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Berufliche Mobilität

Eine Tätigkeit, die mehr Spaß verspricht, ein höheres Gehalt oder bessere Entwicklungsperspektiven: Es gibt viele Gründe, nicht länger im erlernten oder ausgeübten Beruf tätig zu sein. Nicht immer sind sie jedoch so erfreulich: Auslöser kann auch eine Entlassung sein.

Dieses Themendossier bietet Literaturhinweise zur beruflichen Mobilitätsforschung in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern. Sie erschließt theoretische Ansätze und empirische Ergebnisse - beispielsweise zu den Fragen: Sind Berufswechsel lohnend? Für wen sind sie mit besonderen Risiken verbunden? Wie gut lassen sich bei einem beruflichen Neustart die bisher erworbenen Qualifikationen verwerten?
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Statusinkonsistenz revisited! Prekarisierungsprozesse und soziale Positionierung (2013)

    Grimm, Natalie;


    Grimm, Natalie (2013): Statusinkonsistenz revisited! Prekarisierungsprozesse und soziale Positionierung. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 66, H. 2, S. 89-97. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2013-2-89


    "Der Beitrag geht aufgrund eigener empirischer Untersuchungen und zahlreicher Hinweise aus Forschungen zu prekärer Arbeit und sozialer Mobilität von der These aus, dass immer mehr Individuen unterschiedlicher sozialer Schichtungen mit Statusunsicherheiten, brüchigen Statuskombinationen und Statusverlustängsten umgehen müssen. Dennoch bleiben sowohl die Auswirkungen dieser Statusturbulenzen auf das subjektive Erleben von Individuen, deren Handlungsstrategien und Zukunftserwartungen als auch das Verhältnis von Prekarisierungsprozessen und sozialer Positionierung Leerstellen in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Um diese Lücken zu schließen, wird vorgeschlagen, das lange Zeit in der Ungleichheitsdiskussion eher randständige Konzept der Statusinkonsistenz methodisch zu modifizieren und damit für die arbeitssoziologisch geprägte Prekarisierungsforschung nutzbar zu machen. Mit qualitativ-rekonstruktiven Forschungsansätzen ist es möglich, sozialbiografische Statusinkonsistenzen, die durch Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt und die Einführung des SGB II entstehen, sichtbar zu machen sowie deren individuelle und gesellschaftliche Folgen zu untersuchen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Reference groups: a missing link in career studies (2013)

    Grote, Gudela ; Hall, Douglas T.;


    Grote, Gudela & Douglas T. Hall (2013): Reference groups. A missing link in career studies. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 83, H. 3, S. 265-279. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2013.05.001


    "Careers unfold within and are bound by multiple social contexts. Newer career concepts have postulated a growing need for personal agency in overcoming structural constraints, especially organizational and occupational boundaries. As a consequence, research has focused more on the individual than on contextual factors. In order to answer recent criticism of this unbalanced view we argue that the impact of reference groups needs to be better understood, both as social drivers of agentic behavior and as social constraints that, for instance, reduce the permeability of boundaries. Drawing on identity theories and social network literature we suggest a classification of reference groups in which social domains (e.g., organization, occupation, family, friends), types of groups (known people, abstract social categories), and functions (normative, comparative, supportive) are distinguished. The reference group classification is employed to discuss extant career research and to propose three directions for future research: a) Fuller consideration of different social domains beyond the employing organization for a more complete understanding of social influences in contemporary careers; b) exploration of the possibly growing relevance of abstract social categories as referents, especially for subjective career success; and c) systematic analysis of the interaction between normative, comparative, and supportive functions of individuals' social networks. Across these themes, possible negative influences of reference groups and effects of imposed rather than chosen referents are also to be considered. Implications of the suggested research for better understanding the interaction between structure and agency in shaping careers and career identity are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does the use of worker flows improve the analysis of establishment turnover?: evidence from German administrative data (2013)

    Hethey-Maier, Tanja; Schmieder, Johannes F.;


    Hethey-Maier, Tanja & Johannes F. Schmieder (2013): Does the use of worker flows improve the analysis of establishment turnover? Evidence from German administrative data. (NBER working paper 19730), Cambridge, Mass., 42 S. DOI:10.3386/w19730


    "Administrative datasets provide an excellent source for detailed analysis of establishment entries and exits on a fine and disaggregate level. However, administrative datasets are not without problems: restructuring and relabeling of firms is often poorly measured and can create large biases. Information on worker flows between establishments can potentially alleviate these measurement issues, but it is typically hard to judge how well correction algorithms based on this methodology work. This paper evaluates the use of the worker flow methodology using a dataset from Germany, the Establishment History Panel. We first document the extent of misclassification that stems from relying solely on the first and last appearance of the establishment identifier (EID) to identify openings and closings: Only about 35 to 40 percent of new and disappearing EIDs with more than 3 employees are likely to correspond to real establishment entries and exits. We provide 3 pieces of evidence that using a classification system based on worker flows is superior to using EIDs only: First, establishment birth years generated using the worker flow methodology are much higher correlated with establishment birth years from an independent survey. Second, establishment entries and exits which are identified using the worker flow methodology move closely with the business cycle, while events which are identified as simple ID changes are not. Third, new establishment entries are small and show rapid growth, unlike new EIDs that correspond to ID changes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Diverging top and converging bottom: labour flexibilization and changes in career mobility in the USA (2013)

    Kim, Young-Mi;


    Kim, Young-Mi (2013): Diverging top and converging bottom. Labour flexibilization and changes in career mobility in the USA. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 27, H. 5, S. 860-879. DOI:10.1177/0950017012464418


    "The purpose of this study is to explore changes in career mobility in the US labour market during the late 1990s and early 2000s, a period in which career boundaries weakened and workers' employment options became increasingly flexible. Using multiple panel data of a nationally representative sample of US employees between 1990 and 2003, the pattern of workers' short-term movement across various types of boundaries in the labour market is analysed, as well as change over time and by skill group. The result shows that although the probability of switching firms increased for all workers, the career trajectories of lower-skilled groups showed increasingly opposite trends from those of higher-skilled groups. In particular, occupational immobility was reduced significantly for workers in lower-skilled occupations, yet their changes of occupation occurred mainly within their origin class, resulting in strengthening of class boundaries. Implications of this finding are discussed in light of recent debate on class stratification." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational occupational mobility in Great Britain and the United States since 1850 (2013)

    Long, Jason; Ferrie, Joseph;


    Long, Jason & Joseph Ferrie (2013): Intergenerational occupational mobility in Great Britain and the United States since 1850. In: The American economic review, Jg. 103, H. 4, S. 1109-1137. DOI:10.1257/aer.103.4.1109


    "The US tolerates more inequality than Europe and believes its economic mobility is greater than Europe's, though they had roughly equal rates of intergenerational occupational mobility in the late twentieth century. We extend this comparison into the nineteenth century using 10,000 nationally-representative British and US fathers and sons. The US was more mobile than Britain through 1900, so in the experience of those who created the US welfare state in the 1930s, the US had indeed been 'exceptional'. The US mobility lead over Britain was erased by the 1950s, as US mobility fell from its nineteenth century levels." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Interpreting trends in intergenerational income mobility (2013)

    Nybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan;


    Nybom, Martin & Jan Stuhler (2013): Interpreting trends in intergenerational income mobility. (IZA discussion paper 7514), Bonn, 39 S.


    "We examine how intergenerational income mobility responds to structural changes in a simple theoretical model of intergenerational transmission, deviating from the existing literature by explicitly analyzing the transition path between steady states. We find that mobility depends not only on current but also on past transmission mechanisms, such that changing policies, institutions or economic conditions may generate long-lasting trends. Variation in mobility levels across countries may thus be partly explained by differences in former institutions; current mobility trends may be caused by institutional changes in the past. We further find that transitions between steady states tend to be non-monotonic. Changes in the relative returns to different skills or a shift towards a less plutocratic and more meritocratic economy raise mobility initially, but also generate a negative trend over subsequent generations. Times of change thus tend to be times of high mobility, and declining mobility today may not reflect a recent deterioration of equality of opportunity but rather major improvements made in the past." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lohn- und Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland: Ursachen, Interdependenzen und empirische Befunde (2013)

    Schäfer, Holger; Schröder, Christoph; Schmidt, Jörg;


    Schäfer, Holger, Jörg Schmidt & Christoph Schröder (2013): Lohn- und Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland. Ursachen, Interdependenzen und empirische Befunde. In: IW-Trends, Jg. 40, H. 1, S. 101-118. DOI:10.2373/1864-810X.13-01-07


    "Die Lohnmobilität ist in Deutschland langfristig konstant geblieben, während die Einkommensmobilität im Trend gesunken ist. Gleichwohl geht jeder dritte Einkommensaufstieg oder -abstieg mit dem Wechsel der Lohnposition einher. Die insgesamt sinkende Einkommensmobilität zeigt sich bei fast allen Haushaltstypen und auch weitgehend unabhängig vom Erwerbsstatus. Neu- oder Wiedereinsteiger auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben den Trend fallender Mobilität in den letzten Jahren allerdings wieder umkehren können. Sowohl bei den Verdiensten als auch beim Äquivalenzeinkommen führt ein hohes Bildungsniveau zu einer erhöhten Aufstiegschance und zu einer verminderten Abstiegsgefahr. Die größte Erhöhung der Aufstiegschancen ergibt sich durch den Wechsel aus einer Phase der Nicht-Erwerbstätigkeit in Erwerbstätigkeit. Daran hat sich seit 2005 nichts Wesentliches geändert. Auch der Einfluss der Lohnmobilität auf die Einkommensmobilität ist seit Mitte der 2000er Jahre nicht markant schwächer geworden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Chancengerechtigkeit durch Aufstiegsmobilität: Kurzstudie auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Gutachten (2013)

    Schäfer, Holger; Schmidt, Jörg;


    Schäfer, Holger & Jörg Schmidt (2013): Chancengerechtigkeit durch Aufstiegsmobilität. Kurzstudie auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Gutachten. Köln, 31 S.


    "Die verteilungspolitische Diskussion in Deutschland fokussiert sich stark auf den Vergleich von Querschnittsbetrachtungen: Wie sich die Armutsquote entwickelt hat, wie die Arbeitslosenquote usw. Kaum weniger bedeutsam ist jedoch die Längsschnittperspektive: Was ist aus denen geworden, die vor einigen Jahren arm oder arbeitslos waren? Diese Sichtweise hat eine eigenständige Bedeutung für die empfundene soziale Gerechtigkeit. Einkommensunterschiede werden eher akzeptiert, wenn jeder die Chance auf sozialen Aufstieg hat. Gleichsam würde Arbeitslosigkeit nicht als katastrophaler Einschnitt in das Leben erfahren, wenn Aussicht auf schnelle Wiedereingliederung ins Berufsleben besteht. Die vorliegende Studie trägt dazu bei, das bestehende empirische Defizit dieser Längsschnittperspektive zu verringern. Dazu werden zwei Perspektiven untersucht: Die Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt und die gesellschaftliche Partizipation gemessen an der relativen Einkommensposition. Möglich wird die Analyse durch Nutzung des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels, einer jährlichen Wiederholungsbefragung von ca. 20.000 Personen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Theory of worker turnover and knowledge transfer in high-technology industries (2013)

    Shankar, Kameshwari; Ghosh, Suman;


    Shankar, Kameshwari & Suman Ghosh (2013): Theory of worker turnover and knowledge transfer in high-technology industries. In: Journal of Human Capital, Jg. 7, H. 2, S. 107-129. DOI:10.1086/671188


    "This paper builds a theoretical model to address evidence on labor mobility patterns in high-technology firms engaged in R&D. Worker turnover in these industries enables the efficient transfer of R&D knowledge across firms in a production environment characterized by volatile returns to R&D investment.We show that both the size and composition of labor turnover are affected by the extent to which R&D knowledge can be transferred and applied across the production processes of different firms. Our analysis also provides implications of such labor mobility for industry growth. We explain how labor turnover in the presence of knowledge transfer has contributed to the success of the high-technology cluster in Silicon Valley." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inter- und intragenerationale soziale Mobilität: eine simultane Analyse unter Verwendung von Wachstumskurven (2013)

    Stawarz, Nico;


    Stawarz, Nico (2013): Inter- und intragenerationale soziale Mobilität. Eine simultane Analyse unter Verwendung von Wachstumskurven. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 42, H. 5, S. 385-404.


    "In diesem Beitrag wird soziale Mobilität auf der Basis von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) analysiert. Die Modellierung von Wachstumskurven als Mehrebenenansatz ermöglicht es, eine Reihe von Problemen der bisherigen Forschung anzugehen und eine simultane Analyse von inter- und intragenerationaler Mobilität durchzuführen. Die Befunde verdeutlichen, dass die soziale Mobilität nach dem Abschluss der Ausbildung deutlich nachlässt und vom weiteren Verlauf einer Berufskarriere relativ unberührt bleibt. Einen beträchtlichen Einfluss auf den ersten Beruf sowie auf den Karriereverlauf einer Person haben vor allem der Schulabschluss und die sozioökonomische Herkunft. Darüber hinaus determinieren differente Opportunitätsstrukturen das Berufsprestige zu Beginn der Karriere. Insgesamt erscheint die Modellierung von Wachstumskurven als vielversprechende Methode für die Integration und Fortentwicklung des Forschungsstandes zu sozialer Mobilität." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Money on the table?: firms' and workers' gains from productivity spillovers through worker mobility (2013)

    Stoyanov, Andrey; Zubanov, Nikolay;


    Stoyanov, Andrey & Nikolay Zubanov (2013): Money on the table? Firms' and workers' gains from productivity spillovers through worker mobility. (IZA discussion paper 7702), Bonn, 54 S.


    "We estimate how much of the gains from productivity spillovers through worker mobility is retained by the hiring firms, by the workers who bring spillovers, and by the other workers. Using linked employer-employee data from Danish manufacturing for the period 1995-2007, we find that at least two-thirds of the total output gain of 0.11% per year is netted by the firms, while the workers who bring spillovers receive at most 6% of it as the wage premium. The large share retained by the firms implies that spillovers through worker mobility are mostly a positive externality to them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does education expansion increase intergenerational mobility? (2013)

    Zhong, Hai;


    Zhong, Hai (2013): Does education expansion increase intergenerational mobility? In: Economica, Jg. 80, H. 320, S. 760-773. DOI:10.1111/ecca.12032


    "Education expansion may lead to 'over-education', where the social connections of parents may exert more significant influence on the return to education of children. With the assumption of a positive correlation between return on human capital and parental income in the presence of over-education, we show that: (i) the expansion of education may cause horizontal inequity in education opportunities and inefficiency in human capital accumulation; (ii) the positive correlation between return on human capital and parental income causes a more persistent intergenerational immobility; (iii) an expansion of education (especially higher education) leads to more persistent intergenerational immobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Occupational and locational substitution: measuring the effect of occupational and regional mobility (2012)

    Aldashev, Alisher;


    Aldashev, Alisher (2012): Occupational and locational substitution. Measuring the effect of occupational and regional mobility. In: Labour, Jg. 26, H. 1, S. 108-123. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9914.2011.00542.x


    "The paper analyses the effects of occupational and regional mobility on the matching rate using monthly panel data disaggregated at the regional and occupational level. The main contribution of the paper is to measure the effect of substitutability between vacancies in different occupations, and vacancies in different regions on the matching rate. The estimates indicate higher regional mobility in West Germany but higher occupational mobility in East Germany. The results show that if occupations were perfect substitutes, then the number of matches could increase by 5-9 per cent. Perfect regional mobility would increase matchings by 5-15 per cent. It is also shown that partial aggregation causes a downward bias in substitutability estimates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The firm as the locus of social comparisons: internal labor markets versus up-or-out (2012)

    Auriol, Emmanuelle; Friebel, Guido; Lammers, Frauke;


    Auriol, Emmanuelle, Guido Friebel & Frauke Lammers (2012): The firm as the locus of social comparisons. Internal labor markets versus up-or-out. (IZA discussion paper 6343), Bonn, 44 S.


    "We suggest a parsimonious dynamic agency model in which workers have status concerns. A firm is a promotion hierarchy in which a worker's status depends on past performance. We investigate the optimality of two types of promotion hierarchies: (i) internal labor markets, in which agents have a job guarantee, and (ii) 'up-or-out', in which agents are fired when unsuccessful. We show that up-or-out is optimal if success is difficult to achieve. When success is less hard to achieve, an internal labor market is optimal provided the payoffs associated with success are moderate. Otherwise, up-or-out is, again, optimal. These results are in line with observations from academia, law firms, investment banks and top consulting firms. Here, up-or-out dominates, while internal labor markets dominate where work is less demanding or payoffs are more compressed, for instance, because the environment is less competitive. We present some supporting evidence from academia, comparing US with French economics departments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of career adaptabilities for mid-career changers (2012)

    Brown, Alan; Bimrose, Jenny; Hughes, Deirdre; Barnes, Sally-Anne;


    Brown, Alan, Jenny Bimrose, Sally-Anne Barnes & Deirdre Hughes (2012): The role of career adaptabilities for mid-career changers. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 80, H. 3, S. 754-761. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2012.01.003


    "Career adaptability is mediated by personality factors and socio-psychological processes, with learning playing an important role. Using a five-fold career adapt-abilities competency framework (defined here as control, curiosity, commitment, confidence and concern), which was developed from the international quantitative study that is the focus of this special edition, an explicitly qualitative study of the career biographies of mid-career changers from two European countries was undertaken. Data from 64 in-depth interviews with adults in contrasting labor markets from Norway and the UK were analysed deductively, using a career adapt-abilities framework. Results demonstrate the utility of the framework, as well as how adaptive adults used both formal and informal learning to develop career adapt-ability competencies, over time, across occupations and occupational sectors. A key conclusion relates to how this career adapt-abilities competency framework could be used to motivate adults in mid-career to adopt behaviors that help them effect positive career change." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    To be or not to be... a scientist? (2012)

    Chevalier, Arnaud;


    Chevalier, Arnaud (2012): To be or not to be... a scientist? (IZA discussion paper 6353), Bonn, 26 S.


    "Policy makers generally advocate that to remain competitive countries need to train more scientists. Employers regularly complain of qualified scientist shortages blaming the higher wages in other occupations for luring graduates out of scientific occupations. Using a survey of recent British graduates from Higher Education we report that fewer than 50% of science graduates work in a scientific occupation three years after graduation. The wage premium observed for science graduates stems from occupational choice rather than a science degree. Accounting for selection into subject and occupation, the returns to working in a scientific occupation reaches 18% and there is no return to a science degree outside scientific occupations. Finally, scientists working in a scientific occupation are more satisfied with their educational and career choices, which suggests that those not working in these occupations have been pushed out of careers in science." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The healthy fright of losing a good one for a bad one (2012)

    Cristini, Annalisa; Origo, Federica ; Pinoli, Sara;


    Cristini, Annalisa, Federica Origo & Sara Pinoli (2012): The healthy fright of losing a good one for a bad one. (IZA discussion paper 6348), Bonn, 18 S.


    "In this paper we study the effect of different degrees of employment protection on absenteeism, paying attention to differences between workers moving from protected jobs to insecure jobs, on the one hand, and workers moving from insecure to secure jobs, on the other hand. Using a large representative sample of Italian workers, we show that workers' reaction in terms of sickness leave is not symmetric: losing protection (bad news) is more effective than gaining it (good news). We claim that this asymmetry is consistent with the behavior of financial markets responding to good and bad news. In our case, workers react in a more prudential way to improvements in their employment status ('wait and see' strategy), while they do immediately adjust to worsening job security by showing off healthy behavior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarkterfordernis berufliche Mobilität: Geschlechtergleichheit in der Krise? (2012)

    Dauber, Andrea S.;


    Dauber, Andrea S. (2012): Arbeitsmarkterfordernis berufliche Mobilität: Geschlechtergleichheit in der Krise? Opladen: Budrich, 375 S.


    "Mit Hilfe des ersten repräsentativen Datensatzes zur beruflich induzierten räumlichen Mobilität in ausgewählten Ländern Europas untersucht die Autorin in einer geschlechterdifferenzierenden Perspektive für Deutschland, welche Auswirkungen berufliche Mobilität in Paarbeziehungen auf die Aspekte Erwerbsumfang, häusliche Arbeitsteilung und Kinderbetreuung hat. Vor dem Hintergrund der theoretischen und empirischen Debatte zur geschlechtsspezifischen sozialen Ungleichheit sind weitere wichtige Dimensionen der Übergang zur Elternschaft sowie Partnerschaftsgründungen mobiler Männer und Frauen per se. Dabei kann ein allgemeiner und übergreifender negativer Effekt beruflicher Mobilität auf die diskutierten Aspekte mit den vorhandenen Daten nicht ohne Weiteres konstatiert werden. In jeweils spezifischen Paarkonstellationen ist ein negativer Effekt beruflicher Mobilität jedoch statistisch nachweisbar. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Bereich Elternschaft." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The mover's advantage: scientific performance of mobile academics (2012)

    Franzoni, Chiara ; Scellato, Giuseppe ; Stephan, Paula ;


    Franzoni, Chiara, Giuseppe Scellato & Paula Stephan (2012): The mover's advantage. Scientific performance of mobile academics. (NBER working paper 18577), Cambridge, Mass., 45 S. DOI:10.3386/w18577


    "We investigate performance differentials associated with mobility for research active scientists residing in a broad spectrum of countries and working in a broad spectrum of fields using data from the GlobSci survey. We distinguish between two categories of mobile scientists: (1) those studying or working in a country other than that of origin and (2) those who have returned to their native country after a spell of study or work abroad. We compare the performance of these mobile scientists to natives who have never experienced a spell of mobility and are studying or working in their country of origin. We find evidence that mobile scientists perform better than those who have not experienced mobility. Among the mobile, we find some evidence that those who return perform better than the foreign born save in the United States, suggesting that positive selection is not at work in determining who remains outside the country. This is supported by the finding that for most countries the performance of returnees is no different than that of compatriots who remain abroad after controlling for other effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    To move or not to move to find a new job: spatial duration time model with dynamic covariate effects (2012)

    Kauermann, Göran; Westerheide, Nina;


    Kauermann, Göran & Nina Westerheide (2012): To move or not to move to find a new job. Spatial duration time model with dynamic covariate effects. In: Journal of applied statistics, Jg. 39, H. 5, S. 995-1009. DOI:10.1080/02664763.2011.634394


    "The aim of this paper is to show the flexibility and capacity of penalized spline smoothing as estimation routine for modelling duration time data. We analyse the unemployment behaviour in Germany between 2000 and 2004 using a massive database from the German Federal Employment Agency. To investigate dynamic covariate effects and differences between competing job markets depending on the distance between former and recent working place, a functional duration time model with competing risks is used. It is build upon a competing hazard function where some of the smooth covariate effects are allowed to vary with unemployment duration. The focus of our analysis is on contrasting the spatial, economic and individual covariate effects of the competing job markets and on analysing their general influence on the unemployed's re-employment probabilities. As a result of our analyses, we reveal differences concerning gender, age and education. We also discover an effect between the newly formed and the old West German states. Moreover, the spatial pattern between the considered job markets differs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufliche Mobilität in Deutschland: Wechsel konzentrieren sich auf wenige Berufe (2012)

    Kropp, Per; Schmillen, Achim;


    Kropp, Per & Achim Schmillen (2012): Berufliche Mobilität in Deutschland: Wechsel konzentrieren sich auf wenige Berufe. In: IAB-Forum H. 2, S. 52-59., 2012-11-15. DOI:10.3278/IFO1202W052


    "Das duale Ausbildungssystem ist flexibler als sein Ruf. Immerhin ein Drittel der Ausbildungsabsolventen ist drei Jahre später in einem anderen als dem gelernten Beruf tätig. Allerdings ist die berufliche Stabilität je nach Ausbildungsberuf sehr unterschiedlich. Idealtypisch lassen sich 13 Gruppen von Berufen identifizieren, innerhalb derer das Gros der Berufswechsel stattfindet. Dies könnte für Berufsberater ein nützliches Instrument sein, um potenziellen Berufswechslern realistische Alternativen aufzuzeigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kropp, Per;
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    Trends in occupational mobility in France: 1982-2009 (2012)

    Lalé, Etienne ;


    Lalé, Etienne (2012): Trends in occupational mobility in France: 1982-2009. In: Labour economics, Jg. 19, H. 3, S. 373-387. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2012.03.005


    "Are labor markets more turbulent now than thirty years ago? Most job and worker flows imply that the answer is 'no', with one exception: occupational mobility, which increased substantially in the United States. This paper remedies the lack of comparable evidence by focusing on France for the years 1982 to 2009. After correcting for various statistical biases and discrepancies that affect the measurement of occupational mobility, it documents this reallocation process overall and in different subgroups. The data reveal that, over the period considered, the fraction of workers switching occupation exhibits no trend in the aggregate because changing demographics mask increases in mobility within several age and education groups. After taking these composition effects into account, occupational mobility increased sharply in France as well." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The relationship between external job mobility and salary attainment across career stages (2012)

    Lam, Simon S. K.; Feldman, Daniel C.; Ng, Thomas W. H.;


    Lam, Simon S. K., Thomas W. H. Ng & Daniel C. Feldman (2012): The relationship between external job mobility and salary attainment across career stages. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 80, H. 1, S. 129-136. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2011.05.002


    "The current study examines the relationship between external job mobility and salary for employees in different career stages. Based on career stage and career timetable theories, we predict that external job mobility would generate the greatest salary benefits for early-career employees whereas external job mobility would generate fewer salary benefits for employees in mid- and late career stages. Data collected from multiple industries in Hong Kong and the United States consistently show that, as expected, highly mobile early-career employees earn significantly greater salaries than their less mobile peers do. The positive effects of external job mobility on salary were stronger for early-career workers than for mid-and late-career workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integrating turnover reasons and shocks with turnover decision processes (2012)

    Maertz, Carl P.; Kmitta, Kayla R.;


    Maertz, Carl P. & Kayla R. Kmitta (2012): Integrating turnover reasons and shocks with turnover decision processes. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 81, H. 1, S. 26-38. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2012.04.002


    "We interviewed and classified 186 quitters from many jobs and organizations via a theoretically based protocol into five decision process types. We then tested exploratory hypotheses comparing users of these types on their propensity to report certain turnover reasons and turnover shocks. 'Impulsive-type quitters,' with neither a job offer in hand nor turnover plan when they quit, reported poor management, work stress, and family demands as frequent turnover reasons, with manager conflicts and family events as frequent shocks. 'Comparison quitters,' who had a job offer in hand and no plan, reported pay and advancement opportunities as top reasons with information about an alternative job being the most frequent shock. 'Preplanned quitters,' who had a definite plan to quit well in advance, reported relocation and life/career changes as frequent reasons, with increasing family demand, relocation, and school starting as frequent shocks. 'Satisficing quitters,' who made a plan conditional on getting an acceptable job offer, reported pay, poor management, work responsibilities, and work schedules as frequent reasons. Implications of these and other findings are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A theory of occupational choice with endogenous fertility (2012)

    Mookherjee, Dilip ; Ray, Debraj; Prina, Silvia;


    Mookherjee, Dilip, Silvia Prina & Debraj Ray (2012): A theory of occupational choice with endogenous fertility. In: American Economic Journal. Microeconomics, Jg. 4, H. 4, S. 1-34. DOI:10.1257/mic.4.4.1


    "Theories based on partial equilibrium reasoning alone cannot explain the widespread negative cross-sectional correlation between parental wages and fertility, without restrictive assumptions on preferences and childcare costs. We argue that incorporating a dynamic general equilibrium analysis of returns to human capital can help explain observed empirical patterns. Other by-products of this theory include explanations for intergenerational mobility without stochastic shocks, connections between mobility and fertility patterns, and locally determinate steady states. Comparative statics exercises on steady states shed light on the effects of education, childcare subsidies, child labor regulations, and income redistribution policy on long run living standards." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lohnentwicklung 1994 bis 2008: Berufswechsler in Deutschland und Großbritannien (2012)

    Nisic, Natascha ; Trübswetter, Parvati;


    Nisic, Natascha & Parvati Trübswetter (2012): Lohnentwicklung 1994 bis 2008: Berufswechsler in Deutschland und Großbritannien. (IAB-Kurzbericht 01/2012), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Das Ausmaß beruflicher Mobilität wird häufig als Indikator für die Flexibilität von Arbeitsmärkten gesehen. Aus gesamtwirtschaftlicher Perspektive steht dabei die Anpassungsfähigkeit an den Strukturwandel im Vordergrund. Aus Sicht der einzelnen Arbeitnehmer eröffnen berufliche Veränderungen die Möglichkeit, in attraktivere Berufe zu wechseln. Hier werden die kurz- und langfristigen Effekte eines Berufswechsels auf die Löhne von abhängig Beschäftigten in Deutschland und Großbritannien untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich die Bedeutung institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen, die zum Teil sehr unterschiedliche Erwerbs- und Arbeitsmarktchancen für Arbeitnehmer erzeugen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Perceived career challenges and response strategies of women in the advanced technology sector (2012)

    Orser, Barbara; Stanley, Joanne; Riding, Allan;


    Orser, Barbara, Allan Riding & Joanne Stanley (2012): Perceived career challenges and response strategies of women in the advanced technology sector. In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Jg. 24, H. 1/2, S. 73-93.


    "The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the perceived barriers to career advancement specific to women in the advanced technology sectors. Strategies employed in response to perceived barriers are also examined. Empirical results are based on analysis of qualitative data from a sample of 115 women members of Canadian Women in Technology. Personal-, firm- and industry-level barriers to career advancement were documented. The respondents attributed a high proportion of the challenges they encountered to gender. Respondents were most likely to resolve challenges through personal, or 'do-it-yourself', solutions. Few cited firm- or industry-related support structures. While mentoring was identified as a frequently used response strategy through which women address career challenges, the majority of firms in the advanced technology sector lack sufficient numbers of suitable women mentors. The lack of mentorship opportunities is particularly acute for women entrepreneurs. The findings are discussed from the context of contradictions between an industry need to attract and retain entrepreneurial talent and respondents' perceived career barriers. Industry-level remedial strategies are advanced in the form of: a women's mentoring programme; case studies about successful women entrepreneurs and a website to inform women about career advancement strategies. The programmes were designed by the research team to respond to the challenges cited by women and were implemented in cooperation with the trade association as a critical component of an on-going applied research programme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Non-linear effects of comparison income in quit decisions: status versus signal! (2012)

    Pfeifer, Christian ; Schneck, Stefan;


    Pfeifer, Christian & Stefan Schneck (2012): Non-linear effects of comparison income in quit decisions. Status versus signal! In: Labour, Jg. 26, H. 3, S. 356-368. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9914.2012.00549.x


    "This research note utilizes German matched employer-employee data to investigate the relationship between mobility and relative wage positions within establishments for workers without university degrees. The main innovation involves the examination of non-linear effects, because previous literature mainly analyses mean linear effects. Our random-effects probit estimates of mobility suggest a non-linear U-shaped effect with respect to relative standing. This is plausible because workers in low relative wage positions might quit because of their low status and those in high relative wage positions because of their low career advancement opportunities. Consideration of non-linearities, thus, is a major improvement for the analysis of the effects of relative wage positions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unemployment insurance and job turnover in Spain (2012)

    Rebollo-Sanz, Yolanda;


    Rebollo-Sanz, Yolanda (2012): Unemployment insurance and job turnover in Spain. In: Labour economics, Jg. 19, H. 3, S. 403-426. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2012.02.008


    "The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the potential relationships between the unemployment insurance system and labour market turnover. This study assumes the incentives embedded in the unemployment insurance system have a heterogeneous impact, depending on the type of labour market transition (quits versus layoffs and recalls versus new job entrances) and on a worker's attachment to the labour market (gender and type of contract). The layoff hazard rate increases as workers qualify for unemployment benefits, whilst the quit hazard rate remains stable. Similarly, employment inflow increases sharply after the exhaustion of unemployment benefits. The timing and importance of the exit differ between recalls and new job entry and depend on a worker's attachment to the labour market. The results show that unemployment benefits appear to favour job turnover and both firms' and workers' decisions seem to matter" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Occupational mobility and the change in the occupational structure in Britain and Germany, 1993-2008 (2012)

    Rhein, Thomas; Trübswetter, Parvati;


    Rhein, Thomas & Parvati Trübswetter (2012): Occupational mobility and the change in the occupational structure in Britain and Germany, 1993-2008. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 19, H. 7, S. 653-656., 2011-05-25. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2011.593492


    Auf der Basis des British Household Panel Survey und des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels für Deutschland werden mit Hilfe der International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO-88) für den Zeitraum 1993 bis 2008 Veränderungen der Berufsstruktur für die beiden Länder ermittelt. Es zeigt sich, dass die berufliche Mobilität in Großbritannien mehr als dreimal so groß ist wie in Deutschland. In einem weiteren Untersuchungsschritt wird festgestellt, dass das stark regulierte berufliche System in Deutschland allerdings kein Hinderungsgrund für den beruflichen Wandel darstellt. (IAB)

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    The impact of academic mobility on the creation of localized intangible assets (2012)

    Schiller, Daniel; Revilla Diez, Javier;


    Schiller, Daniel & Javier Revilla Diez (2012): The impact of academic mobility on the creation of localized intangible assets. In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, Jg. 46, H. 10, S. 1319-1332. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2011.571241


    "Wissenschaftler sind Träger einer signifikanten Menge impliziten Wissens und ihre räumliche Mobilität ist daher ein zentraler Mechanismus, um internationale und interregionale Wissenstransfers zu induzieren. Dieser Artikel analysiert die Mobilitätsmuster von Spitzenforschern, die ihnen zugrunde liegenden Motive und den Zusammenhang zwischen der Mobilität von Wissenschaftlern und der Schaffung lokalisierter immaterieller Vermögenswerte. Dazu wird umfassendes empirisches Material aus 25 qualitativen Interviews mit Spitzenforschern in Deutschland mit den Ergebnissen bestehender Studien kombiniert. Ein wesentliches Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung ist, dass längerfristige Auslandsaufenthalte von Spitzenforschern in der Vergangenheit den Umfang der von ihnen ausgelösten Wissensflüsse erhöhen und damit die Schaffung lokalisierter immaterieller Vermögenswerte fördern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The consequences of job mobility for future earnings in early working life in Germany: placing indirect and direct job mobility into institutional context (2012)

    Schmelzer, Paul;


    Schmelzer, Paul (2012): The consequences of job mobility for future earnings in early working life in Germany. Placing indirect and direct job mobility into institutional context. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 28, H. 1, S. 82-95. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcq049


    "This article investigates direct job mobility and job mobility via unemployment at the beginning of the employment career in Germany. While the rationale of predicting outcomes of direct job mobility are similar in liberal countries, Germany's rigid labour market might have different implications for job mobility via unemployment. Using the German Socio-Economic Panel 1984-2006, we will address the following two questions. First, we will investigate the gains/losses for direct job mobility and mobility through unemployment. Here we are especially interested in whether job mobility via unemployment has long-lasting consequences on future earnings. Second, we will address the question of whether income development for direct and indirect job mobility is dependent on the reasons behind the job termination. The analyses show that, in a rigid labour market, only direct voluntary job mobility brings permanent income rewards. Indirect job mobility, on the other hand, has a long-lasting scar effect not only for involuntary but also for voluntary job movers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational earnings mobility and preferences for redistribution (2012)

    Siedler, Thomas; Sonnenberg, Bettina;


    Siedler, Thomas & Bettina Sonnenberg (2012): Intergenerational earnings mobility and preferences for redistribution. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 510), Berlin, 31 S.


    "This paper analyzes the extent to which intergenerational upward and downward mobility in earnings are related to individuals' preferences for redistribution. A novel survey question from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study - whether the taxes paid by unskilled workers are too high, adequate or too low - are used to elicit attitudes toward redistribution. Intergenerational mobility with regard to long-term earnings is measured using a rich panel data spanning an observation window of 22 years. The results reveal that intergenerational mobility is significantly related to preferences for redistribution. The empirical results yield strong and robust support for Piketty's (1995) rational-learning theory: individuals who experience upward (downward) intergenerational mobility are less (more) likely to favor redistribution taxation policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job matching across occupational labour markets (2012)

    Stops, Michael ;


    Stops, Michael (2012): Job matching across occupational labour markets. (IAB-Discussion Paper 27/2012), Nürnberg, 44 S.


    "Dieses Papier befasst sich mit der Analyse von makroökonomischen Matchingfunktionen auf beruflichen Teilarbeitsmärkten. Allen bisher hierzu vorliegenden Papieren lag die Annahme zugrunde, dass berufliche Teilarbeitsmärkte abgeschottet voneinander sind und somit berufliche Mobilität nicht vorliegt. Ich präsentiere einige theoretische und empirische Belege gegen diese Annahme. Auf der Grundlage von Informationen darüber, welche Berufsgruppen bezogen auf die Arbeitssuche bzw. die Rekrutierung von Arbeitskräften Alternativen darstellen, konstruiere ich eine 'Berufstopologie'. Mit deren Hilfe teste ich die Hypothese der Durchlässigkeit der beruflichen Teilarbeitsmärkte. Dabei verwende ich Pooled OLS-, Fixed-Effects- und Pooled-Mean-Group-Schätzer und modelliere die Durchlässigkeit als Abhängigkeiten der jeweiligen Neueinstellungen in einer Berufsgruppe vom durchschnittlichen Bestand der Arbeitslosen und Vakanzen in ähnlichen Berufsgruppen. Es ergeben sich signifikant positive Matchingelastizitäten von Arbeitslosen und Vakanzen in ähnlichen Berufsgruppen und damit wird die beschriebene Hypothese auch empirisch gestützt. Des Weiteren bieten die Ergebnisse Indizien dafür, dass die Skalenerträge, die sich aus dem Pooled-Mean-Group-Modell ergeben, konstant sind. Alles in allem zeigen die Ergebnisse deutlich, dass bei der Modellierung und Schätzung von Matchingfunktionen berücksichtigt werden sollte, dass die Prozess der jeweils individuellen Job- bzw. Bewerbersuche häufig nicht nur auf einem sondern über mehrere berufliche Teilarbeitsmärkte ablaufen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gesicherte Mobilität am Arbeitsmarkt: zur Bedeutung berufsfachlicher Qualifikationen in geschlossenen und offenen Beschäftigungssystemen (2012)

    Struck, Olaf ; Dütsch, Matthias ;


    Struck, Olaf & Matthias Dütsch (2012): Gesicherte Mobilität am Arbeitsmarkt. Zur Bedeutung berufsfachlicher Qualifikationen in geschlossenen und offenen Beschäftigungssystemen. In: Industrielle Beziehungen, Jg. 19, H. 2, S. 124-153. DOI:10.1688/1862-0035_IndB_2012_02_Struck


    "Der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt ist seit langem durch einen erheblichen Anteil mobiler Beschäftigung charakterisiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich der Beitrag der Frage, ob und in welcher Weise insbesondere in offenen Beschäftigungssystemen ein notwendiges Maß an berufsfachlichen Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen sichergestellt, auf welche Weise Informationsdefizite bei der Personalsuche überwunden und wie in hinreichendem Umfang Leistungsbereitschaft am Arbeitsplatz gewährleistet werden kann. Angesichts vielfach konstatierter Erosionstendenzen bei einer gleichzeitig noch immer hohen Bedeutung der berufsfachlichen Ausbildung in Deutschland ist diese Frage von hoher Relevanz, da viele Autoren die Auffassung vertreten, dass die Verfügbarkeit von qualifiziertem und leistungsbereitem Personal effektiv nur in geschlossenen betrieblichen Beschäftigungssystemen gewährleistet werden kann. Gezeigt wird, dass breite berufliche Qualifikationsprofile und allgemeine Handlungskompetenzen geeignet sind, die Funktionsweisen offener Beschäftigungssysteme zu unterstützen, sofern diese Flexibilitätspotentiale im Verlauf des Berufslebens durch lernförderliche Arbeitsplatzbedingungen und hinreichende Übergangssicherheiten im Unternehmen aufrecht erhalten werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Berufstreue in Gesundheitsberufen in Berlin und Brandenburg: Die Bindung der Ausbildungsabsolventen an den Beruf: Ausgewählte Gesundheitsberufe im Vergleich (2012)

    Wiethölter, Doris;


    Wiethölter, Doris (2012): Berufstreue in Gesundheitsberufen in Berlin und Brandenburg. Die Bindung der Ausbildungsabsolventen an den Beruf: Ausgewählte Gesundheitsberufe im Vergleich. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Berlin-Brandenburg 03/2012), Nürnberg, 37 S.


    "Angesichts des befürchteten Fachkräftemangels im Gesundheitssektor wird in dieser Studie die Frage untersucht, wie stark die Bindung der Ausbildungsabsolventen ausgewählter Gesundheitsberufe an ihren ursprünglich erlernten Beruf bzw. einen verwandten Gesundheitsberuf ist. Diese Studie bestätigt die bereits vorliegenden Ergebnisse, dass zwischen den Berufen große Unterschiede in der Berufsbindung bestehen. Die der Untersuchung zugrunde liegende 1993er Ausbildungskohorte der hier zur Analyse ausgewählten Gesundheitsberufe verzeichnet in Berlin, Brandenburg, Ost- und Westdeutschland auch 15 Jahre nach Beendigung der Ausbildung noch eine hohe allgemeine Beschäftigungsquote, unabhängig von ihrem erlernten Beruf. Dabei zeigen examinierte Krankenpflegekräfte einen deutlich höheren Beschäftigungsgrad als Krankenpflegehelfer und Altenpfleger/-pflegehelfer. Bei der Betrachtung der Berufstreue, also der Frage, wie viele noch im erlernten Beruf tätig sind, differieren die Ergebnisse zwischen den ausgewählten Berufen und Regionen erheblich. 15 Jahre nach Ausbildungsende sind je nach Region deutlich weniger Krankenpflegehelfer und Altenpfleger/- pflegehelfer tätig als examinierte Krankenschwestern/-pfleger. Wird bei der Analyse die berufliche Flexibilität zwischen den verwandten Berufen berücksichtigt, fallen die Ergebnisse für die Krankenpflegehelfer und Altenpfleger/-pflegehelfer günstiger aus. Dies dürfte sich, wie die nachfolgende Analyse zeigt, durch einen hohen Anteil an Berufswechslern zwischen den verwandten Berufen im Gesundheitsbereich erklären." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Die berufliche Mobilität: eine Analyse aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Schweizerischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung (SAKE) von 1993 bis 2011 (2012)


    Schweiz, Bundesamt für Statistik (2012): Die berufliche Mobilität. Eine Analyse aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Schweizerischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung (SAKE) von 1993 bis 2011. (BFS Aktuell : 03, Arbeit und Erwerb), Neuchâtel, 15 S.


    "In der Analyse geht es um die berufliche Mobilität in Bezug auf Stellenwechsel oder Austritte aus dem Erwerbsleben. 18,2% der im Jahr 2010 Erwerbstätigen haben innerhalb eines Jahres ihren Arbeitsplatz verlassen; sie haben die Stelle gewechselt (11,6%) oder ihren Arbeitsmarktstatus verändert (6,6% sind entweder neu erwerbslos gemäß ILO oder aus dem Erwerbsleben ausgetreten). In den vergangenen 20 Jahren waren hinsichtlich der Stellenwechsel keine langfristigen Tendenzen (weder steigende noch sinkende) festzustellen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Career mobility in Italy: a growth curves analysis of occupational attainment in the twentieth century (2011)

    Barone, Carlo; Schizzerotto, Antonio; Lucchini, Mario;


    Barone, Carlo, Mario Lucchini & Antonio Schizzerotto (2011): Career mobility in Italy. A growth curves analysis of occupational attainment in the twentieth century. In: European Societies, Jg. 13, H. 3, S. 377-400. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2011.568254


    "This article examines the role of social origins and education for career mobility in contemporary Italy by means of growth curves models. We find that opportunities for career advancement are rather limited and that risks of downward mobility are virtually negligible. Although this picture displays a noticeable degree of stability over time, a moderate increase of career fluidity across cohorts can be detected. Moreover, social origins and education exert a marked influence on the first occupation, while the subsequent career-adjustment of these initial social inequalities is rather limited. Furthermore, the small influence of origins and education on career opportunities does not display any systematic trend across cohorts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Is the past prologue for some more than others?: the hobo syndrome and job complexity (2011)

    Becton, Bret; Carr, Jon C.; Judge, Timothy A.;


    Becton, Bret, Jon C. Carr & Timothy A. Judge (2011): Is the past prologue for some more than others? The hobo syndrome and job complexity. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 79, H. 2, S. 448-460. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2011.04.001


    "The current study examines the relationship between an individual's history of changing jobs and future turnover (the so-called 'hobo syndrome'). Relying on self-consistency theory, it was hypothesized that the relationship between job mobility history and turnover is moderated by job complexity. Using a sample of 393 employees from two healthcare organizations, multiple methods were used to assess the variables of interest. Job mobility history was assessed with a biodata questionnaire collected before employees were hired. Job complexity was measured objectively by a job complexity index calculated from O*NET data. Turnover was assessed with actual turnover data collected over an 18-month post-hire period. Consistent with our hypothesis, results using event history analyses revealed that previous job changes were positively related to turnover likelihood. Additionally, job complexity moderated the relationship between previous job changes and turnover likelihood, such that previous job changes were more positively related to turnover in complex jobs. Implications for future research and practice are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job and worker turnover in German establishments (2011)

    Bellmann, Lutz ; Upward, Richard ; Gerner, Hans-Dieter;


    Bellmann, Lutz, Hans-Dieter Gerner & Richard Upward (2011): Job and worker turnover in German establishments. (IZA discussion paper 6081), Bonn, 39 S.


    "We use a simple regression-based approach to measure the relationship between employment growth, hirings and separations in a large panel of German establishments over the period 1993-2009. Although the average level of hiring and separation is much lower in Germany than in the US, as expected, we find that the relationship between employment growth and worker flows in German establishments is very similar to the behaviour of US establishments described in Davis, Faberman & Haltiwanger (2006, 2011), and quite different to the behaviour of French establishments described in Abowd, Corbel & Kramarz (1999). The relationship is very stable over time, even during the most recent economic crisis, and across different types of establishment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do economic globalization and industry growth destabilize careers?: an analysis of career complexity and career patterns over time (2011)

    Biemann, Torsten; Fasang, Anette Eva ; Grunow, Daniela;


    Biemann, Torsten, Anette Eva Fasang & Daniela Grunow (2011): Do economic globalization and industry growth destabilize careers? An analysis of career complexity and career patterns over time. In: Organization Studies, Jg. 32, H. 12, S. 1639-1663. DOI:10.1177/0170840611421246


    "We analyze the impact of economic globalization and industry growth on the complexity of early work careers in Germany. We conceptualize complexity as the absolute number of employer changes, the regularity in the order of job changes, and the variability of the durations spent in different employment states. Results from empirical analyses based on the German Life History Study (N = 5453) show only a small increase in the complexity of work careers over the last decades, but there was a shift in the prevalence of different career patterns. This suggests that effects of globalization might be counteracted or modified by other social changes that affected work careers in Germany during the last 60 years. In particular, we consider the possible impact of educational expansion, labor market restructuring, and women's increased employment. We find no evidence that industry-specific economic globalization impacts the complexity of work careers, but we find a U-shaped relationship between industry growth and career complexity. Careers are slightly more complex in industries with high or low industry growth. We conclude that, while there has been a shift in career patterns over time, the impact of globalization on career stability is possibly overestimated." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Education, social origins and career (im)mobility in contemporary Italy: a holistic and categorical approach (2011)

    Bison, Ivano;


    Bison, Ivano (2011): Education, social origins and career (im)mobility in contemporary Italy. A holistic and categorical approach. In: European Societies, Jg. 13, H. 3, S. 481-503. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2011.568257


    "Italy has always been characterized by low rates of career mobility. However, whilst the essential features of intragenerational (im)mobility in Italy are relatively well known, much less is known about the pattern of the specific paths linking the class of the first job with later class positions. To date, no studies of career mobility have been conducted in holistic terms; that is, based on examination of the entire sequence of the class positions occupied by an individual during his/her work history. This paper develops a typology of sequences of transition from one social class to another which preserves the qualitative differences among individual sequences. We introduce a new method to measure resemblance among sequences in order to identify the main career paths observable in Italy. We then examine how these profiles have changed over time because of transformations in the economic system and of the changing size of different social classes. Furthermore, we will try to determine whether and how social origins and education affect the probabilities of following those paths. The results show that social origins: 1) still influence the career patterns of younger cohorts); and 2) play a very important role in modifying the chances of highly-educated people to enter the upward career patterns leading to the service class or to white-collar positions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A longitudinal study of the determinants and outcomes of career change (2011)

    Carless, Sally A.; Arnup, Jessica L.;


    Carless, Sally A. & Jessica L. Arnup (2011): A longitudinal study of the determinants and outcomes of career change. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 78, H. 1, S. 80-91. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2010.09.002


    "The present longitudinal field study investigated the antecedents and consequences of an actual career change. The framework for this study was Rhodes and Doering's (1983) model of career change. We examined the effect of individual and organisational characteristics on career change behaviour. The individual characteristics were: traits (Openness to Experience, Extraversion, Conscientiousness and general self-efficacy), demographic factors (age, gender, marital status, and children), human capital (education level and occupational tenure), job satisfaction, job search activity and intentions to leave; and organisational factors (job security and salary). The findings showed that a range of individual characteristics were associated with career change including, Openness to Experience, Extraversion, gender, age, educational level, and occupation tenure. However, job security was the only organisational factor related to career change. One year after career change, individuals reported higher job satisfaction, improved job security and a reduction in the number of hours worked." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job mobility and the gender wage gap in Italy (2011)

    Del Bono, Emilia; Vuri, Daniela ;


    Del Bono, Emilia & Daniela Vuri (2011): Job mobility and the gender wage gap in Italy. In: Labour economics, Jg. 18, H. 1, S. 130-142. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2010.06.002


    "This paper investigates the way in which job mobility contributes to the emergence of a gender wage gap in the Italian labour market. We show that men experience higher wage growth than women during the first 10 years of their career, and that this difference is particularly large when workers move across firms. This gender mobility penalty is robust to the inclusion of individual, job and firm characteristics, to different ways of accounting for individual unobserved heterogeneity, and is mainly found for voluntary job moves. Exploring the wage growth of job movers, we find that a significant gender wage penalty emerges when workers move to larger firms. This might be explained by the fact that bigger establishments offer jobs more highly valued by women than men or that the relationship between job satisfaction and firm size is less negative for women than men. Using data on job satisfaction, we find evidence for the latter hypothesis as well as some indication that wages and fringe benefits compensate for lower levels of job satisfaction in larger firms, but that this is so only for men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit von Beschäftigten mit dualer Berufsausbildung (2011)

    Fedorets, Alexandra ; Spitz-Oener, Alexandra;


    Fedorets, Alexandra & Alexandra Spitz-Oener (2011): Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit von Beschäftigten mit dualer Berufsausbildung. In: Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, Jg. 44, H. 1/2, S. 127-134. DOI:10.1007/s12651-011-0076-4


    "Dieser Beitrag liefert eine Übersicht über zwei Studien, in denen die Mobilität von Erwerbstätigen untersucht wird, die ihre Ausbildung im Rahmen des dualen Ausbildungssystems gemacht haben. Die theoretische Grundlage beider Studien bildet der Humankapital- und Suchtheorieansatz unter der Annahme variierender Berufsinhalte über die Zeit. Mit Hilfe von Regressionsanalysen wird gezeigt, dass Berufsmobilität positiv mit dem individuellen Lohn korreliert ist. Dabei hängt der Korrelationsgrad von der inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeit des Ausbildungs- und Erwerbsberufs und der Freiwilligkeit der Entscheidung eines Berufswechsels ab. Die Ähnlichkeit des Ausbildungs- und Erwerbsberufs wird anhand des tätigkeitsbasierten Ansatzes gemessen.
    Die Auswertung der Berufswechsel in West- und Ostdeutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung 1990 führt zu einer wichtigen Erkenntnis: die meisten Berufswechsel in Ostdeutschland nach 1990 brachten hohe Lohneinbußen mit sich. Dieser negative Effekt der Anpassung der Beschäftigungsstruktur wirkt langfristig nach, da er auch nach ca. 10 Jahren noch feststellbar ist. Insgesamt deuten die empirischen Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass das während der Ausbildung akkumulierte Humankapital zwischen unterschiedlichen Berufen transferierbar ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Spitz-Oener, Alexandra;
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    Specificity of occupational training and occupational mobility: an empirical study based on Lazear's skill-weights approach (2011)

    Geel, Regula; Mure, Johannes; Backes-Gellner, Uschi ;


    Geel, Regula, Johannes Mure & Uschi Backes-Gellner (2011): Specificity of occupational training and occupational mobility. An empirical study based on Lazear's skill-weights approach. In: Education Economics, Jg. 19, H. 5, S. 519-535. DOI:10.1080/09645291003726483


    "According to standard human capital theory, firm-financed training cannot be explained if the skills obtained are general in nature. Nevertheless, in German-speaking countries, firms invest heavily in apprenticeship training although the skills are assumed to be general. In our paper, we study the extent to which apprenticeship training is general at all and how specificity of training may be defined based on Lazear's skill-weights approach. We build occupation-specific skill-weights and find that the more specific the skill portfolio in an occupation, the higher the net costs firms have to bear for these apprenticeship training occupations and, at the same time, the smaller the probability of an occupational change during an employee's entire career. Due to the new definition of occupational specificity, we thus find that apprenticeship training - previously assessed as general training - is very heterogeneous in its specificity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Occupational mobility within and between skill clusters: an empirical analysis based on the skill-weights approach (2011)

    Geel, Regula; Backes-Gellner, Uschi ;


    Geel, Regula & Uschi Backes-Gellner (2011): Occupational mobility within and between skill clusters. An empirical analysis based on the skill-weights approach. In: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, Jg. 3, H. 1, S. 21-38.


    "This paper applies Lazear's skill-weights approach (2009) to analyze the specificity of skill combinations of various occupations and its effects on occupational mobility and wages. The results show that the more specific an occupation, the smaller the probability of an occupational change. We also identify clusters of occupations characterized by similar skill combinations and find that employees in specific occupations have a comparatively higher probability of changing occupations within a skill cluster than between skill clusters. Moreover, occupational mobility within a skill cluster results in wage gains, while between clusters it results in wage losses. Therefore, the acquired skill combination and the resulting skill cluster, rather than the occupation per se, crucially determines mobility. Thus, for educational policies, it is more important to study whether a skill cluster is sustainable than an occupation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Destabilization and destandardization: for whom?: the development of West German job mobility since 1984 (2011)

    Giesecke, Johannes ; Heisig, Jan Paul ;


    Giesecke, Johannes & Jan Paul Heisig (2011): Destabilization and destandardization: for whom? The development of West German job mobility since 1984. In: Schmollers Jahrbuch, Jg. 131, H. 2, S. 301-314. DOI:10.3790/schm.131.2.301


    "Ausgehend von der anhaltenden Diskussion über eine vermeintliche 'Destabilisierung' und 'Destandardisierung' von Erwerbsverläufen untersuchen wir in diesem Beitrag, wie sich die Mobilitätsmuster westdeutscher Beschäftigter zwischen 1984 und 2008 entwickelt haben. Wir betrachten die Beschäftigten getrennt nach Geschlecht, Bildung, Arbeitsmarkterfahrung, Betriebsgröße und Branche und berücksichtigen neben Übergängen in Erwerbslosigkeit und Arbeitgeberwechseln auch innerbetriebliche Stellenwechsel und Aufstiege. Unsere auf dem Soziooekonomischen Panel basierenden Analysen zeigen, dass es zu einem Rückgang innerbetrieblicher Stellenwechsel und Aufstiege gekommen ist. Für Männer trifft dies vor allem für Arbeitsmarkteinsteiger sowie für Beschäftigte in großen Betrieben zu, was wir als Hinweise auf einen Abbau interner Arbeitsmärkte und auf zunehmende Probleme beim Berufseinstieg interpretieren. Für weibliche Beschäftigte fiel der Rückgang der innerbetrieblichen (Aufwärts-)Mobilität deutlich geringer aus. Eine Zunahme von Arbeitgeberwechseln und Übergängen in Erwerbslosigkeit können wir vor allem für geringqualifizierte Frauen und Männer nachweisen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job preferences as revealed by employee initiated job changes (2011)

    Grund, Christian ;


    Grund, Christian (2011): Job preferences as revealed by employee initiated job changes. (IZA discussion paper 6127), Bonn, 34 S.


    "Many previous studies try to discover job preferences by directly asking individuals. Since it is not sure, whether answers to these surveys are relevant for actual behaviour, this empirical examination offers a new approach based on representative German data. Employees who quit their job and find a new one, compare the two jobs with respect to eight job characteristics: type of work, pay, chances of promotion, work load, commuting time, work hour regulations, fringe benefits and security against loss of job. It is argued that the observation of many improvements (and few declines) for a certain attribute indicates a particular relevance and high preference for this attribute. It turns out that pay and type of work are most important for employees in this sense. Differences across subgroups of employees with respect to individual characteristics such as sex and age are explored. Those between East- and West-Germany diminish over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gleiche Chancen für Frauen und Männer mit Berufsausbildung?: Berufswechsel, unterwertige Erwerbstätigkeit und Niedriglohn in Deutschland (2011)

    Hall, Anja ;


    Hall, Anja (2011): Gleiche Chancen für Frauen und Männer mit Berufsausbildung? Berufswechsel, unterwertige Erwerbstätigkeit und Niedriglohn in Deutschland. (Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 252 S.


    "Trotz abgeschlossener Berufsausbildung arbeiten viele deutsche Frauen und Männer unter ihrem Ausbildungsniveau und außerhalb ihres Ausbildungsberufs. Welchen Zusammenhang gibt es zwischen der Schulbildung, dem erlernten Beruf und ausbildungsunangemessener Erwerbstätigkeit? Und welche Rolle spielt dabei das Geschlecht? Anja Hall untersucht auf Basis einer Repräsentativbefragung von 20.000 Erwerbstätigen das Ausmaß von unterwertiger Erwerbstätigkeit trotz abgeschlossener Berufsausbildung und die damit verbundenen Probleme der Niedriglöhne. Dem erlernten Beruf kommt hierbei eine Schlüsselstellung zu. Besonderes Augenmerk legt sie dabei auf den Vergleich zwischen den Geschlechtern: Sind Frauen häufiger von unterwertiger Erwerbstätigkeit und Niedriglohn betroffen als Männer? Wechseln sie häufiger als Männer den erlernten Beruf und wann kann man überhaupt von einem Berufswechsel sprechen? Fachkundig und präzise gibt sie Einblick in das schwierige Forschungsfeld der Ausbildungsinadäquanz und bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Wissensstand in diesem Bereich." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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