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Frauen in Führungspositionen

Frauen in Führungspositionen sind trotz gleichwertiger Qualifikationen im Vergleich zu Männern unterrepräsentiert. Als Ursache werden "unsichtbare Barrieren" angenommen, die Frauen daran hindern, in Hierarchien aufzusteigen ("glass ceiling"-Phänomen). Die Infoplattform "Frauen in Führungspositionen" reflektiert die wissenschaftliche und politische Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema.

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    Do Generous Parental Leave Policies Help Top Female Earners? (2020)

    Corekcioglu, Gozde; Kunze, Astrid; Francesconi, Marco;


    Corekcioglu, Gozde, Marco Francesconi & Astrid Kunze (2020): Do Generous Parental Leave Policies Help Top Female Earners? (IZA discussion paper 13275), 34 S.


    "Generous government-mandated parental leave is generally viewed as an effective policy to support women's careers around childbirth. But does it help women to reach top positions in the upper pay echelon of their firms? Using longitudinal employer-employee matched data for the entire Norwegian population, we address this question exploiting a series of reforms that expanded paid leave from 30 weeks in 1989 to 52 weeks in 1993. The representation of women in top positions has only moderately increased over time, and career profiles of female top earners within firms are significantly different from those of their male counterparts. The reforms did not affect, and possibly decreased, the probability for women to be at the top over their life cycle. We discuss some implications of this result to put into perspective the design of new family-friendly policy interventions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Diversity wins: How inclusion matters (2020)

    Dixon-Fyle, Sundiatu; Hunt, Vivian; Dolan, Kevin; Prince, Sara;


    Dixon-Fyle, Sundiatu, Vivian Hunt, Kevin Dolan & Sara Prince (2020): Diversity wins: How inclusion matters. New York, NY, 52 S.


    "The business case for inclusion and diversity (I&D) is stronger than ever. For diverse companies, the likelihood of outperforming industry peers on profitability has increased over time, while the penalties are getting steeper for those lacking diversity. Progress on representation has been slow, yet a few firms are making real strides. A close look at these diversity winners shows that a systematic, business-led approach and bold, concerted action on inclusion are needed to make progress." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm (2020)

    Ganguli, Ina; Hausmann, Ricardo; Viarengo, Martina;


    Ganguli, Ina, Ricardo Hausmann & Martina Viarengo (2020): Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm. (IZA discussion paper 13174), Bonn, 44 S.


    "We examine gender gaps in career dynamics in the legal sector using rich panel data from one of the largest global law firms in the world. The law firm studied is representative of multinational law firms and operates in 23 countries. The sample includes countries at different stages of development. We document the cross-country variation in gender gaps and how these gaps have changed over time. We show that while there is gender parity at the entry level in most countries by the end of the period examined, there are persistent raw gender gaps at the top of the organization across all countries. We observe significant heterogeneity among countries in terms of gender gaps in promotions and wages, but the gaps that exist appear to be declining over the period studied. We also observe that women are more likely to report exiting the firm for family and work-life balance reasons, while men report leaving for career advancement. Finally, we show that various measures of national institutions and culture appear to play a role in the differential labor-market outcomes of men and women." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Gender Gap Among Top Business Executives (2020)

    Keller, Wolfgang; Olney, William W.; Molina, Teresa ;


    Keller, Wolfgang, Teresa Molina & William W. Olney (2020): The Gender Gap Among Top Business Executives. (NBER working paper 28216), Cambridge, Mass, 35 S.


    "This paper examines gender differences among top business executives using a large executive-employer matched data set spanning the last quarter century. Female executives make up 6.2% of the sample and we find they exhibit more labor market churning – both higher entry and higher exit rates. Unconditionally, women earn 26% less than men, which decreases to 7.9% once executive characteristics, firm characteristics, and in particular job title are accounted for. The paper explores the extent to which firm-level temporal flexibility and corporate culture can explain these gender differences. Although we find that women tend to select into firms with temporal flexibility and a female-friendly corporate culture, there is no evidence that this sorting drives the gender pay gap. However, we do find evidence that corporate culture affects pay gaps within firms: the within-firm gender pay gap disappears entirely at female-friendly firms. Overall, while both corporate culture and flexibility affect the female share of employment, only corporate culture influences the gender pay gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Frauenanteile in Spitzengremien großer Unternehmen steigen: abgesehen von Aufsichtsräten im Finanzsektor (2020)

    Kirsch, Anja; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Kirsch, Anja & Katharina Wrohlich (2020): Frauenanteile in Spitzengremien großer Unternehmen steigen. Abgesehen von Aufsichtsräten im Finanzsektor. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 87, H. 4, S. 38-49. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2020-4-2


    "Die Frauenanteile in den Vorständen großer Unternehmen in Deutschland sind im vergangenen Jahr etwas stärker gestiegen als in den Jahren zuvor. Die 200 umsatzstärksten Unternehmen knackten erstmals die Zehn-Prozent-Marke: 14 Vorstandsposten mehr als noch im Jahr zuvor – nämlich 94 von 907 – hatten Frauen inne. Auch bei den größten börsennotierten und bei den Unternehmen, an denen der Bund beteiligt ist, war die Entwicklung im Vorstand etwas dynamischer – ebenso bei Banken und Versicherungen. Gleichwohl kann noch keine Rede davon sein, dass in sämtlichen Chefetagen das Umdenken begonnen hätte. Bei genauerem Hinsehen vollzieht sich die Entwicklung in den Chefetagen – zumal bei Betrachtung mehrjähriger Zeiträume – nach wie vor in Trippelschritten. Hinzu kommt: In den Aufsichtsräten ging es langsamer voran als in den Jahren zuvor, bei Banken und Versicherungen sank der Frauenanteil sogar. Der gesellschaftliche und politische Druck, mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen zu bringen, könnte sich schon bald noch verstärken. In eigenem Interesse, auch mit Blick auf ihren Fachkräftebedarf in der Zukunft, sollten die Unternehmen ihre Anstrengungen dringend erhöhen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Frauen gehen eigene Wege: Neue Rollen und Karrieren für zukunftsfähige Organisationen : Ergebnispublikation einer Expertinnenrunde unter Einbeziehung der Interviewstudie "Die Rollen der Frau – Rollenvorstellungen und Karriereentscheidungen" (2020)

    Kleinschmidt, Carola;


    Kleinschmidt, Carola (2020): Frauen gehen eigene Wege. Neue Rollen und Karrieren für zukunftsfähige Organisationen : Ergebnispublikation einer Expertinnenrunde unter Einbeziehung der Interviewstudie "Die Rollen der Frau – Rollenvorstellungen und Karriereentscheidungen". Gütersloh, 66 S.


    "Karrierewege von Frauen sind oft weniger geradlinig als die von Männern. Welche Bedeutung hat dabei das Bild, das die Gesellschaft von Frauen hat und wie Frauen ihre vielfältigen Rollen selbst sehen? Basierend auf einer Studie und Expertengesprächen zeigt die Publikation wie Frauenkarrieren aussehen und Strukturen in Unternehmen verändern können. Sie gibt Handlungsempfehlungen für Organisationen, Vorgesetzte und Frauen. In sieben Kapiteln werden die Kernthemen weiblicher Karrieren beleuchtet. Erkenntnisse aus einer qualitativen Interviewstudie in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Koblenz-Landau fließen ebenso mit ein, wie Berichte erfahrener Führungsfrauen mit denen die Studienergebnisse diskutiert wurden. Die Publikation verbindet aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Studie mit den Erfahrungen der Bertelsmann Stiftung aus 10 Jahren Executive Trainings. Hervorgegangen aus der in 2009 entwickelten Business Women School werden Frauen in diesen Trainings gezielt auf Führungsaufgaben vorbereitet. Neben dem intensiven Einblick in die individuellen Karrierewege einzelner Frauen bietet die Publikation praktische Informationen und Ratschläge zur eigenen Karriereplanung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Bringing Women on Board: The Social Policy Implications of Gender Diversity in Top Jobs (2020)

    Kowalewska, Helen ;


    Kowalewska, Helen (2020): Bringing Women on Board: The Social Policy Implications of Gender Diversity in Top Jobs. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 49, H. 4, S. 744-762. DOI:10.1017/S0047279419000722


    This paper argues that analyses of the gendered character of welfare states should be broadened to include women’s share of board and executive roles, as well as the affirmative-action policies (e.g. gender boardroom quotas) that help to overcome the gender stereotypes (e.g. women are ‘nice’, men are ‘assertive’) and opaque selection procedures at the root of this. Such indicators may seem beyond the remit of social policy analysis, which is concerned foremost with the analysis of ‘social risk’. However, drawing on evidence from across multiple disciplines, this paper argues that achieving a ‘critical mass’ of women in board and executive positions can bring women’s issues onto companies’ agendas and lead to the adoption of female-friendly practices, policies, and cultures at the firm level. Crucially, these practices, policies, and cultures can help to reduce the incidence of gendered social risks (employment/care conflicts, economic dependence on a partner) and sexual harassment among women at lower levels of the labour market. Thus, the paper highlights another dimension to the social-regulatory function of welfare states which has to date been overlooked, namely legislative requirements on companies to achieve gender diversity in their leadership structures. (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender diversity in corporate boards: Evidence from quota-implied discontinuities (2020)

    Kuzmina, Olga; Melentyeva, Valentina;


    Kuzmina, Olga & Valentina Melentyeva (2020): Gender diversity in corporate boards: Evidence from quota-implied discontinuities. (CEPR discussion paper 14942), London, 54 S.


    "We use data across European corporate boards to investigate the effects of quota-induced female representation, under minimal possible identification assumptions. We find that having more women in board causally increases Tobin's Q, despite some negative effects on operating performance and more likely employment downsizings. We interpret this evidence as firms scaling down inefficient operations. Our results highlight that gender quotas are not necessarily a costly way of promoting equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Frauenzielgrößen des GgTFMF: Von der legislativen Regelungstechnik, arbeits- und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Problemen der Rechtsanwendung und ihrer Umsetzung in der Praxis (2020)

    Minderjahn, Niclas;


    Minderjahn, Niclas (2020): Die Frauenzielgrößen des GgTFMF. Von der legislativen Regelungstechnik, arbeits- und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Problemen der Rechtsanwendung und ihrer Umsetzung in der Praxis. (Studien zum Arbeitsrecht 33), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 393 S. DOI:10.5771/9783748904236


    "„Die Frauenquote ist der größte Beitrag zur Gleichberechtigung seit Einführung des Frauenwahlrechts“. So kommentierte Minister Maas die Einführung des GgTFMF, das neben der Fixquote von 30% die Verpflichtung enthält, Zielgrößen zur Erhöhung des Frauenanteils insbesondere für Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand festzulegen („Flexiquote“). Werden die selbst gesetzten Ziele nicht erreicht, haben die Unternehmen das zu begründen. Die Umsetzung der Flexiquote wurde weitgehend ungeregelt gelassen, woraus Probleme resultieren, die es zu lösen gilt. Auch betritt der Gesetzgeber mit ihr legislativ Neuland: Indem er auf Sanktionen für den Fall der Zielverfehlung verzichtet, verwendet er eine Soft Law vergleichbar auf Freiwilligkeit beruhende Regelungstechnik. Ziel ist es, zu untersuchen, ob es sich bei ihr um einen effektiven wie verfassungsrechtlich zulässigen Durchsetzungsmechanismus handelt. Überzeugt ihr Grundgedanke in der Theorie und hat sie sich in der Praxis bewährt? Hierauf gibt die Arbeit Antwort." (Autorenreferat, © Nomos)

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    Board gender diversity and cost of equity (2020)

    Nguyen, Pascal ;


    Nguyen, Pascal (2020): Board gender diversity and cost of equity. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 27, H. 18, S. 1522-1526. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2019.1693693


    "Evidence that women directors provide more effective monitoring suggests that greater board gender diversity is associated with lower cost of equity because of greater confidence in the firm's governance. We test this hypothesis using a sample of French firms over the period 2006-2017. The results show that cost of equity is significantly lower when firms have a higher proportion of women directors. It thus appears that mandatory quotas have allowed women directors to reach the critical mass needed to have significant impact." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women on Top Management Teams and Firm Performance in German Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Moderating Role of Recruiting Source (2020)

    Reineke, Kristina; Kabst, Rüdiger; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo;


    Reineke, Kristina, Holger Steinmetz, Rodrigo Isidor & Rüdiger Kabst (2020): Women on Top Management Teams and Firm Performance in German Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Moderating Role of Recruiting Source. (Working paper / Universität Paderborn, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 60), Paderborn, 32 S.


    "Despite substantial research, evidence regarding the relationship between the proportion of women on top management teams (TMTs) and firm performance is still inconclusive. Building on upper echelons theory, this paper expands the discussion of potential moderating effects in this regard by applying a complementary perspective to the commonly studied organization-oriented factors. Applying a person-oriented perspective to the composition of TMTs, this study argues that the recruiting source of TMT members - whether members were recruited from the owner's family, from the internal job market or the external job market - leads to differences in the job-relevant characteristics of TMT members. Consequently, the recruiting source should moderate the relationship between TMT gender composition and performance. Our analysis of 1025 German medium-sized enterprises (MEs) shows that there is no main effect of the proportion of women on firm performance. However, recruiting from the owner's family and the internal labor market have a significant negative moderating influence on the relationship between the proportion of women on TMTs and firm performance. Conversely, hiring externally exerts a significant positive effect." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Where do females rise to leadership positions?: A cross-sector analysis (2020)

    Sanchez, Diana Victoria; Frey, Elaine F.;


    Sanchez, Diana Victoria & Elaine F. Frey (2020): Where do females rise to leadership positions? A cross-sector analysis. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 27, H. 15, S. 1252-1255. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2019.1676385


    "Gender equality in the workplace includes equal wages, opportunities, and treatment. Although there have been improvements in all of these areas in the last several decades, one area of continuing concern is the low proportion of women in business leadership positions, particularly as CEOs or business owners. We use a unique dataset from all California business establishments across all sectors and sizes to examine the factors that influence gender inequality in business leadership positions. We find that females are less likely to lead firms that are larger and higher performing across almost all industries. In addition, evidence shows that women lead firms that are less stable, supporting the existence of a glass cliff." (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)

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    Women-on-Board-Index (WoB 185) 2020: Frauenanteil in Führungspositionen der im DAX, MDAX, SDAX sowie der im Regulierten Markt notierten, voll mitbestimmten Unternehmen (2020)

    Schulz-Strelow, Monika;


    (2020): Women-on-Board-Index (WoB 185) 2020. Frauenanteil in Führungspositionen der im DAX, MDAX, SDAX sowie der im Regulierten Markt notierten, voll mitbestimmten Unternehmen. (Women-on-Board-Index 4), Berlin, 69 S.


    "Der 2017 erstmals veröffentlichte Women-on-Board-Index 185 umfasst die im DAX, MDAX und SDAX sowie die im Regulierten Markt notierten, voll mitbestimmten Unternehmen. Die Studie ermöglicht einen Vergleich der Entwicklung bei den der festen Quote unterliegenden Unternehmen mit der der nicht unter die Quote fallenden, im DAX notierten Konzerne." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    All on board? New evidence on board gender diversity from a large panel of firms (2020)

    Tyrowicz, Joanna ; Mazurek, Jakub; Terjesen, Siri;


    Tyrowicz, Joanna, Siri Terjesen & Jakub Mazurek (2020): All on board? New evidence on board gender diversity from a large panel of firms. (IZA discussion paper 12883), Bonn, 26 S.


    "Using a unique database of over 20 million firms over two decades, we examine the industry sector and national institution drivers of the prevalence of women directors on supervisory and management boards in both public and private firms across 41 advanced and emerging European economies. We demonstrate that gender board diversity has generally increased, yet women remain rare in both boards of firms in Europe: approximately 70% have no women directors on their supervisory boards, and 60% have no women directors on management boards. We leverage institutional and resource dependency theoretical frameworks to demonstrate that few systematic factors are associated with greater gender diversity for both supervisory and management boards among both private and public firms: the same factor may exhibit a positive correlation to a management board, and a negative correlation to a supervisory board, or vice versa. We interpret these findings as evidence that country-level gender equality and cultural institutions exhibit differentiated correlations with the presence of women directors in management and supervisory boards. We also find little evidence that sector-level competition and innovativeness are systematically associated with the presence of women on either board in either group of firms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Frauen in Führungspositionen deutscher Aktiengesellschaften: Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der FDP (Drucksache 19/21945) (2020)


    Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz (2020): Frauen in Führungspositionen deutscher Aktiengesellschaften. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der FDP (Drucksache 19/21945). (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages. Drucksachen 19/22359), 4 S.


    Die Bundesregierung antwortet auf die Anfrage der FDP-Fraktion zu vorhandenen und geplanten Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen in Führungspositionen deutscher Aktiengesellschaften. (IAB-Doku)

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    Entwicklungsland: Deutsche Konzerne entdecken erst jetzt Frauen für die Führung (2019)

    Ankersen, Wiebke; Edl, Annica; Berg, Christian; Schibel, Lucie;


    (2019): Entwicklungsland. Deutsche Konzerne entdecken erst jetzt Frauen für die Führung. (AllBright Bericht), Berlin, 19 S.


    "Es gibt Bewegung an den deutschen Unternehmensspitzen: Rekordverdächtig viele Wechsel haben im vergangenen Jahr mehr neue Frauen als sonst in die Vorstände der 160 deutschen Börsenunternehmen gebracht. Denn Männer räumen dort öfter ihre Posten: im vergangenen Jahr hat jeder fünfte Mann sein Vorstandsmandat abgegeben, aber nur jede 14. Frau. Immer öfter werden Männer durch Frauen ersetzt. Da kommt also etwas in Bewegung - allerdings auf extrem niedrigem Niveau, denn noch immer sind mehr als 90 Prozent der Vorstandsmitglieder Männer, der Frauenanteil lag am 1. September 2019 bei 9,3 Prozent. Im internationalen Vergleich ist Deutschland nun nicht mehr Schlusslicht, sondern Vorletzter." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Die Macht hinter den Kulissen: Warum Aufsichtsräte keine Frauen in die Vorstände bringen (2019)

    Ankersen, Wiebke; Middendorf, Naima; Schibel, Lucie; Berg, Christian; Kolloge, Lukas; Joslyn, Marie;


    Joslyn, Marie (2019): Die Macht hinter den Kulissen. Warum Aufsichtsräte keine Frauen in die Vorstände bringen. (AllBright Bericht), Berlin, 11 S.


    "Obwohl inzwischen immerhin 30 Prozent der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder Frauen sind, berufen die Aufsichtsräte der 160 deutschen Börsenunternehmen weiterhin nur sehr wenige Frauen in ihre Vorstände: 8,8 Prozent beträgt der Frauenanteil in den Vorständen am 1. Februar 2019 - so wenig wie in kaum einem anderen westlichen Industrieland. Zahlreiche Aufsichtsräte veröffentlichen sogar ausdrücklich ein Ziel von Null Frauen im Vorstand. An der Besetzung von Vorstandsposten in den Unternehmen sind zurzeit fast ausschließlich Männer beteiligt, weibliche Aufsichtsratsmitglieder sind in dem Prozess weitgehend ohne Wirkungsmacht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Female leadership and firm performance (2019)

    Beltran, Arlette;


    Beltran, Arlette (2019): Female leadership and firm performance. In: Prague economic papers, Jg. 28, H. 3, S. 363-377. DOI:10.18267/j.pep.695


    "This study explores whether companies┐ experience benefits when the firm's CEO and owner are both women. It employs data from the 2009 - 2014 World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) to measure firms' performance through growth in sales and productivity. Potential endogeneity was corrected by using the UN Gender Development Index and the average fertility rate as they comply with the exclusion restrictions. The paper uses the Control Function method with a Probit first stage estimation and an OLS main equation. The findings suggest that a female owner strengthens the female CEO's business skills and leads to better firm performance than when the CEO is a woman and the owner is a man." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Breaking the glass ceiling?: the effect of board quotas on female labor market outcomes in Norway (2019)

    Bertrand, Marianne; Black, Sandra E.; Lleras-Muney, Adriana; Jensen, Sissel;


    Bertrand, Marianne, Sandra E. Black, Sissel Jensen & Adriana Lleras-Muney (2019): Breaking the glass ceiling? The effect of board quotas on female labor market outcomes in Norway. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Jg. 86, H. 1, S. 191-239. DOI:10.1093/restud/rdy032


    "In late 2003, Norway passed a law mandating 40% representation of each gender on the board of public limited liability companies. The primary objective of this reform was to increase the representation of women in top positions in the corporate sector and decrease the gender disparity in earnings within that sector. We document that the women appointed to these boards post-reform were observably more qualified than their female predecessors along many dimensions, and that the gender gap in earnings within boards fell substantially. However, we see no robust evidence that the reform benefited the larger set of women employed in the companies subject to the quota. Moreover, the reform had no clear impact on highly qualified women whose qualifications mirror those of board members but who were not appointed to boards. Finally, we find mixed support for the view that the reform affected the decisions of young women. While the reform was not accompanied by any change in female enrollment in business education programmes, we do see some improvements in labour market outcomes for young women with graduate business degrees in their early career stages; however, we observe similar improvements for young women with graduate science degrees, suggesting this may not be due to the reform. Overall, seven years after the board quota policy fully came into effect, we conclude that it had very little discernible impact on women in business beyond its direct effect on the women who made it into boardrooms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The second glass ceiling: Women's role in supervisory boards of German firms (2019)

    Bozhinov, Viktor; Koch, Christopher ; Schank, Thorsten ;


    Bozhinov, Viktor, Christopher Koch & Thorsten Schank (2019): The second glass ceiling: Women's role in supervisory boards of German firms. In: Schmalenbach business review, Jg. 71, H. 3, S. 385-411. DOI:10.1007/s41464-018-0063-1


    "This study analyzes the role of women on supervisory boards of German companies. In particular, we investigate the likelihood of women to hold senior positions such as (vice) chair of the board and their membership in standing committees. Based on the logic of the lack of fit model, we argue that once women overcome the first glass ceiling and become board members, they still face a second glass ceiling preventing them from gaining senior board positions. We test our hypotheses using a sample of 103 parity co-determined and publicly quoted companies from 2009 to 2016. We find that women directors are underrepresented in senior board positions. This gap is particularly large and even increasing for the position of the board chair. It is also present for the position of the vice chair and (in the case of shareholder representatives) for memberships in standing committees except for the nomination committee. These findings are consistent with the presence of a second glass ceiling. Our study contributes to the literature on the prevalence of women in senior board positions. In particular, we provide novel evidence on the progress of women on boards in a two-tier system with co-determination. One potential implication of our study is that women's influence on board decision-making might still be limited despite the recent increase of the number of women on boards." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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