood on earnings for white women. Once we control for human capital and labour supply, however, there is no difference in the effect of children on earnings between full-time workers and over workers. For Black full-time workers and over workers, having an additional child has little effect on earnings. The findings suggest that although overwork appears to attenuate the earnings penalty for white mothers, white mothers who work long hours exhibit a smaller penalty because they already have high levels of human capital and supply a great amount of labour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch for gender inequalities in labor income of higher education graduates in Europe (2023)

    Passaretta, Giampiero ; Sauer, Petra; Weßling, Katarina ; Schwabe, Ulrike ;


    Passaretta, Giampiero, Petra Sauer, Ulrike Schwabe & Katarina Weßling (2023): The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch for gender inequalities in labor income of higher education graduates in Europe. In: Research in Comparative and International Education, Jg. 18, H. 1, S. 123-146. DOI:10.1177/17454999231158042


    "Evidence on gender inequality in the labor market is extensive. However, little is known about the potential role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch in explaining women’s labor-market disadvantages. We draw on recent data from the Eurograduate pilot survey to investigate the role of overeducation, field-of-study mismatch and field-specific overskilling for gender gaps in labor income in the European landscape. We found considerable variations in the extent of both gender earning gaps (GEGs) and wage gaps (GWGs) across countries. However, our decomposition analyses show that neither overeducation nor horizontal mismatch contribute to explaining these gender gaps. The lack of mediation seems related to either the absence of gender differences in overeducation and horizontal mismatch, or to the nonexistence of income penalties associated with the mismatch." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inequality at the top. The gender earnings gap among the Italian educational elite (2023)

    Passaretta, Giampiero ; Triventi, Moris;


    Passaretta, Giampiero & Moris Triventi (2023): Inequality at the top. The gender earnings gap among the Italian educational elite. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 85. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100796


    "Does a gender earnings gap exist at the top of the educational distribution? Based on population data on two recent cohorts of PhD graduates in Italy, we find that women’s monthly earnings are on average 16 % lower than men’s after 5–6 years in the labor market. The gender earnings gap is even wider at the bottom and top of the earnings distribution, reaching approximately 22 % and 19 %, respectively. Educational pathways before and during PhD studies, occupational characteristics, and family situation explain almost half of women’s average penalty and working hours alone one-fifth of it. The wider penalties at the bottom and top of the earnings distribution remain largely unexplained." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen des Zugangs zum Homeoffice auf die Erwerbsarbeitszeiten von Müttern und Vätern (2023)

    Pauliks, Johanna Elisabeth ; Schunck, Reinhard ; Lott, Yvonne ;


    Pauliks, Johanna Elisabeth, Reinhard Schunck & Yvonne Lott (2023): Auswirkungen des Zugangs zum Homeoffice auf die Erwerbsarbeitszeiten von Müttern und Vätern. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 319-340. DOI:10.1007/s11577-023-00910-6


    "Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie sich die tatsächliche Arbeitszeit von Müttern und Vätern verändert, wenn sie die Möglichkeit erhalten, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Ausgehend von der Principle-Agent-Theorie, der sozialen Austauschtheorie und der Work/Family-Border-Theorie wurde mit längsschnittlichen Daten des deutschen Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (pairfam) geprüft, ob eine Veränderung der tatsächlichen Arbeitszeit zu beobachten ist, wenn die Möglichkeit besteht, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Um mögliche Selektionseffekte auszuschließen, wurden sowohl konventionelle Fixed-Effects- als auch Fixed-Effects-Individual-Slope-Modelle zur Schätzung des Effekts vom Zugang zu Homeoffice auf die Arbeitszeit von Vätern und Müttern verwendet. Bei Vätern sind die geschätzten Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Zugang zum Homeoffice und der tatsächlichen Arbeitszeit klein und statistisch nicht signifikant. Bei Müttern zeigen sich positive, substanzielle und – in Abhängigkeit von der Modellspezifikation – statistisch signifikante Zusammenhänge." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Frauen in vielen Branchen mehrfach benachteiligt (2023)

    Pfahl, Svenja; Unrau, Eugen;


    Pfahl, Svenja & Eugen Unrau (2023): Frauen in vielen Branchen mehrfach benachteiligt. In: Gute Arbeit, Jg. 35, H. 10, S. 8-12.


    "Anhand wichtiger Indikatoren des WSI Gender-Daten-Portals liefert der WSI-Branchenreport erstmals eine Übersicht über den Stand der Gleichstellung in unterschiedlichen Branchen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Damit liegen amtliche und branchenspezifische Daten zu den Entgelt- und Arbeitszeitbedingungen von Frauen und Männern vor – für Analysen und als Handlungsauftrag." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland (2023)

    Pfahl, Svenja; Wittmann, Maike; Unrau, Eugen; Lott, Yvonne ;


    Pfahl, Svenja, Eugen Unrau, Maike Wittmann & Yvonne Lott (2023): Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland. (WSI-Report 88), Düsseldorf, 51 S.


    "Wie ist der Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland? Auf Basis aktueller Daten und den im WSI GenderDatenPortal (www.wsi.de/genderdatenportal) vorliegenden Analysen und Zeitreihen untersucht der vorliegende Report anhand von 22 Indikatoren aus den Bereichen Bildung, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen, Zeit, Sorgearbeit und Mitbestimmung, wie groß der jeweilige Geschlechterabstand auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland aktuell ausfällt. Auf dieser Basis wird diskutiert, ob und in welchem Umfang sich die beiden Landesteile hinsichtlich der Geschlechtergleichstellung in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten angenähert haben. Der vorliegende Report aktualisiert damit die Befunde des vorausgegangenen Reports Nr. 60 zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten in West- und Ostdeutschland (Hobler et al. 2020) zusätzlich um die Betrachtung der Jahre 2021 bzw. 2022." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Deutschland in ausgewählten Branchen (2023)

    Pfahl, Svenja; Lott, Yvonne ; Wittmann, Maike; Unrau, Eugen;


    Pfahl, Svenja, Eugen Unrau, Yvonne Lott & Maike Wittmann (2023): Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Deutschland in ausgewählten Branchen. (WSI-Report 80), Düsseldorf, 56 S.


    "Wie ist der Stand der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in den verschiedenen Branchen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt? Anhand zentraler Indikatoren auf Basis des WSI GenderDatenPortals (www.wsi.de/genderdatenportal) liefert der vorliegende Report eine knappe und zusammenfassende Übersicht über den aktuellen Stand der Geschlechtergleichstellung in Deutschland, erstmalig mit Fokus auf die Gleichstellungssituation in ausgewählten Branchen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Geschlechterungleichheit insbesondere in Hinblick auf die Arbeitszeitdauer und das Einkommen über (fast) alle Branchen besteht. Die branchenbezogene Betrachtung zeigt allerdings auch, dass Unterschiede in der Arbeitssituation zwischen Frauen und Männern in einigen Branchen im besonderen Maße vorherrschen. Diese Branchen weisen eine ungünstigere Arbeitssituation für Frauen (oder für Männer) in Bezug auf viele oder sogar alle der hier gewählten Indikatoren auf. In anderen Branchen gibt es eine vergleichsweise ausgeglichene Situation zwischen den Geschlechtern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Parental Leave Policies, Usage Consequences, and Changing Normative Beliefs: Evidence From a Survey Experiment (2023)

    Philipp, Marie-Fleur ; Schober, Pia S. ; Büchau, Silke ; Spieß, C. Katharina ;


    Philipp, Marie-Fleur, Silke Büchau, Pia S. Schober & C. Katharina Spieß (2023): Parental Leave Policies, Usage Consequences, and Changing Normative Beliefs: Evidence From a Survey Experiment. In: Gender & Society, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 493-523. DOI:10.1177/08912432231176084


    "In this study, we conceptualize and provide novel empirical evidence on norm-setting effects of family policies by investigating how priming with parental leave policy–related information may alter normative beliefs regarding the gender division of parental leave in Germany. We implemented a survey experiment in two waves of the representative German GESIS Panel in 2019 and 2020. Respondents received one of three short evidence-based information primers about (1) long-term income risks of maternal employment interruptions, (2) nonsignificant paternal wage penalties, or (3) increasing rates of paternal leave usage in Germany, or were allocated to the control group that received no further information before rating the division of parental leave in fictitious couples. We apply ordinary least squares regression models with lagged dependent variables to a sample of 5,362 vignette evaluations nested in 1,548 respondents. Remarkably, we find that the effects of all three priming conditions vary significantly depending on whether respondents are asked to judge situations for couples where women earn more or less than their partners. Our findings mostly point to stronger effects of priming with information on income risks compared with paternal leave usage trends and to more pronounced changes in normative beliefs among childless respondents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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