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Berufliche Mobilität

Eine Tätigkeit, die mehr Spaß verspricht, ein höheres Gehalt oder bessere Entwicklungsperspektiven: Es gibt viele Gründe, nicht länger im erlernten oder ausgeübten Beruf tätig zu sein. Nicht immer sind sie jedoch so erfreulich: Auslöser kann auch eine Entlassung sein.

Dieses Themendossier bietet Literaturhinweise zur beruflichen Mobilitätsforschung in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern. Sie erschließt theoretische Ansätze und empirische Ergebnisse - beispielsweise zu den Fragen: Sind Berufswechsel lohnend? Für wen sind sie mit besonderen Risiken verbunden? Wie gut lassen sich bei einem beruflichen Neustart die bisher erworbenen Qualifikationen verwerten?
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    Reducing automation risk through career mobility: Where and for whom? (2021)

    Czaller, László ; Eriksson, Rikard H. ; Lengyel, Balázs ;


    Czaller, László, Rikard H. Eriksson & Balázs Lengyel (2021): Reducing automation risk through career mobility. Where and for whom? In: Papers in Regional Science, Jg. 100, H. 6, S. 1545-1569. DOI:10.1111/pirs.12635


    "Automation risk prevails less in large cities compared to small cities but little is known about the drivers of this emerging urban phenomenon. A major challenge is that automation risk is quantified by work-related tasks that allows for measurement through occupation, which is in turn implicitly related to local economic structure and to individual career paths. This paper examines the role of working in cities on changes in automation risk through individual career mobility. Using panel data on Swedish workers, we show that the metropolitan effect of reducing automation risk is mainly induced through inter-firm job mobility. Separate estimates for different groups show that this effect accrues mostly to native, high-skilled and male workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Adjusting to globalization in Germany (2021)

    Dauth, Wolfgang ; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens;


    Dauth, Wolfgang, Sebastian Findeisen & Jens Südekum (2021): Adjusting to globalization in Germany. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 39, H. 1, S. 263-302., 2019-11-14. DOI:10.1086/707356


    "We study the impact of trade exposure on the job biographies of 2.4 million manufacturing workers in Germany. Rising export opportunities lead to two equally important sources of earnings gains: on-the-job, and via employer switches within the same industry. Highly skilled workers benefit the most. Import shocks mostly hurt lowskilled workers, especially when they possess lots of industry-specific human capital. They also destroy workers rents when separating from high-wage plants, and they leave strongly scarring effects in the event of a mass layoff. We connect our results to the growing theoretical literature on the labor market effects of trade." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Firms and the Intergenerational Transmission of Labor Market Advantage (2021)

    Engzell, Per ; Wilmers, Nathan ;


    Engzell, Per & Nathan Wilmers (2021): Firms and the Intergenerational Transmission of Labor Market Advantage. (SocArXiv papers), 62 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/mv3e9


    "Recent research finds that pay inequality stems both from firm pay-setting and from workers’ individual characteristics. Yet, intergenerational mobility research remains focused on transmission of individual traits, and has failed to test how firms shape the inheritance of inequality. We study this question using three decades of Swedish population register data, and decompose the intergenerational earnings correlation into firm pay premiums and stable worker effects. One quarter of the intergenerational earnings correlation at midlife is explained by sorting between firms with unequal pay. Employer or industry inheritance account for a surprisingly small share of this firm-based earnings transmission. Instead, children from high-income backgrounds benefit from matching with high-paying firms irrespective of the sources of parents’ earnings advantage. Our analysis reveals how an imperfectly competitive labor market provides an opening for skill-based rewards in one generation to become class-based advantages in the next." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Brain Drain or Brain Circulation? Economic and Non-Economic Factors Driving the International Migration of German Citizens (2021)

    Ette, Andreas ; Witte, Nils ;


    Ette, Andreas & Nils Witte (2021): Brain Drain or Brain Circulation? Economic and Non-Economic Factors Driving the International Migration of German Citizens. In: M. Erlinghagen, A. Ette, N. F. Schneider & N. Witte (Hrsg.) (2021): ¬The¬ Global Lives of German Migrants, S. 65-83. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-67498-4_4


    "International movements by people from economically highly developed welfare states are a puzzle for the classic canon of migration theories, which generally focus on flows from less to more developed regions. Based on a simple theoretical framework linking largely disparate literatures on international and internal migration as well as the field of global work experience, this chapter provides an analysis of the emigration and remigration decisions of German citizens. Whereas the five theoretical dimensions-expected financial returns, job satisfaction, social capital, mobility capital, and employment in transnational professions-already explain much of the variance in the emigration decisions, the theoretical and empirical understanding of remigration decision-making processes remains a challenge. Contributing to recent debates about a brain drain from economically highly developed countries, this chapter provides evidence that the international migration of German citizens is best understood as brain circulation. Temporary migration dominates these international movements and emigrants are similar to remigrants along many theoretical dimensions. Although some indications for a potential loss of human capital caused by international migration do exist, they remain insignificant in light of Germany’s overall volume of international migration. Political debates about flows of people from highly developed countries should focus less on potential losses of human capital for national economies and more on the economic and non-economic returns international migration offers for individual life courses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Job Displacement and Job Mobility: The Role of Joblessness (2021)

    Fallick, Bruce; Haltiwanger, John C.; Staiger, Matthew; McEntarfer, Erika;


    Fallick, Bruce, John C. Haltiwanger, Erika McEntarfer & Matthew Staiger (2021): Job Displacement and Job Mobility: The Role of Joblessness. (NBER working paper 29187), Cambridge, Mass, 51 S. DOI:10.3386/w29187


    "Who is harmed by and who benefits from worker reallocation? We investigate the earnings consequences of changing jobs and find a wide dispersion in outcomes. This dispersion is driven not by whether the worker was displaced, but by the duration of joblessness between job spells. Job movers who experience joblessness suffer a persistent reduction in earnings and tend to move to lower-paying firms, suggesting that job ladder models offer a useful lens through which to understand the negative consequences of job separations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does Regime Change Affect Intergenerational Mobility? Evidence from German Reunification (2021)

    Grätz, Michael ;


    Grätz, Michael (2021): Does Regime Change Affect Intergenerational Mobility? Evidence from German Reunification. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 37, H. 3, S. 465-481. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcaa061


    "This study uses the natural experiment of German reunification and a difference-in-differences approach to test whether the political and economic transition in East Germany in 1990 affected intergenerational occupational and educational mobility. Results obtained using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study show that German reunification did neither strongly affect occupational nor educational mobility. These findings are robust to operationalizing social origin in various ways. Admittedly, reunification may have had small or long-term effects on occupational and educational mobility that cannot be uncovered with the data and research design employed in this study. However, the findings rule out that there were large, short- or medium-term effects of German reunification on intergenerational mobility. These findings are at odds with theories that argue that institutional change has strong, immediate causal effects on intergenerational mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Earnings Dynamics and Its Intergenerational Transmission: Evidence from Norway (2021)

    Halvorsen, Elin; Ozkan, Serdar; Salgado, Sergio;


    Halvorsen, Elin, Serdar Ozkan & Sergio Salgado (2021): Earnings Dynamics and Its Intergenerational Transmission: Evidence from Norway. (Working paper / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2021,15), Saint Louis, MO, 70 S. DOI:10.20955/wp.2021.015


    "Using administrative data from Norway, we first present stylized facts on labor earnings dynamics between 1993 and 2017 and its heterogeneity across narrow population groups. We then investigate the parents' role in children's income dynamics—the intergenerational transmission of income dynamics. We find that children of high-income, high-wealth fathers enjoy steeper income growth over the life cycle and face more volatile but more positively skewed income changes, suggesting that they are more likely to pursue high-return, high-risk careers. Children of poorer fathers also face more volatile incomes, but theirs grow more gradually and are more left skewed. Furthermore, the income dynamics of fathers and children are strongly correlated. In particular, children of fathers with steeper life-cycle income growth, more volatile incomes, or higher downside risk also have income streams of similar properties. We also confirm that fathers' significant role in workers' income dynamics is not simply spurious because of omitted variables, such as workers' own permanent income. These findings shed new light on the determinants of intergenerational mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Anatomy of Intergenerational Income Mobility in France and its Spatial Variations (2021)

    Kenedi, Gustave; Sirugue, Louis;


    Kenedi, Gustave & Louis Sirugue (2021): The Anatomy of Intergenerational Income Mobility in France and its Spatial Variations. (PSE working paper / Paris School of Economics 2021-59 halshs-03455282), Paris, 83 S.


    "We provide new estimates of intergenerational income mobility in France for children born in the 1970s using rich administrative data. Since parents' incomes are not observed, we employ a two-sample two-stage least squares estimation procedure. At the national level, every measure of intergenerational income persistence (intergenerational elasticities, rank-rank correlations, and transition matrices) suggests that France is characterized by relatively strong persistence relative to other developed countries. Children born to parents in the bottom 20% of their income distribution have a 10.1% probability of reaching the top 20% as adults. This probability is of 39.1% for children born to parents in the top 20%. At the local level, we find substantial spatial variations in intergenerational mobility. It is higher in the West of France and particularly low in the North and in the South. We uncover significant relationships between absolute upward mobility and characteristics of the environment an individual grew up in, such as the unemployment rate, population density, and income inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Who moves from fixed-term to open-ended contracts? Youth employment transitions in a segmented labour market (2021)

    Kiersztyn, Anna ;


    Kiersztyn, Anna (2021): Who moves from fixed-term to open-ended contracts? Youth employment transitions in a segmented labour market. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 64, H. 2, S. 198-214. DOI:10.1177/0001699320920910


    "This article explores the career effects of fixed-term employment among Polish youth, taking into account specific legal and institutional arrangements affecting both the incidence of temporary jobs and the chances of moving into more stable employment contracts. The aim of the analysis is twofold. First, it seeks to assess whether temporary contracts serve as a stepping-stone to stable employment or a trap leading to fragmented careers consisting of recurrent short-term jobs. Second, it identifies the factors which increase the chances of successful labour market integration. Both issues are addressed through a quantitative analysis of retrospective career data for a cohort of respondents aged 21-30 from two waves of the Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN), 2008 and 2013. Results suggest that temporary employment is not restricted to entry-level jobs and acts as a trap rather than a stepping-stone. In addition, the opportunities for moving from fixed-term to open-ended contracts appear to have deteriorated over the years. However, gaining early on-the-job experience, especially in occupations involving highly complex tasks, may improve the chances of attaining job stability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufliches Crossover zwischen ökonomischer und soziokultureller Fachwelt: Eine biografieanalytische Untersuchung (2021)

    König, Franziska;


    König, Franziska (2021): Berufliches Crossover zwischen ökonomischer und soziokultureller Fachwelt. Eine biografieanalytische Untersuchung. (Qualitative Fall- und Prozessanalysen 23), Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 224 S.


    "Der Wechsel in eine andere berufliche Fachwelt stellt Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer vor neue Aufgaben und Herausforderungen. Welche individuellen Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt und welche institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen sollten gegeben sein, damit ein erfolgreiches berufliches Crossover gelingt? Die Studie zeigt, dass das Crossover zwischen den Fachwelten ein gesamtbiografischer Prozess ist, der sich in den Biografien der Befragten nicht erst im Berufsleben abzeichnet. Erfolgreiche Fachweltwechsel werden von den hybriden Kompetenzen des Einzelnen bedingt und nur selten durch institutionelle und soziale Unterstützungsangebote begleitet." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Occupational Mobility of Routine Workers (2021)

    Maczulskij, Terhi ;


    Maczulskij, Terhi (2021): Occupational Mobility of Routine Workers. (ETLA working papers 87), Helsinki, 40 S.


    "This paper analyzes whether occupational polarization takes place within workers or due to changes in the composition of workers by using comprehensive panel data from Finland. The decomposition analysis shows that the decrease in mid-level routine occupations and the simultaneous increase in high-level abstract occupations is largely a within-worker phenomenon. In contrast, the share of low-skilled nonroutine manual tasks has largely increased through entry dynamics. Data on plant closures are used to identify involuntary separations from routine occupations. These results demonstrate a strong, uneven adjustment pattern, with routine cognitive workers being more able to move to abstract tasks and adjust with smaller wage costs than routine manual workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cooling out in der Arbeitswelt: Berufswechsel als Folge eines Mismatch von Habitus und Feld (2021)

    Matthies, Hildegard;


    Matthies, Hildegard (2021): Cooling out in der Arbeitswelt: Berufswechsel als Folge eines Mismatch von Habitus und Feld. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie, Jg. 31, H. 3/4, S. 415-443. DOI:10.1007/s11609-021-00453-7


    "In diesem Beitrag werden Berufswechsel aus der Cooling-out-Perspektive rekonstruiert. Dabei wird das Cooling-out-Konzept in zweierlei Hinsicht erweitert. Erstens wird es mit Blick auf die an Goffman anschließende Diskussion nicht nur als eine von außen auf ein Subjekt gerichtete Selektionsstrategie aufgefasst, sondern auch als eine von innen kommende Strategie der Krisenintervention zur Verarbeitung von beruflichen Enttäuschungen. Zweitens wird ein berufliches Cooling out in Anlehnung an Bourdieu als Folge eines misslungenen Passungsverhältnisses von beruflichen Bewährungsbedingungen und individuellen Dispositionen konzeptualisiert, um die Entweder-oder-Struktur von Selbst- versus Fremdselektion zu überwinden und auch das „Dazwischen“ von Feld und Subjekt in den Blick zu nehmen. Am Beispiel von empirischen Fallstudien unter Berufswechslern wird gezeigt, dass Entscheidungen für einen Berufswechsel keiner der beiden Seiten allein zugeschlagen werden können, sondern lediglich den Endpunkt einer kontinuierlichen biographischen Erfahrungsaufschichtung darstellen, an der individuelle Dispositionen ebenso wie Feldstrukturen ihren Anteil haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    On the way to becoming a society of downward mobility?: Intergenerational occupational mobility in seven West German birth cohorts (1944–1978) (2021)

    Nennstiel, Richard ;


    Nennstiel, Richard (2021): On the way to becoming a society of downward mobility? Intergenerational occupational mobility in seven West German birth cohorts (1944–1978). In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 73, S. 1-11. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100609

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    Occupational mobility in Europe during the crisis: Did the social elevator break? (2021)

    Pohlig, Matthias ;


    Pohlig, Matthias (2021): Occupational mobility in Europe during the crisis. Did the social elevator break? In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 72, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2020.100549

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    Sector switching in Germany (2021)

    Prümer, Stephanie;


    Prümer, Stephanie (2021): Sector switching in Germany. (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Lehrstuhl für Arbeitsmarkt- und Regionalpolitik. Diskussionspapiere 122), Nürnberg, 40 S.


    "Wechsel des Beschäftigungssektors im Laufe des Berufslebens, d. h. der Wechsel vom privaten in den öffentlichen Sektor oder umgekehrt, sind häufig, wurden bisher jedoch kaum untersucht. Mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels für Deutschland gebe ich Einblicke in diese Sektorwechsel. Außerdem analysiere ich, ob sozio-demografische Merkmale oder Einstellungen die Wahrscheinlichkeit, den Sektoren zu wechseln, beeinflussen. Ich zeige, dass Frauen mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit in den öffentlichen Sektor wechseln als Männer und dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Wechsels in den öffentlichen Sektor positiv mit Bildung korreliert. Demgegenüber sind Einstellungen und nicht sozio-demografische Merkmale für die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Wechsels in den privaten Sektor relevant. Ich folgere aus meiner Analyse, dass die Vertiefung des Wissen über Sektorwechsel das Personalmanagement im öffentlichen Sektor bereichern kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View (2021)

    Richardson, Nela; Klein, Sara;


    Richardson, Nela & Sara Klein (2021): People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View. Roseland, 48 S.


    "This report provides a starting point to understand the situation facing employees today across five dimensions of working life: worker confidence and job security; workplace conditions; pay and performance; worker mobility; and gender and family." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effect of Labor Market Shocks across the Life Cycle (2021)

    Salvanes, Kjell G.; Willage, Barton; Willén, Alexander L. P.;


    Salvanes, Kjell G., Barton Willage & Alexander L. P. Willén (2021): The Effect of Labor Market Shocks across the Life Cycle. (CESifo working paper 9491), München, 65 S.


    "Adverse economic shocks occur frequently and may cause individuals to reevaluate key life decisions in ways that have lasting consequences for themselves and the economy. These life decisions are fundamentally tied to specific periods of an individual's career, and economic shocks may therefore have substantially different impacts on individuals – and the broader economy - depending on when they occur. We exploit mass layoffs and establishment closures to examine the impact of adverse shocks across the life cycle on labor market outcomes and major life decisions: human capital investment, mobility, family structure, and retirement. Our results reveal substantial heterogeneity on labor market effects and life decisions in response to economic shocks across the life cycle. Individuals at the beginning of their careers invest in human capital and relocate to new labor markets, individuals in the middle of their careers reduce fertility and adjust family formation decisions, and individuals at the end of their careers permanently exit the workforce and retire. As a consequence of the differential interactions between economic shocks and life decisions, the very long-term career implications of labor shocks vary considerably depending on when the shock occurs. We conclude that effects of adverse labor shocks are both more varied and more extensive than has previously been recognized, and that focusing on average effects among workers across the life cycle misses a great deal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitskräftefluktuation im Jahr 2020: Pandemie hinterlässt Spuren (2021)

    Schmidt, Jörg;


    Schmidt, Jörg (2021): Arbeitskräftefluktuation im Jahr 2020: Pandemie hinterlässt Spuren. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2021,82), Köln, 3 S.


    "Die Arbeitskräftefluktuation liegt in Deutschland seit Jahren auf einem ähnlichen Niveau, sie ist aber im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie im Jahr 2020 gesunken. Grundsätzlich weisen Männer, Jüngere, Auszubildende und Geringqualifizierte zwar höhere Fluktuationsraten auf, im Vergleich zum Vorjahr reduzierten sich die Arbeitskräftebewegungen aber bei den untersuchten Gruppen in einem relativ ähnlichen Umfang." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Transitions From Offline to Online Labor Markets: The Relationship Between Freelancers' Prior Offline and Online Work Experience (2021)

    Seifried, Mareike;


    Seifried, Mareike (2021): Transitions From Offline to Online Labor Markets: The Relationship Between Freelancers' Prior Offline and Online Work Experience. (ZEW discussion paper 21-101), Mannheim, 42 S.


    "An emerging stream of research from various disciplines studies online labor market (OLM) platforms as an alternative way of accomplishing work compared to traditional (offline) labor markets. Although prior work has increased our understanding of how OLM platforms function, we so far know very little about the relationship between what workers have done before entering the platform and the skill content of their online jobs. However, the question of why workers do the jobs they do in an online context and what drives their decision is fundamental to understanding how these markets function and are used by workers. Using data on 4,771 freelancers working on Upwork.com, the world’s leading freelancing website, we compare the skill content of their online jobs with their last reported offline prior to platform entry. Based on prior work on occupational mobility (Gathmann & Schönberg, 2010) and human capital investments (Becker, 1962), we hypothesize and find that workers with more valuable skillsets adjust their skill portfolios less while working online, i.e. the distance between their offline and online skill portfolio is lower. We further show that being female, coming from an advanced economy and reporting having current offline employment moderates the relationship between skill value and skill distance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Coworker Networks and the Labor Market Outcomes of Displaced Workers: Evidence from Portugal (2021)

    Silva, Marta ; Garcia-Louzao, Jose;


    Silva, Marta & Jose Garcia-Louzao (2021): Coworker Networks and the Labor Market Outcomes of Displaced Workers: Evidence from Portugal. (Working paper series / Lietuvos Bankas 95), Vilnius, 36 S.


    "The use of social contacts in the labor market is widespread. This paper investigates the impact of personal connections on hiring probabilities and re-employment outcomes of displaced workers in Portugal. We rely on rich matched employer-employee data to define personal connections that arise from interactions at the workplace. Our empirical strategy exploits firm closures to select workers who are exogenously forced to search for a new job and leverages variation across displaced workers with direct connections to prospective employers. The hiring analysis indicates that displaced workers with a direct link to a firm through a former coworker are roughly three times more likely to be hired compared to workers displaced from the same closing event who lack such a tie. However, we find that the effect varies according to the type of connection as well as firms' similarity. Finally, we show that successful displaced workers with a connection in the hiring firm have higher entry-level wages and enjoy greater job security although these advantages disappear over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufswechsel messen: Methodische Erörterung zur Analyse horizontaler beruflicher Mobilität im Mikrozensus und im Nationalen Bildungspanel (2021)

    Söhn, Janina ;


    Söhn, Janina (2021): Berufswechsel messen. Methodische Erörterung zur Analyse horizontaler beruflicher Mobilität im Mikrozensus und im Nationalen Bildungspanel. (SOFI-Arbeitspapier 22), Göttingen, 71 S.


    "Dieses SOFI-Working Paper untersucht, wie mit zwei für Deutschland repräsentativen Survey, dem Mikrozensus und der Erwachsenenbefragung des Nationalen Bildungspanels, Berufswechsel gemessen, operationalisiert und empirisch analysiert werden können. Zum einen werden in jeder MZ-Welle Erwerbstätige direkt danach gefragt, ob sie in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten ihren ausgeübten Beruf offen ab, der dann in die "Klassifikation der Berufe" (DldB) 2010 eingeordnet wird. Diese Angabe kann dann mit dem einer vorangegangenen Erwerbstätigkeit vergleichen werden - im MZ mit der entsprechenden Information aus der Befragung ein Jahr zuvor, im NEPS mit der vorangegangenen Erwerbsperiode. Beide Umfragen bieten ausreichend hohe Fallzahlen, um sowohl die Inzidenz von Berufswechsel zu analysieren als auch Berufswechsel auf unterschiedliche Merkmale hin untereinander vergleichen. Das Working Paper zeigt im Detail, warum MZ subjektive und auf die KldB bezogenen Berufswechsel nur im Zusammenspiel mit einem Betriebswechsel in den vorangegangenen zwölf Monaten untersucht werden sollten. Mehrere Untersuchungsaspekte implizieren, dass die Antworten auf die direkte Frage nach einem Berufswechsel nur teilweise das Gleiche messen, wie wenn man den aktuell ausgeübten Beruf mit dem Befragungsjahr zuvor in Relation setzt. Während von einem Jahr auf das andere laut MZ in beiden Varianten nur gut 1% aller Erwerbstätigen die berufliche Tätigkeit und den Betrieb gewechselt haben, kann man im NEPS zeigen, dass sich bei gut der Hälfte aller Personen, die im Zeitraum von 20 Jahren jemals erwerbstätig waren, mindestens einmal die Berufsgruppe ändert. Dabei sind berufsfachlich große Wechsel häufiger als solche in benachbarte Berufsfelder hinein. Nur im NEPS können Berufswechsel mit dazwischen liegenden längeren Phasen der Nicht-Erwerbstätigkeit erfasst sowie die Dauer und Art dieser Nicht-Erwerbstätigkeit differenziert bestimmt werden. Mit dem MZ lassen sich aufgrund seiner besonders hohen Fallzahlen häufige Paare von Ausgangs- und Zielberufen unter Berufswecheln identifizieren. Ob für die Deskription oder als Prädiktorvariable in multivariaten Modellen als obere Aggregatebenen von Berufen und Berufswechseln die vom IAB/BA entwickelten 14 Berufssektoren oder die zwölf vom BIBB entwickelten Berufshauptfelder verwendet werden, hängt vom spezifischen Forschungsinteresse ab: Berufssegmente eigen sich bein einem Fokus auf das sekundäre Arbeitsmarktsegment mit ihrer Differenzierung zwischen Sicherheits-, Logistik-, Gastronomie- und Reinigungsberufe, im primären Arbeitsmarkt mit der Unterscheidung nachgefragter Berufe in der Pflege und Kindergärten sowie den IT-Berufen. Berufshauptfelder differieren besser zwischen Berufsgruppen mit akademischer Ausbildung, für deren Analyse wiederum das NEPS mit seinem "Akademiker-Bias" in den ungewichteten Daten besonders geeignet ist, während der MZ verlässlicher für Analysen für Berufswechsler:innen ohne oder mit beruflicher Ausbildung ist. Trotz großer Unterschiede in der Datenstruktur weisen MZ und NEPS viel Ähnlichkeiten bei dieser Analyse von Berufswechseln auf - ein guter Hinweis auf die Validität der Operationalisierung und der Qualität der Datensätze." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Career Complexity No Longer on the Rise: Comparing Early-and Mid-Career Complexity Across the 1930s thru 1980s Birth Cohortsin Sweden (2021)

    Westerman, Johan ; Witteveen, Dirk ; Bihagen, Erik ; Shahbazian, Roujman ;


    Westerman, Johan, Dirk Witteveen, Erik Bihagen & Roujman Shahbazian (2021): Career Complexity No Longer on the Rise. Comparing Early-and Mid-Career Complexity Across the 1930s thru 1980s Birth Cohortsin Sweden. (SocArXiv papers), 43 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/md4t3


    "There is a wide-spread idea that contemporary careers continue to become ever more complex. Pioneering research of full-career complexity has shown that work lives have indeed become more complex, yet at modest increasing pace. This paper examines whether career complexity continues to increase using Swedish registry data across an exceptionally long time period, including younger cohorts than in previous research: up to those born in 1983. The full early-and mid-careers of selected birth cohorts cover several macroeconomic booms and downturns, a long period of upskilling of the Swedish labor force, as well as the convergence of working hours of women and men. The following conclusions are drawn using state-of-the-art methods of measuring career complexity. For early-careers, an increasing complexity trend is evident between the 1950s and 1960s birth cohorts, yet complexity fluctuates around a stable trend for the 1970s birth cohorts and onward. For mid-careers, which are considerably more stable on average, complexity has decreased among women born between the 1930s and the early-1950s. However, the opposite trend holds true for men, resulting in gender convergence of complexity. We observe a standstill of the mid-career complexity trend across both genders, followed by a modest decline for the last observed cohorts. Subsequent analyses point to educational expansion as an important driver of the initial increase of early-career complexity. Taken together, our analysis affirms an initial shift to more career complexity in the 20thcentury, yet we find no unidirectional trend toward more career complexity over the last decades." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Should I Learn or Should I Turn? Implications of Job Mobility for Subsequent Learning at Work (2021)

    Westerman, Johan ;


    Westerman, Johan (2021): Should I Learn or Should I Turn? Implications of Job Mobility for Subsequent Learning at Work. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 37, H. 6, S. 935-951. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcab018


    "Work learning is the skills and the knowledge that is generated from work practices and in exchange of information at work. While there are good reasons to fear that frequent job changers do not learn thoroughly at work, it is also conceivable that the experience of many types of jobs instead yields greater learning. Despite this issue’s significance for on-going discussions in research and policy, thorough analyses of it are surprisingly sparse. In this study, we test whether job mobility is positively or negatively associated with subsequent work learning using data from two Swedish representative datasets (LNU and PIAAC). In order to substantiate both claims, we utilize a wide array of research on human capital, job matching, labor market segmentation and learning motivation. We analyze a broad set of indicators of work learning and show that job mobility in general is associated with greater total subsequent learning than is job stability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social Origins of German Emigrants: Maintaining Social Status Through International Mobility? (2021)

    Witte, Nils ; Ette, Andreas ; Pollak, Reinhard ;


    Witte, Nils, Reinhard Pollak & Andreas Ette (2021): Social Origins of German Emigrants: Maintaining Social Status Through International Mobility? In: M. Erlinghagen, A. Ette, N. F. Schneider & N. Witte (Hrsg.) (2021): ¬The¬ Global Lives of German Migrants, S. 139-153. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-67498-4_8


    "The prospect of upward social mobility is a central motive for international migration. Curiously, the nexus of spatial and social mobility attracted attention only relatively late and existing research on intergenerational social mobility usually concentrates on the constellation within the nation state. This chapter expands on this literature by investigating the intergenerational social mobility of international German migrants from the perspective of the country of origin. First, we focus on the social origin of internationally mobile and non-mobile persons using data from the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). How do the two groups differ in their social background? What kinds of capitals do international migrants inherit from their parents? In a second step, this chapter explores the differences in social fluidity between migrants and non-migrants. Does international mobility increase social fluidity? Our findings suggest that German emigrants are positively selected in terms of their social origin. Their parents are more likely to have academic degrees and to belong to the upper service classes compared with non-migrants. Although social fluidity is not significantly higher among emigrants compared with non-migrants, their risk of downward social mobility is significantly reduced." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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    Affluent Lives Beyond the Border? Individual Wage Change Through Migration (2021)

    Witte, Nils ; Guedes Auditor, Jean;


    Witte, Nils & Jean Guedes Auditor (2021): Affluent Lives Beyond the Border? Individual Wage Change Through Migration. In: M. Erlinghagen, A. Ette, N. F. Schneider & N. Witte (Hrsg.) (2021): ¬The¬ Global Lives of German Migrants, S. 121-138. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-67498-4_7


    "This chapter investigates individual wage changes of German emigrants. The analytical strategy is twofold. First, we compare hourly wage changes among emigrants with wage changes among stayers. We estimate the Difference-in-Difference of mean net hourly wages between stayers and emigrants over time and account for the positive selection of emigrants on observable characteristics through entropy balancing. Second, we explore the heterogeneity of wage changes among emigrants. To that end, we calculate linear regressions on the log net hourly wage change through migration. The first analysis suggests substantial wage increases of 8 euros through migration. The second analysis provides evidence that characteristics of employment and of destination countries account for differences in the wage change among emigrants. Among individual characteristics, only age is negatively correlated, while education and gender do not account for differences. Our analysis rely on the first wave of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study. The German Socio-Economic Panel Study yields our reference population of stayers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Optimal Promotions of Competing Firms in a Frictional Labour Market with Organizational Hierarchies (2021)

    Zaharieva, Anna ; Dawid, Herbert; Mitkova, Mariya ;


    Zaharieva, Anna, Herbert Dawid & Mariya Mitkova (2021): Optimal Promotions of Competing Firms in a Frictional Labour Market with Organizational Hierarchies. (Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2021: Climate Economics), Kiel, 39 S.


    "We study optimal promotion decisions of hierarchical firms, with one junior and one senior managerial position, which interact in a search and matching labour market. Workers acquire experience over time while being employed in a junior position and the firm has to determine the experience level at which the worker receives a promotion which allows her to fill a senior position. Promoted workers move to the senior position in their current firm, if it is vacant, otherwise they search for senior positions on the market. The promotion cutoffs of the competing firms exhibit strategic complementarity, but we show that generically a unique stable symmetric general equilibrium exists. If workers have homogeneous skills, then an increase in the skill level induces faster promotion. In the presence of two skill levels in the work force an increase of the fraction of high skilled leads to slower promotion of both types of workers, where the promotion threshold for high skilled workers is substantially below that for low skilled workers. This implies earlier promotions of high skill workers compared to the low skilled consistent with available empirical evidence. Finally, we show that a larger number of competitors in the market leads to earlier promotions. This finding extends to low skill workers in the market with skill heterogeneity. But the impact of competition on the promotions of high skill workers is non-monotone." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational Class Mobility among Men and Women in Europe: Gender Differences or Gender Similarities? (2020)

    Bukodi, Erzsébet ; Paskov, Marii;


    Bukodi, Erzsébet & Marii Paskov (2020): Intergenerational Class Mobility among Men and Women in Europe: Gender Differences or Gender Similarities? In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 495-512. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcaa001


    "In this article, we address two inter-related questions. Are there gender differences in the level and the pattern of intergenerational class mobility? If so, do these differences show up in a uniform fashion in Europe? To answer these questions, we use a newly constructed comparative data set that allows us to examine how far differences between men and women in absolute and relative mobility can still be characterized in the same way as in the last decades of the 20th century. We also examine the effects of women's heterogeneity in terms of labour market attachment on their class mobility. Our results show that in most countries, women are more likely than men to be found in different class positions to those of their parents'. But we point out that the reasons for this might be quite different in the West and in the East. As regards relative mobility chances, we are able to underwrite the dominant finding of past research that women display greater social fluidity than men only in a certain group of countries. In most countries, we do not find any systematic and uniform gender difference between men and women in the level of their relative mobility rates. But, we do find significant and systematic gender differences in the pattern of relative rates: women's class mobility appears to be more impeded by hierarchical barriers than by the propensity for class inheritance. And, in this regard, our findings point to a large degree of commonality across European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Struktureller und sozio-demographischer Wandel der Arbeitswelt und Änderung der beruflichen Mobilität in Deutschland 1980-2010 (2020)

    Bödeker, Wolfgang; Moebus, Susanne;


    Bödeker, Wolfgang & Susanne Moebus (2020): Struktureller und sozio-demographischer Wandel der Arbeitswelt und Änderung der beruflichen Mobilität in Deutschland 1980-2010. Essen, 19 S.


    "Der Wandel der Arbeitswelt und die Entwicklung der beruflichen Mobilität ist unter gesundheits- und präventionspolitischen Gesichtspunkten wegen einer möglichen Emergenz neuer Belastungsarten und der Einwanderung von Personen in belastungsintensive Berufe von Bedeutung. Bislang fehlt allerdings eine gemeinsame Analyse dieser Einflüsse. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, den demographischen und strukturellen Wandel der Arbeitswelt sowie die Änderung der beruflichen Mobilität anhand ausgewählter Indikatoren zu beschreiben. Wir fokussieren dabei auf sozio-demographische Kennzahlen und analysieren die Mobilität interbetrieblich (Wechsel der Arbeitgeber), interberuflich (Wechsel in andere Berufe), intersektoral (Wechsel in andere Branche) sowie interregional (Wechsel in ein anderes Bundesland). Datengrundlage ist die Stichprobe der Integrierten Arbeitsmarktbiografien des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Bei dem sogenannten Regionalfile handelt sich um eine ca. 2 % Stichprobe aus der Grundgesamtheit der integrierten Erwerbsbiographien. Für den Zeitraum 1980 bis 2010 verdeutlichen die Auswertungen einen durchgreifenden sozio-demographischen und strukturellen Wandel der Arbeitswelt. Während sich in der Mehrzahl der Wirtschaftsgruppen eine Abnahme der Beschäftigung zeigt, gewinnen die ohnehin schon beschäftigungsstarken Branchen wie das Kredit- und Versicherungsgewerbe und die Erziehungs-, Sozial- und Gesundheitseinrichtungen weiter an Bedeutung. Es zeigt sich eine bedeutende Zunahme des Anteils der Frauen, der Teilzeittätigkeit, sowie eine Alterung und Qualifizierung in nahezu allen Wirtschaftsgruppen. Dabei erfasst der Wandel die Wirtschaftsgruppen und besonders die Berufe unterschiedlich stark. Gleichzeitig kann auch 2010 von typischen Frauenberufen mit Beschäftigungsanteilen von über 95 % gesprochen werden, etwa bei KindergärtnerInnen und SprechstundenhelferInnen. Die berufliche Mobilität hat im Hinblick auf alle betrachteten Mobilitätskennziffern zugenommen. Während sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigte im Jahr 1990 rechnerisch in 28 verschiedenen Betrieben arbeiteten (pro 100 Beschäftigungsjahre), waren es 2010 bereits 34. Die Änderungen fallen im Zeitraum 1990 bis 2000 größer aus als von 2000 zu 2010. Altersadjustiert bleibt eine kontinuierliche Zunahme der Betriebs-, Berufs und Branchenwechsel erhalten, während bei der räumlichen Mobilität über Bundesländer kein Trend beobachtet werden kann. Bei allen Kennziffern ist die berufliche Mobilität bei Jüngeren besonders ausgeprägt. Berufsspezifisch finden sich besonders auffällige Änderungen für Frauen mit Schweißer-, Post-, Verkehrs- und Industrieberufe; für Männer bei Kassierern und Friseuren. Diese Berufe sind dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Risiko für Betriebswechsel im Jahr 2010 im Vergleich zu 1990 um mindestens 30 % erhöht war. Die erzielten Ergebnisse können durch die Datenbasis beeinflusst sein. Z.B. sind geringfügig Beschäftigte erst seit 1999 in das gesetzliche Meldesystem eingeschlossen. Zudem ist eine Analyse der Ursachen der beruflichen Mobilität - etwa eine erhöhte Wechselbereitschaft oder erzwungene Wechsel - aufgrund der Datengrundlage nicht möglich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How important are worker gross flows between public and private sector? (2020)

    Chassamboulli, Andri ; Gomes, Pedro ; Fontaine, Idriss;


    Chassamboulli, Andri, Idriss Fontaine & Pedro Gomes (2020): How important are worker gross flows between public and private sector? In: Economics Letters, Jg. 192. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109204


    "We measure the size of gross worker flows between public and private sector and their importance for the dynamics of public employment over the last two decades in the US, UK, France and Spain. Between 10 and 35 percent of all inflows and outflows of the public sector are from and to private employment. These flows only account for 7 to 25 percent of the fluctuations of public employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Flows and Boundaries: A Network Approach to Studying Occupational Mobility in the Labor Market (2020)

    Cheng, Siwei ; Park, Barum;


    Cheng, Siwei & Barum Park (2020): Flows and Boundaries: A Network Approach to Studying Occupational Mobility in the Labor Market. In: American journal of sociology, Jg. 126, H. 3, S. 577-631. DOI:10.1086/712406


    "Although stratification research has long recognized the importance of mapping out the underlying boundaries that govern the flow of workers in the labor market, the current literature faces two major challenges: (1) the determination of mobility boundaries and (2) the incorporation of changes in mobility boundaries. The authors propose a network approach to address these challenges. The approach conceptualizes the occupational system as a network, in which the nodes are occupations and the edges are defined by the volume and direction of workers who move between the nodes. A flow-based community detection algorithm is introduced to uncover mobility boundaries based on the observed mobility network. Applying this approach to analyze trends in intragenerational occupational mobility in the United States from 1989 to 2015, the authors find that the boundaries that constrain mobility opportunities have become increasingly rigid over time, while, at the same time, decoupled from the boundaries of big classes and microclasses. Moreover, these boundaries are increasingly sorting workers into clusters of occupations with similar skill requirements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social Insurance And Occupational Mobility (2020)

    Cubas, German; Silos, Pedro;


    Cubas, German & Pedro Silos (2020): Social Insurance And Occupational Mobility. In: International Economic Review, Jg. 61, H. 1, S. 219-240. DOI:10.1111/iere.12422


    "This article studies how insurance from progressive taxation improves the matching of workers to occupations. We propose an equilibrium dynamic assignment model to illustrate how social insurance encourages mobility. Workers experiment to find their best occupational fit in a process filled with uncertainty. Risk aversion and limited earnings insurance induce workers to remain in unfitting occupations. We estimate the model using microdata from the United States and Germany. Higher earnings uncertainty explains the U.S. higher mobility rate. When workers in the United States enjoy Germany's higher progressivity, mobility rises. Output and welfare gains are large." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Quer-/Seiteneinsteigende in den Lehrerberuf im Spiegel der empirischen Forschung: Themenbereiche, Befunde und Desiderata (2020)

    Dedering, Kathrin;


    Dedering, Kathrin (2020): Quer-/Seiteneinsteigende in den Lehrerberuf im Spiegel der empirischen Forschung. Themenbereiche, Befunde und Desiderata. In: Die Deutsche Schule, Jg. 112, H. 1, S. 91-104. DOI:10.31244/dds.2020.01.06


    "Empirische Befunde zu Quer-/Seiteneinsteigenden, die ohne Lehramtsstudium Zugang zum Lehrerberuf erhalten, liegen in Deutschland kaum vor. Der Beitrag stellt diesbezügliche Erkenntnisse aus Ländern zusammen, die bereits über längere Erfahrungen mit Quer-/Seiteneinsteigenden verfügen, und präsentiert Überlegungen zu thematischen Schwerpunkten zukünftiger Forschungsvorhaben in Deutschland, die im Professions-/Professionalisierungs- sowie Schulentwicklungsdiskurs verortet werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Spatial Decay of Human Capital Externalities - A Functional Regression Approach with Precise Geo-Referenced Data (2020)

    Eppelsheimer, Johann; Rust, Christoph ;


    Eppelsheimer, Johann & Christoph Rust (2020): The Spatial Decay of Human Capital Externalities - A Functional Regression Approach with Precise Geo-Referenced Data. (IAB-Discussion Paper 21/2020), Nürnberg, 55 S.


    "Wir analysieren Humankapitalexternalitäten von Hochqualifizierten mit präzisen georeferenzierten Sozialversicherungsdaten. Functional Regression ermöglicht es uns die Konzentration von Hochqualifizierten um Arbeitsplätze herum als kontinuierliche Kurven zu beschreiben und eine von der Entfernung abhängige Spillover-Funktion zu schätzen. Unsere umfangreichen Paneldaten ermöglichen es uns außerdem räumliche Selektion von Beschäftigten zu berücksichtigen und Humankapitalexternalitäten von Angebotseffekten mittels hochdimensionaler Fixed-Effekts zu trennen. Unsere Schätzungen zeigen, dass Humankapitalexternalitäten mit der Distanz abnehmen und etwa 15 Kilometer weit reichen. Humankapitalexternalitäten aus der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft sind doppelt so hoch wie solche aus zehn Kilometern Entfernung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Hidden Cost of Flexibility: A Factorial Survey Experiment on Job Promotion (2020)

    Fernandez-Lozano, Irina ; Martínez-Pastor, Juan-Ignacio; Jurado-Guerrero, Teresa; González, M. José;


    Fernandez-Lozano, Irina, M. José González, Teresa Jurado-Guerrero & Juan-Ignacio Martínez-Pastor (2020): The Hidden Cost of Flexibility: A Factorial Survey Experiment on Job Promotion. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 265-283. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcz059


    "This article analyses the role of gender, parenthood, and work flexibility measures and the mediating role of stereotypes on the likelihood of achieving an internal promotion in Spain. We hypothesize that employers favour fathers over mothers and disfavour flexible workers (flexibility stigma) because they are perceived, respectively, as less competent and less committed. We also hypothesize that employers reflect their gender values in the selection process. These hypotheses are tested using data from a survey experiment in which 71 supervisors from private companies evaluate 426 short vignettes describing six different candidates for promotion into positions that require decision-making and team supervision skills. Several candidate characteristics are experimentally manipulated, while others such as skills and experience in the company are kept constant to minimize the risk of statistical discrimination. Contrary to our expectations, fathers are not preferred in promotion, as they are not perceived as being more competent than mothers. However, we find that flexibility leads to lower promotion scores, partly due to its association with a lack of commitment. Although the statutory right to reduce working hours for care reasons seems a major social achievement, this experiment shows that mothers may be indirectly penalized, as they are the main users of this policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsplatzmobilität zwischen Ost-, Nord- und ­Süddeutschland: Erfolgsfaktoren von Einkommenszuwächsen (2020)

    Ganesch, Franziska; Struck, Olaf ; Dütsch, Matthias ;


    Ganesch, Franziska, Matthias Dütsch & Olaf Struck (2020): Arbeitsplatzmobilität zwischen Ost-, Nord- und ­Süddeutschland: Erfolgsfaktoren von Einkommenszuwächsen. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 69, H. 6/7, S. 417-444. DOI:10.3790/sfo.69.6-7.417


    "In Deutschland beeinflussen regionale Disparitäten besonders auch zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland individuelle Lebens- und Einkommenschancen. Individuen können versuchen, ihre Arbeitsbedingungen – etwa ihr Einkommen – durch räumliche Mobilität zu verbessern. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht Mobilität zwischen Ost-, Nord- und Süddeutschland und damit einhergehende Einkommensveränderungen. Basis ist ein Linked Employer-Employee Datensatz, der um regionale Strukturindikatoren ergänzt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Jüngere und Hochqualifizierte wechseln häufiger und realisieren bei Betriebswechseln mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit Einkommenszuwächse. Anreize für Ost-Westmobilität bestehen fort, da bei Wechseln aus Ostdeutschland in Richtung Nord- oder Süddeutschland preisniveaubereinigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Einkommenszuwächsen höher ist als bei Wechseln innerhalb Ostdeutschlands. Wechsel nach Ostdeutschland können mit Einkommensverlusten, aber auch Einkommenszuwächsen einhergehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    A typological approach of perceived resource fluctuations after job transitions in a representative panel study (2020)

    Giebe, Chris ; Rigotti, Thomas ;


    Giebe, Chris & Thomas Rigotti (2020): A typological approach of perceived resource fluctuations after job transitions in a representative panel study. In: European journal of work and organizational psychology, Jg. 29, H. 5, S. 764-775. DOI:10.1080/1359432X.2020.1756261


    "Job and career transitions are unique experiences that vary within and between persons. One possible reason for the differential effects of transitions is that they can involve resource gains, losses, conservation, or a combination thereof. This study investigates perceived resource fluctuation patterns as possible reasons for differential health outcomes in a representative German panel study (n = 2296). Participants compared six characteristics of their new job with their previous one in three categories (better, same, or worse): (1) job security, (2) working hour regulations, (3) workload, (4) use of professional knowledge, (5) advancement opportunities, and (6) earnings. We conducted multilevel latent class analyses (LCA) with mental and physical health as distal outcomes. Results showed a four-class solution with different probabilities of endorsing that job conditions have fluctuated after the transition. Results also indicated important nuances between the latent classes in terms of mental and physical health outcomes. This study adds to a growing body of knowledge concerning the important role resource fluctuations, and the interplay of various resource dynamics play in the sustenance of mental and physical health. Results also provide implications for career guidance, as well as dealing with organizational newcomers to ensure their well-being, and therefore also their performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufsausstieg oder Bildungsaufstieg? Biographische Orientierungen und Lebensweltbezüge von Studierenden mit Ausbildung in einem Gesundheitsfachberuf (2020)

    Grunau, Janika; Sachse, Lena;


    Grunau, Janika & Lena Sachse (2020): Berufsausstieg oder Bildungsaufstieg? Biographische Orientierungen und Lebensweltbezüge von Studierenden mit Ausbildung in einem Gesundheitsfachberuf. In: Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online H. 38, S. 1-20.


    "Der Beitrag widmet sich den Fragen, wann und warum sich Jugendliche auf ihrem Bildungs- und Berufsweg (um)orientieren. Exemplarisch werden vier Fälle analysiert, in denen Studierende in biographischen Interviews von ihren bildungsbezogenen und beruflichen Entscheidungen erzählen. In allen Fällen haben die Studierenden vor der Aufnahme des Studiums eine Berufsausbildung in einem Gesundheitsfachberuf absolviert. Im Ergebnis wird ersichtlich, dass die Umorientierung von dem Gesundheitsfachberuf zur akademischen Bildung keine rein subjektive und rationale Entscheidung ist, sondern eng mit den Lebensweltbezügen der Jugendlichen verbunden ist. Zudem lässt sich die Umorientierung nicht als einzelner Zeitpunkt, sondern als biographischer Orientierungsprozess rekonstruieren. Hinsichtlich der Beweggründe dokumentiert sich in allen Fällen ein multikausales Geflecht von Erfahrungen und Ereignissen. Entgegen einer in (berufs-)politischen Kontexten gängigen Argumentation, in der ausschließlich von einer ‚Flucht‘ aus Gesundheitsfachberufen durch unattraktive Arbeits- und Rahmenbedingungen ausgegangen wird, zeigt sich, dass bei der Entscheidung für die Aufnahme des Studiums die familiäre Tradition und Bildungsaspiration einen zentralen Stellenwert einnimmt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity and Job Switches (2020)

    Hirsch, Boris ; Jahn, Elke ; Zwick, Thomas ;


    Hirsch, Boris, Elke Jahn & Thomas Zwick (2020): Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity and Job Switches. In: BJIR, Jg. 58, H. 3, S. 690-718., 2019-11-01. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12509


    "We investigate how the demographic composition of the workforce along the sex, nationality, education, age and tenure dimensions affects job switches. Fitting duration models for workers' job‐to‐job turnover rate that control for workplace fixed effects in a representative sample of large manufacturing plants in Germany during 1975 - 2016, we find that larger co‐worker similarity in all five dimensions substantially depresses job‐to‐job moves, whereas workplace diversity is of limited importance. In line with conventional wisdom, which has that birds of a feather flock together, our interpretation of the results is that workers prefer having co‐workers of their kind and place less value on diverse workplaces." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Jahn, Elke ;
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    Was the mid-2000s drop in the British job change rate genuine or a survey design effect? (2020)

    Jenkins, Stephen P. ;


    Jenkins, Stephen P. (2020): Was the mid-2000s drop in the British job change rate genuine or a survey design effect? In: Economics Letters, Jg. 194. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109383


    "The year-on-year job change rate fell sharply, from 18% in 2005 to around 13% in 2006, according to British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) estimates. This fall coincides with the introduction of dependent interviewing to the BHPS, intended to reduce measurement error and improve consistency. Estimates from models of job change misclassification (Hausman et al., 1998) show that reduced measurement error cannot account for the fall in the job change rate. This suggests that the fall was genuine." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    (Un-)Sichtbare Erfolge: Bildungswege von Romnja und Sintize in Deutschland (2020)

    Jonuz, Elizabeta; Weiß, Jane;


    Jonuz, Elizabeta & Jane Weiß (2020): (Un-)Sichtbare Erfolge. Bildungswege von Romnja und Sintize in Deutschland. (Interkulturelle Studien), Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS, VI, 329 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-27967-7


    "Mit diesem Buch laden Jonuz und Weiß zu einem radikalen Perspektivenwechsel ein. Sie befragten erfolgreiche Frauen aus den heterogenen Sinti-und-Roma-Communities in Deutschland zu ihren Bildungs- und Berufswegen. Die biographisch-narrativen Selbstzeugnisse der Sintizza und Romnja bieten in der analytischen Aufbereitung beeindruckende Einblicke in die gesellschaftliche Wirkmacht, Beharrungskraft und Mechanismen tradierter Diskriminierungen. Doch die Befragten verweigern sich einer Verortung in Klischees und tradierten Strukturen der Dominanzgesellschaft, entwickeln Widerstand und erfolgreiche Strategien der Bewältigung. Ein wirksamer (Schutz-)Raum sind dabei die Familien hinsichtlich der Bestärkung des Bildungs- und Aufstiegsbegehrens ihrer Töchter. Hingegen sind die Räume der zertifizierten Bildung und beruflichen Etablierung für alle Befragten Risiko-Orte, in denen diskriminierende, rassifizierende und sexistische Strukturen vorherrschen. Ein weiterer Schutzraum wird der Erfolg selbst, denn erworbene Bildung, berufliche Etablierung und die damit verbundene sozialstrukturelle Anerkennung ermöglichen den Biographinnen eine selbst-bestimmte Positionierung mit ihren Mehrfachzugehörigkeiten als Romni, Sintizza, Wissenschaftlerin, politische Aktivistin, Berufstätige, Mutter, Künstlerin und Mensch. Der Inhalt Einleitung zu einem Perspektivwechsel · Bildungskulturen in einer Gesellschaft mit Rassismushintergrund · Die Problemgeschichte dreier Begriffe: „Ethnizität“, „Rasse“ und „Ethnie“ · Das (europäische) Romnja/Sintize-Stereotyp · Forschungen zu Sinti und Roma · Forschungsdesigne der Studie · Präsentation der biographischen Daten und Analysen · Gelingensbedingungen und Barrieren des Erfolgs · Deutungsmuster, Strategien und Risiken des Erfolgs · Empfehlungen zu Rassismuskritik in Politik, Bildungsinstitutionen und Wissenschaft Die Autorinnen Dr. Elizabeta Jonuz ist Professorin für Migration und Internationales an der Hochschule Hannover. Dr. Jane Weiß ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Projektleiterin an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin." (Verlagsangaben)

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    Occupational concentration and outcomes for displaced workers (2020)

    Kosteas, Vasilios D. ;


    Kosteas, Vasilios D. (2020): Occupational concentration and outcomes for displaced workers. In: Papers in Regional Science, Jg. 99, H. 4, S. 977-997. DOI:10.1111/pirs.12507


    "Displaced workers who end up changing occupations tend to suffer larger wage losses than those who do not. This paper examines the effect of the occupational concentration of employment in the local labour market (LLM) on the likelihood of being employed and (conditional on employment) having changed occupations for displaced workers. I find that workers who do not possess a postsecondary degree are less likely to be employed or to have changed occupations in more occupationally concentrated labour markets. By contrast occupational concentration does not affect these outcomes for more educated workers. These findings are consistent with a pattern where less educated workers focus job searches within their current LLM." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Local Intergenerational Mobility (2020)

    Kourtellos, Andros; Tan, Chih Ming; Marr, Christa;


    Kourtellos, Andros, Christa Marr & Chih Ming Tan (2020): Local Intergenerational Mobility. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 126. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103460


    "Using NLSY data we investigate whether the observed patterns of economic mobility (as measured by income and educational attainment) exhibit heterogeneity across socioeconomic groups and whether the nature of the heterogeneity can be explained by different levels of persistence in the intergenerational transmission of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities across these groups. In doing so we employ the varying coefficient model (VCM) to estimate nonparametric (local) measures of intergenerational mobility of those outcome variables. By local we mean that the persistence coefficients are modeled as smooth functions of log parental permanent income. Our findings show that intergenerational mobility exhibits nonlinear patterns. Individuals with different parental income are characterized by different degrees of intergenerational mobility. Moreover, we find evidence that suggests cognitive abilities play a role in explaining intergenerational mobility. These findings provide some support for a new class of family investment models that emphasize the role of such abilities in economic mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Estimation of intergenerational mobility in small samples: evidence from German survey data (2020)

    Kyzyma, Iryna ; Groh-Samberg, Olaf;


    Kyzyma, Iryna & Olaf Groh-Samberg (2020): Estimation of intergenerational mobility in small samples. Evidence from German survey data. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 151, H. 2, S. 621-643. DOI:10.1007/s11205-020-02378-9


    "Using data from the German socio-economic panel, this paper provides new evidence on intergenerational mobility in Germany by focusing on intergenerational association in ranks—i.e. positions, which parents and children occupy in their respective income distributions. We find that the association of children's ranks with ranks of their fathers is about 0.242 for individual labor earnings and it is higher for sons than for daughters. It is also higher in East Germany compared to West Germany. The results further show that rank-based measures of mobility are less sensitive than conventional measures of intergenerational income elasticity to different methodological and sample specification choices, such as the stages of the life cycle when incomes of children and parents are measured, the number of years for which incomes are considered, the treatment of zero values in income variables and the choice of annual versus hourly earnings. Moreover, they are more robust for sub-group comparisons of intergenerational mobility (e.g. across gender and region). This evidence suggests that, similarly to large administrative datasets, rank-based measures of intergenerational mobility perform better than elasticity-based measures in small samples based on survey data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The Variability of Occupational Attainment: How Prestige Trajectories Diversified within Birth Cohorts over the Twentieth Century (2020)

    Lersch, Philipp M. ; Leckie, George; Schulz, Wiebke ;


    Lersch, Philipp M., Wiebke Schulz & George Leckie (2020): The Variability of Occupational Attainment: How Prestige Trajectories Diversified within Birth Cohorts over the Twentieth Century. In: American sociological review, Jg. 85, H. 6, S. 1084-1116. DOI:10.1177/0003122420966324


    "This study develops and applies a framework for analyzing variability in individuals? occupational prestige trajectories and changes in average variability between birth cohorts. It extends previous literature focused on typical patterns of intragenerational mobility over the life course to more fully examine intracohort differentiation. Analyses are based on rich life course data for men and women in West Germany born between 1919 and 1979 from the German Life History Study and the German National Educational Panel Study (N = 16,854 individuals). Mixed-effects growth-curve models with heterogeneous variance components are applied. Results show that birth cohorts systematically differ in their variability; cohorts who entered the labor market in the late 1950s and 1960s and experienced mostly closed employment relations have exceptionally homogenous trajectories. Earlier and later cohorts, who experienced more open employment relations, are more heterogeneous in their trajectories. Cohorts with higher variability at labor market entry are characterized by persistently strong intracohort differentiation. Women?s variability within employment is similar to men?s but markedly increases once employment interruptions are considered." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Grass roots of occupational change: Understanding mobility in vocational careers (2020)

    Medici, Guri; Tschopp, Cécile; Hirschi, Andreas ; Grote, Gudela ;


    Medici, Guri, Cécile Tschopp, Gudela Grote & Andreas Hirschi (2020): Grass roots of occupational change: Understanding mobility in vocational careers. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 122. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2020.103480


    "Most prior research on career mobility has focused on people changing jobs and organizations. We know little about processes involved in individuals changing occupations, although these changes cause high individual, organizational, and public costs. Moreover, occupations are increasingly acknowledged as important anchors in times of more boundaryless careers. The current study investigates the impact of early satisfaction with the trained occupation (VET satisfaction) on occupational change by analyzing 10-year longitudinal panel data gathered in Switzerland (N = 905). Results from regression analyses showed that VET satisfaction predicted occupational change up to ten years after graduation. VET satisfaction in turn was affected by work characteristics experienced during VET, and VET satisfaction mediated the relationship between work characteristics during VET and occupational change. Using a subsample (N = 464) for which data were available on jobs taken up after graduation, we showed that VET satisfaction explained occupational change over and above work satisfaction in jobs held after graduation, highlighting the formative role of early experience during VET. Our findings inform both theory and practice. To fully comprehend occupational change, established turnover models also need to reflect on early formative vocational experiences. Firms should pay attention to favorable work characteristics already during VET and adjust adverse conditions to reduce undesired occupational mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2021 Elsevier) ((en))

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    I found a better job opportunity! Voluntary job mobility of employees and temporary contracts before and after the great recession in France, Italy and Spain (2020)

    Mussida, Chiara ; Zanin, Luca ;


    Mussida, Chiara & Luca Zanin (2020): I found a better job opportunity! Voluntary job mobility of employees and temporary contracts before and after the great recession in France, Italy and Spain. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 59, H. 1, S. 47-98. DOI:10.1007/s00181-019-01622-7


    "The voluntary mobility of employees who change employers for a better job remains an unexplored area of labour market transitions in many European countries. We analyse whether and how the recent great economic recession has contributed to modifications in such voluntary job mobility when employees have a temporary contract in France, Italy and Spain. We analyse cross-sectional data from the EU-SILC survey for two sub-periods: 2005–2008 and 2009–2015. We find that employees who have invested in human capital, who are young and who work more than 40 h per week are more likely than their counterparts to change employers for a better opportunity given a temporary contract. After the great recession, we observe a curbing of the studied voluntary job mobility that is likely attributable to the difficulty experienced by employees in finding a job that provides more benefits than their current one, with heterogeneous effects across socio-economic and demographic characteristics and the country of residence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Mobilität und berufliche Lebensereignisse: Eine Mixed-Method-Studie zu Verkehrsmittelnutzung unter Einfluss von Identitätsänderungen und einer Soft-Policy-Intervention (2020)

    Schuppan, Julia;


    Schuppan, Julia (2020): Mobilität und berufliche Lebensereignisse. Eine Mixed-Method-Studie zu Verkehrsmittelnutzung unter Einfluss von Identitätsänderungen und einer Soft-Policy-Intervention. (Studien zur Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung), Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS, XVII, 394 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-29916-3


    "Julia Schuppan untersucht die Wirksamkeit betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagements in beruflichen Lebensereignissen. In einem zwischen Soziologie, Psychologie und Geografie verorteten Ansatz werden berufliche Lebensereignisse als geeignete Gelegenheitsfenster für Mobilitätsmanagement identifiziert und als komplexe Übergänge im Kontext zwischen individuellem Erleben, Sozialisationseinflüssen und Identitätsänderungen skizziert. In einer Mixed-Method-Studie zeigt die Autorin, dass berufliche Lebensereignisse dann ein Gelegenheitsfenster für Mobilitätsänderung sein können, wenn Mobilität identitätsstiftende und für den Übergang unterstützende Funktionen erfüllt. Betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement kann nur dann effektiv sein, wenn es Identitätsaspekte aufgreift und als institutionelle Unterstützungsleistung im beruflichen Übergang wirkt. Der Inhalt Berufliche Übergänge im Lebensverlauf und Verkehrshandeln Mobilitätssozialisation Ablauf des beruflichen Übergangs und Identitätskonstruktionen Betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement und berufliche Lebensereignisse Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Soziologie, Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung, Humangeografie, Verkehrsplanungswissenschaften sowie Umweltpsychologie Expert°innen aus dem Verkehrswesen sowie Verantwortliche für betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement in Unternehmen Die Autorin Julia Schuppan ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Verkehrsforschung am Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR e.V. ." (Verlagsangaben)

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    What do the upwardly mobile think they deserve, and why? A multi-method investigation (2020)

    Simpson, Brent; Melamed, David ;


    Simpson, Brent & David Melamed (2020): What do the upwardly mobile think they deserve, and why? A multi-method investigation. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 65. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2019.100459

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    Job mobility and sorting: theory and evidence (2020)

    Stijepic, Damir ;


    Stijepic, Damir (2020): Job mobility and sorting. Theory and evidence. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Jg. 240, H. 1, S. 19-49. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2018-0047


    "Motivated by the canonical (random) on-the-job search model, I measure a person's ability to sort into higher ranked jobs by the risk ratio of job-to-job transitions to transitions into unemployment. I show that this measure possesses various desirable features. Making use of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), I study the relation between human capital and the risk ratio of job-to-job transitions to transitions into unemployment. Formal education tends to be positively associated with this risk ratio. General experience and occupational tenure have a pronounced negative correlation with both job-to-job transitions and transitions into unemployment, leaving the risk ratio, however, mostly unaffected. In contrast, the estimates suggest that human-capital concepts that take into account the multidimensionality of skills, e.g. versatility, play a prominent role." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    No way out or no way in? The effect of standardization, licensing and skills specificity of the initial and target occupations on status mobility (2020)

    Vicari, Basha ; Unger, Stefanie;


    Vicari, Basha & Stefanie Unger (2020): No way out or no way in? The effect of standardization, licensing and skills specificity of the initial and target occupations on status mobility. In: C. Ebner, A. Haupt & B. Matthes (Hrsg.) (2020): Berufe und Soziale Ungleichheit (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft 1/2020), S. 135-156, 2019-10-25. DOI:10.1007/s11577-020-00683-2


    "Vor dem Hintergrund des technologischen Wandels und sich verändernder Anforderungen im Beschäftigungssystem wird berufliche Mobilität heute immer bedeutsamer. Dieser Beitrag untersucht, inwiefern institutionelle Eigenschaften von Berufen intragenerationaler Statusmobilität am Arbeitsmarkt entgegenstehen. Durch die Kombination von Daten der Erwachsenenkohorte des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS) mit Berufsinformationen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit testen wir die Erklärungskraft von Merkmalen der Ausgangs- und Zielberufe auf horizontale und vertikale Statusmobilität. Die Berufsmerkmale in unserem Fokus sind Standardisierung von Zertifikaten, Berufslizenzen und Spezifität von Fachkenntnissen. Mit multinomialen logistischen Regressionen finden wir, dass sowohl Ausgangs- als auch Zielberufe mit solchen Eigenschaften Mobilitätsbarrieren hervorrufen und den Aufstieg aus benachteiligten Positionen behindern können. Aufstiege sind vor allem aus standardisierten in nichtstandardisierte, von spezifischen in unspezifische und in bestimmten Fällen von nichtlizenzierten in lizenzierte Berufe möglich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Vicari, Basha ;
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